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July 18, 1942 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-18

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i~nk~tacx rtn.. er r-,..rn.,,,
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the 'authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The Summer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
, College Publishers Representative
420 MADIsoN Ave. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . . . Managing Editor
Will Sapp . ' City Editor
Mike Dann . . . . Sports Editor
Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel
Business Staff
Edward Perlberg s s . . Business Manager
Fred M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager
Morton Hunter . . Publications Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
only. .

WASHINGTON-While the Navy is doing a.
magnificent, job whenever it gets into action at
sea, it is still tied down by Navy tradition ashore.
This subservience to hidebound custom may be
one key to our failures in combatting submarines
along the Atlantic Coast.
To illustrate how time-honored naval tradi-
tion operates, there are several score men who
work at desks in the Navy Department who are
classified as being "at sea," and who receive ex-
tra pay for being "at sea" even though they sit
in Washington.
This is not their fault, since most of them
would much rather be at sea, but it illustrates
how naval tradition works. For they happen to
be attached to hard-working, able Admiral Er-
nie King, now serving in two capacities-Com-
mander of the U.S. Fleet and Chief of Naval
The latter job requires him to be in Washing-
ton, and yet as Comander-in Chief of the Fleet
he is supposed to be at sea. So by Navy tradi-
tion, he and all his staff are rated as being "at
sea." And every day when they leave their desks
and walk out to Constitution Avenue, they "go
To carry the tradition further, these officers
and men are assigned to the Admiral's flagship,
normally a battleship. But since a battleship
can't be spared, a yacht serves as the flagship,
and is tied up at the dock in the Washington
Navy Yard. But if all the men assigned to her
were to go aboard, it would sink.
"At Sea-Ashore"
Most of the men assigned to the Commander-
in-Chief live safely in apartments in Washing-
ton, yet they draw extra pay to compensate them
for the hazards of life "at sea." A few live on
the yacht, and thus enjoy free quarters and
meals, while still drawing the extra pay.
In the morning, these men leave the yacht
and "go ashore" as far as the Navy building, and

when they enter that building, they are "at sea"
again. In the afternoon, when they leave the
building, they "go ashore" until they reach the
yacht, when they "go to sea" again.
And on pay day, when the Navy paymaster
disburses funds in the Navy Department, he
sends a satchel of money to the yacht to pay all
the men attached to the Admiral's flagship. But
since most of them do not live aboard, the money
is brought back by the paymaster of the yacht
and paid to the men in the Navy Department.
A great part of the work done in the offices
serving Admiral King could be done by women,
but is done by "yoemen" (male stenographers)
instead. Reason for this is that the Admiral is
technically at sea, and women are not allowed
on board the vessels of the Navy,
Still Batty
Latest story from Washington's St. Elizabeth's
Hospital, largest insane asylum in the world:
A former government worker, long confined to
St. Elizabth's and apparently cured, was in-
terviewed by the medical board before his re-
"What are you going to do when you get.
out?" a physician asked.
"I'll get me a sling-shot and break every win-
dow in the hospital," the patient said.
He was sent back to his ward, but later came
up for release again.
"Now, what are you going to do when you
go out into the great world again?" the doctor
"I'm going to buy me a car and visit my old
mother and father."
"Why, that's fine," said the doctor. "It will
do you good to see them."
"And," added the patient, "I'm going to rip a
tire off the car, cut up an inner tube, make me
a sling-shot and break every last window in
St. Elizabeth's."

Workers Must Stop
Wildcat Strikes . .

