THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1941 --- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Puljlished every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mnail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc- ,.College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Managing Editor City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Stafff BusinessStaf f . Karl Kessler " Harry M. Kelsey . William Baker Eugene Mandeberg lbert P. Blaustein Barbara Jenswold Daily Calendar of Events Sunday, July 13 - 4:15 p.m. Concert by the High School Clinic Band. (Hill Auditorium.) 7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. 8:15 p.m. The Art Cinema League. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) English film-"Peg of Old Drury." 8:30 p.m. Faculty Recital, Enid Szantho, Contralto; George Poinar, Violinist; Ava Comin Case, Pianist, (Rackham Assembly Hall) Monday, July 14 - 4:05 p.m. Lecture. SELF-DISCIPLINE THROUGH GUIDANCE: "THE PSYCHO- LOGICAL BASIS OF THE NEW EDUCATION" Henry Beaumont, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Kentucky. (University High School Audi- torium.) 4:15 p.m. Lecture Recital. Professor Joseph Brinkman and Mr. Beller. (Assembly Hall, Rackham Building.) 4:15 p.m. Lecture THE WORLD'S GEOGRAPHICAL-POLITICAL PATTERN. Rich- ard Hartshorne, Profesesor of Geography, University of Wisconsin. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building." 7:30 p.m. Square and Country Dancing. Benjamin B. Lovett, Edison Institute, Dearborn. (Michigan League Ballroom.) 8:00 p.m. MOTION PICTURES OF THE SUN. Professor Heber D. Curtis, Chairman of Department of Astronomy, and Director of the Observatories. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) Tuesday, July 15 - 4:00 p.m. Lecture. NIAGARA FALLS (Illustrated.) Professor I. D. Scott, Depart- ment of Geology. (Natural Science Auditorium.) 4:05 p.m. Lecture. THE EDUCATIONAL REVIVAL IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. Edgar W. Knight, Professor of Education, University of North Carolina. (Uni- versity High School Auditorium.) 4:15 p.m. Lecture. THE DISTRIBUTION AND CONTROL OF NATURAL RE- SOURCES. Brooks Emeny, Associate Professor of International Relations, West- ern Reserve University and Director of the Foreign Affairs Council, Cleveland. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) 7:30 p.m. Beginners' Class in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom). 8:00 p.m. Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League.) Anyone wishing to play is invited. Come with or without partners. 8:30 p.m. Concert by the faculty of the School of Music. (Hill Auditorium.) George Poinar, Violinist; William Bellar, Pianist; Palmer Christian, Organist; and the Summer Session Chamber Orchestra, Eric DeLamarter, Director. Wednesday, July 16 - 12:45 p.m. Excursion No. 3-The Ford Plant. Inspection of the various Ford indus- tries at River Rouge. Round trip by special bus. Reservations in Summer Session office, Angell Hall. Trip ends at 5:30 p.m. Ann Arbor. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free of charge. Comewith or without partners. 4:05 p.m. Lecture. THE NURSERY SCHOOL POINTS THE WAY. William E. Blatz, Professor of Child Psychology and Director of the Institute of Child Study, University of Toronto. (University High School Auditorium.) 4:15-5:30 p.m. Mr. Owen Uridge, Assistant General Manager, Station WJR, Detroit. Topic: RADIO AS A VOCATION. (Rackham Amphitheatre.) 4:15 p.m. Lecture. TECHNOLOGICAL AND SCIENTIFIC RESOURCES. Karl T. Compton, President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) 7:30 p.m. Intermediate Dancing Class. (Michigan League Ballroom.) 8:00 p.m. Medical Lecture. FOREIGN BODIES IN THE LARYNX (Illustrated.) Dean A. C. Furstenberg. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) 8:30 p.m. "The Contrast" by Royall Tyler. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) Thursday, July 17 - 4:05 ,p.m. Lecture. WHAT SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES ARE DOING. Orie I. Frederick, Specialist in Secondary Education for National De- fense, United States Office of Education. (University High School Auditorium.) 7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. 8:00 p.m. Bridge Lessons. (Michigan League.) 8:15 p.m. Concert by the University Summer Session Band. (Hill Auditorium.) 8:30 p.m. "The Contrast." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.) Friday, July 18 - 3:30 p.m. Excursion No. 4-Niagara Falls and vicinity. Two and one-half days. Professor I. D. Scott of the Department of Geology will accompany the group as lecturer. Round trip by boat and special bus. Reservations in Summer Session office, Angell Hall. Trip ends Monday morning, July 21, Ann Arbor. 7:30 pm. Watermelon Cut. (Michigan League.) Free. 8:30 p.m. "The Contrast." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.) 