Weather Cloudy, Warmer JY t Mfr igmi Datt Editorial For A World After War . .. Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. L. No. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 6, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Education Germany Report Its Army Bat tlin Mai tlnLn Soviet, High Command Says Rivers Are Jammed With Bodies Of Nazis Fighting Continues In Area Near Minsk (By The Associated Press) BERLIN, July 5.-German advance units, fighting forward an average of 25 miles a day in the two-week-old war with Soviet Russia, were reported authoritatively tonight to be in con- tact with the main Stalin Line on the. Dnepr River in the region of Orsha, about 300 miles west south- west of Moscow. Authorized sources announced the location of this thrust and contact (which normally means fighting be- tween patrols) a few hours after the High Command reports: "East of Minsk, the river Dnepr was reached." But in the Minsk area itself, 120 miles to the rear, fighting apparently was continuing, for a communique spoke of encircled troops there, and the capture of Minsk had not been announced officially. The Dnepr River thrust highlight- ed a High Command report which told of military operations in the East "proceeding according to plan," of further progres by Germany and her allies from the Arctic to the Gali- cian 'plain of Sovietized Poland. In addition to 180,000 Soviet pris- High Command said several thousand fell into Nazi hands south of the Pinsk marshes when "scattered en- emysdetachmentshwere encountered by our reserves at several points and destroyed." (The fact that German troops in- volved in this sizable operation are identified as reserves indicates large .Red Army units may be operating against' German bases and supply lines behind the front which Nazi armored and motorized columns have arched in the shape of a huge bow aimed at Moscow.) Russians Defend Main Stalin Line (By The Associated Press) MOSCOW, July 5.-Red Army sol- diers, fighting in outer fringes of the Stalin line, battled German invaders deep inside White Russia today. The High Command reported the banks and the waters of two rivers were filled with bodies of Nazis who pounded vainly at a Soviet wall of flesh and steel. The official Soviet communique named the Berezina and Drut Rivers as the scene of sanguinary fighting which ran through the night and in- to its fourth day today, and stated that attempts to force both rivers were frustrated. The Drut lies 30 to 40 miles east of the Berezina and about 20 miles west of Dner, along which runs Russia's main defense barrier, the Stalin Line. All three rivers run roughly parallel there in a, north- south flow. The region is 50 to 75 miles east of Minsk on the road to Moscow, the capital lying nearly,0300 miles away. It was not immediately clear how the Germans could have reached the Drut and yet failed to have forced the Berezina, as the Russians stated. It was possible that parachute or glider troops might have been borne by air behind the Russian Berezina Line, and also that the Russians might have been flanked by a Ger- man mechanized column from the north, 'Where's Who' Sale Set For Tuesday Containing the home addresses, Ann Arbor addresses, phone numbers and school of every student regis- - Bulletins - NEW YORK, July 5.-(')- Britain and the vichy Govern- ment are in a pre-Armistice stage of exchanging views to ending the war in Syria, Martin Agron- ski, National Broadcasting Com- pany correspondent in ,Ankara reported tonight in a broadcast from Ankara.' MOSCOW, Sunday, July 6.- (/P)-The Red Army has "launch-" ed a big attack on the Ostrov sector of the Latvian frontier,' a Soviet information bureau communique said today. Prof. Watson 'Will Address Church Group Prof. Goodwin Watson of Teac] ers College, Columbia Universil who is in Ann Arbor as a delegate the New Education Fellowship Coc ference, July 6-12, will speak at reception at 3:30 p.m. today at t] Unitarian Church. Topic of Professor Watson's talk 'Progressive Education and Liber R e i gion." All visitors to the ccl feivece and Unitarian summer si, events are invited to attend. Prof. Watson will also address tl church congregation at the regul morning service at 11 a.m. on "TI New Education and the Old R legion." At the Round Table. group whic ineets at 7:30 p.m. each Sunday the wil be a discussion on the tor "Can. Education Be Free?" This is t first in a series of three which w Ge in the form of an "Edueati Cinic,"- with various authorities ,a Ng as discussion leaders.iDr. Clai Eggertsen of the School of Edu( tion, will chairman the first me trig today. A statement of the local school Tairs will be made by Prof. Cecil McHale of the University libra Clarence Streit, Author, Will Speak Tomorro Clarence Streit, author of "Un Now," will speak at a special lurn eon tomorrow noon in Room 101 the Unionr Mr. Streit will speak on the p pose and ideals of his organizat: for a federated union of nations, a will discuss plans for forming a lo chapter. Reservations must be ma with Prof. William Sleator, Dr. F G. Stevenson or the Union desk 1 fore 9 am. tomorrow. Conclave S FDR ToSettle Fresh Priee Fixing To Law'e Students in Su enables more th given a vacation h Informant Says President Fresh Air Camp - Will Settle Controversywhen the annua e Tag Day will be Over Enactment Of Bill The Camp