Weather Partly Cloudy; Cooler Jr Official Publication Of The Summer Session Ar :43attg Editorial The Americas Draw Closer.. I VOL. LL No. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1941 Z-23 PRICE FIVE CENTS Boyd Bode Will Speak At Dinner Education Meeting Nears End, Featuring Banquet On Next To Last Day Miller, Lindeman To Address Group Highlighting a banquet for mem- bers of the New Education Fellowship and the Progressive Education Asso- ciation, the seven-day international conference of the New Education Fellowship draws near its close today, with only a general session and a summary meeting remaining on the calendar for tomorrow. Boyd Bode of Ohio State Univer- sity will preside at the banquet to be held at 7 p.m. in the Union, and will also be the main speaker of the eve- ning, replacing Laurin Zilliacus, Fin- nish educator, who was prevented from attending the convention by.the war in Finland. Delegates To Be Called On Delegates from various countries will be called upon to make a few remarks and those Latin Americans who have brought native festival cos- tumes will wear them at the banquet, in what the convention authorities hope to be the most gala occasion of the week. Spencer Miller of the Workers' Ed- ucation Bureau of America, will ad- dress the general session at 11 a.m. today in the Rackham Auditorium on "Education, Labor and a World Soci- ety." Eduard C. Lindeman of the New York School of Social Work will also talk on "Faith in Education." Robert Ulrich of Harvard University will be chairman at the meeting. The general session at 3 p.m. in the Rackham Auditorium will be de- voted to the topic "We Face Tomor- row," and will consist of a discussion by 14 students from six countries on the hopes and desires of youth for tomorrow's world. Watson To Head Panel Goodwin Watson of Teachers Col- lege, Columbia University, will lead the discussion. Members of the panel from Pickering College, Canada, will be Barney Apple, Jack Ardenne, Charles Beer and Alan MacNeill, all of Canada, and Emyr Richards of Wales. On the panel from the Dalton Schools in New York, will be Gail Austrian, Clara Claiborne, Rita Fried- man, Barbara Mandell, Gloria Rob- inson and Audrey Stern, all of the United States; Paz Davila of Chile; Adet, Lin of China, and Franziska Richards of Germany. The conference, the first interna- tional gathering of the Fellowship to be held in the Americas, will, close tomorrow with a general session at 9 a.m. on "Education in Europe After Peace Comes." * * * Indian Exhibit Is On Display One of the features of the New Edu- cation Fellowship Conference is the exhibit on Indian culture being dis- played inhthe gymnasium of Ann Arbor High School. The exhibition was prepared by the Officp of Indian Affairs of the De- partment of Interior, with the cooper- ation of the Haskel Institute of Kan- sas, and depicts the progress of edu- cation among the Navajo Indians. A Mexican market is being held with the exhibit where Indian and Mexican goods can be purchased. The exhibition is open every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is free to the public. Attempt Made To Stop Strike WASHINGTON, July 10. -()P)- A panel of the National Defense Medi- ation Board sought in a closed, ses- sion toiday a formula for settlement of a United Auto Workers (AFL) strike at the Sealed Power Corpora- tion, Muskegon. Members of the panel declined to discuss what took place at the meet- ing. Another conference was sched- To Preside Tonight BOYD BODE Taft Charges U.S. Building Ire land Base WASHINGTON, July 10.-'P)-An angry charge by Senator Taft (Rep.- Ohio) that the United States was building a naval air base for Great Britain in northern Ireland led Sen- ator Barkley of Kentucky, the Demo- cratic leader, to say today he had no knowledge of such a development. The discussion was prompted by the recent occupation of Iceland, which Taft denounced as "exactly equivalent to aggressive war." After he had said he had reliable informa- tion that a base was being built in Northern Ireland, Senator Danaher (Rep.-Conn.) entered the debate to complain the Administration was too secretive. "We are not being told what the, facts are," he said, "and yet every- one of us who chooses to can know that American workmen by the hun- dreds have been constructing a naval base in Northern Ireland for weeks just as they were preliminary to the Iceland situation." The discussion recalled an an- nouncement recently that Merritt, Chapman & Scott, New York con- tracting firm, had been engaged by the British to do some constructio work in the British Isles. British officials at the time described it as purely an arrangement between the British Government and a private American firm. Aluminum Drive To Be July 24-25 "All Out In The Kitchen" will be the pass word when the Ann Arbor Committee for National Defense Aluminum collection holds its cam- paign here July 24-25. The drive will be conducted by a committee headed by J. Wayne Meadows, and 20 trucks are being sought to help with the pick-ups. A crib will be built in front of the courthouse