Foul THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ., J Daily Calendar of Events Sunday, August 17- 9:00 7:15 8:00 a.m. p.m. p.m. Breakfast for those receiving the master's degree. (Michigan Union.) Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. A Cycle of Medieval Mystery Drama. (Hill Auditorium.) o nday, August 18 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions duringrthe regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. t College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CNICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 4:05 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Lecture. "Using Community Resources In Guidance Program." Harlan C. Koch, Professor of Education. (University High School Auditorium.) Lecture. Recital, Professor Joseph Brinkman and Mr. Beller. Rackham Assembly Hall.. Lecture. "Future of Anglo-American Relations." Mr. Geoffrey Crowther, Editor of The Economist. (Rackham Lecture Hall.) "The Gondoliers." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) Tuesday, August 19- 4:05 p.m. Lecture. "Socio-Psychological Influences In Guidance." Wm. Clark Trow, Professor of Educational Psychology. (University High School Auditorium.) 8:30 p.m. "The Gondoliers." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) Wednesday, August 20 4:05 p.m. Lecture. "The Nature and Scope of Pupil Personnel Work." George E. Myers, Professor of Vocational Education and Guidance. (University High School Auditorium.) Managing Editor City Editor '- Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Staff *. . ~Karl Kessler B arry Mv. Kelsey . . . William Baker . Eugene Mandeberg . Albert P. Blaustein . . Barbara Jenswold Washington Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Business Staff Business Manager........Daniel H. uyett Local AdvertisingrManager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin NIGHT EDITOR: MINTZ-SWANDER The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. P. G. Wodehouse: Nazi Propagandist ... T URNING ASIDE for a moment from the actual fighting part of this war, if we can, we come to a bit of news under the heading of "sidelights of the war." Included in these squibs and out of the ordinary happenings is a little note saying that the British have for- bidden listening to P. G. Wodehouse's propa- ganda broadcasts from Berlin. The ban on P. G. is even stricter than that on Lord Haw Haw, for that worthy gentleman is pretty well recognized as a German in English drape, and provides a bit of amusement for Britains in need of some- thing to do, or listen to. But with 'Wodehouse, it's different. That blow cuts more deeply. For all Englishmen, P. G. was judged, as least by most Americans, as the most English. His hero Jeeves, and charge Bertie Wooster were the ultimate in the bewildered gen- tleman and the all-efficient gentleman's gentle- man. There are not many reading Americans or Englishmen, for that matter-who, at some time in their reading have not run across Bertie, or his friends tied up in knots, and the stalwart Jeeves cutting the ropewith a positively briliant ease. For those who didn't really know, it was "how typically British," and for those who did not know, it was parallel tnough to be very funny. But everyone agreed that it was English. And now Wodehouse, captured in'France during the retreat, is broadcasting German propaganda from Berlin. Even Jeeves would have a hell of a time explaining that! " Eugene Mandeberg Installment Buying And War Economy ... The regulations which have been placed on in- stallment selling by order of President Roosevelt are one of the hardships of war. Yet they are obviously a very minor inconvenience compared to the sufferings of countries actually engaged in hostilities, and in many instances Americans will find themselves genuinely benefited by pro- tection from the allure of too-easy credit. There is no question but that the institution of finance companies and personal loan services has contributed a great deal to industrial devel- opment and to popular enjoyment of goods put in use while being paid for. Any unemployment that may occur in the extensive financing indus- try is to be regretted; it should be absorbed soon in defense activities. But the fact is also evaent that much time purchasing has been carried to extravagant and unsound lengths. Some experts in this field have long felt tat it would be wiser in the interests of the consumer as well as the lender to require larger down payments on most items, to adhere to shorter terms of payment than some which run to eighteen months or two years, and to sur- vey the customer's budget to see that he is not undertaking too many such purchases at once. Yes., this may call for a little curbing of de- sires. Freedom is not to be defended without sac- rifice. But those who even add a measure of self-restraint to whatever restrictions may be imposed on installment buying or other credit will find that one of the important freedoms in human experience is that of being out of debt. -Christian Science Monitor WASHINGTON-One of the first things Sen- ator "Pappy" O'Daniel did after riding from Texas to Washington in a day coach, was to try to get federal jobs for fifteen members of his hill-billy band. His idea is to