Weather Scattered Showers Y it4U 4 il Editorial Prices Soar As Control «Weakens.. VOL. LT. No. 22-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1942 2:15 AM. FINAL Weak German Move To Take Egypt Heights Is Tripped Up British Hurl Rommel Back West Of El Alamein;- Death Struggle Calms To 'Feeler' Air Raids Axis Center Line Bends In Middle By The Associated Press CAIRO, July 15.-The Axis' third and apparently weakest attempt to retake the desert heights west of El Alamein has been repulsed by Im- perial troops and the battle for Egypt was settling today into another phase of feeler raids under a canopy of ever intense aerial activity. (While the nature of the fighting was left somewhat vague in Cairo reports, a military commentator in London said the newest Axis attack on the coastal north end of the front CAIRO, Egypt, July 15.-(VP)- British forces striking suddenly in the central sector of the El Ala- mein battleground captured an "appreciable" number of prisoners in a sharp offensive tonight while Australians on the coastal road were throwing back a strong at- tempt by Nazi Field Marshal Er- win Rommel to regain lost ground. A considerable number of British armor was known to have been massed in this central sector of the desert battleground some 80 miles west of Alexandria. The British hit the Axis in the center while Marshal Erwin Rom- mel was fiercely engaged on the coast road. There, too, he was re- pulsed and attacks in other sectors also were thrown back was "small scale," with neither side showing any disposition to make it a major conflict at present.) The third Axis attack since the British forces set Marshal Erwin Rommel's forces back 10 miles from El Alamein began at dusk last night and continued into the dark. The Imperial defenders had the continued backing of the Royal Air Force, which has maintained mas- tery of the skies over the battlefront, and the fliers pounded at the enemy tank and motortzed infantry columns in large-scale attacks. In one swoop the RAF destroyed all but one vehicle in a desert convoy of 15 armored cars and transports and one tank, besides taking the cus- tomary toll of Axis aircraft. The RAF also attacked the port of Tobruk in force, sowing fires that eventually blended into one great conflagration. Below the coastal strip the desert floor actions were confined to minor engagements of columns and patrols. The reduced scale of the Axis counterattacks was looked upon here as evidence that Rommel still await- ed full implementation for another major effort to advance to Alexan- dria after being stalled and pressed back slightly in the last two weeks about El Alamein. British Planes Blast German TroopCamps LONDON, July 15.-(,P)-Two hun- dred daring Spitfire fighters flying only a few feet above the ground shot up 200 miles of the French coast in a low-level attack today, blasting camps, gun posts and scattering German, troops "all over, the coun- tryside." A squadron of fighting French air- men played a leading role in the at- tack, the Air Ministry News Service said tonight, sweeping over the cliffs at Fecamp to attack light anti- air- craft field artillery batteries, wire- less stations, freight cars and troops. The fighters sped to the attack when fine weather returned today and strong formations of planes roared over the channel. Four offensive operations were re- ported, centering on the Etaples area, across the channel from Eng- land, and over Fecamp, St. Valesrie- En-Caux, and Dieppe. Tonight At10:30!-°- BLACKOUT By BOB MANTHO When Ann Arbor Township suddenly goes black at 10:28 p.m. tonight for fifteen minutes of complete silence, everybody in the large blackout area is asked to : 1) Stay off the streets. Home is the safest place during the blackout. 2) Avoid grouping together with more persons than is absolutely necessary. 3) Keep all cars parked when the whistles sound. If you are caught driving, park at once in a safe place. Lock your ignition, set the hand brake, leave the car and seek safe shelter. 4) Park in restricted zones only. Do not double park or park in front of fire hydrants. 5) See that lights at home are attended. Completely screened lights are allowed in blackout rooms if they are prepared before the test. 6) Avoid lighting cigarettes in the open. 7) Stand as close to buildings as possible if you are caught on the street during the blackout. Do not stand at the curb or out on the sidewalk. 8) Keep dogs and other pets tied up or confined in the house during House Naval Group Is Told Of Profiteers Plan For Commissions On War Production Related By Executive By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 15. - The House Naval Committee was in- formed today that three self-styled "sales engineers" stood to garner commissions on millions of dollars of government war work in a plant which the government itself built. The disclosure, drawing expres- sions of amazement and concern from committee members, came from J. B. Decker, vice-president and gen- eral manager of the Triumph Ex- plosive Company at Elkton, Md., where the government spent $4,000,- 000 to supplement the company's fa- cilities with factories of its own. Decker testified that Triumph, which operated the government plant as well as its