where the scrap alumin- um may be- deposited and all alum- inum collected will be sent to smel- ters, which will purchase it at OPM prices. All funds derived from the nation-wide campaign will be de- posited by the National Scrap Alum- inum Fund to the credit of the Office of Civilian Defense. House Passes Bill Changing Service Law Legislation To Return Now To Senate; Defense Strike Rider Killed WASHINGTON, Juyl 10. --P- The House late today -passed legisla- tion providing for the mandatory de ferment from military training of men 28 or older, after strippingfrom the bill provisions designed to give the President broad statutory auth- ority to cpe with defense strikes. The vote was 345 to 17. The legislation now goes back to the Senate, which has approved dis- cretionary deferment of men 28 or older and granted power to the Presi- dent to take over and operate strike- bound defense plants. Prior to the final vote today the House defeated by a vote of 159 to 97, the amendments designed to give President Roosevelt authority to or- der production resumed at a struck defense plant and to protect workers who seek to return to their jobs. The standing vote came on an amendment by Rep. Arthur D. Healey, Massachusetts Democrat, to elimin- ate the sections. Earlier, Healey suc- cessfully sponsored another amend- ment which eliminated authority for the President to take over a defense plant where the management re- fused to utilize Federal concilation and mediation services in a labor dispute. The preliminary appi'oval of the section of the bill providing manda- tory deferment of registralts 28 or older was given without a record vote. Previously, the House refused to ap- prove the discharge of men 29 or older who already have been induct- ed into the Army for training, to re- peal the exemption for members of Congress, and to defer training of men 25 or older. Kaufman-Hart Show Continues Run Here The Michigan Repertory Players of the speech department will present "George Washington Slept Here" at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. The last perform- ance will be offered tomorrow. Written by the famous Broadway comedy team of George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart, the Ann Arbor pro- duction is under the direction of Prof. Valentine B. Windt of the speech de- partment. Alexander Wyckoff is in charge of scenery and Evelyn Cohen is costumiere. The play, which stars Norman Ox- handler and Claribel Baird, tells the story of a couple who purchase a country home and of all the problems the home brings them. Prof. William P. Haltead of the speech department is cast, as Uncle Stanley, Ada McFarland plays Rena Leslie and Dorothy Haydel portrays Hester. Thirty Directories Left Only 30 copies of the 1941 Summer Student Directory are still available, according to Martha Graham, '41, managing editor. These copies may be purchased at the book stores and at the Union. Vichy Protests British Action In Middle East English Ignore Peace Plan; Weygand, Petain Confer As Battle Continues French Maintain They Hold Beirut (By The Associated Press) VICHY, France, July 10.-The Pe- tain Government, protesting Britain had ignored a request to cease firing in Syria and Lebanon, disavowed re- sponsibility tonight for continued "violence and devastation" there and proclaimed a last-ditch resistance. Amid the puzzling tangle of con- tradiction and talk of offended honor which had snared Vichy's own pro- posal of an armistice, General Max- ime Weygand, supreme commander in North Africa, arrived in Vichy by plane tonight. He drove from the airfield to the Parc Hotel-residence of Chief of State Petain-presumably for imme- diate conference with the old mar- shal. May Have Sought Advice (It may be that Petain sought Wey- gand's advice on the Syrian sit- uation. Weygand commanded the French armies of the Middle East before he was called to succeed Gen- eralissimo Gamelin in the last days of Free France's battle with Ger- many.) The situation over hostilities in the Levant did not preclude the possibil- ity armistice negotiations might be under way even while the Allies closed in on Beirut and cntinued other drives in Syria and Lebanon. Late tonight the French insisted they still were holding Beirut. Anzacs Occupy Beirut (The German controlled Paris radio was heard by Reuter, English News Agency, announcing that Australian troops occupied Beirut today. French sources at Ankara said Vichy troops withdrew to the north last night, leaving Beirut -an open city.)- Twice today the French said they had received no answer to General Henri Dentz' request of Tuesday for a truce pending negotiation of a Syrian settlement. Dentz is Com- mander-in-Chief in Syria and Leb- anon as well as high commissioner. Britain Says Berlin Raids Will Be Made Nazi Bombing Will Seem Merely 'Child's Play,' Aircraft Head Claims (By The Associated Press) LONDON, July 10.