Continued Cool
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Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Norman E. Cook:
His Work Lives On .,.
Faculty Will Hold'
General Reception
For Student Body
Perkins Traces History
Of U. S. Foreign Policy
Nazi Troops Slaughter
Trapped Soviet Forces;
Dances, Bridge To Follow
Event In Rackham Hall;
All Students Are Invited
Hopkins At Head
Of Receiving Line
Opportunity will be given faculty
members and students to meet, be-
tween 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. today,
when the general reception of the
faculty to the students of the Sum-
mer Session will be held in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall.
Thisswill be the only chance for
students to obtain free tickets for
the dances to be held from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. in the Union and League
Ballrooms. Tickets will be distribut-
ed at the end of the receiving line
and also at the Women's Lounge in
the Rackham Build-ing.
Reception In Two Parts
The reception will be in two sec-
tions, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. and
from 9:30 to 10:30 p.m., with Dr.
Special permission has been
granted women students for the
activities of Thursday to stay out
until 1:30 a.m.
Louis A. Hopkins, director of the
Summer Session, and Mrs. Hopkins
at the head during the entire time.
Punch will be served on the terrace.
Leading students down the receiv-
ing line will be the following women,
who are under the direction of the
League Council: Connie Larch, Claire
Cook, Betsy Ross, Mary Neafie, Peggy
Whitker, Betty Newman, Shirley Lay,
Bea Selvin, Mary Herbert, Marge
Lute, Catharine Adams, Mary New-
comb, Betsy Lawrence, Betty John-
son, Priscilla Ehlers Mary Margaret
Meloche, Betty Newton, Olive Beebe,
Frances Crary, Dorothy Love, Helen
Hagey and Annette Palmquist.
Women To Introduce
Also intrducing the students will
be Margaret Enswiler, Marjorie Ken-
dall, Frances J. O'Connor, MarieSou-
cazi, Eleanor Toutant, Mary Johnson,
Betty Whitehouse, Barbara Alt, June
McKee, Jane O'Brian, Dorothy Burke,
Betty Lou Robinson, Eileen Lay and
Jean Langford.
Following the reception students
who have obtained tickets will dance
at the League or the Union. They may
attend either with or without part-
ners, as they desire, as there will be
present 15 hostesses at each dance
to introduce students.
Hostesses at the League include
Pat Stearns, Betsy Ross, Marilyn Vo-
gel, Peggy Whitker, Mary Neafie,
Mary Herbert, Marge Leete, Barbara
Brooks, Nancy Bonnisteel, Betty
Johnson, Priscilla Ehlers, Connie
Larch, Dorothy Love, Helen Hagy and
Dorothy Burke.
Union hostesses are Claire Cook,
Dorothy Cummings, Rosemary Ald-
rich, Kitty Simrall, Betsy Lawrence,
Penny Shaw, Betty Newton, Olive
Beebe, Frances Crary, Annette Palm-
quist, Bea Selvin, Margaret Enswiler,
Marjorie Kendall, Betty Whitehouse
and June McKee.
Orchestras playing tonight will be
Tom Snyder at the Union and J.
Clark McClellan at the League. Mc-
Clellan will also play through the
summer at the Wednesday tea dances
and at the Friday and Saturday night
Besides the dances, there will be
duplicate bridge tables in the League,
under the direction of Miss Barbara
McIntyre, assistant to the social ad-
viser at the League. The duplicate
bridge sessions will be a regular Tues-
day feature of the Summer Session
activities schedule.
Students are again urged to go to
the Rackham Building after 8 p.m.
today for their complimentary dance
tickets, and hostesses are reminded
that they must obtain tickets before
they will be admitted to the ball-
Kisling To Play Bach
Melodies For Recital
Selections by Bach, Reger, Vierne,
Widor and Karg-Elert will be offered
in an organ recital by C. Willard
Play Continues
Five Day Run
The summer drama season's first
offering, Shakespeare's "Much Ado
About Nothing" will continue its five
day run at 8:30 p.m. today at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The last
performance will be given Saturday.
Cast in "Much Ado About Nothing"
which is under the direction of Prof.
William P. Halstead and Prof. Valen-
tine B. Windt, both of the speech
department, are such well known
Play Production veterans as Ada Mc-
Farland, Hugh Norton, Adeline Gitt-
len, Norman Oxhandler, Dorothy
Haydel and Ollierae Bilby.
