Weather Continued Cool Jr Official Publication Of The Summer Session tu Editorial New French Policy Revealed VOL. L. No. 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Petain Issues Call For Collaboration With Former Foe Berlin Claims Victories Over Soviet In Ukraine House Passes New Draft 5p OR- I -- LENI NGRAD PSKOVR K HOL M (7NF STALIN LINE 0 MOSO M . r-- Law Extending Service In Army Eighteen Months French Premier His Program Nazis, French Admits Failed; Aligned Summer Hop Dance Tickets Now On Sale The Gondoliers' Opens Today As Final Offering Of Season Darlan Takes O All Military Contr VICHY, Unoccupied France,, 12.-Marshal Philippe Petain f fully summoned France to colla ate willingly with Germany ton gravely calling upon the nation share with its conqueror in rec ing the map of the world, and thr ening to smash the legions of Fre foes of the new order. The 85-year-old chief of state nounced his momentous decision a radio address in which he fra admitted to his uneasy countryj that his own program for the re eration of France had not succee and that French democracy dead-in fact never had lived in American pattern. To Aid Against Russia He aligned France squarely be Germany in its fight against Ru a fight which tonight found the G man legions piercing deeper into Ukraine in what Petain called gantic tasks in developments to East (he strongly accented phrase) in defense of a civiliza and which can change the map the world." What course the collabora would take was not stated.7 German-controlled press of Paris been clamoring for weeks, howe for joint German-French defense Dakar and other French African p sessions and a general military well as economic and political co eration with the Nazis. Long-Term Labor Collaboration, Petain observed, a long-term labor and has not been able to bear all its fruit." To implement his decision, the World War hero of Verdun, v came out of virtual retirement France's last desperate republi days in 190 to lead the new regi designated Vice Premier Adm Jean Darlan to take full control the French military structure. D lan long has favored working w Germany. * * * Washington Hints, Martinique Move WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-(N)- major crisis developed tonight Franco-American relations, and p dictions were heard on Capitol I that the United States would bri off diplomatic links with Vichy a perhaps take over such strategic p sessions as the Island of Martinic Secretary of State Hull cle hinted his worst fears had been ci firmed by the elevation of Vice I miral Jean Darlan to supreme cc mand of France's armed forces a other indications of French coll oration with Hitler. The subsequent broadcast of C- of State Henri Petain, despite re suring words directed to the Uni States, served mainly to strengtl the impression here that far-reai ing decisions had been taken to France into Adolf Hitler's "new der" in Europe. Senator George (Dem.-Ga.), w until recently was Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Com tee, told reporters the partners between Germany and France mi mean the United States wouldr it necessary to occupy such Fre territories as Martinique in order forestall any move by Germany. He said the United States and other Western Hemisphere repub would refuse to recognize any ri of Germany to exercise joint cont over such territories. George also remarked the Fran German collaboration policy mij provide Germany with free use the French fleet. Two members of the Senate F eign Relations Committee-Senat Gillette (Dem.-Ia.) and Pep (Dem.-Fla.) forecast a break in plomatic relations between the Ur ed States and France. Rayburn Announces Final Vote As 203 To 202 After Granting Recount Senate Provisions Remain Unaltered 10LENSK Aug. A campus ticket sale today and to- ate- morrow will announce to the student bor- body the Summer Hop, ght, which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 to a.m. Friday in the League Ballroom. eat- Corresponding, in the Summer Ses- nch sion social calendar, to the tradi- tional J-Hop of the academic year, an- this event will feature the music of in Clark McClellan's orchestra, who nkly have prepared some new arrange- men ments in Sweet Swing to offer