FOUR THE MICHIGAN ,DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1041 a~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Daily Calendar of Events Thursday, July 17 - 4:05 p.m. Lecture. WHAT SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES ARE DOING. Orie I.! Frederick, Specialist in Secondary Education for National De-- fense, United States Office of Education. (University High School Auditorium.) 7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. 8:00 p.m. Bridge Lessons. (Michigan League.) 8:15 p.m. Concert by the University Summer Session Band. (Hill Auditorium.) 9:30 p.m. "The Contrast." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.) . Ii P""""'*""*" *"a"! Fh U i m - ---- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Pufjlished every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class Mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTEDF OR NATIONAL ADVERTIJING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. 'CHICAGO ± BOSTON . LOS AUISELES " SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 - Washington Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Managing.- Editor ECity Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's 19ditor Editorial Staff K . . .* Iarl Kessler Harry M. Kelsey .William Baker Eugene Mandeberg Albert P. Blaustein .Barbara Jenswold Business Staff Business Manager . Local Advertising Manager Women's Advertising Manager Daniel H. Huyett Fred M. Ginsberg . . Florence Schurgin -6v NIGHT EDITOR: KARL KESSLER - 1 The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the'views of the writers only. On Emotionalism And Patrit' ism . .. W E HAVE SEEN a good deal of flag waving lately, we have been greeted at every turn with "The Star Spangled Banner," yet the terms "iaItiotism" and "Americanism" gave been so eloquently and undefinably mouthed into the common language that we are today very much in need of a clear understanding of what these terms should mean to us. To the man on the street,' patriotism is too often a superficially simplified concept. To him it means such things as saluting the flag, sing- ing "God Bless America," and putting out a flag and bunting at the proper time. It is more of routine service than a sincere expression. Too often it is mere lip service. T0 THE ardent patriots who decorate their cars with red, white and blue stickers, who serve beer on flag-bedecked coasters, we give a word of caution. Far more important than this outward show; there should -remain an element of true patriotism that far transcends all these superficialities: a true sincerity- in preserving valid the idealistic bases of Democracy. More than any other form of government, the democratic system requires a sincere adherence to the spirit, rather than an evasive conformance to the letter of the law. Glib generalities, soul- stirring slogans too often cloud the true issues. We must realize the true bases of that for which we stand. MOST DANGEROUS of all is the individual who enters wholeheartedly into the flag waving ceremonies, who goes about shouting "It's great to be an American," without fully under- standing why. These are the parade-worshipping patriots who revel in the pomp and ceremony- who follow not because they believe for them- selves, but because everyone else believes. These are the patriots who will make the first and best fascists, for fascism offers all the gere- mony they could want. They are the ones who will rally whole-heartedly to the new cause. THERE REMAINS, however, the backbone of patriotism: those who maintain an air; of tranquillity when the parade goes by, for they are the ones who will watch a fascist parade without being emotionally carried away from their convictions. Their decisions on right or wrong does not hinge on ornate and emotional display. They have based their beliefs on primary ethical standards of value: arguments that change not with a turn in public opinion. - Karl Kessler WASHINGTON-The Administration had a hard time making up its mind to go into Iceland. Actually the Navy had orders four different times to prepare for the trip, and three times the orders were cancelled or held in abeyance. It was last May that some of the Marines were embarked at Quantico. They sailed down the Potomac to Norfolk, then to Charleston, S. C., were kept in suspense regarding their destina- tion until about two weeks ago. As far as naval officers could ascertain, there was no particular reason for the frequent changes in plans except that the President was not quite sure of American public opinion. Naval officers flew