THE MICHIGAN DAfLY WEDNESDAY, JU v _ Daily Calendar of Events Wednesday, July 9- 3:30-5:30 p.m. Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free of charge. Come with or without partners. 4:30 5:30 p.m. Lecture. "Writing For Radio." Miss Geraldine Elliott, Continuity Editor of Station WJR, Detroit. (Auditorium, W. K. Kellogg Institute). 4:15 p.m. Lecture. "The Diplomatic Debacle: London and Paris Before Munich." 7:15 p.m. Men's Education Club meeting. (Michigan Union.) Count Carlo Sforza, Carnegie Visiting Lecturer. (Hill Auditorium.) 7:15 p.m. Women's Education Club meeting. (Alumnae Room, Michigan League.) 7:30 p.m. Intermediate Dancing Class. (Michigan League Ballroom.) 8:30 p.m. "George Washington Slept, Here," by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) Wash ington Merry-Go-Round Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also teserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Micligan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRES6NTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERT1SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publsbers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTOR * L.os AOSELES * SAN FRANCIsCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Managing Editor City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Stalf BusinessesSta h f1 Karl Kessler Harry M. Kelsey . William Baker Eugene Mande berg Alb rt P. Blaustein Barbara Jenswold ,f Daniel H. Huyett Fred M. Ginsberg Florence Shurgin B.usiness Manager. Local Advertising Manager Women's Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: KARL KESSLER The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Help A Boy: Tag Day Today .. TODAY IS TAG DAY. Those few words should be enough in themselves: they mean that boys from the University Fresh Air Camp on Patterson Lake will be stationed at various places on the campus today. They mean that those boys will ask you to make contributions to the University Fresh Air Camp Tag Day Drive. And they mean that the nickels or dimes you give today will go towards giving some under- privileged boy from this region a real vacation away from city streets-"the time of his life" at the Fresh Air Camp on Patterson Lake. HICH is more than all the lines of type I " could write would say: Today is Tag Day. -- Bill Baker Federal Union By Mr. Streit .,. THERE IS a logic behind Clarence Streit's Union Now, which ought to stand up, beyond the man's silver-tongued ora- tory, against any cynics who might term the plan but a dream. History has proved the work- ability of such a union, in the embodiment of the United States, and, after all, history cannot be refuted. But here we are dealing with definite racial, national and religious lines-what about that? In answer, can anyone say that this country was peopled by only one group? Whites, Orientals, Redmen, Blacks-French, Portuguese, Dutch, British-Puritans, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Huguenots. The only aspect these peoples had in common was that they were refugees or ad- venturous spirits in the same country and pio- neers in building up that land. It was necessity which made them finally band together. Economic interests? Except for the splice which brought on the Civil War and which is still slowly progressing in its healing, there have been no notable conflicts in this respect. Yet one cannot say that the Germans in Wisconsin and the ambitious Dutch who settled New York followed the same grail. But is it conceivable that countries separated by days by wide oceans can enter into any kind of unity? An ocean today means far less than the Oregon and Santa Fe trails meant to the men who built our country's foundations. We cannot question the need for some far- reaching action at this time-our pioneers felt this same need, and the results of their fore- sight stand today as a fitting example for hu- mankind. Why cannot we take advantage of this example and do just as they, only to scale with the need we are facing-all of which amounts to Federal Union. As Mr. Streit pointed out in his lecture Monday, "a milennium of iso- lation" could not guarantee our security, as it did not guarantee that of the Aztecs, from na- tions who have assumed a control of the seas. Perhaps the lesson of history would have been more deeply traced upon our consciences had the British been able to abandon the alliance idea and carry out their scheme for complete union with France. It looked feasible to them at the time, but the tardiness with which the idea was introduced had swept away hope. It wouldn't be too great a strain to look back only a century and a half for proof of the natural quality of Streit's propsal-it is next in the mvna.ia nvii r of irinn. 