Official Publication Of The Summer Session
p . ... . .....
To The Class
Of '45 .. .
VOL. I.. No. 40
i __ ,
German Pincers,
Reported Closing
On Ukraine Front
- --
President Roosevelt
Will Land In Maine
To Stalin Suggests Moscow
Nazi Pressure On Odessa,
Nikolaev Increases; A
Force Plays Dual Role
Luftwaffe Expects
Russian Retreat
(By The Associated tress)
BERLIN, Aug. 15.--(P)-German
Military Reports tonight described
increasing German pressure on
Oesa and Nikolaev, with greater
use of the air force and "the inevit-
able closing of numerous pincers" in
the great struggle for the Russian
The air force was portrayed in a
dual role, harassing Red-Army troops
with whom the Germans were in con-
tact and ranging far ahead to destroy
communications and delay Russian
The withdrawal w iich the Luft-
waffe is seeking t l anticipate in-
ludes the possibility of escape Py
ships on the Black Sea.
Bomfibers claimed extensive 'damage
to a Russian destroyer which was
assumed to be preparing to convoy
transports off Odessa
Other concentrated air attacks
were reported north of Nikolaev on
the estuary of the Bag, where the
Germans said tons of bombs wrecked
rail lines on both sides of six Soviet
troop trains, marooning them.
Dienst A Pus Deutschland, authori-
tative German commentary, declared
all the Ukraine west of the broad
Dnieper River was one vast zone of
encirclement in which large sections
of the southern Red Army appeared1
effectively trapped.
It asserted the German- military
operations now were proceeding in
the usual manner-minor encircle-
ment 'movements within the larger
arena, with the German forces cut-
ing utan deali g with'successive
small groups of Russians.
The German High Command would
give no details of the procedure, how-
j Elsewhere on the broad German-
Russian front, military reports ipdi-
cated a livening of activity ni the
Leningrad sector, with the air force
again in the spotlight.
Rail lines between Leningrad and
Luga and Novgorod were reported
bombed, with seven trains smashed
and four complete batteries of Rus-
sian cannon-26 guns-destroyed. In
the course of these operations 16
Russian planes were reported de-
Soviet Reports
Fierce Fighting
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Saturday, Aug. 16.-
With the fourth grand German of-!
fensive striking heavily toward Len-
ingrad and the Red army defenses
pictured unofficially as holding in
the critical Ukraine sector, the So-
viets tersely announced today fierce:
fighting was continuing on the long
The Russian communique reverted
to the broadest of generalities and
for the third time this week failed to
mention a specific sector.
The German drive on Leningrad
was from three directions, from the
north on the Karelian Isthmus, from
the south around Staraya Russia,
and from Estonia on the west.
Of the Ukrainian theater, where
the Germans have made their deep-
est gains since the invasion began
on June 22, aid where the Russians
previously have acknowledged with-
drawals from Kirovograd and Per-
vomaisk, the Soviet command made
no mention either in its communi-
ques of yesterday afternoon- or of
But other Russian sources insisted
the loss of 'the two towns admitted
lyingabout 100 to 115 miles above
the Black Sea port of Nikolaev, im-
plied no disaster.
Actually, they said, these and oth-
er retirementswere occasioned by a
Nazi offensive which has been
checked with enormous losses forĀ° the
invaders and today was relatively in-
French Sailors Quit
For Higher British Pay
or Y
Finnish Gains
Over Russians
Are Reported
HELSINKI, Aug. 16.-(x'-Finnish
forces, reinforced by Germans, de-
stroyed three encircled Soviet battal-
ions (a total of about 3,000 men) at
Tclvajarvi and Aglajarvi after fierce
battles in that wild swampy region
50 miles north of Lake Ladoga, Fin-
nish war correspondents reported to-
Last night, in a new push towards
Leningrad, Finnish army correspon-
dents reported capture of Karelian
Isthmus towns partly encircling Kak-
isalmi and of Russian withdrawals.
The Finns reported seizure of Kau-
kola, 10 miles west of Kakisalmi; Hii-
tola, 18 miles north of that Lake La-
doga city; and the railway towns of
Elisenvaara and Kirvu, on the isth-
mus between Viipuri and Kakisalmi.
