PAGE TWO. THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ( tx t MYC tit Ibc The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON ® P i . Im Ad Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is published every morning'except Monda§'and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It 'or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as siond-class 'mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular schQol year by car- rier $4.00 by mail $5.00. PSFRESENTIM' FOR NAtIonA AfDVE RWI11 8V National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Represetati,, 420 MADIsON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. C'iCeoo - BsoON * Los ASmgSL!S*- sAn FRANCSCO Membet, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42. Editorial Staff Iomer Swander . . Mahaging' Editor Will Sapp . . . . City Editor MikDann . . . . . . Sports. Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS7 Hale Chainpion, John Eilewi.e, Robert Mantho, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel Business Staff Edward' Perlberg Ered' M. Oinsbetg Morton Hunter Business Manager Associate Business Manager Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT PREISKEL I' The editorials published in The Michigan iail are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views' of the writers only. __ Congress Blunders Over Draft Age ... S ECRETARY OF WAR Henry Stim- son has announced to a startled Pries that boys -18 to 20 years of age will have to bl drafted before the war is over. Immediately, e are to suppose, people should act surprised. The plain matter of fact is this. The Army *i wanted, and the Army has actually needed that age group ever since the draft first got under way. When Congress passed the Selective srvice, Act they did it over Army insistence that it be allowed' to draft the younger men. Congress with an eye to political back fences looked askance at the use of such youths for tilitary service and refused to cooperate with the Army and the War Department. It is be- lieved in most Washington quarters that Con- iress now recognizes the error of its way for 1*o varying reasons. PHE FIRST is that it is afraid that it has accomplished very little-political fencemend- ing The second is that wholesale confusion has reigned ever since this special age group was lft out of consideration for compulsory service. the Army Air Corps, V-1, V-5, V-7, the Army 1eserve, the Coast Guard, the Navy, and the Marin'es have all competed through expensive publicity for the services of ,this potentially won- derful material. College men the country over have been particularly wooed. 'f Thus the government or its wartime per- sonification, Uncle Sam, has been placed in the position of'a slightly confusedsuppli- cant, not knowing what or *here men should go. ltoW MUCH BETTER it would be if a uni- versal draft decided all questions on a basis of 1) need, 2) ability, and 3) preference. Thu tiii reservoir of officer material could be hand- led in the best possible manner. !tanding in the way of such a plan we have only a Congress which refuses to act until after he November elections, and a Navy policy which refuses to use the Selective Service as a source for material. Congress is getting its lessons now. The Navy may have learned something about cooperation with the Army from Admiral Kimmel's Pearl Harbor fiasco. Let us hope that their progressive, but slow, education ends in a better draft policy for these wandering,, wondering young men be- v +n 18 and 20. -Hale Champion New Deal Must Be Continued In War ... T TOOK ROBERT MOSES many years of hard work to establish his excllence as a city park commissioner; it took 'one line of print to establish his incapacity as a political observer. Robert Moses declared last week in the Wash- 44ton Post that "New Deal objectives should bW shelved for the duration." Come now, Mr. Commissioner, would you outdo the Old Guard themselves? Almost every member of the "loyal b'pposition" from Willkie down has accepted the New Deal as an accomplished fact. Have you so oon forgotten the 1940 campaign when Smoot- ;awley thinking was already as dead as the !aissz-faire economy it purported to save? Col- (This is the third and concluding MERRY-GO- ROUND column on the delays 4n the manufacture of synthetic rubber. -Ed.) WASHINGTON-Most people don't realize it but it is quite possible today to make rubber in your bathtub, using isobutylene as a base. Iso- butylene is a by-product which comes from the refining of gasoline, and according to a memor- andum by Standard Oil of New Jersey, Jan. 6, 1942, a total of 22,000 barrels of isobutylene are being produced daily in the major refineries of the United States. Standard Oil also estimates that this would produce approximately 1,600 short tons of butyl rubbe per day, or around 600,000 tons of rubber per year. Actually the transformation of isobutylene in- to, butyl rubber is not so difficult when per- formed in a bathtub. It is being done in that manner every day at Bay Way, N. J., by Stand- ard Oil. The process briefly is this. Isobutylene is placed in a tub with about three to ,four hun- dred pounds of cracked dry ice, and aluminum LCTTCRS TO THE EDIT OR War Front Of Ideas To the Editor: e WE WOULD LIKE to ,point out the gross mis- conception of education and its purpose which The Daily has evidenced in its service edition of last Sunday's paper. In commenting on the drop in student enrollment in "liberal" programs and eourses, e.g. philoophy, fine arts, honors in liberal arts, The Daily seems to breath easy at what it terms "the fall from the ivory tower." Implied