IP THE MICIIGAN DAILY I A-Vw r A-V i ML Ir 4w*.. f lw yr s 9 I I HIE MICHIGAN DAILY Washington Merry-Go-Round STUPID tu By Terence Ij- ,14 - ., " ,. _... ..r _ . -.__! By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN: 3,-1 r,, - - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Puiblications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. ~ Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. subscriptions during the regular school year by carrie $4.00, by mail, $4.50. 'REPRESENTWD POR NATIONAL ADVERThIsING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Palishers Representative 420 MAls;ON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CNICAGO - BOSTON " LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-4 1 Managing Editor City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Bports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Staff Karl Kessler Harry M. Kelsey William Baker . Eugene Mandeberg * . Albert P. Blaustein .Barbara Jenswold Business Staff WASHINGTON-Last spring, when Hitler was on the verge of invading Yugoslavia, the Yugoslav Minister in Washington, Constantin Potitch, telephoned to the Soviet Ambassador, Constantine Oumansky, to remind him of the pact of mutual assistance between Russia and Yugoslavia. "I hope," said the Yugoslav Minister, "that our treaty will now work and that Russia will help Yugoslavia} in her hour of need." "Oh, my dear" colleague," replied Ambassador Oumansky, "you must realize that Russia con- siders the capitalistic governments of the United States and Great Britain much greater enemies than .Germany." EVERAL WEEKS, LATER, on June 22, to be exact, the Yugoslav Minister telephoned the Soviet Ambassador again. By this time Hitler had turned the tables on his former ally by in- vading Russia. ,"Do you still think," asked the Yugoslav Min- ister, "that Great Britain and the United States are greater enemies than Germany?" "My dear colleague," implores Ambassador Oumansky, "please say no more about it." The National Defense Board . After Roosevelt gets out of the glamour of in- ternational affairs and settles down to mundane domesticity, one of the first problems waiting on his desk is an effort to end wrangling between the OPM and OPACS. This wrangle is over, the question of priorities for national defense. When Congress passed the Priorities Act last spring, it divided authority between the Office of Production Management, which is Knudsen-Hillman, and the Office of Price and Civilian Supply, which is Leon Hen- derson. Since then they have been at odds over which agency was to do what; which was to cut the production of automobiles, which was to allocate steel, copper, etc. FINALLY, just before Roosevelt left to see Churchill, the President asked several White House advisers to formulate a "working agree- ment" to end the controversy. Their report now awaits his decision. It con- sists of a device dear to the Roosevelt heart-a new commission. Herbert Hoover created many commissions in his day, but Roosevelt long ago surpassed him. The confidential plan is a seven-man board consisting of \Secretaries Knox, Stimson, and Morgenthau, plus OPM's Knudsen and Hillman, plus OPACS's Henderson. Chairman will be Henry Wallace, which makes the second big job given him-quite a change from the days when a Vice President's sole duty was going out to Wallace was selected as "impartial chairman" because he is a great rooter for Pan-American friendship, and Nelson Rockefeller has been complaining that the $1-a-Year Men completely ignore the demands of our Good Neighbors for steel, copper, and other raw materials. For instance, the son-in-law of the President of Brazil was in the United States recently, pleading for 30 tons of ferro-manganese to finish a building for President Vargas. But although Brazil sends us hundreds of thousands of tons of manganese ore, the OPM would not send back to Brazil a mere 30 tons of the processed metal. O WALLACE will protect Pan-Americanism. Duties of. the seven-man board will be to make policy on all priorities. It will decide what is to be done and who is to do it. But how well it will solve the administrative dispute re- mains to be seen. Note--The recent magazine publicity on Judge Sam Rosenman, former Roosevelt Brain Truster, reorganizing the national defense set-up, was the result of confusion with this priorities ques- tion. Roosevelt has not yet got around to the defense reorganization. Details of the delay will follow in this column shortly. Capital Chaff . Under Secretary of War Patterson is impa- tient with the failure of Army brasshats to dis- perse defense orders through subcontracting, is quietly readying plans to compel it. One move will be a compulsory requirement in all big con- tracts for a fixed proportion of sub-contracting. Patterson will also appoint Maury Maverick, scrappy ex-mayor of San Antonio, as an assis- tant to see that the brasshats give smalf business men a break. British Speed Production . . W. Averell Harriman, hard-hitting railroad executive who winged his way to Washington after the floating Anglo-British conference gave OPM officials a glowing account of British war production. Harriman has been handling the London end of the lend lease program, and is familiar with every airplane engine and