THE MICHIGAN - DAILY The Week In Review Foreigng Will you, won't you, will you, won't you Won't you Join the dance? The Russian equivalent of that in sistent Lewis Carroll question echoe around the world last week, for th Soviet Union was in desperate nee of the long promised diversion fron of the United Nations - yet th leaders of the United Nations heme n ae-n tl oscn med and hawed-and still no secon front. Affirmative answers to the desper ate Russian query came from ever: direction but unfortunately those i authority did not see fit to endors the affirmative answers with action A Chinese newspaper commented "There's a lot of noise at the heat of the stairs, but no one seems t come down." American workmen, editorial writ ers, and public opinion polls calle for diversion. The British still disgusted by th time and materials consuming Egyp tian fiasco pleaded that their troop be thrown into the breach to hell the Soviets in their direst hour. Yet RAF bombings, command raids, and internal uprisings marke the only second front the German have had to fear, Apparently whe Hitler took his final, daring plung toward the Caucasus and left hi; rear open he knew what he wa: doing. Apparently he had figure the United Nations as the bluffers they still appear to be. Unless those same United Nation carry out their boasts within a month, war-weary Soviet soldiers may get tired of dancing by them- selves. What then, diversion?eWhc then will play the tune for every- body's dancing? Nazi Strategy Revealed Meanwhile the valiant Russians struggled on, still alone, but still un- daunted. And meanwhile the Nazis shot the works. Strategy, which before was only suspected came clearly into the open this, week as the Nazis drove far enough in most critical sectors to reveal their general intentions, ex- cept that is, in the Voronezh sector. Thus held at the northern anchor of the southern front the Nazis did not reveal whether this stronghold was to serve as a center for a drive on Moscow or as a pivot point in an- other drive on Stalingrad from the North. A Russian counterattack which wiped out one of the hard-won German bridgeheads over the Don still complicated this question, but everywhere else the strategy seemed clear. North near Leningrad the Nazis merely attempted to improve their positions without making any con- perted drive. And west of Moscow stiff German pressure has so far effected no break-through. Thus it hooked like the all-out effort was on the Caucasus and Stalingrad where Hitler's staff officers had long pleaded it might come. The spearhead which shot through the Russian lines south of Voronezh pt Rossosh took seven league strides toward the rich industrial center of southern Russia, the much-prized city of Stalingrad. It took Boguchar and moved into the borders of Kaz- nsk less than 175 miles short of its goal. Its twin, which smashed into and past Lisichansk, took Millerovo and enabled the Nazis to look almost straight south at the strategic city of Rostov, key to the Caucasus. Still another drive, less powerful than its two northern brothers, moved towards Rostov from the south, through Taganrog. Thus, although almost all prep- arations pointed to a decisive batle for Stalingrad, it appeared that a smashing victory at Rostov might spring a leak into the Caucasus even before such a battle took place The ]Russians are a strong, optimistic people, but they are realists too. They know that they need help badly and at once. And they are shouting for it. soils And Bubbles Like one of MacBeth's witches Gen. Erwin Rommel kept the Egyp- tian cauldron boiling this week, not by large frontal assaults, but by carefully worked out feelers and feints. The net result of all his finagling was nothing but a few lost miles. Auchinleck, fearing as did his op- ponent that the enemy had superior power, attacked so cautiously as to #iake no serious difference in the positions of the two. The Axis, driven back a little from the El Alamein bottleneck, was still Well off -- waiting until Rommel found the weak spot he was looking for. Occasionally the battle broke out fiercely, but the contestants were so Ovenly matched that no break- throughs were achieved. Biggest ac- ac-.