Washington Returns
To Anti-Liberalism..
4v 4v
No Change
Jap Bombers
Raid Darwin-
Port Moresby
Enemy Loses Six Of 60
Planes In Aerial Raids;
Allies Attack Airfields
At Lae And Salamauna
Army, Navy Heads
Silent On Aleutians
SAN FRANCISCO, June 16.-(P)-
Twenty-seven Japanese bombers, es-
corted by 25 Zero fighters, renewed
an aerial assault on Darwin, Aus-
tralia, Radio Melbourne reported to-
day quoting an official communique.
The broadcast was heard by the CBS
listening station.
Allied interceptor planes destroyed
one bomber and 'one fighter while
losing two pilots and planes, the com-
munique added.
It reported heavy day and night
attacks on Japanes air installations
at Lae and Salamaua. The Allied
bombers and their fighter escort shot
down four enemy planes on the trip
back, losing one fighter in the raid.
A Japanese air force which at-
tempted to raid Port Moresby was
intercepted and four of the 18 enemy
fighter planes downed. The Allies
lost four but prevented an attack on
ground installations.
Successful bombing of the air-
drome at Koepang also was reported,
without details.
Aleutians Quiet
The Army and Navy were silent to-
night on the progress of fighting in
the Aleutian area, where American
planes are reported to have sunk a
Japanese cruiser and damaged a car-
rier and six other vessels of the en-
emy invasion fleet.
It was pointed out that foggy wea-
ther and poor flying conditions fre-
quently have interrupted the Ameri-
can attacks on Japanese landing par-
ties at Attu, most remote of the Aleu-
tian chain.
Lexington Men
Cool Planners
In Battle Fury,
Correspondent Tells Story
Of American Precision
In Coral Sea
(This is another in the series of
stories supplied to the Associated
Press by the Chicago Tribune whose
correspondent, Stanley Johnston, was
the only American newspaperman
aboard the aircraft carrier Lexington
in the Coral Sea battle.)
(Copyright 1942 by The Chicago Tribune)
CHICAGO, June 16.-In the earlier
two phases of the historic Coral Sea
battle our American air squadrons
had surprised, trapped, and annihi-
lated Japanese ocean flotillas and
fleets with a swiftness and efficiency
that was horrible to contemplate-
even by the victorious air fighters
and bombers themselves.
But in the third and last stage of
this five day campaign-the first in
history in which sea borne air arma-
das fought out pitched battles far
from land, and the first in modern
times in which a Japanese fleet sus-
tained a crushing defeat-we found
out how American sailors, gunners
and airmen could take it on the re-
ceiving end of an air assault.
Final Day Of Battle
This final day of battle was May
8. On the evening of May 7 our
scouts reported that a big Japanese
air and sea force was only 30 miles
away from us, lurking in the dense
rain squalls, fog, and low scudding
clouds of the miserable weather that'
surrounded the area.
Every man in our flotilla knew, of
course, that a big action was impend-
ing. On the Lexington officers gath-
ered in wardrooms and talked calmly
of what the possibilities for the day
might be. They were able, because
of some quirk of military mentality
that casts a lulling spell over man' s
normal human fears, to discuss with
objectivity the chance that the Jap-
anese might sink us even before our
Navy To Build Carriers,
Bill Authorizing Dependents Allotments For Married
Service Men Passes Senate, Goes To White House
WASHINGTON, June 16.-(P)-
Legislators disclosed today that the
Navy has charted a new and prece-
dent-shattering course in warship
construction, with a decision to con-
centrate on the building of airplane
carriers at the expense of new bat-
tleships-heretofore considered the
backbone of sea power.
Emphasizing the growing recogni-
tion of the vital rule of air power in
the world conflict, the House Naval
Committee approved an $8,500,000,-
000 measure calling for 500,000 tons
of carriers and omitting any provi-
sion for new battleships. In its en-
tirety, the measure contemplates the
construction of 1,400 ships of all
other types.
The plan to concentrate on car-
rier strength was considered espe-
cially significant in view of the
smashing American aerial blows at
Japanese sea and air power in the
Coral Sea, Midway and Aleutians
The decision was first disclosed
by Senators Ellender (Dem.-La.)
and Brewster (Rep.-Me.), members
of the Senate Naval Affairs Com-
mittee. In separate interviews, they
told reporters that top ranking ad-
mirals had said the United States
State Will Sign
150,000 Men
In Registration
DETROIT, June 16.-(P)-Approx-
imately 150,000 Michigan youths be-
tween the ages of 18 and 20 will be
listed June 30 in the fift registra-
tion under the Selective Service Act,
Col. E. M. Rosencrans, State Selec-
tive Service Director, announced to-
Approximately 1,700,000, of whom
more than a million are in the mili-
tary age group between 20 and 45,
already have been registered in the
state in the four previous draft reg-
istrations, Col. Rosencrans said.
