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July 17, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-17

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on Emotionalism
And Patriotism

Fair Axid Slightly Warmer

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


N New Seizure Bill
Asked By Senate;
Other 'Too Broad'
Roosevelt's Version Arouses Opposition;
Rejected By Military Committee
WASHINGTON, July 16.-()-The Senate Military Committee called
on the War and Navy departments and the Office of Emergency Manage-,
ment today to draft an acceptable property seizure bill after a version spon-
sored by the White House had been termed "too broad" by Chairman
/Reynolds (Dem.-N. C.) and others.
Reynolds told reporters a new draft of the bill, submitted to the com-
mittee by Wayne Coy, a White House assistant representing the OEM, had
aroused considerable opposition at a lengthy closed session of the com-
mittee this morniig.
The new verion proposed President Roosevelt be given authority to
seize "any property" he deemed needed for national defense. It stipulated,
however, this action might not be+

Conpton Cites
Of Personnel
Today's Lack Of Trained
Technologists Seen
As Bottleneck
Citing the lack of trained technolo-
gists in the United States today,
President Karl T. Compton of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy asserted yesterday before an
audience of the Graduate Study'Pro-
gram in Public Policy in a Wotid at
War that "it is the personnel side of
our technological and scientific re-
sources which becomes the bottleneck
of our effort in any extreme emer-
gency like the present one."
"Funds for operation of laboraories,
equipment of laboratories and even
thy construction of laboratories can
be secured on relatively short order
by the vote of necessary funds when-
ever an emergency is important
enough to demand such action," he
pointed out, "but scientifically and
technically trained personnel can not
be quickly obtained."
Consequently, Dr. Compton main-
tained, the great problem of national
defense from the technological and
scientific point of view, is the prob-
lem of organizing existing personnel,
of quick supplementary training of
other personnel and of continuing the
fundamental training of still others.
Change in economic theory con-
cerning production in the past 10
years has accounted for a great con-
trast in the view of the country to-
ward its technologists, Dr. Compton
told. When the theory of over-pro-
(Continued on Page 3)-
Topic Chosen
For Summer
Parley Session

Russians Admit German


Have Reached Smolensk Sector;


To Form New Cabinet



taken until "all other means of rb-
taining the use of such property for
the defense of the United States up-
on fair and reasonable terms have
been exhausted."
Lodge Attacks Measure
Senator Lodge (Rep.-Mass.) called
this draft much broader than a ver-
sion previously submitted by Under-
secretary of War Robert P. Patterson,
which would have limited requisition
action to specifically defined military
articles needed for the Army and
One committee member who asked
not to be quoted by name said the'
question was raised whether the
White House-sponsored version would
permit the transfer of seized property,
to Russia, since it provided only that
the articles "in question be required
"for the defense of the United States"
and did not actually limit them to'
items necessary for the Army and1
Navy. There was strong opposition
to any such course, this member said.;
'Much Broader,' Says Reynolds
Reynolds said he thought the pro-..
posal was "much broader in scope
than the bill previously submitted by
the War Department-in fact too
For this reason, he said, the com-
mittee had directed Patterson, Coy
and Capt. Claud A. Jones of the Navy
Department to redraft the measure
into form acceptable to the War and'
Navy Departments and the OEM, or-
dering the compromise version sub-
mitted at a meeting tomorrow after-
Major Shake-Up
In Army Announced
WASHINGTON, July 16.-(P)-A
group of comparatively young gener-
als attained new prominence in the
Army today as the result of a major
shakeup which put new chiefs in com-
mand of the Caribbean defense setup,
the expanding armored force and
four of the nine Army corps.
The air forces won further recog-
nition with the assignment of Major
General 'Frank M. Andrews, 57, to
become chief of the Caribbean de-
fense command, a post regarded as
of increasing importance.
The Armored Force, now being ex-
panded from two to six fast-striking
divisions, lost as commander the man
who organized it, Major General Ad-
na R. Chaffee, 56, who has long been
ill. The veteran tankman, who held
the title of Chief of the Armored,
Force, was granted sick leave.
Youngest Of All
In his plac at Fort Knox, Ky.,
Armored Force headquarters, was as-
signed the youngest of all the officers
affected by the shuffling, Major Gen-
eral Jacob L. Devers, '43,.now Com-
mander of the Ninth Division at Fort
Bragg, N.C.
Major General Charles H. Bones-
teel, now Commander of the 6th'Corps
Area at Chicago, Ill., was transferred
to command of the 5th Division at
Fort Custer. In an exchange of posts,
Major General Joseph M. Cummins,
now commander of the 5th Division,
was ordered to take over the 6th Corps
Area., effective July 20.
International Center
To Hold Tea Today
Forty-nine Latin-American stu-
dents who arrived here Tuesday to
attend the Latin-American Summer
School at the International Center
will attend the Center's weekly tea
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today.
This will be the group's first op-

