THE MICHIGAN DAILY +rwmimm" i Russian Bear Digging In THE ~WEEK IN REVIEW Battle Rages In Capital 1 I I . -1 FOREIGN - - - - - Piercing The Stalin Line AT HOME Draftees - - - Despite the inconsistent flow of claims and counter-claims that con- tinued to pour out of the Russian and German propaganda front last week, three conclusions could be drawn by careful analysis of communiques from both sides: 1) The Soviet Army is fighting a losing war. The Nazi high command has, of course, emphasized that since the beginning of the war. The Rus- sians have denied the German claim, but even the official Moscow com- muniques tacitly admit setback after setback. 2) After a week of uncertainty, the German offensive is again in high gear. The terse, uninformative com- muniques of the early weeks of the war have turned to glowing claims of specific victories. The campaign is, however, no pushover, and Germany is putting all her reserve power be- hind the punch. 3) The present war is probably the bloodiest carnage man has yet seen. Claims of enemy casualties "by both sides are tremendous and must be taken with a shipload of salt, but the tallies of admitted casualties clearly indicate that the German of- fensive would make World War I look like a picnic. Most interesting and most lively sector of the war front this week was the Road to Moscow. At the beginning of last week, the German communiques reported that the Stal- in Line had been pierced' at "all im- portant points" protecting Leningrad, Moscow and Kiev. On the Moscow Front, panzer divisions were reported driving through Vitebsk and across the Dvina toward Smolensk on the road to Moscow. Moscow countered With a claim that there had been "no important changes in the front," but admitted heavy fighting in the Vitebsk sector. The following day's communique re- ported "wave after wave" 'of heavy German attacks repulsed along the Vitbsk-Oresha road. The Nazi press, however, saw only minor Russian resistance, gloated that the Eastern campaign was virtually won, pointed with pride to reports that Kiev was ready to 'fall, Lenin- grad was threatened and Smolensk was almost within Hitler's grasp. Berlin sources asserted that the cream of Stalin's army had been an- nihilated in the first week's skirm- ish. Only the mass inertia of a dis- integrating army stood in Hitler's way, according to the German press. First break to puzzled newsmen came late Wednesday night when Moscow admitted that German troops had broken into the Smolensk sector. 90 miles east of a now smouldering Vitebsk and 230 miles from the Soviet capital. The admission by the Soviet High Command that the important rail and communications center of Smolensk was under heavy Nazi threat was the first instance of a confirmation by either side of a major set-back. From "authoritative sources" in Washington came the report that the Soviet government services were mov- ing out of' Moscow to Khazan, 450 miles east of the present capital on the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Mos- cow neither affirmed nor denied the repovt, emphasized only that the for- eign office was still located in Mos- cow. The Soviet government appar- ently feared an encircling drive about the capital from Leningrad in the north and Smolensk in the south. Other reports indicated that wo- men and children were being evacu- ated from the capital and food was already beitg rationed. By- week's end German troops claimed Smolensk, were reportedly knocking at Moscow's front gate. Nor did Moscow counter with glowing re- ports of Soviet successes: the Rus- sian communique again became terse, 'reported heavy fighting and indicated that the troops defending the capital were digging in for a last ditch fight. How effective that last ditch fight would be was a matter of communi- ques. Moscow reported that all re- serves had been mustered to the cause, that Red defenders - were ready to wear down any assault. Berlin, how- ever, was less confident of Russia's chances, reported that communica- tions were so badly disrupted that an orderly retreat was impossible and the Russians could hardly hope to set up an effective line of resistance. Russo-German Pledge From London and Moscow early this week came announcement of the signing of an agreement by which Bri- tain and Russia pledge to each other full war assistance, and determine not to sign a separate peace. Reactions to the signing varied from. capitol to capitol. Most enthusias- tic were the Moscow editorialists who saw in the agreement a direct link; from Washington to the Kremlin, it was, they said, a definite assurance that U.S. aid would soon reach em- battled Russia. In London, Prime Minister Church- ill assumed a near-apologetic atti- tude, explained in no uncertain terms that his position relative to Russiaa had not chancepd sin ethe nnnerino .I . tionship is friendly now only by vir- tue of a common enemy, and there is no altruistic motive on either side. The treaty, is a typical New Order treaty: a mere scrap of paper; an