in such a statement is a complete disregard for the fundamentals of education, for what The Daily tags "ivory tower" courses, those concerned with principles in the abstract, are in reality of utmost importance, especially in times of confusion and upheaval. STUDIES DEALING WITH the happiness of man through an attempt to understand him- self and his social order, far from being "up in the clouds," are as vital to survival as are courses concerned with the structure and functions of airplanes, ships, and ammunition. In fact, the importance of searching for the truth becomes greater when man's direction becomes uncer- tain. How, other than through studying history and philosophy, can we obtain an awareness of what we are striving for, since technology rightly prides itself on its neutrality and can offer noth- ing when it comes to making moral judgments. For the youth of the nation to sally forth to a life and death struggle unfortified by a rational faith is to admit that reason plays ng part in our cause. And if we can carry on war without reason, what is there which differen- tiates our beliefs from the totalitarian doctrines? CLEARLY the need for the liberal studies re- quires no justification, much less elimination, in a democracy attempting to prove its intrinsic superiority over another way of life. We are convinced of the validity of students concerning themselves with the war front of ideas, and we feel that delight in dropped enrollments is in- consistent with any practical approach to vic- tory. Ann Costikyan Lewis Saks But, let us suppose for a moment that you are right, that we need not push forward. If'the status quo be retained, then when this war is over don't you suppose the same God- awful problems will recur? It is time that we met squarely every indictment hurled h.gainst democracy and fought tooth and nail to root out their real causes. For nearly one hundred years-and no less so today - the'specter of Communism has haunted us as does Fascism. Both concepts are repugnant to Americans. Yet they will gain the upper hand unless: we revitalize democracy here so that it is no longer "decadent" in any sense and disprove the Marxian thesis that a capital- istic society cannot function without chronic depressions ad poverty. H AVING AT LEAST these ends in mind, there should be created a special board of experts to study and propose legislation for the im- provement of our way of life. Such a board ought not to be composed of Military strategists or dollar-a-year-men or bureaucratic big-wigs who are indispensable to the war effort. But working simultaneously with them, a convention comparable to that of 1789-one made up of genuine brain-trusters--could play an integral part in the peace to come. Herbert Agar has said: "Peace is not the ab- sence of war; peace is the presence of justice." By that standard, how long will we have peace if 15,000,000 citizens remain disfranchised in a South as feudalistic (although not so chival- rous) as anything Sir Walter Scott might have conjured up? How long can there be a peace, Mr. Commissioner, if only a war of gigantic pro- portions can solve our unemployment crises? How long will there be peace, of the Agar var- iety, if millions of our populace suffer from mal- nutrition in the midst of plenty, if millions chloride plus methyl chloride is run through it. The rubber floats to the surface and is skimmed Doff. By this bathtub process. Standard Oil is now making 450 pounds of butyl rubber a day whjch is carted off by the Army and used for gas masks. Interesting inside fact about many of these original rubber patents later controlled by Ger- many is that they were discovered first by the' Russians. For instance, the Russian Govern- ment Chemical Journal was the first to publish the process for making buna rubber which I. G. Farben later is supposed to have given to Stand- ard Oil of N. J. as its great and secret contribu- tion to the Jersey-I. G. Farben patent pool. All it took to get the secret of this process was 15 cents to purchase the Russian Chemical Journal and the ability to read Russian. Yet Standard Oil of N.J. thought it was getting a great secret out of Germany, a secret withheld from U.S. rubber companies for several years. Patent Guardian On Oct. 12, 1939, after the war started, Stand- ard's Frank Howard, the man who has flitted behind the scenes in the Washington rubber pic- ture, wrote a letter telling how he had arranged with I. G. Farben in Holland to take over 2,000 foreign patents which the German firm held, and keep them until the war was over. The idea was to keep these patents from falling into the hands of an Alien Property Custodian. It was clear also that Standard was planning to protect I. G. Farben's patents for it even though the United States entered the fighting. For Frank Howard's letter of Oct. 12, 1939 says that the safeguarding of these German patents "would operate through the term of the war, whether or not the United States came in." Now that Standard of N. J. has given these' patents to the public by a consent decree, Wash- ington officialdom has not been too helpful in letting independent oil companies get the patent "know-how." Play-By-Pay The formula for one of these rubber pro- cesses is most important, and any reputable oil company is 'supposed to have the right to it. However, here is the actual experience of C. R. Starnes, president of the East Texas Petroleum Derivatives Company, who has been camping in. Washington for several months trying to get a chance to convert his refinery to rubber pro- duction. First, Starnes says, he applied to the Rubber Reserve