Summer Band
To Give First
Recital' Today
Prof. Revelli Will Conduct
Concert at 8:30 P.M.
Today In Hill Auditormi'
The University's own Summer Ses-
sion Band will offer the first re-
cital of the season at 8:30 p.m. to-
day at Hill Auditorium under the
direction of Prof. William D. Revelli
of the School of Music.
Opening the program will be Man-
cini's-"Symphonic March," which will
be followed by "Au Pays Lorrain" by
Balay, "Il Dulci Jubilo" by Bach
and "La Gitana" by Curzon.
Other selections which will be
played are Goldman's "On ,the Hud-
son," Sousa's "Semper Fidelis,"
Raff's "Cavatina," "Italian Polka,"
by Rachmaninoff, Gould's "Pa-
vanne," Fauchet's "Symphony in B-
flat, Finale" and "Knightsbridge
March" by Coates.
At 7:15 p.m. today, Prof. Percival
Price of the School of Music will
offer another of his carillon con-
certs from the Burton Memorial
His program will include three 18th
century compositions by Couperin,
Rameau and Daqumn, variations o
two bell melodies, three popular songs
and two modern compositions by De-
bussy and Saint Saens.
Russian Films
Will Be Shown
B yArt Cinema
Chapayev' Is First Film
In Series, Opens Today
In Rackham Auditorium
"Chapayev," the first of a series
of two Russian moving pictures to be
presented by the Art Cinema League,
will be shown at 8:15 p.m. today in
the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Tickets for the series may be pur-
chased at the Union, the League and
Wahr's book store. The other film,
to be shown next Thursday, is "The
Childhood of Maxim Gorky."
With Boris Babochkin in the title
role, "Chapayev" illustrates the ca-
reer of an illiterate artisian who
served in the ranks of the Czar's
army during the World War. After
the revolution he organized his own
forces and went over to the Red side,
carrying on guerrilla warfare in the
Caspian Sea area.
His exploits brought him to the
attention of Moscow and the com-
mander of the Red army, Frunze,
realizing that the .well-armed forces
of the Whites could not be defeated
by unorganized guerrilla warfare, at-
tempted to win Chapayev over to
disciplined, organized activity.
Last minute box office service will
be provided from 7:30 p.m. until
show time today at the Rackham
School for those who have not been
able to purchase tickets before then.
Tyler's 'Contrast'
Stars James Moll
The Michigan Repertory Players

Admiral Yonai Is Called
In Conference To Pick
Successor To Konoye
Army, Navy Seen
Behind Shake-Up
(By The Associated Press)
TOKYO, Thursday, Juyl 17.-Em-
peror Hirohito summoned former
Premier Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai to
conference today in an attempt to
find a successor to Premier prince
Fumimaro Konoye whose goven-
ment resigned in a body yesterday.
There were reports the army nd
navy would dominate the new govern-
Reason For Resignation
The Konoye Cabinet, which allied
Japan with Germany and Italy and a
few months later entered a neutral-
ity accord with Soviet Russia, said
its resignation was to permit forma-
tion of a government more capable
of "coping with the ever-changing
world situation."I
Konoye went to the Imperial sum-
mer villa at Hayama to present the
resignation last night, and Yonai
journeyed to Hayama today. Konoye
will remain in power until the Em-
peror releases him.
Emperor To Return To Tokyo
The Emperor s to return to Tokyo
ate today. Meanwhile, Marquis Koi-
chi Kido, Lord Keeper of the Privy
Seal, arrived in Tokyo.
The course Japan would take was
obscure, but Foreign Minister Yosuke
Matsuoka, who directed Japan's pres-
ent tieup with the Axis and its neu-
trality accord with Russia, was known
to have been the first to agree to the
en bloc resignation.
The Yonai cabinet resigned July
16 last year.
No Indications Given
(Tokyo dispatches give no cleir in-
dication of what direction Japanese
Imperial policy may take as a result
of a change in government, but there
has been recently a rising tide of
sentiment in favor of siding with Ger-
many against Russia and increasing
clamor against what is called "the en-
circlement of Japan" by the United
States, Britain, China and now the
Soviet Union.
(The British-Russian alliance, the
strengthening of British, American
and Dutch defenses in §outheastern
Asia and the possibility that United
States aid might reach Russia by way
of Vladivostok have been viewed with
alarm in Japan.)
Konoye May Return
The phrasing of the government's
announcement of its fall indicated
Konoye, who already has had two
terms as premier, might receive the
Imperial command to assemble a new
cabinet from which some of the re-
tiring ministers would be omitted.
The cabinet said it stepped down
because it felt keenly "the necessity
of a rapid strengthening of the do-
mestic structure as well as a drastic
renovation of itself."
Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka,
influential hi aligning Japan with
the Axis in the Berlin treaty of Sept.
27, 1940, and who personally signed
the neutrality accord of April 13 at
Moscow, was absent because of illness

