PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1941 PAGE TWO TUESDAY. AUGUST 12, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY !41 .1 v1I Daily Calendar of Events Tuesday, August 12 9:00 a.m. Speech Conference. (Kellogg Auditorium.) 2:30 p.m. Lecture by Mr. Earle McGill, Casting Director and Producer, Columbia Broad casting System. Open forum. Demonstration broadcast over WJR at 4:45 p.m. (Kellogg Auditorium.) 4:05 p.m. Lecture. "What It Takes To Succeed." T. Luther Purdom, Director of the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. (University High School Auditorium.) 4:15 p.m. Lecture. "Self-Containment and Hemisphere Defense." Percy W. Bid- well, Director of Studies, Council of Foreign Relations, New York City. (Rackham Lecture Hall.) 7:30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge. Michigan League. 8:30 p.m. Concert, by the faculty of the School of Music. (Hill Auditorium.) Mr. George Poinar and Prof. Joseph Brinkman-Sonata for violin and piano. Prof. Christman, Organist. The string section of the Chamber Music Class under direction of Hanns Pick will play a Concerto. - y: """f "" "W "*""""""O""" ""N"Y"M4 --M= f Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer SessIon. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it" or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRE9ENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc.. t. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - Los AIGNEsS - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 ---- Washington Merry- Go-Round :By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN: Managing Editor City Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Staf f. . Karl Kessler .Harry M. Kelsey . . William Baker Eugene Mandeberg Albert'P. Blaustein . Barbara Jenswold Business Staff Buiness H. Huyett Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin NIGHT EDITOR: KARL KESSLER The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. An Open Letter To Our Representative. . . DEAR Representative Michener: You are now engaged on the floor of Congress in a debate the outcome of which will mean much to the youth of your country. We students of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor find the course of our lives for the next several years, not to mention the effect of the events of those years on our later lives, bound up in the words that are spoken and the decisions that will be made by you and your colleagues during the next few days. Merely the lack of proportion in that alone, that a few days work of a group of men six hun- dred miles away will determine the nature of the decisions we must make and the lives we must lead for some years afterward, not only us, but young men and women of our age all over the country, leads to a state of confusion in our minds. We are perplexed, we have a feeling that powerful hands over which we have no control are at work shaping our destinies, as though God Almighty on a rampage, a God of wrath, were sitting under the Capitol dome. IN SHORT, we have many ideas on the subject, some of which conflict, some of which are paradoxical. But there are certain fundamental things of whichwe are sure. Among these things is the sincere belief that we who have not yet been drafted and our friends who are already in camp have no intention of sitting quietly and taking, not on the chin but a rabbit punch to the back of the neck, any such service extension plan as has been formulated by the Senate of these United States. We are not unpatriotic. We love our country and we are willing to fight for her, if she needs us. But we are far from being convinced that she needs us to carry arms for her at present, or that there exists any such emergency that threatens to make it necessary for us to bear arms in the near future. IF, under these conditions, our Congress in Washington decides to kow-tow to a highly militaristic Army Chief of Staff and if, with no regard for the sentiment of the country's popu- lation it decides to order that we must serve under arms for two and a half years with no small probability that, if General Marshall wishes, the time will be extended once more at the end of that term, we will not stand for it! There are many ways in which we can ex- press our disapproval, from peaceful rallies to bloody revolution, and we doubt very much if peaceful rallies will satisfy the deep indignation and all the other pent-up eno- tions that have been formed in our genera- tion by the world we have inherited. Hate and fear are murderous companions. We're not just talking big and foolishly. The most harmless beast, when