Official hours for the fifth regis-
tration Tuesday, June 30, are 7 a.m.
to 9 p.m., but local boards have been
authorized to accept registrations on
the preceding Saturday, Sunday and
Required to register are "all males
who have attained the eighteenth or
nineteenth anniversary of the day of
birth on or before June 30, 1942, or
the twentieth anniversary of the day
of birth after Dec. 31, 1941, and on
of before June 30, 1942."
New registrants, however, will not
be subject to military service until
they reach the age of 20 or until
the present Selective Service Law is
Senators Want
Rubber Chief
WASHINGTON, June 16.-(IP)-
Farm state Senators, convinced that
surplus wheat and other agricultural
products should be converted into
rubber, said today they would de-
mand that a wartime "rubber sup-
plies agency" be set up with a single
administration of the "Donald Nel-
son type."
"We hope to end some of the con-
fusion and conflict now existing
among various Federal agencies deal-
ing with our rubber shortage," Chair-
man Gillette (Dem.-Ia.) declared
after a closed session of the special
Senate Agriculture Subcommittee.
would start no new battleships and
that some heavy cruisers, now under
construction, would be converted to
Chairman Vinson (Dem.-Ga.) of
the House Naval Committee, like-
wise said that work has been de-
ferred temporarily on "four or five
battleships in order to concentrate
on carriers." While, the Navy has
far from abandoned battleships al-
together, he said, events had proved
conclusively that the aircraft car-
rier "is the backbone of the fleet."
Dependents' Bill
Sent To FDR
WASHINGTON, June 16.- ()-A
bill making financial provision for
soldiers' and sailors' dependents and
stating a Congressional policy that
the Selective Service should "not
break up the institution of the home"
was passed today by the House and
sent to the White House. A measure
raising the pay of the armed forces
to a minimum of $50 a month, to
cover contributions to dependents,
also awaits President Roosevelt's sig-
The dependents' allotment bill was
intended primarily to provide assist-
ance to the dependents of service
men of the lower pay grades, up to
line sergeants in the Army and petty
officers in the Navy. It was amended
in the Senate to make a sweeping
change in the draft status of family
Amendment Approved
This amendment, finally approved
by both branches after conference,
gives the President the authority,
through the Selective Service system.
to defer men having wives or children
with whom they maintain a bonafide
family relationship in their homes.
Heretofore married men with de-
pendents have been deferred on fi-
nancial grounds.
The new legislation, while recog-
nizing the financial aspects tof -de-
pendency, permits deferment of fam-
ily heads primarily because of their
family status. A married man whose
dependents have adequate income
from other sources could be deferred
because of his family relationship.
May Speaks
Chairman May (Dem.-Ky.) of the
Military Committee told the House
that the purpose of the amendment
was to emphasize the Congressional
policy "not to break up the institu-
tion of the home." Men at the head
of households, May said, will not be
drafted until all other available man-
power has been exhausted.
Some local boards, May said, have
been drafting married men with self-
supporting dependents; others likely
would feel that financial dependency
no longer constitutes a valid reason
for deferment in view of the pay-
ments provided.
While payments under the bill
should be taken into consideration,
House conferees said in their report,
they should not be deemed conclu-
sively to remove the grounds for de-
111"mm e w'H v
NEW X'OTK. June 16. --(1)----
The bumLs ofU 1h Bowery have lost
their platinzum lMonde shepherdess,
Marie Phillips of the Venice The-
atre wh~o used to demand ( and
pay for) baths for her customers
before she'd let them in.
Mazie is wirting a book and
she's quit her job because, she
says, "I wanna do good."
The evangelical tone of her
cigarette-husky voice would break
the heart of any of the down-and-
outers to whom she once barked:
"The world is all smitched up, but
I'm not goin' to have you bums
lousin' up the theatre. Here's a
quarter. Go take a bath and come
But she insists that "all the
money I make on the book is goin'
on them poor bums. I ain't had a
chance to tell them yet."
And her new spirit hasn't car-
ried her to the point of believing
in organized charity-yet.
