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August 19, 1941 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-19

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AUGUST 19, 191



Brahms, Bach,
To Be Played
In West Quad
Menuhin To Give Concerto
On Recorded Program;
Public Invited To Attend
Works of Brahms and Bach will be
featured today on the Strauss Li-
bral y Music Hour of recorded favor-
ites, from 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. in the
Main Lounge of West Quadrangle.
First number on the program will
be Brahms' "Variations on a Theme
by Haydn," played by the New York
Philharmonic Orchestra under the
baton of Arturo Toscanini.
Following this will be Bach's "Con-
certo No. 1," with Yehudi Menuhin
as soloist with the Paris Symphony,
Georges Enesco on the podium.
"The Great Fugue in G minor" by
the same composer will close the pro-
gram. Performing, this masterpiece
will be the Philadelphia Symphony
Orchestra under Leopold Stokowski.
Played yesterday on the record con-
cert was Tschaikowsky's "Symphony
No.. 5," interpreted by the Philadel-
phia Symphony conducted by Sto-
These programs are open to the
public, atnogadmission charge, and
are given each week throughout the
Summer Session, Monday through
. Thursday.
Boxing Champ's Spouse
Finds 'Station' Expensive
CHICAGO, Aug. 18.-(W)-Mrs. Joe
'Louis asserted on the witness stand
today that it cost about $15,000 a year
to maintain her station in life as
the wife of the world's heavyweight
boxing champion.
Included in her expenses of $1,300
or $1,400 a month, she said, were her
table, help, utilities, automobile up-
keep, muskal education, dentist, doc-
tor, beauty parlor, recreation, enter-
tainment of friends and travel.

Stalled Russian War Machinery

German advance guards" Berlin sources said, approached a group of crippled and stalled Soviet war ma-
chines somewhere on the Russian front.
Importance Of Guidance Programs
In Schools Is Emphasized By Koch

Reds Abandon,
Northern City
To Nazi Drive
German Columns Nearing
Leningrad; Heavy Action
On Entire Battle Front
(Continued from Page 1)
marine and two "enemy" transports
by torpedo boats of the Red Fleet
and in Saturday's air fighting re-
ported the destruction of 22 German
planes with a loss of 18 Soviet air-
Lost battalions of Soviet troops en-
circled by German pincers move-
ments were reported to be fighting
their way back toward Red Army
lines in the face of persistent Nazi
attempts to exterminate them.
Pravda told of the fighting behind
the German front and said Soviet
mobile forces were being sent deep
into the German lines in raids to
check the wehrmacht offensive.
The reports supplemented the
Monday communique, which said
merely that fighting continued along
the entire front. No changes of po-
sition have been reported since the
Soviet High Command's acknowl-
edgment yesterday that the Red
troops had withdrawn from the im-
portant port of Nikolaev.
Pravda said one lost regiment re-
joined the main forces after a dra-
matic two-week campaign in which
it broke out of the German encircle-
ment by killing 1,500 men of a pan-
zer brigade.
The newspaper also told of a suc-
cessful dash into German lines by a
mobile regiment supported by artil-
lery and tanks. The regiment was
credited with wrecking a German
motorized column of several hundred
Three officers were said to have
been seized and many documents and
maps taken. The' German general
commanding the division was said to
have fled, leaving his uniform behind
In a final encounter before return-
ing to the Soviet main forces the
regiment was said to have killed more
than 500 Germans, captured consid-
erable booty and dispersed a German
cavalry-artillery division.
Official Red Army reports and
Pravda dispatches told of increasing
guerrilla activity.
West Africa
Plane Ferry
is Proposed
(Continued from Page 1)

VenezueIan Films To Portray
Festival, Travel Scenes Today
Moving pictures of Venezuela,>hibiting mass exercises and gym-
showing the annual Scholars' Festi- nastics and other student activities
val in Caracas and some scenes of at the Scholars' Festival.
Mr. Henriquez is an architectural
travel in the interior, will be pre- engineer, a graduate of the Ecole
sented by Venezuelan students of the Travaux Publics of Paris. He is now
T~tiAar .n ti _ acvin fnnrnmxi n frn te in s.vo