several times to Iceland in advance of the landing, conferred with the British about all details of the occupation. The Navy was completely prepared. There is no question that the President has made all the decisions regarding Iceland, even down to such details as whether newspapermen should be permitted to visit the island after the landing of American troops. The State Department approved the idea of American newsmen going to this new American outpost. So also did Secretary of the Navy Knox. Both felt that just as American newsmen were in France during the last war and reported on the actions of American troops, so newsmen had a right to keep the public informed about Ameri- can troops in Iceland. But apparently some of the Admirals did not agree with their chief, the Secretary of the Navy, and tipped off the White House. The President intervened personally and said that no newsmen could go to Iceland. Note-Despite all the news suppression de- manded by the Admirals, Spanish, Japanese and Swedish ships, all close to or dominated by the Axis, keep their radios operating while in Ameri- can ports or American waters. It is highly un- likely that they fail to note the presence of British vessels or U.S. transports loaded with American Marines. Capital Chaff Among other aids to Great Britain, you can look for the lease or lend of more submarines. About one-third of the original U.S. submarines sent to Britain exactly a year ago now have been sunk or put out of commission. Greece, Crete, and Atlantic warfare took the toll ... The Navy is sore at the State Department for not doing a little warming up to Russian commanders in Siberia. If Russia falls, it will be good to have an in with the Red Army in this neck of the woods opposite Alaska, but apparently we are letting the Japanese do the warming up . . Henry Morgenthau, who prides himself on run- ning one of the most efficient Treasury Depart- Inents in history, has kept a customs official in Maryland who has not been out of bed for seven years. The Government pays him $5,000 an- nually. 'En Marche' It is now exactly nine months since the Rocke- feller Committee for promoting relations with Latin America decided to educate our Good Neighbors to the fact that the United States was really going in for National Defense. But after nine months of strenuous effort, the Rocke- feller baby-thanks to the State Department-is still unborn. The baby was the brainchild of Karl Bickel, forthright ex-chief of the United Press and press adviser to the Rockefeller Committee. Bickel, who has had long experience in Latin America, knew that the Latin Americans were frankly dubious whether the United States really would build up an army and navy; were pondering whether it wasn't better for them to cast in their lot with Hitler rather than take chances on an unarmed U.S.A. So Bickel prepared an illustrated book with graphic photos of American battleships, ship- yards, tanks, airplanes, etc. It was an imposing presentation, done in four colors, with 'Life" and other illustrated magazines giving their fullest cooperation. The book showed conclu- sively that this country was rapidly arming. Proof-sheets of the book were sent to the State Department, were OK'd, and the book was printed. Then suddenly the State Department held up its hands in horror, and forbade shipment. Reason: Title of the bok was "En Marche," meaning "On the March." This, it was felt, might offend our Good Neigh- bors, might make them feel we were marching on them. So despite the fact that the State De- partment already had approved text and title, the book was placed in a storehouse and has been there ever since. 'Why We Arm' Then Bickel got out another book. This was called "Why We Arm," consisting of the speeches of Franklin D. Roovelt on foreign nolicv and to trickle down to South America. But now with shipping space at a premium, it is difficult to send them. In disgust, Karl Bickel has relinquished his no-dollar-a-year salary and has quietly faded out of the picture.