own, had a con- tract with the Washington Sales En- gineering Company of Shirley, 01- cott and Nichols entitling the latter to one percent of the amount of Navy work secured for the govern- ment-owned plant. He said that Triumph now held war contracts for work to be per- formed in the government factories amounting to approximately $24,- 000,000 and that, "on the book value" of its contract with Shirley, Olcott and Nichols, the Washington firm would receive about $256,000 in com- missions. He reported that the Washington company received a two and one- half percent commission on con- tracts awarded for performance in the plants which Triumph itself owns Son Of Professor Is Nazi Prisoner Jack W. Dumond, 19-year-old ser- geant and gunner in the RCAF who was reported missing in action over Germany nine days ago, is alive but wounded, and a German prisoner of war, his parents, Prof. and Mrs. Dwight Dumond learned yesterday. . A telegram from the Canadian government brought the news but gave no details as to when or where young Dumond was downed or where he is now imprisoned. In letters to his parents, Dumond told of participating in the 1,000- bomber raids on Cologne and Essen. the blackout. They are not permit- ted to run at large. 9) Obey all instructions given by the officer in charge. Do not argue. 10) See that all lights in your store, hotel, rooming house, apart-' ment or any other public building are extinguished or screened so that they are not visible from the outside. To begin the blackout, five whis- tles will sound promptly at 10:28 p.m. and will continue shrieking for two minutes intermittently. The all- clear signal will sound continuously for a minute and a half at 10:45 p.m. The University of Michigan will be Turn to Page 3, Col. 3, N.Y.A. Funds Cut In Half ByCongress WASHINGTON, July 15. -(AP)- Its funds cut in half by Congress, the National Youth Administration an- nounced today its program for the 1942-43 school year would assist 107,- 000 college and high school students compared"with 282,490 in the last school year. The agency said it had set aside $8,000,000 for its school progrAm- $5,000,000 to aid 40,000 college stu- dents and $3,000,000 for 67,000 in high school. Rolls of the agency's out-of-school training program now are being cut from 130,000 to 70,000. The NYA spent approximately $123,000,000 for all operations in the last fiscal year, but Congress provid- ed only $60,000,000 for the 12 months beginning July 1. NYA said funds would be available for employment of needy students in college on the basis of a specified per- centage of the enrollment. Prefer- ence will be given to juniors and sen- iors to accelerate the completion of training. Earnings of college students will range between $10 and $25 a month. High school students will earn be- tween $3 and $6 a month. Post-War Council Offers Round-Table Talks Today The Post-War Council round-table discussion at 7:15 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League will be led by Prof. Mentor Williams of the English department, Prof. J. E. Thornton of the engineering de- partment and Homer Swander, '43, managing editor of The Daily. Problem to be analyzed is the fu- ture of capitalism, with discussion centering on government control of private enterprise, income limitation after the war and the possibility of a managerial class. Second Front' Advocates Ask 'Quick'Action British Report Favorable Progress Against Nazi Submarine Menace By The Associated Press LONDON, July 15.-Advocates of a second land front in Europe to help Soviet Russia pressed firmly tonight for quick action while British sources reported definite and favorable prog- ress in the battle against Nazi sub- marines which looms as an important factor in all second front considera- tions. Qualified London sources who, de- clined to permit use of their names said Russia was pleading again through her envoy, Ivan Maisky, for prompt help by fa British-American expedition to Europe to take some of the tremendous Nazi pressure off the Red Army. Russians Present Case TheyRussians in Moscow were in- directly presenting a case for a sec- ond front with official reports that the Nazis, suffering huge losses in the battles in southern Russia, had in the last few days hurriedly trans- ferred several divisions from France and Belgium to the Russian front. One argument advanced by second fronters here is that if the Germans can set the stage with victories in southern Russia, the Japanese might attack in Siberia. The Japanese were said to have gathered at least 24 divisions, some 360,000 men, in Manchukuo with air reinforcements from the home is- lands. Best Months In that connection, it was pointed out also that August and September are the best months for campaign- ing in Siberia. Public sympathy for Russian pleas for a second front now was seen in weekend mass meetings at Glasgow and Liverpool in which a new front and all aid for Russia were de- manded. While an RAF commentator not- ed "definitely good results" in the American-British war upon Nazi sub- marines, Soviet strategists declared themselves not satisfied that the British air offensive against Europe was heavy enough to pull German troops from the Eastern Front. Board Awards Wage Increase 'Little Steel Case' Verdict Sets War Precedent By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 15.