"I'm not out to knock missions
or such," she says, in her apart-
nient under the shadow of the
Brooklyn Bridge. "But you ain't
goin' to get a bum in a mission
if there's a gutter to sleep in."
German *Drive
In Libya Stalls
Before Tobruk
1. S. Planes Join British
To Blast Italian WarShips;
Soviet Staggers Germans
Steady Stream Of
Guns And Mien
To HelpBritish
CAIRO, June 16.-()-The battle-
scarred British Eight Army stood
firmly in a wide desert semi-circle
on the outet defenses of Tobruk to-
night after escaping an Axis trap
near Ain El Gazala, and in their
stubborn three-weeks' fight and suc-
cessful retreat they had inflicted
such damage that the German drive
in Libya appeared stalled.
The Nazi High Command broad-
cast that Field Marshal Erwin Rom-
mel had won the battle of North
Africa, but the vital Tobruk strong-
hold, which Hitler had ordered cap-
tured at all costs, remained firmly
in British hands. The German an-
nouncement seemed to verify the
British contention that the battle of
attrition had so sapped the enemy's
striking power that he now must
rest and be reinforced before he can
renew his offensive.
Supply trains were moving a stea-
dy stream of fresh tanks, guns and
men to Lieut.-Gen. Neil M. Ritchie's
forces in a desperate effort to match
the superior armored forces which
had survived the severe punishment
of the six-pound anti-tank shells,
R lde r RepQ11"uts
C reeks Starve
Asks Red Cross To Help
Children With Food
NEW YORK, June 16.-(AP)-Vil-
lagers on the islands of the Aegean
face certain death from starvation
and children on the Greek mainland
are "dying by the hundreds," King
George II, exiled ruler of Greece,
said tonight.
"During the last few months the
population of the villages in the is-
lands was compelled to subsist on
wild grass which, however, with the
coming of spring and the dry season
has withered and disappeared," the
monarch said in an address prepared
for a private dinner of the Greek
War Relief Society. Text of the
speech was released by the society.
He added that' in "no other part
of Greece is starvation so appalling"
and that thousands of women and
children have escaped from the is-
lands and fled to Turkey, Cyprus,
Lebanon and Egypt.
"The plight within Greece of the
children, always the most pitiful cas-
ualties of war, is beyond words to
describe," King George said. "Unable
to understand why those who have
always cared for them can no longer
do so, they are dying of starvation
and disease by the hundreds.
"My hope is that a way may be
found for the Greek Red Cross to
concentrate these children in suit-
able areas where they may be furn-
ished with food, clothing, housing
and medicine, through the Interna-
tional Red Cross."
Boys Jump On Ground-
And Rubber Bounces Up
Lightning Russian Thrust
On Kharkov Front Rips
Storming Nazi Force
China Asks Drive
By Uinited Nations
MOSCOW (Wednesday) June 17-
(P)-Soviet forces counter-attacked
in one sector of the Kharkov front
yesterday and in the battle for Sevas-
topol inflicted frightful losses among
125,000 Nazis storming furiously and
futilely at the Black Sea naval base,
the government announced early to-
Surprising the Germans, Marshal
Timoshenko's forces wiped out an
entire enemy column in a sharp
counter-thrust in the Kharkov area,
the midnight communique reported,
while in other sectors about the big
Ukraine industrial center repeated
German charges were smashed.
With these two fronts blazing with
fierce but still indecisive fighting,
the Russians launched a minor drive
of their own in the long quiescent
Bryansk sector, southwest of Mos-
cow, and in a spurt of activity on the
Leningrad front ejected the Nazis
from a strongly fortified position.
400 Nazis Killed
More than 400 Germans were re-
ported killed in this engagement, one
of many which flared up and down
the front yesterday as local sparring
continued on a widening scale.
Another 200 of the enemy were
slain in the Red Army's counter-
attack on the Kharkov front, and 30
armored vehicles and four tanks were
In Red air force attacks Friday,
presumably in the Sevastopol bttle,
the Russians reported a 3,000-ton
transport and two motor boats sunk,
four transports and two patrol boats
damaged. The Soviet airmen also
were credited with destroying 12
tanks, 100 heavily laden trucks and
an entire railroad train.