° 'Texas Politics' Rear Admiral Ben Moreell, popular chief of the Navy's Bureau of Yards and Docks, was commiserating with young Representative Lyn- don Johnson about his close, and questionable, defeat in the recent Texas senatorial election. "You know, Lyndon," he said, "that campaign had one bright aspect for me. I got a celebra- tion out of it. I am an abstemious man, but I just couldn't resist the temptation to celebrate that first night when you were leading by 5,000 votes and the- experts said you were in. "But when O'Daniels was declared the win- ner, my wife gave me a terrific razzing. She claimed I was using you as an alibi to get out of the house." DRAMA By EUGENE MANDEBERG IT'S NOT often that we are privileged to see a play removed from the mothballs of the last century or two and still retain a freshness worthy of the modern theatre. But Royall S. Tyler's "The Contrast" survived the passage of time with remarkable appeal not usual in the old "melodrama." And combined with the goodness of the play itself are a group of actors who seemed bred from birth for the parts they played. Robert Rittenour, as the paragon of manly virtue, Colo- nel Manly, played his role with a spark that lighted the entire play. Despite several slips in diction, caused mainly through the continual use of his formal language, Rittenour gave a really splendid performance. From his posture to his actions, he was the thorough "red-blooded American," in contrast to Dimple (William Alt- man) the I-learned-this-in-Europe dandy. ALTMAN continued his unenviable stage career as the despised character so well that we shall personally snub him the next time we see him on the street. He carried off the effeminate Mr. Dimple with a finesse that was pleasing to the extreme. At this point, we actually believe that he really does read Lord Chesterfield in the confines of his chamber. Frank Jones, as Jessamy, "waiter" to Dimple, and his servant prototype, mimicked Altman beautifully, and added his own actions to suit in a manner that won the audience completely. His contrast, Jonothan (James Moll) rushed about the stage as the typical country bumpkin, correctly over-awed by European manners, and shining through in his country style with an originality that kept the audience in quite the proper state of laughter. LAST OF THE MEN was Mr. Van Rough, who strutted about in his Ben Franklin wig, act- ing the stern, but lovable father. His perform- ance was nice, but he relied a bit too much on "the main chance," and weakened in the last scene. Maria (Lillian Canon) as the beloved of Col. Manly, started off as part of the stage props, but rose through the play to more than just the necessary heights. She came out in the true- spirit of American fashion, and climaxed the play with as good a portrayal of a heroine as we've seen in these parts.-F ELLIE TERRETTA, as Charlotte, in love with Dimple, gushed more tl'ian was required, we felt, but in general gave a pleasing performance. She handled her hoop skirts as if she had worn them all her life, and hinted nicely through her actions that she bordered on being a man stealer. Her companion, the rich Letitia (Betty Gal- lagher) carried off her part well, exuding the airs of a "young thing" with a natural touch. The bit parts were all handled capably and served their purpose to add to the attractiveness of the entire production. Worthy of mention in a play of this type was the fact that none of the actors seemed as if they were bothered by the costumes, which, incidentally, were beauti- fully done. BEFORE CLOSING, we would like to return once more to Rittenour, who not only stole the show in the dialogue, htt also gave his asides an air of firm belief that had us believing he had the code of ethics tattooed under his shirt. and peeked between scenes to convince himself again. A Lost Hemisphere A FTER mNFRTNR with Prcident Roose- STUPID S~ By Terence A COMMUNICATION comes, which the boss man cannot print be- cause it is not signed. But as you have probably noticed, I get away with practically anything in this column, so here it is. It takes up space any- way. Dear Mr. Editor: We just read the most interesting letter from Mr. A. P. Blaustein POT- POURRI's Tom C. Thumb to his ma . The C. stands for Conceit, of which he seems to have an abnormal amount . . . We shall appreciate it if you will hand this on to him, because it seems he needs a little less wind in his sails on the subject of summer coeds. We can't say so much for the Sum- mer Session variety of Michigan men. The only thing some of them have' offered in the line of entertainment so far as we can tell is walking, and if you aren't the sweet young thing type they just long to neck, you can't even rate a walk. Whih brings up the subject of saddle shoes. If men's mentalities were measured by the size of their shoes, the Michigan men would be mental giants. Besides, if the men would keep their eyes where they belong in ordinary courtesy, they wouldn't know so much about ladies' shoe sizes, which is, after all, none of their darn business. When any woman student so much as walks by on the sidewalk such places as the Union or the entrance