Weather Showers And Cooler Y r e Official Publication Of The Summer Session ~Iatix Editoria In Appreciation To Dr. Ruthven.. VOL. LL No. 21 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Steady Progress' Against Russians Claimed ByNazis Soviet Troops Put Up Stiff Resistance, Berlin Communique Admits (By The Associated Press) BERLIN, July 24.-Steady progress in the face of stiff resistance and despite bad roads-this was the German summary tonight of the war against Russia. The Eastern campaign was called a methodical working out of a care- fully-arranged, plan. The Germans admitted readily the Russians were putting up the stiffest kind of defense, but at the same time it was asserted tough opposition had been foreseen. Motorized detachments of the German forces were slowed up by bad road conditions, especially in the Kiev area, but it was stated this too had been taken into account. German panzer units fighting fiercely toward Moscow were almost 100 miles ahead of infantry forces in the Smolensk area still clashing in close fighting with masses of Russian troops split by the Nazi spearheads. The Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung said the fighting front in this sector was more than 95 miles deep. Cloudbursts were declared to have turned the highways into muddy handicaps to. German trucks, heavy artillery and other equipment of a modern war machine. More German bombs were dropped on Moscow, Odessa, the Soviet Black Sea port and naval base, and on the central sector of the front in the region of Smolensk, main gateway from the west to the Russian capital. In the west the German air force was doing its utmost to bring the British air force offensive to a standstill. The high command exultantly pro- claimed 54 British planes were brought down in a few hours yes- terday while they attempted to at- tack the channel coast by daylight. The RAF thus "suffered one of its worst defeats," the communique said. It acknowledged loss of three German planes in the clash. DNB, official German news agen- cy, said 23 more British craftwere German plane missing. , downed today at a cost of only one (British sources in London, al- though admitting the German oppo- sition Wednesday was the strongest yet encountered, declared their an- nounpement of 15 planes lost against 11 German planes destroyed "tells the whole story.") * * Soviet Armies Cling To Battle Positions (By The Associated Press) MOSCOW, July 24.-The Red Arm- ies were declared to be clinging today to unbreached batttle positions, on the right, left and center after 33 days of unending German assault against which the defense, for the Russian people, has taken on the quality of an epic. Soviet troops by official account still stood substantially where they stood 10 days ago, and thus the sec- ondiNazi offensive was pictured as ending in failure. Failing, too, the Soviet Government claimed, were the nightly Nazi air raids on this capital. German air- men struck last night and early to- day in the third consecutive raid, but again it Was declared there was no military damage. The windows of two sides of the residence of United States Ambassa- dor Laurence Stenhardt were smashed by a bomb. Rome Claims Four British Vessels Sunk (By The Associated Press) ROME, July 24.-Four British ships -two merchant vessels aggregating 25,000 tons, a destroyer and an "un- specified unit"-have been sent to the bottom of the central Mediterranean by Italian bombers and motor torpe- do boats in the first heavy naval action for Fascist forces since Crete, the High Command announced to- day. It was a long bloody and running attack beginning at dawn yesterday and ending in the night, the Italian communisue said, against a strongly- protected British convoy steaming eastward presumably with supplies for the British Army of the Nile. Seven British planes were declared shot down against the acknowledged loss of three Italian planes. All Italian ships participating, it was, added, "succeeded in ~getting away and returned to their bases with very slight damage." This was the full score claimed: Sunk-by aerial torpedoes-a 15,- 000 ton steamer and a 10,000 ton steamer, the latter laden with ex- plosives. Sunk by torpedo boats-a destroyer and "a large unspecified unit." Bombed and damaged-a British battleship, cruiser, destroyer, heavy steamer, and "another unspecified unit." Torpedoed and damaged-a 10,000- ton cruiser of the Southampton type and an 8,000-ton cruiser. Revelli Will Conduct Concert Tomorrow The combined forces of the High School Cliniceand Summer Session Bands will offer a concert at 7 p.m. tomorrow at Ferry Field under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli, Morton Gould, Dale Harris and Cleo Fox. Mr. Gould, who is spending several days in Ann Arbor as a guest instruc- tor, will lead the bands in four of his own compositions, "Pavanne," "Tropical," "Deserted Ballroom" and "Cowboy Rhapsody." At the present time Mr. Gould is conductor of the Mutual Broadcasting Symphony and is known as one of the nation's lead- ing young composers. Discussion Stage Is Set For Parley 'Pattern For Democracy' To Be Topic Of Forums For Students, Faculty Expressing the theme of a "Pat- tern