0 TWO THE MICHIGAN fDAILY TUESDAY, JUDY 2, 1941 +-TUESDAY. vULY 22. 1av a ca THE MICHIGAN DAILY -I Daily Calendar of Events Tuesday, July 22 - . . ' -f 2:30-4:00 4:05 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8,:30 p.m. p.m. "Religious Education Forum," Rackham Building, East Conference Room. Lecture. "Trends In Teacher Education," E. J. Ashbaugh, Dean of the School of Education, Miami University. (University High School Audi- torium.) Lecture. "The State In War." Max Lerner, Professor of Political Science, Williams College. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) Beginners' Class in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League.) Anyone wishing to play is invited. Come with or without partners. Concert, by the faculty of the School of Music. (Hill Auditorium.) Enid Szantho, Contralto; John Kollen, Accompanist; Arthur Hackett, Tenor; Joseph Brinkman, Accompanist. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Puliished every morning except Monday during the University year and Bummer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. AWR$E.NTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIAO140 9V National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISoN AVE. NEW YosK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON . Los ANELSS * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 i Washington Merry-Go-Round By y' DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN. f Managing Editor City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Staf f Karl Kessler Harry M. Kelsey .William Baker Eugene Mandeberg Albert. Blaustein .Barbara Jenswold Business Staff Business Manager..........Daniel H. Huyett Local AdvertisingrManager . . Fred M. Ginsberg Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin NIGHT EDITOR: ALBERT P. BLAUSTEIN I The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Gov. Talmadge And Educatio .. . H E'S GONNA GIT them aliens ... who ain't got Georgy blood." So runs a piece of verse which is taking Georgia, one of the supposedly United States, by storm. And in such a spirit did Gov. Eugene Talmadge, with power vested in him by the people of his state, dismiss Iowa-born Walter Cocking, dean of the College of Education at the University of Georgia. It was in spite of the sarcastic verses men- tioned, which originated from the pen of a Macon Telegraph writer, and in spite of ridicule expressed by the citizens of the state, that ten of Georgia's 15 regents voted in favor of Tal- madge's move. Reason for the move, as the governor stated, is that Cocking openly ex- pressed his hope that white and Negro teachers might study together at a proposed graduate school, to be located near Athens, Ga. BUT underlying this, perhaps in a measure resulting from attitude taken by men of Cocking's mettle, is the campaign throughout the state to purge all "foreigners," people born outside of Georgia. Suppose Negroes and whites alike are against ideas like Cocking's. Even in this case, is there a reason for such superior notions as the driving out of non-Georgians? Education is-aimed at broadening the human being and preparing him for a useful and satis- fying life. One of the most effective means of realizing this aim is hearing and reading the views of others who have had experiences differ- ent from those of the hearer and reader. People living together in a limited experience tend to center their views upon a common point-indi- vidual opinion become mass opinion. THE ONLY ESCAPE from this narrowing of experience is to introduce ideas from the outside. And one of the means which has made this interchange so notably present in our coun- try is the ease with which travel and migration are accomplished within the thousands of square miles in the United States. When this free move of population is hampered, the loss is reflected on the populace. The views of one man cannot work wonders unless he is in a position to put these views into play through legislation or other means. Cock- ing, then, would have to have tremendous popu- lar support to alter traditional educational or- ganization in Georgia against a strong adminis- tration. UNLESS he and others like him have this sup- port in reality, the governor would have nothing to fear from these men, and there would be no visual reason for ousting them from re- sponsible positions. It would seem from this reasoning that men who favor equalizing Negro and white education have considerable support, for the governor to fear them so. Aside from this point, there is the question of digging a moat on the boundaries of a single state within a union of