1And iIIt nlll do litte WASHINGTON-Wendell Willkie, first-gener- ation American, came within four million votes of being elected President. William Knudsen, born in Denmark, is Director General of the OPM. Sidney Hillman, born in Lithuania, is Associate Director of the OPM. But despite their fame and eminence, not one of these national leaders could get into Naval Intelligence. Reason is that no matter what the ability, experience or proven loyalty of a native-born citizen, he is barred from service in Naval Intelli- gence-unless he is a fourth-generation Ameri- can. There is no law or Navy regulation setting up such an extreme restriction. In fact, Navy brass hats are very careful not to admit its existence in writing. But like the unwritten caste rule that bars enlisted men in the Navy from perma- nent commissions, so this invisible but ironclad barrier operates to keep all but a select class out of Naval Intelligence. How the system works is shown in the follow- ing specific case: A crack Washington newman who is a native- born American with a law degree and knowledge of two foreign languages, eager to serve in the emergency, applied for a reserve commission in Naval Intelligence. His recommendations were of the best. But all he got was a courteous run- around. Finally, after writing a letter direct to Secre- tary Knox, the newman was referred to Lt. Com- mander W. L. Gates, Director of Naval Reserve activities, Washington Navy Yard. The news- man called on the officer, who questioned him about his experience and background and then asked, "Were your grandparents born in the United States?" "No, they were not." "I'm sorry," replied Gates, "but no appoint- ments are being given in Naval Intelligence ex- cept to men whose great-grandparents were born in this country." Washington Social War In addition to hot weather, war debates and national defense, Washington now has some- thing else to worry about, a social squabble over Aid to Britain vs. Aid to American Draftees. The first engagement in this momentous strug- gle took place in the lobby of Washington's fash- ionable Mayflower Hotel. Mrs. Walter Tuckerman, with all the unction of a dowager, was dispensing stamps to buy British ambulances, while Mrs. H. Charles Spruks, wife of the Ceremonial Officer of the State Department, was offering buttons for the United Service Organizations. The trouble was when Mrs. Spruks left her booth for a visit to USO headquarters. Return- ing, she found that Mrs. Tuckerman, with British colors flying, had taken her place, and the USO booth had been relegated to a more obscure posi- tion. Promptly Mrs. Spruks appealed to the man- agement. With Yankee fire in her eye, she de- manded, "I want to be put back where I was, in the center of the lobby." "But my hands are tied," said the manager, "Mrs. Tuckerman is prominent socially, and she brings us a great deal of business." "It's not a question of business," shot back Mrs. Spruks. "It's a question of whether the American soldier boys have as much right to be represented here as the British. Besides, the British promised they would hold off until our campaign was over on July 17." The manager wrung his hands, said he would do what he could. Meantime, Mayor LaGuardia innocently stepped into the hornet's nest and was asked to settle the argument. But he hastily sidestepped with, "Oh, it's all in the game." In the end Mrs. Tuckerman retreated. When Cavalry Faces Gas When a congressional committee on Appro- priations recently refused to honor the request of the Chief of Cavalry of the United States Army for funds to buy gas masks for horses, it was practicing a very questionable economy. The Army today has a total of 50,000 horses and mules-twice as many as a year ago. It ought not to be necessary to appeal to man's consideration of his own interests in order to obtain every possible protection for his animal friends and servants that are exposed to the dangers of war. It is no more just to send a drafted horse into battle without protection than it is to treat thus a drafted man. There should be a fine sensibility in"mankind that would ac- knowledge a special duty toward creatures hav- Iine no freedonm of their own but completely subh- Labor Scouts A new figure on the defense horizon is giving the U.S. Employment Service plenty of head- aches. He is the labor scout. Certain large