THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JU 4, 1941 r THE MICHIGAN DAILY ; 1 . ,, i Daily Calendar of Events Friday, July 4- 8:30 p.m. "Much Ado About Nothing," by William Shakespeare. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre). Saturday, July 5- 8:00 a.m. Excursion No. 2-A Day In Detroit. Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit. Detroit Public Library, tour of Belle Isle, Fisher Building, Inspection of Radio Broadcasting Station WJR, and Detroit Zoological Park. Round trip by bus. Reservations in Summer Session Office, Angell Hall. Trip ends at 5:30 p.m., Ann Arbor. 8:30 p.m. "Much Ado About Nothing," by William Shakespeare. (Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre.) 9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom). Edited and managed by students of the University of, Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT13ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CMicAGO * Boston * Los ANGEL'S * SAN FRANCISCo Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Washington Merry-Go-Round Managing Editor City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Staff Karl Kessler Harry M. Kelsey . . .William Baker Eugene Mandeberg Albert P. Blaustein .Barbara Jenswold Business Staff Business Manager . . . Local Advertising Manager Women's Advertising Manager Daniel H. Huyett Fred M. Ginsberg Florence Shurgin NIGHT EDITOR: EUGENE MANDEBERG The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Democracy At Home Is Necessary Too NOW THAT PRESIDENT Roosevelt has cast the collective die placing us irrevocably in the war on the side of-Britain, it is becoming increasingly more important for the people of this country to divert their thoughts to the question of democracy at home. Certainly there are few real Americans who would like to see again the suppression of civil liberties which occurred here during the World War and the tremendous wave of post-war re- action which followed. Surely now is the time to guard against such conditions. MOST OF US are pretty well agreed that, com- pared to other nations, we have a high de- gree of democracy in the United States. Public sentiment, as revealed through opinion polls, has in addition indicated that most of us would be willing to fight for that democracy-to de- fend it against fascism, communism, etc. And all Americans should realize that once democ- racy is lost this country will no longer be worth fighting for. SINCE THE BEGINNING of our history, with certain notable exceptions, of course, the United States has been opposed to totalitarian governments and opposed to those types of governments which have stifled the freedom of speech, religion and the press. Yet we have ourselves in the past suspended the right of a writ of habeas corpus, we have censored our newspapers and magazines, we have forbidden instructors to teach what they wished .to teach, we have halted legitimate strikes by force and we have been too hasty to convict individuals for so-called "seditious" activities. IN THIS critical world today we must be more careful than ever to preserve the liberties we possess and, if possible, even extend our civil liberties. We should welcome criticism of our system as a means of helping us to improve it. We should oppose any type of legislation which would result in the curtailment of the right of any man to speak or write his mind-no matter what his doctrine. And we must, above all, steadfastly refuse to place the label of "un- American" upon our citizens who are striving to retain all of the rights and privileges which we have been taught to cherish. --Albert P. Blaustein Spies Remained Free Too Long... . WITH SPIES bound to be at a premi- um in time of stress it seems rather odd that so much publicity surrounded the tak- ing of 29 Sunday in the United States. Even though it is only in time of actual war partici- pation that wholesale arrest of spies is practiced, one cannot but question the "two years of work on the case" which culminated in this round- up by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. CHIEF HOOVER contends that it was this deliberate work over such a length of time which enabled his men to take in such a "large" group of offenders at once. And yet there was enough proof all along for his men to know they were on the right track. By letting these spies continue their work and by substituting worthless knowledge for the information they were purportedly carrying across the ocean, the FBI evidently hoped to stall off the catch long, WASHINGTON-Just what Capt. .James Roosevelt reported to his father regarding his recent war trip, is their secret. But if it was anything like the report Jimmy gave to his superiors in the Marine Corps and the Navy Department, it was definitely pessimistic regard- ing British morale and organizational ability. One story he told was of the British attack on Solum, the Axis outpost on the Egyptian bor- der in the Libyan desert. The British attacked Solum last month believing that it was defended largely by Italians.sBut the Germans immediate- ly came to the rescue with anti-aircraft guns mounted on trucks. These guns fire with great rapidity and tremendous power. - Result was that the British tanks were terribly smashed up, that out of a total of 350 tanks making the attack, about 250 were captured. Jimmy Roosevelt made the same recom- mendation which most U.S. observers make after returning from Europe these days-that the United States will have 'to