Letters To The Editor

T U THE LIST of stupid and selfish
persons obstructing the war effort
must be added irresponsible workers throughout
the country, labor's contribution to the groups
of persons out for themselves who refuse to rec-
ognize the obligations placed upon them by a
nation at war.
Detroit Street Railway workers, piqued be-
cause of a delay in arbitration proceedings in-
tended to establish a new agreement between
the city and the street car union, called a wildcat
strike Friday morning, crippling transportation
and keeping war workers from their jobs.
Only after a threat to place troops on every
bus and street corner did the men agree to call
off the strike.
Work has been completely stopped at the
General Motors Fisher plant, manufacturing
tanks, because of a company refusal to grant
smoking periods to the employes.
Men sat down in the Bomber Plant for, an
hour because four workers, angry because the
company had removed telephone service and
closed the union meeting room, ran through the
plant shouting "Strike."
Vic Reuther of the CIO, apparently voicing
the stand of union members, threatened a rent
strike if ,ceilings in Detroit were lifted.
In every case workers have violated their re-
sponsibility to the people, refusing to look at the
results of their action1 with anything but a per-
sonal and selfish attitude.
It is true that union heads have realized that
attainment of personal aims must be subjected
to the more important job of winning the war.
Labor representatives voted against the "Little
Steel" decision, but accepted the verdict of the
And it is true that most strikes have been
of the wildcat variety, denounced and broken by
union heads with the dismissal of walkout ring-
leaders from the union.
/ But workers have failed to realize that nothing
justifies their obstructing production, that the
est'ablishment of arbitration agencies establishes
a responsibility on the part of both labor and
management to use those agencies and accept
their decisions. This holds for obeying ceiling
rents as well as ceiling prices.
The only justifiable strike during a war is one
intended to increase production. The strike at
Buffalo because the workers wanted the gov-
ernment to take over an inefficiently run air-
plane enterprise, and the one at the GM Turn-
stedt plant protesting the use of critical ma-
terials in the manufacture of automobiles, fall
into that category,
Strikes are no longer to be justified because
the complaints of the workers are true, because
the things they want are right. A victory effort
is no picnic, and producing must remain the
first goal, everything else taking a secondary
nature. Workers have every right to make their
demands to the proper agencies, and to air their
views before the public, but they have no right to
cut output by striking.
Reactionaries are still eager to cripple labor,
and seize upon every stoppage as a reason for
outlawing strikes. If labor wishes to maintain. its
gains, it must continue to prove that it has
come of age and that it can be trusted.
Workers must live up to union no-strike
pledges, must assume the -responsibility-for- us-
ing wisely their power to strike, must realize
their obligations to the war effort.
-Robert Prelskel

The Baited Bull
IT IS APPARENT under present conditions
that neither Mr. Copple nor the high and
mighty managing editor can afford to contend
with one another in order to settle the Negro-
white .problem at this time. -Even if it be
argued that the University of Michigan is so
far from the actual conflict of greater issues as
to render the childish exacerbations of Grad
and editor quite unimportant.
The objective reader, however, might well
pause over this prattle and seek an explanation
of it. He would doubtlessly notice the difference
In dignity between the two writings. He might
speculate on the two degrees of tolerance, of
reasoning power, of ease of expression, of depth
of view, of seriousness, etc.
HE WOULD BE BOUND to conclude that the
managing editor comes off second best in all
of these. Then, in order to even up his judg-
ment, he might very well see that the difference
in years, in serious study, and in cultural back-
ground would quite logically give the Grad a
tremendous advantage.
But still there is the problem over which they
are contending. An objective criticism by a third
party of those items listed above does not con-
tribute to its solution. Even if one censured the
Grad for his appeal to sectionalism which one of
his experience should know would bait a man-
againg editor, there would yet be no answer by
the third party which would be acceptable to
IT IS HOPED that these two, both doubtlessly,
sincere, as well as misguided, can see that
there is no solution. No one who has lived in
both North and South and seriously considered
the problem has any panacea for this discrep-
ancy of black and white. No managing editor
with so many fine courses in history, sociology,
heredity at his disposal as this really great Uni-
versity offers should be so impetuous, intolerant,
and with that ingredient which always accom-
panies these two, ignorant.
No Grad should deliberately bait a bull and
knowingly with intent raise an issue which has
been a scourge of American civilization during
its entire history. No Grad should bait, more-
over, a newspaper bull, because he ought to know
that all he will get is more paper. And while
the paper may be useful, it will not stop the
If it happens that the managing editor does
not quite see the point, perhaps it would be well
to say directly that his youthful exuberance is
appreciated but that it is, to say the'least, in
bad taste in July, 1942. 4 .A.
* * *
Ann Arbor Isn't Compl aent
Y WHAT YARDSTICK does Mr. Jaffe mea-
sure the Ann Arbor "awareness that; a globe-
encircling war is being waged?" With whom,
does he have contact that he thinks we in Ann,
Arborhave a Shangri-La smugness or security,
about the war? Does he have any conception
of the number of men working hours over-time
at high pressure in the war effort?
Many of these men are the self-same college
professors whom he describes as "strolling
leisurely along campus walks." Their efforts are
toward the same ends as those of many Ann

