GE SIX THE MI'CHIG'AN DAILY T'UESDAY, JULY 1, 1941 I I German House, Open For Third Annual Season Deutsches Haus To Serve' As Language Center For German Students Verein To Function Daily practice in spoken German will be offered stdents residing at the Deutsches Haus, German langu- age center, opening its third season of operation here this summer.. Through the cooperation of the German department and the office of the Dean of Students, the Deu- tches Haus, located this summer in house at 1443 Washtenaw, will offer the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity rooming accommodations for men and women enrolled in the Summer Session. The Deutsches Haus was institut- ed, according to Prof. Werner F. Striedieck of the German 4depart- ment, to provide a substitute for foreign travel to students interested in acquiring a knowledge of spoken German. It will also serve as the social center for the Deutsches Verein of the Summer Session, sup- plementing curricuar activities' for students of German. It will afford students eager for regular practice in spoken German an opportunity to improve their language. The Deutches Haus will hold its annual open house for students of the Summer Session from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday. The recep- tion will be under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Wendt, social director of the Haus. Members of the faculty and ad- ministration will be introduced to residents of the house, students of German and to members of the Sum- mer Session Deutches Verein. The aim of the open house is to acquaint students in the Summer Session with the facilities offered by the German language.- center. A short meeting of the German Club of the Summer Session will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Deutsches Haus preceeding the open house. All students interested are invited to attend. Further informa- tion concerning the facilities of the house may be obtained from Prof. Werner Striedieck, Rm. 300 South Wing. Wage Scale Raise Seen LANSING, June 30.-(AP)-The State ; Highway Department today predicted approval by the Civil Serv- ice Commission of an increased wage scale for 260 seamen aboard the state's five ferry boats, who have threatened to strike July 2 if they fail to get pay boosts. Front Door Of Michigan Union Is Closed As Usual-To Ladies Passes Away At dome Le Foyer Francais To Be Open; French Club Meets Tomorrow By Jack Grady (Michigan Union Secretary) Tradition takes quite a kicking around during the rush of a summer session, but one of the oldest stand- ing rules at the University of Mich- igan is generally deemed worthy of observance. Michigan custom de- mands that women use the side en- trance of the Michigan Union. The rule receives due: respect dur- ing regular sessions, according to George Johnson, veteran Union doorman, but the summer sessions keep him hopping. George isn't a natural misogynist, and he doesn't run a flying block into everything Director Greets' New Students (Continued from Page 1) boards, wil announce the fea- tures of this program. Many visitors will be in Ann Arbor during the summer at- tending conferences on subjects of a wide character. There will a large number of Latin Ameri- cans in our midst. The special program of the New Education Fellowship, July 6 to July 12, will consider some important educational problems of our southern neighbors. In addi- tions, Canada will be well repre- sented, and the report of adap- tations in education in the Dominion in times of war will also be an important feature of the week. There will be a group of Latin Americans in a special program arranged in coopera- tion with the Rockefeller Foun- dation. The purpose is to bet- ter enable mature ,scholars and investigators with Spanish or Portuguese backgrounds to pre- pare themselves for their work in educational and research in- stitutions in the United States during the coming winter. Through the instrumentality of the steamship company, The Grace Lines, students and pro- fessional men and women, pri- marily from Ecuador and Vene- zuela, will be in our University community for varying lengths of time through the Summer Session. Since there will be such a large number of persons in our community to whom American institutions and culture are strange, it falls upon those more accustomed to University life in this country to show a spirit of hospitality and appreciation that ordinarily would not be so necessary. To those students in the out stations of the University, may I also express my wish for a profitable season of study and recreation. - Louis A. Hopkins sporting a skirt that approaches the Union's front entrance. He general- ly just grabs unheeeding damsels by the arm, looks 'em in the eye, and asks them to use the side entrance the next time. And if it's raining or there's a bus to catch. George has been known to have sudden develop- ments of astigmatism. George likes his job, has been at it 18 years. Chasing women-in the Union, that ,is,-keeps him in good condition, weight down, eyes sharp, and so on. Most of the culprits are pretty nice about it, too. The great part of the violations are out of ig- norance of the taboo, Geeorge says. Of course, every now and then he gets a huffy one. George just lets that kind go. After all, he points out, the rule bars only the ladies from the front door. But experience teaches that it isn't George's reproach