For Democracy-Today and To- morrow," the third annual Summer Parley will open its two-day session today at 3:30 p.m. in the Union North Lounge. With Prof. Arthur Smithies of the economics department delivering the keynote address, the Parley offers four discussion panels open to all students and faculty members in addition to the general sessions today and to- morrow. "Democracy After the War," "Eco- nomic Problems of Defense," "The 'Four Freedoms' at Home" and "Edu- cation in a Time of Crisis," will be the panel topics. These discussion groups are scheduled to meet tomor- row at 2:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. Panel leaders, as announced by Parley Chairman Bill Ditz, are A. P. Blaustein, Karl Kessler, Joseph A. Yager and James Duesneberry. Al- though specially designated faculty members will be present at each pane,l there will be no students singled out to "lead" the discussions. Presiding over the Parley's opening and closing sessions will be Harold Guetzkow, who has also been named to deliver the summarizing address Saturday at 9 p.m. Guetzkow is one of the three student members of the Board in Control of Student Publi- cations. The Summer Parley is a continua- tion of the "round-table" discussions sponsored throughout the year by the Student Senate. Its avowed purpose is to provide a meeting ground for faculty and student opinion "unham- pered by classroom conventions." Excursionists For Sixth Trip Must Register Deadline For Cranbrook Journey To Be TodAy; Expenses To Be $1.25 Students wishing to make the sixth University excursion, a trip to the Cranbrook Foundation schools in Bloomfield Hills, must register by 5 p.m. today in Room 1213 Angell Hall. The excursion will take place to- morrow, busses leaving from the front of Angell Hall at 8:30 a.m. and re- turning to Ann Arbor at 3:30 p.m. the same afternoon. Expenses will be $1.25 for round trip bus fare. At Cranbrook, the party will see the schools, the Academy of Arts, the Institute of Science, Christ Church, and, in addition, the athletic plant. All the buildings on the estate are noted for their fine architectural features, and placed in settings which add to their distinction. Gardens, fountains and statuary are placed throughout the grounds, adding much to what has been described as the finest group of private schools in the Middle West." The party will lunch at Devon Gables Tea Room, for which a cost of forty-five cents has been esti- mated to be sufficient. The seventh excursion of the Sum- mer Session, scheduled for Wednes- day, July 30, will be a return trip to Greenfield Village for those who were unable to come on the first trip two weeks ago. The Summer Session excursions are offered to students of the Univer- sity at a cost to cover expenses only. Venezuelan Film Will Be Presented Moving pictures of Venezuelan scenery and customs will be presented for members of the French round table of the International Center at 8 p.m. today in the recreation room of the Center. The films will be shown by Miss Belen SanJuan, a member of the Venezuelan delegation to the Latin- American Summer Session having its headquarters at the Center. Miss SanJuan is a teacher of pedagogy in the Teachers College at Caracas. A talk in French explaining the pictures will be given by Dr. Roberto Henriquez, also a member of the Ven- ezuelan delegation to the Latin- Amur ran .iimm r Rpsr ion. I-l Kato, Darlan Confer At Hanoi To Plan For Army Bases Ships Occupy Strategic Base (By The Associated Press) VICHY, France, July 24-French Indo-China will be placed under the armed protection of Japan as the dominant power in the Orient, ac- cording to an agreement in principle announced today. Negotiations were shifted tempor- arily from Vichy to Hanoi, capital of the French colony,, where technical details on bases for; Japan were to be worked out, but in late afternoon contact was resumed here between the Japanese ambassador, Sotomatsu Kato, and' France's vice-premier- foreign minister, Admiral eJan Dar- lan. It had been understood any details worked out at Hanoi would be re- ferred back to Vichy for a final understanding. It was emphasized that nothing had been signed yet and that the accord in its present tentative form preserved French sov- ereignty in Indo-China. An official spokesman declared at the afternoon press conference that Japan had taken the initiative in opening conversations on Indo-China and that the French had accepted the Japanese viewpoint, It is represented here that the scarcity of French troops following the border war with neighboring Thailand and the impossibility of supplying even these forces had led the French to consider proposals that Japan be given military facilities for defense of Indo-China. There had been no Japanese pres- sure or French solicitation, but mere- ly a mutual agreement, the French added. :x =x = Where Japanese May Move Next .. . .. . ... . ... . * - ENTSIN ... 0JAPAN V E L1, Y Y4 CHINA NANKING ?!