trapped and prodded sufficiently, will turn and fight. WE ACCEPTED a one-year draft, and we are willing to continue with that. And even with that we are called upon to make great sacrifices. If you don't know what that one year means to us you can not possibly have any concept of what an extension would mean. If you don't know What that one year means to us, you've been blind and deaf for the last year. If you don't WASHINGTON - Colonel William Donovan has the inside track for Civil Defense Adminis- trator when Mayor LaGuardia steps out of the job. The plan is to combine Civil Defense with Donovan's new office as Coordinator of Intelli- gence Information. White House advisers con- sider that the two fit together and that the dy- namic World War hero has the executive ability and experience to direct both. Insiders expect New York's able "Little Flower" to quit, as CDA as soon as his thir term mayor- alty campaign gets hot. Few now recall that when LaGuardia took the post he said it might be only for a short time to get things started. He is amply equipped to run Civil Defense and his choice was widely approved. But the plain fact is that he hasn't the time to give the job what it requires. It's full-time work, and then some. LaGuardia has been putting in about one day a week, and when he is in Washington he works at a furious pace. But even with his enormous driving capa- city the job is too vast, requires a hand at the helm six days and even some nights a week. While Mayor of New York it is impossible for LaGuardia to devote that much time to Civil Defense. Next to the Presidency, running New York City is the biggest public post in the coun- try, and the Little Flower, quite rightly, permits nothing to interfere with his civic duties. It is inescapable that CivilDefense should suffer as a result. Weak Assistance . . Not helping the situation any has been La- Guardia's choice of assistants. Inner Administrationites raised their eyebrows when he installed in Washington as his right- hand aide Thomas Semmes Walmsley, one-time mayor of New Orleans and foe of Huey Long. Walmsley is charming and well-intentioned, but what he doesn't know about the problems of civil defense is plenty. Also, when LaGuardia took over the agency he announced that state governors would be in charge of civil defense activities locally. This was good strategy to secure state cooperation. But when he turned around and started giving the assignments to mayoral friends about the coun- try, which has irked the governors. Some of them have sent hot protests to the White House. Meanwhile some members of a citizens Coop- eration Committee that LaGuardia appointed are privately wondering what it is all about. Sevetal weeks ago they were summoned to Washington for a "conference", staged in the White House and attended by Mrs. Roosevelt. The affair was surrounded with deep secrecy, but actually no- thing took place and committee members de- parted for their homes completely mystified. The committee hasn't done a thing since. State Department of Russia ... The Peace Mobilization pickets who quit their vigil infront of the White House immediately after Hitler invaded Russia, were not the only ones caught short by the war in the east. Equally embarrassed was Assistant Secretary of State Adolf Berle. The brilliant Mr. Berle, who was Woodrow Wilson's chief adviser on Russia at the Versailles conference, has been about the bitterest Russian- hater in the State Department-a place which specialized in Russian-haters. Last summer when Under Secretary Sumner Welles was trying to keep alive a patchwork friendship with Russia, Berle was a died-in-the-wool pessimist. But the other day, talking to W. W. Lancaster, attorney for the National City Bank, Berle made a revolutionary admission. Russia, he said, now could be considered the great hope of the world. However, the Assistant Secretary of State still retains enough suspicion of Russian diplomats to give this warning to Lancaster, who is a friend of Soviet Ambassador Oumansky: "I want you to know," said Berle, "that we know all about those conversations you're having with Oumansky." Note-Berle is ncknamed the "Hap Hopper" of the State Department because unofficially he heads the Department's new detective bureau. July Plane Figures . . Preliminary July figures for airplane produc- tion show another backward month, the second since April. Total of military planes produced in July was 1460-a drop of 16 from the June all-time high of 1476. In May the figure slumped below the April total, which was the record up to then. Primary reason for the July decline, according to OPM