AY, AUGUST 17, 1941 THE MICHIGAN. D A ILY. PAGE FIVE I I ..n Seizure Move By Government Is Anticipated Federal Shipbuilding Plant May Be Taken To Avert Further Strike Tie-Up WASHINGTON, Aug. 16.-(A)- The government probably will take over the strike-bound palnt of the Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Company at Kearny, N. J., within 48 hours, a high defense official pre- ducted today. This official, who would not be quoted by name, said that President Roosevelt was expected to act on the case as soon as possible after his re- turn to the capital. An order for the action is under- stood to have been drafted at confer- ences between executives of the Navy, Maritime Commission, Office of Pro- duction Management and Defense Mediation Board. About $493,000,000 worth of naval and merchant ship construction has been tied up for 10 days in the strike called by the Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America (CIO). The Mediation Board had recom- mended a settelment of the dispute by adoption of a contract containing a "maintenance of union" clause. The union agreed to the recommen- dations, but called the strike when the company failed to do so. 1. , Will Not Roll gives Ample Control Labor Review Shows 9,000 Less Strikers Report Reveals Strikes Rose From 50 To 58 During Last Week (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON-The number of strikes, threatened strikes and labor controversies adjusted by the Federal Conciliation Service increased to 58 during the week, compared with 50 in the previous week, and ended a three-week decline. The number of workers involved was only 20,589, however, compared with 29,640 in the preceding week. CHICAGO-The national Railway Mediation Board began an effort to compose differences between the management of the nation's railroads and representative of 1,150,000 em- ployes over wage demands. WASHINGTON-By executive or- der, President Roosevelt suspended the 8-hour day for mechanics and la- borers employed directly by the War Department on pubic works necessary to national defense. NEW YORK-The Association of Communication Equipnent Workers reported that members in 13 cities had voted strike authority because of failure to agree with the Western Electric Company on a contract. Union officials said that a strike would tie up the entire Bell Tele- phone System. WASHINGTON-The CIO Alumi- num Workers Union threatened to call out 20,000 workers in five alumi- num' plant to back up its demand for elimination of North-South wage dif- ferentials. The dispute was turned over to the mediation bard. Simmons Wins Racing Trophy Death Knell Of GoldCup Competition Sounds RED BANK, N. J., Aug. 16.-(P')- The death knell of Gold Cup motor- boat racing apparently was sounded today when Zalmon G. Simmons of Greenwich, Conn., won the classic speed trophy with the second "walk- over" in the history of Gold'Cup com- petition. After all other entries had dropped out, Simmons drove his craft "My Sin"'over the course at an average speed of 52.509 miles per hour to capture the Gold-plated, sterling sil- ver cup which for many years was the most coveted trophy of motor- boat racing.- That surpassed last year's winning speed, but was no- thing to arouse the crowd of 15,000 gathered to watch the first day of the combined Gold Cup and National Sweepstakes Races. Two entries from Louisville, Ky., Bill Cantrill's "Why Worry" and Morton L. Cooper's "Mercury." which had been the hope of the regatta committee after other entries had withdrawn because of various troub- les with their boats, failed to appear As a resultthe last two heats of the Gcld Cup were cancelled after Sim- mons had riven "My Sin" over the first 30 miles. Nurses Training Plan WASHINGTON. -()- F. H. La- Guardia, Civilian Defense Director announced today plans for trainin 1-00,000 volunteer nurses' aides with- in the next 12 months in collabora- tion with the American Red Cross. Three-Way Drive On Leningrad q FINLAND K KAKISA M U* S* Ss*R .L ENINGR A D Q TALLINN STARAYA PSKOV RUSSA x A Moscow - SMOLENSK Moscow admitted a fourth grand German offensi ve was striking heavily at Leningrad from three direc- tions (arrows.) Most violent fighting centered around Kakisalmi on the Karelian Isthmus and at Staraya Russia south of Leningrad. } f 1 c a i l l* By KIRKE L. SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) In the eight weeks since Hitler hurled his mighty Nazi war machine against Russia it has ripped its wayt through Soviet buffer defenses fromi the Baltic to the Black Sea and stormed into Russia itself an average depth of perhaps 100 miles on