to the Arcade, when she gets past she knows that every detail of her appearance has been carefully scrutinized by the men who apparently have no other pur- pose in life but to study apparel and physiology. AND NOW to the library: Most teachers know what libraries are for. Consequently they try to make proper use of them. It is slightly annoying, however, to have to sit across the table from some peculiar looking male who stares around con- stantly trying to search out some petite bit of feminity. Maybe we are one of those three hundred punders or white haired marms-that's our business, and if no one ever told Mr. T. C. T. it's impolite to stare, some one should take him in hand. We may take more notes in classes than our flippant friend. But we earn our money the hard way- (don't think we don't. In fact, we think the thorn in our side at the moment probably was, not long since, one of the reasons why school marms are as they are.) So wlen we are forced to come totplaces like this to get more gray matter development in orderto keep thatlivelihood,mwe're not apt to diddle the time away and then finally rely on someone else's notes. ANOTHER THING: In our pro- fession, we are forced, nine months of every year, to be the models for our pupils to supposedly follow. If we're not, we go job hunting. Though we'd rather have a nice va- cation on the shore or traveling, we come here-so why not "let down the back hair" and try to relax and be human for a change. As for Miss Froitzboinder's disgraceful conga- how is that any worse than some of the ping pong ball imitations we've observed on the dance floor in the antics of the "answersto the maid- ens' prayers" who think they are the embodiment of grace? Well, maybe they are; it's about all they get done. Look, fella, what if you weighed 300? Or were born with bowed legs? There are plenty of men at large around here who are anything but an answer to the prayers of any maidens-fair or forty. In fact, we 4hink that a good number of the summer crew of men are either dis- appointed football players or flib- bertegibbets who can't get through any other way on papa's money, or school superintendents who are off on a vacation from their wives. AND NOW that our minds are re-I lieved of this great weight, and this missile is about ready for the mailbox, we're going to really cele- brate with that big double lime coke with an extra shot of carbonated water. If you don't like it, you can go on home and bask in the nice quiet atmosphere of a home environ- ment which is free from coeds. (Signed) Some school marms who are within the limits of your description and who are having a $er- fectly delightful time without~ the doubtful pleasure of the com- pany of any male stu- dents. (Or are they mice?) NOW I'm not taking any sides in this thing, just acting sort of as intermediary or something, and this column is open to any further com- ments, providing they come up to the usual high literary standard em- ployed here. I reserve of course to rewrite any comments into English, especially those of Tom Thumb. However, for clarity's sake, let me , ,... ,-1 .,..- r - ,.. ...,-+ .-L DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I GRIN AND BEAR IT (Continued from Page 3) Union. Tickets will also be on sale at the Rackham School at 7:30 p.m. Students, College of Engineering: Saturday, July 19th, will be the final day for dropping a course without record in the summer session. Courses may be dropped only with permis- sion of the classifier after conference with the instructor. Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will platy a group of French songs, including Eighteenth Century, popular, and modern compositions, from 7:15 to 8 p.m., Thursday, July 17 in the Bur- ton Memorial Tower. Concert, High School Clinic Band: The University of Michigan 1941 High School Clinic Band of 147 pieces will present a concert at 4:15 p.m., Sun- day, July 20, at Hill Auditorium. Mr. Mark Hindsley, who is Assistant Con- ductor of the University of Illinois Bands, will be the guest conductor. Although this performance will be complimentary to the general public, small children will not be admitted for obvious reasons. Excursion No. 4-Niagara Falls and vicinity. Two and one-half days. Prof. I, D. Scott of the Department of Geology will accompany the group as lecturer. Round trip by boat and special bus. Reservations in Sum- mer Session office, Angell Hall. Trip starts Friday, July 18 at 3:30 p.m.