defense contractors, desperate for skilled workers, have taken a cue from base- ball magnates and are enticing men away from other plants. At least two West Coast aircraft plants have full-time "personnel representa- tives" in the East luring skilled craftsmen with tempting offers of higher wages, more overtime pay and other inducements. Some companies even offer to pay the transportation of workers who sign up. This raiding is causing serious complications. The chief sufferers are small factories and ma- chine shops, many of which have frantically complained to the Government that they will have to close down unless the raids are stopped. So far the Employment Service has taken no direct action. But it has privately warned some of the big offenders that unless they cease their scouting, the matter will be placed before the OPM for disciplinary action. Note-A recent report to the OPM from public employment offices puts the skilled labor short- age in a startling light. In April and May, 1941, 15 times as many requests for die-designers were received as were registered. The ratio of demand to supply in other crafts was: tool designers, 16 to 1; shipyard loftsmen, 35 to 1; boat builders, 40 to 1; aircraft woodworkers, 40 to 1; tinplate workers, 49 to 1; aircraft assemblers, 50 to 1, and toolmakers, 12 to 1. Townsend Victory Congressional Townsendites are congratulat- ing themselves on putting over a fast one in get- ting a special seven-man, Senate committee to investigate the operation of the Social Security Act. Senator Sheridan Downey of California, chair- man of the committee, has bigger things in mind than merely the announced purpose of exam- iningthe old-age pension system. He isn't ad- vertising it, but he also plans to hold lengthy hearings on the Townsend old-age pension plan, which got a rough brush-off in a House com- mittee and faces the same fate in the Senate. That's why Townsendites are cheering. They will get a hearing on their scheme without hav- ing to depend on antagonistic committees. Dr. Townsend himself and other big guns in the pension movement will be invited to testify. Four members of the special committee- Downey, Pepper of Florida, Brooks of Illinois and LaFollette of Wisconsin-are supporters of the Townsend plan. Connally of Texas and Green of Rhode Island are against it, while Thomas of Idaho is neutral. Merry-Go-Round An Omaha World-Herald editorial panning General "Pa" Watson, White House secretary, got under his skin when he received copies from a number of Nebraska acquaintances . . . . A statewide poll by The Great Falls (Mont.) News on the question of approval of Roosevelt's or Wheeler's stand on the foreign issue showed the President leading the isolationist senator six to one . . . . While GOP leaders in Congress are pot-shooting at the St. Lawrence waterway pro- posal, The Republican, monthly GOP publica- tion, strongly endorsed the project in a recent article. Mystery Rider A mystery man who calmly helped himself to a lift in Senator Carter Glass' limousine has the Senator's office in a terrific dither. Late in the afternoon, while Glass' chauffeur was waiting outside the Senate office building to take him home, a smartly-dressed, middle- aged man suddenly stepped into the car and settled back comfortably on the back seat. "Take me to the National Press Building," he com- manded. "There must be some mistake, sir," said the chauffeur. "This automobile belongs to Senator Glass." "There's no mistake," replied the stranger. "I just left the Senator. He kindly suggested that I use his car as I am in a big hurry." Accepting this explanation, the chauffeur drove off. Ten minutes later Glass stamped up to Capitol Policeman Ralph Dunn, demanding to know "where in blazes" his car and chauffeur had gone. Together, the 83-year-old Virginian and Dunn searched the neighborhood without success. Finally giving up, Glass tartly instructed the bluecoat: "When my chauffeur returns, please tell him that I have concluded to go back to my office and that, at his convenience, I would like to go home." LETTERS TO THE EDITOR On Mr. Seldes .. . To the Editor: I read with no little surprise Mr. Kelsey's editorial (July 2nd) in which he accuses the newsletter In Fact, edited by George Seldes, of being pro- Nazi. As a subscriber to In Fact and as an enemy of Nazism and any other manifestations of fascism, I feel it my duty to challenge that statement. Not only is it a libel on Mr. Seldes, who is one of the most outspoken enemies of fascism, but it is an insult to the -thousands of