- s- - o h uorn nr - Soviet Asks Second Front Domestic i} Bastille Day Riots Bastille Day was expected to raise the subdued temperatures of French- men, but all Europe exploded in the surprised German's faces with most of the punishment being taken by the Gestapo. Rebellious Dutchmen killed 13 of Himmler's spies and that was only the beginning. In celebration of the Feints, Parries reported to be bringing in as much as ever came over the late lamented and much fought over Burmese route. The Japanese, as usual when they run into American fighting men, were having trouble. They seemed to have temporarily lost control of 'the air over China to Chennault's former 'Flying Tigers' and bombing command. As a result their supply bases continued to suffer. Near Australia good old Uncle Sam also gave the Japs a dose of quinine as it moved a commando-like force into New Guinea in the first of a series of moves which may mean MacArthur is tired of waiting and is about ready to strike. The Japs were happier about their potential expedition into India where the natives decided to do this and that, and will undoubtedly end up in doing nothing. British Imperials are apparently none too strong in India and the next strong Japanese move may come there. The only hitch came in the lack of a potent Jap fleet, a large part of which according to American naval reports still lay in drydock being re- paired. or was rusting at the bottom of the Pacific somewhere near Mid- way. Only diplomatic news of the week that attracted very much attention was the United States' move towards a break with Finland. Breaking off Finnish consular relations after more than six months as an ally of the country Finland is attacking, the U.S. finally took action to close one of the most cordial international re- lationships of all history. -Hale Champion This week the War Labor Board adopted unani awarded - and CIO accepted - a tee representi daily wage increase of 44 cents to four "Little St four "Little Steel" companies instead that the work the forefront of the dollar hike per day sought by national polic the United Steel Workers (CIO). The nation in its Board used the steel case to lay down Once again a national wage stabilization policy; willingness to entitling wage earners to maintain with the gove their peacetime purchasing power as fort. of January, 1941. Since the cost of Note:The living between January 1, 1941, and "Little Steel May, 1942, jumped 15 per cent, wage 157,000 steel u earners are entitled to a similar boost the decision w in hourly earnings, the WLB ruled. stick for all s Stripped of -technicalities, the WLB before the W decision eliminated the gap between wage increase wages and prices by tying the two to- e es wage an prcesby tingthetwoto-employees of F ,ether. In reading the majority opin- eral Motors. ion, Dir. George W. Taylor, vice- course, will a chairman of the WLB, said that the industry of sox oolicy was not "inflexible" but "elas- tic." This means that if 15 per cent ' to ___ Pay-PriceControversyRages mously by the commit- sure it can muster to prevent the with the iron resolution that ng 157,000 workers of government from selling government- madness of tyrants must perish teel" companies, stated owned grain ;at sub-parity prices, the earth, so that the earth ma ers were glad to be "in While the country faces the prospect turn to the people to whom i in carrying out the of inflation, the House farm bloc is longs, and be their village, y which will aid our liddling with its own private inter- home, forever." war for total survival." ests. labor has shown its In the face of such difficulties, Out .Again, In. Again cooperate completely FDR gave reporters the nod that he rnment in the war ef- was ready to come out of his corner Like a fickle woman, the Wa with gloves swinging-probably next partment changes its mind. Fit WLB decision on the week. announced that young married case directly affected and boys between f8 and 20 yea workers. It is believed Lidice Lives Again age would not be used for comb ill be used as a yard- duty. The government just w imilar cases. Pending In Europe last month (June 10) to register them to keep its files LB is a dollar-a-day the little Czech village of