barrel of potatoes needed by Britain. He reported that British production, despite bombing raids, had con- tinued to increase and that it might even sur- pass the stupendous goal set by the United States. dinner or striking blows for liberty round a Senate refrigerator. Pan-American Priority 0 Business Manager... . . .. Local Advertising Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . I Daniel H. Huyett Fred M. Ginsberg Florence Schurgin .m NIGHT EDITOR: BARBARA JENSWOLD The editorials published in The Mihi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Eight Hopes For The Future ** W E ARE THE YOUTH of America, and as such our opinions don't count for much. We are forever "too young to know" and "too young to understand." We are forever "talking out of turn" and "talking over our heads." Nevertheless, to us our opinions do mean something. We know among ourselves that we are not just radicals or conservatives or Repub- lic"ns or Democrats or whatever other label might have been stuck on us by the "adult" with whom we happened to disagree. We respect each other's opinions, as we respect those of the "adults", and we sometimes even encourage each other to the extent that we come to feel that our opinions in turn should be considered seri- ously by the older generation. E'RE YOUNG, yes, and we don't know much about the affairs of the world and their causes and their results. But we have spent four years in this University studying everything from Byzantine architecture to the binomial theorum. Along the way we've picked up cjlite a bit of history and philosophy and political science so weknow what has happened to other civilizations in the distant past and to our own in the more recent past. Yes, we're young, and we haven't experienced much of life; less than a third of our allotted three score and ten. But we have a great desire to live out those years, and in a country we can call ours without shame and under conditions' that make life worth living. That is why we wish at this time to express our feelings, tell our opinions and what we want. That is why we have outlined here eight hopes for the immediate future. They are: We hope that the United Sttes will be able to stay out of the war in Europe, insofar as shooting and sending troops to a European front are concerned. We are still far from convinced that the war in Europe is our war. We see its source in Eur- opean imperialism of the pre-World War era and in the peace made at Versailles by these European empires agaihst the better judgment of our representative, Woodrow Wilson. Europet has made this war for herself and we see no reason why we should shoulder guns and mix into the scrap. Certainly, we have our sym- pathies on Britain's side. Thus the stand of the Russians on the land front and the English in the air and on the sea is encouraging to us. Which brings us to our second point: 2 We hope that Hitler and the warped, myopic national outlook and philosophy that is Nazi Germany will be defeated. Even though we do not see this war as par- ticularly our battle, we realize that we and the world at large stand to lose much if Hitler should be allowed to continue his regime. We cannot adjust our way of living to a Nazi world, for in a Nazi world our way of living as it is now - would not be tolerated. Therefore it is in line with our sympathies and to our advantage to extend any nation aligned against Hitler the greatest aid possible short of actual warfare. 3 We hope that our so-called "defense effort", which could more aptly be termed an "aid- to-offense effort" will be streamlined. If we are to proceed on a course of all-out aid to factions fighting Hitler, as through the (Editor's Note: Fred Ginsberg of the ad staff has been trying to learn Eng- hsh all summer. He claims now to have mastered at least 25 words, and in his own illiterate way asked me if he might do a guest column. Believing in the old axior of kindness to dumb animals, I agreed to let him do it. . ..) F YOU had troubled to read the editor's note at the top of this column you would have learned that your writer for the day is a member of the business staff of this paper. It's strange that an ad man should be writing a column, but there is a long story connected with it. You see Terence is, like most hu- man beings, rather lazy. At the be- ginning of the summer session he wandered about the building with a pencil and paper accosting anyone and everyone. "Listen," he said, "I've got to write a column this sum- mer and you're going to help me do it. Just sign here and put down the date you will pinch-hit for me." So that is the story behind all these guest columns you've been reading in The Daily. Well, I have always had some excuse when Ter- ence would come around and tell me it was my turn. But this time there was no wiggling out of it. I was sit- ting at,my desk counting the squares on the ceiling and worrying about what to do to appear busy in case a member of the Board should walk in when up popped Terence with a forceful suggestion that I do a guest column, so here it is. PROBABLY the best subject a guest colmnist can write about is his host. Well, to be truthful Ter- ence isn't much to write about. About the only distinguishing characteristic he has is his bright red head of hair. His