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August 16, 1941 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1941-08-16

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AUGUST 16, 1941


Fisher Talks
On 'Education
In A Conflict'
Noted, Speaker Discusses
Progressive Education;
Cites Youth Problem
"A good deal of conflict has always
been waged around the progressive
education movement, but recently
the movement has gathered even
more vehement opponents charact-
erized by writers who, deploring the
"softness" of American youth, blame
progressive /education for our so-
called flaccid younger generation."
This quotation came from Dr. Ray-
mond Fisher's talk yesterday in Uni-
Versity High School Auditorium
speaking on "Progressive Education
in Conflict."
Dr. Fisher continued, pointing out
that the enemies of everything, pro-
gressive also are engaging in a witch-
hurtt, picking out certain textbooks
and branding them as "un-Ameri-
Even the parents, he pointed out,
in times of stress, tend to return to
older disciplines 'and to prize the
traditional schooling.
There are some who claim that
youth itself, seeking security in times
of great challenge, wants clear-cut
organization and a promised destiny
without the burden of much individ-
ual initiative.
Dr. Fisher sought to emphasize the
fact that the very experimental and
open-minded nature of progressive
education makes an attack on the
Progressives easy at any time; but
that in times of financial stress, emo-
tional upheaval and insecurity the
attack by the traditionalists always
seems to be more effective.
O'Neil Given Sentence
MARQUETTE, Aug. 15. -(I)-
Robert Edwin O'Neil, 22, of Mar-
quette, confessed murderer of Peter
Girard, 55, of Marquette, was sen-
tenced by Judge Frank A. ell in ah
special session of Circuit Court here
today to serve from 12 to 24 years -in
Marquette prison for second degree
STYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408T . Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
CHAPERON for girls' co-oprative
house starting September. Gradu-
ate student. Call 2-1454 after 6:30
LADY'S Waltham wrist watch lost in
Rackham Bldg. Phone 6817 and
ask for Mr. Pfeiffer.
ROOMS ,,FOR RENT - Single and
double-also large room in ex-
change for work. 330 Maynard.
DESIRABLE SUITE in private home
for faculty man or graduate stu-
dents. Fireplace, lavatory, garage.
Phone 9524.
LIGI T and clean single and double
room, 11/2 blocks from campus.
$3.50 single, $3.00 each in double.
720 Whaley Court.

2 DOUBLE ROOVIS with adjoining
lavatories. Suite with private bath
and shower. Steam heat, shower
bath. Mrs. R. L. Lewis, 422 E.
WELL FURNISHED single and dou-
ble rooms for men. University ap-
proved. Five minutes walk from
campus. $2.50 to $4 per man. 428
Hamilton Pl. Phone 7949. Mrs.
FOR SALE-One good bicycle. Call
2-3241 and ask for Blaustein.
FOR SALE-1927 Buick sedan. Good
condition. $5. 414 W. Liberty St.
WANT PASSENGER to Los Angeles.
1940 Pontiac-$15.00. Phone 4617
between 12:00-1:00.
WANTED-Ride to Bridgeport, Conn.
or vicinity after 22nd. Share ex-
penses and driving. Anderson,
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)

On A Saturday Afternoon ... A Preview Of This Fall In Football

Mrs. Koella Leads Gathering
Making Sailors' Windbreakers

Hundreds of sailors on British
trawlers, mine sweepers and coast
guard vessels are prepared to with-
stand the coming winter weather, in
part through the generous effort of
Mrs. Charles E. Koella, wife of Pro-
fessor Koella of the Romance lan-
guage department.
Each Wednesday between 2 and
5:30 p.m. interested women of Ann
Arbor gather in Mrs. Koella's apart-
ment to sew together the scraps of
leather which go into the making of
heavy windbreakers for the seamen.
The idea for this work came from
Mrs. John N. Stalker of Grosse
Pointe, who started a one-woman
movement in her city after hearing
from a Windsor friend of similar pro-
jects started during the first World
War. Mrs. Stalker advertised the
idea to all her friends and promptly
set a quota of 1000 for Detroit's con-
tribution up to April 3.
Quota Is Set
Since then the idea has spread
rapidly until there have sprung up
in a number of communities these
windbreaker circles, each with its
own quota set. The completed jack-
ets are sent from Detroit to New York
each Tuesday, where they are shipped
on Thursday by the English Speaking
Union of that city to England.
Distribution among the fighting
men is under the supervision of Lady
Pound, wife of Admiral Sir Dudley
Pound of the British Navy. Letters
from Lady Pound have revealed the
gratitude expressed by the seamen
and the British people for the con-
Materials for the completed gar-
ment cost only 15 cents, the heavy
fleece lining and the scraps of' lea-
ther having been donated by textile
and automotive firms, respectively.
Already °tons of this material have
been used in Michigan and Ontarip.
Time required for completing each
jacket is five or six hours.
Made 20 Jackets
Mrs. Walter B. Pillsbury, wife of
the chairman of th psychology de-
partment of the University, under
Mrs. Koella's tutelage made the first
of the jackets completedin Ann Ar-
bor, She has now made 20. It also
happened that the 18th/windbreaker
Mrs. Pillsbury turned in was number
Fifth Division Departure
For Louisiana Postponed
FORT CUSTER, Aug. 15.-(A)-
Major General Charles H. Bonesteel
announced late today that departure
of the Fifth Division for army man-
euvers in Louisiana, scheduled for
5:30 a.m. Monday, "has been post-
poned for a few days."
He declined to advance any reason
for the postponement.