Others are William Altman, James
Moll, Jack Mitchell, George Shapiro,
Neil Smith, Marvin Levy, Ruth Sea-
ger, Elaine Alpert, Sarah Graf, Fay
Goldner, Theodore Balgooyan, Merle
Webb, Professor Halstead, John Sin-
clair, Jack Bender, William Mills, Ray
Ingham, Francis Gravit and Edward
Tickets for the performance are on
sale at the Mendelssohn box office
for 75 cents, 50 cents and 35 cents
while season tickets are being sold for
$3.75, $3.25 and $2.50.
Chief Of Police
Norman Cook
Dies Suddenly
Funeral To Be Saturday;
Heart Ailment Causes
Death At Base Lake.
Chief of Police Norman Edward
Cook died suddenly at 5 a.m. yester-
day while vacationing with his family
at Base Lake. Coronary thrombosis
was named as the cause of his death.
With him at the time of his death
were his wife, Nellie, three children,
Norma, 17; Charles, 15; Eileen, 12, and
a niece, Betty Hint, 20, who has
made her home with the family.
Apparently in good health Tues-
day, the Chief came to Ann Arbor,
mowed the lawn at his home at 400
N. First, and visited the office dur-
ing the day.
Funeral services will be held at
10:30 a.m. Saturday at the Bethle-
hem Evangelical Church, with Rev.
Theodore Schmale officiating. Buriai
will be in Forest Hill Cemetery. Un-
til tomorrow night the body will lie
in state at the Mehlig Funeral
Chief Cook had been head of the
Ann Arbor police department for
two years, and on the force 18 years.
He was the third successive head
of the Ann Arbor police department
to die in July. Chief Lewis W. Fohey
died July 20, 1939, and Chief Thomas
O'Brien died July 1, 1933.
Aluminum Collections
NEW YORK, July 2.-(9P)-Mayor
F. H. La Guardia, U.S. Director of
Civilian Defense, announced today
that all aluminum collections would
be made July 21 and he asked house-
wives to "hang on to those pots and
pans" until then.
"At no time has the Monroe Doc-
trine been used to justify ruthless
military conquest. At no time has it
resulted in the permanent suppres-
sion of free and independent peoples.
At no time has it been used to justify
an unlimited apetite for conquest, or
a cynical disregard for the very
foundations of the international or-
These were the words of Prof. Dex-
ter Perkins of the history department
of the University of Rochester yes-
terday in his lecture for the Gradu-
ate Study Program in Public Policy
in a World at War entitled "Funda-
mental Principles of American For-
eign Policy."
Monroe Doctrine
The principles enunciated in the
Monroe Doctrine, Professor Perkins
pointed out, are enduring; "they
stand today and will stand tomorrow
as among the stoutest bulwarks of
our diplomacy. It is safe to say,
Professor Perkins asserted, that the
Doctrine could only be challenged at
the cost of war, with the United
Efforts have been and are being
made to substitute for the Monroe
Doctrine and the assumption of
Early Signing
For Convention
Set ForToday
According to Dean J. B. Edmon-
son of the School of Education, plans
have been completed for pre-regis-
tration of faculty and students who
desire to attend the programs of the
New Education Fellowship Confer-
ence which will be held on the Uni-
versity campus beginning next Sun-
day, July 6.
This Conference is expected to
bring to Ann Arbor the most dis-
tinguished group of educators from
foreign countries that has ever as-
sembled in Michigan.
A special fee of $2.50 has been
authorized for the faculty and full-
time graduate and undergraduate
.students of the University of Michi-
gan. The regular fee for this privi-
lege is $7.00.
Office for pre-registration is the
University High School office, at
which place copies of the program
of the Conference are also available.
Pre-registration may be made today.
Regular registration may take place
on Saturday and the following days
at the Rackham Building. Because
of the large out-of-town crowd that
is expected on the opening day, early
registration is strongly advised.
'Old Dexter Home'
Opened To Visitors
During Festivities
Partially restored to its original
pattern, the "old Dexter home" will
be a main point of interest for visitors
to Dexter's three-day celebration of
the 100th anniversary of the exten-
sion of the Michigan Central rail-
road track to the village, today, to-
morrow and Saturday.
