THURSDAY, AUGUST .14, 1941 H MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THE _CHGAN AIL PAGE i Message Sent To Soviet Head After Meeting Conference Is Su gested; Officials Will Discus Allocation Of Materials i, I Hugh Norton, Noble Cain*To Be Directors Of Mystery Seri es (Continued from Page 1) and possibly ranking military offi- cers familiar with existing and po- tential American 4 and British war supplies. Russia has had a military purchas- ing mission, in this country for sev- eral weeks and a British military mission has been in Russia. The message also appeared to re- flect confidence of President Roose.- velt and Mr. Churchill in Russia's ability to continue the fight against Germany and A belief that a large- scale diversion of supplies intended for Britain should be made to the Soviet Union. Lord Beaverbrook, one of the most important men in Britain's govern- ment, now is in Washington where he went directly from the historic sea conference between Mr. Roose- , velt and Mr. Churchill to speed up deliveries of American war supplies. Hopkins In Conference Hopkins, a recent visitor to both London and Moscow, likewise was in on the conference and, it was said, would be a logical choice for a re-' turn visit to the Kremlin. British sources welcomed news of the joint message to Stalin as a first quick result of the ocean meeting be- tween Roosevelt and Churchill. The Daily Herald's diplomatic cor- respondent, W. N. Ewer, said "the sooner the conference is held the better." - '"Even more than the declaration of peace aims, the message aligns the United States with the British and Russian allies as a partner in a com- mon struggle," he added. AFL Predicts Grave Crtsts, In Production WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.-(A')- The American Federation of Labor said today labor faced a new unem- ployment crisis within the next 60 days because of contemplated reduc- tions in the production of consumer goods aid because the supply of cer- tain raw materials for non-defense plants is being cut off. The AFL's monthy survey of eco- nomic conditions said defense offi- cials had estimated that from 5,000 to 6,000 plants may be forced to close, leaving between 1,000,000 and/ 2,000,- 000 workers without employment. "The only hope for such plants and their workers," the survey said, is to change. to defense work as quickly as possible. If this can not be done workers must look for jobs elsewhere." Chiefly affected by production cuts, the survey said, would be non-defense industries using aluminum, iron, steel, copper, zinc, brass, nickel, tin, rubber, silk and cork. The AFL survey suggested employ- ers, labor and the goVernment co6b- erate to meet the situation on a na- tional and community basis. The wizardry of director Hugh Norton and the musical skill of choir- master Noble Cain will combine for- ces to present the "Cycle of Six Med- ieval Mystery Plays" at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. The presentation, given under the sponsorship of the Department of Speech and the School of Music, has been described as the "most ambi- tious undertaking ever attempted in Ann Arbor." Director Hugh .Norton has taken six medieval mystery plays and ar- ranged them into one continuous pageant of the story of the Creation and the story of Christianity. The pageant will run as one con- tinuous spectacle without intermis- sion to break the mood created. Famed choir director Noble Cain has composed and arranged a score for the presentation. He will play the organ and lead the choir of 100 voices in providing background and mood- setting music for the pageant. A cast of 50 students and faculty members of the speech department and School of Music will give voice R. J. Thomas Is Reelected By UA wCIO Pleads For Unity In Labor At Sixth Annual National Convention; Few Dissent BUFFALO, N. Y., Aug. 15.-(P)- R. J. Thdmas, a former welder who has guided the UAW-CIO for two and a half years, was re-elected pres- ident of the organization today after he pleaded for unity and an end to factional strife. With only a few delegates dissent- ing, the United Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Work- ers at their sixth national convention adopted a rpotion unanimously elect- ing Thomas to the post he has heldr since January, 1939 when Homer Martin was ousted by the Executive Board.l George F. Addes of Detroit, secre- tary-treasurer since 1936, also wasl re-elcted, defeating 'Richard T. Leon-c ard, Detroit regional director, by an unofficial vote of 1,759 to 1,307. Before the election was held, Thomas pleaded to the delegates "tor stop fighting."i "I'm not trying to take any middle- of-the-road position," he said. "I'mi telling you what I think is best for the Union. We can't go on fighting;t we have got to stop or we won't havei a Union. And I'm saying this to both sides-you've got to stop fighting. "What happens to me is not im- portant-what is more important is whether we are to have a Union." Earlier the convention, which last night voted to exclude Communists,r Fascists and Nazi members and sym-t pathizers from holding any electivei or appointive office in the Union, de- feated a mtion to expunge from thet record details of the roll call ballot.- Most spark plugs used in Americanl aircraft are made of mica, the De-c partment of Commerce reports. Eugene Stack Is Knocked Out Hurler Hit By Ball, Forcing In Rup To Tie Scope BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Aug. 15.- (IP)-Eugene Stack, Fort Custer Re- ception Center pitcher, the property of the Chicago White Sox, was knocked unconscious today in a game against the H. B. Sherman Club and taken to the Fort's Base Hospital. He regained consciousness by the time he reached the hospital and was not considered in serious condi- tion. The ball struck him above the left ear. The Reception Center won the game 7 to 5 behind the hurling of Bill Feduniak, who replaced Stack. The starting pitcher was at bat in the second inning with three on base and one out when the first ball Roy Preston pitched knocked him down, forcing in a run to tie the score. By virtue of the victory the t team has a chance to compete in State competition leading to the Na- tional Amateur Baseball Congress' Oil Sale Approved LANSING, Aug. 15.