Thus the Finns said they had
brought Kakisalmi into range of their
artillery and expected the early cap-
ture of lerge sections of the railroad
running to Leningrad, Russia's sec-
ond city.
All pointslisted as captured are in
the territory Finland was forced to
cede to Russia in March, 1940.
Filling Station
Supply Of Gas
Is Restricted
Eastern States. Affected
By An Unprecedented
Measure In Peacedme
rationing system to cut gasoline con-
sumption in the East by restricting
supplies for filling stations was pro-
claimed today by the Office of Price
Administration and Civilian Supply,
effective immediately.
The unprecedented peacetime ac-
tion involved issuance of no ration
cards to individual auto operators,
but would cut by 10 per cent the
supplies delivered to the service sta-
States affected by the action would
include Maine, New Hampshire, Ver-
mont, Massachusetts, Connecticut,
Rhode Island, New York, Pennsyl-
vania; New Jersey, Delaware, Mary-
land, Virginia, West Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,
the District of Columbia and a por-
tion of Florida.
The action was taken, the an-
nouncement said, as an emergency
measure to bring consumption of
gasoline in thfs area into line with
transport facilities. These facilities
have been reduced by transfer of
petroleum-carrying ships from the
coastwise service to the British.
The action was proclaimed by Leon
Henderson, head of the Office of
Frice Administration and Civilian
Supply, 'at the request of Secretary
of Interior Ickes, who is Defense
Petroleum Coordinator.
SWAMPSCOTT, Mass., Aug. 15.-
()-President Roosevelt will land at
Rcckland, 'Me.; sometime tomorrow
afternoon, completing a cruise dur-
ing which he held historic confer-
ences with Winston Churchill, Prime
Minister of Great Britain.
Wiliam D. Hassett of the Presiden-
tial secretarial staff made this dis-
closure tonight to White House news-
men gathered in this resort town sev-
cral days waiting word of his where-
He said he did not know who would
b'c with the Chief Executive, that
he would not reveal the exact hour of
emibarkation, and that Mr. Roose-
velt would return by special train to
The President expected to be back
in the Capital sometime Sunday.
When newsmen inquired whether
the British Prime Minister would be
with the President. Hassett at first
laughed, but then said he "really" did
not know.
Senate Sends
Bill To FDR
eeting With British, Americans
Approval Is Given
Defense Measure
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. -(P)-
Following closely on the heels of the
House, the Senate late today ap-
proved and sent to the White House
a $7,586,895,000 defense appropria-
tions bill to which a joint Senate.-
House Committee had restored at
the last minute a $750,000,000 fund
for the manufacture of tanks, guns
and other equipment.
An appeal froni War Secretary
Stimson: for money to build and im-,
prove tanks and manufacture anti-
%ircraft guns won. a part reversal of
the Senate's recent action in cutting
$1,347,000,000 from a $6,838,436,000
defense appropriation bill.
The conference committee ap-
proved several slashes in the meas-
The elimination of a $1,000,000
fund for policing naval establish-
ments with a special guard force, a
reduction from $1,440,000 to $800,-
000 in funds for ship facilities at New
Orleans, and from $1,000,000 to $800,-
000 for a naval warehouse at Norfolk,
Va. It was also agreed "confidential"
funds to be spent by the President
without accounting to Congress would
be cut from $4,00,000 to $2,500,000.
Nazi Foreign Office
Warns U.S., Britain
BERLIN, Aug. 15.-(A)-Deutsche
Diplomatiscm Politiscma Korrespon-
denz, mouthpiece of the German
Foreign Office, issued a warning to-
night of the "dangers" connected
with any attempt to eliminate Nazi-'
ism and disarm Germany.
In its second sharp attack on the
Roosevelt-Churchill war aims pro-
gram, the publication said:
"Whoever purposes to eliminate
National Socialism and its Fuehrer
in the Reich, whoever dares wish
again to disarm the German people,
thoughtlessly occasions danger for
his nation.