Corporation, which Jesse Jones set up for the financing and building of rubber plants. But the Rubber Reserve referred him to the Lummus Company, refining engineers and build- ers of rubber factories. Carl Reed, president of the Lummus Company, is in charge of a com- mittee to contribute technical material regard- ingg the building of rubber plants. ! The reply of the Lummus Company was that Starnes should go back to the Rubber Reserve to get the technical "know-how." So he went back to the Rubber Reserve. This time its answer was that he see Edward R. Weidlein of the Mellon Institute and the Rubber Reserve's chief chemical adviser. Weidlein's reply, according to Starnes, was that no one could secure Standard Oil's rubber patents until they had been placed on the list approved by the Committee of the Petroleum Industry. As Others See it On Northern Prejudice THE. STORY of the .Atlantic seaboard camps for Negro migrants makes chastening read- ing for Northerners. Early this year the Farm Settlement Adhinistration, in cooperation with farm groups, arranged to build eighteen camps for Negroes who work up from Florida, harvest- ing truck-garden crops and, in Connecticut, to- bacco. More Negroes were needed this year. Polish and Italian laborers who have done much of this harvesting in the North have already been drawn into industry, Two Virginia counties, Accomac and North- hampton, one 9f them dominated by a canner who apparently feared that a decent camp would destroy his labor pool, teamed up with Senator Byrd and had the camps withdrawn on the ground of economy, but elsewhere in the South the program received the warmest sup- port. Churches and women's clubs came forward to ask what they could do to help. BUT NORTHERN COMMUNITIES - and shamefully, some Northern Negroes-fought the project. In Gloucester County, New Jersey, a Methodist minister led the opposition. In Burlington County, descendants of Abolitionists and Quakers, living in small cities which draw their incomes from nearby farms, were furiously angry at the idea of a camp near them. Shiloh, Cumberland County, with many Seventh Day Adventists and Baptists (great folk for carrying the gospel of brotherhood to China and Africa), persecuted the farmer who had given land for a camp.. In wealthy Suffolk County, Long Island, Ne- groes at Southampton joined with whites in insisting that they wouldn't have the "trash" frnm the nuth around there. In the Connecti- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1942 VOL LII No. 24-S All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices All notices for the D.O.B. either by mail or phone, should be submitted to the Office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall, during the Summer Term and the Sumgier Ses- sion, and not to the Office of Dr. Frank E. Robbins or of the Michigan Daily in the Publications Building. Academic Notices Students Summer Session: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Except under extraordinary cir- cumstances, courses dropped after today will be recorded with a grade of E. Mail is being held in the Business Office, Room 1, University Hall, for the following people: Ball, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Boland, Dr. Grant L. Cohen, Mrs. S. Dickens, Andrew Fishman, Herman Felician, Sr. Valencia. Fuller, Professor H. M. Hall. J. M. Hamm, Donald Harrington, Cecil R. Jr. Hart. Lillian Hogue, Mabel Kinnard, Professor E. Vance McGraw. W. W. Morrow, Jack Sinclair Salk, Dr. Jonas E. Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. George Temple, Merrie Wexler, Marten Wirth, Professor-Louis Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: The five- week freshman reports will be due Saturday, July 18, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors. - Music Education: A comprehen- sive examination in vocal and in- strumental methods, required of all graduate students in music education who did not take these courses as undergraduatesat this university, will be given Saturday, July 18, 10:00 to 12:00, Room 608, Tower. David. Mattern Public Health Assembly: An As- sembly period of all students in Pub- lic Health will be held on Monday, July 20th, at 4 p.m. in the Auditori- um of the W. K. Kellogg Institute, Dr. Haven Emerson, Nonresident Lec- turer in Public Health Practice of the School of Public Health, and Professor Emeritus of Public Health Practice, Columbia University, will, speak. The subject of his address is "The Content and Purpose of'Pub- lic Health."All students in public health are expected to be present and others interested are welcome. All Summer Term Students who have not secured their identifica- tion cards may call for them at Room 2, University Hall. Psychology 31. For those who missed the recent bluebook a make- up will be given Monday, July 20, at 7 p.m. in room 1121 N.S. B. D. Thuma Deans, Department Chairman, Ad- visers and Counselors. Important new information relative to occupational deferment of students preparing in critical fields has just been received by the President's Office. This in- formation is being mimeographed for immediate distribution to you. University War Board, Infor- mation Center. Coming Events The Graduate Outing Club is plan- ning a swim and supper at Delhi Sun- day. A deposit of 25 cents is required. The group will meet at the northwest door of Rackham at 2:30. The second concert of the 1942 High School Band Clinic now being held in Ann Arbor will be presented at 4:15 p.m., Sunday, July 19 in Hill Auditorium, under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli. 122 stu- dents from Michigan and neighbor- ing