bring the band to Washington, get Uncle Sam to pay them salaries, and then put them on the air every Sunday morning in a radio program which Pappy's friends say is sure to land him in the White House. He is angling with a cheese company to sponsor this program. First thing the new Senator from Texas did was to contact John Mayfield, son of ex-Senator Mayfield of Texas, who is in charge of personnel for the General Accounting Office. Young May- field, however, intimated that it was not easy to get government jobs for a group of men whose chief qualifications were playing the fiddle. The General Accounting Office, he said, needed book- keepers, not crooners. Next, Senator O'Daniel tried Jack Love, who hails from Anson, Texas, and who is in charge of personnel for the Immigration Division of the Justice Department'. However, Love is being transferred to the inspection service, so had an excellent excuse not to undertake the onerous job of placing fifteen hill-billies on the federal payroll.' At this point Pappy turned to his old Texas pal, Jesse Jones. Simultaneously Speaker Rayburn, also from Texas, got a telephone plea for help from Sec- retary of Commerce Jones. But the speaker of the House was not sympathetic. "You get 'em," he replied. "He's your Senator. You had breakfast with him the morning he ar- rived." So now it is up to Jesse. Among Texas insiders it is reported that the big, gangling Secretary of Commerce will go down the line for his fellow Texan, because he sees the strength O'Daniel may have in lining up the Texas delegation in the next Democratic National Convention. Jesse always has nursed vice-presidential or presidential ambitions, and they die hard in his breast. Farm Experts (?) The British have an American bear by the tail and don't know how to let go. Recently they sent a letter to Secretary Claude Wickard requesting that two experts on agricul- tural production be sent to England to study farming methods and recommend improvements. Wickard was out of town when the invitation ar- rived, and it came before Under Secretary Paul Appleby. Appleby is currently none too happy in the Department of Agriculture. Behind the scenes he and Wickard are at odds, chiefly over who is boss. A junket abroad at government expense would be a big relief, so although Appleby knows little about agricultural' production and has had no real farming experience, he selected himself for the mission. a The other choice, "Spike" Evans,' AAA head, has had some farming experience but that was long ago. Like Appleby, he is primarily a white- collar administrator. Privately, the British don't like it, but there is nothing they can do. They can't say they don't want the two top-rung offi- cials of the U. S. Agriculture Department. No Army Peas It doesn't make sense, but the "breadbasket of the democracies", with overflowing larders, is having trouble obtaining food for its own soldiers. This is because the canners are balking at doing business with the U. S. Army. Recently the Army asked for bids on 900,000 cases of government-specification canned peas. Out of the hundreds of pea canneries in the country, only forty took the trouble to submit prices. And of these forty bids only a handful were anywhere near what Army and OPM ex- perts considered a fair price. Result was that only 300,000 cases of peas were bought, leaving the Quartermaster Corps short 600,000 cases. Aroused by this uncooperative attitude, OPM chiefs summoned to Washington several leaders peas by negotiated contracts instead of adver- tising for bids (as it did recently in buying can- ned tomatoes.) Note-Anticipating similar difficulties on can- ned salmon, particularly because of huge ship- ments to Britain, the Government has advised salmon canners that total requirements would be 1,200,000 cases, about 20 per cent of the ex- pected pack this year. Secretive Smith Senator "Cotton Ed" Smith of South Carolina was remonstrating with a reporter about a story concerning theappointment of Roger V. Peace, publisher of the Greenville (S.C.) News, to the Senate vacancy created by the death of Alva M. Lumpkin. The story stated that Governor Maybank had named Peace, a staunch liberal, to "offset" Smith's conservatism. "You shouldn't write things like that," pro- tested the senior Senator from South Sarolina. "I'm going to do my best to get along with Peace, and here you try to drive a wedge between us be- fore he even hits town." "Well, it's a fact, isn't it, Senator?" shot back the newsman. "Sure, it's a fact," snorted Cotton Ed. "But some facts shouldn't be told to the public. Note-As a Senator, Peace, a two-fisted liberal, plans to continue his crusade as a publisher to improve Army morale by avigorous educational campaign. Tom Dewey Maneuvers It's not supposed to be known, but the under- cover master mind who got Tammany Hall to nominate Frank Hogan as its candidate for New York District Attorney was none other than Tammany's mortal enemy, Tom Dewey. Four years ago Dewey was elected District Attorney as a crusader pledged to wage ruthless war on Tammany. Timid about running, Dewey was induced by the strenuous urging of Mayor LaGuardia. But a lot of water has flowed over the dam since then. In 1938, LaGuardia supported Governor Leh- man against Dewey. Last