Once the abode of old New Eng-
land-born Judge Samuel William
Dexter, son of one of the nation's
early cabinet members and one of the
men commemorated as a founder of
Dexter, the mansion may eventually
be a community center and house
museum, following completion of the
restoring task.
superiority in the Americas that it
seems to contain the idea of Pan-
Americanism, a partnership of equals
among the nations of the New World,
Professor Perkins told, but "only the
romantic will see success in the ven-
ture as just around the corner." He
expressed the hope, however, that the
spirit behind the concept of Pan-
Americanism will continue to direct
American diplomacy.
Seven Formulas
Professor Perkins included the
Monroe Doctrine and Pan-American-
ism in an enumeration of seven for-
mulas of diplomatic action. The
others were avoidance of entangling
alliances, complete neutrality, free-
dom of the seas and equal opportun-
ity and no discrimination.
The formula warning the people of
the United States against entangling
alliances is perhaps the oldest in
American diplomatic history, accord-
ing to Professor Perkins, and is the
product of experience and the situ-
ation of this country as a new born
republic at the end of the eighteenth
century. Since the end of the French
alliance in 1800, he noted, this re-
luctance to make binding commit-
ments which might engage our armed
force in war has been a permanent
feature of American foreign policy.
Farewell Address
This formula was not meant by
the fathers of the country to be ele-
vated into an absolute dogma, Pro-
fessor Perkins maintained, for even
in his Farewell Address Washington
gave his approval to temporary alli-
ances in times of emergency. "Tra-
ditional attachment to a formula is
not a proper basis for the future for-
eign policy of the United States," he
Complete neutrality, Professor Per-
kins stated, is the next oldest prin-
ciple and one obviously in the process
of decay. "Neutrality," he said "is a
(Continued on Page 4)
Knox Refutes
Naval Conat,
Convoy Charge
Secretary Strongly Denies
Rumors Of Hostilities
With Nazi Submarines
WASHINGTON, July 2.-(P)-Sec-
retary of the Navy Knox, the na-
tion's leading advocate of naval
action against the German U-boat
menace, pointedly denied today that
American naval vessels had engaged
in convoying or been involved in
combat operations of any nature.
He made these statements in re-
sponse to press conference questions
based upon printed reports that the
ships of the Atlantic Naval Patrol
had already been drawn into hostili-
ties with the Nazi submarines.
Meanwhile, William S. Knudsen,
director of the Office of Production
Management, issued a Fourth of July
statement calling on the nation for
greater "toil and sweat" to speed up
the defense program and stave off
"despotism and slavery."
On Capitol Hill it developed that
a shortage of seamen on the Atlantic
Coast was delaying sailings and grow-
ing more acute daily. This was dis-
closed by Francis J. Walker, counsel
for the American Merchant Marine
Institute, in urging a House Com-
mittee to approve legislation reduc-
ing the number of experienced sea-
men required to make up a ship's
At the same time the Government
initiated a campaign to avoid wasting
of foodstuffs. The program calls for
canning, drying and storing of a
greater portion of the fruits and vege-
tables to be harvested this summer
and fall. A substantial addition to
the nation's food supply could be
made in this way, it was said.
Shakeup'In British
army Staff Sends
Haining Eastward
LONDON, July 2.-(P)-The War
Office disclosed tonight that the vice
chief of the Imperial General Staff,
Lieut. Gen. Sir Robert Hadden Hain-
ing, has been sent to the Middle East
on military administrative duty-an-
other step, presumably, in a far-
reaching overhaul of Britain's Middle
Violent Battles
Campus Tour Will Be Today;
Detroit Trip Reservations Due
Reservations for the second excur-
sion, a day in Detroit, must be made
before 5 p.m. today at Room 1213
Angell Hall, the trip being sched-
uled for Saturday, July 5.
Total expenses for the trip will be
approximately two dollars which will
include round trip bus fare and a
luncheon in Detroit. The party will
meet at 8 a.m. in front of Angell
All students wishing to take a con-
ducted tour of the campus will meet
at 2 p.m. today in the front lobby of
Wife Objects
To Sparring
CHICAGO, July 2.-( P)-Joe Louis,I
world's heavyweight boxing cham-
pion, was sued for divorce in superior
court today by Marva Trotter Louis.