nose is sort of crimson too. In fact it rather blends in with his hair. Contrary to what you may think and what I used o thinkTerence never touches the tuff, though. Then Terence has a love lift. As we all know her name is Moitle. Moitle is .probably the reason why I'm trying to write a column this morning. You see if Terence has any spare time he spends it with Moitle. Now Moitle is a very useful person to be on good terms with. She is a town girl. She has a car. And they serve darn good food at her house. Then too, Moitle is kind of fascinated by the newspaper business. This works out very nicely for Terence because whenever he has a date with Moitle they go up to The Daily and sit around and watch the N. E. (Night Editor) put the paper out. AND WHEN TERENCE is N. E. you can bet he has a date with Moi- tle for the evening. The editorial staff is a bit short-handedthis sum- mer. That means it is up to the N. E.'s advantage to have anyone and everyone around to write headlines for him. Terence has tought Moitle how to write heads. That explains the date. Terence is the favorite of the busi- ness staff. He knows our business much better than we do... he thinks. So around two o'clock in the after- noon after all the ads for the follow- ing day's paper are in the office and we are ready to dummy them into the pages Terence drops in and pulls up a chair. Then he deftly proceeds to get on our nerves by supervising the job. B UT ALL IN ALL he is a pretty good guy, and he has done a mighty tough job writing one of these columns every day. If you don't believe me try it sometime. Simple Exblanation Responding at a dinner given in his honor, Prof. Norman Wentworth DeWitt, chairman of the Classics De- partment of Victoria College, Univer- sity of Toronto, said: "Everything is the evolution of the unintended. And the corollary to it is this: Goverment is the adminis- tration of the unforeseen." A more appropriate explanation f present world confusion would be difficult to express. - The Detroit Free Press authority. Our effort so far, as Senator Byrd recently pointed out, has been ~nothing better than disappointing. With our country's poten- tialities there is no reason that it should be so. 4 We hope that the Service Extension Act, re- cently passed through Congress by so slim a margin, may be repealed at the earliest possible date. We fail to see why, under present circum- stances, we should have to spend more than one year of our lives in military service. Nor do we take much stock in recent announcements by the Army that the average service time will be eighteen months. It doesn't make sense to us that the Chief of Staff should so vigorously de- mand an unlimite4 service period, be given only an eighteen months extension over the pre- viously allowed year with the promise that if that should not suffice more time might be added, and then turn around and promise that' most men will only be kept for six extra months It looks to us more like temporary salve to soothe the spleen of the men now under arms who are threatening desertion at the end of their year. "OHIO", over the hill in October, has become a by-word among drafted service men, whose officers admit there is nothing more to teach them. We set this move to keep a large standing army, continually increasing, as an-indication of, the direction of the Chief of Staff's thought: an expeditionary force at the earliest possible time. We're against it. j We hope that the eight-point program re- cently set forth by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill will be ad- hered to in whatever ipeace settlement is made following the present conflict. A major catastrophe for the World War peace settlement was the repudiation at Versailles of many of Wilson's fourteen points, if not on paper then, at least in practice soon afterward. Al- though Roosevelt's and Churchill's eight points are much more general in nature than Wilson's fourteen, we believe that they could be made a firm foundation for a lasting peace. Our fear is that they should meet the same fate as the World War peace program. We are encouraged by the fact that the eight points were composed by the representatives of two great nations, rather than put forward independently by the leader of one, as Wilson's were. Still we realize that it is all too easy for a nation or for nations to become intoxicated with victory and forget all plans for a judicious peace settlement in a race for short-range personal advantage and superiority. We are encouraged again that the present outlook points to the possibility that the draughts of victory will be so bitter as to make deep drinking of them distasteful. We hope that, when peace has been estab- lished once more, a new League of Nations will be initiated to which all countries will hnn-w. a Leag.. ue wich-m l a-.vp th nnwr League undertakings, but mostly because of lack of power within itself. It was too easy for a nation, unable to get the League's sanction for a move, or moving and being censured for the move by the League, to pack up and walk out or sit still and ignore all protests. We believe that some form of world organization is nec- essary for the continuance of peace, and that that organization must of necessity have teeth with which to bite offenders. 