- trip ends Monday morning, July 21, Ann Arbor. "The Contrast," by Royall Tyler will be presented at 8:30 p.m. to- night through Saturday night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech Single ad- missions are 75c, 50c, and 35c. The boxoffice is open from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Phone 6300). -- School of Education Students (Un- dergraduate): Courses dropped after Saturday, July 19, will be recorded with the grade of E except under ex- traordinary circumstances. No course i considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. The Summer Session French Club. The second meeting of the Summer -4.. v . i Session French Club will take place tomorroW Thursday, July 17, at 8 p.m. at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Wash- tenaw. Mrs. Charles B. Vibbert will speak. The subject of her talk will be: "Etapes psychologiques en 'France entre 1939 et 1941." Membership in the club is still open. Those, interested please see Professor Charles E. Koella, Room 200, Romance Language Building. Lectures on French Music: Mr. Per- cival Price, Professor of Composition and University Carillonneur, will give a series of three lectures with records on French music. In the first lec- ture Professor Price will talk on "Early French Music of the Jon- gleurs and the Troubadours." These lectures, which will be given in English and are open to all stu- dents and Faculty .members interest- ed, are to take place in Room 202, Burton Memorial Tower on Monday, July 21, Monday, August 4 and on Monday, August 18, respectively at 4:10 p.m. The lectures are sponsored by The Department of Romance Languages. Graduate Students in Speech: A symposium in thesis-writing will be. held Thursday, July 18, at 4 p.m. in the West Lounge of the Rackham Building. All graduate students con- templating an advanced degree in Speech should attend. The Biological Chemistry Lectures: The third of the series of lectures on the fat-soluble vitamins will be con- cerned with Vitamin A and the caro- tenes. Mrs. Priscilla Horton of the University Hospital and Dr. L. A. Moore of Michigan State College will speak on the physiological aspects of Vitamin A and the carotenes, in Room 151, Chemistry Building on Monday and Tuesday, July 14 and 15, at 2 p.m.' Professor Harry N. Holmes of Oberlin College will speak on the chemistry and distribution of these substances in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building on Thursday and Friday, July 17 and 18, at 2 p.m. All interested are invited to attend. Concert, Summer Session Band: The University of Michigan Summer Session Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, will present a concert on Thursday, July 17, 1941 at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. While the per- formance will be open to 'the general public, small children will not be ad- mitted for obvious reasons. "What I'm really looking for is some club or device to play lost balls from my caddie's pockets!" By Lichty 17 "4 I Principals And Chorus In Isolation Fight . . SENATOR WHEELER blasts the White House. Secretary Ickes war whoops against Charles A. Lindbergh. Paul Mc- Nutt rejects a negotiated peace. Mayor LaGuar- dia trumpets defiance of Hitler. I These are familiar cries; ardy perennials. They were only this week's expression of the four gentlemen's frequently expressed opinions. It was quite a chorus, but it was little different from what is turned up by each new day. The participants change; the chorus sound, with all its angry discords, continues without abatement. A few hours before the earliest of the four nora-innc x.winnn Churchill deliveredl twoa.r. RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270 KC - NBC Blue Thursday Evening 6:00 Headline News Sports Review Rollin' Home Easy Aces 6:15 Inside of Sports World News Rollin' Home Mr. Keen 6:30 Marriage Club News By Smits Club Romanza Intermezzo 6:45 Marriage Club Sports Parade Evening Serenade Harry Heilmann 7:00 Death Valley "Housewarming" Happy Joe Ricardo 7:15 Death Valley "Housewarming" Val Clare Rhapsodies 7:30 SPBSQ Aldrich Family B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles 7:45 SPBSQ Aldrich Family B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles 8:00 Major Bowes Music Hall Canada Answers T. Dorsey Orch. 8:15 Major Bowes Music Hall Canada Answers T. Dorsey Orch. 8:30 Major Bowes Music Hall News; Music World News 8:45 Major Bowes Music Hall Dell Concert Ted Steele Orch. 9:00 Glenn Miller Rudy Vallee Echoes of Heaven Wythe Williams 9:15 Prof Quiz Rudy Vallee Echoes of Heaven Industrial News 9:30 RXof. Quiz WWJ Playhouse Rosicrucian TBA 9:45 Melody Marvels WWJ Plavhouse Ynr Jnh and Mine a ma '1 I 4 4 ,,I I