TWO I HE MICHIGAN nATT.V "'! "' S 1 111J 1Y1 1 . .L lx 1 LT 31 U . .L Y1.4 S E J 'Ar, JUJJLY 17, J.1'* ANEW Zj 4r At,*,r4t-gztu Baltij 1.. The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON A- N1 --- e am nom -- I- Edited and managed by students of the University of b ichiganunder the authority of the .Board in Control of- Student Publications. - The Summer Daily is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Meiber of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repubication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan,-as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. MREPREENT80 FOR NATIONAL ADVERTiBING WY National Advertising Service, Inc, ,Celge Pubirshers Repres4tati e 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK.-N. Y. . j"ICSO "+*9Toa . Los AeiLt * 'SAN FRACISCO Member, Associhted Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Romer Bwander . . . . Managing Editor Will Sapp . . . . City Editor Mie Dna . . . . . . Sports Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel Business Staff Edward Periberg . . . . Business Manager Fred M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager Morton Hunter . Publications Manager wt NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING JAFFE b -0- I The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Fresh Air Camp Deserving Of Support.. .. S END A BOY TO CAMP is Ann Ar- bor's slogan today, and about 90 boys will pour into town to solicit funds for the organization which has given them four weeks of good food, fun and a better chance to become good citizens. They are counting on you to give other needy boys an opportunity to get away from city streets, grime and heat for a vacation at Pat- thrson Lake. And they are counting on you to see that one of the most unique projects in hu- man engineering, designed to divert the vitality of youth into the right channels, can keep up the good work it has been doing for 21 years. Don't let them down! C~ - Robert Pre sel Blackout Is Lesson To Complacent Ann Arbor FOR A FEW MINUTES LAST NIGHT the reality of war invaded compla- cent, ivory-towered Ann Arbor, as the area's first test blackout was held. For a few minutes the grimness of the fierce struggle was not merely something which is read about in the papers or heard over the radio. For a few minutes Ann Arborites really knew that in Russia and in Egypt, on the Atlantic and on the Pacific, people are living and dying in a hell of bullets and torpedoes. And most of all, the people of Ann Arbor knew last night that civilians in England, in France and in Germany are living on borrowed time under the constant threat of bombing. But all that was for only a quarter of an hour last night. When the all-clear signal sounded, the lights went back on again, and once more Ann Arbor was as completely shel- tered from the world of war as Shangri-La. .It became again a quiet University town, where professors with briefcases and students armed with books stroll leisurely along campus walks, and where townspeople live the undis- t-urbed life of folks in all Midwestern towns. The war became as far away as it has always been. FCOURSE, Ann Arbor has the usual civilian defense setup-as last night's blackout indi- cated. It has its CDVO, its air raid wardens and its various women's: corps. It has all the exter- nals, all the paraphernalia of war precautions. But it doesn't have the most important thing. It doesn't have the awareness that a globe- encircling war is being waged which involves its 30,000 people as vitally as it involves the people of Stalingrad or London. Civilian defense is a game to be played by .wmen on their off-hours and an amusing sub- stitute for bridge in the case of women. It takes something like a blackout, which affects everyone, for Ann Arborites to realize what war CAN be like for them and what it IS like for the people of Europe and Asia. This attitude of indifferent complacency is not confined to Ann Arbor; it seems to affect dthe whole of the Midwestern area. The strong- hold of pre-December 7th isolation cannot real- ize that it is no longer isolated from the world conflict. There is no reason to be panicky-that is at least as bad as complacency. But the Midwest WASHINGTON-Recent losses on the Russian front are more serious even than they appear on the surface. To understand the situation fully it is neces- sary to know some of the developments which took place in Russia during recent months. These give the key to the Russians' rapid retreats and the possible effect on the U.S.A. First, in the battle of Kharkov, where Marshal Timoshenko took the offensive last spring to head off a Nazi offensive, it now develops that Russian losses were serious-especially in tanks and airplanes. The gamble was worth