7 We hope that this nation, while carrying on with its present effort, will also begin im- mediately to plan for post-war conditions. Another lesson we have learned from the World War is that leaving the course of events after the war is over to a looked-for reaction and expecting that reaction to cover all the difficulties of national post-war reconstruction is a mistake. In order to avoid a recurrence of the depression of the early'twenties and the dis- order throughout the country of that period, planning must begin now. Industry is being put on a war-time basis. When the demand for war goods has passed industry will have to slip back into the groove of peace-time production. In order for it to slip back easily into that groove the channel must be well oiled by much advance planning, for last minute action will only create confusion. Agriculture, too, is now assuming a heavier burden than normally, and the farmers must not be left with an overproduction problem and a second dust bowl on their hands at the end of this war. We see the need of planning, and the need for that planning to begin now. 8 We hope that, no matter whether we ac- tively enter the war or manage to stay out, the freedoms of speech, press and religion and the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of hap- piness will not, at any time nor for any reason, be taken from us. We realize that it is already a bit too late to hope for this. Already some restrictions have been placed on these freedoms and rights that have so long been guaranteed us under a demo- cratic government. But we would like to see these restrictions relaxed and no others imposed. We know how a nation, in time of war or na- tional emergency, can be carried off its feet by a brand of super-patriotism that is much more harmful than beneficial to the country at large. Such a feeling was responsible for the unrea- sonable grief wrought by the Espionage and Sedi- tion Acts during the World War. We feel that if democracy is the form of government for us, democracy is strong enough to defend itself in a democratic manner. THESE are our hopes. These are the things we, as individuals and as a group, are working for now and will continue to work for in the coming months and years. Perhaps they are not as well stated as they are felt. Perhaps we cannot, by listing points such as these with brief exnlanations nut oun nnints The last carillon recital of the summer session will be presented by Percival Price, University Carillon- neur, from 7:15 to 8 p.m. this eve- ning in the Burton Memorial Tower. The program will consist entirely of compositions by Professor Price in- cluding a sonata for 43 bells, a Ca- nadian suite, and a ballet which was composed for a special performance in Ottawa, Canada. Hopwood Contestants: All students who have won prizes will be notified by special delivery letter not later than Thursday noon. Contestants may call for their RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue Thursday Evening 6:00 Stevenson News Sports Review Rollin' Home Easy Aces 6:15 Racing-Baseball World News Rollin' Bome Mr. Keen 6:30 Maudie's News By Smits Club Romanza Intermezzo 6:45 Diary Sports Parade Inside of Sports Harry Heilmann 7:00 Death valley "Housewarming" Happy Joe Boys Town 7:15 Death valley "Housewarming" val Clare Boys Town 7:30 To be announced Aldrich B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles Family B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles 8:00 Major Bowes Music Hali Canada Answers Grant Park 8:15 Major Bowes Music Hall Canada Answers Concert 8:30 Major Bowes Music Hall News; Music World News 8:45 Major Bowes Music Hall Sinfonietta Ted Steele Orch. 9:00 glenn Miller Rudy vallee Echoes of Heaven Wythe Williams. 9:15 Prof Quiz Rudy vallee Echoes of Heaven To Be Announced 9:30 Melody Marvels WWJ Playhouse Child Welfare Headline Front 9:45 Melody Marvels WWJ Playhouse Your Job and Mine Drama Teaching Departments wishing to recommend August graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and the School of Edu- cation foie Departmental Honors should send such names to the Regis- trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall, before August 22. Lockers in the Intramural Sports Building must be renewed for the coming school session or vacated pn or before Friday, August 22, 6 p.m. A. A. James, Supervisor, Intramural Sports To all students having library books: 1. Students having in their pos- session books drawn from the Uni- versity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, August 18th, before the impending examinations. 2. Students who have special need for certain books after August 18th may retain such books if renewed at the Charging Desk. 3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Thursday, August 21st, will be sent to the Cashier's Office, where their summer's credits will be withheld until such time as these records are cleared, in compliance with the regulations of the Regents. S. W. McAllister, Associate Librarian Library Service after Summer Ses- sion: In the interim between the close of the summer session and the opening of the fall semester the Gen- eral Library will be closed evenings, but service will be maintained in the Main Reading Room, the Periodical Reading Room the Medical Readinar