Weather Showers Jrl Of ficial Publication Of The Summer Session Iaitj Editorial Swing Open The Locked Doors ,.. I I VOL. LI. No. 39 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Army Bill Approved By Senate Measure Assumed To Be On Way To Roosevelt At Sea For Signature Vandenberg Votes" Against Legislation WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-((i/))-- By the top heavy vote of 37 to 19 the Senate today accepted House changes in the controversial Army service ex- tension legislation and dispatched the measure to President Roosevelt. Senate attaches said they assumed the bill would be flown to President Roosevelt at sea in order to get it on the books as quickly as possible. General George C. Marshall, the Army Chief of Staff, originally fixed August 1 as the deadline on which the measure could be enacted without in- convenience to the Army. The final Senate vote, terminating weeks of dispute in both houses, came after only eight minutes of debate. Although the Senate originally had approved the service extension by a vote of 45 to 30, Senator Johnson (Rep-Calif.) demanded the record vote today. "There are some of us here who are opposed to this bill," he said, "and we should have a chance to vote on it.", Authorizes Extension The measure, which passed the House Tuesday by the single-vote margin of 203 to 202, would authorize the President to hold selectees, Na- tional Guardsmen, Reservists and en- listed men for 18 months beyond their present service periods. That would mean maximum service of two and a half years for selectees, Guardsmen and Reservists and four and a half years for men who enlisted originally for three years. By adopting a concurrent resolu- tion, Congress could terminate the Chief Executive's power to extend th service period. On the other hand, if it adopted a resolution stating ex- tension beyond the 18 _xWra months was "in the interest of national de- fense" the President could continue the service periods indefinitely. The bill grants a $10 pay increase to all army men who have served 12 months. The raise would not be re- troactive and would end when the President proclaimed the national emergency ended. Short Of Recommendations In its final form the measure fell far short of carrying out recommen- dations of the high command. The Army had asked that the service pe- riods be extended indefinitely and that an existing ban against sending selectees outside the western hemi- sphere be lifted. Administration leaders, aware of powerful opposition to an indefinite extension, compro- mised on the 18-month extension early in the congressional fight. They also agreed to drop the proposal to lift the western hemisphere ban. WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.--()-Re- publican Arthur H. Vandenberg of Michigan voted with the minority to- day when the Senate approved fin- ally and sent to the White House legislation extending the service pe- riods of .all Army personnel for 18 months. He was one of nine Repub- licans voting against the legislation. Gan Rationing Action IS Seen Ickes Declares Imminent 'More Rigid' Measures WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. -(i')- Apparently convinced appeals for public curtailing of gasoline con- sumption had failed, Secretary of Interior Ickes declared today new and "more rigid" measures to meet the threatened shortage in the East were imminent. The coordinator declined to discuss the contemplated action, but there was speculation that he would call for rationing of gas to filling sta- tions. It was not indicated how the individual service stations would dis- tribute the supplies among automo- bile operators. Ickes, who is defense petroleum coordinator, revealed the first ship- ment of aviation gasoline to Russia aboard an American tanker was scheduled to leave Los Angeles today for Vladivostok, under United States registry, and that other tankers Germans Claim Circle About Odessa, Nikolaev Army Said Near Dnepropetrovsk, Industrial Center Of Ukraine; Russia Denies Encirclement F. D. R., Churchill Rule Out Peace With Nazis, Plan Post-War Aims; 'Bad Plagiarism,' Remarks Berlin (By The Associated Press) BERLIN, Aug. 14.