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August 15, 1941 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-15

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Uritish View Eight Points As Pledge
Of U. S. AidIn War And Peace After


LONDON, Aug. 14. -(P)- Three
supreme American commitments to est results of the conference were war shou
the world-to help reconstruct post- not revealed and meant this: cific.
war Europe, to support the British 1. That there had been a shaping Japane:
and Russians on every front and to by military, naval and air staffs of these wer
aid in stripping aggressor nations of a ' definite strategic policy against necessaril
their weapons-were made in the Japan, an understanding on posi- ceded Ja
joint declaration of President Roose- tive action should Vichy allow the pansion i
velt and Prime Minister Churchill, Nazis to occupy Dakar and Casa- down ev
informed London comment held to- blanca in Africa, and a world-em- Roosevelt
day. bracing strategy covering the mili- a persist
These among all others, said Brit- tary and air contingencies raised by A fewl
ish informants, stood out in the eight the present Nazi position in Russia. was anno
points stating a common and solemn 2. That the United States would published
resolve for "a better future for the give unstinted aid to Russia and all row forbi
world"--a democratic manifesto to other powers fighting with the Allies except ui
the nations and peoples of the earth. and that Britain would waive pri- all outsta
But great and grave implications orities on certain classes of material chukuo, F
were seen as well in what was left to speed them to Russia. leased te
unsaid; in what had been decided by 3. That the United States and The orde
President and Prime Minister in a Britain would assume the police pow- tively as
meeting without precedent some- er of the world at the war's end, al- recent Bi
where in the silences of the Atlantic. though all nations-including Ger- eze assets
Some observers called their agree- many-would be allowed to deter-
ment a grand united stand, extend- mine their own form of government.
ing from Malay to Alaska, which has It was seen as wholly probable by Pos
instantly and sharply braked, if it British sources that Japan was up
had not actually forestalled, Japan- for much discussion. Mr. Roosevelt
ese advances in the south Pacific and Mr. Churchill, it was believed,
and further concessions to the Nazis had determined the precise moment
by Vichy France. and circumstances under which their I
These observers-flushed with that governments would cease a passive
spirit which moved men in London resistance and take action against
to make the frequent toast on this the Japanese-perhaps from British Sea M
joyous night, "here's to the two of and American bases whose mutual
us; let 'em come"-saw it as the use had been agreed upon. Par
avowal of a mighty common front Moreover, it was declared, they
between republic and empire. might well have agreed to ask Rus-
They drew three cardinal conclu- sia to open a northern front with a By
sions, based on their belief the great- Siberian force of 1,000,000 men if Althou

ld break in the South Pa-
se sources themselves said
e possibilities, although "not
y probabilities-" and con-
panese maneuvers for ex-
n southern Asia had slowed
'en while the Churchill-
meeting was no more than
ent world-wide rumor.
hours after the declaration
ounced the Board of Trade
an order effective tomor-
dding all exports to Japan
rnder license, and revoking
nding licenses. Korea, Man-
Formosa and the Kwantung
rritory also were affected.
r was explained authorita-
an implementation of the
ritish order freezing Japan-
twar Aims
Id Top Rank
i War News
eeting Is Definitely
t Of Nerve War,
Says Simpson
g'h the greatest military cri-





Comment, Pro And Con, Heard'
On Eight Points In Washington

WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-(/P)-The
Roosevelt-Churchill pronouncement
of peace aims was warmly praised by
the Administration's' supporters in
Congress-and some of its critics-
but others among the opponents of
the President's policies asked wheth-
er it constituted an alliance with Bri-
One of the latter group, Senator
McCarran (Dem.-Nev.), asserted the
declaration was made "on the un-
warranted assumption that the Unit-
ed States is a belligerent in this war.
It is tantamount to a declaration of
war by this country which is the pro-
vince of Congress only."
Senator Brooks (Rep.-Ill.), who has
criticized many Administration moves
in the field of forgein affairs, com-
mented, however, "the statement
sounds very much like a preliminary
bid for peace-which I believe an
overwhelming majority of the Ameri-
can people woud welcome, providing
it is a genuine bid for peace and not
a camouflage to move us into the
Senator Bridges (Rep.-N.H.) de-
clared "it's healthy thing that such
a conference was held and that post
war aims of the two great Anglo-
Saxon nations are made known at
this time."
Chairman Connally (Dem.-Tex.)