states will participate in the pro-' gram. The public is cordially invited. George L. Scott, Professor of Or- gan at Illinois Wesleyan University, will include works of Bach, Vierne, Franck and Sowerby, as well as one of his own compositions for organ in his recital at 8:30 p.m. Monday, July 20, in Hill Auditorium. The program is given in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements of the de- Faculty Concert: Arthur Hackett, Tenor, Joseph Brinkman, Pianist, and George Faxon, Organist, mem-' bers of the faculty 'of the School of Music, will present a program in Hill Auditorium, Tuesday evening, July 21, at 8:30. It will consist of compo- sitions for organ by Handal, Schu- mann'and Liszt, and a group of Chopin's works for the piano. Mr. Hackett has chosen songs by Santo- liquido and Giulia Recli for the con- cert. The public is cordially invited.* Women in Education: Weekly lun- cheon Wednesday, July 22, 11:45 to 1:00, Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Dr. Martha G. Colty, As- sociate Professor of Psychology and Research Associate in the University Elementary School will speak on some aspect of "Contemporary Psy- chological Theories and Modern Ed- ucation." Come and bring your friends. The Moon will be seen through -the Angell Hall Observatory on Friday night at 9:30-11 p.m.. Dr. McLaugh- lin will be in charge of the public nights, assisted by the summer term assistant. Children must be accom- panied by adults. The public is in- vited. Lectures - A War Policy for American Schools,j by J. B. Edmonson, Dean of the School of Education-Monday, July 20th, at 2 p.m., University High School Auditorium. The University of Michigan and the War-a lecture by Dean C. S. Yoakum, Vice President of the Uni- versity and Dean of the Graduate School-Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. --University High School Auditori- um. War and Post-War Educational Finance, by Prof. Arthur B. Moehl- man, Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Uni- versity High School Auditorium.. Weekly Review of the War by Pro- fessor Howard M. Ehrmann, Depart- ment of History-Tuesday. at 4:15 in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Lectures on Statistical Methods. Professor J. Neyman of the Univer- sity of California will give the first of a series of three mathematically non-technical lectures on "Methlods of Sampling," on Thursday, July 23, at 8:00 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall. Problems of Public Schools: The. third lecture in the series on Guid- ance and Placement will be given Tuesday, July 21 at 7:15 in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Problems of Pub- lic Schools will be discussed and dramatized, covering the following fields: Breaking contracts, leaving the profession, salaries, when to ask fn, ,p.sP Rth smerintendennts n m. .: First Church Of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Life." Sunday School at 11:45. Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington St., open every day except Sundays and holidays, from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays until 9 p.m. First Presbyterian Church: Morn- ing Worship- 10:45 a.m. Sermon by Dr. James W. Clarke of the Presby- terian Theological Seminary, Chi- cago, Ill. Westminster Student Guld-6 :15 p.m. Social luncheon. "Building a New World" topic for discussion. Speaker to be announced. Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. Church Service-"Gerald Smith and his 'Million' "-a study in American F'ascism by Rev. H. P. Marley. 8 p.m. Discussion-"Our Willow Run Neigh- bors" by Edward Redman, director of the Unitarian work-camp in Ypsi- lanti. Avukah plans picnic for this Sun- day at Saline Valley Farms. The cost will be 50 cents. Meet at 2 p.m. in front of Hillel Foundation and plan to be away until 10:00 p.m. The pro- gram will consist of games, swim- ming, meal and campfire. Only a limited number of reservations can be taken; they may be made by call- ing Netta Siegel at 2-2868. In case of rain, there will be a communal supper at the foundation at 6:30. "Religion and the American Fain- ily" will be the theme 'of the Religion Forums to be held in the East Con- ference Room of the Rackhan Build- ing on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 4 p.m. On Tuesday the subject will be "Relig- ious Factors in. Marital Relations" (Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic participants.) Wednesday the topic will be "Religious Phases of Family Security in the Willow Run Area." (Staff persons active in the area). On Thursday "School-Church Rela- tions in the Normal Michigan Con- munity," will be discussed by school- men and religious educators. Youth Faces the World Tragedy: The Rev. Roy L. Aldrich Th.M. of the Central Presbyterian Church in Detroit will speak on "Youth Faces the World Tragedy" at the Michigan Christian Fellowship meeting this Sunday afternoon July 19 at 4:15 in the Fireside Room at Lane Hall. Rev. Aldrich received his degree of Master of Theology from the Dallas Theo- logical Seminary and is at present a member of the Viiting Faculty of that school. Kindly note the change in time for this Sunday afternoon to 4:.15 ,instead of 4:30. First Congregational Church: State and William. Dr. Leonard A. Parr, Minister. 10:45 a.m. Service of Pub- lic Worship. Dr. Parr will conduct the service. The subject of the ser- mon will be "But - Are the Stars Neutral?" On Monday at 3 p.m. Dr. Parr will give the closing lecture in the present series of Monday Book Lectures. These are open to the pub- lic. Summer School students and vi m-t nr5n-eiallvinvitd. fI 4 I , 1"