Fair Sunday and Monday
5k1 iau
For A Democratic
American Army..
Official Publication Of The Summer Session.
Education Parley
Formulates Plans
For War Recovery
World Reconstruction Plan
Is Submitted At Final
Session Of Conference
Assumes Def eat
Of Totalitarianism
Nineteen elucators from six coun-
tries yesterday submitted to the final
session of the eighth international
conference of the New Education Fel-
lowship a plan for reconstruction of
the world after war embodying the
formation of a world brotherhood of
nations and giving to youth its re-
sponsibility in the post-war world.
The report, described as the first
concrete attempt of qualified men to
solve the problem of post-war re-
construction," stated that reconstruc-
tion after war must reach into -every
form of our economic, political and
social life.
"Without careful planning and pre-
paration of the educational element
in this reconstruction, Europe will
again collapse."
In making the report, the Com-
mittee assumed that Hitler and Hit-
lerism will be defeated, and the world
will be left in a state of near-chaos.
Three points were contained in the
report for action at the end of the
war. Paramount tasks would be the
immediate feeding and care of chil-
dren of all nations, medical care and
public health care to prevent outbreak
of epidemic, and the reconstruction
of schools and housing.
Call For Cooperation
The Committee called for the full-
est cooperatiop of all with the lead-
ers of the post-war era.
A comprehensive plan of education
for children, youth and adults must
be developed, adaited to diff1 ent
cultural conditions, and making the
fullest use of the experiences and
wisdom of the great educators.
The only basis for a durable peace
is a brotherhood of nations, the re-
port continues, in which each society
recognizes its own duties and rights.
- No existing society is a perfect de-
mocracy, but democracy is the stan-
dard by which societies and their
governments are judged and the idea
and goal towards which they strive.
Affirming that the first duty of
society is to guarantee to every man,
woman and child equal opportunity
for education without regard to race,
birth, sex, income or creed, the Com-
mittee declared that to embody these
principles into a society of the future,
men must be inspired by forces which
spring from a deeper dimension of
Action, Faith And Reason
"To develop, men need action; to
act, men need faith; to keep faith,
men need reason; to direct all three,
men need a vision of excellence; and
all this is empty unless it is pervaded
by love; and love is action and out-
The Committee laid down seven
tenets for the improvement of the
educational system, claiming that the
main need is to break down the walls
that stand between school and com-
Equality should become a reality in
(Continued on Page 6)
Portugal Assured
By U.S. On Azores
NEW YORK, July 12:- ()-The
United States has given Portugal as-
surances it will not move into the
Azores or Cape Verde Islands, Joao
A. Dibianchi, Portuguese Minister, de-
clared today.
Dibianchi, awaiting the arrival of
a Clipper carrying his daughter from
Bermuda, said, "We've got full con-
fidence in the United States Govern-
ment and that's what counts."
(Pour contingents of Portuguese
treips have been sent to the Azores
within the last three months, two of
them this week.
(Portugal protested to the United
States after President Roosevelt in
his fireside chat May 27 mentioned
the Azores as a possible foothold for
German operations.)
Talks Tomorrow
* * *
Policy Series
To Offer Talk
By Hartshorne
Third Week Of Lectures
Will Begin Tomorrow
With Geography Lecture
Speaking on "The World's Geo-
graphical-Political Pattern," Prof.
Richard Hartshorne of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin will open the third
week of lectures sponsored by the
Graduate Study Program in Public
Policy in a World at War at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in the Lecture Hall
of the Rackham School.
A professor of geography, Professor
Hartshorne took his Ph.D. degree
from the University of Chicago. Un-
til a year ago he was a member of
the faculty at the University of
One of the foremost political geog-
raphers of this country, he has
worked particularly on European
boundary problems. Among other
works, he is the authorof "The Na-
ture of Geography," "A Survey of
the Bouncary Problems of Europe,"
and a monograph on the Polish Cor-
ridor. He has also written on the
distributioi\ of minorities and re-
gional geography.
Professor Hartshorne will be in-
troduced in the platform tomorrow
by Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the
political science department. The
theme of this week's lectures of
which Professor Hartshorne's is the
first of three, is "The United States
in the World Today."