9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Come with or without partners. . ,v Business Manager. . .... Daniel H. Huyett Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY M. KELSEY The editorials publised in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. For A Democratic American Army ... FORTUNATELY for the American F people, the U. S. Army big-wigs have finally come to the conclusion that it is neither disgraceful nor humiliating to copy the advanced military techniques, and plans of organization which have been developed by other nations. As a result we have begun to put more emphasis upon aviation, we have begun to motorize more divisions and we have begun to try to train soldiers instead of marionettes- but nothing has been done about improving our officer's corps. One of the leading correspondents of the Christian Science Monitor recently wrote a re- port on the Germany army organization and ex- plained its superiority to a large extent on the grounds that the Nazis actually do have a 'dem- ocratic army.' And it might also be remembered that the Anzacs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps), which is pretty close to'being the most democratic military force in the world, had the best troops in the last war and are today the best soldiers of-the British Commonwealth. IT'S JUST ABOUT TIME that we start making our army democratic too. In Germany there is little favoritism in the actual conduct of the army - even Hitler knows that politicians don't make good generals - and every important officer is a man who has risen on merit through the ranks. Every officer compmands the respect and admiration of his men because the men know that he is the best available for his position. Every officer eats and sleeps with his men, helps them in their menial work whenever possible and even leads them into action. But what about the British, French and Amer- ican armies? In all cases a large percentage of officers hold their commissions only because they were fortunate enough to have the wealth and influence necessary to enter their country's military academies and become officers. At St. Cyr iin France and at West Point, for example, where these nation's future generals are trained, there are very few who have been allowed in without political connections. IN THESE THREE same countries men are (or were in the case of France) advanced in rank on the basis of seniority, not merit. When Roose- velt appointed General Marshall chief of staff, hundreds of officers in the American army were enraged because the President had disregarded the fact that some men who had been in the army longer than Marshall and had made his appointment on the basis of merit. As long as inexperienced young boys, veterans of only four years at West Point or some college ROTC, are put in command of well trained and experienced men who actually have to teach their officers, our military esprit de corps will be far below the standard we would like to have. The time for reform is now - not when we start sending another A.E.F. overseas. WITH THE DECLINE of the old Prussian aris- tocracy, Germany has built up the greatest military force in the history of the world and intelligent Americans should realize that to de- feat the Reich it will be necessary to "clean up our own back yard" and get rid of our own "military aristocracy." - Albert P. Blaustein STUPID t1 By Terence THE BROADCAST That Was Never Heard: Raymond Gram Swing enjoys the reputation of being one of the country's better radio com- mentators. Recently he left for Lon- don to do a series of short wave broadcasts to this country. Before he left, Mr. Swing prepared a re- cording to be used in the event he did not arrive in London in time for his first broadcast. In it he enum- erated the things he expected to find in England: ". . .I do not expect to find everything heroically and magnifi- cently superior in Britain. I expect British morale to be sound and amazing. But I do not expect it to be something to accept as a settled and final miracle. " .Administratively I shall ex- pect to find the same sort of clum- siness that is true of any vast govern- ment body dealing with an emergen- cy . . . I am not sure of finding a preview of a solution of some of the major domestic conflicts in Britain . They are not pulling together for anything more than a united war effort. ". . . I shall be surprised if there is anything like a conscious, team sense of rebuilding a better Britain socially after the war. As to the U.S., I expect to find two minds in Great Britain. One part will be impatient to have Ameri- ca enter the war. The other part of the British mind will have more knowledge of American problems and hence a greater appreciation of what this country is contributing. ". . . As to the British war strength, I expect to find that it has grown steadily and substantially dur- ing the past winter and spring. Bri- tain has not been working on a pro- gram for hanging on. It has been working on a program for overtaking Germany's war effort. As I foresee the industrial scene it will be much more intense and all-embracing than in this country. A far greater por- tion of the population will be taking part in it." One of our brothers under the skin, columnist Driscoll, recently wrote