_ HANKOW / SHANGHAI -t ~~*--------G--- BU)RMA- SROAD ........... AMo~ OOCHOW CANTON A PACIFIC GON - OCEAN S:R....N GA ORO NEW lDS EAT IN-D--- 4 A ::::::::: ::::.:.......................,....,......,.. Current and prospective Japanese movements in the Far East are shown on the map above. Arrows point to Indo-Chinese objectives and indicate possible advances on Dutch possessions in the East Indies. Shaded area represents Japanese penetration of China. Japanese Troops Are Fighting * *C For Peruvians, Ecuador Claims QUITO, Ecuador, July 24.-(IP)-Opaper dispatches as indicating that At least 3,000 Japanese soldiers have Japanese troops made up the entire been seen in the Peruvian front lines Peruvian advance guard. by an Ecuadorean officer, the gov- The second communique said Peru- ernent of Ecuador stated tonight vian planes twice bombed the Ecua- in one of two official bulletins telling dorean naval cutter Atahualipa with- of continued and intense fighting out success and bombed the town of along the disputed and undefined Santa Rosa without damage. Peruvian-Ecuadorean border. On the ground, Ecuadorean troops The government also quoted news- were declared to be holding their Hipositions in heavy, fighting. (Peru has a large number of Lab Theatre Japanese residents. Those born there automatically become Peruvian citi- W ill P esent zens and presumably eligible for W ill ure ent military service.) FDR Hints Embargo May Be Imposed On Oil Shipments Welles Attacks Nippon's Action WASHINGTON, July 24. -(P)- Branding Japan's move in French In- do-China as a threat to American security and a step toward further conquest, the United States hinted at strong counter-measures today and warned Tokyo against a drive on Singapore, the Netherlands East In- dies and the Philippines. From President Roosevelt himself came some plain-talking about why the United States had not heretofore shut off all oil shipments to Japan- all in the past tense. Policy Has Kept Japan Out He told a civilian defense group bluntly that this policy was designed to make it unnecessary for Japan to go down to the East Indies for oil- and the President said "it has worked for two years," thus keeping war out of the Pacific. But from his past-tense discussion of American methods in seeking to keep peace in the South Pacific, some observers drew the inference the President now might be ready to im- pose a full embargo on oil shipments to Japan and take other strong eco- nomic measures. His informal remarks followed a blistering attack on Japan by Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of State, which also appeared to mark the end of American conciliation efforts and the adoption of a -still firmer stand in the Pacific. Welles Indcts Japan Welles declared Japanese occupa- tion of military and naval bases in French Indo-China was primarily in preparation for "more obvious move- ments of conquest in adjacent areas." The Japanese move, he said, threat- ened sources of American defense ma- terials, endangered the safety of other areas of the Pacific, including the Philippine Islands, . and bears "directly upon the vital problem of our national security." Welles disclosed he had used simi- lar language in denouncing Japan to the Japanese Ambassador, Admiral Kichisaburo Nomura, in their thirty- minute conference yesterday. Sees Better Relations The Ambassador had come out of the conference smiling, asserting they had approached the Indo-China pro- blem largely from the Japanese side and expressing the hope relations with the United States would get "better and better." This hope seemed ill-founded as Welles read his strongly-worded pro- nouncement to a large assembly of re- porters, including four Japanese, a German, French, British, Chinese and other foreign representatives. Japanese warships arrived off two strategic Indo-China points-Cam- ranh Bay and Cape St. Jacques-and 12 transports were reported en route to Saigon. United States Hints At Reprisals For Tokyo's Move On Indo-China; JaDan Plans To 'Protect' Colony Japanese Seen Off Warships In do-China (By The Associated Press) SAIGON, French Indo-China, July 25.-Japanese warships were re- ported off the coast of southern French Indo-China tonight and 12 Japanese troop transports were said to be on their way here as Japan followed up quickly French accept- ance of its demands for new mili- tary concessions in the colony. Although spokesmen for the Vichy government declared the French had acted "for protection of Indo-China," the general reaction here was that the agreement amounted to com- plete taking over of the strategically- located colony by Japan. Well informed sources reported Japanese warships had appeared off Camranh Bay, Tokyo Shifts Spotlight Toward Thailand, (By The Associated Press) TOKYO, July 25.