experts, was a shortage of certain deli- cately calibrated flying instruments. The experts say that actually more planes were turned out in July than June, but without instruments they could not be completed for delivery. Various reasons are given for this instrument bottleneck;rshortage of labor, materials, new de- signs, lack of tools. The May slump was charged to labor troubles. Whatever the reasons, U. S. aircraft production has yet to top the 1500-a- month mark so confidently predicted by OPM moguls months ago. However, the experts now prophesy a 1500 out- put this month-provided instrument deliveries come through. They base this on the backlog of unfinised planes in July, plus an increase in plant production. But, they admit, their guess may be wrong, as it has been in the past. Negro Housing . , . John Carmody, Federal Works Administrator, took a trip to the Pittsburgh area to meet con- tractors in defense jobs. While there, he asked McKeesport, Pa., officials to show him the site of the new Negro housing development. Bringing out a map, they pointed to a site on the shores of the Youghiogheny River. It looked very pretty-on the map. But Carmody is a real- ist. "Take me to the spot," he said; "I want to see it." So they took him to the spot. "Where is it?" said Carmody. "I don't see it." "Right here, said the officials. The spot they pointed to was under water. They hastened to explain. "We're building a dam just above here, and the water will be kept under control." "How long before you build the dam?" said Carmody. "About a year and a half." "Good Lord!" said Carmody. "And how much is this land-if you want to call it land-how much is it worth?" "Five thousand dollars an acre." Carmody turned in amazement. "Wash it up!" he exclaimed. "Wash it up, we don't want it!" And he transferred the Negro housing develop- ment to a new area of land away from the river. Note-Carmody is taking on increased power with every new defense development. Latest to come under his direction is the $320,000,000 ap- propriation for immediate construction of roads for national defense. Trouble-Shooter . .. The door opens, and Merril C. Meigs, all 6 feet 5 inches of him, comes trough it. He has just left Knudsen's office upstairs. There is a troub- led expression on his face. "Try to get Wright on the Coast somewhere," he says to his secretary. He lets his big frame down into the desk chair. "Meantime, get me John Biggers." A man is waiting to see him. "Perhaps this is a bad moment," says the visitor. Meigs smiles. 'They're all bad, he says. He picks up the phone. "Hello, John; how about this man in Toledo? He looks good to me; whata do you say?" His voice is deep and quiet. His heaed would please a sculptor.-The whole effect is stuff for the stage. "Yes, all moments are bad moments. That's what I'm here for. Things don't come to me until they're in badl shape. Something goes wrong in a plat making propellors or pumps or wheels. I get the president on the phone, and I make it clear to him what his slack production means to the rest of that airplane. "In other words, I try to get the part going." Merril Meigs talks like an industrialist. Actu- ally he's a newspaper publisher, and The Chicago Herald and American still pays his salary, though he is working not for Hearst, but for Knudsen. He is Director of the Aircraft Section of the Office of Production Management. Fifty years ago, Meigs was an Iowa boy. At the University of Chicago he was good enough at football to be on the world champion team of 1905. When Lindberg flew to Paris in 1927, Meigs was sufficiently impressed to undertake flying himself. He went to a private field near Chicago, trained in a J-5 Stinson and later in a Fleet trainer for aerobatics. That was 14 years ago, ad Meigs is still flying. STUPID Stu By Terence (Editor's Note: I now have five readers: my girl, my ma. myself, the linotype operator who sets the col- umn up, and the fellow that wrote this letter. Ain't popularity grand!) Dear Terence: should like to take exception to your column of Aug. 9 concerning the problem of an extended draft. You have, apparently in the heat of indignation, beclouded the true is- sues. Let us examine the situation realistically. In the first place, you must cer- tainly agree that it is utter folly to attempt to defend oneself against the best trained military machine the .world has ever known, with an army, however large, of ill-trained soldiers. You must also agree that this war is highly mechanized, intri- cately coordinated, involving huge numbers of highly trained men to operate them. Great quantities of machines alone will not suffice; they