hold year, one during and the other d Report Henderson Session. The fu . camps go to pro UrgingLeglation cations for under )of Jackson, Flin WASHINGTON, July 5. -(iP)- A Arbor at the Su usually well-informed member of This summer b Congress said today that President itself will be sta Roosevelt probably would settle next the campus to ta week a controversy between Admin- return for which istration officials and leaders on Cap- Little Boy on th itol Hill over the question of enact- The Camp, fou ing price-fixing legislation. a dual purpose, -r, This informant said that Leon needy boys away i Henderson, chief of the government's and providing a V price-fixing set-up, was urging Mr. ?sychology and th2 Roosevelt to recommend mandatory boys. 1 price-fixing to Congress prompt4y. Counsellors att Henderson recently said "the honey- uate students in - moon is over" so far as voluntary ogy and educatio government-industry cooperation to the boys at Cam fix prices was concerned. nent counselorsJ At the Capitol, it was reported during the year. that some White House lieutenants The Camp is lo wanted the President to delay any of Patterson L recommendation for price fixing. County, offering They believed, it was said, that the life close to Nat legislation would stir up a long Sen- many educationa ate controversy and prevent a pro- Camp's modern b ,h- jected rest period for the Chamber Every Thursday ty, while the House is working on the to new tax bill. n- The question of whether the legis- C*t Y Ch- lation will be sought immediately a may be thrashed out at' a confer-' he once between the President and hisW Congressional Jeaders Monday. is Senator Hill (Dem.-Ala.), the act- N w ral ingmajority leader, told reporters )n- thatany price measure undoubtedly tu- "will be pretty thoroughly gone into, Invite Conc but in the final analysis the Con- he gress probably would take favorable Students lar action." Club Ree 'he "It is a very far-reaching and com- C b e Ze- plicated question," Hill added, "arid I have heard :nothing to indicate. Worship servic ch that it would be brought up at once., mgs will today w ere Senate Republicans were repo c:+ed Meeting at 5: ic, by one of their number to be almost Lutheran Parish he solidly opposed to granting the Ad- Washington, the vill ministration a free hand to fix prices, Association anda on and a bloc of farm-state legislators ed in the orga ct- already is at work to block any such George Hanson, ide proposal. - Opens - 4ir Camp Tag Drive Be Conducted Wednesday Delegates Convene For International mmer School will be ite to the fund that an 300 boys to be at the University on Patterson Lake l Fresh Air Camp held Wednesday. s two tag days each the regular session turing the Summer unds from the two vide four-weeks' va- r-privileged children t, Detroit and Ann mimer Camp., boys from the Camp ationed at posts on ake contributions, in they will give the icture of the famous he Diving Board." nded in 1921, serves giving vacations to from the city streets, place to study boy he problems of young the Camp are grad- psychology, sociol- n. They work with p, and then perma- follow the case up cated on the shores' pake in Livingston opportunities for a ure, as well as the al facilities in the buildings. y at 7:45 p.m. a psy- Surches {eleome Students lave Delegates, To Services, eptions Today es and student meet- elcome Summer Ses- the churches. 30 p.m. in the Zion 1 Hall at 309 East Lutheran Student all students interest- nization will hear Grad., explain the chological clinic is held, in which the Camp's counselors study the case histories of various underprivileged children.. The general public is in- vited to attend these clinics. In the past student drives have raised from $300 to $2,000. It has been estimated that funds obtained from the drives contributes 20 per cent to the support of the Camp. The drive is under the direction of Prof. F. N. Menefee of the engineer- ing mechanics department, director of the University Fresh Air Camp. Bengal Vet May Hfang Up Glove Soon By WATTI SPOELSTRA DETROIT, July 5. -(IP)-The abrupt end of the 16-year Major League baseball career of Charles Leonard Gehringer, Detroit's me- chanical man second baseman, was believed in sight today although the 38-year-old veteran is the only one to say precisely when. For two years baseball, men have generally agreed that age was taking its toll on the once agile infielder who links Detroit's current Tigers with the Ty Cobb era. Gehringer had a back ailment most of last sea- son and said after the World Series that he might hang up his glove. But even while Gehringer's field- ing had fallen off, he still wielded a potent bat that brought a .313 mark in 1940. This year he reported much improved physically for what he de- scribed as another chance to show he could maintain standards of excel- lence. At the halfway mark in the season, Gehringer is batting a few points above the .200 mark and ground balls that once were easy chances for him are filtering through for base hits Defense Cuts T' Enrollment New defense jobs created during the past year have had their expected effect on University enrollment, ac- cording to registration statistics re- leased yetserday. Total enrollment for the first week of the Summer Session this year was 4,369, as compared with 5,231 for the same period last year, a