people, these days, where the war is not dis-
cussed with the utmost seriousness and concern,
and all these people are doing all they know how
to do. If anyone thinks that bombing is a real
possibility in our minds for only 15 minutes
of black-out time, perhaps the ivory tower ex-
pression should be turned away from Ann Arbor
toward The Daily. Mr. Jaffe should get around
a little. - Edna L. Dow
Don't Answer Smith
WAS ASTONISHED to see in Saturday's
paper that such outstanding men as Profes-
sor Shepard and Rev. Marley are now stooping
low enough to "answer" Gearald L. K. Smith.
"Answering" Gerald L. K. Smith is like ar-
guing with Adolph Hitler that all men were
created equal.
Why should anybody bother with Smith? His
record is an open book.
Don't bring yourselves down to Smith's level,
f ellows. Keep up the good work. We all know
what Smith stands for.
-David Lachenbruch

(Continued from Page 3)
Room 108 Mason Hall, according to
the following schedule:
Surnames beginning A through K.
Wednesday, July 22.
Surnames beginning L through Z
Thursday. July 2.
Arthur Van Duren
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Students, Summer Term, College
of- Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, July
25, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with te grade of E.
Freshmen (students with less than
24 hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
week. Exceptions to these regulations
may be made only because of extra-
ordinary circumstances, such as seri-
ous or long-continued illness.
E. 11. Walter, Assistant Dean
A War Policy for American Schools,
by J. B. Edmonson, Dean of the
School of Education-Monday, July
20th, at 2 p.m., University High
School Auditorium.
The University of Michigan and
the War-a. lecture by Dean C. S.
Yoakum, Vice President of the Uni-
versity and Dean of the Graduate
School-Tuesday morning at 10 a.m.
-University High School Auditori-
War and Post-War Educational
Finance, by Prof. Arthur B. Moehl-
man, Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.
Weekly Review of the War by Pro-
fessor Howard M. Ehrmann, Depart-
ment of History-Tuesday at 4:15,
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
public is invited.
Lectures on Statistical Methods.
Professor J. Neyman of the Univer-
sity of California will give the first
of a series of three mathematically
non-technical lectures on "Methods
of Sampling," on Thursday, July 23,
at 8:00 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall.
Problems of Public Schools: The
third lecture in the series on Guid-
ance and Placement will be given
Tuesday, July 21 at 7:15 in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. Problems of Pub-
lic Schools will be discussed and
dramatized, covering the following
fields: Breaking contracts, leaving
the profession, salaries, when to ask
for release. Both superintendents
and teachers will be represented
(signed) University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational
Events Today
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a swim and supper at Delhi Sun-
day. A deposit of 25 cents is required.
The group will meet at the northwest
door of Rackham at 2:30.
The second concert of the 1942
High School Band Clinic now being
held in Ann Arbor will be presented
at 4:15 p.m., Sunday, July 19 in Hill
Auditorium, under the direction of
Prof. William D. Revelli. 122 stu-
dents from Michigan and neighbor-
ing states will participate in the pro-
gram. The public is cordially invited.
The Art Cinema League presenta-
tion of "The Lady Vanishes" has
been postponed and will not be given
on Sunday evening as planned.
Coaing Events
Graduate Students in Speech: A

