THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY S, It .v .. . . -.... as . . .. . .. ..... .. s a i . . TUESDAY..... . JULvYr.a 8a. 1 Daily Calendar of Events Tuesday, July 8- 4:15 p.m. Lecture. "The Conflict of Ideologies." His Excellency, Hu Shih, Ambassa- dor of China to the United States. (Hill Auditorium.) 7:30 p.m. Beginners' Class in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom). 8:00 p.m. Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League. Anyone wishing to play is invited. Come with or without partners. Washing ton Merry-Go-Round Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of .Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESUNTRD FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTharN9G y National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Publishers Representative 420 MADiesON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CRICAGO" * BOSTON-. LOS ANesggS * SAN FeANCiSCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Managing Editor City Editord Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Staf Business Staf ff Karl Kessler Harry M. Kelsey . William Baker Eugene Mandeberg Albert P. Blaustein Barbara Jenswold .f Daniel H. Huyett Fred M. Ginsberg Florence Shurgin Business Manager . . . Local Advertising Manager Women's Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ALBERT P. BLAUSTEIN The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Education's Outlook: Let's Not Forget.. . JN HIS ANALYSIS of education in a nation at war, J. G. Althouse, Ca- aadian representative to the New Education Con- ference, cited as one of the compensating gains of the war-time program "an impatience with education which does not immediately result in more effective living." If this be a plea for a more efficient educa- tional system subjugated to the immediate neces- sities of a nation fighting for its very existence, then such changes in the orientation of educa- tional policies are justified. It is, on the other hand, the very attitude against which the true educator must fight vigor- ously once the exigencies of the moment have been dealt with. It is a point which should be of immediate concern to the New Education Fel- lowship: a group which is trying to build the foundations for a harmonious and more cultural post-war world. TRUE, practical training for more effective living is and should be a necessary function of education. This, however, defines only its more rudimentary objectives. It is not the kind of program which turns out true scholars and thinkers. In its higher reaches, education should strive to inculcate sound bases for moral judgments, and an understanding and appreciation of hu- man values. It'must investigate the implications of such concepts as Truth, Beauty and Right, and it must encourage liberal thinking upon the subjects which concern the foundation of civili- zation and the conduct of man. These studies do not yield immediate results toward a more effective living; they approxi- mate, however, what President Hutchins of the University of Chicago would define as the Edu- cated Man. AN EDUCATION which strives primarily for the future betterment of mankind is not readily convertible into dollars and cents, into defense machinery. In a strict materialistic so- ciety, it exerts, rather, a retardive influence, but embodies in turn the very principles which strive to form the distinction between an efficient so- ciety and a cultural civilization. If a mechanistically efficient society be our aim, then we are wasting our time trying to com- bat fascism. We are, however, convinced that pure physical satisfaction is not our sole reason for living. In fighting for our ideals, therefore, we must not lose sight of that for which we are fundamentally fighting, namely, the basic hu- man right to freedom of thought: an ideal which should play an important role in the formation of our educational system. THE METHODS OF LIFE which we are today fighting are far more efficient, far better able to act to immediate advantage. This we must admit and consider in formulating an emergency national policy. But in temporarily denying ourselves intellectual luxuries, we must always leave open the road behind us, remem- bering that the present course is but temporary. The road back will not be easy; it will be a far harder course than that which lies so clearly ahead, but it is the only way to restore faith in civilization and the dignity of man. We must continue to fight for our ideals, for they are indeed worth fighting for: in that lies the reward. Karl Kessler WASHINGTON-Thanks to its potent lobby, Pan-American Airways recently succeeded in blocking the establishment of a competing air- line across the Atlantic. The White House, State Department, Army and Navy wanted the second service, but Pan-Am had more influence with a majority of the U.S. Senate. No announcement has been made about it, but today there is another competing airline across the Atlantic. It is operated by the U.S. Army Air Corps, and was established because of Pan-Am's inability to meet the war-booming demand for trans-Atlantic service. Using four-motor heavy bombers, the planes carry only officials and official pouches to and from England. Ambassador Winant returned to London by this means. The American "port" of this new airline is the Army's great air base at Bolling Field, Va. The service is under the direction of Colonel Robert Olds, ace Air Corps commander, who was re- cently put in charge of ferrying Lend-Lease bombers from the West Coast airplane plants to Britain. The new airline operates as part of that service. At present two bombers are in use, and more are expected to be added. The planes are manned by Air Corps crews and operate on closely- guarded schedules and over a secret route. Defense Rail Boss OPM chiefs aren't admitting it, but they want the President to