-Crediting Ital- ian, Rumanian andrHungarian allies with assists, the German High Com- mand today claimed encirclement of Odessa and Nikolaev, Black Sea ports, within a wide-swinging offen- sive that planted the Swastika in the iron center of Krivoi Rog, halfway across the southern Ukraine. Krivoi Rog was said to have been occupied by German speed troops. It lies in the basin of the lower Dnie- per River, a scant 150 miles from the Sea of Azov to the southeast. The announcement was the first official intimation German land1 forces were getting close to Dnepro- petrovsk, the great indulstrial center which the Germans call "the Essenf of the Ukraine." Krivoi Rog lies Colonel Miller To Join Army Ordnance Unitr Professor Of Engineering Reconstructed Designt Of Famed 'Paris Gun' Col. Henry W. Miller, chairman of the department of mechanism and engineering drawing and famed ord- nance expert in the U. S. Army, willr leave here tomorrow to take up active service in the Heavy Artillery Unitt of the Technical Section of the Armye Ordnance Department it was an-t nounced yesterday.f Colonel Miller's duties with the Ordnance department will be "specialk and confidential." Widely recognized for his work in reconstructing the design of thet famed secret "Paris Gun" used byf the Germans to bombard Paris dur- ing the last war, Colonel Miller has published a book describing the gun,1 as well as others on drafting and descriptive geometry. During tht first world war Colonel Miller was a major in the Ordnance Department and was also in charge of a railway artillery unit in France. He was decorated Chevalier by the Legion of Honor. .Colonel Miller has been attached to the engineering facultynhere since 1921.1 Social Securityf Tax May Rise' Move Designed To Restrict Surplus Buying Power WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. -(A)- The possibility that social security deductions from American pay en-I velopes may be doubled or tripledI arose today when Secretary of theI Treasury Morgenthau suggested a boose in such taxes was a desirable method ofpreventing inflation. Employes and employers now are taxed 1 percent each on payrolls, with no change scheduled until an automatic boost to 2 percent each is due in 1943. Acknowledging he had not worked out details, the Secretary indicated he favored moving up the date of this increase and possibly other scheduled increases designed' to make the rate 3 percent each on employes and employers eventually. The Secretary revealed at a press conference that this idea was one of the proposals he intended to give Congress when called to testify about price control legislation and other anti-inflation measures. He was asked about the British method of compulsory saving, which is designed to tie up surplus pur- chasing power that might contribute to inflation. He replied: "No; we here in the Treasury are studying the whole question of social security rather than enforced sav- ing." Dr. Farrior Prescribes Pill For 8th Cup In One A hole in one was scored yesterday on the 180 yard eighth hole at the University golf course by Dr. J. Brown Farrior, in the second day of play in the city men's senior golf tournament. It was with a number three iron some 80 miles southwest of Dnepro- petrovsk. With the fall of Krivoi Rog, the HighnCommand said, Russia lost 61 percent of its iron ore production. The Hitler headquarters pictured Odessa asencircleduby Rumanian troops, Nikolaev caught in a vice by Germans and Hungarians, and a German-Hungarian-Italian force "ir- resistibly advancing" southward be- tween the Dniester and Dnieper rivers. Germans and Rumanians were said to have reached the Black Sea be- tween the port of Odessa and the Bug River estuary in a "continuous, relentless pursuit" and Russian forces, trapped by the advance, were reported preparing to try a Dun- kerque-like withdrawal by sea. Meanwhile S. A. Lozovsky, Soviet Vice Commissar for Foreign Affairs, denied the German claim the Red armies in the Ukraine had been en- circled. Fierce fighting along the whole front from the White Sea in the far north to the Black Sea was reported in the Soviet Information Bureau's communique, and Russian sources said sporadic German pushes cost the Nazis heavily in men and ma- terial. The Red Air Force shot down or destroyed on the ground 74 German planes Wednesday and lost 27 air- craft, the communique said. Destruction of a German subma- rine in the Baltic also was claimed. Pravda cited invulnerable Russian defense as explanation for the Sovi- et Information Bureau's morning communique asserting there had been no significant changes in the front line through Wednesday night. The army newspaper, Red Star, which also pictured the front as sta- ble and quiet, issued the list of Ger- man units claimed as destroyed and said 21 more German divisions- both infantry and tank-had suf- fered more than 50 percent losses. Third Audience Will See Opera Gilbert And Sullivan Work To Be Last Of Season Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Gondo- liers," final presentation of the Mich- igan Repertory Players for the 13th annual Summer Season, will go on for the third night of its six-day run at 8:30 p.m. today at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. The comic opera, the product of the combined efforts of the School of Music, the University Symphony Or- chestra and the Department of Phy- sical Education for Women, swill be shown through Tuesday with the exception of Sunday. Maurice Gerow and Sam Durrance in the title roles and Vernon B. Kel- lett and Stepheny Doranchek as the Duke and Duchess of Plaza-Toro head the cast. Vice Premier Hiranuma Shot In Chest, Jaw TOKYO, Aug. 14.