-Battle Zones On The Eastern Front
~ I'o I 3
V~ r
- - D
Circles show zones of heavy fighting between Russian and German
armies while Finnish troops were reported pressing their twin drives
(1) toward Leningrad. A Nazi offensive was reported somewliere in.
the area indicated by circle 2, near Novgorod. Germans were reported
advancing on Smolensk (circle 3). A Russian report said Soviet troops
had driven the Germans back in an offensive in the Rogachev-Zhlobin
battle area (circle 4). Germans said the fall of Kiev (5) was imminent.
University Excursionists View'
Ford Plant's Industrial Wonders

'Pattern For
Is -Selected
For Annual

As Subject

"Pattern for Democracy-Today
and Tomorrow" will be the main topic
of the Summer Parley's annual two-
day session, to be opened here July 25.
The Parley, third in the series of
summer conclaves sponsored by the
Student Senate, will consist of four
discussion panels. The first panel
will deal with "Democracy After the
War" while the second group will be
devoted to "Economic Problems of
Defense." . "The Four Freedoms At
Home" and "Education in, a Time of
Crisis" will be taken up by the third
and fourth panels respectively.
Under the guidance of Chairman
William Ditz and Secretary Irving
Jaffee, three of the four panel heads
have already been named. Daniel
Huyett, Karl Kessler, and A. P. Blau-
stein will be in charge of the first
three panels, although a chairman
has not yet been chosen for the
newly-created fourthgroup. Harold
Guetzkow will lead the Parley's open-
ing and closing sessions.
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law
School and Mr. James Duesenberry of
the Department of Economics are the
latest additions to the advisory com-
mittee, which now consists of nine
faculty members. Other committee-
men already selected are Dr. Edward
Blakeman, Counselor of Religious
Education; Prof. Charles Jameson of
the business administration school;
Profs. Lawrence Preuss and James
(Continued on Page 59)

(Special to The Daily)
RIVER ROUGE, July 16-Despite
an all-afternoon rain, students on
the third University excursion, a trip
through the Ford Motor Company's
River Rouge factory, saw several in-
teresting examples of the Ford pro-
duction system.
Leaving Ann Arbor at 12:45 p.m.,
we went by special bus to the plant,
To Go To Falls
Niagara Party To Leave
At 3 P.M. Tomorrow
Students registered for the Univer-
sity excursion to Niagara Falls and
vicinity will meet at 3 p.m. tomor-
row in front of Angell Hall to take
a special bus to Detroit, where they
will board a D&C liner which wil.
take them to Buffalo.
The party will arrive in Buffalo
early Saturday morning, and will be
met by a special bus which will bring
them to the Falls. The group will
spend Saturday and part of Sunday
visiting places of interest such as the
Cave of the Winds, Niagara Falls
Power plant, the Niagara Gorge, Ni-
agara Glen, Canadian Heights Park,
and Whirlpool Rapids.
Also included is a trip on the Maid
of the Mist, a boat which goes to the
foot of the Falls and behind them.
Leaving Sunday afternoon, the
party will return to Buffalo, there
boarding the boat for the return trip
to Detroit. They will arrive in De-
troit at 8:15 a.m. Monday morning
and take a bus back to Ann Arbor,
arriving at 10 a.m. A representative
of the D&C lines will be at the Sum-
mer Session office from 1 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. today.
RAF Stages Raid
On Dutch Harbor
(By' The Associated Press)
LONDON, July 16.-The RAF re-
ported bomb hits on a 15,000-ton ship
and many other vessels in a daring low

Ccenter of the Company's many in-
dustrial enterprises. Thee area cov-
ered by the factories is approximate-
ly 1,000 acres.
During the two hours we Spent
there, we had an opportunity to see
the motor and final assembly lines,
the open hearth furnaces, and the
rolling mill, all typical examples of
the Ford specialization of labor
method, which, it was explained,
adds efficiency in the standardiza-
tion processing of materials and large
scale production. ,
On the final assembly line, we
watched a Ford car being put to-
gether, starting at one end of the
conveyor as just the frame, and
moving at a uniform speed down the
line, axels, wheels, motor, gasoline'
tank, steering gear, body and other
equipment being added until 45 min-
utes later, the car drove off the line
under its own power.
At the open hearth furnaces, we
saw ladles lifting 90 tons of molten
steel, carried by overhead cranes to
the pouring places.
Also, in this building the salvaging
work goes on. Old car metal is baled
and placed in the furnaces to be
melted and used again in new cars.
Although we did not get a chance
to inspect them closely, we were
able to see the foundry, body plant,
glass plant, ore unloading docks and
various other of the Company's units.
Our guide informed us that more
than 100,000 men are employed in
this one area when the plant is going
at full capacity.
Price Slashed