stu- gen- dents for the first time. aded Decorations in the line of a "sum- was mer night" portrayal have been the planned by chairman Mary Habel. Behind the band there will be a star- spangled drop, and the entire floor side will be resplendent with flowers and ssia, other entities of summer scenery. Ter- Selling tickets today at the Engi- the neering Arch will be the following "gi- women: 8 a.m., Jean Johnson; 9 the a.m., Jean Johnson; 10 a.m., Mary the Neafie; 11 a.m., Betty Newman; 1 tion p.m., Jane Baits; 2 p.m., Barbara of Brooks, and 3 p.m., Virginia Capron. Before the Library will be these wom- ton en: 9 a.m., Barbara Jenswold; 10 The a.m., Doris Allen ; 11 a.m., Ruth has Gram; 1 p.m., Elsie Courtney; 2 p.m., ver, Mary Habel, and 3 p.m., Shirley Lay. of Tickets, at 40 cents per person, )os- may be purchased at any time from as members of the League Council or op- from the Office of the Social Direc- tor in the League. 'is U nteest yet old VVW whoIvolve World, " BELTSERKOV UMAN " 0 DNEPROPETROVSK NKOL AEV ,t- O~DESS As the Soviet-Nazi war theatre turned to the Ukraine region, the Germans were reported in the region of Uman (1) and possibly in the Dnepropetrovsk (2) area, forming a two-pronged drive threatening the Black Sea naval base of Odessa (3). London reports expressed fear of the fall of Nikolaev and Germans claimed the area of the Dnieper River bend could be considered in Nazi hands. * * 'I * 1 t j 1 Concluding their 13th annual Sum-as Tessa, Betty Lou James as Casilda, mer Season, the Michigan Repertory Ray Steele as Liuz, Duane Crossley Players of the Department of Speech as Don Alhambradel Bolera and will present "The Gondoliers" by W. Fawn Adkins as Inez. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan at In charge of the production are 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- Prof. Valentine B. Windt and Prof. delssohn Theatre. Claribel Baird, directors; James Featuring Maurice Gerow and Sam Wolfe, musical director; Elizabeth Durrance in the roles of the two gon- Whitney, dance director;nAlexander doliers, the opera deals with the ef- Wyckoff and Robert Mellencamp, art forts of the Duke of Plaza-Toro and directors, and Evelyn Cohen and Em- his wife to discover which of the two ma Hirsch, costumieres. Venetian boatmen is the rightful heir The opera, which is being offered to the throne of Barataria. Vernon in conjunction with the School of B. Kellett and Stepheny Doranchek Music, the University Symphony Or- will be seen as the Duke and Duchess. chestra and the Department of Phys- Others in the cast are Virginia ical Education for Women, will be Moore as Fiametta, Margaret Mar- shown through Tuesday with the ex- tin as Gianetta, Katherine Sarich ception of Sunday. Members of the Chorus of Gondo- liers are Wendell Baker, Melvin M ystery CycleBauer, David Burchuk, Marshall Crouch, Hugh Cooper, Frank Fletch- er, Stuart Gould, Grant Hagen, Hans D ra a a sMetzger, Dandus Moore, Roger Reed, Robert Reifsneider, Tudor Richards, I A iuoi-uSydney Ritter, Richard Stephens, Jack Ulanoff, Chester Webb and C. R. Toho. Norton Lists Large Cast; Florence Bailey, Harriet Cooper, Elizabeth Crater, Jane Elliott, Elyse Flays Will Be Presented Gissendanner, Marjorie Gravit, Na- In Hill Auditorium omi Greifer, Lyle Gunn, Helen Hagy, Martha Halbach, Doris Hess, Sarah The cast for the Cycle of Six Me- Humphrey, Dorothy Love, Minnie Merlin, Marjorie Moore, Virginia dieval Mystery Plays to be presented Moore, Inez Musson, Elizabeth New- 8:30 p.m. Sunday by the Department ton, Aurelia Panfil, Carolyn Perkins of Speech and the School of Music and Ethel Winnai comprise the has been announced by Hu h Nn-r- Chorus of Contadine. (By The Associated Press) Bidwell Says Hemisphere Intervention Means No Isolationism, Council Head Declares By HARRY M. KELSEY "We cannot frame a policy which will adequately protect our interests in this hemisphere which does not involve open and continuous par- ticipation in world affairs," Dr. Percy W. Bidwell, director of studies of the Council of Foreign Relations, stated in his lecture yesterday for the Graduate Study Program in Pub- lic Policy in a World at War. "Actually," Dr. Bidwell pointed out, "the United States cannot be inter- ventionist