- WP))-Baron Kiichiro Hiranuma, vice premier and senior statesman who is considered a moderating and steadying influ- ence in the Japanese cabinet, was gravely wounded today by a myster- ious gunman who gained entrance to his home by posing as an admiring autograph-seeker. Although the Baron's condition was reported serious tonight, with a blood transfusion probable, the Emperor sent him a basket of fruit -a strong indication hope is held for his recovery. Had the gift been imperial wine, the traditional implication would have been that death was expected. A strong nationalist, Hiranuma nevertheless has been considered -a definite moderating influence in the cabinet of Premier Prince Fumimaro Konoye, in which he is both vice pre- mier and minister without portfolio. Therefore, the attack on him was considered an unfavorable sign in the present period of international stress, even though no reason for it was known. Hiranuma was shot in the chest and jaw this morning by a man who gained access to his bachelor resi- Journal Charges Authors With Territorial Hopes For Respective Nations No Popular Power Attributed To Points BERLIN, Aug. 14.- (()) -The German Foreign Office mouthpiece, Deutsche Diplomatisch Politische Korrespondenz, tonight called the Roosevelt-Churchill program "a pla- giarism of President Wilson's points -and a bad one at that." The publication declared, "The plagiarism can find no drawing power because the authors are the same as those who deceived the world 25 years ago by a sham of promises not seriously intended." In the first detailed German re- action to the British-American out- line, the Korrespondenz went on: Impudent Lie "It is an impudent lie when Churchill and Roosevelt maintain that their countries seek neither ter- ritorial nor any other kind of en- richment. "As in the World War, England now aspires to make foreign peoples subject to her which want to be free. As for Roosevelt's policy, it is an im- portant point of his program to ac- quire economic and military sover- eignty not only on the western hemi- sphere but far beyond it. "This sovereignty does not bother in the slightest about the wishes of interested peoples. They can be brought to reason in case of need with bomb, blackmail or bribery of suitable party groups," Destruction Idea 'Grotesque' It is said the determination to achieve "final destruction of the Nazi tyranny'' was '"grotesque."~ Earlier in the day German spokes- men had characterized the Roose- velt-Churchill expression of war aims as a "propaganda bluff' executed as an unpropitious time. "Churchill and Roosevelt are un- fortunate in their declaration being made at a time when every hour brings new reports of impressive suc- cesses for German arms in the Ukraine," one spokesman said. Dienst Aus Deutschland, a com- mentary close to the foreign office, said: "One may not assume that Ger- many is ready seriously to examine this program. On the contrary, there is no doubt the Reich is determined to give the answer exclusively with weapons.", Crowther To Give TalkHere Monday Geoffrey Crowther of the British Supply Council in North America will lecture on "The Future of Anglo- American Relations" at 8 p.m. Mon- day in the Lecture Hall of the Rack- ham Building, The lecture is one of a series being sponsored by the Offices of the Sum- mer Session and is open to the gen- eral public. Mr. Crowther has been editor of "The Economist" *since 1938, and act- ing director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research since 1939. Vichy Rejects Aims In War As 'Old Stuff' VICHY, Unoccupied France, Aug. 14.-(P)-The official French infor- mation office tonight rejected the British-American war aims as old stuff and inadequate, following up a radio declaration by Vice Premier Jean Darlan that he would .lead France along the road mapped out by Chief of State Petain-indicating full collaboration with Germany. As a sort of discordant footnote to this course,'news arrived from Paris of bloodshed in riotous public dem- onstrations in that German-occupied capital Wednesday. The information office's quickly- prepared reaction to today's Roose- velt-Churchill statement of aims read: "It only repeats in briefer form President Wilson's fourteen points. "It does not introduce a single new element into a doctrine which almost 25 years ago appeared as hav- ing some value." Beaverbrook, Supply Agent, In Washington