.0 AY, AUGUST 10.,1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Spanish Talk Will Be Given Pan-American Relations To Be Finlayson Topic Speaking at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the recreation room of the International Center will be Prof. Clarence Finlay- son, professor of Latin-American lit- erature at Notre Dame University, who will talk in Spanish on "El Fu- tura de Las Americas." Formerly professor of philosophy at the University of Santiago, Chile, and a visiting professor at the National University of Mexico, Professor Fin- layson is a weiter of note for various Latin-American journals. His lecture will deal with Pan- American cooperation in the field of culture relations. All interested who have a sufficient knowledge of Span- ish are invited to, attend. Arrangements are being made to deliver the speech in English at a later date. Cuba's natural gasoline fields will yield 7,000,000 gallons this year. Engineers, Geologists Of Camp Davis Tour Yellowstone Park Chinatown Modernzed Season's Biggest Social Event Will Be 'Sumner Hop' Friday Biggest social event of the Sum- ballroom decorations are planned to By JOHN AUFEROTH (Special Daily Correspondent) JACKAON, Wyo.-Saturday after- noon, July 26, the engineers and ge- ologists of Camp Davis met at Canyon Lodge in Yellowstone Park. Early that morning the geologists had left Carny and traced the tour of the engineers as far as West Thumb where they branched off directly ato, the Canyon. Both groups gave the many wonders a real going over, spending most of the afternoon in seeing the Grand Canyon of the Yel- lowstone. 24-Mile Canyon The Canyon is 24 miles in length and is from 800 to 1,200 feet deep, varying greatly in width. There are two large falls in the Canyon, the highest reaching a height of 308 feet, nearly twice as tall as Niagara. The Canyon walls at the bottom of the falls dance and sparkle with the many colors of the rock where the sun shines on the wet surface. These colors are produced by the altered skyolite, of which the entire Canyon is composed. p 1 v r THE NE TH E NEW " At 5 p.m. the groups went to the grizzly feeding grounds to see the large bears in their natural state. The oddity of the feeding is that the visi- tors are put inside a large iron fence enclosure while the huge bears roam and feed at will on the outside. The grizzly, of which there are 300 in the park, is rightfully the most respected of all the wild animals. The weight of the average bear is about 600 pounds and he may reach eight or nine feet in length. One of the mor- tal enemies of the bear cub is his own father, who may kill and devour it if the mother relaxes her vigilance, Community Get-Together a That night a community get-to- gether was held, with all the students joining in folk dancing. Later a dance was held, and then to bed. Sunday morning the geologists de- parted to the geyser basins and other wonders near Old Faithful. The engineers left the park early in the morning and travelled tothe Shoshone Dam, which is located in a very narrow granite canyon with the edges making a V to set the dam in. The dam was finished in 1910 at the cost of $1,354,000. Construction notes of interest to the engineers were the error in alignment in the long1 tunnel, one-fourth of an inch in three and three-fourths miles of rock tun- neling; the method of drilling the elevator shaft, starting at the bot- tom and drilling up to the top; and the recent work tunnels drilled in the rock to regulate and repair the gates on the irrigation and power water out- lets, which are very near the base. No Visitors Allowed Since the national emergency no visitors have been allowed in the power plant or tunnels, but it was the engineers good luck to obtain special permission from the superin- tendent.who furnished armed guides to show and explain the dam and power plant. , Probably the most enjoyable hap- penings of the trip were stalking the wild life and visiting the dam. No doubt the students shall never forget the time a wild bear reared up to the car and gazed into the interior, beg- ging for a hand or a hand-out. Nor will they forget the beautiful sights in the park. Hillman Asks Silk, Rayon Factory Hour Limitation WASHINGTON, Aug. 9.