about his pet dog in glowing terms. "The other day, the mistress being away, he (the dog) ate up Prince Fluf's muzzle." Wonder how much more delectable the mistress would have been? J HAVE A FRIEND who had always wanted to meet a Kentucky col- onel, a real genuine one. Once he vis- ited the Blue Grass State, and was in- troduced to one. The old fellow an- swered the ideal in every respect, in- cluding the goatee and white hair. My friend, who was a Northerner, by the way, asked the Colonel if he had voted for Mr. Roosevelt for a first term. Getting an affirmative answer, the Question was repeated, about a second term and a like answer was given. Then, and before the question could be asked a third time the white- haired old Colonel shook his finger in the Northerner's face and said, "Yes, sah, and I voted for him for a third term, too, and if you damn Republi- cans don't quit voting for Roosevelt, you're going to bring ruin on the country, suh!" LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sandburg And Lincoln To the Editor: One of the highlights of the New Education Conference was the talk given by Carl Sandburg-the Michi- gan Poet, who spoke on "The Peo- ple, Yes." His brief reference to his book on Abraham Lincoln-to my mind was very important, because it inspired the following: The Getysburg Address-Message of 1941. Nearly four score years ago, at Gettysburg-our great President and Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln, ad- monished us that our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in Liberty and Dedicated to the proposition that all men are cre- ated equal. Now the world-and we,the Unit- ed States-are engaged in a great war., We, for the time being only morally and financially and to a small extent (as far as we laymen know) physically, testing whether nations conceived by Hitler and Mus- solini can long endure. It is fitting and proper that we rededicate, re- consecrate our efforts so that the struggle through the ages of Freedom and Democracy can survive. The world will long remember what we do-so that what We and the Allies GRIN AND BEAR IT DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 4 (Continued from Page 2) School of Music Summer Session, will present the first, of two joint recitals at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, July 13, 1941, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. They will be accompanied by Ava Comin Case, Pianist, also a member of the School of Music Faculty. The con- cert will be complimentary to the general public. Student Graduation Recital: Ross Williams, Violinist, will present a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the Master of Music degree at 8:30 p.m., Monday, July 14, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Mr. Williams, who is a student of Profes- sor Besekirsky, will be accompanied by William Schottstaedt, '40SM. This recital will be open to the general public. Mathematics Club will meet Tues- day, at 4:15 p.m., in 3011 A.H. Pro-I fessor Craig will speak on "Statistical Tests Based on the Randomization Principle," and Dr. Rainville, on "Mathematicsnand Concrete Dams." Fellowship of Reconciliation will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in Lane Hall. A discussion of Tho- reau's Essay on Civil Disobedience will be held. All are welcome to at- tend. Please read the material be- fore coming. It is available in the Lane Hall Library. At 8:00 p.m., Monday, July 14, in the Lecture Halls of the Rackham Building, Prof. IKeber D. Curtis, chair- man of the Department of Astrono- my and director of the Observatories, will show "Motion Pictures of the Sun." Monday, July 14, 4:15 p.m. "The World's Geographical-Political Pat- tern." Richard Hartshorne, Profes- sor of Geography, University of Wis- consin. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building). Wednesday, July 16. Excursion No. 3-The Ford Plant.. Inspection of the various Ford industries at River Rouge. Round trip by special bus. Reservations in Summer Session of- fice, Angell Hall. Trip ends at 5:30 p.m., Ann Arbor. Lecture. Monday, July 14, 4:05 p.m., University High School Audi- torium. "Self-Discipline Through Guidance: "The Psychological Basis of the New Education." Henry Beau-' mont, Associate Professor of Psychol- ogy, Univehtity of Kentucky. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students whose records carry reports of I or X either from last semester or (if they have riot been in residence since that time) from any former session, will receive grades of E unless the work is completed by July 30th. Petitions for extensions of time, with the writ- ten approval of the instructors con- cerned, should be addressed to the Administrative Board of the College, and presented at Room 4 University Hall, before July 30th. Concert, Summer Session Band: The University of Michigan Summer Session Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, will present a concert on Thursday, July 17, 1941 at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. While the per- formiane will be open to the general