a 1,000l mile front; but it has signally failed as yet to achieve or closely to ap- proach the quick and earth-shaking victory the Nazi war load foretold. Russians, Germans, Rumanians andl Finns by the hundred thousand, if not the million, are dead, maimedt or prisoners. More millions of help- less non-combatants are dead or homeless and faced with freezing and, starvation this winter. September Rains Yet no Russian city of first mag- nitude strategically or economically has yet fallen to the invading hordes; none been brought under Nazi firea except by air bombs. And only days away are the September rains inI western Russia and behind then, in' early October, the snow will fly and Russia's greatest ally, six months of witer, will enter the struggle. Hitler was utterly unprepared when he struck at Russia June 22 for any such bitter resistance as he has met. As the ninth week of the vast battle opens, his armies seem breathless ard nearing the exhaustion point in the vital center before Moscow. Only on the extreme flanks of the Baltic- Black Sea front is the Nazi blitzkrieg still rolling, and neither sector offers the Germans an assurance of con- clusive victory before winter sets in. When he struck in late June, Hit- ler unquestionably expected within seven weeks or less to engulf Lenin- grad, Moscow and Kiev and sweep the Russian Black Sea coast to the old 1918 German invasion line at Rostov, the gateway to Russia's Cas- pian cil fields, to Iran and to India. Ukraine Within Grasp. Instead, only the southern Ukraine and its potential resources in food and minerals seems yet within his grasp and its cost has been a great expenditure of German lives and Ger- man war reserves. Odessa is the first major Russian city to be closely invested by the Nazis. By Berlin accounting, a major Red Army dis- aster is in the making there which will deliver the whole Ukrainian pla- tcau east of the Dnieper into Ger- man control. But given Russian will to fight on behind the Dnieper, even Nazi cap- ture o fthe whole great bend of this river would not be a vital blow. Com- plete annihilation of Red Army forces in the sea-backed Odessa pocket seems improbable. Routes of es- cape by land and sea are still open. Natural water barriers offer possibili- ties of bitter rearguard stands to keep open a wide sea frontage against encircement. They even afford the means of prolonged siege warfare if Russian army organization in the 3outh has not broken down utterly. Appearance Of Victory It seems unquestionable that Hit- ler is desperately seeking ,to achieve in the Ukraine an appearance of vic- tory on which to found some new peace offensive. Political and mili- tary gestures fiom Axis aligned non- belligerent nations such as Japan and X.chy France were synchronized too closely with the Nazi Ukrainian of- fensive to permit doubt that both wei e Berlin-dictated as diversions. Undoubtedly, to, the Roosevelt- Churchill joint declaration must be regarded as a counter move to offset in advance that expected Nazi "peace" bid. No Peace With Hitler The terms of that joint British- Amer: can statement beckon inviting- y *o the so-called "have-not" na- tions, great or small; but they also rule out peace on any terms with Hit- lersm. Only its high-placed authors could say whether behind its issu- ance lies some ominous official knowl- edge in London and Washington of v avering Russian resolve, or some hopeful prospect of growing public irtercst in Germany with Hitler's at- tempted blood-purge of half the world. Officer Shake-Up Reported Started By Army Leaders WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-(,?)-The Army High Command was reported today to have 'undertaken a sweep- ing shake-up of officers in line with its expressed intention of eliminating those who fail to measure up to the highest standars ofmilitary leader- ship. The War Department called re- cently for the creation of a Board of Generals to review the cases of regu- lar army officers. This Board has not yet been appointed, but it was said that compilation of lists of offi- cers whose names will be placed b*- fore it was underway. These officers will have the right either to resign voluntarily or to have their cases heard by the Board and await its decision. O- r! ; r 'I 5-00 l r } )' e .' Pepper Asks Lifting Ban On Sending Draftees Out Of Western Hemisphere I i Simpson Declares Nazis Failed To Achieve Expected Success n --- WASHINGTON, Aug. J6.-(P)- Senator Pepper (Dem.