"The newer concept of the school
as an institution that has commun-
ity-wide responsibilities which con-
tinue in individual cases even after
graduation, emphasizes the import-j
ance of effective guidance programs
in the schools," yesterday declared
Dr. Harlan Koch in his talk entitled
"School Handicaps to Guidance."
"The economic depression," he said,
"through which we passed and now
the tightening circle of world events
have made guidance service in the
school mandatory. If the schools,
therefore, are to meet their respon-
sibilities to the community and
through it to the country at large,
guidance must receive progressive at-
Ever-increasing guidance resources
such as agencies, techniques and de-
vices emphasize by contrast, how in-
adequate present efforts at guidance
in most schools really are. Tlhis in-
adequacy of effort may be attributed
to many factors, some of which are
immediately controllable and some
are not. For instance, most schools
fail clearly to define what they mean
by guidance.
School officials are prone to forget
that no machinery can "stem the tide
of young persons driven to delin-
quency through their revolt at the
formal curriculum." Efforts at guid-
ance in a preponderant number of
schools are largely confined to

courses /rather than to individual
Since relatively few Ischools can af-
ford to employ guidance specialists,
there is a strong tendency to delegate
much responsibility for guidance to
both the homeroom teacher and the
classroom teacher without clearly de-
fining their guidance functions. Add-
ed to the foregoing is the fact that
few attempts are made to evaluate'
guidance in whatever form it may be
administered in most schools.
Since the school is a community
serving institution, its effectiveness
would be enhanced if a closer articu-
Opera To Continue
Run Through Today
Concluding its 13th annual Sum-
mer Session Drama Season, the Mich-
igan Iepertory Players of the De-
partment of Speech will present one
more performances of "The Gondo-
liers" at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
One of W. S. Gilbert and Arthur
Sullivan's best known operas, "The
Gondoliers" deals with the attempts
of the Duke of Plaza-Toro and his
wife to find the heir to the throne of
Barataria. The Duke finally dis-
covers that one of the gondoliers is
the king but, as he is unable to
choose between them, the Venetians
reign jointly until an old nurse solves
their problem.,

lation were worked out among all
those who have an equity in the guid-
ance service of the school-citizens,
parents, children, and school staff.
Since approximately 60 percent of
the 25,000 high schools in the country
enroll 150 pupils or fewer and when
the nomadic character of the kradu-
ates of these schools is kept in mind,
it is clear that what happens in the
small high school or fails to happen
there has wide social significance.
A definite handicap to effective
guidance is inh rent in the size of the
ma:prity of the high schools since
numbers are an important considera-
tion in working out any type of really
effective educational program.
Tenure of teachers in these schools
is appallingly short; they are pre-
dominently young; they are inex-
perienced and are in the hands of
relatively inexperienced administra-
tors. Irk spite of brilliant exceptions
to the limitations just outlined, the
prevailing condition, particularly in
the field of guidance, is one of in-
Awareness of need which has given
tremendous momentus through the
events of the past ten years is stimu-
lating great effort in educational in-
stitutions all over the country to ob-
viate such short-comings as are



but in

to exist not only in guidance
the work of the schools at

This is one way


keep cool-- but there
is a better one.. .
Phone 8270

e Unqj and nqaqementi
......,c....., e o <...,=..., =...o<....= --> < .= -----, *3

In The Majors
W L Pct. GB

New York. ...80
Boston .........60
Philadelphia ....51
Washington .....48
St. Louis ........47




Week Days 2-4-7-9 P.M.