of the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee said the statement embodied
"principles of noble and lofty concep-
tion with which I feel sure the people
of the United States will agree"; Sen-
ate Majority Leader Barkley declared
it "will be well received by all peo-
ples resisting aggression," and Speak-
er Rayburn called it a "very sane
statement" which "expressed a great
and laudable hope."
Among those who viewed' the pro-
nouncement as definitely allying this
country with Britain was Representa-
tive Short (Dem.-Mo.). "I don't like
these secret, undercover agreements,"
he told reporters. "The President has
no authority to form such an alliance.
He shouldn't gamble with the destiny
of 130,000,000 people and keep them
in the dark about it."
Outside of Congress, comment in-
cluded an assertion by Norman Thom-
as: Socialist and anti-intervention
eader, that President Roosevelt, by,
a joint declaration of war aims with
a belligerent, had committed this
country to war.
Former President Herbert Hoover
woud make no formal comment, but
observed in an interview at Montrose,
Col., that "only one viewpoint, ap-
parently, is acceptable to the inter-

sis of the German-Russian conflict
is shaping up into the battle of Odes-
sa, the Roosevelt-Churchill state-
ment takes first place in the war
The chosen leaders of the British
and American peoples proclaim their
solidarity in the matter of post-war
aims. As for the current struggle
they grimly imply there can be no
peace with Hitler or Hitlerism on any
There have been widespread whis-
pers in Europe that Hitler, at some1
point in his Russian campaign and
before winter sets in to stalemate
the war there, would launch a peace
offensive. If so, he has been an-
swered in advance so far as the
President and Prime Minister are
Part Of War-Of-Nerves
The Roosevelt-Churchill sea meet-
ing was definitely a part of the war-
of-nerves. It goes without saying the
meeting was designed to impress up-
on Hitler's Japanese Axis mate and
upon the Vichy regime in France the
grim determination of the English
and American leaders not to be di-
verted from their main objective by
stamping out Hitlerism whenever it
shows itself.
There is also an open oid to the
German people to throw off the Hit-
ler yoke. It comes specifically in
point four of the joint declaration,
pledging the endeavor of the authors
and the governments for which they
spoke to secure economic equality
of opportunity to "all states, great
or small, victor or vanquished."
Attempt To Undermine
That is an obvious attempt to un-
dermine Hitler on his home front.
His greatest appeal to many Ger-
mans known to view his Nazi regime
with distrust is the argument that
Britain, with American backing, is
out to destroy Germany as a nation;
to dismember and utterly disarm it
economically as well as militarily.
American observers of ,long resi-
dence in Germany and only recently
returned say Nazi propagandists
have made much of that argument
to induce dissenting elements in Ger-
many to accept the Hitler-made war.
They have seen little prospect, how-
ever, that serious public opposition
,to Hitler or to his ever-widening war
program can arise in a nation under
the heel of the Nazi police system.
- -d


U P, D O W N-Mild-man-
nered Cardinals' Manager Bill
Southworth (above) whose team
has been see-sawing with the
Dodgers for National League su-
premacy, contrasts sharply in
temperament with the Brooklyn
mentor, IUppy Leo Durocher.

G 0 E S N U D E , MA K E S N E W S--Two-year-old "Peaches" Dill and her six-month-old
brother seem not to mind furore in Philadelphia, caused when Peaches walked, naked, along water-
front at 2 a.m. Their father works nights. mother had gone out for food.

Iih , ..

fugust Sal





R 0 0 F R 0 U T I N E -Actress Rita Hayworth gives out with a
smile, trying A new dance routine on Hollywood rooftop.

L E S S O8N L E A R N ED-Rowdy, one of the two pups here,
owes his life to Sammy Swan, 6, of Middlebourne, W. Va., who
remembered a family conversation on first aid and applied methods
to the drowned dog. Sammy's sister is Barbara, 2.

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