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July 17, 1941 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-17

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. . . r

Teacher-Lay Group Relations
Discussed By Dean Edmonson

Oil Storage Tank Goes To The Blazes



4nany laymen that the teaching pro-1

"Can the teaching profession co-
operate effectively with lay groups?'
If so, what are some of the more use-
ful techniques for such cooperation?"
questioned Dean Edmonson Tuesday
in an address before theoSummer
Education Conference held at Illi-
nois State Normal University in
"In any consideration of the ques-
tion of cooperation it seems desir-
able to review the conditions that
favor as well as the conditions that
tend to impair such cooperation.
"Those who believe that the teach-
ing profession can cooperate effec-
tively with lay groups emphasize such
conditions as: The school cannot be
set apart from its community and
this fact should pave the way for
effective cooperation between teach-
ers' organizations and lay groups;
teachers are drawn from all classes
of American society and hence should
be able to understand the viewpoint
of many groups; the teaching pro-
fession represents an interest of soci-
ety which is of such great importance
to lay grqups that cooperation is im-
perative; there is a large amount of
unused talent in the teaching profes-
sion that could be helpful in study-
ing common problems of communi-
ties; teachers, more than the mem-
bers of most groups, have received in-
struction in techniques of coopera-
The Dean then went on to show
the conditions unfavorable to co-
operation. Among this group he
named: there is some suspicion among

fession in seeking cooperation is con-
cerned with selfish interests rather
,han with the larger problems of edu-
cation; part of the teaching profes-
sion exhibits little interest in the solu-
tion of problems that are of concern
to other lay groups, such as taxation
public health, governmental reform,
and juvenile delinquency; too few
members of the teaching profession,
understand the psychology of non-
teaching groups and many are there-
fore inclined to carry over the tra-
ditional teacher attitude into confer-
ences with laymen; too few have the
ability to win, and hold the confi-
dence of the less educated members
of some lay groups; and lastly the
teaching profession has so many or-
ganizations that there is no one uni-
fied agency with which lay groups
can cooperate.
In concluding his remarks Dean
Edmonson gave some constructive
suggestions. He urged that education
is not a drain on national income.
but rather a prudent investment in
terms of preparation for successful
participation in the social, political,
and economic life of American dem-
ocracy; help citizens to recognize
that the public school is a necessary
unifying influence in our commun-
ity, state, and national life, and an
essential factor in the struggle to
preserve our democratic way of life;
stress the needs of children in con-
tacts with lay groups; expect every
teacher to take an active interest in
the program of one or more lay
groups, such as a church or a club,

This crude oil storage tank caught fire on a tank farm owned by
the Buckeye Pipe Line Company south of Lima, Ohio. Buckeye has
been busy transferring crude oil from pipe lines to tank cars for ship=
ment to the Atlantic seaboard and company/ officials declined to say
how much, if any, oil was consumed by the four-hour blaze. Dense
smoke clouds like this could be seen for 25 miles. There was no immedi-
ate indication what caused the fire.
0j ?/fecdinq3 and 6qa <emen<>
ChC~~c- ^,cri~~o c~ac c~occ. onca *

Loggers Lend
A tmosphere'
To Camp Roth'
(Special to The Daily)
-Memories of early days, when;
Michigan white pine was king of the
lumber industry, were , recaptured
"his week at Camp Filibert Roth, as
the University of Michigan forestry
summer camp was invaded by two
salty old loggers-"Si" Lawson and
Paul "Bunyan" Criss. Dropping in
:o demonstrate the merits of their
'ompanies' saws and axes, respect-
ively, they succeeded, in addition, in
arousing a hearty interest in the arts
of sawing and chopping.
Closest shave of the week occurred
when a student blue-beard had his
live-weeks' growth of whiskers re-
moved with a razor-sharp axe. Cam-
era supplies were at a premium, as
nearly every fellow in camp had a
hand in photographing the "opera-
Paul "Bunyan," a 235-pound giant
in red flannels, stagged pants, and
logger boots, perspiringly acted as
master of ceremonies and barber.
World's champion axeman and log-
burling expert, he proved just as pro-
ficient as a ,tonsorial artist, remov-
ing the dense shrubby growth without
Rousing the. sleeping camp each
morning with his throaty "Hi
Yo-o-o-h," "Si" kept everyone awake
from then on with risque stories.
These ribald tales were employed as
effective teaching tools in driving
home important points in the intri-
cacies of saws and saw-filing. Infi-
nitely patient, he soon had the boys
familiar with the difference between
cutter's and raker's functions and
the method of sharpening these teeth
With the departure of these two
colorful characters, camp settled back
into comparative routine work again.
Dr. 0. I. Frederick To Talk
Here At 4:05 P.M. Today
Orie I. Frederick, Specialist in Sec-
ondary Education for National De-
fense, United States Off.ice of Edu-
cation, will present his views on
"What Secondary Schools in the
United States Are Doing," at 4:05
p.m. today in University High School
Dr. Frederick received his doctor-
ate from the University and has di-
rected curriculum programs in Sagi-
naw, Battle Creek and Lansing. For
several years he was chairman of the
State Committee on Community Re-
lations of Curriculum. Dr. Freder-
ick is a member of the bibliography
committee of the Society for Cur-
riculum Study.