The week's other speakers will be
Prof. Brooks Emeny of Western Re-
serve University on Tuesday, and
President Karl T. Compton of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technolo-
gy on Wednesday.
Second 'Job Talk'
Scheduled Tuesday
"Undesirable Personality Traits"
will be the topic of the second lecture
in the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information's series
"Why People Do Not Get Jobs."
The lecture will be at 7 p.m. Tues-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
At that time, explanations will be
offered of why applicants for jobs
are not able to get them because
their personalities are in some way
displeasing to the employer.
Ditz Named
As Summer
Parley Head
Annual Two.Day Session
Will Be Sponsored By
Student Senate Group
Date For Conclave
Is Set Tentatively
Chaired by William Ditz with Irv-
ing Jaffee as secretary, the annual
Summer Parley has ,been tentatively
set for July 25 and 26, but a definite
date and subject for the two-day
session will be revealed early this
Some phase of international rela-
tions will probably be chosen as topic
for the parley, the third summer con-
ference sponsored by the Student
Senate. Its sessions are open to all
students and members of the gen-
eral public. ,
Seven faculty members have been
named to serve on the parley's ad-
visory committee. Dr. Edward Blake-
man, Counselor of Religious Educa-
tion and Honorary President of the
Student Senate, Prof. Charles Jame-
son of the business administration
school, Prof. James K. Pollock and
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the politi-
cal science department, Mr. Claude
Eggertson and Prof. Howard Mc-
Clusky of the School of Education,
and Prof. DeWitt Parker of the phi-
losophy department will compose
this advisory group.
Chairman of the opening and clos-
ing sessions will be Harold Guetz-
kow, one of the three student mem-
bers of the Publications Board. A. P.
Blaustein, Karl Kessler and Daniel
Huyett have been named to head the
three discussion panels already pro-
posed. A fourth panel may also be
set up.
The Summer Parley is a continu-
ation of the sessions sponsored by
the Student Senate during the school
year. In the past it has poven a
source of open treatment of current
topics with both faculty and students
taking part at its meetings. The
subject of last year's -summer parley
was "This War We Live In."
0 41
Tax Revision
Is Considered
Defense Expenditures May
Necessitate Changes
WASHINGTON, Juy 12. -{'P)-
Mounting defense expenditures and
smouldering controversies over tenta-
tively-approved new levies led today
to Capitol talk of further revision of
the $3,500,000,000 tax bill
Ten days ago the House Ways and
Means Committee gave preliminary
approval to legislation to raise $3,-
504,400,000, but there were reports
that it ;night' be revised materially
and its presentation to the House de-
layed perhaps until Aug. 1.
The tentatively-approved bill is de-
signed to raise $1,154,500,000 addi-
tional in individual income taxes,
$1,332,000,000 in corporation levies
and almost another billion dollars in
excise and miscellaneous taxes. It
is now in the hands of bill-drafting
experts who expect to complete work
on it next week.
Because of President Roosevelt's
requests in the last two days for more
than $8,000,000,000 additional for de-
fense, some committee members pre-
dicted that an effort would be made
to raise the tax bill's total now, rather
than wait until later in the year or
even until next year for a new one.
One member said privately that he
woud renew the periodic attempt that
has been made to create a Congres-
sional super-budget committee to co-
ordinate the Government's expendi-
tures and revenue.
McKay Trial.
Ends As Jury,
Is Dismissed
Judge Lederle Announces
Decision To Write Up
Case As Disagreement
Will Have Retrial
First Of October
DETROIT, July 12. -(P)--The
storybook trial of Republican Na-
tional Committeeman Frank D. Mc-
Kay, who is himself almost a story-
book figure in Michigan politics, came
to a storybook conclusion today-
just a day short of two months from
its beginning.
The courtroom was packed with
spectators-including relatives and
friends of the defendants who had
waited through six weary days dur-
ing which the the jury deliberated-
when U.S. District Judge Arthur F.
Lederle announced he would write
the case into the record as a dis-
He ordered bonds of the twelve de-
fendants continued and announced
the case would be set for retrial, but
"not before the first of October."