states. In the midst of one of the most concerted moves our country has ever undertaken, when it is so important for every citizen in the country to offer his coopera- tion in the defense drive, it is somewhat of a calamity when this one state initiates a minor civil war. If the "foreigners" had unmistakably caused a labor problem like that which Califor- nia has experienced, there might have been a r~~cy . ramafzcroC mrinn WASHINGTON-Out of 26 major "incidents of damage" in defense plants last month, Mili- tary Intelligence authorities have evidence that fourteen were caused by sabotage. The other twelve were accidents. Of the fourteen sabotage cases, four were fires and ten were mechanical damage. Two are attributed to Communists; the others to Nazi agents. There is no indication that Com- munists and Nazis worked together. Since the outbreak of the Russo-German war, the Communist Party line has somersaulted. The current dictum is, no interference with de- fense output. It is significant that since the Nazi attack on the Soviets there has been a sharp decline in strikes. However, Intelligence agents report that the Party has made no change in its policy of propa- gandizing soldiers and sailors. This is being pushed as vigorously as before, although with little success. In fact, Party generals are so dissatisfied with results that they recently or- dei'ed unions dominated by Communists to help their campaign by offering their halls as soldier recreation centers. Japanese Consulates Another significant development in subversive influences relates to the Japanese. Since the expulsion of the Nazi and Italian consulates, Intelligence officers have found that the Japanese consulates in Los Angeles and Seattle have become the chief clearing houses for espionage on the West Coast. Japanese resi- dents are sending in a constant stream of re- ports on airplane production, ship movements and other military information. The recent arrest of two Japanese spies in Los Angeles caused a flurry in Japanese quarters, and a number of Japanese rushed to Washing- ton, apparently to place themselves under the protection of their embassy. Others hot-footed for Mexico, which may mean they are planning to shift spy headquarters to Mexico City. Note-Falange Espanola de Panama, Fascist organization among Spanish residents in Pan- ama, is threatening those who refuse to join with loss of business permits. The organization claims to have the assurance of the Panamanian gov- ernment that they will be protected against U.S. interference. Cordell Hull's New Home Secretary of State Hull, who suffered from nervous exhaustion about the time the Robin Moor was sunk, is now back on the job after more than a month of illness. Returning from a rest at White Sulphur Springs, he walked into one of the most elaborate and comfortable apartments in the entire Capital. He and Mrs. Hull, who live alone, recently have moved from the Carlton Hotel, where they spent the first eight years, into a 14-room apartment in the Wardman Park Hotel. It occupies the entire wing of the hotel's fourth floor, and com- mands a view of Rocky Creek and across the entire town to the Capitol. The great living room measures 50 by 22 feet, and the dining room is large enough to seat 18 persons. The walls of the library, w'iich Mrs. Hull calls "The Judge's workshop," are covered with autographed photographs of notables Hull has known personally in his long career. (He is approaching his 70th birthday.) The new quarters have revived Mrs. Hull's enthusiasm for official life. She repeatedly used to tell friends she wanted the Secretary to re- sign. But the other day, after showing a diplo- matic friend through the new apartment, she said with a cheery smile, "Now, we have decided not to resign!" Note-The pantry is stocked with home grown foodstuffs and preserves from down in Tennes- see, for the delectation of the Secretary. Goering's Amusements Many stories about Marshal Goering, No. 2 Nazi now reportedly in disgrace, have come out of Paris since the fall of France. One describes him as frequenting the Paris cafes nightly, al- ways bringing a huge roll of both French and German money, and spending 100,000 francs in a single evening. A more recent fad with him is to carry a whip with which he breaks all the light bulbs in the establishment. Then he pays for the damage. Brother Denny Lewis It was a tough day for A. D. ("Denny") Lewis, loud-talking brother of hirsute John L. Denny is head of the United Construction guard" henchmen were sent west to look over the situation. Then came the deluge. In Minneapolis a federal grand jury indicted