excuse for pomp and ceremony and speeches, but no more binding than a Mexican wedding. Cabinet Reshuffle In a surprise move !ate last week, Premier Prince Fuminaro Konoye and the entire Japanese cabinet'resigned. The sudden, development in, the Tokyo Government caused no little speculation by "usually reliable sources." Japan was still at least ostensibly hitched to the Axis band- wagon, and at the same time has a non-aggression pact with Soviet Rus- sia. The change in government, it was believed, would clear that issue. The change in government, how- ever, turned out to be no change; the change in policy but an intensifica- tion. Emperor Hirohito, in confer- ence with former Premier Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai, instructed Konoye to form a new government. The new cabinet, composed in part of three admirals and four generals, presented, a unified front, The only change in foreign policy announced was a firm intent to carry on a more forceful campaign in China. Hints of future action, however, came from Indo-China, where the Japanese were reported preparing to build large airfields: intended prob- ably to force complete subjugation of the French colony, with the possible further aim of launching a campaign into southern China to cut off the Burma Road or of cutting southward into the Dutch colonies in search of rich oil lands. Of relations with Russia and the Axis, there was no hint. In her pres- ent position, Japan probably prefers not to pick a fight with either until the outcome of the Russian war is definitely decided. Levant Pact Signed French, Free-French and British military chiefs met at Acres, Palestine early last week to officially conclude the war in "Syria and Lebannon. Vichy France protested to the Bri- tish terms to the end; but she was in no position to force a better peace. British troops controlled the scene, and further resistance would have been suicide. Significant was the Pe- tam plea to defeated soldiers to re- main as true after defeat as they had been before. Vichy hoped, at least outwardly, that the defenders would not join in with deGaul. The peace, Vichy warned, was mili- tary, not political, but observers knew that control of the Levant states was .now in the hands of pro-British de- Gaullists. RAF, Aerial Circus In the aerial duel between the RAF and the Luftwaffe, the British last week again appeared to be holding the upper hand. Few Nazi raiders succeeded in reaching vital points in England, whereas a continuous stream of RAF raiders shuttled across the Channel to wreak havoc on German industrial centers. On Monday. Britain struck heavily at Bremen and new Nazi fortifications on the Channel coast. On Tuesday, several Dutch ports were added to the RAF repertoire. Reported sunk were five ships totalling 22,500 tons. Subsequent raids on the Dutch coast yielded 18 more ships. The southern arm of the RAF, meanwhile, took vicious cuts at the Axis supply line in Lybia, at convoys along the Tripolian coast, at airports in Crete and Greece. V For Victory Britain, long on the defensive end of fifth column work, last week de- cided to launch a little undermining for her own cause in the occupied countries of Europe: the "V for Vic- tory" drive. Originally started in a humorous vein by BBC's Colonel Britain, the. campaign yesterday became a major propaganda offensive when Churchill urged the conquered peoples of Eur- ope to smear "millions of new V's on walls and doors and pavements all over Europe as a symbol of resistance to Naziism." Far from being a gag, the driveJ is becoming a major British bid for the Axis fpes to unite in a large secret organizations ready to strike from within once England has a foothold on the continent. "Wait for the word," Colonel Bri- tain urged his listeners, and promised that "when the moment comes" the action would be such that the Ger- mans would be powerless to stop it. -Karl Kessler Present and future draftees, na- tional guardsmen, reservists and the ' country in general watched with in- terest last week the battle raging in Washington between Army-Adminis- tration forces and Congressional re- calcitrants. The President, the early part of the week gave up in the interest of har- mony the idea of obtaining permis- sion to send troops beyond the limits of the Western Hemisphere, but made it plain he was shelving, not aband- oning the plan. The President and General Mar- shall, however, both sought to impress Congress with the idea that exten- sion of the service of men now under arms for the duration of the emer- gency is imperative. Marshall asked Congress to proclaim by its own vote a state of 'national emergency thus bringing into force the authority of the President to extend the period of service. At week's end the President, who said that the Army faced serious dis- integration by the dismissal of men whose service time expires in the fall and winter, told newsmen that he would deliver a special message on the subject to Congress this week. Meanwhile on