symposium on speech science will be
held at 4 p.m. Monday in the East
Conference Room of the Rackham
H. M. S. Pinafore: Rehearsals for
the chorus of this operetta will begin
Monday afternoon 4:30 to 6:00 in the
auditorium of the Music School.
Members are requested to purchase
scores, which may be obtained at
Wahr's. Men who are interested in
trying out should appear at this time.
George L. Scott, Professor of Or-
gan at Illinois Wesleyan University,
will include works of Bach, Vierne,
Franck and Sowerby, as well as one
of his own compositions for organ
in his recital at 8:30 p.m. Monday,
July 20, in Hill Auditorium. The
program is given in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements of the de-
gree of Master of Music, and is open
to the public.
Michigan Dames: will have Bridge,
Monday evening from 8 to 10:30 at
the Michigan League, also on Wed-
nesday from 2 to 4:30 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Tea will be served
in the Rackham Building after the
bridge on Wednesday.
Math. 300, Orientation Seminar:
Will meet Tuesday at 3 o'clock in
3001 A.H. Mr. C. C. Sams will speak
on "Transfinite Numbers."
Math. 301, Seminar in Pure Math-
ematics: Will meet Tuesday at 4

of the League. Present and past
members are requested to attend.
Phi Lambda Upsilon: First meet-
ing of the Summer will be held on
Tuesday, July 21, in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing at 7:30 p.m.
The Regular Tuesday Evening Pro-
gram of recorded music in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Building at
8 p.m. will be as follows: Beethovent
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor "Chor-
al," Brahms: Double Concerto in A
Minor for Violin, Cello and Orches-
Faculty Concert: Arthur Hackett,
Tenor, Joseph Brinkman, Pianist,
and George Faxon, Organist, mem-
bers of the faculty of the School of
Music, will present a program in Hill
Auditorium, Tuesday eovening, July
21, at 8:30. It will consist of compo-
sitions for organ by Handel, Schu-
mann and Liszt, and a group of
Chopin's works for the piano. Mr.
I Hackett haschosen songs by Santo-
liquido and Giulia Recli for the con-
cert. The public is cordially invited.
Women in Education: Weekly lun-
cheon Wednesday, July 22, 11:45 to
1:00, Russian Tea Room, Michigan
League. Dr. Martha G. Colby, As-
sociate Professor of Psychology and
Research Associate in the University
Elementary School will speak on
some aspect of "Contemporary Psy-
chological Theories and Modern Ed-
ucation." Come and bring your
Speech Students: A program of
readings will be given at the depart-
mental assembly Wednesday at 3
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. All Speech students should at-
Delta Kappa Gamma will have a
tea Thursday, July 23, from 4 to 6 in
Charles McKenny Hall in Ypsilanti
for visiting and local members. Any-
one wishing transportation may call
The Moon will be seen through the
Angell Hall Observatory on Friday
night at 9:30-11 p.m. Dr. McLaugh-
lin will be in charge of the public
nights, assisted by the summer term
assistant. Children must be accom-
panied by adults. The public is in-.
"Hay Fever," one of Noel Coward's
most amusing plays, will be present-
ed by the Michigan Repertory Play-
ers of the department of speech Wed-
nesday through Saturday nights at
8:30 at the Mendelssohn Theatre.
Tickets are on sale at the theatre
box office; box office hours are from
10-5 Monday and Tuesday and from
10-8:30 Wednesday through Satur-
Campus Worship: Mid-day wor-
ship-12:10 p.m. each Tuesday and
Thursday at the Congregational Edi-
fice, State Street at Williams. Daily
Mass-7 a.m. and 8 a.m. at Saint
Mary's Chapel. Williams Street at
Thompson. Jewish Services-7 p.m.
each Sunday evening at Hillel Foun-
dation, Oakland Avenue at East Uni-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00
a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 11:00
a.m. Summer Church School; 11:00
a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by
the Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D.; 5:00
p.m. Student Picnic supper, and
group singing. Cars will leave from
Harris Hall at 5 p.m.
First Church Of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday morning