Eight Points Laid Down As Framework For New World Order As Leaders Of Democracies Meet At Sea WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-(R)-In a dramatic climax to a series of secret political and military talks at sea, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill today ruled out any peace with Hitler Germany, sketched the framework of a new world order and indicated far-reaching steps were planned to crush "the Nazi tyranny." Unannounced but strongly implied in a momentous joint declaration was agreement on high points of strategy to meet new Axis threats on a far-flung front-in the East, in the West and in sprawling and struggling Russia. The leaders of the two great western powers gave no hint the Unit- ed States had been assigned any immediate part other than as "the arsenal * of democracy" in a stepped-up effort British Buyer Seeks Minister 'Biggest On The Cuff', Arms, Supplies WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. -(A')- Lord Beaverbrook, who described himself as "the biggest buyer on the cuff you've ever seen," flew in from the historic Roosevelt-Churchill con- ference today and immediately began negotiations to obtain more arms and supplies of all kinds for embattled Britain. "We have had hundreds of millions of dollars worth of benefit under the lend-lease program," the dynamic Minister of Supplies told newspaper- men in a rapid-fire interview at the British embassy, "but we need more." He named tanks,-planes (particu- larly bombers) and food. Beaverbrook sat in on the Roose- velt-Churchill conferences at an un- disclosed point in the north Atlan- tic. Immediately afterward he flew on here to talk with William S. Knudsen, director of the Office of Production Management, and other American officials. Lend-Lease Administrator Harry Hopkins, who recently has held dis- cussions in London and Moscow, was also believed to have participated in the sea conferences, but Lord Bea- verbrook would not confirm Hopkis' presence or shed light on any other aspect of the Roosevelt-Churchill meeting. "You've been very generous," Bea- verbrook declared, sticking exclu- sively to supply matters, "but we need still more from you. Remember that we are engaged in a terrific conflict with an enemy that is con- fident, an enemy well organized, an enemy who has been preparing for years to fight." Gabrio To Play In French Film 'Harvest' Today' Cinema League To Offer Best Foreign Film Of 1939 At Rackham Bldg. "Harvest", a French film voted by tht New York Critics Circle the best foreign picture of 1939, will be shown at 8:15 p.m. today in the Lecture Hall of the Rackhani School by the Art Cinema League. The plot, adapted by Marcel Pag- nol from Jean Giono's novel "Regain" is the story of the life cycle concern- ing a man, a woman and their plot of ground. The role of the farmer is played by Gabriel Gabrio, recognized as one of the most powerful dramatic actors in France. Orane Demais is the woman and Fernandel provides the comedy interest. Arthur Honegger, the distinguished French composer of "Pecific 231" and the scores for "Pygmalion" andt "Mayerling", has written the original symphonic misical score. Dialogue is in French but English sub-titles are appended. Tickets for "Harvest" may be pur- chased at the Union, the League and Wahr's book store, or from 7:30 p.m. until curtain time at the Rackham7 School. At 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Lec- ture Hall of the Rackham School the Art Cinema League will show the German film, "The Cobbler of Koep- enick", which was postponed from its earlier showing date because of transportation difficulties. The story of a cobbler who learned Prussian militarism in prison and used his knowledge to put over the biggest hoax in history in order to obtain a passport, this film is an authentic record of a true tale. 'With the German film star Adal- bert in the title role, the movie is directed by Oswald with the scenario by Zuckmayer. Niagara Falls Is Destination Of Trip Today Students from Ecuador, Chile and Venezuela here on campus for the Latin-American Summer Session of the International Center will leave at 3 p.m. today for a trip to Niagara Falls. Going by boat to Buffalo, the group will spend tomorrow touring the vi- cinity of the Falls on the Canadian and American sides. Boarding the boat again tomorrow night, the Latin Americans will arrive back in Ann Arbor Sunday morning. They will be accompanied by Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley. The trip has been made possible by the Nelson Rockefeller in Wash- ington and the State Department, which groups are responsible for the Latin-American Summer Session. All Entries For Hopwood Awards Are Due Today All entries in the Summer Hop- woods