16, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Physical Education Program Suited To Student i iI Women Must Finish Program In Gym Before Graduation .4' Many Facilities Offered For Completing Required Courses In One Year Varied activities are provided en- tering students who have not yet ful- filled the requirement set by the wo- men's physical education department. All women who enter with less than two years' college experience on their record must complete this required amount of physical education before graduation. For this work one of the finest physical education depart- ments in the country is at their dis- posal. The program has been ar- ranged so that the necessary amount of gym can be acquired in one year. Based on the students' previous activity in physical education in high school or junior college, the courses which may be selected are planned to. present a well-rounded program in this field. Should Take Team Sports Those who haven't had sufficient experience with team sports should plan to take at least one season of a team sport. Lack of knowledge or ex- perience in rhythmatic (dancing) ac- tivity, including social dancing, ne- cessitates the election of this type of course for at least one season. Along the same vein, students demonstra- ting poor posture are advised to in- clude at least one season of body mechanics in their physical education course. Before the completion of the phy- sical education requirement, tall stu- dents are tested to show that they have as least minimum skill and knowledge in two individual sports, one a winter sport and one a summer activity. These individual sports in- clude such games as tennis, swim- ming and archery. Upperclassmen Welcome Although- classes are filled mainly from those working on the comple- tion of the physical education re- quirement, all upperclassmen are welcome in the classes, to the extent that there is room, Miss Dorothy Beise of the physical education de- partment announced. Often new classes are organized to fill the de- mand from upperclassmen and stu- dents with complicated programs. Division of each semester's work in this department gives the student two quarters in which to test various types of activity. In this time at least two sports can be fairly well mastered. The outdoor season lasts from September to Thanksgiving in the fall and from Spring Vacation to June at.the end of the year, and the indoor season extends from Thanks- giviAg again to Spring Vacation, in- cluding sections of both semesters. In the fall and spring programs have been included nine principal classes in which most of the instruc- tion is offered out of doors. Begin- ning and advanced archers have an adequate range permitting shooting at 30, 40 and 50 yards. Elementary, intermediate and ad- Sports Needs Of All Women Are Appraised Previous Training And Physical Examination Are Taken Into Account Supervises Sports University Has Many Facilities For Recreation Students Given Privilege To Rent Proper Outfits For Sports Participation vanced golfers alike are welcomed into the classes which will be given at the 18-hole University Golf course, near the Stadium. Riding has likewise been divided for the convenience of the student The beginners' class is for those who know nothing whatever about the sport and the intermediate class is planned for reaching perfection in riding fundamentals and gives the opportunity for learning how to care for a horse, besides offering teaching in showmanship. For students who have had little or no training in these games, there ar provided classes in four team sports -volleyball, speedball, hockey and softball. Camp Craft Offered The other outdoor sport offered is camp craft, which includes firebuild- ing, camp cooking, hiking, overnight camping and other special activities connected with camp. Canoeing classes learn to paddle on the Huron River. During the winter months, four other activities take their place in the physical education program to provide indoor games for the stu- dents. Interclass and intraclass tourna- ments are held in conjunction with elementary and intermediate bad- minton classes. There are courses for both beginning and intermediate fencers. The University Coliseum is taken over for practice in ice skating. Team sports for"the cold months are indoor baseball and indoor basketball. In addition to these are the body me- chanics courses, which are designed to improve posture and to help stu- dents to gain a general grace in car- riage of body. Swimming And Dancing Classes Throughout the year classes in swimming and dancing are offered. Beginners learn to swim in the Bar- bour Gymnasium pool, and the in- termediate class, which is not only for bettering skill in individual strokes, but also for participation in water games and stunts, meets in the Union Pool. Dancers have a wide variety of classes from which to choose, includ- ing modern dance for both beginners and intermediates, a class for music majors stressing the relationship be- tween music and dance. Offeed likewise are classes in both elemen- tary and intermediate tap dancing, in American country dancing, in folk dancing and in social or ballroom dancing. The latter classes will be organized for those who have had little or no experience on the ball- room floor. . Students who teke advantage of the numerous opportunities offered by the physical education depart- ment have a chance to gain much in recreational assets, social benefits, physical well-being and emotional satisfaction. The program of the women's phys- , With facilities unsurpassed by any ical education department, according University, the physical education to Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman of the department offers to women students departement, is built largely upon extensive opportunities for