Accused Of Mail Fraud
McKay, Flint's former Mayor Wil-
liam H. McKechan, and Fret C. Ehr-
mann, former secretary of the State
Liquor Commission, were accused of
mail fraud in connection with a
$500,000 liquor graft shakedown
charged by the government as a
basis for the eight counts of an in-
dictment returned last November by
a special federal grand jury.
Most of the remaining defendants
were associates in sales agencies
which the indictment described as
"dummy corporations" organized as
fronts for illicit graft collections.
They were: Louis H. Luckoff, vice-
president of Bass-Luckoff, Inc., De-
troit advertising agency.
John H. Marolf, son of an Iron
Mountain publisher.
JamesA. Trimble and Fisher Lay-
ton, both of Flint.
Charles Williams of Windsor, Ont.,
and his son, Earl.
Don Flory, Hudson, Mich.
Isadore Schwartz and Charles Let-
ter, both of Detroit.
McKechan was associated with
Marolf and Trimble in the Duo Sales
Engineering & Service Co., special
sales representative for Hiram Walk-
er and other distilleries in 1935 and
1936, and with Charles and Earl
Williams and Don Flory in the Wil-
liams Sales Co., which took over the
Hiram Walker account subsequently.
Depicted As Go-Between
Government attorneys depicted the
two sales agencies, Brass-Luckoff,
Inc., Schwartz and Leiter as go-
betweens who relayed payoffs from
distillers who sought to buy political
favor in an attempt to boost their
business in Michigan to "McKeighan,
the lieutenant" and to "McKay, the
The defense contended the sales
agencies were legitimate business
enterprises and that transactions
through which the government sought
to link McKay with McKeighan,
Luckoff, Schwartz and Leiter were
likewise legitimate.
Defense attorneys charged the en-
tire prosecution to a "political con-
spiracy" by "men high in the ranks
of the Democratic Party" to revenge
themselves for the defeat of former
Governor Frank Murphy.
Operetta Trials
Are Scheduled
Tryouts For 'Gondoliers'
To Be Tomorrow
Tryouts for Gilbert's and Sulli-
van's operetta, "The Gondoliers,"
which will be presented by the Mich-
igan Repertory Players of the De-
partment of Speech from Aug. 13 to
16 and Aug. 18 to 19 will be held
from 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow in Room
506 of the Carillon Tower.'
Tryouts are opened to all Univer-
sity students and interested towns-
people. Special tryouts will be held
at 7:30 p.m. tomiiorrow at the same
place for those who cannot come
from 4 to 6 p.m.
Scores are available at Wahr's
Bookstores. A chorus of 40 members
will be trained and directed by James
Wolfe. The University Symphony
Orchestra of the School of Music will
also participatae in the operetta. The
whole production is under the direc-
Four Concerts
Will Be Given
In Two Days
Enid Szantho To Present
Recital Today With
George Poinar
A series of four concerts by stu-
dents and members of the faculty will
be given today and tomorrow under
the auspices of the School of Music.
Enid Szantho, famous Metropoli-
tan Opera star and May Festival art-
ist, will join with George Poinar
of Baldwin Wallace College to pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 p.m. today in
the Rackham Assembly Hall. Prof.
Ava Comin Case of the School of
Music willserve as accompanist.
Scheduled to be sung by Miss Szan-
tho will be three compositions by
*Robert Schumann, three by Richard
Strauss and "Vier ernste, Op. 121"
by Johannes Brahms. Mr. Poinar
will play the "Sonata No. 7" by Mo-
Both Miss Szantho and Mr. Poinar,
who is head of the violin department
at Baldwin Wallace, are guest mem-
bers of the faculty during the Sum-
mer Session.
A group of compositions by Josef
Haydn will be played by Prof. Per-
cival Price of the School of Music in
a carillon concert from 7:15 to 8
p.m. today from the Burton Memorial
Among the selections which will be
heard are the "Emperor's Hymn,"
the Andante from the "Surprise" sym-
phony, the Minuet and trio from the
"Clock" symphony, "Serenade," Gip-
sy rondo" and Presto from the clavier
sonata in D. The "Emperor's Hymn"
was composed in 1797 as a national
anthem for Austria.