dear, LaGuardia didn't help Dewey in his scramble for the Republican presidential nomination, later campaigned for Roosevelt against Willkie. On the surface, Dewey is still friendly with LaGuardia, the man who gave him his political start. But actually he would like to see Fiorello eliminated from New York politics, has no wish to campaign for him for another term as Mayor. With his eye on the governorship next year and the presidency in 1944, Dewey could not risk striking at the "Little Flower" openly. Fiorello is to well-heeled politically for that. So Dewey had to operate secretly. LaGuardia's big campaign issue is Tammany Hall. Without it he faces a tough fight. One sure way to remove the issue would be to give Tam- many a claim to purity by nominating for Dis- trict Attorney a champion from the opposition camp. Frank Hogan is one of Dewey's chief as- sistants. Eager for a comeback after eight years of lean pickings, Tammany was willing to trade the District Attorneyship, which it had small chances of winning anyway. For Dewey, the maneuver meant putting LaGuardia in a hole. Simultan- eously it gave an excellent excuse not to election- eer for him. Among politicos, that's what is known as smart politics. Un-Nicknamed Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt will go down in history as one of the great Presidents, yet in one respect he hasn't measured up to his renowned prede- cessors. He hasn't been given a nickname. Many Chief Executives before him, some with far less hold on the popular imagination, acquired definite sobriquets. Most famous of all, of course, was that given George Washington, "Father of His Country." John Adams. his successor, was called the "Col- lous of Dehat" Thomas Jefferson the "ae STUPID st By Terence (Editor's Note: 'Twas just too much the other night, so while Terence jug- gles ice packs and swizzles tomato juice, Women's Editor Barb Jenswold takes over. Don't yawn, people . . . ) STARVE THE RICH and Feed the Poor: The food shortage in Eng- land isn't the only trouble people have with eating; even in peace time they don't all get to eat. Friend of a friend of a friend of mine is close to the Royal Family in Britain, often gets in on their informal dinners (20 or 30 guests) . . . Claims she hasn't been fed yet. You see, the Queen gets served first and evidently starts right in. But the Queene is a very fast eater. Since all stops with the Queen's laying down her fork, our friend merely gets a sniff of a de- lightful repast before it's whisked away from before her. . . Saves wash- ing the silver and keeps the servants fat. NOTHING LIKE living in an apart- ment of one's own keeping house alone for the first time. At least ,so we've found. Rent rate sounded swell, but the milk, electricity and tele- phone bills have rather upset the rou- tine at odd moments. Two dollars a week per capita for food is plenty to live on, if one discounts cokes and candy bars so disadvantageously dis- played and peddled around the office. Two roommates and yours with love and having a perfectly grand time at it all. Switching sleeping ar- rangements every week, collecting piles of dirty dishes and passing the buck too long about emptying the garbage. Kinda' funny in spite of the trag- edy when you get up too quickly to take out the charred toast and upset the tray on your lap onto the living room carpet. But when mashed po- tatoes are brushed off to a new spot- lessness, they taste just as good, 'and the exercise in retrieving ice cubes from behind the studio couch is good for the "figger." . . GREAT SPORT changing the furni- ture arrangement completely- working hours-and then having roommate come home and switch it all back with no effort at all . . . Also fun coming home at 2 a.m. after put- ting out a paper and tripping over pieces of furniture that weren't there in the morning.. .. The joy of receiving the first call on the new telephone.. . air tense at that first ring, air ecatjc when itI turns out to be the real thing-two shorts . . . lun even when you head the ring from you position on the top bunk taat the ungodly hour of, 9 a.m.) and miss the chair you gen- erally use as astepladder. Crash! And you look up at the'smashed chair and crawl painfully to the phone in the otjer room. Fun even when you can't sit down for another week. . TRAGEDY-real tragedy-breaking the first dime store dish or that jar of your favorite jam that mother made and mailed 700 miles to you.. . Now you still eat the pam, but care- fully, picking out the pieces of glass as they appear.. Possession! Even a family mouse who used, to run in circles in the register beneath the table. In spite of tha fact that- you put your foot in the mousetrap one day at dinner and flipped the cheese below, gratis to the invader, you got him lated when he was dancing around the kitchen. . Mice are such sweet, innocent beings it seems a shame, but Snap!! Dire misfortune for someone who meant no harm... Talk about minority op- pression! Fun' and a little frightening when the janitor finds the bathroom screen on the ground and you and your friends in the window, bailing out the tub when the drain won't work after your friends have given their dog ad ousing. . . Now you can't find the dog anywhere. . FUN to eave your