-The British Government replied today to bitter complaints of a shortage of weapons and disuse of American planes by promising to blast Berlin with the increasing flow of U.S. and British bombers until the worst Nazi raids on London seem "like child's play." This statement came from Lieut. Col. J. T. C. Moore-Brabazon, the new Minister for Aircraft Production, on the second day of a debate led by soldier members of the House of Commons, back from active service. Moore-Brabazon:pledged the fullest use of the American bombers which, he said, soon would all be coming across the Atlantic by air, and de- clared it would not be many months before Berlin heard the sirens that will signal their attacks. "Those famous Wednesday and Saturday nights (of London raids) will be child's play, compared to the raids we will be able to make on Ber- lin," he declared. Already, he said, the D-24 Libera- tor bomber "is doing great service across the Atlantic." Before the Minister spoke, however, Artillery Captain James Henderson Stewart, a Scottish Government mem- ber, had declared that in the Middle East thousands upon thousands of British Tommies and Australians were left to die or fall into Nazi hands "because those men were denied weapons with which to defend them- selves." Stewart also lashed out at Ernest Bevin, the Laborite Minister of Labor. Decrying Bevin's speech to workers, Germans Claim Helsinki Bombed; Battles Continue 00 30o 4FINLAND MILES *',. STALIN Y.' LINE HELSINKI ...ANGO LENINGRAD" E......T.. ONIA B *OSTROV MOSCOW LATVIA %ยข LIiH. POLO SK BORKOViGE S1OLENSK MINSK +. BOBRUISK Z(POLAND) 'I ak r rKHARKOV NOVOGRADKE4 VOLYNSKI M R aoe0 R f ZHITOMIR CERNAUTI' flUN Q ALT 7 4 DE SA F BESSARAB1 Helsinki, capital of Finland (1), underwent an intensive aerial bombing and Finnish guns hammered the Russian-leased naval base of Hango. The Russians claimed they had halted a thrust past Ostrov, toward Leningrad, and action in the central sector (2) was generally severe in the Polotsk area. Another center of battle was at Novograd Volynski (3).Claims on-the Bessarabian area fighting conflicted but. Russians claimed a victory at Balti (4). Gustavo Adolfo Otero: 'UnityCan.Be Created' Russians Declare Panzer Division Routed, Losing 3,500 Dead, Wounded 323,898 Captured, Berlin Report Says MOSCOW, Friday, July 11.-()- A German mechanized division at- tempting to break through the right flank of a Soviet position far west of Moscow was routed and left 3,500 dead and wounded on the field, the Soviet Information Bureau an- nounced today. Approximately 2,400 Germans were captured. Presumably this was the German division earlier reported to have been annihilated in the Lepel region, at the head of the Berezina River in the general vicinity of where the 3ermans are trying to smash through toward Moscow. The Russian communique added that the Russian air force dealt blows at German motorized and mechan- ized forces throughout the day in the direction of Ostrov, in the Baltic area, and Novograd Volynski, in the path of the German drive toward Kiev, in the Ukraine. Enemy Units "Destroyed Enemy units were said to have been destroyed at crossings of the western Dvina River, which flows northwestward into the Baltic. The communique reported the Russian air force had attacked en- emy airports and destroyed 28 Ger- man planes in air battles and raids on airdromes while losing six itself. The Russians also claimed to have killed and wounded 350 Finns in an engagement in which Russian naval forces participated. An earlier communique told of the destruction of the German divi- sion near Lepel and of the pushing back of another German division, with heavy casualties, south of Bori- sov, which lies just south of Lepel. Soviet Troops Hold Ground Everywhere else along the central front, about Polotsk and Bobruisk specifically, Soviet troops were pic- tured as not giving an inch and as intermittently, on the counter-attack. The implication was that the .Ger- man thrust at}the center had passed its peak for the present and that its power was being fast expended by the enormous losses inflicted for six days. Soviet Troops Halt Nazi Drive, Moscow Reports; Victory Our Northern Neighbors: Canada Cannot Exist In World Of Nationalism, Sandwell Says Mnintninio that it wmild e vir-ntn then ther ne Claiming that Pan-Americanism is basically attained through an equal- ity of the American people within a democracy of nations, Gustavo Adolfo Otero, Bolivian minister of educa- tion, last night told the New Edu- cation Fellowship conference that Americans must set their hearts to building good will among the na- tions of this hemisphere and to eras- ing bad will. Democracy has been built on the plans of the great liberator, Simon Bolivar, he said, and the important thing is to defend that democracy with equal devotion and equal en- thusiasm as those who create it dis- played. Plans can be worked out which will create an intellectual unity of all American countries, but the impot- ant thing is to approach that unity by means of good conduct. We should organize thought and continental conscience built on a cultural philosophy which will serve as a common denominator for all the countries. Americans can draw their coun- tries closer together, but the means is chiefly a