Prof. Joseph Brinkman of the
School of Music and William Beller
will present the first of six Summer
(Continued on Page 2)
Curtis To Give
Speech On Sun
Motion Picture To Show
Solar Prominences
The Sun: A Study in Motion will
be the subject of an illustrated lec-
ture to be presented at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building by Prof. Heber
D. Curtis, chairman of the astronomy
department and director of observa-
Motion pictures illustrating the
talk will present a vivid scene of
changes in the "atmosphere" of the
sun, including studies in the flux of
rapidly-expanding solar prominences
and turbulence effects in the region
above the sun's photosphere.
The pictures were taken on the
specially constructed tower telescope
at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory
at Lake Angelus.
The pictures were taken at the Uni-
versity branch observatory under the
direction of Dr. Neil C. McMath.
Revelli To Conduct
In Band Concert
A t Hill A uditorium
The 147-piece High School Clinic
Band, under the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli and guest instruc-
tors Dale C. Harris and Cleo Fox,
will offer the first band concert of
the summer at 4:15 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
Among the selections which will be
played aredBach's chorale "Komm
Susser Tod," Wood's "American
Rhapsody," Fillmore's march, "The
Footlifter," Bellstedt's "La Mando-
linata," Shadwell's "Slavonic Sere-
nade," Holst's "Suite in E-flat," Olvi-
doti's "El Caballero," and "Pax et
Labor," by Pares.
Kenneth Kostmann of Monroe will
offer the cornet solo, "La Mandolin-
ata,' while Richard Weir and Virgil
Wittenberg of Sturgis will present a
drum duet.
The band concert is part of the
special three-week clinic training
program. -
English Movie
To Be Shown
By Art Cinema
'Peg Of Old Drury' Opens
Series Of Four Films;
Tickets Are Still On Sale
Opening its series of four foreign
moving pictures at 8:15 p.m. today
in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
School, the Art Cinema League will
present the English film "Peg of Old
Starring Anna Neagle as Peg Wof-
fington, and Sir Cedric Hardwicke as
David Garrick, "Peg of Old Drury"
is directed by Herbert Wilcox. In
this picture such 18th century celeb-
rities as Dr. Samuel Johnson, Alex-
ander Pope, William Pitt, Oliver
Goldsmith and James Boswell come
to life on the screen.
Tickets for the series may still be
obtained at the Union and the
League for $1, and will be on sale
at the Rackham School after 7:30
p.m. today. No tickets will be sold
for individual performances later in
the season.
Among the other pictures to be
shown will be the French film "The
Baker's Wife," acclaimed the best
film of 1940. "The Baker's Wife"
will be presented at 8:15 p.m. Sun-
day, July 20, in the Lecture Hall of
the Rackham School.
The other two pictures of the series
will be the German film "The Cobbler
of Koepenick" to be given Sunday,
Aug. 3, and the French production
"Crime and Punishment" to be pre-
sented Sunday, Aug. 10.
15 Votes For War,
Wheeler Declares
WASHINGTON, July 12. -()-
Senator Wheeler (Den.-Mont.) said
today that if President Roosevelt
asked Congress for a declaration of
war now "he would not get more
than 10 or 15 votes in the Senate."
Wheeler has challenged the Chief
Executive to ask a declaration of
war "instead of trying to lead us in
by the back door."
Moscow ;Paints Different
Picture Of War Situation,
Sa'ys Defense Is, Holding
Syrian Armistice
Reported Initialed
(By The Associated Press)
Germany declared last night that
Adolf Hitler's legions had broken the
Stalin Line "at all decisive points,"
but Soviet Russia maintained stub-
born fighting had produced no im-
portant change on the 2,000-mile
Vitebsk, on the Dvina River 300
miles west of Moscow, was taken Fri-
day, the high command said, Ger-
mans are advancing toward Lenin-
grad east of Lake Peipus, on the
Russian-Estonian frontier, and Nazi
legions are "standing close before
Kiev," the Ukraine capital.
A markedly different picture was
painted in a midnight communique
from the Soviet Information Bureau
in Moscow.
It declared stubborn fighting took
place Saturday in the Pskov, Vitebsk
and Novograd Volynski sectors, but
that these engagements produced no
important changes in the front.