are worse than useless without the personnel to run them. Any com- petent military authority will vouch for the fact that adequate training to operate these machines cannot be completed in a year, especially when you have to start from scratch. The consequences of an attempt to de- fend this country with a half-trained army are too obvious to merit discus- sion. It is therefore absolutely nec- essary for the defense of our demo- cratic way of life that we do the job right. We cannot afford to gamble. You say thirty months is a mighty long time. That depends on how you look at it. Back around 1776 it wasn't too long to spend in the pres- ervation of liberty. We've been liv- ing on the fruits of that effort for some time now, taking it pretty much for granted. But in a world like ours today, we can't take it for granted any more. We have to do something about it. The essence of real democ- racy, as I see it, is a willingness to do something about it. That's not chau- vinism, and it's not militarism. It's just plain common sense. I'll wager the French would gladly swap thirty months for a pretty sure guarantee of liberty. THE MORALE PROBLEM is tough. But let's look at that clearly, too. The majority of the boys don't mind the sacrifice they are called on to make. Ninety percent of the grip- ing is natural American griping, just like your protests, and mine, when our plans are upset, even for a good reason. No, the boys don't mind the sacrifice so much, nor the so-called "breaking faith." But they hate to think they're being suckers, that they're the only ones Who are making the sacrifice. In a democracy, every- body should share in the responsi- bility and in the sacrifice. So when they read that only 15% of American industry is engaged in defense pro- duction, they begin to wonder. And when they read about work stoppages in vital industries, whether it be the fault of capital or labor, they begin to think they have been duped. They know the extent of the sacrifice they are called on to make.They suspect that the rest of the nation is still in the ballyhoo stage of any sacrifice at all (with the possible exception of pots and silk stockings). And they get justifiably angry. They see inef- ficiency and politics in the army and in Congress, and they suspect that they are the football; and you and I both resent being kicked around. That's the essence of the morale problem. Thirty months, or longer, is a cheap price to pay; but this thing has to be Dutch treat. It can't be on the house, and when it's on you, or on the boys in the army, they have a right to kick. We have little use for a large standing army; even the experts agree on that. But we must have a tremendous army, tremendously well trained, to fall back on. We can't afford to quite halfway through the training job. And we can't afford to let the boys in training bear the biggest part of the sacrifice. If ev- erybody pitches in, we cn do the job. Only remember this: regardless of what Congress does, the "normal swing of American life" is out, for awhile. These are abnormal times. And "pretty well trained"~ is a one- way ticket to suicide. The times call for sacrifice. If everybody is willing, thirty months is a bargain. -Leonard Newman Dear Leonard: O OFFER REBUTTAL to your let- ter would merely be to reiterate what I said in my column of August 9, and that would merely take up valuable space and valuable time. I still stand by in my original conten- tion: that to keep draftees in longer would be to destroy any semblance of morale that our army may have. And I think, Leonard, if you'll talk awhile with some draftees-ordinary fellows like you and me-that you'll see mypoint: a Detroit lawyer, a mechanic from Grand Rapids. and others I've talked to in my galavant- ings. Your point about soldiers being It GRIN AND BEAR IT " : _ Fi": S.' . j y; \i}, ./ \/Ij . !, ^" \ I -- - -- "But I don't need to see anything! When you wear a sophisticated hat like this, you're supposed to have seen everything!" - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN a A I 3K;; ()' 1941,Chiea,Tinms Ic Reg. U. 8.Pat Off..Al Rts. Rots All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:34 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. The demonstration of casting, di- recting, and presenting the radio play, "Little Johnny Appleseed," will be held from 2:30 to 5 p.m. today in Morris Hall. Mr. Earle McGill, Pro- duction Director of the CBS, will conduct the demonstration before a studio audience. Speech Conference: The Second annual Speech Conference spon- sored by the Department of Speech will continue today and tomorrow, August 12 and 13. All sessions are open to the public. Today's events: 2 a.m. "Present Trends in Re- search in Speech Pathology," Dr. Charles R. Strother, Associate Pro- fessor of Speech Pathology and Clin- ical Psychology, State University of Iowa, demonstration conducted by the staff of the Speech Clinic of the Department of Speech, Kellogg Audi- torium. 