--(A)- Sydney Hillman, associate director of OPM, asked all processors of silk and rayon today to limit the work week to 40 hours to help solve the unemployment problem created by lack of silk supplies and .a shortage of substitutes. Such action was necessary to over- come "unemployment threatening the silk industry's 175,000 workers," he said. i "USED EXCLUSIVELY IN PARAMOUNT PICTURES" A new adaptation of V-Ette featuring a "V!' band of power net Lastex for the woman who has distended, ribs or a full diaphragm, giving perfect comfort with no sacrifice of support. $2.00 up. s NICKEL sARCADE Prominent in the entertainment as Los Angeles' Chinatown sweptI aside scruples to turn the ancient 'Moon Festival" into a show re- sembling a Hollywood movie pre- miere, with the Chinese war relief the object, was Noel Toy, Chinese fan dancer from San Francisco. She protested that the available fans were too small and, not fea- thery enough, but later consented to do her dance. Churches Plan Vespers, Talks And Services (Continued from Page 1) Prof.- Leroy Waterman, chairman of tne Department of Oriental Lan- guages and Literature, will teach the class for students and young adults at 10:15 a.m. today in the First Bap- tist Church. Addressing the morning worship service congregation at 11 a.m. in the church will be a guest speaker, Prof. Lionell Crocker of Denison Univer- sity. * * * All students are invited to attend the meeting of the Michigan Chris- tian Fellowship at 4:30 p.m. in the Fireplace Room of Lane Hall. Fol- lowing the meeting there will, be served tea. Marie Christianson is in charge of the tea. *. * * Prof. Kenneth Hance of the speech department will again lead the dis- cussion in the student class which convenes at 9:45 a.m. in the Wesley Foundation Assembly Room of the First Methodist Church. mer Session is the Summer Hop, a formal dance which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the Michi- gan League Ballroom. Special dance music and intermis- sion entertainment will be the feat- ure attractions of the evening. The Aly, Brigance Open Speech Conferences (Continued from Page 1) Debate Handbook Series of the Na- tional University Extension Associa- tion. He is the author of "A Course Book in Public Speaking" and is a member of several organizations, in- cluding the Foreign Policy Associa- tion, the American Academy of Po- litical and Social Science, and Delta Sigma Rho. Final event of tomorrow's program will be the demonstration debate on the national high school question. sponsored annually by the department of speech which will be held at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The question for the debate is "Re- solved, That every able-bodied male citizen in the United States should be required to have one year of full- time military training before reaching the age of 21\years." The debaters, graduate students in speech, are Dr. Glen Mills of Ann Arbor, Georg B. Sargent of Boston, and Westley 1f owland of Kalamazoo, affirmative; Paul R. Beall of Des Moines, Ia., Glen Maxwell of Brooks- ton, Ind., and Russell V. Anderson of Fort Thomas, Ky., negative. The debate will be conducted under conditions similar to those used in high schools, with constructive speeches of eight minutes and rebut- tal speeches of four minutes. All sessions tomorrow are open without charge to the public. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. , Choral Evensong: The Senior Choir, directed by Hardin Van Deursen, and assised by Arthur Hackett, tenor, and Mary Eleanor Porter, organist, will present an evening of oratorio ex- cerpts Sunday, August 10, at 8:00 p.m. in the sanctuary of the First Metho- dist Church. Michigan Christian Fellowship cor- dially invites you to come to the Fire- side Room of Lane Hall Sunday after- noon at 4:30. After the meeting, Miss Marie Christianson will be in charge of the tea. (Continued on Page 4) <>< < A Word to the Wise CHINESE MERCHANDISE is no longer available. Fortunately, we have a large stock of Chinese hand- made fine linens. Buy now while the buying's good. Always Reasonably Priced GAGE LINEN SHOP 10 NICKELS ARCADE FINAL<=> : C<=> ARANCE>0< 0<=>o<=>{ make a picturesque and suitable back- ground for the dancing couples, who will be wearing formal dresses and white coats or summer suits. League Council members promise the most enjoyable all-campus dance of the summer at a time when an especially delightful evening of danc- ing and refreshments'will climax the end of the academic year. The League Council members