Issued Simultaneously
The German high command's
statements were issued in a special
communique shortly before mid-
night, almost at the same time the
Moscow war report was made.
In the Ukrainian operations, the
German high .command said "Ger-
man and Rumanian armies moving
out of Moldavia have thrown the
enemy back to and over the Dnestr
on a broad front."
The break-through east of Minsk
was accomplished, it said, by over-
coming "the strong fortified zone of
the Dnepi River"..north -of the Pinsk
marshes, evidently a major target
ever since the German forces moved
east into the buffer territory of Po-
land and the Sovietized Baltic states
three weeks ago.
Railways Destroyed
"Our air force, by destroying the
enemy railway net, already has taken
away from the enemy further possi-
bility of a counter operation on a
large scale," the high command said.
"Supply bases necessary for con-
tinuing operations of our panzer
armies already have been advanced
close to the former Stalin Line."
In another major development of
the world's wars, an armistice agree-
ment was reported to have been ini-
tialed by representatives of the
French and British-DeGaullist allies
to end the 34-day-old war in Syria
and Lebanon. ,
Ordered To Cease Firing
A cease firing order went out Fri-
day midnight to desert legions and
;arrison commands battling over the
announced British intention to see
that the French-mandated 'Levant
;tates did not become bases for a
German drive against Suez.
Tass, official Russian news agency,
;aid "the flames of a nationwide
-uerilla war are enveloping" the dis-
;ricts of Soviet Byelo-Russia (White
:ussia) captured by German Fascists.
rhe agency gave numerous instances
>f these harassing tactics, notably
n the region of Pinsk.
A Pravda dispatch from the front
leclared that Old Polish City, far be-
"ind the German front, was still in
Russian hands.
* * *
Foothold In Syria
Threatened By Nazis
(By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, July 12.-Firing ceased in
Syria today as the British and their
Free French Allies signed an armis-
tice on British terms with the Vichy
forces of High Commissioner Gen-
eral Henri Dentz.
But within a few hours after Syri-
an hostilities ended, Germany served
explosive notice that Britain would
have to fight to keep its middle east
foothold. A German raid onthe vital
Suez Canal route for American aid
caused "some material damage," an
Egyptian communique acknowledged.
Shooting in the war which started
June 8 ended at midnight, a middle
east communique announced, "after
General Dentz agreed to negotiate
on our owh terms for suspension of
Germany Reports
Piercing Russia's
Lines Of Defense
Reservations Due Tomorrow
For Excursion To Ford Plant
Students are reminded that reser-<L. J. Rouse of the University's mathe-
Ann Arbor Pastors To Discuss
Present, Future In Programs
vations for the third University ex-
cursion, a trip through the Ford fac-
tory at River Rouge, must be made
in Room 1213 Angell Hall before 5
p.m. tomorrow.
Te excursion will take place Wed-
nesday, July 16. The group will leave
from the front of Angell Hall at
12:45 p.m. and return late the same
afternoon. Expenses for the trip will
be $1.25, for bus fare to the factory
matics department.
Following the Ford factory trip, the
next excursion scheduled is the trip
to Niagara Falls and vicinity. This
excursion will take place the 18, 19,
20 and 21 of July. Reservations for
this trip must be made in Room 1213
Angell Hall before 5 p.m. -Wednesday,
July 16.
The party will go to Detroit by
special bus and board a steamer
Present conditions and future pos-
sibilities will feature the topics cho-
sen by Ann Arbor pastors and dis-
cussion group leaders for services to-
day in the various churches.
Along this line Prof. Kenneth
Hance of the speech department
will lead students, at 9:45 a.m. in
the Wesley Foundation Assembly
Room of the First Methodist Church,
in an analysis of "The Church of
TToi ina flrn fir. O n r+ f rl e V i,,-hn~
"The Bible in the Schools" is the
topic of the round-table discussion
to be given by Rev. Harold Scott of
Flint at 7:30 p.m. at the Unitarian
Mr. Scott indicates that he will
deal with Michigan specifically, but
will contrast the various state laws
and customs relative to the use of
the Bible in the classroom. He will
also refer to the controversy which
has raged in New York City during