-The Japanese foreign office organ, which only yes- terday .was urging that Japan as- sume protection of French Indo- China, dropped that subject today as if it were already settled and di- rected its attention in strongly simi- lar vein toward the little kingdom of Thailand. The organ, the English-language Japan Times and Advertiser, accused Britain of attempting to "disrupt the good relationship which has de- veloped between Japan and Thai- land" and declared Thailand needed external support and internal con- solidation against such a threat. League 'Melon Cut Will Be Held Today Christian Truths Can Preserve Democracy, Mathews Declares One-Act Plays, A program of one-act plays will be presented by the Laboratory Theatre of the speech department under the direction of Hugh Norton at 3:15 p.m. today at the Pattengill Auditorium in Ann Arbor High School. The Laboratory Theatre is designed to provide additional opportunities for student actors, directors, design- ers and technical workers. All the work on production is done by stu- dents under the direction of Mr. Nor- ton. Student directors for today's productions are Betty Bartlett, Vir- ginia Whitworth and Fay Goldner. Jack E. Bender is technical direc- tor, and June Madison is costumiere. Dorothy Hanson is set designer. Oth- er members of the staff are David Goldman, Terry Finch, Vera Russell, Jarvis Wotring, Archie Thomas and Dorothy Haydel. Appearing in the casts will be Yvonne Kwoczalla, Naomi Griefer, Tom Sawyer, Clara Gehringer, Rob- ert Reifsneider, Margaret Cotton, Frederick Nelson, Dorothy Durkee, Aurelia Panfil, William Cady, Veitch Purdom, Doroty Durkee, Margaret Keener and Madeleine Rupp. The Secondary School Theatre of the speech department under the direction of Nancy Bowman will also present a bill of one-act plays at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the Pattengill Audi- torium in Ann Arbor High School. Both performances are free of charge and open to the public. McFarland, Oxhandler Star In Hellman Play Ada McFarland and Norman Ox- S * Peru Denies Ecuador's Claims LIMA, Peru, July 24.-(AP)-A high official of the Peruvian foreign of- fice tonight declared an official Ecuadorean assertion that Japanese officers and troops were fighting with the Peruvian army on the northern boundary was "laughable, ridiculous and contemptible." "The story, spreading Ecuadorean propaganda and asserting there are 3,000 Japanese soldiers fighting against Ecuador, almost does not de- serve comment," the official de- clared. By BARBARA JENSWOLD < "Democracy's sole certainty of not only surviving the present situation but of achieving world-wide accept- ance lies in loyalty to those inde- structible truths which find their full expression in Christianity," declared Prof. Basil Mathews, professor of Christian world relations at Boston University and the Andover-Newton Theological Institute, yesterday in. the Rackham Building in the final talk before members of the Confer- ence on Religion, on the subject "Christianity in a World at War." Criticising our existing economic system in the democratic countries as "tragically pagan in many, aspects when placed under the scrutiny of the Christian conscience," Professor * " go far deeper than the governmental differences between dictators and 1 democrats." Professor Mathews paralleled the Nazi doctrines relating to religion, and Christianity, to show that the doc- trine of absolute race domination by the German Reich contradicts abso- ultely the truths of Christianity about race freedom and justice. The Nazi conversion of Germany made her on- l findent and a world-power but has set her will-to-power in hostility to the freedom of the democracies of the world. In spite of the attitudes taken by the governments in Germany, in Rus- s sia, this year the Bible is the best s seller in the former country, and a f recent census in Russia containing a question about religious affiliation brought forth news of such a great Two-Day Scouting Institute To Open In Ann Arbor Today Scout leaders from the entire state * ing movement, Mr. Carlson will talk will convene here today and tomor- on the plan of the- Institute, and Mr. row for the Scouting Institute of the Reusch on "Scouting in the Present University of Michigan, to be held at Crisis." The talks will be given from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation under 10 to 11 a.m. in the Kellogg Insti- the sponsorship of the University tute Auditorium. Extension Service. At 11:15 a.m. a community sing will The program of the two day meet- be held under the direction of Ken- ing has been designed especially for neth Jewell, and at 11:30 Mr. Carl- lay and professional men interested son will discuss "Personal Procedures in the scouting movement, and will in Scouting." be devoted to lectures and discus- At 2 p.m. a general meeting on sions on current problems involved in "The Local Council: Its Organiation handling boys of scout age. and Function" will be held. Walter The Institute is a part of the Uni- McPeek of Ann Arbor will preside. versity's program in fostering scout- The group will journey to Camp ing in the state of Michigan. The Howell, the new camp of the Detroit University has agreed with the Boy Council, at 4 p.m. today. At 6:30 p.m. Scouts of America to serve as spon- a dinner will be held in the Michigan sors for the scout movement through- Union. J. Herbert Saum, Scout Ex- out the state. ecutive, Valley Trails Council, will Registration for the Institute will speak on "Purposes, Objectives, and ......... Mthods of C'arnin'a. League Council is counting on Mis- sourians to call off their supposed jinx of the weather today so the tradi- tional watermelon cut, postponed last week, can be held in the League Gar- den preceding the dance in the ball- room. Students from Missouri, disappoint-