must be in the Hopwood Room, Room 3227 Angell Hall, by 4 p.m. today. Entries will be accepted in four di- ,,cnn" ne rv ;n,.a fitn r- ca to win the war against the Axis. But neither was there any indica- tion from their pronouncement that the United States would remain in- definitely on a "short of war" basis in "the steps which their countries are respectively taking for their safe- ty in the face of these dangers." The time and place' of the historic conferences, which rivaled or sur- passed in world interest the Brenner Pass meetings of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, remained secret. Joint Announcement The joint announcement in Wash- ington and London said merely the President and Prime Minister "have met at sea" and "have held several conferences." They were flanked by high-ranking Army, Navy and Air Force officers of the two nations, by diplomatic advisers and by officials immediately concerned with the problems of sup- ply for "those countries actively en- gaged in resisting aggression." The meeting and resulting declara- tion drew immediate acclaim from Congressional supporters of the President's foreign policy, but some other legislators objected that the agreements constituted an alliance with Great Britain. Other critical Congressional comment included as- sertions "it is tantamount to a dec- laration of war by this country, which is the province of Congress only." But Senator Connally (Dem.-Tex.), chairman of the foreign relations committee, praised the declaration as embodying "principles of noble and lofty conception with which I feel sure the people of the United States will agree," and Senator Barkley (Dem.-Ky.), majority leader, said it would be "well received by all peo- ples resisting aggression." London Elated London was elated, informed sources asserting the United States committed itself to help reconstruct post-war Europe, to support the British and Russians on every front, and to aid in stripping "aggressor" nations of their weapons. In Berlin Nazi sources retorted with charges of "propaganda bluff," and fascists in Rome declared the meeting would fail to influence the Axis or Japan in their plans to es- tablish "new orders" in Europe and the Far East. But Japanese sources indicated nervousness, for the declaration was followed quickly by a British order banning all exports to Japan except under license-a measure largely ef- fective already in the United States. The joint statement issued by the White House here and broadcast in London by Major Clement Attlee, Lord Privy Seal, ended ten days of mystery and speculation concerning the President and Prime Minister Churchill and the possibility of a historic meeting at sea. Dispatches Withheld Not since last Saturday had the Navy released any dispatches from the Presidential yacht Potomac, cruising in northern waters. There- fore President Roosevelt's activities and Winston Churchill's apparent absence from London had been equally mystifying. The joint declaration which broke the long silence was fully as impor- tant in its omissions as in its enun- ciation of "certain common princi- ples in the national policies of their respective countries on which they base their hopes for a better future for the world." They "further examined" the whole problem of the supply of munitions of war under the Lease-Lend Act "for the armed forces of the United States and for those countries ac- tively engaged in resisting aggres- sion ." Latin-American Students Here Approve Eight-Point Program By KARL KESSLER President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill's Eight-Point pro- gram of war aims and a post-war peace will receive full cooperation from the Latin American countries if the opinion of South American students here this summer is any true indication. Ecuadorian, Peruvian and Venez- uelan and Chilian students here are almost unanimous in their approval of the peace plan announced yester- day. Mr. Wilson Cordova, secretary to the president of Ecuador and son of the former president, praised high- ly the idealistic basis of the Roose- velt-Churchill plan, but expressed Mr. Miguel Albornoz, Ecuadorian columnist, was more optimistic, saw in the proposal the foundations for an international democracy. "It is important, in this time of crisis, not to forget the future," he cautioned. 'We must think of the destiny of our hemisphere, for. future civilization and history will be moulded here, and we must be prepared to lead the world to a better way of life," Other South American students' ex- pressed hopes that the dramatic meeting in the North Atlantic might be expanded into a permanent con- ference of the nations fighting fas- cism, that the world might be offered a positive democratic front to coun-