F IGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1942 U__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ __ __ ___ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ 07.4,r Alr4tgau Batty The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON { 'I 3- ii : . _. ~ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of ',Student Publications. The Summer Daily is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches' credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan,.as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00 by mail $5.00. REPRESRNTBD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Publishers Represensatiwe 420 MApisom Avg. NEW YORK. N. Y,- MCA" * BOSTON A OS AGELUS S SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander E . . .f. Managing Editor Will Sapp . . City Editor Mike Dahn . . Sports Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel Edward Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mnrtn T-i to Business Staff Bu e M age . . Associate Business Manager Publications Manager J ortonunterDITOR. . I. JFFE wa NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING' JAPPE . 1 The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers, only. I *1 . Sour Notes From "Caesar" Petrillo . . . T HE history of James C. Petrillo and his AFL musicians' union does not make pretty reading. For years supporters of the labor movement have fervently prayed that someone with the good of labor at heart would take over the cocky, self-anointed dictator's job. At the same time, reactionaries have con- stantly used "Caesar" Petrillo as, a starting ground for their general, anti-union diatribes. And at least a dozen times both sides have bit- terly declared that the most recent action of Petrillo's must be his last, that he has "gone just one step too far." Yet he is still in power and is still making the stupid, selfish, dictatorial moves that en- rage the decent, music-loving, public and provide more than ample fuel for the labor- baiters' fire. HI'FIRST ACTION was to announce that af- ter August 1 the Aperican Federation of Musicians will no longer make radio transcrip- tions and juke-box records. According to Petril- l's spokesman this means that after the present supply of records has worn out, juke-boxes will be empty. The reason given, of course, is that the "canned music" is too much competition for members of the musicians' union. The assertion is, in the first place, ridiculous, and even if it were not the manufacture of juke- box records should not be stopped now or at any time in the future unless the materials are needed for war purposes. Records of this kind afford too much inexpensive pleasure to the American people for one man to be able to do away with them merely becausq he so wills. PETRILLO'S second action of the week-his blocking of the season's first Interlochen. National Music Camp broadcast-was..even more stupid, more arrogant, more uncalled for than the other. The world-famous camp is attended by teen-age boys and girls and the symphony orchestra which has been organized each sum- mer for the past 12 years certainly does not compete with professional music. It does, how- ever, afford excellent training for the young musicians themselves and a.great deal of en- joyment for thousands of music lovers all over the country. But James "Caesar" Petrillo does not care about this.; The training and enjoyment is- of no importance to him. Nor does he care that his action has earned added enemies for the labor movement of which he is supposedly a leader. Dr.rJoseph E. Maddy of the University School of Music and president of the Interlochen camp, showed himself a master of understatement when he said, "To deprive music students of this inspiration seems to me unwise and destructive." He has appealed now, however,, to AFL President William Green for help in the fight against Petrillo. It is certainly time somebody did something. about this little man who thinks he can tell the music-lovers of America what they shall and what they shall not hear. It is time somebody started blasting and kept right on blasting until "Caesar" Petrillo no longer has anything to do WASHINGTON-At their regular weekly con- ference last week the President gave congres- sional leaders some important news on new moves he plans to head off inflation. They also got a sizzling earful as to what he thinks of the House farm bloc for sniping at the anti-inflation program. The President told his leaders that dhe was planning to order a nation-wide survey of prices, wages, savings, investments, installment buying and all other factors involved in the inflation picture, preparatory to asking Congress for addi- tional legislation. The survey, he said, will be made to find out "just where we stand," and will be conducted within the next two months by the Office of Price Administration and other government agencies. One anti-inflation step Congress will be asked to approve, the President said, will be the grant- ing of subsidies to manufacturers to enable them to keep within government price ceilings until such time as increased labor, transportation and raw material costs are adjusted. Subsidies have worked out well in England and Canada, the President explained, and have prevented many smaller concerns-caught in the middle of higher production costs and en- forced price ceilings-from being driven out of business. "What about wage stabilization?" one Con- gressional leader asked. "I think it is absolutely essential that wages in the higher brackets be frozen," FDR replied, adding that the War Labor Board soon would take some action in this direction. After denouncing the House farm bloc the President dropped some acid