This picture was taken 'at a crucial moment in the Michigan-Michiga n State gridiron battle in Ann Arbor last fall. It shows Ace Tom Harmon
(98) driving viciously through the Spartan squad behind scythe-like inte rference. Little Davie Nelson (23) and guard Ralph Fritz (63) lead the
way as the Hoosier Hammer knifes his way across midfield for a sizeable g ain in the second quarter of the opening home game. The Wolverines
downed their traditional rivals, 21-14.
State invades Ann Arbor every year. This year the game will take place on September 27-without Tom Harmon.


A. P. blaustein" s

Doomed To Bench A Year Ago,
Crabtree Is Now Nine Sensation
Q1r -fTTQ Ai( r -tP- lite nonm rhr-o nrimrft, aira


WELCOME FROSH. This supple-
ment is the first real contact
most of you have had with the Uni-
versity-so we decided to drag out
our battered old typewriter and peck
out a few words of greeting, warning
and informatTon.
The first thing you're going to
hear when you arrive on the cam-
pus is'"the phrase Jack Brennan, a
former Wolverine guard, made fa-
mous, "Four out of five women are
beautiful and the fifth comes to
Michigan." But that isn't true,
four out of five women aren't beau-
* * *
pROBABLY the next thing which
is going to trouble you is prices.
The economists say that Ann Arbor is
second only to Washington as the
most expensive town in America. But
don't let itbother you-you can get
a steak dinner in some restaurants
for as little as nine dollars, providing,
of course, that you cook it yourself.
If you freshmen are like. all
others that have come to Michigan
in the last 100 years, you're going
to wonder what the president of
the University did before he got
promoted. For your information,
Prexy Alexander Grant Ruthven
was a zoology prof and one of the
leading authorities in the country
on snakes. They say that's why he
got the job-they needed someone
who could handle the state legis-
THE WEATHER will also be quite
a problem. This town is known
for the versatility of its meteorolo-
gists and flowers in January and
snow in July are both to be expected.
But if you don't like the weather at
any particular time, just wait ten
minutes-it'll change.
$* *
Women have hours at Michigan
and the dorms are pretty strict
about keeping them. The sororities
and league houses are a bit more
lenient but not enough to be of
much help. Deans Joseph A. Burs-
ley and Alice Lloyd are determined
to keep all you boys and girls good
and the devil himself would have
trouble going wrong in this burg.
* * *
A WORD can be added about fra-
ternities, sororities and the GDI's
(God damn independents). Some of
you will like being affiliated to a
house and others won't. But talk it
over with your friends before you
come out here. Once you've arrived
you'll get rushed off your feet and
will probably find yourself pledged
before you've made up your mind
whether or not you're going tdstay.