"A man such as Roosevelt really
ought to know the extent of such
Western Hemisphere
Is Called 'Target'
Of Dictator Powers
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.-In a mo-
mentous speech addressed to the
United States Army, Secretary of
State Stimson declared tonight that
American troops must be prepared
to "repel attacks from any and all
He warned that the Western Hemi-
sphere is the "inevitable, ultimate
target" of the "marauder" totalitar-
ian powers.
Speaking to soldiers of the Army
in a radio address, explaining the
necessity for legislation authorizing
their retention in service, Stimson
warned that the world now faces a
"more dangerous" threat to general
peace than any "which has existed
during all the years of recorded his-
Says U.S. Keeps Faith
He said that the Administration
was not planning "any expeditionary
force for the benefit of other na-
tions," but to train and equip a de-
fensive force "to make secure our
own country and to protect it from
a danger that is so real and rapidly
growing that a government which
did not taketsuch steps would have
been faithless to its trust."
Germany, Italy and Japan, he said,
are banded together "upon a scheme
of world conquest" ,and seek to bring
back the "customs of the dark ages .
.. enforcing upon the nations which
have been unfortunate enough to fall
under their power, systems of forced
labor and subjection which substan-
tially amount to a condition of semi-
Ais Sal vel f Systemn
Declaring that the three powers
have made themselves "the econom-
ic slaves of the hideous system which
they have established," he said that
they now must look to new fields of
conquest to provide 'additional loot
to prevent a "slide backward into
restlessness, revolt and failure."
He added that the presence of
"German agents and fifth colum-
nists" throughout the hemisphere
"shows only too clearly one direction
in which German future efforts at
conquest are likely to go."
"From our observation of what has
happened in Europe, we have learned
to recognize the symptoms wich in-
variably forecast the coming of a
new Axis attack. ooday some of the
most significant o those symptoms
are occurring in South America. Any
reader of the American press can
read of the unrest and excitement in
various republics which are beingI
attributed . . . to the machinations
of foreign secret agents."
Students Here
To See Films
Of Venezuela
Venezuelan students of the Latin-
American Summer Session of the In-
ternational Center will present mov-
ing pictures of Venezuela at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham School.
In two divisions, the films will
show first views of the interior of!
Venezuela and the life of the Indians
living there, and the latter section
will portray the annual Scholars Fes-
tival in Caracas, depicting the activi-
ties of the nation's schools.
Following the pictures Miss Balen
San Juan of Caracas will talk in
'Sanish on "New Education in Vene-
za la." As an introduction to the
movies Mr. Roberto Henriquez of the
Venezuelan Ministry of Public Works
will say a few words in explanation.
Japan Gets Set
To Fight Reds
SHANGHAI, Saturday, Aug.' 16.-
( P)-Japan is getting set as fast as
it can to attack Russian Siberia and
the blow-if it comes-will be within
the next two or three weeks, it was
Habib Kurani
To Give Talk
At Breakfast
Dr. Habib Kurani, visiting faculty-
man from the American University
at Beirut, Syria, will present the
"eatured address at. the fifth an-
nual Summer Session breakfast hon-
oring students receiving advanced
degrees to be held at 9 a.m. Sunday
in the Union ballroom.
The invocation will be given by
The Very Rev. Msgr. Allen J. Bab-
-cock of Ann Arbor, and Prof. Louis
A. Hopkins, director of the. Summer
Session will preside. Incidental mu-
sic at the breakfast will be provided
by a choir under the direction of
Prof. Hardin VanDeursen of the
School of Music.
An annual affair sponsored by the
office of the Summer Session, the
Masters Breakfast is planned to sub-
stitute for commencement exercises.
Invitations have been sent to 560
students, who may bring wives and
guests. Members of the Executive
Board of the Graduate School, Deans
of the various colleges and students
honored will be guests of the Uni-
versity. Faculty members may ob-
tain tickets at the Office of the Sum-
mer Session.
German Movie
Is Subject Of Proposed Discussion
To Be Attended By High Officials
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.-(AP)-President Roosevelt and Prime Minister
Churchill followed up their historic sea-conferences tonight with a joint
proposal to Premier Joseph Stalin that high British and American repre-
sentatives meet with him in Moscow to discuss alldcation of war supplies
to the Soviet Union.
The message made public here tonight was delivered to Stalin by the
American and British ambassadors in Moscow during' the afternoon.