She charged cruelty.
Mrs. Louis, who filed the action
under her husband's real name, Bar-
row, charged the Negro boxing cham-
pion struck her first Jan. 2, 1941, and
again April 19 of this year.
Thenbill said she separated from,
him on the latter date.
They were married in New York
City Sept. 24, 1935. There are no,
Mrs. Louis, a Chicagoan, married
Louis the night he knocked out Max
Baer in the fourth round at Yankee
Stadium, New York.
According to the bill, Louis, on
Jan. 2, 1941 in Chicago, "struck her
a violent blow on the mouth with
his hand" and on last April 19 "hit
her in the face with his hand and
stepped on her ankle."
The plaintiff asked for alimony
and that she be permitted to resume
her maiden name.
Mrs. Louis, who asked for adequate
support while the suit is in litigation,
asserted her only income is derived
from a six-apartment building in
which she now is living.
Anierican Books
Will Be Exhibited
The printed work as a tool for
building hemisphere solidarity: this
is the theme of the exhibit of books
of the American nations to be shown
daily from July 6 to 12 in the second
floor reading room of the Rackham
The exhibit, prepared by Miss
Edith Thomas of the University
Library Extension Service, will in-
clude, approximately 2,000 volumes,
printed in English, Spanish and Port-
uguese. *
Being held in conjunction with the
eighth international conference of the
New Education Fellowship, the exhib-
it will be open to the public.
Angell Hall, the starting point of the
first Summer Session excursion.
This trip will serve to acquaint
new students with many of the in-
teresting features on the campus.
Beginning with a visit to the Law
Quadrangle, the party will go from
there to the Legal Research library,
the Union and the men's dormitories
adjoining it.
To Clements Library
From there the group will proceed
to the Clements Library where Dr.
Randolph Adams, director, will ex-
plain the function of the repository
of source material in American his-
tory. Representative books and maps
will be on display in the lobby of the
In Detroit, the group will visit im-
portant institutions in the downtown
area and the Detroit Institute of
Arts, Belle Isle Park, the Fisher
Building and the Zoological Gardens.
At the Art Institute, the party will
be guided by a staff member through
;he various collections of art of mod-
ern and medieval Europe, late and
early Roman afid Greek art, Asiatic
art, and colonial and contemporary
Business District
Following a trip through the busi-
ness district downtown, the group
will lunch at the FishertBuilding
Cafeteria, and then proceed to the
28th story, where they will see a view
of the city from the studios of sta-
tion WJR.
The zoo contains a fine collection
of birds and animals, and, is noted
for its non-caging displays of wild
Professor L. J. Rouse of the mathe-
matics department will be in charge
of the excursion which will return
to Ann Arbor at 5:30 p.m. Saturday.
DiMaggio Sets
World Record
Hit In 45th Game Marks
Yank As All-Time Top
NEW YORK, July 2.-(P)-Gilded
Joe DiMaggio cashed in on a golden
opportunity today with a fifth inning
home run that brought him an all-
time Major League record for hitting
in 45 consecutive games and helped
the New York Yankees to an 8 to 4
victory over the Boston Red Sox.
The great Yankee centerfielder, al-
ready established as one of the out-
standing players in baseball history,
permitted no doubt as to his right to
the record which little Willie Keeler
of the Baltimore Orioles set in 1897,
when fouls were not counted as
Facing Heber (Dick) Newsome, the
rookie knuckleballer, DiMaggio failed
to hit in his first two times up.
Then in the fifth he looked at two
wide balls, clouted a high foul into
the third tier of Yankee Stadium,
and finally blasted a mighty fly into
the lower stands in left field for his
18th home run of the year.
Germans Claim Complete
Victory Over Russians;
Take 100,000 Prisoners
Fighting Reported
In Borizov Region
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, July 2.-The German
Army tonight proclaimed a virtual
slaughter of the Russian armies
trapped east of Bialystok, announc-
ing a complete victory with "unbe-
lievable. chaos" overtaking the rem-
nants of 500,000 Red soldiers.
"Because of the stubborn Soviet
Russian defense and the embittered
attempts to break out" of the Ger-
man-laid trap, said the High Com-
mand, "the bloody losses of the en-
emy exceed the number of prisoners
by several times."