--(OP)-Approval of a recent near-record sale of 55,000 acres of oil lease lands totalling $76,- 000 was given the State Conservation Commission at a special meeting yes- terday. M. Landon said today "it is evident from the way the Roosevelt-Church- ill momentous meeting and stat- ment were handled that there was' a well-staged effort to mislead the American people as to the purpose of this meeting." Presence of naval and military high commands instead of the Sec- retary of State, "gives weight to grave misgivings that this long collabora- tion dealt with military and naval c6llaboration, rather than collabora- tion with Britain by peaceful means," the 1936 Republican Presidential nominee said in a statement. "It is rather strange that the heads of the two greatest countries in the world met and issued a statement fostering freedom of the seas, free- dom of governments and other free- doms without mentioning freedom of worship. Could it be that this omis- sion was caused by a desire not ;to offend atheist, communistic Russia?" Of the way the meeting and state- ment were handled Landon added: "All the emphasis was placed on de- sirable peace aims. Administration stooges in the House and Senate were waiting on the radio and press asso- ciations to stress the peace proposals. "It was not revealed until later in the day that the military and naval high commands were present also. "Press dispatches this morning ials' there expressed the conviction that the peace aims declaration was merely" intended to conceal the real purpose of the meeting. "Many editors in this country feel- thatthe President pledged this coun- try to the defeat of Hitler, with all that it means in the way of blood and suffering to our own people." "Now is the time to recall again the recent statement of the two field commanding British generals that Hitler could not be defeated unless we--the people of the United States -landed another A.E.F. in Europe, that the British could not spare any of their boys for this expedition, and therefore it was up to us." Civil War Ceremony Is Moved To Lansing Lansing, Aug. 15.-(P)-Proposed ceremony for return of 13 southern flags to governors of 13 southern states from which they were taken will be held -in the Capitol Sept. 20 instead of Aug. 23 at Mackinac Island, the executive office disclosed today. The later date at Lansing was said by the executive office to be more satisfactory to the southern repre- sentatives and elderly members of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Daughters of the Confederacy. Landon Says People Misled B Statement, Historic Meeting TOPEKA, Kan., Aug. 15.-(P)-Alf*from London say that 'several editor- Van.Wag over To Give Testimonyn, Detroit LANSING, Aug. 15.-(P)-Governor Van Wagoner said today he would testify in Detroit Sept. 23 at a con- gressional committee investigation of migration of workers in the defense production boom. The governor said John W. Abbott, chief field investigator of the special committee, told him Michigan is one of five key states in which the hear- ings will be held first, to determine housing, health and education crea- ted by the migration. Determination of federal responsibility in solving these problems is the committee's goal, Van Wagoner said. ATTENTIONI Free! Class of '45 An Identification Case that will hold your student cards! Just the right size for the cards issued to identify yourself for all student activities, etc. Just drop us a line and let us reserve one for you. Write to-- Marhal's. -Courtesy Ann Arbor News DIRfECTOR HUGH NORTON to the speaking parts in the play. Alexander Wyckoff has construc- ted a massive structure of ramps and towers on the 75-foot stage of Hill Auditorium especially for the presen- tation. The stage is climaxed by two towers, one on each side. God will sit, on one tower and The Prologue on' the other. A special lighting system has been constructed in Hill Auditorium. A feature of the production will be the way in which the face of God is lighted. His face will radiate light in such a way that the face will not be visible. Tickets for the production are still obtainable free of charge at the desk of the League. a Legion Offers Aid To FDR New Commander Of Post Voices Determination DETROIT, Aug. 15.-(u)-Hi4 first more as State Commander of the American Legion, made today by Herman F. Luhrs, was to send the following telegram to President Roosevelt and Governor Van Wag- oner: "As my first official act as State Commander of the American Legion I wish to assure you that the 37,000 members of the Department of Mich- igan in this critical hour offer their full sipport and cooperation to you for community, state and nation." Luhrs was elected at the Legion Convention in Grand Rapids last week. Church Class Miracle' To Aid Crippled Boy TULSA, Okla., Aug. 15._-()-The ninth grade Sunday school class of the Boston Avenue Methodist Church is going to change soda pop into milk. A member, George Wier, 14 years old, is in a crippled children's hospi- tal at Oklahoma City, suffering from a lack of calcium .in his bones. So his classmates set up pop stands all over the city today. All profits will go to buy milk for George. 235 So. State St. Ann Arbor r -a- 0 For Clean,, Used Buy at Follett's I 1_ Last Times Today Walt Disney's "RELUCTANT DRAGON" Robert Benchley - II ... __ 7 I 9 Thousands of all types of USED BOOKS in stock. - COMPLETE stock of NEW BOOKS if you prefer. We are certain to have every book for every'course. Engineers' Supplies and Instruments Student Supplies of Every Description 1%, .r _,t _._. rs w rrra " r rwwrwo.+M raa vis: ._ s "-m -® m