Lidice, plete. On Friday Secretary of demand by 400,000 , ' Henry L. Stimson told the press ord,umbeing less than 100 homes, was the same 18-20 age group wou To htslecisinofn-leveled to the ground on orders from drafted for use "sometime in t1 ffect the entire steel Hitler. The Nazi atrocity came as a ture." me 600,000 workers. "penalty" for the assassination of But it isn't the War Depari Reinhard Heydrich, Hitler's "hang- that is so inconsistent. It is man" governor of Czechoslovakia, In gress. Early in the war, the Cp Power America this week that same Czech asked Congress for authority to kvillage came back to life when a script 19-year-olds, The blunt rngton oate in the weekp ll cm k toe ea osal rocked the two houses in whisperings that CPresi-hCcago was rchisteneproidce b lent debate. The House rejecte lt may ask Congress fore a crowd of 35,000 spectators, Army request, sent it to the Sen or broad discretionary A number of dignitaries helped and the Senate approved it. A ol wages and for power usher in the new town-Clifton Fadi- ference committee compromise n bloc under his thumb. man of The New Yorker magazine, 20 years. Since that time the i t intimated this in a lawyer Wendell Willkie, publisher Selective Service process became ce, saying that the en- Marshall Field and Colonel Vladimir fused. Now the Army wants tl of inflation and wage Hurdan, Czech minister to the Unit- 20 age group for service. This der intensive study but ed States. Mr. Willkie went back to Stimson thought it was time the same time that he Abraham Lincoln to put his speech the people know about it. ady to go out on a limb. over and press comment shows that 'ces in Washington de- the Lincoln eloquence is still good Caesar Stays Tough °sident Roosevelt wants today. Hard-hearted soft-bellied "Ca 10 per cent parity level "Let us here highly resolve," Will- Petrillo, tough little czar of the; ingress as the lowest kie told the gathering, "that the world, decided to ban Dr. Josel ceilings on farm crops memory of this little village of Bo- Maddy's National Music Camp s d. The President has hernia, now resurrected by the people terlochen from the air this wei s full with the farm of -a little village in Illinois, will fire spite of hell and high water. putting on all the pres- us, now and until the battle is over, soinof al ditha igh n.m wage increases have been made since January 1, 1941, further upward ad- jiustment of the wage scale would be made if the wages are still found to be sub-standard. The four labor members of the twelve-man WLB dissented from the ruling made in the case of "Little Steel." They held that it struck "a serious blow at the foundations of the collective bargaining process." They maintained that "Little Steel" should have received a dollar-a-day hike in wages. But a referendum on the wage pro- vision came before the 125-man poli- cy committee of the UnitedaSteel Workers of America one day later- and the committee accepted the WLB decision increasing the wages of hourly workers to a minimum base of 78 cents an hour. The resolution, IV age, ril From Washi came hushed v dent Rooseve point-blank fc power to contr to put the farn The President press conferen tire problemc control was un indicating at t was not yet rea Official sour clared that Pre to reduce the 1 pegged by Co point at which could be place had his hand bloc, which isx Rommel, Staff Member renaming of the Free French as the Fighting French the Paris under- gound did just that. Properly in- censed by reports that Laval had cooked up a deal in which the capi- al would bedreturned to Paris and the Nazis would take over all stra- tegic military establishments-in- cluding the French fleet base at oulon--they rioted in the streets from dawn to dusk. In Spain two Nazi U-boat crews were reported to have revolted. And so ran the wave of unrest over Europe until it reached north as far as Denmark and Norway and east as far as Yugoslavia and the Balkans. "So Long, Chaps" The RAF swept clear clear across the continent in its longest raid of the war in order to bomb Danzig, the transplanted Nazi sub base which Admiral Von Raeder had hoped would escape the recently intensified English attack on U-boats. Tragedy for the gallant