The two leaders of the Western powers praised the "splendid defense"
of the Soviet Union "against the Nazi attack" and asserted the United
States and Britain were "cooperating to 'provide you the very maximum of
- supplies that you urgently need."
Fallen France
Given Blame
For Outbreak
By Nazi
As Whole
Told U.,S. Fears Attack
Allocation Of War Supplies To,
Section Pays
Will Be Shown
By Art Cinema
Rackham School Audience
To See Authentic Story,
'Cobbler Of Koepenick'
The German film, "The Cobbler of
Koepenick," will be shown at 8:15
p m. today in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham School by the Art Cinema
The movie, originally scheduled for
Sunday, Aug. 3, had been postponed
when transportation difficulties made
it impossible for the reels to arrive
on campus in time.
Koepenick is a tank town, has no
passport bureau, therefore Wilhelm
Voight captured the town and ap-
propriated the treasury in vain, be-
cause all Wilhelm wanted was a pass-
After twenty-three years in jail for
petty offenses Voight couldn't get a
job without the passport. That's
why he put to use the Prussian mili-
tarism he had been taught in jail
and perpetrated .the biggest hoax in
But the Kaiser enjoyed the inci-
dent so much that when Voight fi-
nally gave himself up he pardoned
him and gave him his beloved pass-
True to life, authentic and histor-
ically accurate, "The Cobbler of
Koepenick" stars the German come-
dian Adalbert as Voight. Dialogue is
in German, but English sub-titles are
(By The Associated Press)
VICHY, France, Aug. 15.-General
Heinrich von Stuelpnagel, command-
er of the German Armed Forces in
France, proclaimed today the whole
population of Occupied France and
not merely the guilty themselves
would be held responsible for out-
breaks attributed to communists.
The proclamation, which followed
upon the publication yesterday of
news of shooting ' and fighting "by
Communists and Jews" in the streets
of occupied Paris, was the first ap-
plication of the theory of total re-
sponsibility on such a scale.
(Whole town ,in the Netherlands
have been fined. Last December
the newspaper Depecha De Tours re-
ported the population of Orleans, in
the occupied zone of France, had
been fined 1,000,000 francs after a
German telepljone wirerwasscut.)
General Von Stuelpnagel's order:,
"The French '8Communist Party
having been dissolved, all Communist
activity in France is forbidden.
"Any person who carries out Com-
munist activity, who carries out pro-
paganda or wNho tries to-in brief
anyone who supports in any man-
eher whatsoever Communist activity'
-is an enemy of Germany.
"Those guilty are subject to the
penalty, of death, which will be pro-
nounced by a -German courtmartial.
Charles Shrader To Give $
Piano' Program Today
Charles Shrader, pianist, supervis-
or of music in the public schools at
Waverly, Ohio, will present a recital
at 8:30 p.m. today in the Rackham
Assembly Hall.
His program will include Mozart's
"Fantasia in C minor," "Prelude and
Fugue, in D major" by Bach-D'Al-
bert, Schumann's "Sonata, Op. 22"
and "Hommage a S. Pickwick, Esq.,
P.P.M.P.C.," "Canope" and "La Puer-
ta del Vino" by Debussy.
"Already many shiploads have left
our shores and more will leave ins the
immediate future," the message said.
The President and Prime Minister
told Stalin it was necessary to con-
sider a long-term policy because
"there is still a long and hard ath
to be traversed before there can be
won that complete victory without
which our efforts and sacrifies would
be wasted."
They said the war raged now upon
many fronts and before it was over
"further fighting fronts" may be de-
It therefore became a question as
to where and when the immense
American and British resources "can
best be used to further the greatst
extent our common effort" and this
they asserted, applied equally to
manufactured war supplies and raw
"The needs and demands of your
and our armed services can only be
determined in the light of "the fll
knowledge of the many factors which
must be taken into con1iderat on in
the decisions that we make," the
message continued.
"In 'order that all of'us may be In
a position to arrive at speedy deci-
sions as to the apportionrment of our
joint resources, we suggest that we
orepare for a meeting to be held at
Moscow to which we should send
high representatives who" could dis-
cuss these matters directly with you.