Don't mind our definitions of
fraternity and sorority: Frater-
nity: A pack of wolves feeding on
its imagination. Sorority: A litter
of kittens nursed on cold cream.
* * *
ONE of the most talked about
places in Ann Arbor is The Ar-
boretum and no sooner will you ar-
rive (whether you be male or female)
than someone with a wicked gleam in
his (her) eye will start blowing off
about it. It's not as popular as peo-
ple say but it's a good a place as any
on campus to neck-most of you,
however, will probably miss the com-
fortable automobile you used for the
same purpose at home.
* *
That automobile business is very
serious out here. The University
has a lot of rules but this is one of
the few which is stringently en-
forced. Whitey, the campus cop, is
a nice guy-but don't let him catch
you driving. In fact, do what every-
one does, leave car at home.
* * *
ONE THING you'll really learn to
do in Ann Arbor is walk. Our
transportation system is abouh as
good as Detroit's and Chicago's with-
out the assitance of automobiles and
street cars-and we don't have sub-
ways. Of all the things you bring to
school your shoe leather will go sec-
ond-the money you brought, of
course, goes first.
' * *
There isn't too much gambling
on campus although we do know a
few fellows working their way
through school by playing cards.
Most of it is just of the friendly
type in fraternity houses-but
don't join in unless you know your
way around. They play pretty good
poker and black jack around here,
and pretty miserable bridge. We've
been searching for three years for
a female who even heard of Cul-
bertson but haven't had any luck.
Our girl has other qualities.
* * *
Ann Arbor is beer and enough of
it is drunk annually to float a battle-
ship. You don't have to learn to con-
sume the stuff but it's a lot of fun
to know how. Best way to learn is
by following Prof. Potpourri's method.
Open a can of beer and leave it ex-
posed to the light for three days,
then warm to a temperature of 85
degrees farenheit and sip through a
straw. After that you can drink any-
You'll find it impossible to buy
anything stronger than beer or
wine in the town taverns but if
the urge for alcohol really gets
you drop into our apartment some
time for a swig. You bring the

ST1. LOU16, Aug.1.-)A little
over a year ago Estel Crabtree under-I
went a serious kidney operation and
was forbidden by one doctor to playt
baseb'.ll again.N
Another physician who helped save
his life said it might not be fatal tor
"play a little."
Today, instead of enjoying his base-k
ball as a spectator in a wheel chair,c
Crabtree, at the age of 37, is havingt
one of the best seasons of his longr
career. By an ironic twist the greatf
pinch-hitting of this hospital-bed
graduate has been an important fac-
tor in keeping the injury-ridden St.
Louis Cardinals up there in the thick1
of the torrid National League pen-
nant race.
It is getting so that every time the
Redbirds get in a tight spot the fans
begin hollering "We want Crabtree."
"I guess I wouldn't be with the
Cardinals today if it were not for the
operation," he said.
It really gave him a break. No
kidney ailment, no operation-and
as he sees it, he might still be with
Rochester, a minor leaguer.
"Mr. Rickey (Branch Rickey, gen-
eral manager of the Cardinals) gave
me a chance to win a job with the
Cardinals last spring," he said,
"probably because that was the only
place in baseball where I would have
a chance to recuperate slowly.
"Manager Southworth let me take
it easy in the training camp and
that's the reason I am a fit man
A "fit man" is putting it gently.
Crabtree, according to the latest

averages, was ieading te e National
League in batting with a sensational
mark of .468. He appeared in 43 of
the Cardinals' first 110 games, went
to bat 62 times and came through
with 29 safe hits.
A large majority of his hits were
made in the role of pinch-hitter.
Only rarely has he started a game,
but he is slated for a lot more regular
duty now that Enos Slaughter, star
rightfielder, is knocked out for the
remainder of the season with a brok-
en arm.
After all, if he can step up to the
plate at the' crucial moment and
drive in a run or two he has earned
his bread and butter.


" The Life of the


ancy Merki,
Once Crippled,
Is A.A.U. Star
HIGH POINT, N. C., Aug. 15.-(P)
-Fourteen-year-old Nancy Merki,
who was a cripple the first eight
years of her life, set a new American
record for the 1,500 meters today as
she sent her Portland, Ore., team
booming into the lead in the first of
the A.A.U.'s National Women's Swim-
ming Championships.
Slender little Nancy, a junior at
Grant High, Portland, trimmedan
amazing 17 seconds off the five-
year-old mark of Lenore Kight Win-
She swam the approximate mile
over City Lake's 50-meter course in
22 minutes, 12.2 seconds and she
needed every second of it, for 17-
year-old Ann Hardin of Indianapo-
lis matched her stroke for stroke over
the full distance and also shattered
the old record by a wide margin. Her
time was 22:12.3.
Miss Merki's performance was still
shy of the world record of 21:45.7
held by Denmark's Hveger.
Brenda Helser, Miss Merki's beau-
ty queen teammate on the Mulino-
mah Club team of five girls, got the
VnrQrar nff_ t a fin -,art b

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Campus Life at its Best, with



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