Trotskyite chieftains of Local 554 on charges of advocating overthrow of the U.S. Government through armed force. And in Washington, De- fense authorities entered into an agreement with the AFL building trades union,.recognizing them as sole bargaining agency on all defense con- struction jobs-and leaving Denny's UCW out in the very cold cold. One of Denny's lieutenants, bewailing the double blow, remarked, "Who says lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place?" Note-Defense officials are quietly working on a master wage-hour agreement covering the entire aircraft industry, similar to the one ne- gotiated last spring on shipbuilding. Capital Chaff A new car appeared the other day at the visi- tor's entrance of the Navy Department, bearing Diplomatic license 109. The chauffeur said it was his first trip to the Navy building. Reason: his boss was Soviet Ambassador Constantin Ou- mansky . .. When U.S. troops went to Iceland they fulfilled a prophecy made by publicity agent Eddie Jaffe, who handled the Iceland exhibit at N. Y. World's Fair. At that time he got Iceland Commissioner Thor to say, "The people of Ice- land hope for the help and sympathy of the United States if the future aggression of foreign .powers warrants it." Dead Oyster Shells If you have any oyster shells to sell the Army, be sure they are dead shells, not live ones. The War Department doesn't want lve shells, even if they are empty, because they smell bad. Certain citizens of Biloxi, Mississippi, discov- ered this when bidding for construction of the technical air school of the Army Ar Corps. The War Department wanted oyster shells, and lots of them, for surfacing the field, but they had to look pretty and smell sweet. There is a difference between live shells which come from the cannery, and dead shells which are dug up from the ocean bottom and which have been thoroughly washed by the salt. The cannery shells retain some vestige of their former tenants, and sooner or later they reek to high heaven. The Biloxi contractors made the mis- take of buying a lot of cannery shells. Hunted Labor Mediator When jolly, white-thatched Roger Lapham, San Francisco steamship executive, accepted the job of employer representative on the Defense Mediation Board, he had no idea he was letting himself in for a police manhunt, nor did the mouritain trout of Oregon realize they would benefit thereby. Trout fishing is Lapham's favorite sport. After returning home from a recent mediation assign- ment in Washington, D. C., and cleaning up some urgent chores in his office, he set out for a few days' fishing in Oregon. The next morning his secretary received a long-distance call sum- moning Lapham back to Washington. "All I can tell you is that he's fishing some- where on the Mackenzie River," said the secre- tary. "It's simply impossible . . "You've got to find him right away," was the answer. "We have got to have Mr. Lapham." His alert secretary got busy. She put in an SOS call to the Oregan State police, starting off one of the most extensive manhunts Oregon has experienced in years. Radio calls to check the license tags of all cars on roads leading to the river were broadcast, together with detailed descriptions of Lapham and his auto. Finally, after a six-hour search, the cops found their quarry blissfully, fishing fAr out in the river, miles from civilization. Lapham hustled back to Washington, D.C., but he was far from his jolly self when he showed up at the Media- tion Board offices. * "I guess I have to grin and bear it," he moaned to Chairman William H. Davis, "but you fellows broke up the best fishing trip I've been on in years. Those trout were biting like sixty," Army Department George Jessel's father-in-law-who will be- come a grandfather on Oct. 3-has been elevated from the rank of private and now is a sergeant . . . Jessel, who entertained the soldiers in the last war, was one of a large group of screen stars who recently entertained 40,000 soldiers at a camp in California. The movie director in charge of the show had prepared scripts, in which the STUPID StUff By Terence THERE WAS a heck of a wreck Sunday night out on Jackson Road about three miles from here. The details aren't important to this column, and, besides, by now you've picked most of them up from the Annaday or the Detroit papers. But just for the records: one car con- taining seven colored soldiers from Camp Custer driving west, one car driven by Herbert Tolberg of De- troit, with two CCC boys from Chi- cago. The two cars hit head on, so hard that neither turned over but just locked dead in the middle of the highway. That's