that is the major penalty for the flounting of one of Michigan's oldest traditions. Penitent co-eds report that the dour looks, growls, and grimaces of loyal Michigan men on observing a viola-. tion of front door sanctity have haunted them for weeks. Many co- -ds say it's the one mistake men are sure to notice. The ban on feminine use of the Union front door is lifted during conventions and once a year during the Union Open House celebration. At all other times women use the front door under penalty of George's wrath, the scorn of Michigan men, and the disdain of their better in- formed sisters. Bates Honored By University aAt Graduation (Continued from Page 1) and trustee of the Children's Fund of Michigan. Gladeon Marcus Barnes, brigadier- general in the United States Army, received the degree of Master of En- gineering, and George Winter Cook, former president of the' Michigan bar association, received the Master of Laws degree. A seventh honorary degree holder, Josiah Kirby Lilly,youtstanding in scientific research, received the Mas- ter of Science degree. Mark Foote, '03, prominent journalist, was award- ed the Master of Arts degree. The degree of Doctor of Business Administration was given to George Martin Welch, prominent Michigan businessman. William Henry Dow, '19E, president of a Michigan chem- ical company, and George Rupert Fink, president of a steel corporation, were given the degree of Doctor of Engineering. Doctor of Science awards were giv- en to Carl John Wiggers, '06M, head of the department of physiology at Western Reserve University, and Frederick Eugene Wright, geologist and mineralologist. ** .* Prof.-Emeritus William .Butts Dies At Home Dr. William H. Butts, 84, member of the faculty for 24 years and pro- fessor emeritus of mathematics died recently at his home in the city. Born in Harmony, N. Y., Dr. Butts joined the faculty in 1898 after serv- ing 14 years as principal of the Mich- igan Military Academy. He served as assistant dean of the College of En- gineering from 1908 until 1922, when he retired. Dr. Butts was a large contributor to the University's mathematical li- brary, one of the finest in the United States. He was the organizer of the North Central Association of Col- leges and Secondary schools. Educated at the University, Dr. Butts also held a degree= from the University of Zurich, Germany. Summer Forestry Jobs Found Ample Depletion in the ranks of forestry service and conservation agencies due to the draft has given undergradu- ate students in the forestry school an excellent chance for summer employ- ment, according to Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the school. Twenty-four undergraduate stu- dents have taken advantage of the opportunity to gain experience under actual conditions. Seven students are working in Colorado, seven in Or- egon, eight in Idaho and Montana and two in Colorado. The young foresters are employed in fire control operations and in con- trol of White Pine and Blister Rust. "Le Theatre de Georges Courteline" will be evaluated at the first meet- ing of the Summer Session French Club, to be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Le Foyer Francais, 1414 Washte- naw. Illustrating his talk by scenes from Courteline's plays,) Prof. Charles E. Koella will discuss this man who is considered the greatest of the humor- ists in the modern French theatre. Parlez-vous francais? Seulement un peu? Then you may seek mem- bership in the club. All that are required are a reasonable proficiency in the spoken language and a lively interest in the French language and arts. Any student-graduate or un- dergraduate-who falls into this cate- gory has been invited to apply to Professor Koella, adviser to the club, 9-10 or 11-12 a.m. today or tomor- row in Room 200 of the Romance Languages Building. Meeting weekly, regularly at 8 p.m. each Thursday, the French club will hear informal lectures by members of the faculty or by more advanced students. They will participate in group singing of French songs, in a number of games and in discussions of broad subjects. Founded in 1935 by Professor Koel- ia, the summer sesion French club has been instrumental in putting stu- dents interested in France and French in more direct touch with the re spective topics of interest. Engine English Teachers Plan Meeting Here The School of Engineering of the University has announced a Con- ference for Teachers of English in Technical Schools, in order to aid teachers of English in their common problems., With the recent increase of attend- ance at engineering schools, problems of the teaching of English have be- come markedly difficult, and it is hoped that through the Conference discussions of problems and possible solutions, some basis of experimenta- tion may be found. The Conference will be carried on from June 30 through through July 18, but no actual course of study has been .set up. No credit can be given for attendance at the Con- ference, but parallel courses will be given in the graduate school of Eng- lish and other University depart- ments. The general program of the Con- ference will be held in the auditori- um of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. With its aim the creation of true French atmosphere for students and teachers of that language, Le Foyer Francais will open its doors this sum- mer for the sixth consecutive year. Offering facilities for housing 18 women and