DNB Reports Nazi Forces
Are Advancing Rapidly
In Vicinity Of Leningrad
Soviets Surround
German Tank Unit
(By The Associated Pess)
MOSCOW, Thursday, July 17.-
Germany's armored troops now have
reached the Smolensk area 90 miles
past of battle-scarred Vitebsk and 230
miles from Moscow on the road to
the Soviet capital, the Soviet In-
formation Bureau announced today.
(This was the first time the Rus-
sians have mentioned Smolensk, and
this would appear to be the most
serious threat yet to Russian defenses
on the central front protecting the
capital. Smolensk is an important
rail and communications center and
already has been heavily bombed.)
At the same time the Soviets said
a German tank $battalion retreating
from Rogachev on the Dnepr River
to the south had been surronded
and destroyed.
The Germans apparently - have
been hurled back frtn the Dnepr 50
miles to the Bobruisk sector where
heavy fighting was reported still go-
ing on.
Reds Active Near Pshov
Mention of Pskov, 150 miles south
of Leningrad as another important
battle area, indicated Red troops still
were holding up the German drive
on Leningrad from the south.
on the southern front Red troops
were reported still resisting the Ger-
mans at Novograd-Volynski, 130
miles west of the Ukraine capital,
It was in this area that the Rus-
sians yesterday claimed the counter-
attacking Red army had kept Ger-
man infantry from catching up to
support advance Nazi mechanized
units which apparently had swept
around Novograd-Volynski in the
attempt to reach Kiev.
The Soviet communique said the
Red air force again bombed the Ru-
manian oil center of Ploesti, and the
Rumanian ports of Sulina and Tul-
Attacks On Nazis Reported
Successful attacks on German mo-
torized unts and Nazi planes on the
ground also were reported, the Red
airmen particularly concentraing on
Nazi troop concentrations gathered
to cross Russian rivers.
The Red counter-offensive in the
Rogacnev are, which roughly is 150
miles southwest of Smolensk, first
was reported by the Soviet news-
paper Izvestia.
(Should the Germans be success-
ful in the Smolensk area they would
threaten the rear of thesd Red forces
fighting along the southern course
of theDnepr River in the Rogachev
Nazis Advance
After Bombardment
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, July 16.-Pressing for-
ward after a heavy aerial bombard-
ment of rail lines in the vicinity 'of
Leningrad, German forces were re-
ported by the official German news
agency tonight to be advancing rap-
idly on that big Russian industrial
port city, the old Czarist capital.
The German forces pushing north-
westward on the Baltic front have
made such speedy progress, DNB said,
that the Rusisans had1 been forced to
make a stand in unfavorable posi-
tions with "considerable losses" re-
The Germans reported running
fights were taking place in this region,
especially east of Pskov, indicating,
said DNB, that the Russians hoped
strong rearguard encounters would
hold up the Germans long enough for
the defenders to dig in along a new
line of defense.
"The Rome radio, in a broadcast

heard in New York by NBC Wednes-
day evening, said large Russian con-
tingents had retreated to the road
from Smolensk to Moscow. Smolensk
is about 250 miles west of the Rus-
sian capital.)
DNB said the German air force
now had disrupted hundreds of miles
of Russia's most vital railways, and
that "as a result of this destruction

At The Michigan Fire College
Lectures, Demonstrations Head
Program Here Yesterday, Today
An exhibition of fire extinguishers0 Headlined demonstration today will

featured the second day's program
of the Michigan Fire College meeting
here yesterday.
Various types of extinguishers, their
construction and the particular ap-
plications of each type were explained
at the afternoon demonstration yes-
terday at the rear of the Kellogg
Four talks on various phases of
fire fighting and fire prevention were
presented at the morning session yes-
Arnold C. Renner, chief of the fire
marshal division of the Michigan

be on high-voltage electrical hazards,
and will be presented at 4 p.m. at the
rear of the Kellogg Building.
Lectures scheduled at 9 a.m. to-
day in the Kellogg Auditorium are:
"Let's Raise the Standard Function-
ally," by Herbert Olsen. director of
the Michigan Municipal League; "Be-
havior of the Human Mind in Its Re-
lation to the Fire Service," by Prof.
Norman F. Maier of the psychology
department; "The Fireman's Place in
National Defense," by Emmet Cox,{
Indiana Inspection Bureau engineer
and "The Hazards of Overhead Wir-
ing to Firemen," by H. E, Byrne, train-



Tickets Cheaper
Service Men

They may only get $21 a month,
but draftees will be able to see any
home game in the Michigan stadium
next fall for 50 cents, according to
an announcement released yesterday
by Athletic Director Herbert O.
(Fritz) Crisler.
Any service man in uniform will
be admitted to a special reserved sec-
tion in the end zone at the new low

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