replace Ralph Budd, Burling- ton Railroad executive, as Defense Rail Director. Number I choice as his successor is Joseph B. Eastman, veteran chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission and one of the greatest transportation experts in the country. Budd has been under fire in Defense circles because of alleged failure to get the railroads to undertake a big freight car and locomotive pro- gram last year, when steel was plentiful. How- ever, rail men vigorously contend that Budd has done a good job of coordinating, deny there will be a car shortage this year. Indirectly they admit there may be one next year, by saying 'that what happens depends on whether they can get deliveries of the thousands of new cars they have ordered. This year's freight requirements are estimated at 45,000,000 cars, next year at 48,000,000, and 1943, 50,000,- 000 cars. East man and the President are old friends. In the early years of the New Deal, when rail- road consolidation was much in the air, Roose- velt gave Eastman the job of working out a plan. He submitted a comprehensive program, but nothing came of it because of powerful rail and Wall Street opposition. Lost Daylight Saving? A few days ago the Federal Power Commis- sion, backed by OPM Directors Knudsen and Hillman, called on the people in the Southeast- ern states to cut down their use of electricity so as to provide more power for urgent defense needs. Ardently patriotic, the people of this section unquestionably will respond. But the incident illustrates the lack of coordination in the vast defense program. For months, Defense chiefs have realized the danger of a serious power shortage. And for months there has been knocking around in the labyrinth of Defense offices a recommendation for a nationwide two-hour daylight saving sys- tem. Experts estimate that several hundred thousand kilowatts could be obtained by this simple measure. Britain and Germany have had it in operation continuously since the start of the war. But in the good old "business-as-usual" U.S.A. the move is still only a "recommendation" in a memorandum gathering dust somewhere in a Defense pigeonhole. Sooner or later a master mind will suddenly come to life and do some- thing about it. Meanwhile, with the power short- age increasing, thousands of kilowatts are being consumed needlessly. Merry-Go-Round It was a breathless day in Washington. The only breeze was kicked up by the little subway car running between the Senate Office Building and the Capitol. Passenger Hattie Caraway, Senator from Arkansas, clutched at her flying strands of hair . . . . United Service Organiza- tions have had some big gifts, but none more touching than the savings brought in by one Harry Katz, who emptied on the desk 512 pen- nies, 44 nickels, eight dimes, and one quarter . . . . Displayed in the Department of Agriculture lobby are four practical pamphlets: "Cock- roaches and Their Control," "Bedbugs:- Causes and Cures," "House Ants," and "How to Control Fleas" . . . . The President has on his desk a new leather briefcase, fastened securely at one end with a steel padlock . Civil Service Vs. Farm Security Though pushed aside by war headlines, one °f the most significant battles affecting good supposedly for the best interests of good govern- ment. Basically, however, its motives are en- tirely selfish. It is out to protect government workers, no matter how inefficient they may be. And despite the highly successful, synthetic build-up which civil service has received throughout the country, anyone around Wash- ington who is honest will tell you that civil serv- ice is one great reason for government ineffi- ciency and for the lagging defense program. The case of the Farm Security employes is 2# rare instance where both Democrats and Repub- licans united to kill some political boodle. Even Representative Taber of New York, violent critic of the New Deal, voted for the Democratic amendment which will prevent Farm Security employes from being blanketed into civil service automatically, regardless of their merits. His reason was that this would have cost the Govern- ment $10,000,000 extra, giving increased salaries to top executives, but forcing the discharge of lesser employes because there isn't $10,000,000 extra in the budget. Democrats who voted with Republican Taber lid so because they knew that many Farm Se- curity executives, especially in the Northwest, instead of helping the farmer, were bankers and small town moguls, whose interests in the past have been diametrically opposed to the farmer's. Note-The man who won congressional ap- proval of the amendment barring Farm Security workers from civil service is a farmer himself, Eugene Casey, a White House aide, who is one >f the biggest dairy farmers in Maryland. By Terence4 I \\\\\\ \ \\ \\\\\ \\ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \' ti \\\\ \ ' \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ w \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ VIGNETTE FROM LIFE: They brought the little girl into the University Hospital with appendicitis, or so they said. But diagnosis by the best doctors there revealed only tonsil trou- ble, so out came her tonsils. Still there was a slight pain in her abdomen, she said, so they examined her again. But no appendicitis. When her mother came to take her home, they said the little girl would be all right, but watch out for the pain in her stomach-it might really be appendicitis like the original diagnosis had been. "Oh," explained the mother, "Susie doesn't have appendicitis. She never had it, just bad tonsils. But the probate judge wouldn't sign the entrance papers for her with only tonsil trouble, so our doctor made it appendicitis. You took the works right out of my mouth de- partment: The Gray Shirts have invaded Washtenaw County, but unlike the Brown Shirts and Black Shirts and Silver Shirts, they are not an organization to be feared. They are Sheriff John L. Osborn's deputies. - Ann Arbor News, July 3 * * * ' THE OTHER DAY I got hold of a copy of the London Times, and found a mute story of a country at war. The personals hidden among thewant ads seem to tell it all better than pic- tur'es 01r glowing detail: Bonham, John H. H., Prisoner of War 1187. New Address, Stalag XX A (5), Ger- many. Air Mail 5d. Letters very welcome. Holroyd, Capt. K. de C., Rifle Brigade, previously reported missing, now a prisoner of war. Owing to enemy action, Mr. T. J. Phillips has left 100 Harley Street and is now seeing patients at 17 Harley Street. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A Y.C.L. Explanation Editor, Michigan Daily: Prior to the outbreak of the war between Britain and Germany the Soviet Union offered to the democ- racies of the world a plan for stop- ping fascist aggression, the policy of collective security. The capitalist countries, though threatened by such aggression, refused to accept this united front. Instead they adopted the Munich policy of appeasement, betrayal and surrender. They hoped thereby to divert the attack of fas- cism from themselves to the USSR. Instead of peace the capitalist statesmen brought on an imperialist war for the re-division of the world. The Soviet Union, rebuffed in its attempt to prevent the second im- perialist war, rebuffed by the con- spiracy of Munichmen, accepted the proposal of the German government for a treaty of non-aggression. It adopted a policy of consistent neu- trality toward both sides in this war and exerted all its effort to prevent the spread of the war. This was in the interest not only of the people of the USSR who desired peacefully to buildtheir socialist society, but also corresponded to the best interest of the peoples of all lands. Threat To His Plan Hitler attacked the Soviet Union because the very existence of this mighty socialist state constituted a threat to his plan to enslave the peoples of the world. He attacked in the hope of arousing in his sup- port reactionary elements here and abroad, in the hope of evoking again the old Munich betrayers and ap- peasers who, like him, fear the ris- ing people's movements throughout the world. He attacked the Soviet Union as the outpost of world prog- ress and with the hope of acquiring its boundless resources to strengthen his hand against Great Britain'and the United States and to further his plan for the conquest of the world. The attack upon the USSR whose people own the means of production and who therefore by the very nature of a socialist economy can in no way fight for anything but their own na- tional independence, has changed the imperialist war into a struggle of a free people for its own existence and for the maintenance of the national independence of all the peoples of the world. Offers Smoke Screen Hitler would offer as a smoke screen a holy war against Com- rnunism. The issue is not Com- munism. German fascism has set out to enslave all nations and all peoples. That and that only is the issue. In this struggle the American people who hate and abhor fascism cannot but adopt a policy of all aid to the Soviet Union and the British people to insure the decisive military defeat of Hitler fascism which stands as the main enemy of the peoples of the world including America. Therefore, we must defend America by giving full aid to the USSR and Great Brit- ain. President Roosevelt's pledge of all possible aid to the USSR expresses the will of the vast majority of the American people who desire this pledge to be translated into action. The greatest menace to the realiza- tion of securing effective aid to the Soviet and British peoples for the successful struggle to defeat Hitler- ism lies in the appeasement policy of the Hoovers, Lindberghs, Wheelers, vorman Thomases, the Coughlins and the Hearsts, and equally disastrous half-hearted tendencies in the ad- ministration itself. Methods Cannot Be Tolerated But to fight Hitlerism, Hitler methods cannot be tolerated at home for in the last concern is it not American democracy that we desire to preserve? The defense of the American people against its enemies abroad and at home demands a sin- cere policy of improvement of the economic standard, health and gen- eral well-being of the masses. The peoples' rights and liberties must be guarded, preserved, and extended. Earl Browder, America's greatest fighter for peoples' rights and free- dom, must be set free to carry on the struggle. The guarantee for the com- plete annihilation of the world men- ace of Hitlerism is a united people's front embracing in sincere collabora- tion all honest opponents of Hitlerism both in America and abroad, all those who are willing to join in this com- rnon struggle. Executive Council, Young Communist League (Editor's Note: We have been an- ticipating for some time an eloquent Y.C.L. statement relative to the latest turnover in Soviet policy. We believe it in the best interest of our readers to present their side of the issue. (Behind the eloquence, however, we would like to ask the Y.C.L. and our readers to ponder over two perti- nent, if embarrassing questions: (1. Where was Russian altruism hidden in the case of the Finnish, Rumanian and Polish territorial1 snatches? (2. How can intellectual honestyt survive the over-night reverses in the All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication exceptton Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Tennis Players. An open hour for tennis players will be held on Tues- day and Thursday, July 8 and 10, from 4:00 to 5:30 at Palmer Field. This is an opportunity for all stu- dents interested in playing tennis to meet and become acquainted with others with the same interests. German House. Reservations may still be made for meals. Luncheons, thirty-five cents; dinners forty-five cents. Men and women interested in German conversation are cordially invited. 