the story as the facts give it. All were injured, none killed. But behind the vital statistics is the story of heroism of five soldiers from Camp Custer, who arrived on the scene first, and took command of the situation-they told it this way them- selves-"and how!" I was down at St. Joseph's Hospital shortly after it happened trying to get a story to file in to Detroit, and it seemed that no one could tell me anything. Doctors were still work- ing on the victims, and the sheriff's office didn't know much more than I did. There was a bunch of soldiers right behind me, trying to get Custer on the phone to let them know about the wreck. I horned in on the con- versation-seemed like it might be a good story-and the story they told me would have raised the hair off a bald man's head. This is the way they told it to me ... THEY were the first to arrive on the scene: nothing but these two cars locked dead in the middle of the road, and bodies around on the high- way bleeding. Everyone was uncon- scious. The senior non-com, a De- troit attorney named Sevald, took over. He assigned a medical tech- nician and a medical aide with him to each car of wounded, and sent the two privates up the road each way to block off traffic. They comman- deered the first car that came along and sent to Ann Arbor for ambu- lances. Meanwhile the two medics admin- istered what first aid they could in the middle of that blood-strewn highway. Finally an ambulance arrived, and the medical technician and the in- terne with the ambulance picked out those wounded worst and took them in to St. Joseph's Hospital. All the way in, and on the second trip of the ambulance too, that soldier rode beside one of those colored boys, holding together the veins in the wrist, which had been cut by the accident. After the bodies were taken away, the other soldiers helped get the two locked cars out of the middle of the road, and then drove back to the hospital, where they took care of notifying Camp Custer. That's the way they told me the story last night. It was a real story of bloody American heroism, from five fellows who had just gone through a heck of an ordeal. They were pretty tired last night, but they had to drive back to camp . . . "to be getting up at six in the morning and a hard day's work." * * * ' AFTER I had gotten their story, I asked them how they Felt about being drafted, and all that, sort of striking up a conversation while we waited around for word from the docs. Not so bad, said one, but it's no picnic, and I'll sure be glad when it's over. Then I asked them how they felt about not getting out after one year. They didn't have much to say about that. Just a few Nyords: "we better not be kept in any longer." AND MAYBE if the President and General Marshall and a few of, the bigwigs who aren't having their lives busted up by the draft had heard the way those fellows told me that story and the way they said "we better not be kept in any longer" . . well, maybe it'd be a different' story down in Washington ... Maybe. All Notices forthetDaily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Seminar in Pure Mathematics will meet on Wednesday, at 4:15 p.m., in 3201 A.H. Dr. Bella Manel will speak on "A General Mapping Theorem for Multiply Connected Domains." Clinic Ensemble Recital: An en- semble selected from the High School Clinic Band will present a recital at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, July 23, in the Hill Auditorium. Clinic Band Radio Broadcast: The 1941 High School Clinic Band, Wil- liam D. Revelli, Conductor, will pre- sent a broadcast over radio station WJR from 4:45 to 5:00 p.m. on Wed- nesday, July 23 and Thursday, July 24. The program will originate from Perry School, Ann Arbor. Professor Tilson of Indiana State Teachers College will give a Demon- stration Lecture on Music Tests at 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 23 in Lane Hall. Excursion No. 5-Greenfield Vil- lage. Visit to Ford's Village, museum of early American life, Edison's Men- lo Park Laboratory; the Dearborn Inn. Round trip by special bus. Res-' ervations in Summer Session Office, Angell Hall. Trip leaves from in front of Angell Hall on Wednesday, July 23 at 1:00 p.m. Trip ends at 5:45 p.m., Ann Arbor. The Childhood of Maxim Gorky will be shown at the Rackham School Lecture Hall July 24 at 8:15 p.m. Tickets are available at Wahr's, League and Union. Art Cinema League. "Why People Do Not Hold Jobs" will be the title of the lecture given by the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information tonight at 7 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. This