Thursday numbers were again drawn from the famous goldfish bowl to determine the order numbers of 750,000 additional pros- pective draftees turned 21 since the October draft. No. 196 turned up first in this drawing. Price Predictions Leon Henderson, Administrator of the Office of Price Administration v and Civilian Supply, had a busy first part of last week. Monday he announced in a speechi that the "honeymoon months" of theI defense boom were about over and that a long' period of higher prices and shortages of all kinds was at hand. Tuesday he moved from the second, story to the penthouse of his apart- ment building, "to get on top of' prices" his secretary said. Wednesday he participated in a final conference over price fixing in preparation for sending controlling legislation to both houses of Congress next week. At week's end the draft of the, bill was pretty well mapped out. Clauses giving authority over wages had been stricken out and /the bill will prob- ably go to Congress early this week. Relative Progress How is our defense drive progress- ing? Whatever the answer may be, it must be relative. The War Depart- ment is uncertain. Early in the week the War Depart- ment issued figures on strikes in de- fense industries: loss of 2,458,150 man-days in, the first six months of 1941, Army contracts delayed by 187 strikes involving 213,900 workers with each strike lasting an average of 11 days and involving an average of 1,144 men. Deplorable figures! The very next day the War De- partment announced that American industry is producing weapons of war at a rate that was not generally achieved in 1917 until the United . 4 FI1N LA N D = ..; ::: ha ewnt '*""""-""*"""'-""'""-'"'-'- ning thrusts by Nazis, tan- gling Russian communications LENINGRAD ural defenses. Nazi strategy and leaving Red armies in HANGO TALLINN southwest, cutting off rail d -lmm (.U.....R.).and water connections with r..a .. * KALININ C armies intact. Or erl ep MOSOWtreat- retreat s neces- o sary-would prevn r- +- mny fom utflnk nnd SAMARA LITHUANIA - VINA ...... KONIG SBER .MINSK White 1l& ~,0 a Q - Ger- RsinOREL Rssa armies in l SARATOV has fewnia ion g and supplymlnne tE ~~~ a. can't keep pace with army, cam- ' SAIGA IEV KHARKOV paign may extend into autumn~TANQ D (Poland).when rains would aid Reds. IASI .~'#~$; .GERMAN RIVES EVELOPMN IS T-LLINN PARTIALLY TRAPPED "':- NE HANGOtERUSMAN RIES ENVE......General ArVEi .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ............ ... .:: ;...................................................... UM NIA ,RUSSIAN ARMIES nrA RUMANĀ®A f t.2. USINAMES i m i States had been in the World War for months, and in many categories is even ahead of the rate reached when the Armistice was signed. No Monkey Wrenches As defense work continued, there were three indications last week that strict vigilance is being kept so that no monkey wrenches cah be thrown into the works by foreign agents. Thirty-three persons were indicted in New York Tuesday on charges of cooperating with the German gov- ernment to violate the espionage laws of this country. One pleaded guilty, the rest were arraigned in federal Court Friday and the trial was ten- tatively set for September. The following day New York's Dis- trict Attorney Thomas E. Dewey re- vealed a long-range investigation of general racketeering which had been hampering national defense efforts in the port of New York, subpoenaing 201E longshoremen to obtain state- ments under oath from victims and suspected leaders of extortion rackets. On Wednesday also the Navy trans- port West Point, formerly the crack liner America, left New York harbor after a 24-hour delay with 450 Ger- mans and Italians on board, the staffs of the consular offices closed by order of the State Department. Simultaneously, Italian officials held up a train-load of U.S. consular officers banished from Italy, in a reprisal move. Said the officials, "You will be allowed to proceed as soon as we receive definite word of the West Point's sailing from New York harbor." Passengers were not even allowed to leave the train and sleep in hotels. Day By Day Washington miscellany calendar: Monday: The Senate Naval Affairs Committee revealed that Secretary Knox told it Friday that the United States, had no agreement with the British for joint naval action in the Atlantic and that no American war- ship had even entered the combat zone as now defined by President Roosevelt. This did not mean, Knox added, that the United States would not protect its ships going to Iceland, just as it would protect them going to South America. See below, Fri- day. Tuesday: The President informed newsmen that he believed a new tax bill necessary each year during the defense emergency to adjust revenues to expenditures, and that a new tax bill will have to be drafted next win- ter to raise more revenue. Wednesday: Leland Olds, chairman of the Federal Power Commission, announced a defense power expansion program involving the expenditure of up to $470,000,000 annually