1443 Washtenaw, Tel. 9246. Biological Chemistry Lectures. The second of the series of lectures on the fat-soluble vitamins will be given by Professor E. A. Doisy of St. Louis University at 2:00 p.m. on July 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Room 151, Chemistry Building. The lecture on July 7 will be concerned with the estrogenic hormones; those on July 8, 9, and 10 will take up Vitamin K. All inter- ested are invited to attend. Graduate Students. The prelimin- ary examination for the doctbrate during the Summer Session, in French and German will. be given Monday, July 7, at 4 o'clock in the Natural Science Auditorium. This early date will enable students to know pre- cisely what preparation must be made for the individual examinations that follow. Use of dictionary is op- tional. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the second week. Saturday, July 12, is therefore the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an instructor to admit a student later will not affect the operation of this rule. Leeture. 4:15 p.m. today by His Ex- cellency, Hu Shih, Ambassador of China to the United State. Subject: "The Conflict of Ideologies." Hill Auditorium. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information will have a group meeting at the Natural Science Auditorium Tuesday, July 8, at 7 p.m., outlining the details of registration. This will include all those expecting to register for teaching positions and for general business positions. A series of three meetings will be' held to discuss why people do not get jobs. At this first meeting will be discussed the obstacle of wrong courses. Mathematics Tea. The graduate students in mathematics and their wives or husbands are cordially in- vited to the informal tea to be given by the staff of the Department of Mathematics and their wives, in the garden of the Michigan League, on Tuesday, July 8, from 4 to 6 p.m. At the Phi Delta Kappa luncheon today, at 12:10 in room 116 Michigan Union, Dr. Habib Kurani, Registrar and Lecturer in Education at the American University in Beirut, will speak on "American Education and the Future of Syria." Members are invited to bring guests. A compulsory meeting of represen- tatives from every undergraduate house on campus will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday, July 7, in the League. Summer regulations for women and the summer physical education pro- gram for women will be presented. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; Schools of Music and Edu- cation: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of at- tendance will receive a grade of E in the course unless this work is made up by July 30th. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up the work should file a petition addressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U.H. where it will be transmitted. The petition must carry the written approval of the instruc- tor concerned. Carillon, Program. The bell chain- ber of the Burton Memorial Tower will be open to visitors interested in observing the playing of the* bells from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. today. Mathematics 301, Seminar in Pure Mathematics, will meet Wednesday at 4:15 in 3201 Angell Hall. Dr. Max Shiffman will speak on "Introduc- tion to the Morse Theory." Phi Lambda Theta invited all mem- bers of te local and foreign chapters to attend an informal luncheon to be held today at 12:00 noon in the League. Preview of heroic clay statue of Lin- coln the Frontiersman. To be erect- ed in bronze in Hawaii. Prof. Fair- banks Studio, University Hall, 2-6 Tuesday afternoon and 7:30-10 Tues- day evening. Open to public. I GRIN AND BEAR IT -~ 7 1.41,Cicago Tims.In. "Waiter-'There's a man in my soup!" DAI LY OFF IC IAL BULLETI N By Lichty #I x Unwanted artificial teeth urgently Please help dependent men H. M. Spectacles very acceptable-Ivory 67A, Welbeck Street, W. 1. needed. Forces. Cross, Condliffe Views Economic Basil Street hotel, Knightsbridge, Lon- don's best position, hag London's safest Raid Shelter. * * * Bothered the other day in a local cinema by a woman sitting in front of me wearing one of those modern confectioner's concoctions often yclept hat. It recalled to mind how the manager in a theatre back home combatted the menace during the era not so long ago when women's hats were resembling sewer tops more and more. Flashed on the screen before every show was the sign: "The management wishes to spare elderly ladies any inconvenience. They are there- fore invited to retain their hats." Every hat would come off immediately. A RATHER grim note of realism entered the opening session of the New Education Fel- fiftermath Of World Wars t4 (Continued from Page 1) seems no prospect of avoiding a pro- longed period of rntensified economic nationalism, accompanied by even more sever economic crises and social upheavals than those which followed the last war." The economic policy of Nazi Ger- many is irreconcilably opposed to our way of life, he pointed out, for it is in essence an economic system subjugated to further the needs of a militaristic rule. The bi-lateral trading .program of the Reich has been carried out with a view toward creating a center of many itself will take all the exports she can get. All that is in question is who will pay the United States for such exports. It will of course get marks, but what kind of marks?- question marks!" "As in pre-war and even wartime Germany, the forms of capitalistic banking, investment, public finance and production will be preserved. It is not theleast subtley of the totali- tarian philosophy that it is careful to preserve the forms of law and eco- nomic contract. Effective control is in the hands of the State which there- fore does not need to destroy to com- pete with, but simply uses and directs