-Fla.) urged today that the existing ban against sending selectees outside the western hemisphere be lifted but conceded that there was little prospect of im-; mediate congressional action. Pepper, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee and advocate of more active aid to Great Britain and Russia, said in an interview that "the sooner we make an all-out effort the surer we are to stay out of a shooting war and the surer we are that we won't have to send an expe- ditionary force to Europe or South America. "For example, there are islands in the Atlantic and Pacific which might be the subject of asault from Hitler and his Axis associates. The Army command ought to be in a position to send to those places that part of the Army which is best adapted to such service.". Legislation extending the service periods of selectees, National c x 1 f r x t (E t 3 Guardsmen, reservists and enlisted men for 18 months now is awaiting Presidrnt Roosevelt's signature. It was appi oved in the House by the single-vote margin of 203 to 202, leading opponents of Administration foreign pclicy to assert that there was r,) chance Congress would lift the prohibition against sending selectees outside this hemisphere. Pepper said that while the service extension measure would give addi- tional flexibility to the assignment of Army personnel, it was not adequate. "We must keep Hitler from getting out of Europe," he declared. "if he, does try to break out, we must meet him where he breaks out and we must hold him back before he gets to us. That is not war mongering or aggres- sion. It is intelligent defense." Although General George C. Mar- shall, the Chief of Staff, originally recommended that the western hemi- sphere ban be lifted, Senator Thomas (Dem.-Utah) floor manager for the service extension measure, said Army authorities had advisbd him they were content, for the present, to let the ban remain on the books. Many Army men, Thomas added, think largely in terms of sending men to Europe. "But we should consider the possibility of having to send men across the Pacific if trouble breaks out there," he added. "We have 700 soldiers in China now. If there should be any real trouble they would be sacrificed-700 men couldn't de- feat the Japanese army." From Senator Smith (Dem.-S.C.), Dean of the Senate, came this com- ment: "They won't have a tenth of a chance of getting rid of the prohi- bition keeping the boys in this hemi- sphere., They have got all they are going to get out of this Congress. Greenberg Out Of Army? DETROIT, Aug. 16.-(Y)-The De-' broit News tonight quoted Captain Glenn A. Sikes, commander of the anti-tank company of which Cor- poral Henry Greenberg is a member, as saying Greenberg would be dis- charged from the army "without de- lay" upon application when the bill making it possible to release selectees over 28 years old becomes law. The bill rhas been passed by both houses of Congress and would auto- matically become law without Presi- dent Roosevelt's signature unless he signs or vetoes it by Monday.. °, : , : £F ,. ,. tl WARNER' STA- UP-TOP* You know how many girdles have become annoying when they roll and grip the waist, well here is one with a Sta-Up- Top? waist band that won't roll over or dig in! It keeps you comfortable and well molded always. E NICKELs ARCADE * . ., . In The Majors AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. 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MISSES' SIZES.. pO \C O)e Bright Ideas For Your Vacation This is the last week of our 1 YEARLY CLEARANCE i i Merry Medley of f Tuneful Fashionst s' 1. s. - 'id Q G0 ' G OM S ,p XN -~ A--The jacket is longer ande lovelier-semi-fitted type. A perky polka dot print in, tine rayon crepe. Sizes 32 to 40. Leading colors. $2.95 Player, Club Williams, Red Six Travis, Senators ... DiMaggio, Yankees Hopp, Cardinals .. Etten, Phillies ..... Reiser, Dodgers ... R 99 74 ..111 61 ... 56 80 H 136 160 169 92 123 121 Pet. .408 .367 .360 .331 .329 .328 . :hi>',;:'.;4:: .. .. ..{ .{t...... ?hr ,;y Yf. 4) .- 4 nade to style that f hum right along- Pajamas-back to ollicking rhythm! see this concert in TRAVEL CLOTHES DRESS-UP CLOTHES CASUAL CLOTHES DRESSES - COATS Home Runs (A. L.) Keller, Yankees .................29 DiMaggio, Yankees ..............27 Williams, Red Sox ..............23 TX- - tT T .1 at a mere fraction of their former prices Also NEW FALL SUITS . . . 12.95 to 29.95 Here's a serer will make you1 Miss Swank F school with rc Come in and s color, this mi - tuned to 1 and sleeping c usicale of fabrics ounging freedom -omfort-so wash B--Floral figured jacquard crepe. Belted coat; quite toi. ored. Controsting trim and buttons. Pastel colors. Sizes 32 to 40. $3.95 III I l i i_ .._ ..._.. ..,.. r., .,ri., ,. ,,.,, ., r