act and act quickly. For if Germany's advance into Russia continues, the British government will face a tremendous wave of appeasement sentiment within, and simultaneously the United States will face a Japan that will have Germany back- ing her practically next door. Short-Lived Prohibition THE BOYS in the Army don't know it, but for a few hours the other day the Senate went prohibitionist and banned their cooling draughts of beer. Colorado's tall, lumbering Senator Ed Johnson, isolationist Democrat and foe of the defense pro- gram, sneaked over the dry scheme in the guise of a substitute for a House bill outlawing prosti- tution within a "reasonable distance" of military reservations. The War Department had asked for this bill, and when it reached the Senate, Johnson offered a substitute whose language appeared to be the same. His colleagues assumed he was trying to grab off some political kudos and didn't examine it closely. But tucked away in Johnson's bill was a pro- vision that set up rigid liquor control in army camps and also in an undetermined area around the camps. Had this language become law, pro- hibition could have been restored throughout large sections of the country. Johnson's scheme passed unnoticed and his bill was on its way back to the House for con- currence when Senator Bob LaFollette, who had been absent, stormed in with loud cries of alarm. SHEEPISHLY the Senate jerked to life and be- gan undoing its boner. The process required several hours and four quorum calls. Then Johnson tried another tack by offering a substi- tute limiting the scope of his dry scheme. When it got nowhere, he frantically started scribbling another compromise. But by this time the Senate was openly laughing at him, so he threw up the sponge. Note-Real reason for Johnson's move was 1942 politics. He comes up for reelection next year and faces tough opposition from Republican Governor Ralph Carr. With the Administration down on him; Johnson is trying to drum up support in other quarters, and sponsored the anti-liquor bill as a play for Dry backing. French Lesson (Editor's Note: Here is another in the Merry- Go-Round series of "French Lessons" for the American People.) In France: DURING THE NINE MONTHS between the be- ginning of the war in September, 1939, and the fall of France in June, 1940, some of the gayest parties since the days of Napoleon III featured the social life of Paris. Feeling completely safe behind the Maginot Line, many Parisians entertained as never be- fore, especially the munitions makers. Some of them even rented villas and ducal estates from the old French nobility and did them over merely to give one party for one night. Nobody seemed to worry about what happened in the front lines. In the U.S.A.: SAST WEEK one of the most lavish debutante parties in years was given by the former U.S. Ambassador to France, William C. Bullitt. A special airport was arranged on his country estate outside Philadelphia for special airplanes to bring guests to the party for his daughter. Three orchestras, especially imported for the drawn by public opinion which separate the spy from the loyal citizen enough to warrant the former's incarceration as soon as he is proven occasion, jazzezd out dance music from various corners of the estate. Snow-white swans glided on a moonlit pond. Spotlights played down upon giant blue china frogs. No less than eight champagne bars were located over his acres so that no matter where his guests strolled they would not be without a drink. Dies Committee Out REPRESENTATIVE Martin Dies' dismal show- ing in the special Texas election last Satur- day torpedoed more than his senatorial ambi- tions. It also wrote finis to the investigating committee which for three years has furnished him an unfailing open sesame to press head- lines. House leaders aren't saying so publicly, but as a result of the election they have definitely decided not to give the Dies committee a further extension when it expires this year. Dies has been able to force repeated extensions and $100,000 appropriations on the claim of public backing. He entered the Senate race confident that his reputed popularity would sweep him easily to victory. That he ran a poor fourth is taken by House leaders as conclusive proof that his claim to popular sup- port is a myth. If he couldn't carry his own state, they con- tend, making no secret of their delight, he cer- tainly is no hero elsewhere. For Dies his defeat is a crushing upset. Secret- ly he was shooting'for bigger stakes-the White House. He had figured to use the Senate as a springboard into the national arena in 1944. But those dreams are all over now. Some Texas politicos predict that he will have serious opposi- tion next year to continue as a congressman. Merry-Go-Round Dr. Ernest Hopkins, popular president of Dartmouth, is one $1-Man who departed the OPM with kudos. Although no New Dealer, top Administrationites lauded his defense work and wanted him to remain in Washington . . . In- stead of a "march" on Washington to demon- strate against discrimination in the defense pro- gram, the National Negro Council has called on all Negro ministers to preach a patriotic ser- mon on July 6, as part of a drive to raise $100,000 for a lobby in Washington to work for Negro interests . . . Instead of moving regular govern- ment agencies out of the Capital to make room for the constantly expanding defense organiza- tions, some members of Congress favor "evacu- ating" outfits like the U.S. Chamber of Com- merce, which occupy many large office build- ings in Washington. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Open Letter To Summer Directory Editor My dear Miss Graham: I read with great interest on page six of Wednesday's Daily that "the 1941 Summer Stu- dent Directory will contain the home address of every student in summer school, in addition to their Ann Arbor address, school and phone num- bers according to Maratha Graham, '41, man- aging editor." It so happens that from September 1939 to June 1941 I have been a full-time graduate stu- dent in the University's Institute of Public and Social Administration (Curriculum in Social Work) located at 40 E. Ferry St., Detroit, Michi- gan. Not once have I been listed in a .student directory, nor have any of the other 150-200 students in the Social Work School been listed. Why? Attempts by these students, singly or collect- ively, to obtain a satisfactory answer to this question, have been met with vague replies from various University officials. This summer I am again enrolled in the Social Work School and since I paid my good dough I want to be listed in the Summer Direc- tory. You might even say I sound a little bellig- erent and want to make an issue of the matter. You're right! So, I'm banking on you to see that "every student in summer school" is listed. Then it won't be necessary to make any issue. Thanks a million in advance, Sincerely. Social Work Student .. V* - STUPID u By Terence g IDDEN among the crags of Mich- igan memories of yesteryear, along with the Old Library, the Uni- versity Chimes and Joe's, is the story of a character that became a legend on campus, that grads and towns- people still recall with a chuckle and maybe a little sentiment. Everyone knew old Doc Lovell in thosedays-the best-known figure on campus, stovepipe hat, Prince Albert and all, including the degrees that followed his name-'-AWOL, TNT, DUL, etc. The old Doc died in 1929, and for nobody knows how many years be- fore that he used to run the maga- zine stand on State Street. Once an English cobbler, Doc Lovell was the campus eccentric of the twenties, an almost legendary figure in Ann Arbor. Doc was a great talker and singer. Practically any evening he'd put up his soap box on one end of the Diagonal, start regaling the students with some quaint old song, and soon would have a sizeable crowd gathered around him. The students would toss pennies at the old fellow in the stove-pipe lid and Prince Albert, and he would gather them in avidly, never inter- rupting his song or monologue as he did it. He could talk on any subject, too- from the world situation to how long is a piece of string to the mating habits of the amoeba in relation to the present world crisis. Just name it and Doc would explain it. He might. not say anything, malicious students used to claim, but at least he l talk about it. BUT IN SPITE of all the derision, Doc was quite popular with the students, who used to invite him over to fraternities for dinner, or to help liven up a party-and the Doc was certain to do that. Just before Doc Lovell's death, some friends sent him on a vacation up north. About that time President Ruthven had just been made head of the University, and a Daily re- porter spread the rumor that Doc had left town because he was dis- gruntled over not having gotten the job. Doc emphatically denied it when he returned from his sojourn. Now and then various campus or- ganizations would bestow on the old man a degree of some sort or another. He was Doctor of Archery and Doc- tor of Unknown Languages, and M.O.P. Master of Oral Penmanship. Some of the fellows in the Lit School honored him with the degree of A.W.O.L.-Author of Works on Lit- erature. ANOTHER GROUP made him a D.C.S.-Dean of Campus Screw- bals. But Doc Lovell was proudest of the one given him by the engineers. They got a piece of real sheepskin, enscrolled it quite artistically, as only engineers can do, announcing to the world that Doc Lovell now had the degree of T.N.T.-Thinker of New Thoughts. There's still a lot of disagreement among those who were around Ann Arbor about then as to whether the old Doc was really so crazy, or maybe a lot more intelligent than anyone gave him credit for being. I person- ally vote for the latter. Certainly he had a ready command of facts, though he was not averse to exagger- ation, he could talk eloquently-but then he was the campus eccentric. BEST REMEMBERED of all the tales about Doc starts one eve- ning when he had assumed his usual soap box position, had gathered around him a little larger crowd than usual, and had taken in his nightly quota of pennies. He was in a confidential mood that night, all those gathered around could see. "Tonight," he began, "I am going to reveal to you all the wis- dom and knowledge that I have garnered through years of association with those reared in the intellectual atmosphere of this great edifice of learning . . He was remarkably lucid on this evening, too-and even old Doc Lovell had his lucid moments. "Reduced to its simplest terms," he went on, "so that even you can understand it, it's this-Whatever is, was, or it never could have been!" On State Street, A Happy Fourth . . . At a time when employer-employe relations are too often strained through constant bickering by both factions, it is gratifying indeed to see a gesture of cooperation as that shown by the State Street merchants this week. . Acting upon their own initiative, these merchants have declared a "State Street business holiday" Sat- urday. This will give employes of these stores a three-day holiday over the Fourth. We hope that shoppers who may experience a slight inconvenience GRIN AND BEAR IT DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A By Lichty . . "Put this fire-cracker under him, Jeeves!