public, small children will not be ad- mitted for obvious reasons. To All Students in Commercial Ed- ucation. There will be a meeting of students in Commercial Education on Tuesday evening, July 15, at 7:30 in the East Conference Room, Rack- ham Building. Organization of the group for summer activities. Mixer. Lynn Rohrer, Pres. Speech Students: Dr. W. Hayes Yeager, Chairman Department of Speech, George Washington Univer- sity, and President of the National Association of Teachers of Speech, will discuss the subject, "Problems of Teaching of Public Speaking" at 10 a.m. Monday, July 14, in the Mich- igan Union Ballroom. All 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock classes in the Depart- ment of Speech will be dismissed in order to permit attendance. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information nas received notice of the position of Policewoman from the City of De- troit Department of Police. The duties cf this position require that the applicant have one or more years of full-time work as a paid social worker, specialization in the field of social work at an accredited college or university, or two or more years of full-time work in a field closely re- lated to social work. Age limits 22 to 28 inclusive. Last filing date: August 8, 1941. Salary: $2,000 per year. Further information may be (Continued on Page 5) ,-. By Lichty 4 "You never argue with me, Harold-one would think we'd been married for years!" Saturday, July 19 - 8:30 p.m. "The Contrast."t 9:00 p.m. Social Evening. partners. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.) (Michigan League Ballroom.) Come with or without 11 S nday, July 20 - 4:15 p.m. Concert by the High School Band Clinic. (Hill Auditorium.) 7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.. 8:15 p.m.The Art Cinema League. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) French Film. "The Baker's Wife." - ..,_ . Washington Merry-Go-Round ----- By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN. 4 - I 4 WASHINGTON-It has not leaked out yet, but the State Department carried its appease- ment policy toward Japan to remarkable lengths recently when it shielded two Japanese officials caught cold in espionage-one of them with U.S. naval secrets in his possession. In one case, Lieut. Commander Itaru Tati- bana, though held on $50,000 bail, was permitted to return to Japan. In the other case, J. Edgar Hoover's G-men were not perlitted by the State Department even to make an arrest. A Japanese foreign language officer was in- volvea among the 34 spies arrested by Hoover in New York recently. Hoover's men had the goods on him, but before they could arrest him they had to consult the State Department, which said NO. No explanations were given. A language of- ficer is a Japanese who is in the United States studying English and is a representative of the Japanese Government, but does not have diplo- matic immunity. In the case of Lieut. Commander Tatibana, the G-Men and Naval Intelligence trailed him for one year, during which he and Charlie Chap- lin's former houseman, a Japanese, paid several the release of Americans imprisoned in another country. But in these cases there was no swap. Officers of the Japanese Government caught in espionage were simply permitted to go scot free. Carrot Juice Mothers who have difficulty inducing Junior to eat his carrots will be interested to know that the OPM priorities division also is having its troubles with this well-known vegetable. One of the daffiest cases confronting priorities experts is whether carrot juice is a defense essential. Specifically, the experts are trying to decide if a Seattle, Washington, concern should con- tinue to receive supplies of aluminum for the manufacture of a gadget which extracts juice from carrots and other vegetables. Wrote the manufacturer: "Carrot juice is being widely used and recom- mended for pilots, army truck drivers and others as an aid in overcoming fatigue, night blindness, and to build up vitality and stamina. In addition, fresh fruit and vegetable juices are recognized by government nutrition experts as vital sources of valuable vitamins and minerals required for the public health and safety." RADIO . SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270 KC - NBC Blue Sunday Evening 6:00 5:55-'Dear Mom' Reg'lar Fellas "Fight Camp" The News 6:15 Rev. Smith Reg'lar Fellas "Fight Camp" From Europe 6:30 World News val Clare-News Fitch Pearson & Allen 6:45 Tonight R.C.A.F. Talk Interlude Jean Cavell 7:00 PauserThat What's Charlie Star Spangled 7:15 Refreshes My Name? McCarthy Theatre 7:30 Crime Class One Man's Inner Sanctum 7;45 Doctor; News Week-End Revue Family Mysteries 8:00 Sunday Old Fashioned The Manhattan Walter Winchell 8:15 Evening Hour; Revival Merry-Go-Round Parker Family 8:30 Sunday Hour- Album of Irene Rich 8:45 Evening Hour Services Familiar Music Bill Stern 9:00 Take It or We Have Hour of Charm Goodwill Court 9:15 Leave It Been There -Spitalny Orch. -Interviews 9:30 City Desk To Be Carry On Canada With Unhappy 9:45 City Desk Announced Carry On Canada People ai .4.