psychological one, he claimed. "Each should search his Student, NEF Delegates Hurt In Auto Crash Felipe O. Larrazabal, 27 year old engineering student from Caracas, Venezuela, was critically injured in a head-on collision late last night on Plymouth Road, 20 miles east of Ann Arbor. Larrazabal received serious skull fractures when the car he was driv- ing collided with one driven by Ted Barnard of Detroit. Barnard re- ceived internal injuries and was tak- en to Plymouth Hospital. Larraza- bal was transferred from the Ply- mouth Hospital to the University Hos- pital for an emergency operation. own heart for understanding and should erase entirely the differences between our countries and the preju- dices and conventional lies." In order to defend liberty and de- mocracy, he continued, there is noth- ing else except the actual practice of liberty. Otero praised such South Ameri- can founders as Simon Bolivar, Si- mon Rodriguez, and praised the in- stigators of American democracy. FDRC May Ask Iceland Consul Sanction Sought From Congress By President manuaning aawui Cv tually impossible for a Fascist or Na- tional Socialist party to seize power over the Dominion of Canada, B. K. Sandwell, editor of "The Toronto Saturday Night" last night told dele- gates to the New Education Fellow- ship conference that Canada as it is now constructed would find great difficulty in existing in a world of nationalistic societies. Canada contains two different ide- ologies, two different peoples, he said, the French Canadians and the Eng- lish Canadians. "Even in the pres- ent conflict, which might appear to an outsider to involve sufficient dan- ger to her to cause a considerable surge of national unity, the posses- sion of two different ideologies is causing her some trouble." The school system in Canada has been divided along these lines, one concept being taught by the Public The difference between the two elements springs from the very way in which the nation was colonized, the editor explained. The French colonists were sent out by their home- government, the English came be- cause of dissatisfaction with their home government. The French colonists were managed and controlled throughout the French regime by their home governments, while the British colonists were left largely to themselves. The English Canadian, like the American, is a strong individualist, while the French Canadian is a docile member of his parish, less concerned with the acquisition of wealth. "It must be abundantly evident that a Canada thus constituted," he asserted, "cannot possibly exist as an ultra-nationalist state." To force the French Canadian ele- Nazis Claim 323,898 Russian Prisoners WASHINGTON, July 10.-OP)-In- formed quarters predicted today that President Roosevelt would seek in-1 direct Congressional sanction for the establishment of diplomatic rela- tions with Iceland by asking an ap- propriation to open a legation in Reykjavik, the Icelandic capital. Mr. Roosevelt could, without going to Congress, establish a legation there and appoint a minister-resi- dent, who also would act as consul general. This has been done in the case of Iraq. It was understood, however, the Chief Executive intended to ask Con- gress to make direct provision for a $10,000 yearly salary for a minister to Iceland and for meeting other costs of the legation. Under this procedure he would send the name of the minister-desig- nate to the Senate for confirmation. Establishing of diplomatic rela- tions was promised by President Roosevelt in the exchange of com- munications with Prime Minister, Hermann Jonasson of Iceland which preceded dispatch of an American protective force to the Island. Jury Fails To Reach Verdict In McKay Case BERLIN, July 10.-(P)-Germany announced officially tonight the capture of 323,898 Red Army prison- ers in what it termed the "greatest encirclement battle in world history" on the Bialystok-Minsk front, but maintained almost complete silence on the great campaign now unfold- ing in the east. Tonight's announcement recapitu- lated an entrapment first announced on June 29, seven days after the con- flict began. As for the current progress of the Russian campaign, today was the third straight day of the high com- mand's policy of "mystifying the en- emy with silence." The high com- mand communique merely said the campaign in the east was progressing relentlessly. The special announcement also said the number of Red Army sol- diers captured since the Russo-Ger- man war began June 22 now totaled more than 400,000. It said the greatest amount of war material ever taken in a campaign had been captured in the double bat- tles for Bialystok and Minsk, Van Wagoner. Seeks To 'Avoid Penalty In Old Age Grants, LANSING, July 10.-()-Governor Van Wagoner tonight dispatched two officials to Washington in an attempt to convince the Federal Social Secur- ity Board not to penalize Michigan to the tune of $2,500,000 in old age as- sistance grants because the Legisla- ture recessed without clarifying a state law. The Governor's representatives were Wendell Lund, secretary of the