Westminster Student Guld-6:15
p.m. Social luncheon. "Building a
New World" topic for discussion.
Speaker to be announced.
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m.
Church Service-"Gerald Smith and
his 'Million' "--a study in American
Fascism by Rev. H. P. Marley. 8 p.m.
Discussion-"Our Willow Run Neigh-
bors" by Edward Redman, director
of the Unitarian work-camp in Ypsi-
Avukah plans picnic for this Sun-
day at Saline Valley Farms, The cost
will be 50 cents. Meet at 2 p.m. in
front of Hillel Foundation and plan
to be away until 10:00 p.m. The pro-
gram will consist of games, swim-
ming, meal and campfire. Only a
limited number of reservations can
be taken; they may be made by call-
ing Netta Siegel at 2-2868. In case
of rain, there will be a communal
supper at the foundation at 6:30.
"Religion and the American Fa-
ily" will be the theme of the Religion
Forums to be held in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday from 2:30 to 4 p.m. On
Tuesday the subject will be "Relig-
ious Factors in Marital Relations"
(Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic
participants.) Wednesday the topic
will be "Religious Phases of Family
Security in the Willow Run Area."
(Staff persons active in the area).
On Thursday "School-Church Rela-
tions in the Normal Michigan Com-
munity," will be discussed by school-
men and religious educators.
Youth Faces the World Tragedy:
The Rev. Roy L. Aldrich Th.M. of
the Central Presbyterian Church in
Detroit will speak on "Youth Faces
the World Tragedy" at the Michigan
Christian Fellowship meeting this
Sunday afternoon July 19 at 4:15 in
the Fireside Room at Lane Hall. Rev.
Aldrich received his degree of Master
of Theology from the Dallas Theo-
logical Seminary and is at present a
member of the Visiting Faculty of
that school. Kindly note the change
in time for this Sunday afternoon to
4:15 instead of 4:30.
First Congregational Church: State
and William. Dr. Leonard A. Parr,
Minister. 10:45a.m. Service of Pub-
lic Worship. Dr. Parr will conduct
the service. The subject of the ser-
mon will be "But - Are the Stars
Neutral?" On Monday at.3 p.m. Dr.
Parr will give the closing lecture in
the present series of Monday Book
Lectures. These are open to the pub-
lic. Summer School students and
visitors especially invited.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr will give the
last of the present series of Monday
Book Lectures, on Monday at 3 p.m.
in the assembly room. A cordial wel-
come is extended to the public. The
following books will be discussed:
"Mrs. Appleyard's Year" Louise A.
Kent, "My American Diary" Sir Wal-
ter Citrine, "A Letter to My Son,"
"Solving Life's Everyday Problems"
J. G. Gilkey, "The New Belief in the
Common Man" Carl J. Friedrich,
"Only the Stars Are Neutral" Quen-
tin Reynolds, "The Hour Before
the Dawn" Somerset Maugham,
"Love, Life and Laughter" Wilfred
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples) 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship,
Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 6:30
p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday Evening
Hour - Miss Florence McCracken,
Director of the choir, will lead a pro-
gram of hymns and hymn interpre-
tation. The meeting will be held in
the Guild room at the church. A
social hour and tea will follow.
Zion Lutheran Church services will
L.. - -77 t*n. .1n m- - r...,-. l


- -
"This war production is serious business. When the boss asked me
to stay and work overtime, I never dreamed we'd go' right
on making planes!"

Dominic Says

HE PREACHER during war merits both ap-
proval and public support. He should have
support because of the importance of eternal
truth above that human strategy which must en-
gage us, and have approval because he is per-
forming an important educational service on a
voluntary basis.
In freeing clergymen of the United States
from military service early in this war, the gov-
ernment, meaning to put the stamp of approval
upon religious leaders and to emphasize free-
dom of religion as a major factor in our Demo-
cracy, actually made the work of these men more
difficult than before. Critics of religion and
irresponsible citizens, ignorant or ill-advised,
scarcely appreciate the depth of peace. teaching
in Scripture and the idealism of the Jew-Chris-
tian tradition. Such critics, failing to share the
opinion that clergy should be exempt, frequently
become self-appointed censors. The very min-
ister who is most conscientious about the relig-
ious truth he is ordained to teach, may be the
first one attacked.
RELIGION ceases to be religion when it con-
fines itself to the problems of man without
-lifting those problems to the idea of God. Eter-
nal truth becomes temporal human strategy
when dropped to a political or social level. Un-
dying values are enduring just because they can
serve a warring society as well as a saintly peace=
ful one. Historic religion has come to be mean-
ingful not because its votaries lowered the ideal
in times like ours, but because great religious
spirits in prophetic candor held the standard
above every epoch.
Scripture begins with God as Creator and ends
with the vision of a Holy City. He serves best as
a minister of religion who can live eternity in
time, cause the love of God to stand opposite
the hate of man, make the Kingdom of Heaven


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