In Fact sub- scribers who are equally anti-fascist. Certainly, Mr. Kelsey cannot be familiar with the work or reputation of George Seldes or he would not make such a wild accusation. Hardly one issue of In Fact has appeared without containing some attack on Nazism or fascism. Nor has Mr. Sel- des limited his attacks on fascism to manifestations of that evil in for- eign countries; he has been equally outspoken against fascists in our own country and has helped to expose such local Hitlers as Coughlin, Win- rod, Pelley, Hart, and others. It is doubtful whether there is any paper that fascists hate more than they do In Fact. In a period of crises such as the present there is nothing more dan- gerous or vicious than confusing the public so that they can't distinguish friend from foe. Mr. Kelsey is adding considerably to that confusion when he states or implies that In Fact is pro-Nazi. I challenge Mr. Kelsey to present in the columns of The Daily the source of the accusations against In Fact. Further, I have in my posses- sion an almost complete file of In Fact and I challenge him to examine that file and to show me one single statement which by the widest stretch of imagination can be called pro-Nazi or anything else un- American. - Samuel Sass * * * In Reply . If reader Sass has been reading In Fact as carelessly as he read my edi- torial, his impressions would be ac- counted for. The editorial stated "In Fact .... often in the past accused of pro-Nazi tendencies." Far from being an accusation of Nazism on the part of Mr. Seldes, it is the record- ing of a rather general opinion that does not seem to have reached Mr. Sass' ears. I had no intention of being so subtle in my references as to be mis- understood. My point in that state- ment was that a definite right-about- face can be seen in Mr. Seldes' edi- torial policy since the opening of Russo-German hostilities. Whereas before inch after inch of column space was devoted to listing British losses and belittling British victory claims, now articles are appearing debunking reports of Germany's strength and Russia's weakness. I don't like the tactics of red- baiters, and am not one myself, but since Mr. Sass has asked for it I might as well point out that Mr. Sel- des' editorial policy in In Fact and the Communist party line have coin- cided at every turn. When the Rus- sians and Germans were bedfellows, the impression was gained by many of In Fact's readers that the sheet was pro-Nazi. As to Mr. Seldes himself, I was an avid reader of his early books and admired his courage and idealism as shown therein. But times change, conditions change and people change. While I can still look back wistfully on the Seldes that was, I cannot see my way to following him in his pres- ent line of thought. If I add considerably to the con- fusion of distinguishing between friend and foe, I am very happy, for such a state of mind leads ultimately to a more discerning appraisal of all sources of news rather than the sub- missive acceptance of one or two. There is no single source in this country today from which a true pic- ture of events may be gained. The discerning reader. must note the of- ferings of every faction and weigh one against another in order to ap- proach reality. This situation is more than unfortunate, but it exists, and to encourage the public to be- lieve otherwise is sheer folly. - Harry M. Kelsey * * * The Whirling Dervish . To the Editor: Local students of escapist religion may well ponder the most recent switch of the Ann Arbor branch of the whirling dervish. I refer, of course, to the letter in the Daily of Aug. 8 signed by the executive coun- cil of the Young Communist League. The day before Hitler declared war on Russia the Roosevelt policy of aid to England was a step towards fas- GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty S- -~ -o -- "I've often said that my family has enough troubles to be a radio serial, too!" STUPIDS By T ERE.NCE' FROM a mysterious messenger who assailed the towers of the Fourth Estate last night. The poem, sayeth the poet, can be sung to the tune of "Poor Tommy is dead and is laid in his grave." It may or may not aid in the search for the answer to the question: WHAT IS PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION? Education Onward! By ALICE MALICE Integrate, correlate, investigate, Cooperate, coordinate. Mouth-filling slogans come down in a spate When we Progressives orate. Who are the Progressives? Why, Dewey and I, Dewey and I, Dewey and I. We are pleased to admit it and can we tell