band of fliers who have been England's greatest contribution to the victory effot was the death of their ace of aces, young Wing Commander Paddy Finucane. He died in the line of service as a 100 to 1 shot clipped his motor and sent him zooming toward the storm-swept English channel with only a "So long, chaps" to re- member him by. But remember the smiling young inspirational leader, his fellow pilots will; and avenge him they will, too. U.S. At The Dike The mighty leviathan of the demo- ^ratic nations, the United States, oc- cupied itself this week with endless rreparations for doing this and that. Not yet was it ready to take any ac- tive part. It only plugged the main holes in the war effort wherever it could do so. American tanks and airplanes fill- ed out the depleted ranks of the Brit- ish in Egypt. An American Air Force in China filled in for what should have been a Chinese air force. And more Americans perched in the Aleu- tians, Australia, Ireland, and their home bases waited for action, waited for diversion. Russia was the weak- ened link now, but how-was America going to help her. A second front looked like the only answer. While the Army waited the Navy pursued a solution of its most press- ing problem-ship sinkings. Still small boats, blimps, and airplanes on patrol did not halt the savagely striking rattlesnake of the seas, and the Navy increased the number of escort vessels -drawn not from the still critical Murmansk route, but from the less dangerous Irish route. Silent, Stoic Japs Leave it to the Japanese to keep busy without letting anyone know just what blueprints they're working on. With her forces in the Aleutians apparently attempting no forward movement, it looked as if the Aleu- tian venture was merely a flank pro- tector in case of war with Russia-a war which Russia so expects that she maintains a huge Siberian army de- spite the Nazi Caucasian drive. The Japs had a big week in China as they captured one of the two re- -niina nnh -n O in -nnfn FEARFUL NAZIS POR'WY HE WSTY LLIED INVASION able by military e shrouded during much two months, the Nazis a shoal-barricaded coastli picture of the invasion c C1RDI EXETER PLYMOUTH J of the continent is considered inevit- xperts. Across the English Channel, fog- IELG of June and July and clearest the next N =h S LAND KIEL are building defenses behind the uneven, ine, a natural barrier in itself. Here's a coast and the territory behind it:HR TRICKYWILHELMS- 6e ..- COASTLINEDEN HAVEN w coastal areas HBREMEN BIRMINGHAM north of Belgium are -. MNGA often invisible few . " NORWICH miles off shore. Sand- HANNOVER COVENTRY bars, shallows are A Snumerous. MSTE DAM *OSNABRUECK .: ENGLAND * li11UECIIL NNROTTERDAM *MUENSTER PBRSTOL ESSEN Ruhr BtiTO r.. .KA$SEL SOUTHAMPTON DOVER OSTENDE DUESSELDORF awl ORTSOUTHUNKER UEANWR COLOGNE __s RUSELS AACHEN BRUSSFLS e GERMANY BELGI OBLENZ FRANKFURlT - ~ ~~~ ~ ~NAZI DEFENSES - HMIEN Four major lines are CHE BRUNEVAL LUX (A) along entire coast, ~~LE UUEN A s {(B ) behind the Aisne A RERiver, (C) behind the ! OISSONS VERDU Meuse, and (D) the ' r PREIMS " old West Wail. I CC 31eI 1 rieMETZ i, EE i I A'I ° STUTTGART IEUC FRANCE sTRASBflURG RENNES CHARTRES E LE M ANS OLASROYES '° NALa ANNE I I LEANSr, :I ST. NAZAIRE IC SAUXERE NANTOURS- BOURGESBERN .. SWITZ. CHATEAUROUX LAVIH ROCHELVEC *Y7GENEVA LIMOGES LYON CLERMONT- * FERANDMILAN PERIGUEUX FERRAND ST. ORDEAUX ETIENNE* ITALY BODEUXBRIVE TORINO - Dordogne FRANCE GENOA "po MONTAUBAN 3AYONNE..AVG N MONTPELIER NICE TOULOUSE MARSEILLE "TOULN PERPIGNAN terranean Sea PEPINA O150 SPAIN- :S N Wide World Features M ILES 4;: I FORBIDDEN ZONE, OPEN. ONLY TO NAZI SOLDIERS AND TECHNICIANS GERMAN DEFENSE LINES i THE FACT IS that military experts believe that sooner or later there must his reported to be kept in good condition and manned with a skeleton be some kind of a landing on continental Europe - some kind of a against the time the tanks may be coming the other way. "second front." German successes in Russia are believed to be hastening the day. Thp- Caa& an arnn l -rDer -onttrt 1 a ie nY1viv + m nvl. BOULOGNE and Bruneval, a military center 12 miles north of the great nort of Le Havre. and the submarine base at St. Nazaire already have