experi- the interests of the entering fresh- ence in this field. men. Housing the greater part of these When the student enters the Uni- facilities are Palmer Field, the Wo- versity there is an effort made to ap- men's Athletic Building and Barbour praise her needs along many varied Gymnasium. lines. First of all is considered the On Palmer Field are to be found student's interest in the sports. A ::'i;'.: ': ::::>12 tennis courts, three hockey fields, wide choice of elections makes this baseball diamonds, an archery range possible, and the fact that the school and a golf practice set-up. The ten- year is divided into four sections DR. MARGARET BELL nis courts are open to men, if they are gives her an opportunity to take ad-- playing with women students. In or- vantage of more of these opportun- others from Michigan State and the der to secure this privilege, the wo- ities. man must first secure a guest card in Needs tof the freshman come to normal college i Ypsilanti the Women's Athletic Building. light, In addition to these are the tele- Many of the indoor activities cen- lihfirst through the extent of graphic tournaments conducted with teranyteWmnsAheisBid her previous training, and second, anuniversitstud ter in the Women's Athletics Build- through the compulsqry physical ex- throughout the country, in rifle, thg Fid. He stutd entr to amination taken by all entering stu- archery, bowling and swimming the Field. Here students are free to dents and the doctors' recommenda-a. ; use a sizeable dance floor, four offi- tions upon the basis of the results of Physical Check Provided jIcial bowling alleys, nine indoor golf' this examination. By way of extending opportunities cages, a rifle range and ping pong Sport Are Appraised offered entering students for having tables, in addition to shower and Next, the sports themselves are ap- their health thoroughly checked, Dr. locker arrangements. praised technically to test their effec- Bell has announced that, as has been Gymnasium Facilities tiveness in offering college experi- the case in previous years, upper- Within Barbour Gymnasium, onecf ence valuable in the physical field, classmen will be given the benefit of North University, are the gymnasium in connection with health, and in the a physical check before graduation. floor which is used for many team psychological field, along the lines It has not generally been the case and individual sports, the Sarah Cas- of emotional and social training. This that the medical examination given well Angell dance studio, the remedial is vital to the development of a well- entering students is repeated yearly gymnastics room and the small swim- rounded personality. In keeping with for students who have a high health ming pool which is used by beginning this and with the trend in modern rating, because the original one is a swimming classes. Intermediate and athletics, mixed classes have been or- thorough one, Dr. Bell explained, but advanced classes meet at the Union ganized in such sports as tennis. eYery student known to have a physi- pool, as does the Swimming Club. bowling, badmington, tap and mod- cal defect or intercurrent illness is Golf is carried on at the University ern dance. 1:checkzd before participation is be- Golf Course, with practice groups The total four years' training in the gin in an activity. In this way more meeting on Palmer Field. The local department is lined up on the stu- than 0 percent of the students re- riding stables provide facilities for dent's record, to give an idea of the ceive one or more extra examinations riders; clubs in hiking and woodcraft extent of the development of initia- before their senior year. tram the wooded area about the tive in the student toward varied Duplicate records of a student's city; canoeing is conducted on the types of sports. Alumnae surveys health status are kept at Barbour Huron River and skating and winter conducted at intervals have proved Gymnasium in order that the physi- sports utilize both indoor and out- the value of this extension of initia- cal education staff may have ready door facilities. tive along many lines. access to all necessary information Division of the departmental pro- concerning the students under their Expense Eliminated gram has been planned to give as supervision. I To eliminate much of the expense much leeway as possible to the stu- Through the use of all these varied involved in the student's owning all dents to develop their initiative and methods of check and through the of the expensive equipment required broaden their participation program. almost individual coaching it offers, for the various sports, the physical Fulfills Requirement the department is enabled to project education department owns certain First is a group of courses offered its program to the best interests of individual sports equipment-bad- Fi, crsi agroupof courses offeredeach student. mington rackets, tennis rackets, golf ments you feel they should take care of. Sorority women always welcome constructive criticism. With all this advice, girls, you can't fail. And the Independents will just love having you among them. But rushing, dear ones, is just a passing phase in your life, compared to that most horrible of social horrors, the custom of "blind dating." Rush- ing comes and rushing goes, but blind dates-well, you know the rest of it. On Michigan's campus, blind dates are things, at the mention of which strong men grow faint and strong women shudder and blanch. But still they go on. Personally we can't see any reason for it, except to meet men, and you all know what disgusting creatures they are! (Gad, Brenda, that re- minds us; we forgot to pack our bear trap!) However, there it is, and you'll just have to make the best of it. You'll say that you have had two or three or even four blind