German Dispatches
German dispatches said the trap-
ped Red soldiers tried four times to
break out, failing each time.
A total of 160,000 Russian prison-
ers has been taken on all fronts since
the beginning of the war a week ago
last Sunday, the Army stated.
Of these, 100,000,were said to have
been counted so far in the Bialystok
German losses, on the other hand,
"in all are gratifyingly small," a com-
munique said.
The slashing of the encircled Rus
sians between Bialystok and Minsk,
who were defending the highway to
Moscow, has resulted in a decision of
history-making proportions, in the
words of the High Command.
Blitzkrieg Maneuver
The fate of these troops, trapped
quickly in huge numbers in a typical
blitzkrieg maneuver, had been a mat-
ter of keen speculation for days. The
fate of Minsk itself remained obscure,
with the High Command not men-
tioning earlier German claims that it
had fallen.
Four times, German dispatches
said, the trapped Russians charged
the encircling lines in attempting to
break the trap, but each time they
failed, losing many men.
Moscow Reports
Violent Battles
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Thursday, July 3.-The
Red Army today reported violent bat-
tles with the Germans ranging all
the way from Murmansk in the Arctic
to the Luck region of Southeastern
Poland, marked by the fiercest fight-
ing, stubborn resistance and even
strong counter-attack.
The Russians acknowledged for the
first time a German penetration be-
yond Minsk, key communications cen-
ter on the highway to Moscow, de-
claring Russian troops were fighting
"hard and fiercely" against German
mobile troops in the Borisov region.
Borisov is 50 miles northeast of
Minsk on the Moscow Road-still ap-
proximately 370 miles from the Soviet
(Neither Russian nor German offi-
cial pronouncements mentioned Minsk
itself. It was likely the Germans had
moved around'it without taking it.)
The Russians, in a communique
issued by the Soyiet information bu-
reau, announced the Red Army had
launched a counterattack in the vi-
cinity of Murmansk, key Soviet Arc-
tic port at the head of a strategic
rail line to Leningrad.
"In the direction of Murmansk,"
said the communique, "our troops
halted by fire and counterattacks an
enemy offensive of about two divi-
sions against the Sredni Peninsula
and to the southeast inflicted a great
defeat upon him."
Probable Blockade
Seen In Axis Move
CHUNGKING, China, July 2.-P)
-Strong rumors in Chinese circles
here today said Adolf Hitler's price
for yesterday's Axis recognition of
the Japanese-sponsored Wang Ching-
Allergy Cures, Extent Treated
In Speech By Hospital's Expert
Editor Of Directory Discusses,
Some Human Idiosyncrasies
It's quite a job, putting out the
student directory-but fun in a queer
sort of way.
Just ask Virginia Graham, '43,
associate editor on the 1941 Summer
Student Directory.
For instance, she'll tell you, on
the cards for the directory which
students fill out at registration there
is the name of the school in which
the student is to enroll-Graduate, or
had typed very carefully on the line
where he should have put his name:
"I do not expect it."
Lots of things make it fun, little
human things like these, all sort of
summed.up in the words of one proof-
reader on the book: "It's a swell book
and everything, and sort of fun, with
lots of names-but I can't follow the
It is pretty definitely settled now
among those on the editorial board
of strategy that the Directory will
Opening a series of five medical
lectures, Dr. John M. Sheldon, head
of the allergy department at the
University Hospital pointed out that
more than 50 per cent ofthe popula-
tion are allergic to one or more sub-
stances and that there are no limita-
tions to what may cause the condi-
Speaking on "Your Allergy and
What To Do About It," Dr. Sheldon
said that the commonest causes of
allergy were inhalance substances,
dust, fungi, animals, foods, bacteria
and drugs.
Of this group, food is the most
o-neral ditiirher with wheat. milk
closely along Mendelian law has
greatly aided in the treatment and
cure of allergies, Dr. Sheldon said.
This fact, combined with the na-
ture of the complaint, is used as a
guide to make skin or injection tests
to discover the cause of the allergy
and eliminate it from the patient's
presence. More than 85 per cent of
the cases have been cured or brought
under control through this method
of sensitation tests.
However, since elimination of the
irritating substance from the patient
is not always feasible, such as allergy
to milk, or allergy to a substance
which the patient comes in constant
contact with through occupation. a