first "own" home . for a weekend, and much, much satisfyinger to come back and unlock the door to your abode-even if it is a trifle topsy turvy and even if you do, in the dark, fall over the ironing1 board your roommate forgot to stowj away. . . Fun making good what's left in the1 icebox, after the "kitty's drained of its last tax penny... Fun lighting cig- arets via the coils in th oven when the matches are gone. Reminds one of the witch who was turned to gin- gerbread. . . Only one gentle push is needed... We're sorry it's almost over. We're sorry we have to go home to real meals, to a washing machine, to sleeping all morning. . Like heck! ... But we'll treasure this experience and these memories. There's nothing in the world like keeping an apartment, and we mean it! Intervention For Peace The radio plea of John Cudahy for a peace proposal from President Roosevelt well illustrates the diffi- culties of aloofness. For while the former American Ambassador to Bel- gium attacks "the war party" and "interventionists" with one breath, __. : s_ , 5; !Y I F ", L '. r 1 Oil, 'Y "Before I give my speech, Miss Snodgrass, you better prepare a statement saying I was misquoted!" Summer Examination Schedule SENO SWOO Hour of Recitation Time of Examination .,'"""" GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty 8 9 10 11 Thurs. Fri. Thurs. 8-10 8-10 2-4 Fri. 2-4 Hour of Recitation 2 3 All other 2 3 hours Time of Examination Thurs. 4-6 Thurs. 10-12 Fri. 10-12 Fri. 4-6 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I, (Continued from Page 2) Relations, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. French Diction and Intonation. Professor Charles E. Koella will meet the French students at the Speech Clinic tomorrow, Monday, August 18th, from 9:30 to 12:00 and from 2:00 to 4:00 to read and discuss the second recording of "La Calomnie". Charles E. Koella, Collegs of Literature, Science and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry, and Music: Summer Sessionstudents wishing a transcript of this surpmer's work only shold file a request in Room 4 U.H., several days before leaving Ann Ar- bor. Failure to file this request before the end of the session will result in a needless delay of several days. Deutscher Verein. The annual ban- quet of the Deutscher Verein will be held in the Deutsches Haus, 1443 Washtenaw Avenue, Tuesday eve- ning, August 19, at 6:30. The price of the dinner is included in the dues paid by the members. Members of the Verein, students of German, members of the summer teaching staff, or anyone desiring to attend are requested to make reserva- tion at the Deutsches Haus or at the German Department office, 204 U.H. Price per plate to non-members is 85 cents. There will be a program of entertainment following the dinner. To all students having library books: 1. Students having in their pos- session books drawn from the Uni- versity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, August 18th, before the impending examinations. 2. Students who have special need for certain books after August 18th may retain such books if renewed at the Charging Desk. 3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Thursday, Augus 21st, will be sent to the Cashier's Office, where their summer's credits will be withheld until such time as these records are cleared, in compliance with the regulations of the Regents. S. W. McAllister, Associate Librarian Teaching Departments wishing to recommend August graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and the School of Edu- cation for Departmental Honors should send such names to the Regis- trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall, before August 22. Lockers in the Intramural Sports Building must be renewed for the coming school session or vacated ,on or before Friday, August 22, 6 p.m. A. A. James, Supervisor, Intramural Sports Student Graduation Recital: Le- Roy Carlson, Pianist, who is a grad- uate student in the School of Music, will present a recital in partial ful- fullment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 19, in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall. The recital -is open to the general public. Student Graduation Recital: Miss Nelle Boswell, Mezzo-Soprano, who is doing graduate work in the School of Music this summer, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Mas- ter of Music, at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 20, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. The recital is open to the gen- eral public. RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1370 K C - NBC Blue Sunday Evening 6:00 Dear Mom Reg'lar "Fight European 6:15 L. K. Smith Fellers Camp" News 6:30 World Fitch Band Clare; News Pearson & Allen 6:45 News Wagon Interlude Jean Cavell 7:00 Pause, That What's My Detroit Star Spangled 7:15 Refreshes Name Bible Theatre 7:30 Crime Doctor One Man's Class Inner Sanctum 7:45 Davis: News Family Week-End Review Mysteries 8:00 Ford Manhattan Old Winchell 8:15 Summer Merry-Go-Round Fashioned Parker Family 8:30 Hour American Revival IreneRich 8:45 Program Album Meeting Bill Stern 9:00 Take It Or Hour of We Have The 9:15 Leave It Charm Been There Good 9:30 City NBC Feature Carry On, Will 9:45 Desk NBC Feature Canada Court