comments regard- ing the substitute Agriculture Department ap- propriation bill which banned the sale of gov- ernment grain stocks at below parity prices. Farm bloc Representative Clarence Cannon of Missouri and his cohorts had railroaded this through the House, and the President described it as an attempt to wipe out all controls on in- flation. "Had the Senate agreed to that bill," he warned, "I would have had no other course but to veto it." Mrs. Caraway's Champagne Navy men always hold their breath when a ship is christened. They have a superstition that if the bottle of champagne does not break, bad luck awaits the ship. So when demure Senator Hattie Caraway of Arkansas, only lady of the Senate, christened the submarine Sawbuck at Portsmouth, N. H.,;it was tactfully suggested that she take a few "practice strokes" with a wooden bottle. How- ever, when the big moment came, motherly Mrs. Caraway walked up to the bow of the Sawbuck and bashed the real bottle of champagne with such force that she doused both herself and Rear Admiral Thomas Withers. "Splendid!" commented Withers. "You're a lot stronger than I thought. Most women have to use both arms to break the bottle, and some- times they don't succeed." Note:-Mrs. Caraway's husband, Thad Cara- way, was one of the driest Senators of the pro- hibition era. Draft Dodgers? The battle over the CCC made the headlines, but it wasn't the only row at the closed-door meeting of the Senate and House conferees on TO THE EDITOR Orchids To Teachers To the Editor: LONG LIVE the public school teacher! From the time she appends her signature to a con- tract until she leaves to establish a home, or to die of old age, she is a servant of the public, and is bound to make good citizens of squirming, restless, sullen, undisciplined children. In this calloused age she and Walt Disney stand prac- tically alone, outside the clergy, in upholding a moral of any kind. When parents fail she succeeds, when she fails. the child fails.. There is no limit to- her services within a community. She .nurtures pa- triotism when others scoff at flag-waving; she plants the tiny seeds of culture, and she opens the eyes of the blind to the beauty of the written word, the humanism of the classics, and the brotherhood of foreign languages; to the impor- tance of past events, and to the mysteries of science. IHE SMELL of chalk dust and oiled floors, lead pencil shavings and crayons, and. of paper tablets and fresh printed books pleases her; the sound of shuffling feet, of rasping pen- cils and pens, of whispering, of laughter and shouts delights her; the sight of rosy cheeks, braids, curls, dimples, straightforward, trusting eyes, of determined chins, of rascality, stirs her deeply. If the drudgery of housework is not for her, what more exciting theatre for activity could she find than a classroom? LET no one pity or scorn her. The lines on her the $1,066,000,000 appropriation for the Labor Department and Federal Security Agency. There also was a hot blowup over a $7,500,000 item for $500-a-year government loans to stu- dents taking courses in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and other professions deemed essen- tial to the war effort. This proposal, sired by Dr. John W. Stude- baker, ambitious chief of the U.S. Office of Edu- cation, got a rough reception from Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire, Representa- tive Albert Engel of Michigan and others on the ground that it would encourage draft- dodging. Senator Richard Russell of Georgia, chief ad- vocate of the student loans, told the conferees: "I've got a brother I've been helping through college and I know what it costs. Most young fellows of draft age who are studying for pro- fessions are having to compress four years of study into three and give up summer vacations during which they used to get jobs to help finance their education. "That's one reason we need this money. An- other is, the Army and Navy have been taking so many of our professional men that we must make sure of a sufficient number after the war." , 'Hold on, Senator," broke in Engel. "Under the language of this bill as passed by the Sen- ate, a young man embarking on a medical course. will get $500 a year for seven years from the government, counting in three years of pre- medical training. Suppose the war is over three years from now. That young man can quit after completing his pre-medical course and there's nothing to stop him from switching to another field which isn't essential" "Yes, and he and many other students mean- time will have been deferred from the draft," added Bridges. "A lot of parents who want to keep their sons out of the war will capitalize on this. I don't think we ought to encourage draft- dodging." "Neither do I," retorted Russell. "You're mak- ing a mountain out of a mole hill. This appro- priation won't have any such effect." "I insist," replied Bridges stubbornly, "that if Congress approves this item in its present form, the government will be in the position of sub- sidizing draft-dodging. We will be deferring stu- dents and paying them at the same time. You can't tell me that there won't be some slackers among those who will get the loans." This argument proved effective. The loan fund was cut to $5,000,000 and loans were restricted to students in the last two years of college. Merry-GO-Round During the stormy closed-door hearing on his budget before the Senate Appropriations Com- mittee, Price Administrator Leon Henderson was bluntly told by several members that if he would dish out political jobs he could get the money he wants to avert ruinous wartime inflation . The Army now is inducting draftees at the rate of 15,000 a day - . The (4an te4 