In his lecture, "The Nursery School
Points the Way," Dr. William E.
Blatz asserted that a child must have
learned cooperation, compromise and
tolerance by the time he is five years
old since after that it is almost im-
possible to do so.
About 200 people heard this lecture
yesterday afternoon in the Univer.-
sity High School Auditorium as one
of a series of lectures sponsored by
the School of Education.
Dr. Blatz defined cooperation as
being the acceptance of a sense of
responsibility to keep the rules that
have been made. The nursery school
has few rules, but all of these rules
must be kept. If a, child does not.
want to obey he simply is not a part
of the group. The object is to iiake
staying in the group more delightful
than getting out.
The rule of rules in nursery schools
is never to make a rule unless you
can administer it. The child will con-
foim if he knows the rule will be
fairly administered.


" Compromise, as Dr. Blatz sees it,
is being willing to give up something
now so that it can be enjoyed later.
In a nursery school there is never
enough of one particular thing to go
around. It follows that the children
must learn to take turns playing
with the various pieces of equipment.
It was pointed out that compromise
is much harder to learn than coop-
eration and takes longer to learn.
In Dr. Blatz's opinion the nursery
school is the only institution which
is tolerant. Every adult, church,
school is intolerant of something. In
the nursery school the child is ac-
cepted by the group for what he is,
does, and achieves. The status is
maintained by what the child does,
not what he is.
The prime purpose of the nursery
school is to learn to live with others
so that life can be enjoyed to its
fullest measure.
Dollar volume of retail automobile
financing in April totaled $236,800,-
153, a new monthly record.

Essential Features Of Child's
Education Discussed By Blatz


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Ellen Foster Rhea, '41, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter Rhea of
Holland, and William Benjamin Ste-l
phenson of Honolufu, Hawaii, will be
married Aug. 2 in the Church of the
Crossroads in Honolulu.
Member of Delta Delta Delta sor-
ority, and of Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshman women's honor society, Miss
Rhea was on the Gargoyle staff dur-
ing her freshman, ,sophomore and
junior years, serving as advertising
manager the latter two. She was
editor of Perspectives, campus liter-
ary magazine, during her senioryear.
She was also active in planning
Frosh Project and the Sophomore
After Aug. 15 the couple will be at
home at 2337 Liloa Rise, Honolulu.
* * *
,At the home of the bride's parents
in Mountain Lakes, N.J., Jean Isabel
Thompson, '40, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. HerbertaHathaway Thompson,
was married last Saturday to Robert
Paul Piotrowski of Detroit, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Piotrowski of
While attending the University,
Mrs. Piotrowski was president of Al-
pha Xi Delta sorority, while the bride-
groom was president of Kappa Sigma
Following a trip through New Eng-
land and Canada, the couple -will re-
side in Detroit.
* * *
The First Presbyterian Church was
the scene Saturday of the ceremony
which united in marriage Margaret
Helen Whittemore, '41, daughter of
Prof. and Mrs. Harlow Olin Whitte-
more, and William Welles Lyman,
Jr., '39, of Cambridge, Mass., son of
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lyman of
Norwich, Conn.
Mrs. Lyman was a member of Del-
ta Gamma sorority, of Alpha Lambda
Delta, freshman women's honor soci-
ety, and of Wyvern and Mortar Board,
junior and senior honor groups, re-
While attending the University, the
bride was on theart staff of the
Michiganensian, filling the office of
art editor during her senior year. She
was costume chairman for Frosh Pro-
ject and worked with the play com-
mittee for Junior- Girls' Play, be-
sides being dance chairman on the

League Council. Tau Sigma Delta,
honorary art society, elected her
chapter treasurer.
Mr. Lyman held the position of
treasurer in his fraternity, Delta Up-
silon. He was also a member of Phi
Eta Sigma, freshman honor society,
and was president of Tau Sigma
In 1940 the bridegroom received
his master's degree at the Harvard
graduate school of design, and in
the same year he was awarded the
Booth traveling fellowship for Michi-
gan graduates.
.$ * *
The wedding of Virginia L. Rich-
ard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Richard of St. Clair Shores, and
Harold F. Stewart, '39, son of Mr.,and
Mr. Frank E. Stewart of Pontiac,
took place Saturday at the Zion Evan-
gelical Church.
Graduate of Wayne University,
Mrs. Stewart was president of Beta
Sigma Phi sorority.
Mr: Stewart was' senior class -and
alumni president at the University
and is a past officer of Kappa Tau
Alpha, journalism fraternity. Sigma
Delta Chi, honorary journalism fra-
ternity, awarded him a scholarship.
At present the bridegroom is on the
editorial staff of the Ann Arbor .Da$y
* * .*
A July 27 wedding date has been
set by Ellen Cuthbert, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cuthbert, and Ker-
mit M. *ebb of Hammond, Ind., son
of Mrs. Fred A. Webb of Oak Park;
Scene of the afternoon ceremony
will be the League garden: The bride-
elect has chosen her sister, Doris, to
be maid of honor, while George Mc-
Fedries of Oak Park will be best man.
While attending the University, Mr.
Webb held offices in the Roger Wil-
liams Student Guild at the First Bap-
tist Church.
* * *
The betrothal of Florence Lois His-
er to Loren Donald Wicks has been
announced by the bride-elect's moth-
er, Mrs. G. C. Hiser. Mr. Wicks is
the son of Mrs. Lena Wicks.
Miss Hiser attended Michigan State
Normal College, while Mr. Wicks is at
present a junior in the pre-medical
school in the University. The wed-
ding has been set for Aug. 21.

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