Supplies To Be Sent
"If this conference appeals to you,
we want you to %now that pending
the decisions of that conference we
shall continue to send supplies and
material as rapidly as possible."
The President and Prime Minister
decided on the message to Stalin
after a study of the report of Harry
Hopkins, the President's lease-lend
administrator, on his talks. in Mos-
cow with Stalin and other Soviet
nounced by German court martial."
The message said the Presidient and
Prime Minister, after considering the
Hopkins report, had consulted to-
gether as to "how best our two coun-
tr'ies can help your country in'the
splendid defense that you are mak-
ing against the Nazi attac."
The message to Stalin constituted
the first concrete' move discusse by
the President and Prime Ministeto
put into action quickly the program
they formulated at sea to achieve
"the final destruction of the Nazi
Whole Problem Studied
In their statement accompanying
the 8-point joint declaration of aims
yesterday, the two announced they
had examined the whole prgblem of
the .supply of war ",munitions to
"those countries actively engaged in
resisting aggression." This, they said,
included the supply probles of the
Soviet Union.
The message ;to Stalin clearly
showed the urgency with which they
considered the question of getting
war 'materials to Russia; now hard--
pressed to hold back th, advancing
German armies.
The statement in the message that
"further figlting fronts" may cdevel-
op was considered here to be a refer-
ence directly to the. President and
Prime Minister had discussed that
possibility and agreed on when and
how Anglo-American military resist-
ance would be offered to any further
Japanese expansion in the southwest
Japanese Attack Foreseen
A' Japanese attack on the Siberian
provinces of Russia also appeared to
'300 RAF Bombers'
Britain Reports Heavy Attacks
On Three Centers In Germany
'Adolf's Replies Are Action':
Commentator Foresees Great
German Drive Before Winter
LONDON, Aug. 15.-U()-The Air
Ministry, hitherto chary of revealing
the' number of planes participating
in raids on Germany, announced to-
day more than 300 RAF bombers had
flown over the Reich last night in
heavy moonlight attacks on Han-
over, Brunswick and Magdeburg.
The Air Ministry News Service fol-
lowed up this statement with the dec-
laration Britain's biggest and newest
planes-four-motored Halifaxes and
Stirlings and twin-motored Man-
chesters-had rained heavy bombs on
An authoritative source, comment-
ing on the Air Ministry's disclosure
regarding the size of the attacking
forces, said the matter had been
carefully considered and that figures
terdam and Boulogne, and during
yesterday an Axis supply ship was
set afire off the Dutch coast. .
(Germans in Berlin said that the
RAF tried to attack Berlin and the
capital's defenses repulsed the raid-
ers, shooting down eight.)
The government said German
planes caused slight damage and few
casualties in bombings of northeast-
ern and eastern Scotland, and that
14 German planes were shot down
and five British were missing after
yesedysdaylight operations.
In Cairo, Egypt, the British Middle
East Command announced RAF
bombers in two recent attacks had
wrecked the Corinth Canal, the wa-
terway between the Peloponnesus and
the Greek mainland. Photographs,
< ---
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
There are indications Adolf Hitler1
may make a climactic effort to crush
Russia quickly as an answer to the1
"Atlantic charter" drafted by Presi-
dent Roosevelt and Prime Minister1
At least one more supreme at-
tempt to roll up the Red Armies in
the north and take Moscow and
Leningrad is clearly within the power
of the Nazi war machine before snow
flies, and the day's news suggests it
may already be taking form.
Five hundred miles north of the
fighting front in the Ukrainethe
struggle is being renewed significant-,
a decisive break-through in the direc-
tion ofaMoscow or Leningrad. The
signs appear to point to another
transfer of emphasis.
With the extent of the German
triumphs in the Ukraine uncertain
and the next offensive move a ques-
tion, it is pertintent to recall that at
the start of the invasion the I most
expert neutral military opinion held
that the drive directly toward Mos-
cow was of primary importance.
What took place on the flanks, in
the expressed judgment of an out-
standing American official analyst,
was in the nature of a diversion. The
axis of the drive to destroy Russia's
min,' fiaf in 'i l nrflnC xxn.c f'Pe.'acaar nQ.