-I will answer for the conse- quences'" All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information will have a group meeting at the Natural Sci- ence Auditorium Tuesday, July 8, at 7 p.m., outlining the details of registration. This will include all those expecting to register for teach- ing positions and for general busi- ness positions. A series of three meet- ings will be held to discuss why peo- ple do not get jobs. At' this first meeting will be discussed the ob- stacle of wrong courses. Graduate Outing Club will hold its first meeting of the Summer Session on Sunday, July 6, at 2:30 p.m. in the rear of the Rackham Building. A trip to Saline Valley Farm is planned, including swimming, hiking, softball, and volleyball, followed by supper outdoors and a social hour. Those having cars are urged to kindly bring them; an allowance is given for transportation furnished. All grad- uate students, faculty, and alumni are welcome. Graduate Students, and others in- terested, are invited to listen to the regular Tuesday program of recorded music to be given in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building at 8:001 p.m., July 8. The following "all Beethoven" program will be played: Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Vi- olin Concerto in D major. Lecture. "The Economic'War." John B. Condliffe, Professor of Eco- nomics, University of California. 4:15 p.m., Monday, July 7. Hill Au- ditorium. All Members of Pi Lambda Theta who plan to attend the breakfast honoring Mrs. Goodykoonst on Wed- nesday, July 9, at the League at 7:45 a.m., or the breakfast for visiting Latin American women which will be held Friday, July 11, at the League at 7:45 a.m. should make reserva- tions immediately by phoning 2-2417, Miss Holtman, or 2-2731, Miss Ellis. Mathematics Tea. The graduate students in mathematics and their wives of husbands are cordially in- vited to the informal tea to be given by the staff of the Department of Mathematics and their wives, in the garden of the Michigan League, on Tuesday, July 8, from 4 to 6 p.m. All Campus Tournaments for Women. Tournaments will be held in the following sports: Tennis, both singles and mixed doubles. Golf, Medal play on 18 holes. Badminton, singles. Archer, Columbia Round. Entrants should fill out an entry blank (to be found elsewhere in this paper) and send it to Barbour Gym- nasium by Monday, July 7th. Tennis Players. An open hour for tennis players will be held on Tues- day and Thursday, July 8 and 10, from 4:00 to 5:30 at Palmer Field. This is an opportunity for all stu- dents interested in playing tennis to meet and become acquainted with others with the same interests. The Departments of Latin and Greek will hold an informal recep- tion for all students in the Depart- ments on Monday evening, July 7, from 7:30 to 10 o'clock in the Michi- gan League Garden. German House. Reservations may still be made for meals. Luncheons, thirty-five cents; dinners forty-five cents. Men and women interested in German conversation are cordially invited. 1443 Washtenaw, Tel. 9246. Speech Students: All undergradu- ate students in Speech and wives are invited to attend a tea given by the Speech faculty in the Garden of the Michigan League from 4 to 6 p.m., Monday, July 7. Attention Foreign Students: Any foreign student in the University in- terested to attend any of the sessions of the New Education Fellowship Conference can obtain free registra- tion for the entire conference by ap- plying at the Office of the Interna- tional Center during office hours, International Center Open House: In connection with the New Educa- tion Fellowship Conference, the In- ternational Center will have infor- mal Open House Sunday, July 6, from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. Portuguese Classes: The Interna- tional Center is able to offer classes in Portuguese to Summer Session students. Organizational classes will be held at 7:00 on Wednesday and Thursday in the International Cen- ter. International Center Teas. Tea will be served at the Center every after- noon next week from Monday, July (Continued on Page 3) RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR CKLW WWJ WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 800."KC - Mutual I 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue Friday Evening 6:00 News Rollin' Home Tyson Sports Jas. Bourbonnals 6:15 Inside Sports Rollin' Home World News Factfinder 6:30 Quiz Two Cities Evening Serenade News by Smits Lone Ranger 6:45 Quiz Two Cities Club Romanza Sports Parade Lone Ranger 7:00 Claudia Happy Joe Service Hour TBA 7:15 Claudia Val Clare Service Hour Drama 7:30 Proudly we Hail Evening Serenade Information, Death Valley 7:45 Program; News Dream Awhile Please Days 8:00 Great Moments Senator Ludington Waltz Ben 8:15 Of Great Plays Interlude; News Time Bernie 8:30 Senator Baily Peoples Playhouse Uncle Walter's Your Happy 8:45 Senator Baily Peoples Playhouse Doghouse Birthday 9:00 Penthouse Party To be announced Wings To be announced 9:15 Penthouse Party Who Knows? of Destiny To be announced 9:30 To be Announced July 4 Celebration Listen America Ramond G. Swing 9:45 To be Announced July 4 Celebration Listen America Music