THE MIC-111GAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1941 THa IHGN DIYSTUDY UUT1,14 0 _1 Americans Die In Crash Of Airplane Bound For U.S., RAF Commriand Announcs Britain's Purchasing Agent Is Also Listed On Roll Of Accident Victims Complete Casualty ist Is Put At 21 (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Aug. 15.-The RAF Transatlantic Ferry Command dis- closed today the death of 21 airmen -11 of them Americans-and the Rt. Hon. Arthur Purvis, Britain's American Purchasing Agent, in the crash of an American-bound plane almost identical with that which took the same number of lives last Sunday. At first 12 United States fliers were listed among the dead in the second crash, t which occurred shortly after the takeoff Thursday. Tonight, 'however, it was said in London that Capt. Joseph C. Mackey of Kansas Qity had not been aboard, he having been confused with a Canadian radio officer G. W. Mackay, who was one of those killed. Survived Earlier Crash Captain'Mackey was the only sur- vivor of a crash last February in which Sir Frederick Banting, co- discoverer of insulin, and two other persons were killed in Newfoundland ear the outset of a Tarn'satlantic hop. He returned to ferry flying after' recovering from injuries. His pres- ent lqcation was not disclosed. (Captain Mackey's wife in Montre- al received notice Friday morning that he had been killed in a plane crash in the United Kingdom.- To- day she was informed he was alive and was overcome with joy.) Sunday Crash Killed Seven Seven Americans were killed in the Sunday crash which was so similar to that of Thursday. Both planes crashed while taking off for America, carrying men to ferry bombers back to the RAF. In each crash 22 lives were lost. The first crash was Sunday; the second' Thursday. Flying Officer E. W. Watson of Torrence, Calif., was the only man taken alive from 'the second plane after it hit the ground on the take- off and burst into flames. He died later in a hospital. Burial Of Victims The seven Americans and 15 Bri- tish victims of last Sunday night's crash were buried this afternoon in a single grave beside a little church on a lonely' hillside not far from where they died. They were given naval honors, and- the coffins were draped with the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack. Salary Taxes Are Proposed Way To Increase Federal Revenue Is Suggested WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.- )- Taxation of all wages and salaries, dividends and interest at their source was proposed to -heSenate Finance Committee today by the r United States Chamber of Commerce as one means of boosting Federal reveues by $4,500,000,000 annually. Estimated yield of the House-ap- proved tax bill has been placed at $3,236,700,000 by the Treasury. Urging revisions to reach "the bulk of consumption expenditures in the lower brackets of income," Ellsworth C. Alvord, chairman of the Chamber's Federal Finance Committee, esti- mated that a 3 percent "withholding tax" would yield at least $2,000,000,- 000 in additional revenues. For other new revenue, he pro- posed additional sales, excise or mis- cellaneous taxes to raise $1,000,000,- 000 and an increase in existing cor-. porate and individual income taxes to raise an additional $1,500,000,000. The House bill would bring in an estimated $2,400,000,000 additional from income taxes. Advocating also a $2,000,000 slash in annual non-defense spending, the witness said this would mean a total improveient of $6,500,000,000 h year in the Treasury's financial position. Plan Drawn Up To Sell Rayon For Non-Hose Use WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.-(P)-A plan for sale of three per cent of the daily production of rayon to manu- facturers of non-hosiery products formerly made from silk has been drawn up by defense officials. Pink Lace Punishment Halts Shirt Tail Vogue ATLANTA,-)-When the lads at Home .Park Grammar School got to wearing their shirt tails out because of the heat, Miss Elizabeth Setze, teacher, thought it was undignified. But knowing the ways of youth she didn't say so. Instead, she bought several yards 'of lace-pink and blue and white-and announced that she would sew some around the bottom of any shirt tails on display. Just two pupils have worn the lace. Tough Times Are Coming, Heimann Says Executive Issues Warning To Small Businesses Covering Future Years By The Associated Press) NEW YORK, Aug. 15.-Henry H. Heimann, executive manager of the National Association of Credit men, said today that while small business had found hard going in the past decade, "it will. be even tougher in the years ahead." In a review of; business Heimann listed among reasons for his predic- tion increasing Governmental rules and regulations and local, state and Federal taxes. "The attempts to help the small business man have become either boomerangs of mere 'lip service,' "I Heimann said, commenting "it is no balm to the small business man to realize that his troubles come from an effort to save him." Small Plants Suffer "Big business finds it costly to comply with the many rules and reg- ulations 'but big business can have a staff to handle the multiplicity of detail," Meimann said. "Not so with the smaller business man. His vol- ume of business does not permit him to engage many specialists. He wor- ries through, as best he can, about the details of all these acts and, some- times, he has become discouraged. "Then the threat of war comes along. We decide to get on a war ba- sis. The spending of billions means volume placement. The small busi- ness man doesn't get many Govern- ment orders, not because the Gov- erment doesn't care to give them to him but simply because there is haste and waste in an 'emergency' and he is overlooked. Large Mortality Seen "So the small business man, beset with priorities, sees his usual business curtailed. Non-defense items in which he usually deals are limited as to production. 