-An au- thoritative source said tonight that the War Labor Board has awarded a wage increase of 44 cents a day in the "little steel case" instead of the $1 asked by the CIO United Steel Workers. The decision was regarded gener- ally as a keystone in the wartime in- dustrial wage structure. The employer members joined with the public members in the 8 to 4 vote, according to the authoritative source, who declined to be quoted by name. Labor members served notice they would file a dissenting report. The board also awarded union se- curity in the form of a maintenance of membership clause and company checkoff of union dues. A minimum daily wage guarantee asked in the case of two companies also was granted. The two other companies in the case already have that guarantee in effect. The case directly affects about 157,000 employes of Bethlehem, Re- public and Inland Steel and Youngs- town Sheet and Tube companies, but it is generally believed that the wage will be applied to about 400,000 oth- er workers throughout the steel in- dustry. It will have an immediate bearing upon the $1 a day wage de- mands of about 400,000 automobile plant workers whose cases are now before the Board. Murray Says Henderson Wants Wage-Fixing Power PITTSBURGH, July 15.-(A)-CIO President Philip Murray today de- clared Leon Henderson, Federal Price Administrator, was seeking to take over wage fixing powers from the War Labor Board and warned labor has "not yet given up its power to bargain for a fair living pay." The assertion was made to news- Toward Stalingrad, Soviet Defense Near DOn Nazis Drive Soviets Back All Along Front GORKI RUSSIA VYAZMA MoscowO 200 - ESSTATUTE MILES - KAW"GA KU BYSH E VORONEZH =KURSK -_ . SARATOY BELGORD OSKOL POVORINO ??KHARKOV OSOSHR KUPYANSK -- BOGUCHAR - ANTEMIR~/KA LttCHA KSTALINGRAD - -- -.....-O4ROVSK 0 4x TAGANRO(4 ROSTOV ASTRAKHJ-AN See °f Azov K .RCH Caspian Sea SEVASTOPOL Black SeaF German troops have broken through Red Army positions in the Voronezh sector, Moscow said, and have forced Russian defenders to withdraw from Rzhev, Boguchar and Lisichansk. Black arrows repre- sent general directions, of main German thrusts and shaded area de- notes territory held by German forces. Open arrows .point to possible German moves from their new springboards-from Rzhev and Voron- ezh toward Moscow, from Boguchar in the Stalingrad direction, and from Lisichansk southward to outflank Rostov. Teaching Fellow Declares Self CDO®s I Sent To Civilian Camp Daniel Suits Says Stand Is Founded -On Religious Conviction Of War's Daniel B. Suits, a teaching fellow in the University economics depart- ment, has declared himself a con- scientious objector and is now in- terned in a civilian public service camp in Northern Michigan, it was learned here last night. He has been in the camp since last Friday. Suits is 24 years old and took his master's degree from the Univer- sity in 1941 after graduating as an economics major in 1940. He is not listed as a member of the summer faculty. Suits issued the following state- ment last night in a telephone con- versation with The Daily: "While it cannot be doubted by any thinking man that basic eco- nomic maladjustments in our present society bear a large part of the re- sponsibility for the national and in- ternational chaos which has charac- terized our recent past, I do not hold my position as a conscientious ob- jector on this basis. "I hold rather a religious convic- tion that war is a self-contradictory and inherently wrong social mani- festation. I believe that the only pos- sible solution to the problems that confront society are through active living in the keepings of Jesus. In short, I believe that when Jesus called upon man to renounce the use of violence at whatever cost to them- selves, he meant what he said. "Therefore, for me to take part in the present war would cause me to Sharp Nazi Prongs Slash Tear Inherent Wrongness act contrary to the principles for which Tesus lived, an action which I cannot in conformance with my conscience undertake." Suits was classified with a St. Louis, Mo., draft board and is now detailed to fire fighting with the state forest service. His wife will re- main in Ann Arbor. O.S.U. Prof. To Talk Today The place of Pan-Americanism in the post-war world will be discussed by Prof. Lawrence F. Hill of the his- tory department at Ohio State Uni- versity at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. . The damaging effects of the econ- omic-political system of protectorates established in the West Indian by the United States, the tariff and other economic stupidities and re-, cent Pan-American ventures-since Montivideo-will form the body of the University lecture on "Economic and the Future of Pan-American- ism." Special emphasis will be placed on the economic aspects of Pan-Ameri- canism, and Prgfessor Hill will make suggestions for unclogging commerce channels between Latin America and the United States. Russians Repulse Heavy Attacks On Voronezh; Wipe Out Tank Force Germans Bring Up Reserve Divisions By The Associated Press MOSCOW, July 16, (Thursday).