THIS is the story of a big, humorous, likeable guy named Harry Caswell who is now on the business end of an ack-ack gun somewhere in .the Pacific. Last spring he was the most promising pitcher on the freshman ball club. This year he was slated for a starting booth on the varsity-only Harry thought there was some- thing more important to do than play baseball, so he enlisted in the Army and took his spring training at Fort Custer. He had originally wanted to get in the Air Corps or one of the Naval officer training divi- sions. Being a good six-feet two or three, he fig- ured he ought to make a pretty good pilot or officer. But his eyes were bad, so the Navy didn't agree with him. A few minutes after he had been rejected- and he was still arguing with the doctor about it--he. watched a small, timid, far-from- powerful kid (with perfect eyesight) receive the stamp of approval. Somehow that didn't seem right, so Harry turned to the doctor again and pleaded, "Look, doc, if a hell of a big German was bearing down on -you with a bayonet, who would you rather have with you, me or - that?" The doctor admitted he had a point there, but the. Air Corps would rather have "that" and so Harry joined the Army-"It's all the same damn fight anyway." FEW DAYS AGO several old friends of Har- ry's--including John Allison, his high school ec teacher and a swell guy himself-were watch- ing a ball game at Sportsman's Park where Harry used to burn up the local leagues. Some wiseacre a few rows up in the stands leaned down and sort of leered (as though Harry had struck him out some time on three pitched DAILY OFFICIAL ULLETIN WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1942 VOL. LIL No. 21-S All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices Blackout Notice July 16th, 10:28 P.M. Due to an official test blackout for the City of Ann Arbor scheduled for the period of 10:28 p~m. to 10:45 p.m. on July 16th all persons using University buildings during this time must extinguish or blackout lights at the sounding of the air raid alarms in the rooms they are occu- pying and adjacent hallways or pub- lic spaces. Univ. Plant & Personnel Protec- tion Comm., L. Gram, Chairman. The Storehouse Building will act as a receiving center for scrap rub- ber and also metals. Any depart- ment on the Campus having metals or rubber to dispose of for defense purposes, please call Ext. 337 or 317 and the materials will be picked up by the trucks which make regular campus deliveries. Service of the janitors is available to collect the materials from the various rooms in the buildings to be delivered to the receiving location. E. C. Pardon Notice to Property Owners: If you have purchased improved property on a land contract and owe a bal- ance in the proximity of 60 per cent of the value of the property, the In- vestment Office, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to dis- cuss the possibilities of refinancing your contract through the medium of a mortgage. There are advan- tages to be had in this manner of financing. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing Unted States Civil Service Ex- aminations. Last dates for filing ap- plications is noted in each case. Priorty Analysts in metal field, $3,200 to $3,800, July 17, 1942. Associate Producton Specialist with Maritime Commission, $3,200, July 19, 1942. Economists thoroughly grounded in Iron and Steel trade knowledge, $3,200 to $4,600, no date given.. Market Analysist, $2,600 to $6,500, no date given. Marine Engineers, $2,600 to $5,600, until further notice.I Naval Architects, $2,600 to $5,600, until further notice. Attorney, $2,000 to $3,200, August 21, 1942. Law Clerk Trainee, $1,800, August 21, 1942. Law graduates and senior students: Applications for the two positions listed above will be accepted from persons who are not members of the bar, but who have completed all aca- demic requirements for a bachelor's or higher degree in a recognized law school. Applications will not be ac- cepted from such person if they have failed a bar examination following the completion of the regular, law course unless they have subsequent- ly passed such an examination. Min- imum experience requirements for the position of attorney range from 18 months to one 'year or less. Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of. Appointments and Occupational Information The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing' Detroit. Civil Service Exam- inations. Closing date for filing ap- plications is -shown in each case. Medical Attendant (Female), $1,- 320, July 13, 1942. Building Attendant (Male), $1,518, July 13, 1942. General Machinist (Male), $1.25 per hr., July 14, 1942. Guard (House of Correction),. (male), $1,914, July 14, 1942. First Cook (Male), $2,300, July 17, 1942. Second Cook (Male), $2,000, July 17, 1942. Motorman (Male), .79 to .84 per hr., until further notice. Communicable Disease Nurse (Fe- male), $1,980, until further notice. General Staff Nurse, Relief, Fe- male, $1,848, until further notice.' Further information may be had from the notices which are on file, in the office of the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information A ccademic Notices Students, Summer Session College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circum- stances courses dropped after the third week, Saturday, July 18, will be recorded with a grade of E. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean +(XA ~i . ' ...i.,: l,. U.1 S. Put. Off .Al lII R e . a ,..f',. -. GRIN AND BEAR IT, their school with Room 4 U.H., where it will be transmitted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar H.M.S. Pinafore. All singers on campus are invited to try out for this operetta, to be presented jointly by the School of Music and the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech. Any selec- tion may be presented but please bring music. Accompanists will be present. Tryouts will be held tonight at 7:15, and tomorrow, Thursday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30 in Suite 2 of the Michigan League Building. Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: The five- week freshman reports will be due Saturday, July 18, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors. Doctoral Examination for Morris Greenhut; field: English Language and Literature; thesis: "The Liter- ary Criticism of George Henry Lewes," will be held on Wednesday, July 15, in 3223 Angell Hall, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman, W. G. Rice.- By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may e vitetembers of the faculties and advanced doctor- al candidates to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet Thursday, July 16 in Room 122 Chemistry Building at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Elizabeth Rona will speak on "Radioactivity of the Ocean." All interested are invited. Women Students wishing to elect classes in Archery, Badminton, Body Conditioning, Elementary and Inter- mediate Tennis, Golf, Elementary Swimming, and Tap Dancing are urged to register in Room 15, Bar- bour Gymnasium this week. No reg- istrations will be taken after this week.- Department of Physical Ed. for Women. Lectures "A Professionally Competent Tea- cher for Every Classroom: Can We Have It?" a Lecture by A. V. Overn, Professor Education, University of North Dakota. Time: Wednesday, July 15, at 4:05 p.m. in the Univer- sity High School. "The Need for Group Psychological Securities for Growing Youth," a Lecture by Fritz Redl, Associate Pro- fessor of Social Service Adminis- tration, Wayne University, Thurs- day, July 16th at 4:05 p.m. in the University High School. "Economics and the Future of Pan- Americanism" is the subject of Pro- fessor Lawrence F. Hill's lecture on Thursday afternoon at 4:15 in the Rackham Amphitheatre. This is one of the regular Thursday afternoon lectures arranged for the Summer Session. The public is invited. An A.I.Ch.E. meeting will be held Thursday, July 16 at 7:30 p.m. in room 1042 East Engineering Build- ing. The speaker will be Mr. Brown- ell of our Chemical Engineering De- partment and he will speak on "The Bread Industry and Chemical En- gineering." Refreshments will be served. Biological Chemistry Lectures: Doctor Roger J. Williams, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Texas, will deliver a series of lec- tures on The Vitamins of the B Com- By Lichty , C. ,4. j,. "Even if the bridge is in your home district, Senator, I don't think you should take credit for it in your campaign speeches!" Y, Russian Tea Room. Michigan League. Miss Eunice Wead. Associate Profes- sor of Library Sceince, will speak on "What Librarians are Doing for the War Effort." Come and bring your friends. Speech Students: At the weekly departmental assembly at 3 p.m. Wednesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Professor-Emeritus Thom- as C. Trueblood will speak on "A Panorama of World Oratory with Special Reference to Wendell Phil- lips." All Speech students should at- tend. Graduate Student Coffee Hour, All students and faculty are invited to attend the weekly Graduate Student Coffee hours at 4:30-6:30 p.m. Wed- nesday in the Rackham Building.. Episcopal Students: Tea will be served for Episcopal students and their friends at Harris Hall this after- noon, 4:00 to 5:15. Evening prayer will be said at 5:15 in Bishop Wil- liams Chapel; Jim Terrell will lead the service. 7:00 p.m. Students of the Disciples Guild and their friends will meet at the Disciples Guild House, 438 May- nard Street, for a one hour discus- sion of the subject, "Religious Faith For k a Time of Crisis." Mr. H. L. Pickerill will lead the diussion. Men's Education Club will meet at 7:15 p.m., Wednesday, July 15th at the Michigan Union. The speaker will be Dr. S. M. Brownell of. the School of Education. His subject will be "In Service Training and Guidance." Mark Bills of the School of Music will sing. Polonia Society: There will be a meeting of the society this evening at 7:30 at the International Center. All members of the society are urged to attend. Others interested are wel- come. Inter-Racial Association 'presents Rev. Horace White of Detroit who will speak on Fifth Column Activities Against theNegro. The meeting will be held at 8:00 o'clock Wednesday,. July 15th, at the Union. All inter- ested people are urged to attend. All Students interested ih Educa- tion are invited to attend the School of Education Frolic to be held at the Women's Athletic Building, July 15, 8-11 p.m. Come and bring your friends. "Thunder Rock," second offering of the current series of plays being given by the Michigan Repertery Players of the department of speech, opens tonight at 8:30 and will run for four performances, through Sat- urday night. Tickets are on sale daily at the box office, Mendelssohn Theatre, Coming Events Episcopal Students: There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 7:10 Thursday morning in Bish- op Williams Chapel, Harris Hall. Breakfast will be served after the service. Graduate Council will meet at 5 p.m.. Thursday in the East Lecture Room of the Rackhai Building.tR Pi Lambda Theta: Guest recep- tion Thursday evening at 7:30 in the West Conference Room of the Rack ham Building. Notice change in time. Important meeting, Everyone is urged to come. ,l 'ki I #1 i. Professor Mentor Williams, Profes- sor Jesse E. Thornton McFloyd Bond, and Homer Swander will hold a pan- l'