why, Can we, oh can we, tell why? The school we propose is the child- centered school, Child-centered school, child-cen- tered school, For we have discovered the child is no fool; Not as a general rule. we never drill children for disci- pline's sake, discipline's sake, discipline's sake. if they take what they like, they must like what they take; surely they'll like what they take. Why should we teach them to write and to spell, To write and to spell, to write and to spell? We had to learn it but, needless to tell, That's now old-fashioned as hell. Progressive youth will choose pro- gressive mate, Progressive mate, progressive mate. Babes will belong to the progres- sive state; Only a few years to wait. Gnashing teeth, yes, and tearing old hair, Tearing old hair, tearing old hair, Last conservative elder will die in despair. Going progressives know where. When ultra-progressives will chal- lenge our sway, Challenge our sway, challenge our sway, Hyper-ultra-progressives will drive them away. Every dog has his day. Ergo Progressive Education. Q.E.D. * * 4' -HEMISPHERES move closer to- gether and the barriers of civili- zation break down. Long ago they used to say that the world was be- coming smaller, what with telegraph and air-place, etc. But FDR did more overnight than inventors did in year. Moved into Iceland and thus brought the distance between this country and Europe down from 3,000 to 1,000 miles. Ingenious! * * * My-oh-my Department: From an AP story in The Daily, July 8: The momentous step (occupa- tionhof Iceland)uwas takencupon the invitation of Prime Minister Hermann Jonasson, of Iceland, who acted apparently at British Art Note A painting by Turner has been put on sale in London by an art adver- inspiration, which presumably fol- lowed consultation with the United States. Vicious circle, ain't it? And who done it? * * * Don't forget, folksies, today is Tag Day.... TWO PHOTOGRAPHERS over to Hill Auditorium last night to get some shots of the Mexican dance group. They went back to the dress- ing room to get some posed pictures. Decided to put a blanket up for back- ground, and as there was a nice little fellow there interpreting for them, asked him to hold the blanket. He seemed rather reluctant, but did it, and they got the shot. Afterwards the two photogs went out front to take a look at the show. Very nice show, and later in the pro- gram the master of ceremonies comes out to make a speech: "Let me in- troduce to you now the Mexican consul." It was the nice little fellow. Of-milkes & Men By JUNE McKEE UCH OF MOMENT is offered on the radio bill of fare today. First, of interest to all broadcasting stu- dents, is the Schools of the Air of the Americas, presented at 3 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Auditorium on the eighth international conference of the New Educational Fellowship. Sterling Fisher, director of educa- tion and radio talks for the CBS, will speak on public address develop- ment in classroom radio. Then "The Ships of the Spanish Main" will be produced from the New Horizon ser- ies, written by Hans Christian Adam- son, assistant to the president of the American Museum of Natural His- tory. The program is under the su- pervision of Jane Waring, and the actors supplied through the courtesy of Station WJR. While the basic cast for this script will come from Detroit, five other actors will be chosen from campus. So all men feeling fit for roles of priest, sailor, laborers, or shepherd boy should stop by the Morris Hall studio for tryouts and rehearsal at 11 a.m. The second radio assembly of the Summer Session then features Miss Geraldine Elliott, continuity editor for WJR, and former student at the University, discussing "Writing for Radio" in the W. K. Kellogg Insti- tute. Everyone interested is cordially While the Army has claimed Bill Rice, Mike Wallace carries on at WXYZ, announcing "Ned Jordan, Secret Agent," and "The Green Hornet" . . . Ward Quaal writes glow- ingly of WGN in Chicago, a network program he sends each night over Mutual, introductions of Jan Garber and sundry orchestra leaders, as well as Senator Wheeler . . .. Bob Lewis, with WTRY, declares, "Honestly, I have never been so completely happy in my life." He has his own half- hour show on Saturday nights, and does a man-on-the-street broadcast. Students from last summer's ses- sion, now away but well remembered, include Atwood Hudson, who gave up teaching at Gulfport to study at Penn State, Ruth Landers (Landwehr) .vith station WAAT, Mary Pray, teaching at St. Catherine's College, *''