are sponsoring the Summer Hop this year. They are working to make the Sum- mer Hop as important a dance for the summer school students as the famous J-Hop is for the students here during the winter season. Clark McClellan and his orchestra will provide the music for the eve- ning. Several new musical numbers which McClellan dedcribes as "sweet swing" have been especially prepared for this Friday's Summer Hop. Tickets for the formal dance are being sold by League Council mem- bers, and in the League Social Direc- tor's Office. They may also be pur- chased at the door. Admission for couples is 80 cents. Men and women are also invited to come alone, for the women on the League Summer Coun- cil and their specially invited friends will act as hostesses during the eve- ing, taking care to see that everyone' who comes enjoys himself. ReVinj Russia Pours New 'Millions Into Offensive (Contlued from Page 1) miliar Kakisalmi, Smolensk, Koro- sten and Bel Tserkov directions, with engagements of a reconnaissance na- ture elsewhere. These are the same fighting sectors mentioned for the past few days. Six of the Nazis' modern tank divi- sions and four of the slower-moving infantry divisions' were reported routed. The army newspaper Red Star report, which was declared to have been based on intercepted mes- sages from the German sanitary service, gave the losses as follows: Tabulate Nazi Losses Forty percent of the 11th, 13th, 14th and 16th tank divisions and of the 56th, 297th and 299th infantry divisions. Thirty percent of the 17th tank division. Twenty percent of the 111th in- fantry division. "Tremendous" losses in the 18th tank division. Figuring 15,000 men to the infan- try divisions and 12,000 to the tank divisions, and using 50 percent for the "tremendous" losses in the 18th tank division, the reported German losses would be approximately 49,800 men. §Ioday! 1% 1 {. _ _ If T Suit Every hia..: Oceasion SUIT YOURSELF ... and be on top-in the FashionWorld. 'The time has come', the walrus said" . . . here it is Fall, vacation over . . . football season coming up . . . time to follow the great American trend to choose a new Fall suit. Ydu can have a long-jacket two-piece suit to wear as is On brisk Autumn days or under a great-coat through Winter .. . a three-piece suit with its own long coat or fur jacket ... a costume ensemble for "desk-to-dinner-date" wear! Our collection of beautiful tailored American-designed suits in- cludes every style you want .. . and then some! Every color, every fabric! Start your Fall wardrobe buying here . . . in our sit deartment! $14 $25 .- . 1 :~-idam" 0 Chase away those 'Xam doldrums by shopping for cool clothes for hot Mid-Summer, for vaca- tion, for Fall and Winter. All leftover Spring and Summer stocks must go. Now is the time to stock up. You will be saying... "so glad I bought my clothes before I left Ann Arbor." SCoats . . . $12.95 One group of early fall Coverts in Natural and Military Blue. Sizes 10-20. Coats...$7and $10 d Two small groups of black, navy, pastel, Shetland twills and tweeds. Sizes 10-42. Were to $29.95 S5...$5 and. 7 A few pastel linings, Shetlands and knits. Sizes 10-20. Four Summer evening wraps . . . at $5.00 DRESSES $5.00 $7.00 $10.00 v reds I CL I N )STOM IAT ES (Many good for Fall and Winter.) For misses and women, 9-17, 12-44, 16-26. Prints-- smart black and navy with white Pastel costumes- Dresses with jackets- Boleros and redingotes- Rayon crepes- sheers- meshes- jerseys at savings of over one-half their former value. $10.95 to $29.95 (Evening and Dinner Dresses in all groups) DRESSES 4' WI i t Q ' S . t Color-related interchange- ables designed especially to fit the young Junior figure. See them, assemble them for college and cas- ual wardrobes. Sizes 9 to 17. RAINBOW TWEEDS: Cardigan, 14.95; skirt, 8.95. CAVALRY TWILL: Slacks, 6.95; skirts, 5.95; shirts, 3.95. Nat- ural, brown, forest green. GABARDINE: Slacks, skirts, shirts, 3.95 each. Natural, brown, forest green. BOTANY FLANNEL slacks, 8.95. Natural, light blue, brown, fot Ec~ refn. $2.95 and $3.95 Cottons, Spun Rayons, Prints. Values to $8.95. Sizes 9-17 and 12.44 FOR $2.00 ... Group of odds and ends in Jackets, Blouses, and Skirts. FOR $1 00,... Odds and Ends in Blouses, Skirts, Gloves. AT 49c .. . Odds and Ends in pastel Gloves and Costume Jewelry. NO APPROVALS - ALL SALES FINAL I mow, .... ..._.. . : . ...