2:30 p.m. Lecture by Earle McGill, casting director, director and produc- er, Columbia Broadcasting System; University broadcast over Station WCAR, Morris Hall.- 8:30 p.m.: Secondary School The- ater of the Department of Speech performance of "Ladies in Waiting," Ann Arbor High School Auditorium. Duplicate Bridge: A Duplicate Bridge tournament will be held as usual this evening in the Michigan League. It will begin at 7:30 o'clock. Record Concert for Graduate Stu- dents and others interested will be held Tuesday, August 12 in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. The following program will be played: Handel, Concerto for Vi- ola and Orchestra, Mozart Sonata for Two Pianos, Szostakowicz, Fifth Symphony. Faculty Concert: Palmer Chris- tian, Organist; Joseph Brinkman, Pianist; George Poinar, Violinist; and and the string section of the summer session Chamber of Music Class, un- der the direction of Hanns Pick, will present a concert at 8:30 p.m., Tues- day, August 12, in Hill Auditorium. This concert will be complimentary to the general public. At the Phi Delta Kappa luncheon this noon in the Michigan Union, Professor Edward Everett Dale, Chairman of the Department of His- tory, University of Oklahoma, will present some personal reminiscences of "Frontier School Days." Members are invited to brnig guests. This is the final luncheon of the summer. The Fellowship of Reconciliation will meet this evening in Lane Hall at 7:30 to continue discussion of the first chapter of the book "War With- out Violence" by Krishnald Shridhar- ani. Please read the reference ma- terial before coming. (On file at Lane Hall.) Everyone is invited. Home Loans: The University In- vestment Office, 100 South Wing, will be glad to consult with anyone considering building or buying a home or refinancing existing mortgages. The University has money to loan on mortgages and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans. Colleges of Literature, Science and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry, and Music: Summer Session students wishing a transcript of this summer 's work only should file a request in Room 4 U.H., several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to file this request before the end of the session will re- sult in a needless delay of several days. Medical Round Table: Dr. Henry Field of the University Hospital will be the speaker at the Medical Round Table on Wednesday, August 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the Recreation Room of the International Center. His sub- ject will be "A4itaminosis." Thursday, August 14, at 8:00 p.m. Prof. F. N. Menefee will give an il- lustrated lecture on "The St. Law- rence Waterway." This lecture is open to the general public. (Amphi- theater, Rackham Bldg.) Freshmen and Sophomores, Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts. Students who will have fresh- man and sophomore standing at the end of the Summer Session and who plan to return this fall should have their first semester elections ap- proved before they leave the cam- pus. You may make an appointment to see me either by telephoning Ex- tension 613 or by calling at the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Ma- son Hall. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors (Continued on Page 3) r_ ' " _. By Lichty I or I RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual11270KC - NBC Blue Tuesday Evening 6:00 Stevenson News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Easy Aces 6:15 To be announced World News Rollin' Home Mr. Keen 6:30 Second Husband News By Smits Club Romanza Get Goin' 6:45 Second Husband Sports Parade Serenade Harry Hellmann 7:00 Court of Johnny Happy Joe Secret Agent 7:15 Missing Heirs Presents val Ciare Ned Jordan 7:30 Gus Haenschen Horace Heidt's Musical For America 7:45 Orchestra Treasure Chest Rendezvous We Sing 8:00 We, Battle of Master Works Bringing Up Father 8:15 The People the Sexes of the Piano Bringing Up Father 8:30 Lewisohn Sta- Haphazard Ravina Park challenge o' Yukon 8:45 dium Concert Haphazard Concert Steele Orch. 9:00 G. Miller Orch. A Date News Ace Wythe Williams 9:15 Public Affairs With Judy Defense Report Grant Park 9:30 Juan Arvizu College Good- Concert n-A- Alr l r TtTir1 innr Neighbors IStory Drama