drop of 16.5 rer cent. Total enrollment last year was 5,680, and University officials expect this year's total to reach 4 8C0. The total of men students regis- tered dropped from 3,241 to 2,566, a decrease of 21. per cent. The num- ber of women students, however, fell off only 9 per cent. Highest enrollment drop, 20 per cent out of a 1941 total of 2,411, was recorded in the graduate school. Pro- fessional schools were close with 18.6 per cent out of 319, and the under- graduate units did best with a drop of 11 per cent out of 1,639. Meeting Of Sociefy Here Special Parking Zones Designated By Police Special reserved parking ,ones for delegates to the Education confer- ence have been designated ba the police department and will be effect- ive all week. These areas, which surround the Rackham Building, are the north side of Washington St. between Thay- er and Fletcher Sts., the-east side of Thayer St. between Huron and Wash- ington Sts., the south side of Huron St. between Thayer and Fletcher Sts. and the west side of Fletcher St. be-' tween Huron and Washington Sts: In addition, delegates will use Uni- versity parking lots at Thayer and Washington Sts. and in the rear of the dental school building. Prof. Condliffe Will Deliver Graduate Talk Economist To Open Series Of Lectures Tomorrow; Cornt Sforza To Speak Speaking at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium on "The Economic War," Prof. JohnB. Condliffe of the University of California's economics department will open the second week of lectures sponsored by the Gradu- ate Study Program in Public Policy in a World at War. The theme of this week's lectures will be "The World from 1918 to 1938." Professor Condliffe's talk will be followed on Tuesday by a lecture on-"The Conflict of Ideologies" by Dr. Hu Shih, Ambassador of China to the United States, and on Wednesday by a talk by Count Carlo Sforza, Carne- gie visiting lecturer, on"The Diplo- inatic Debacle: London and Paris be- fore Munich." Born in New Zeeland, Professor Condliffe was foilnerly director of in- ternational research for the Institute of Pacifiew Relations in Honolulu. He was a visiting professor during . the school year 1930-31. From 1931 to 1937 he was a member of the Economics and Financial sec- tion of the Leag'/e of Nations, and was responsible for the League's an- nual World Economics Survey. In 1937 he joined the faculty of the Lon- don School of Economics and Politics, where he remained until 1939 when he came to this country to take his present position at the University of California. Today Pies. Ruthven To Deliver Address Of Welcome; KilpatrickWill Speak Seminars, Lectures Will BeHighlighted Opening at 2:30 p.m. today in the Rackham Building with a speech of welcome by President Alexander G. Ruthven, the eighth international conference of the New Education Fellowship will hold the educational spotlight of the world on Ann Arbor for the rest of the week. The seven-day conference, the first of its type to be held in America, has attracted educators from the entire world, and such noted men as the Honorable Hu Shih, Chinese ambas- sador to the United States, Waldo Frank of the New School for Social Research, Governor MurrayD. Van Wagoner and a host of others, Studebaker To Talk Following President Ruthven's speech of welcome today, John Stu- debaker, United States Commissioner of Education, and Carleton Wash burne, president of the Progressive Education Association, will also de- liver speeches of welcome. John G. Althouse of the University of Toronto, Gustavo Adolfo Otero, Bolivian Minister of Education, and Luis Sanchez Ponton, Minister of Ed- ucation in Mexico will deliver re- sponses. William H. Kilpatrick of Columbia University will deliver the address of the day immediaely after the wel- coming talks, on "Education in a World of Nati Ins." Harold Rugg of Columbia will preside at the session. Reception To Be Held A reception will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. today in the Aackham Building for the guests of honor at the conference. The Olivet College Trio and Milla Rominguez will enter- tain. At 8 p.m ,today in Hill Auditorium the dance group of the Teatro de las Artes in Mexico will give aprogram of native dances, accompanied by the Mariachi orchestra composed of mem- bers of the Mexico City Police Depart- ment. The first of a series of study group meetings will be held from 9 to 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in rooms to be posted on the bulletin board in the Rackham Building.; The study groups will meet -very morning except Tuesday and Saturday, and will take up the prob- lems of education in the crisis and of he New Education. Kallen To Deliver Talk Horace M. Kallen of the New School ,f Social Reserch will address the ;eneral session at 11 a.m. tomorrow )n "The New Education and the Fu- ture of Peace." Carleton Washburne, president of the Progressive Education Association, will preside at the session. At 2 p.m. tomorrow the first of six ecture-seninars will be held. The ';eminars will be devoted to a study )f Latin America. Waldo Frank will address the first seminar on "The Vulture of Latin America." The general session tomorrow at 3p.m. will, be featured by a talk by H. M. Bond, president of Fort Val- ley State College, Georgia, on "Demo- cracy and ,he Problem of Minority Groups." Internatio-a Teas To Be Given The first of the irpfrnational teas, to be held every day from 4:30 to (Continued on Page 5) Prof. Percival Price Will Give Recital Several marches, arias, harpsichord works and two compositions for a musical clock will be played by Prof. Percival Price of the School of Music in a carillon recital from 7:15 to 8 p .m . to d a y . «.. ,- ca- et- af- J. ry. )W ion of ur- ion nd cal ade red be- *g 'Hoosier Hammer' Is Given Deferment GARY, Ind., July 5.