for the duration of the emergency, to start immediately. The plan provides for immediate contracting for capacity output of all generator-building com- panies in the United States, an in- vestment in steam stations, addition- al hydro-electric projects, creation of a Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion subsidiary to provide funds for the purpose of all generator-building capacity not booked by private or municipal power companies and a series of river-basin projects calling for installation of approximately 1,000,000 kilowatts a year. Thursday: The President issued a proclamation making official a list of 1,800 Latin-American firms and individuals believed to be acting in the interests of Germany or Italy. The proclamation was regarded as putting on an all-out basis the eco- nomic efforts of the United States to clear Latin-American republics of American-financed Axis propaganda and of Axis trade ties. The blacklist was described as containing more names of Axis-connected Latin- American agents than the British Statutory Blacklist for the same area. Col. Charles A. Lindbergh made public a letter to the President dis- avowing any connection with any for- eign government, asserting he had no communication with anyone in Germany or Italy since the spring of 1939 and asking for an apology from Secretary Ickes for his repeated de- nunciations. He offered to submit to any investigation the President might authorize. Friday: The President told a press conference that Lindbergh's letter had been given to the newspapers before it reached the White House and left the matter at that. In answer to a reporter's question as to what is be- ing done to keep the sea lanes to Iceland open, he referred to his mes- sage to Congress announcing the arrival of an American protective force in Iceland and authorizing the Navy to take all necessary steps to keep the lanes open to the nation's strategic outposts. Arthur J. Altmeyer, Chairman of the Social Security Board, recom- mended an eight-point program for liberalizing the Social Security Act. q10"' STILL IN A POSITION TO FIGHT OR RUN W' " iEPORTED APS IN STALIN LINE 300 I_ MILES (By The Associated Press) German communique: "Operations are proceeding according to plan." * * * T HE German master plan for the Russian offensive, certain mili- tary experts. in Washington believe, is at once simple and yet the most ambitious war blueprint ever\devised -a double envelopment of Russia's military forces. As the technicians see it, the field of operations embraces a million-odd square miles-roughly the teritory lying within the south and west bank of the long dog-leg Volga river. The limit of the objective runs from Len- he's busy warding off the blow at the center, you shoot him in the back. * * * JN the Russian campaign, 'the Von Clausewitz strategy is applied this way: (1) Separate from each other the three great front line armies of Rus- sia-the armies of Leningrad, Mos- cow and the Ukraine. (2) At the same time, use motor- ized divisions and planes to smash communications and transport sys- tems between these armies, thus depriving them all of reinforcements, ammunition, food, and information about each other. (3) Then split each of the big the experts credit Germany with taking advantage of reported gross weaknesses of the Russian general staff - indecision and slow trans- port. This means it is taken for granted that Russia has put two plans on paper, one calling for its armies to stand and fight, the other for a slow, orderly retreat. But it is also taken for granted that the Russians are organized to carry out only one of these plans - that calling for them to stand. In other words, the experts believe Mos- cow is all set to shoot out supplies, reinforcements and information to all the Russian armies along the ...:. ....,.1. rf ]. h~i n l- - tracking eastward to the Volga with- out getting caught in a traffic jam of their own making - huge retreating armies backpedaling pell mell into supply trains heading for fronts that no longer exist. ** * LIKE all paper military plans, the Washington technicians point out, there is weakness in the German scheme, too. There is some question whether Nazi armies can keep sup- plies flowing with never - ending speed and force to all the spearhead thrusts they make into the heart of Russia. And unless they can provide a CONTINUOUS PUNCH to their advanee without nause. they will give has been obtained in the battles of the west. Some few believe, however, that the Germans cannot advance fast enough to trap sizable Russian armies before fall, especially in the central artery zone around Moscow. *' * * NATURALLY, Germany has not failed to provide itself with al- ternatives. The most likely detour is- a plan within the master plan - the southern thrust through the Ukraine. Few military observers doubt that Germany could take the Ukraine by diverting all its striking power to that task. That would also mean giving up the heart of the master -n - a hsC+h o.r+ f, rlc