Miss Jacqueline Otterbine Myers,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Adel-
dert, Myers of Ann Arbor and Kala-
mazoo has selected Aug. 31 as the
date fox' her marriage to Mr. Robert
B. Klinger of Ann Arbor. and Kala-
The ceremony will take place in
the First Methodist Church at Kala-
Miss Myers received her bachelor's
degree in piano at the University in
1937 and her master's degree in 1938.
Since then she has taught in a pub-
lic schogl in Anchorage, Alaska.
After receiving his bachelor's de-
gree at Western State Teachers Col-
lege in 1936, Mr. Klinger ,took his
master's in 1937 at the American
University in Washington, D.C. He
has been in the political science de-
partment at the University for the
last three years doing research for
his Ph.D. At present he is assistant
to the counselor of foreign students
and assistant director of the Inter-
national Center at the University.
* * *
Elizabeth Anne O'Dell of Bloom-
field Hills will be married at noon,
Aug. 30, in Christ Church, dranbrook,
to Dean Loyd S. Woodburne, assis-
tant dean of the College of Litera-
ture, Science.and the Arts.
The bride-elect was graduated.
from the University in 1936 and is

a member of Kappa Alpha Theta
Mr. Woodburne was graduated in
1929. He was a member of the Uni-
versity Glee Club. Since receiving his
Ph.D. in 1932, he taught in the Uni-
versity and studied for a time in Ber-
lin. Following his return he was pro-
moted to the postiion he now holds.
After a wedding trip in the East,
the couple will be at home about
Sept. 22 at 1402 Washington Heights.
* * *
At a reception at 4 p.m. Sunday
at the League, the engagement of
Joan K. T. Lee of Cornell University
and David Liang of Hankow, China,
was announced.
A student in the business admin-
istration school, Mr. Liang is active
in the Chinese group at the Univer-
sity's International Center.
* * *
A University graduate was married
Saturday, when the nuptials of Helen
Merle Douglass, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Douglass of Detroit,
and R. William Cooper, son of Mrs.
Walter Christensen and Robert L.
Cooper of Detroit, were performed in
the garden of the League.
Mrs. Cooper received her bachelor's
degree at the University, and the
bridegroom is a graduate of the
Wayne University business adminis-
tration school.

Monday's Results'
New York at Detroit, raid
Washington 4, Cleveland 2
Boston at St. Louis, rain
Only Games Scheduled
Tuesday's Games
New York at Detroit (2)
Philadelphia at Chicago (2)
Boston at St. Louis (2)
Washington at Cleveland
W L Pct. GB

rect air service from New York or
Baltimore to Africa.
The route itself was not disclosed.
It was believed, however, that the
ferry service for bombers might oper-
ate from 'rinidad or some other
United.States south Atlantic base to
Freetown, in British Sierra Leone, on
the West African coast, a distance of
slightly more than 3,000 miles.
As for shorter-flight military
planes, it was thought that arrange-
ments might be made to fly them
from a Pan-American base farther
south, perhaps on the bulge of Brazil
-about 1,600 miles across to Free-
Still another possible landing point
in Africa was.Bathurst, British Gam-
bia. From there the planes could fly
by way of the Gold Coast, a British
colony,, to Khartoum on the Nile.
Freetown, an important British
naval base having what is considered
the best harbor in West Africa, is
500 miles south of Dakar, where Ger-
many has been reported to be de-
manding military facilities from the
Vichy government.
Described by some military experts
as more valuable for joint Anglo-
American naval use than Dakar it-
self, Freetown is the headquarters of
the British General Officer com-
manding in West Africa.

Brooklyn .......73
St. Louis ........72
Cincinnati ......62
Pittsburgh ......60
New York .......56
Boston .........46
Philadelphia ....31



15 /2
411 /


Monday's Results
New York 6-7, Chicago 4-1
Cincinnati 13-5, Philadelphia 5-4
Brooklyn 6, Pittsburgh 5
Only Games Scheduled
Tuesday's Games
Chicago at New York, night
Pittsburgh at Brooklyn 62)
Cincinnati at Philadelphia (2)
St. Louis at Boston
er ection4 odem

With the end of summer school
near, we sincerely hope that
you have enjoyed your stay at
Michigan. We appreciate the
patronage of many of you that
have visited our shop and trust
that you will return this fall so
that we can trim you again.
The Dascola Barbers
Between State St. & Mich. Theatre

Uh'1 " I! 99.7a... ...




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