taking because if it had succeeded a wedge would have been driven between the German armies. How- ever, it failed, and the Russians have been feel- ing the loss of tanks and material ever since. Second, it now develops that there were heav- ier losses of materials than generally realized during the fighting last winter, when the Rus- sians were trying to reestablish their lines. Third, it is now no secret that losses of U.S. supplies sent around Norway to Russia have been very serious indeed. An American seaman on one of these ships recently revealed that his ship was attacked every day of the voyage ex- cept on Hitler's birthday. Added to this, the port of Murmansk has now been bombed to "a shambles. . So, the key to Russian retreats is lack of tanks, planes, artillery. Also, with the long hours of daylight, obviously it will be increasingly diffi- cult, if not impossible, to get large convoys through to Russia. Naturally this leads to only one conclusion; if heavy shipments cannot be sent direct to Rus- sia, the next best strategy is to use those sup- plies in the hands of U.S.-British troops over a shorter, safer sea route-namely, for a second front. And since the Russians long have wanted a second front, it is not surprising that they want it more than ever today. Such a front may be the only way to prevent Hitler from taking the Caucasus and most of Russia. This is the biggest, most immediate and cru- cial problem the President and his military chiefs now have to face. Complicated tubber WPB Boss Donald Nelson got a sharp going over from the Senate Appropriations Commit- tee when he testified regarding his annual bud- get requirements, especially on synthetic rubber and failure to make use of the quickest rubber processes. Nelson tried to explain that syn- thetic rubber was a complicated business. "You're supposed to 'be complicated enough to deal with complicated problems," snapped Sena- tor McKellar of Tennessee. Note:-Nelson expressed doubt about the wis- dom of developing sponge iron, was told that it was necessary to take chances in wartime in or- der to win battles. Congressional Patriots One reason millions of young Americans are serving in the ai'med forces is to protect our democratic right to vote. Yet, it is an ironical fact that a great many men in the Army and Navy will themselves be denied the right to vote this year because of the obstructive antics of a group of politics-as-usual boys on Capitol Hill. A bloc of poll-tax-state congressmen, led by noisy Gene Cox of Georgia, so far has been able to prevent action on a bill, sponsored by Repre- sentative Robert L. Ramsay of West Virginia, which would make it possible for service men to vote. This bloc puts the poll-tax, by which a part of the South in effect is disfranchised, ahead of votes for service men. Ramsay's bill would waive registration require- ments for soldiers, sailors and marines and hold special "absentee" elections in camps and naval bases 21 days before the regular election. Every man in the military service, stationed in the U.S.A., would have a chance to cast his ballot. Registration is the chief stumbling block to soldier-voting because of the redtape involved in getting blanks through the mail and swearing to an affidavit of citizenship. Also, a number of states do not permit registration by mail, thus making voting impossible for many service men who have become 21 since induction. In the last war, some states got around this by sending officials to camps to register absentee voters; but this is a costly and cumbersome pro- cedure. Ramsay's bill was unanimously approved by the House Elections Committee and has over- whelming support in both the House and Senate. But this powerful backing can't express itself unless the bill can be brought up for action. Right there is where Cox of Georgia and his gang got in their undercover obstructive licks. When the measure came up before the Rules' Comm-ittee for a rule to place it before the House, Cox and his close pal, Representative Howard Smith of Virginia, another Old Guard poll-taxer, threw a monkey wrench. They are ranking mem- bers of this key committee and have the power to keep the Ramsay bill bottled up. Smith has attempted to justify his opposition on the high plane of "States' rights." But Cox makes no bones about why he is against the bill. "This is another attack on the poll-tax," he stormed. "I strongly disapprove of it." Actually, Ramsay's bill does not nullify the poll-tax where states require the payment of such a tax. Merry-go-round In Fayetteville, Tenn., the Defense Recreation rop Aireraft Company has evolved a new welding process that is claimed will revolutionize plane making. The new method will permit the con- struction of all-magnesium planes. Magnesium is