In one small corner of the siege
lines at Sevastopol, Red navy ma-
rines broke into German trenches
and killed 250, the high command
said. Tass, the official news agency,
said three infantry regiments of per-
haps 7,500 men "were exterminated"
in beating back heavy German at-
tacks. Fifty tanks were declared
900 Nazis Listed Dead
Before the Donets River on the
Kharkov front in the Ukraine, 900
Germans were listed officially as
killed in vain assaults by Gen. Field
Marshal Fedor Von Bock to force a
(The Moscow radio was heard in
London by Reuters reporting that
the Red Army was counter-atacking
on the Kharkov front and advancing
at several points.)
On the long quiescent Bryansk
front, 210 miles southwest 'of Mos-
cow, Russian troops "drove the Ger-
mans out of their positions, the en-
emy leaving more than 600 dead on
the field," the communique said.
House Shelves
Salary Limit
To Speed Tax
Committee Drops Action
On Income Limitation;
Plan Left To Senate
WASHINGTON, June 16.-(P)-By
almost unanimous consent, the House
Ways and Means Committee today
shelved President Roosevelt's recom-
mendation for a $25,000 limitation
on individual incomes after payment
of taxes. Members explained there
was not sufficient time now for de-
tailed study of the question.
Driving to complete a new tax bill
early next month, the legislators said
they did not want to delay House
consideration any longer than neces-
sary. Proper consideration of the
salary limitation, they said, would
require days or weeks.
One administration leader said the
proposal could be studied in detail
by the Senate Finance Committee
and added, "a defeat for it in the
House Committee might have preju-
diced the case in the Senate."
Randolph Paul, tax adviser to Sec-
retary Morgenthau, presented to the
Committee yesterday a plan to carry.
out Mr. Roosevelt's April 27 sugges-
tion that taxes take all but $25,000
of an individual's income. Paul pro-j
posed that in the case of married
persons, taxation take all but $25,000.
Paul estimated that about 11,000
persons would be affected and the
treasury would receive an additional
$184,000,000 of revenue.
Base Hospital,
Unit To .Leave
Here June
Amnerican Liberators Aid
In Sinking One Cruiser,
Spuashing Battleships
Cotvoys lDIi'ver
GoodIs To Tobruk
Ghost Of 'Lexington
To Ride Waves Again
WASHINGTON, June 16.-(P)-
The Navy announced today that an-
other "Lexington" will be launched
shortly to replace the carrier de-
stroyed in the battle of the Coral Sea.
The new vessel, now under con-
struction at the Fore River Plant of
the Bethlehem Steel Company at
Quincy, Mass., had been scheduled
the Navy said.
It's An Ill Wind That-Blows...
The Sweeneys And O'Learys
Agree ToBury Old Shillelagh
China Seeks
Immediate Help
CHUNGKING, June 16.-()-The
Chinese called urgently today for an
immediate big offensive by the
United Nations in the Pacific as Chi-
nese troops fought with dogged fury
to stay the closing of a Japanese
pincers on the Chekiang-Kiangsi
"We wish to stress once again the
urgency of giving Japan no rest, no
chance to consolidate gains," said a
Chinese government spokesman.
"If we continue to be complacent
toward Japan she may become the
most difficult of the Axis powers to
The Chinese plea was underscored
by the military situation in Kiangsi
Province, where the spokesman ac-
knowledged that Japanese columns
pushing eastward and westward had
come within 80 miles of a juncture.
(The Japanese said their columns
were only 50 miles apart, having
captured the town of Shangjao on'
the east and haying driven into the
Under the direction of Lieut.-Col.
Walter G. Maddock the 298th Gen-
eral Hospital Unit of the Army of'
the United States will leave Ann Ar-
bor June 27 to enter active service at'
Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas.
Thirty doctors and approximately
the same number of nurses together'
with dieticians and other medical
technicians have been selected to
form the unit here.
Most of the doctors are leaving
the University Hospital to enter the
service, while many of the nurses are
also Ann Arbor residents.
Lieut.-Col. Maddock, who will act
not only as unit director, but as chief
of the surgical service, leaves his
post as Associate Professor of Sur-
gery in the Medical School.
In charge of the nurses' contingent
will be First Lieut. Margaret K.
Schafer, who will give up her posi-
tions as instructor in the School of
Nursing and supervisor of the oper-
ating room at the University Hospi-
tal. She has been on active duty
since May 9th.
The base unit is completely
equipped to handle any cases which
may be brought by other units. It
is the organization to which all other
medical branches feed serious casu-
A farewell dinner will be given for
all those connected with the unit--
officers, nurses and wives-Thurs-
day, June 25, at the Union.
Jesse Jones
Sees Long War
EVANSTON, Ill., June 16.-(A')-
The war may last "much longer than
any of us hope," Secretary of Com-
merce Jesse H. Jones asserted today.