'This is no argument against the wisdom of defense. It is entirelyde- signed to emphasize a sincere belief that unless in the months ahead smaller business organizations can find a way out, have apportioned to them a larger portion of defense con- tracts, the mortality among such or- ganizations will be great." Present Price Of Copper Is UnsatisfactorY Producers Send Demands For Three-Cent Increase To Defense Agents WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.-()- New demands for an increase in the price of high-cost copper like that produced in Upper Michigan have been registered with defense offi- cials. Producers of the region contend the situation was not eased by the recent leveling of prices by Leon Henderson, Price Administrator. He suggested a ceiling price of 12 cents a pound and recommended the Metals Reserve Company, an RFC subsidiary, buy high-cost copper at 13 or 14 cents in order to assure ade- quate production for defense pur- poses. These purchases would be made from companies whose production costs exceeded 11 cents a pound dur- ing a given period. Registering strong opposition, Up- per Michigan interests reported the Henderson plan would help little, if any, and reiterated their contention they needed a price of 15 cents iiy order to operate their mines at a reasonable profit. Representative Hook (Dem.-Mich.), renewing his demand for a pegged price of 15 cents for Michigan metal, said operation of all copper mines was urgent for defense. Calling the situation to the atten- tion of Congress, Hook declared "co- ordination seemsto be lost in the shuffle." price of copper at 12 cents a pound and because of his action the cop- per mines cannot operate. The price of copper mut be raised if you ex- pect to increase production. "These mines cannot produce cop- per for national defense because they cannot operate at the price. Com- mon sense seems to be lacking." Cut In Auto Output Will Be Discussed WASHINGTON, Aug. 16-(P)-De- fense Agencies today summoned automobile manufacturers to the Capital next Thursday to decide on the curtailment of new car produc- tion. The invitation to 18 car -and parts manufacturers was sent out jointly by the OPM and the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply. After the two agencies disagreed recently on plans for curtailment, William S. Knudsen, OPM Director General, and Leon Henderson, OPACS Chief, said a program would be worked out jointly. Car makers already have agreed to cut production of 1742 models about 20 per cent below last year's totals, but defense officials have agreed that a far greater curtailment is probable and that it might amount to 50 per cent. Prison Case Investigated ATLANTA, Aug. i5.-UP)-A legis- lative committee reported today that it had uncovered cases of severe beat- ings and inhuman use of sweatbox punishment at the Rising Fawn Con- vict Camp in North Georgia. A grand jury investigation of two deaths there was asked. Ii ." II SLATER'S The Bookstore Where the Most Students buy the Most Books. aI The Class of '4+5 * Come to Slater t 1s ... Save Money on 6 New Textbooks ... If You Prefer * Architectural Clinic Presents Opportunities For Experience ALL BOOKS FOR ALL COURSES Including ENGINEERING -LAW - MEDICAL r v Institute Is One Of Two Of Kind In Country; Brigham Is Director - A comparative newcomer among University Services, the University of Michigan Architectural Clinic serves a twofold purpose by giving actual experience to individual student architects and contributing limited architectural service to those erect- ing small buildings for their own use, according to Prof. George B. Brig- ham, Jr., director of the Clinic. One of two of its kind in the coun- try, the other being at the Pratt In- stitue of Fine and Applied Arts, Brooklyn, New York, the Clinic serves a purpose in its field similar to the purposes of student dental and med- ical clinics in those professions. Students Do The Work 'Anyone desiring to construct ar small building for himself can come to the Clinic for assistance, Profes- sor Brigham explained. The only qualifications are that the building shall not exceed $6,000 in cost, and that tle individual construct it for his own use. ' When a person desiring to con- stiuct a home or building comes to the Clinic, and it is ascertained that he meets the requirements, he is turned over to a student in the Clin- ic, who handles the designing and planning under faculty supervision. The student serves just as a pro- fessional architect would, discussing any architect, who does the actual construction work. Doesn't Hurt Architects Ordinarily, Professor Brigham ex- plained, builders of small homes are unable to obtain the services of arch- itects, because they feel they cannot afford the fee charged for drawing up plans, although in the long run they would save by securing an arch- itect's assistance. At the Clinic, however, they get the services of an architect, receiving all the advantages to be gained thereby, and they obtain this service at a nominal charge to cover cost of printing. On the other side of the picture, Professor Brigham continued, are the benefits to the student. Students ordinarily' cannot receive actual ex- perience as achitects i school, and even after leaving school they are unable to work as independent archi- tects. For three years, he explained, they are required to work under a pro- fessional architect. . They usually do mere detail work, seldom being as- signed a complete job in direct con- tact with the client. After this peri- od, when they pass their state exam- inations, they become licensed archi- tects. Four Hours Credit The Clinic, however, open as a four-hour credit course to graduate and senior students, offers the op- portunity of obtaining experience un- der real-life conditions. The stu- I r L BUY EARLY- AVOID THE RUSH!v As soon as you know the coursesyou are going to take Come to SLATER'S and we will show you the texts you will need. I You'll find "FAIR PRICES" and"FRIENDLY SERVICE"' at M./ F - - - -r