dates at home, asserting that they have prepared you for your experiences-to-come. We snicker. We even laugh. They didn't qualify you as a tenderfoot, little lost souls! But enough of this discouragement. Far be it from us to turn you back if you have determined to forge 4,j ahead with your progressive program of blind dating. Bitter experience will show you far better than any poor words of \ ours. The least we can do is describe to you a few of the probable highlights of your evening, so that you can approach the whole thing with poise and savoir faire. The girl two doors down the hall, whom you have al- ready diagnosed as an incurable dope, breezes in with the announcement that you are being given the opportunity for the blind date of a life time. This one is different.. He's tall and really handsome and a smooth dancer--(Later in the year you get so you can say all this right along with the speaker).-You say oh well what can I lose except an evening and you tear into the black crepe that makes you look so thin, and you put on your high heels, praying that he's slightly taller than a pygmy. So there you are, looking your slickest, and the buzzer buzzes and down you go. You'll have a gone 'feeling in your stomach, but get a grip on yourself and take heed of our instructions, because here is where the important part comes in. When you step into the lobby there will be a gorgeous creature of a man standing by the desk. Disregard him; you'll save yourself a lot of embarrass- ment. Just walk right up to the homely one-the ghoul that's sitting over there. No, not that one; thg one with the teeth hanging down to his second vest button. That's right. Now, introduce yourself. As he gets up you will probably find that his head is a perfect t height for you to rest your chin on, should you decide to go danc- ing. But keep your poise and murmur something gracious as you look down at him. Just gaze mistily at him as though he's your dream man and no one will ever know the difference-much. And incidentally, you can save something of the evening by eating as much as you can hold; it's some consolation. It isn't really as bad as all that, gang, and laughing about it afterwards make it almost worth the agony. But let the slight- oh, ever-so-slight exaggeration serve as a warning to take it easy. And still, the only real advice we can offer you is to have fun, and study now and then and Hail To The Yellow and the Blue and don't worry about us, ma, we'll beat this rap, yet. P I -ii y r \ + f ' a"l °' a i 1 ; ;° , : . . : . < , . /r 3 ,,f =-=- : . A74 Step filoward2ein a the student in the fulfilment of the physical education requirement. Apart from this study is one of the most concentrated and recognized teaching training programs in the nation's schools, which is given in conjunction with the School of Edu- cation, and which offers more spe- cialized teaching. Recreational facilities for the stu- dent are comprehensive. First are the intramural competi- tions. Since women's athleticstare confined largely to the campus, tour- naments in team sports are conduc- ted among the various sororities, dor- mitories and League houses. Aside from these are the tourneys in indi- vidual sports. The Women's Athletic Association program is developed along widely di- vergent lines within the realms of sports. Besides the club element, which served to bring together stu- dents with the same interests, the WAA fosters individual practice in perfecting ability in diferent games through the facilities for coaching and competition which it offers. As much as possible, faculty members in the department devote -time to the club groups. Exhibitions Planned Exhibitions and demonstrations of various sports to the club as a whole widen the scope of gains which a stu- dent receives from the club's pro- gram. Besides the intra-mural aspect of the physical education program as a whole there are carried on a number of extra-mural competitions. Play days, tournaments of various sorts and meets are features of this side of the department's plans. Women com- pete in three-way tournaments with Women's Judiciary Body Accepts League Petitions (Continued from Page 4) the disciplinary officer or council in each residence. During the examination period in June, latenesses are to be reported to the Office of the Dean of Women. Social Probation: Any woman who violates the house rules and is brought before the Judiciary Committee may be placed on social probation. This means that she must be in her house each evening at 8 p.m. during the probationary period; she may have no men nor women callers after that time; and she may not leave Ann Arbor on the weekends. clubs, archery bows, fencing foils, masks, and plastrons, skis, outdoor sports and picnic equipment-which may be rented by women students at a nominal fee. While it is hoped 'that this pro- cedure will widen participation in various sports by lowering expense, those students who are beyond the elementary stage in the sports are urged to provide their own equipment as an assurance that they will be able to continue playing after they leave the University. Swimming suits and exercise suits for body mechanics and modern dance are provided by the depart- ment at a nominal fee, while all other costumes are to be purchased by the student herself. Advice in the type of equipment to buy is offered freely by the department. }f Campui §fauordle CdA Footnote - . - 11 You don't have to be a Hollywood beauty to be socially success- ful. But Michigan men do demand that neat, trim, well- groomed look. When in Ann Arbor make it your business to use a beauty salon whose operators are experts at their art. For Future Reference! 11 VOGUC (IA & contoup Sa~1n 307 SOUTH STATE . . . Phone 8384 d o ,, ' r , : , t. 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