providing board for other women and for men, this house will be the meeting place of faculty and graduate and undergraduate students interested in the French language who desire a place where nothing but French is spoken. This summer Le Foyer Francais will again occupy the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority house at 1414 Wash- tenaw. Directrice will again be Miss Jeanne Rousselet, Goucher College, Baltimore, with Miss Deirdre McMul- lan, instructor in French at thf Grosse Pointe High - School, as her assistant. Arrangements for board- ing at the house, or taking only oc- casional meals there, may be com- pleted by calling Miss McMullan at f-2547. Founded in 1936 by Prof. Charles E. Koella, the French house will be under the auspices of the French de- partment, with its founder as facul- ty adviser. One of the conditions under which students may live at the house is that they speak French exclusively "both within the house and when together outside. Faculty members and more advanced students will help direct conversation during meals and at oth- er times. Activities have been planned in collaboration with three other de- partments in the Univeersity. Prof. Harold E. Wethey, chairman of the Department of Fine Arts, will give a series of illustrated lectures on French art and Prof. Percival Price, teacher of composition and University Car- illonneur, is to offer talks on French music, with recordings of the selec- tions analyzed. Stress, will be. put on French pro- nunciation in Le Foyer Francais, and the Department of Speech will make recordings at the beginning. and the end of the season of each member's voice and pronunciation. In this way it is hoped that defects may be routed out and improvement noted. Lecture Series On Job Getting Will Be Given Bureau Of Appointments Will Conduct Speeches Starting Next Tuesday Under the direction of Dr. T. Luther Purdom, the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information is sponsoring its annual series of lec- tures, this year under the general heading, "Why People Do Not Get Jobs." First of the three lectures to be given will be presented at 7 p.m July 8 in the Natural Science Auditorium and the following two talks on suc- ceeding Tuesdays in the Rackham Lecture Hall, at the same time. The opening lecture will combine subjects of registration and "Course Obstacles." The former will be an explanation of how to register with the office and the latter part of the program will point out how many per- sons are unable to qualify for positions in teaching because they have taken courses in which the field is vastly overcrowded. Through the use of slides, Dr. Pur- dom will show that careful planning and consultation before deciding on a teaching major will greatly increase the chances'of securing a, position after graduation. The second lecture will deal with "Undesirable Personality Traits," and the third, "Why People do not Hold Jobs." The Bureau hopes that through this annual service, students may be aid- ed in securing and holding positions by taking courses for which there is a demand and overcoming objection- al qualities in their personalities., Court Upholds Merger LANSING, June 30.-UP)-Merger of six nationalt banks in Michigan into the Michigan national bank system was upheld by the State Su- preme Court today, overruling the oljections of state banking authori- ties and many state bankers. mini im--- REAL HOMECOOKING A IR-CONDITIONED UNIVERSITY GRILL Two Floors 61 5 East William w I !4' fll - --ill .--_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ -! DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN / All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Biochemistry Lecture. Professor Herbert E Carter of the University of Illinois will lecture on "Biological Oxidation of Fatty Acids" in the Rackham Amphitheatre on Thursday, July 3, at 4:00 p.m. All interested are invited to attend. Students in English 298 who have not already decided upon their con- ference period for the course should come to my office, 3227 Angell Hall, Wednesday morning between 9 and 12. Episcopal Students: Holy Com- munion, Wednesday morning. 7:15 in Bishop Williams Chapel. Harris Hall. Graduate Students. The prelim- inary examination for the doctorate during the Summer Session, in French and German will be given Monday, July 7 at 4 o'clock inithe Natural Science Auditorium. This early date will enable students to know precise- ly what preparation must be made for the individual examinations that follow. Use of dictionary is optional. Students wishing to have complete sensitization studies made at the University Health Service should make appointments now. A sensitization test is advisable for those who have at any time had the following symptoms: sneezing and discharging nose, asthma, urtcaria (hives), eczema, gastro-intestinal up- sets, headaches, migraine, frequent colds, and food poisoning. It is also recommended for one in whose family any of the above symptoms gave existed. If you wish the test made, please call 2-4531 (University Health Serv- ice) for an appointment in the Aller- gy Clinic. College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Schools of Music and Edu- cation: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last / / S. /j5 j j' // j// / / j7 / 7j j/ '7 j 7 f/ The Michigan Wolverine Announces its SUMMER OPEN, HOUSE and S TUDENT MIXER / / j % "; '