Stating that no early end of the
conflict was in sight, he opined that
"the longer it lasts, the greater will
be the dislocations of our normal
life and economy."
Jones told an audience at the dedi-
cation of Northwestern University's
$5,000,000 Technological Institute
that price ceilings represented the
first step in the effort to prevent in-
flation and that other measures to
LONDON, June 16.-(/P)-The U.S.
Army's four-motored "Liberators,"
RAF torpedo planes and warships of
the British Fleet were disclosed to-
night to have sunk one of Italy's two
remaining heavy cruisers, left two
Italian battleships battered and burn-
ing, and destroyed or damaged at
least six other enemy men of war
in the battles which have churned
the central and eastern Mediterran-
ean since Saturday.
It was the first officially recorded
participation of U.S. air forces in
the Mediterranean theatre, now blaz-
ing into full summer activity.
Special communiques from the
RAF Command in Cairo and from
the Admiralty and Air Ministry in
London piled up the impressive re-
ports of Allied successes after two
days of extravagant Axis claims of
the smashing of two great convoys,
bound from both East and West for
Malta and Tobruk. The Germans
and Italians, in all, announced that
a total of 16 Allied vessels, including
eight cruisers or destroyers, had been
sunk for sure and that 38 other ships
had been damaged, some of them
being called total losses.
Replies To Communique
Replying to this, the Admiralty-
Air Ministry communique announced
flatly tonight that the convoys had
delivered the goods ti both Malta
and to Tobruk, the African desert
bastion, in the face of the heaviest.
kind of attacks by superior enemy
naval and air forces.
It was conceded there were Brit-
ish losses; they were not specified,
but the communique said "the fan-
tastic enemy claims to have sunk
cruisers and to have damaged bat-
tleships and an aircraft carrier are
without any foundation."
This communique listed a 10,000-
ton, eight-inch cruiser of the Trento
class and at least two destroyers sunk
by "His Majesty's ships, naval air-
craft, the RAF and the United States
Army Air Corps," in addition to
heavy losses inflicted on the Axis
air squadrons.
It was the Cairo RAF headquar-
ters, however, which told the more
complete story of how the big Con-
solidated B-24's of the new U.S. Army
Air Force establishment in the Mid-
dle-East cracked the backbone of the
Italian Fleet just off Italian shores.
Total Damage Great
The total damage wroughttby these
American bombers and by the RAP
and British Fleet Air Arm torpedo
planes was:
Sinking of the Trento cruiser in a.
combined American-British assault;
setting afire and damagingthe two
Italian battleships, of which Italy
now has six in service; damaging of
two smaller cruisers and damaging
of two destroyers.
The big Consolidated bombers,
used heretofore chiefly for antl-sub-
marine work in the North Atlantic,
now are bearing an equal share in
the battle for air superiority over the
Mediterranean, informed sources here
They helped protect the convoys
and then when the Italian Fleet,
lured from its bases by big game on
the horizon, came out for the at-
tack the Liberators got in their
smashing blows.
Story Not Complete
The whole story of the three-day
naval and aerial melee will not be
told, however, until the smoke clears
and the information no longer is of
tactical use to the enemy.
It appeared, however, that the
two Italian destroyers sunk had gone
down under the guns of the British
Mediterranean Fleet.
Axis communiques claimed that the
Allied convoys involved nearly 100
ships, mostly escort vessels and "pro-
bably" including a U.S. abttleship-
that only a few of the east-bound
convoy reached Malta and that the
west-bound convoy was driven back
to Alexandria.
Today's first Allied news of the
engagements, spanning many hun-
dreds of miles of Mediterranean wat-
ATLANTA, June 16.-(P)-Out of
Midway's battle smoke, the dove of
peace has flown to the Sweeneys and
the O'Learys-sure, and wouldn't you
know it would take a grand scrap to
make these clans lay aside the feud
they've cherished since Sweeneys
and O'Learys were rival kings on the
ould sod?
Col. Walter C. Sweeney, Jr., of the
Army Air Force, may not realize it,
Lieut.-Col. John D. O'Leary of the
Marine Corps read those stirring
words down here where he directs
Marine recruiting for the South.
He pondered the heart-warming
sentiments and weighed them against
the fine flavor and hallowed tradi-
tion of the Sweeney-O'Leary feud.
Today he made up his mind and
sent this message to Col. Sweeney.
"If an Army Sweeney can feel like