- Two German columns driving in sep- arate sectors toward the steel city of Stalingrad have forced Russian troops to evacuate the towns of Bo- guchar, on the Don River in the north, and Millerovo, on the Mos- cow-Rostov railway supply line and only 175 miles from Stalingrad, the Russian High Command reported early today. On the northern limits of the bat- lefront, Soviet troops fought. off a, renewed series of German attacks gainst Voronezh, the midnight com- munique said. There were no ma- terial changes in other sectors of the long fighting line. The official Russian press mean- while warned that the "menace is great" on the approaches of the Cau- casus. Increased Ferocity Fighting in the Voronezh area is "developing with increased ferocity," the Russians said. ":A number of fortified positions have changed hands several times." Soviet troops, counter-attacking after German thrusts in several sec- tors, have forced Nazi tank and in- fantry units to withdraw with heavy losses. Several German reserve divisions have been rushed eastward from IFrance and Belgium, the communi- que said, to fill the gaps in the Rus- sian front caused by tremendous Nazi casualties. At .Voronezh, where the Germans - made their first great plunge south- eastward nearly two weeks ago, elev- enth-hour counter-attacks on the south side of the city pushed the Ger- mans back to the point where they crossed the Don, and on the north approaches the Russians stopped the upper arm of an encircling move- ment,athen threw the attackers into retreat. Attempted Encirclement The Germans had attempted the encirclement after their break- through west of the city, accomp- lished by large numbers of fresh troops and hundreds of tanks fol- lowed by automatic riflemen, had run into stubborn Red Army resistance. One important position west of Vo- ronezh, together with a forest, was reported recaptured in the Russian counter-attacks. Russian dispatches said also that the Third German Mo- torized Infantry Division, which ap- peared on the battlefield only yester- day, had been forced to withdraw, and was replaced by the new 168th Motorized Division. John Hunter Cut Seriously In Fall .ThroughWindow John Hunter, 20 years old of 3600 Geddes Road, was rushed to he Uni- versity Hospital at 11:15 last night after he fell through theplate glass window of the Western Union office, 122 E. Huron, and received serious cuts on both arms. Police said that Hunter and Peter Trosper, 17 years old, of 924 Baldt- wih, were scuffling over the use of a bicycle when Hunter was knocked through the large window, complete- ly shattering it. Earl Tuscany, a Mt. Clemens fire- man who was passing by, adminis- tered first aid to Hunter. It was Tus- cany's first case, as he had just com- pleted his first-aid course last week. Pro-Axis Papers Blasted In France VICHY, UNOCCUPIED FRANCE, July 15.-(A)-More demonstrations against pro-Axis elements in the oc- cupied zone were disclosed today as the Gestapo and the Vichy Govern- Petrillo Move To Ban Interlochen From Air Draws Angry Protests Kids Begin Tag Day Campaign For Fresh Air Camping Frolic Angry protests against cancella- tion of broadcasts from the Univer- sity's National Music Camp at Inter- lochen continued to roll in, yesterday from all parts of the country and to pile high on the desks of NBC offi- cials and James "Caesar" Petrillo, president of the American Federation of Musicians (AFL). Those registering their disapproval of Petrillo's contention that the mu- sic of teen-age high school students competes with professional musicians included youth groups, political or- ganizations, educators and musicians. What amounted to a nation-wide lo's union but oppose him, neverthe- less," Church said. Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, of the School of Music and director of the Inter- lochen Camp, yesterday renewed his request that the musician's union "more clearly" defne its stand on the controversy. In a telegram to Petrillo, Dr. Mad- dy denied that the broadcasts in their 12-year history had ever "deprived one musician of work." "The public has been generous in its moral support of unions and the principles of unionism, but education is close to the heart of American men Ninety of the luckiest underprivi- leged kids in the state of Michigan will appear on the streets of Ann Arbor tomorrow in the annual sum- mer Tag Day drive of the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp. Newly browned and fresh from what is for many their first expedi- tion to the world of camping, hik- ing, and communal living, the boys will attempt to collect $1,000-the goal set as the necessary sum for continuance of the work of the camp. "The work of the camp" is a phrase which takes in a world of activities, lems and interests, FAC often is of great importance in building useful lives for boys who might never oth- erwise have proper opportunities. Every year FAC is flooded with re- quests for attendance that they can- not fill because of limited funds, equipment, and space, but for al- most every request granted it re- ceives a leter of gratitude. War has increased rather than de- creased the duties of FAC, for moth- ers as well as fathers are now work- ing in factories, and are unable to give their children adequate care.