-(IP)-The draft call of Tom Harmon of Gary, All-America football halfback gradu- ated last month from the University of Michigan, was deferred today un- til Sept. 1. Maynard Montgomery, chairman of Harmon's draft board, said the deferment was granted so the board might study Harmon's petition for reclassification under'the Selective Service Act. The football star, who has said he has ambitions to get into the movies and radio, has asked that his classi- fication be changed from 1A-ready for service-to 3A-deferred because of dependents. After The Program Tonight: wor'k 0f the national and local clubs with the aid of movies. Supper will follow the talk. "The Ultimate Decency of Things" is the subject chosen by the Reverend Leonard A. Parr for his sermon at the 10:45 a.m. worlhip service of the First Congregational Church. Tea at 4 p.m. at harris Hall, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, will hon- or delegates to the New Education Fellowship. The regular supper and meeting for students will be held at 6 p.m. with a program being planned for the evening. The Reverend William P. Lemon will address the congregation at the First Presbyterian Church on the sub- ject, "The World We Make," at 10:45 At the evening discussion hour, fol- lowing supper at 6 p.m., Dr. Lemon will initiate an analysis of "What Do We Mean by Gpd?" Each Sunday thereafter he will lead another topic dealing with a vital religious subject. Following a student 'reception at 6 Nm., Roger Williams Guild has planned a meeting .1;r 6:30 p.m. today in the First Baptist Church, 512 East Huron Street. Sunday mornings at t~he church there is a student class which is discussing Fosdick's "A Guide to Understanding the Bible." MVexican Dancers To Give Program In Hill A ud ifortri The Mexican modern dance group from the Teatro de las Artes of Mexico City will present a program of native dances at 8 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium as part of the open- ing day festivities of the eighth in- ternational conference of the New Education Fellowship. The group will be accompanied in the program by the Mariachi Orches- Broadway In Ann Arbor: 1 a \ 'i r i a a._: .r x'. . ;'.;i' k A Ffi International Center Will Hold Annual Informal Open House 'George Washington Slept Here' Will Be Presented By Players Following the program of the New Education Fellowship in. Hill Audi- torium tonight, the International Center will hold its annual informal open house. All foreign students on campus, delegates to the New Education Fel- lowship, members of the English Language Center and any others in- terested are invited to attend the open house, which will be held from 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Mrs. Harold Gray who has been active on the Ann Arbor Refugee Committee and other philanthropic organizations is in general charge of the open house. She will be assisted Prof.-Emeritus Edwin C. Goddard; Prof. Malcolm H. Soule, professor of bacteriology and chairman of the hygienic laboratory; Charles W. Spooner, Jr., instructor in mechanical engineering; Prof. George E. Car- rothers of the School of Education, director of the Bureau of Cooperation with Educational Institutions; Prof. Dudley M. Phelps, teacher of market- ing; Prof. Charles M. Davis of the geography, department, director of admissions with advanced standing to the literary college; Prof. Walter V. Marshall, teacher of architecture and secretary of the faculty of the College of Architecture and Design; Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, assistant dean "George Washington Slept Here," George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart's 1940-41 Broadway success, will open . four-day run at 8:30 p.m. Wednes- day at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre as the second offering of the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech. The comedy, which is partially based upon the personal experiences of the latter author, describes the conflict between a farm-loving hus- band who buys a country place some- where in Bucks County, Pa., and his city apartment-loving wife. During most of the play the wife seems to be in the right because ev- erything unfortunate thing that can happen to gentlemen farmers hap- lessor of speech at the Oklahoma Col- lege for Women. Others in the play are.Neil Smith, who will play the part of Mr. Kim- ber; Virginia Batka as Madge Fuller; William Mills as Steve Eldridge; June Madison as Katie; Nancy Bowman as Mrs. Douglas; Lyman Partridge as Clayton Evans, and Ada McFarland as Rena Leslie. Dorothy Haydel will appear as Hes- ter while John Hathaway will be seen as Raymond. Prof. William P. Hal- stead of the speech department will play the role of Uncle Stanley; James McIntyre that of Leggett Frazer, and 3eorge Batka that of Tommy Hughes. Other members of the cast are Madeleine Rupp, Mary Ellen Wheeler