one-third lighter than aluminum.. . The OPA soon will crack down on a number of tire re- cappers on charges of incompetent workmanship and waste of vital materials. &iwduil an] IT'S STRANGE how you meet people in droves. Maybe for a while it's nurses who've got apartments where you can go and sit on chintz daybeds and drink beer or talk over the intrica- cies of maternity wards and appendectomies. Then again sometimes you meet sorority girls who don't know the value of money or Bohemians who worry their mothers. Sometimes I spend whole weeks around The Daily just calling every- one "Chum." For a week now I've been meeting young actors or actors-to-be if you prefer. Delicate fellows who flunk fine arts but talk a lot in class if only to try their accents. The boys are small and have eyes the color of their hair. They talk about looking "theatre" and some of them do, but the girls are tall and boney. They say that their "looks" aren't for the movies but heels do "wonders" for the stage. LIKE these kids, don't get the idea that I don't. There's a kindergarten teacher I know who came back to prove her talent one way or another, and she's so sweet I want to protect her from the world and I'm not much good along that line. Then there's a boy who lives next door to me in my home town who says he's going to -put the place on the map. We've always gotten along. What bothers me is their professed antipathy for the screen. That I don't understand. Prob- ably a sand farm Michigander shouldn't talk on this subject but I'm interested. I've seen my share of Cornell and even saw Hayes once. I've been to New York and walked up and down Broadway but with all this worldliness it has always seemed to me that motion pictures marked an advance in theatre art. No one wants seriously to return to a barn-like replica of Shakespeare's Globe, and that, to my mind, is entirely analogous to the relationship between the screen and the legitimate stage. THE HANDICAP of being a real person facing footlights and a real audience has always seemed to me almost impossible to overcome, maybe it's a test of talent, but I believe what I see and it's hard for me to believe a stage play. Probably I've gotten to used to close-ups and outdoor scenes, horses that don't fold in the mid- dle and water that splashes. Any actor in Hollywood can reach amuch greater audience than a stage player can ever hope to reach. Nearly everyone has seen Bette Davis, but how many people do you know who've seen Helen Hayes? Why bring "C" movie stars to Lydia Mendelssohn with all their greyhounds and poodles and call them great actors? Of course movies are still upstarts in the world of the theatre. The great tradition of the legitimate stage is still to be fought. But some- times it seems to me that Valentine Windt's proteges are just the ones to fight and it worries me when in all their artiness they say that movies aren't art. May's Optimism Dangerous REPRESENTATIVE Andrew J. May's remark- able utterance that the war would probably end in 1942 and unquestionably in 1943 is caus- ing a lot of nail-biting around the War Depart- ment and among his colleagues in the House. May is chairman of the House Military Affairs Committee and considered one of the ablest legislators who ever held this responsible post in the government. He isn't usually given to sound- ing off without reason. That makes his wildly optimistic statement all the more dangerous. By virtue of his chairmanship of this important wartime committee it cannot be said that his remarks are suspected of having either a politi- cal or a wacky tinge. tie commands attention by the political and military height from which he speaks. May said flatly that he made the statement on the basis of secret military information. It is unavoidable that he should be roundly criti- c.zed for making public such information if, indeed, it is true. Our military commanders are displeased with May and his obviously thoughtless outburst be- cause they definitely do not want to see a re- currence of the unfounded wave of optimism which swept this country following the RAP raids on Cologne and the battle of Midway. May's statement is calculated to support such an undesirable state of affairs. Because the public was in such high spirits after Midway, the Axis successes in Libya, Rusia and on the Atlantic hit them much harder than would ordi- narily have been the case. Such extreme ups and downs are recognized as bad for morale. - PM LETTERS To THE EDITOR Another Differentiation' Critic To the Editor: Yesterday's letter to the editor by George E. Copple made three points, only one of which was answered ade- quately by the managing editor in the column, "The Pointed Pen." The editor's reply clearly revealed the pseudo-logic inherent in the first point