as respects Latin America The last lecture of the Public Policy series, to have been given today by Prof. Edward Meade Earle of Princeton University, has been cancelled because of Profes- sor Earle's illness. and at the same time isolationist as respects Europe and the Far East." Proof of this, Dr. Bidwell indicated, can be found in the "galvanic effect of Hitler's victories in Europe early last summer upon our policies in this hemisphere. We felt ourselves threatened by the world-shaking events across the Atlantic. For the moment the threat was indirect. We were not menaced by the prospect of an immediate attack on our shores. The danger lay in a more vulnerable part of the hemisphere, in South America." We cannot defend the hemisphere by a hemispheric policy, Dr. Bidwell asserted. "No effective Latin Ameri- can policy is possible outside the (Continued on Page 3) Railroad Union Accepts Board CHICAGO, Aug. 12.-(/P)--Nineteen railroad labor organizations embrac- ing approximately 1,200,000 workers today accepted the services of the National Railway Mediation Board in their wage dispute with the na- BERLIN, Aug. 12.- German troops stormed forward to the shores of the Black Sea today, hemming in large Russian forces in the Odessa area and making the Red Army's posi- tion in the Ukraine virtually unten- able, German military sources de- clared tonight. They did not disclose where the sea was reached, but earlier Ger- man, Italian and Slovak forces were reported moving down both banks of the Bug River, and it appeared they had followed that stream southward toward Nikolaev, port of the Bug estuary 70 miles northeast of Odessa. Russians Cut Off Since German and Rumanian troops have stood for weeks on the Dniester River south and west of Odessa, the drive down the Bug has virtually closed all land escape for the Russians at both Odessa and Ochakov, 40 miles east of Odessa, it was said. The Russians were described as hastening to try to withdraw what troops they could by sea, and DNB said six Russian transportsshad been sunk by bombers off Odessa. Soviet Forces 'Sit Tight' Other Russian forces were said to be still sitting tight in "a small area" to the eastward in the big bend of the Dniester River, which swingsI southeastward from Kiev and then cuts back southwest to empty into the Black Sea. The broad-flowing Dnieper itself was portrayed as under control of German weapons below Kiev, making Russian traffic along it virtually im- possible. DNB said German gunfire sank three gunboats in the lower Dnieper Sunday and Monday and that 27,000 tons of Soviet shipping had been destroyed there. Meanwhile Moscow reported Soviet defenders battling desperately today to stem German rushes into the Ukraine, where the outcome of fight- ing was obscure. The early morning communique said there was nothing important to report from the front. It was the first time since the war began that a communique failed to mention the areas in which fighting occurred. Torpedo Boats.Destroyed The communique asserted the Red air force cooperated with land troops attacking German motorized and mechanized units and infantry. It also reported the destruction Monday of four German torpedo boats and two transports by the Baltic fleet. Russian fliers were credited with destruction of 41 planes as compared with a loss of 34 in air fighting Sun- day. Final results of Monday night's German raid on Moscow showed the Germans lost two planes, the com- munique said. Postponed German Film To Be Shown The German film, "The Cobbler of Koeppenick," originally scheduled to be shown a week ago last Sunday but postponed because of transportation difficulties, will be presented at 8:15 p.m. Saturday in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham School, the Art Cinema League announced yesterday. Season tickets for the Art Cinema's series will be honored, and single admissions will be available, Another foreign film, the French production "Harvest," has been ob- tained and will be shown at 8:15 p.m. Friday in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham School. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow at the Union, the League and Wahr's book store. G - ton, director of the production. The tentative cast includes Eliza- beth Adams, Marjorie Adams, Wil- liam Altman, W. H. Beaven, Ollierac Bilby, Margaret Brown, Faye Bur- rows, Paul Cairns, Carol Campbell, Lillian Canon, Ethel Clark and Vir- ginia Connell. Others in the cast are Claire Cook, Margaret Cotton, the Rev. C. F. Crowley, C. S. B., Genevieve Edwards, Roland Forton, Fay Goldner, William Halstead, Dorothy Hanson, Dorothy Haydel, Ray Ingham, Ellen Jones, Frank Jones, Marjorie Keener and Jane Kerr. Marvin Levey, Herbert London, Josephine McHenry, June Madison, Marcella Madison, James Moll, Duane Nelson, Frederick Nelson, Hugh Nor- ton, Florence I. Panattoni, Veitch Purdom, Roger Reed, Robert Ritten- our, Beatrice Sandles, George P. Sar- gent, Thomas Sawyer, Jr., and George Shapiro will also have parts in the spectacle. John Sinclair, Evelyn Smith, Neil Smith, Theo Turnbull, Chester Webb and Merle Webb complete the list of the cast. Hugh Norton is directing the pre- sentation, and Noble Cain is musical director and organist. There are still 1500 tickets avail- able free of charge. They may be ob- tained at the League Desk. At 8:20 p.m. Sunday the general public will be admitted without ticket to all remaining seats. Ticket hold- ers lose their preference at that time. Japan Plans Mobilization Near Siam Manuila Reports Nipponese roop Will Enter Thai To Meet British Forces By FRANK L. MARTIN MANILA, Aug. 12.-(OP)-The Jap- anese High Command is planning to place 180,000 troops in French Indo- China, the majority of them in West Cambodia adjoining the border of Thailand, it was learned authorita- tively tonight. Foreign observers agree the Jap- anese will enter Thailand when they are organized and prepared to, meet British troops now stationed in Bur- ma and British Malaya along the west and northwestern Thai border." The number of troops the Japan- ese are reported planning to move into Indo-China is far greater than has previously been mentioned. It was announced officially by the French Indo-China government July 30 that under last month's agree- ment with Tokyo the Japanese would move only 40,000 troops into south- ern Indo-China to occupy military bases granted Japan on its demand. In northern Indo-China the Jap- anese last September were given per- mission to garrison 6,000 troops, but the number later was swollen to 38.000 -actually there. Then the northern forces were decreased. I arrived in Manila from Indo- China aboard a vessel carrying 55 American evacuees, a majority of whom are missionaries. The Ameri- cans felt Japanese control of Indo- China had eliminated the possibility of future religious and business ac- tivities in the French colony. Indo-China has been completely occupied by the Japanese army-, which controls all transpor'tation fa- cilities and all internal communica- tions and navigation at Indo-China's principal ports. Prof. Menefee To Lecture O in St rsLawrence Project Engineering and economic aspects has+1 p rev -Aus+yTben entio-Cnd.".I WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-()--By the breath-taking margin of a single vote, the House tonight passed the Army Service Extension Bill. With the chamber tense and hushed, Speaker Rayburn announced the result as 203 to 202 for the meas- ure. Rep. Short (Rep.-Mo.), from the Republican committee table, imme- diately demanded a recapitulation, which Rayburn granted. The reca- pitulation, a form of recount, showed the same result. In its final form, the bill called for an eighteen-month extension of the service of draftees, National Guards- men, Reservists rand army enlisted personnel. Service Bonus Granted It also would grant a $10 bonus for each month spent in the army be- yond 12. In addition it removed the limitation of 900,000 upon the num- ber of draftees who may be simul- taneously in the army. All these provisions were included in the bill passed by the Senate last week. The measure is now expected to go to a Senate-House conference committee which will iron out minor differences in the legislation as it passed the two chambers. Under the usual Congressional rules, matter ap- proved by both houses cannot be stricken from the bill in conference. Service Extended 18 Months Early in today's fight the House had accepted the Senate's provision extending the active service of army personnel for 18 months. The provision, sponsored by ad- ministration leaders, took the form of an amendment to the bill which originally called for an indefinite ex- tension of service. The amendment went through on a voice vote after the rejection of a proposal that the additional service be confined to six months. This proposal, offered by Rep. Hinshaw (Rep.