is the third and last in the series under the general head, "Why People Do No Get Jobs." The members of the "Foyer Fran- cais" are planning a picnic to Port- age Lake on Wednesday, July 23. All French speaking people who are in- terested will be welcome-kindly call Mlle. Jeanne Rosellet or Miss Deir- die McMullan; telephone 2-2547. The Biological Chemistry Lectures: The fourth of the series of lectures on the fat-soluble vitamins will be con- cerned with Vitamin D. Dr. F. C. Koch, of the University of Chicago, will speak on Vitamin D, in the Rackham Amphitheatre, on Tues- day and Wednesday, July 22 and 23, at 2 p.m. All interested are invited to attend. July 21, 4:15 p.m. "The Require- ments of a War Economy." Calvin B. Hoover, Professor of Economics and Dean of.the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Duke University. Episcopal Students: Celebration of Holy Communion at 715 a.m. Wed- nesday in Williams Chapel, Harris Hall, State and Huron Streets. Episcopal Students: Tea will be served this afternoon in Harris Hall from 4 until 5:30 p.m. All Episcopal students and friends cordially in- vited. Student Evangelical Chapel. A din- ner and reception forRev, and Mrs. H. Verduin will be held at 6 o'clock Friday night, July 25, in the second floor ballroom of the Michigan Union. Friends and supporters of the Chapel are invited. Those who have not as yet made reservations, please call 4070 before Wednesday evening. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students whose records carry reports of I or X either from last semester or (if they have not been in residence since that time) from any former session, will receive grades of E unless the work is com- pleted by July 30th. Petitions for extensions of time with the written approval of the in- structors concerned, should be ad- dressed to the Administrative Board of the College, and presented at Room 4 University Half, before July 30th. At the Phi Delta Kappa luncheon today, at 12:10 in room 116 Michigan Union, Prof. William Clark Trow will present a colored motion picture showing personnel and activities of the School of Education and the Laboratory Schools. He will also tell some of the highlights in the adven- ture of making the film. Members are invited to bring guests. The picnic of the Commercial Edu- cation Club is to be held Tuesday, July 22, at Portage Lake. Students wishing to go should meet at the playground entrance of the University High School at 5:00 p.m. Swimming, baseball game, and a ham dinner. All former students of commercial edu- cation are invited to attend. Phi Delta Kappa will hold a mem- bership meeting tonight at 7:30 in the East Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. All members are urged to attend. The second and final meeting will be on Thursday, same hour and place. The Summer Session French Club: The third meeting of the Summer Session French Club will take place Thursday, July 24, at 8 p.m. at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washtenaw. Mr. Arthur Wackett, Professor of Voice in the University School of Music, will sing a group of French songs, and Mr. Richard Jean Picard of Paris, will relate his flight by bi- cycle from Paris to Bordeaux in June 1940. Membership in the Club is still open. Those interested please see Professor Charles E. Koella, Room 200, Romance Language Building. Wednesday, July 23 at 8:00 p.m. Medical Lecture. (Illustrated.) "Can- cer," by Dr. Walter J. Maddock. (Lec- I GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty -f - ~l.;,--~ - h4 s Y iU &-, R - - v -- ~4 "Why don't you open your mouth, Junior, and tell the General what all you learned in college?" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A ^I RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270K C - NBC Blue Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Easy Aces 6:15 Inside of Sports World News Rollin' Home Mr. Keen 6:30 Second Husband News By Smits Club Romansa Get Goin' 6:45 Second Husband Sports Parade Serenade Harry Heilmann 7:00 Court of Johnny Happy Joe Secret Agent 7:15 Missing Heirs Presents val Clare Ned Jordan 7:30 Gus Haenschen Horace Heidt's Musical To Be 7:45 Orchestra Treasure Chest Rendezvous Announced 8:00 We, Battle of Master Works Bringing Up Father 8:15 The People the Sexes of the Piano Bringing Up Father 8:30 Lewisohn Sta- Haphazard Ravina Park Challenge o' Yukon 8:45 dium Concert Haphazard Concert Steele Orch. 9:00 G. Miller Orch. A Date News Ace Wythe Williams 9:15 Public Affairs Judy DefenseReport Our New 9:30 Juan Arvizu College Good American Music -Am nt'..t.A~r1%1T~c~n~ =I-n NPIyhhar I Rnrvn ~nS