made by Mr. Copple to the ef- fect that "racial differentiation is different from racial discrimination." Although we do not agree with Mr. Copple's second point that "the bi- racial school system of the South is far more humane and realistic than that of the North," we do feel that a valid criticism is made of the North- ern educational system for its ex- clusion of Negroes from the teaching profession. We too wonder why there are no "Negro teaching fellows, lab and departmental assistants, and li- brary staff men" here at the Univer- sity of Michigan. Is it too much to expect not merely this, but even an occasional Negro professor on the faculty; or does our democratic edu- cational system preclude such a pos- sibility? Progress for us lies in this direction, not in the outmoded and unjust "bi-racial school system of the South." Denounce Intellectual Disparity Mr. Copple concludes his letter by further rationalizing his thesis of the desirability of "racial differentia- tion." He states that "the Southern Negro, if put in schools with white children, would learn far less rapidly than he now does, for his economic, cultural, and social position would still be inferior and he would feel this at every turn." Can anyone truthfully say that a Negro child of five is culturally inferior to a white child of the same age? For what cul- ture has anyone acquired at this age? Granted that both are given equal educational opportunities in the same schools for the same period of time would any cultural inferiority develop to significant degree? If such an as- sertion is made, then it can be based only on a scientifically disproved be- lief that the Negro is intellectually inferior. This attitude is implicit in Mr. Copple's statement that "the speed of the class and the manner of the teaching instead of being reg- ulated at his (the Negro's) level, would be fixed for the class average." Bi-Racialism Prevents Rise It is true that the Negro is eco- nomically in a lower position in our society. Deprived of all opportuni- ties of advancement, he is kept in the status of a poor laborer. Only by an equality of opportunity can the Negro better himself. Bi-racialism is maintained in order to see that the Negro cannot rise. it is fitting in these trying times when the, happiness of the entire American people is at stake, of all peoples in fact, that full equality be secured by the Negroes. The time has passed when rationalizations of such an undemocratic practice as racial discrimination are any longer to be believed. Herman Hudson, Anthony Stampolis, of the Race Relations Committee of the Rackham Building, Friday evening, July 17 at 7:15. Women Students wishing to elect classes in Archery, Badminton, Body Conditioning, Elementary and Inter- mediate Tennis, Golf, Elementary Swimming, and Tap Dancing are urged to register in Room 15, Bar- bour Gymnasium this week. No reg- istrations will be taken after this week. Department of Physical Ed. for Women. Finance, by Prof. Arthur B. Moehl- man, Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Uni- versity High School Auditorium. Weekly Review of the War by Pro- fessor Howard M. Ehrmann, Deport- ment of History-Tuesday at 4:15 in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Lectures on Statistical Methods. Professor J. Neyman of the Univer- sity of California will give the first of a series of three mathematically non-technical lectures on "Methods of Sampling," on Thursday, July 23, at 8:00 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall. r . .y ,a t .; a t "! Y t Mechanical Engineering 35. class will not be held Friday, 17, 1942. This July DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1.942 VOL. LII No. 23-S All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices All notices for the D.O.B. either by mail or phone, should be submitted to the Office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall, during the Summer Term and the Summer Ses- sion, and not to the Office of Dr. Frank E. Robbins or of the Michigan Daily in the Publications Building. Academic Notices Psychology 31. For those who missed the recent bluebook a make- up will be given Monday, July 20, at 7 p.m. in room 1121 N.S. B. D. Thuma' Deans, Department Chairman, Ad- visers and Counselors. Important new information relative to occupational deferment of students preparing in critical fields has just been received by the President's Office. This in- formation is being mimeographed for immediate distribution to you. University War Board, Infor- mation Center. All members of the 1940 and 1941 Curriculum Workshops are asked to i Doctoral Examination for Robert G. Picard; field: Physics; thesis "Studies on the Structure of Thin Metallic Films by Means of the Elec- tron Microscope," will be held on Fri- day, July 17, in West Council, Rack- ham, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, 0. S. Duffendack. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the ex- amination and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient reas- on- might wish to be present. . C. S. Yoakum All Summer Terni Students who have not secured their identifica- tion cards may ,call for them at Room 2, University Hall. The Storehouse Building will act as a receiving center for scrap rub- ber and also metals. Any depart- ment on the Campus having metals or rubber .to dispose of for defense purposes, please call Ext. 337 or 317 and the materials will be picked up by the trucks which make regular campus deliveries. Service of the janitors is available to collect the materials from the variousrooms in the buildings to be delivered to the receiving location. E. C. Pardon Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: The five- week -freshman reports will be due Saturday, July 18, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors. Music Education: A comprehen- sive examination in vocal and in- strumental methods, required of all graduate students in music educa- tion who did not take these courses as undergraduates at this Univer- sity, will be given Saturday July 18, 10 to 12 a.m., Room 608, Tower. -, David Mattern Students, Summer Session College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Except under. extraordinary circum- stances courses dropped after the third week, Saturday, July 18, will be recorded with a grade of E. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean College of Literature, Science, and The Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry and Conservation, Music, and Public Health: Students enrolled in the regular Summer Session who re- ceived marks of I or X at the close of their last term of attendance (viz., semester or summer session) will re- ceive a grade of E in the course un- less this work is made up by July 29. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date should file a petition addressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U. H., where it will be transmitted Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Lectures A War Policy for American Schools, t Events Today "Thunder Rock," second offering of the current series of plays being given by the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech, tonight at 8:30 and will run through Saturday night. Tickets are on sale daily at the box office, Mendelssohn Theatre. Dancing at the Michigan League- 9 p.m. until 12 p.m. tonight. Come with or without a partner. Coming Events Youth Hostel Trip. There will be a week end trip to Saline Farms leav- ing the Women's Athletic Building at 1:30 Saturday. Men and women stu- dents interested in going meet at tthis time. There will be a bicycling group and a hiking group. Bring your own sheet. Department of Physical Education for Women. The Graduate Outing Club is plan- ning a swim and supper at Delhi this Sunday. Please sign at the desk at Rackham by noon Friday if you plan Sto go, telling whether you wish to bicycle (about 8 miles) or would like auto transportation :reserved for you. A deposit of 25 cents is required. The group will meet at the northwest door of Rackham at 2:30. Avukah plans picnic for this Sun- day at Saline Valley Farms. The cost will be 50 cents. Meet at 2 p.m. in front of Hillel Foundation and plan to be away until 10:00 p.m. The pro- gram will consist of games, swim- ming, meal and campfire. Only a limited number of reservations can be -taken; they may be made by call- ing Netta Siegel at 2-2868. In case . of rain, there will be a communal supper at the foundation at 6:30. Public Health Assembly: An As- sembly period of all students in Pub- lic Health will be held on Monday, July 20th, at 4 p.m. in the Auditori- um of the W. K. Kellogg Institute. Dr. Haven Emerson, Nonresident Lec- turer in Public Health Practice of .the School of Public Health, and Professor Emeritus of' Public Health Practice, Columbia University, will speak. The subject of his address is "The Content and Purpose of Pub- lic Health." All students in public health are expected to be present and others interested are welcome. George L. Scott, Professor of Or- gan at Illinois Wesleyan University, will include works of Bach, Vierne, Franck and Sowerby, as well as one of his own compositions for organ in his recital at 8:30 p.m. Monday, July 20, in Hill Auditorium.- The program is given in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements of the de- gree of Master of Music, and is open to the public. The Westminster Guild combines with the Wesleyan Guild this Friday, July 17th for a baseball and picnic party. Both Guilds will meet at the y 11 A-