-Calif.), was re- jected 97 to 61. Short Amendment Killed The first test came on an amend- ment by Rep. Short (Rep.-Mo.) elim- inating from the resolution a decla- ration that "the national interest is imperiled" by events abroad. The amendment, which also provided the extended service of selectees should be on a voluntary rather than a com- pulsory basis, was rejected by a teller vote of 185 to 146. The balloting followed party lines almost exclusively. When a division vote was called for prior to the final teller ballot on the issue, members on the Republican side stood up vir- tually en masse in support of the amendment. Patrick Toohey To Talk Today Patrick Toohey, state secretary of the Communist party in Michigan, will speak at 8 p.m. today in the Union under the auspices of the Karl Marx Society on "The World Front Against Hitler." Mr. Toohey has traveled extensively and lived in the Soviet Union and has been a leading labor organizer for many years in the coal mining and steel areas of this country. In his talk Mr. Toohey will stress the for- eign policy of the United States, the character of the war, the Marxian analysis of the world scene and the dangers of a second Munich today. Following the talk a question and answer period will be held in which everyone will be encouraged to par- ticipate. Andrews Are Wed By Groom's Father In a quiet little ceremony Sunday afternoon, August 10, in Highland, Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard o. Andrews were united in marriage. Mrs. Andrews was the former Ruth A. McGinnis of Bickwell, Indiana. Strother Discusses Speech Pathology; Hunter Opens Final Conference Day By EUGENE MANDEBERG Opening the second day's activities of the Speech conference, sponsored by the department of speech, Dr. Charles R. Strother. professor of speech pathology and clinical psy- chology at the State University of Iowa, lectured at 9 a.m. in the W. K. Kellogg auditorium on "Present Trends in Research in Speech Path- ology." Pointing out that the majority of speech theses for the past decade have concerned themselves primarily with stammering, Dr. Strothers dis- cussed some of the experiments that have been carried out to determine the causes and effects of the dis- order. Clinically, Dr. Strother said, there are~ 1,i'L three p ay, iz r frmi',q of cdfam.- the speech department's clinic at the University . Delegates gathered at Morris Hall for the afternoon program, a talk by Mr. Earle McGill on "Problems in Radio Directing." Mr. McGill, who is casting director, director, and producer of the Colum- bia Broadcasting System, discussed the arts and devises of radio directing and then followed with a practical demonstration by supervising the re- hearsal of a radio program which will be broadcast later. Final event of the second day of the Conference was the performance of "Ladies In Waiting," a mystery drama by Cyril Campion. The play was presented by the Secondarv School Theatre of the department of speech, under the direction of Miss Omicron Delta Kappa, and the Na- tional Association of Teachers of Speech. At 10:30 a.m., Professor Hunter will follow up his talk with a lecture- recital of "King Lear." A speech luncheon will be held at 12:15 p.m. today honoring students of speech who will receive their de- grees in August. All delegates to the Conference are invited to attend the luncheon which will be held in the ballroom of the League, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will be the scene for. the afternoon program. Beginning at 3 p.m., the staff of Play Production of the department of speech will hold a conference on problems of dramatic production, and Prof. Emeritus Thomas C. Trueblood Woody On To Speak Today Curriculum Trend Dr. Clifford Woody is to speak to- rlai, af.A4 n m in tTTnvriti+r h