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August 10, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-10

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Fair and Cooler


Official Publication Of The.Summer Session


The Fight For
Democracy .

,.- ..



Republicans Seek
To Cut Extension;
SalesTax Is Asked


House Amendments
Draft ServiceTo
Final Vote To ,Be


To Speak In


Brown Suggests
Tax On Luxuries
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. -(A)-
House Republicans drafted amenl-
ments by the dozen today for at-
tempts to 'modify administration leg-
islation which would keep the Army's
rank and file in service indefinitely.
Polls taken by leaders of both par-
ties showed that the vote next week
on the questions of unlimited exten-
sion of service would be so close that
a few members, now uncommitted,
cofld. turn the outcome either way.
But, at the same time, these surveys
indicated that an 18-months contin-
uation - already approved by the
Senate-might win a House majority,
and there were indications that Dem-
ocratic leaders were willing to com-
promise. "
Two Amendments
Representative Short (Rep.-Mo.),
one of the floor leaders of the oppo-
sition to the legislation, said the
minority would make their principal
fight for these two amendments:
1. To make the continuation of
service beyond the present 12-month
period apply only to National Guard,
Reserves and enlisted men, thus per-
mitting the selectees to be discharged
at the end of their year of training.
2. To eliminate a preamble declara-
tion of policy which says that 'the
national interest is imperiled."
'Breach Of Faith'
"We' do not feel that Congress
should at this time continue selectees
in our Army beyond their 12-month
period of training and. service," Short
said. "For us - to keep them longer
than that would be a breach of faith
or at least considered so, on the part
of-the go'rnment. "
Rep. Fish (Rep.-N.Y.), who said'
"scores" of .amendments would be
presented, said he would propose the
release of all married soldiers, Na-
tional Guardsmen and selectees.
Some Democrats expressed the
opinion that it did not make much
difference what restrictions the
House approved because the Senate
and House bills would be sent to a
joint Senate-House committee com-
prised predominantly of administra-
tion leaders who would then bring
back a new bill which would have to
be accepted or rejected in whole.
* * *
Senator Brown Asks
For Modified Sales Tax
WASHINpTON, Aug. 9.-(A)-
Senator Brwn, Michigan Democrat,
suggested to the Senate Finance
Committee today a modified form of
the sales tax, applied chiefly to lux-
ury items.
Senator Brown's suggestion came
as opposition developed in the com-
mittee against further broadening of
the income tax base.
At a finance committee hearing
yesterday, Secretary of the Treasury
Morgenthau proposed that tax ex-
emptions be reduced from $2,000 to
$1,500 for married persons and from
$800 to $750 for single individuals.
Majority In Favor
Chairman George (Dem.-Ga.) of
the finance group endorsed the sug-
gestion, and said he believed "a ma-
jority of the committee is disposed
to accept it."
However, Brown, a member of the
finance committee, told reporters
that little would be gained from low-
ering exemptions further. Senator
Connally (Dem.-Tex.), another com-
mitteeman, said he doubted that cut-
ting the exemption from $800 to $750
for single persons would rise any
appreciable revenue but added that
a reduction from $2,000 to $1,500 for
married persons might be worth-
Exemption Cuts
When the exemptions were cut
from $2,500 to $2,000, for married
persons and from $1,000 to $800 for
single individuals, Brown declared,

the new group of lower-bracket tax-
payers provided only $19,000,000 in
revenue. In addition, he said it cost
$15,000,000 to collect that revenue.
"The additional revenue we would
gain from a further cut wouldn't
amount to anything," Brown con-
tended, "and we would. merely be
harcit an.roiin nf alrnadv-dis-

* * *-
Hall Will Open
Study Group's
Last Lectures
'Dilemma Of Democracy'
Is Subject Of Address
At 4:15 P.M. Tomorrow
Beginning the last week of lec-
tures of the Graduate Study Pro-
gram in Public Policy in a World at
War, H. Duncan Hall, formerly of
the League of Nations Secretariat,
will speak at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
the, Lecture Hall of the Rackham
School on "The Dilemma of Democ-
A graduate of the University of
Sydney in Australia, Mr. Hall was
awarded a traveling scholarship
which allowed him five years of
study at the University of Oxford.
From 1921 to 1926 he published
articles and lectured at the Uiiver-'
sity of Sydney. In 1925 he led the
Australian delegation at the Insti-
tote of Pacific Relations and was
delegate to that conference in 1927
and 1939.
Following a year teaching and lec-
turing in this country, Mr. Hall was
appointed to the Secretariat of the
League of Nations in 1927. He stayed
with the League in various capacities
for the next 12 years.
Since 1939 Mr. Hall has spent his
time writing and lecturing. Last sum-
mer he spent as visiting professor at
Harvard University.
aMr. Hall is perhaps best known for
his book "The British Commonwealth
of Nations," published in 1920, which
summed up the past development
and forecast the main lines of fu-
ture development of the British Em-
Church Plans
Choral, Solo
For Evensong
Offering 'two solos from oratorios,
Profs. Arthur Hackett, tenor, and
Hardin Van Deursen, baritone, will
be featured in a Choral Evensong to
be presented at 8 p.m. today in the
sanctuary of the First Methodist
The selection to be rendered by
Professor Hackett is "In Native
Worth" from Haydn's "Creation."
This will be followed by the choir's
offering "The Heavens Are Tellin
from the same work, with Bonnie
Ruth Van Deursen in the solo part
of Gabriel.
Professor Van Deursen's solo offer-
ing will be "But Who May Abide"
from Handel's dramatic "Messiah."
The choir will then sing the Halle-
lujah Chorus.
Rounding out the program will be
numbers by the choir, directed by
Professor Van Deursen and accom-
panied at the organ by Mary Eleanor
To be rendered by the group are
"Grant Them Rest" from the "Man-
zoni Requiem" by Verdi, a plain song
chant, "Jam Lucis," and "How Lovely
Is Thy Dwelling Place" from Brahms'
'A German Requiem."
Concluding the program will b
"Cast Thv Burden Unon the Lord"

Aly, lBrigance
Open Speech
Dr. Hopkins To Welcome
Second Annual Forensic
Meeting Tomorrow
Registration for the second annual
Speech Conference will take place
from 9 to 11 a.m. tomorrow in the
lower lobby of the W. K. Kellogg In-
stitute, and Dr. Louis A. ,Hopkins,
director of the Summer Session will
give the welcoming address at 11 a.m.
in the Kellogg Auditorium.
Prof. W. Norwood Brigance, of Wa-
bash College, and Prof. Bower Aly, of
the University of Missouri, will be
the visiting speakers in the sessions
tomorrow. Both men are nationally
recognized leaders in the field of
speech education.
Professor Brigance will speak at 2
p.m. on "The Place of Public Address
in American History," and Prof. Aly
at 3:30 p.m. on "Directing Forensics,
with Special Attention to the Nation-
al High School Debate Question for
1941-42." Both lectures will be given
in the auditorium of the Kellogg In-
Chairman of the Department of
Speech at Wabash College, Professor
Brigance is also editor-elect of the
Quarterly Journal of Speech, the offi-
cial publication of the National Asso-
ciation of 'teachers of Speech and is
the director for the National Asso-
ciation of Teachers of ,Speech of
Studies on American Public Address.
Professor Brigance is the author of
eight books in the field of speech
and has published more than 30 es-
says and research articles in educa-
tional and literary magazines.
Professor Aly, director of forensics
at the University of Missouri, is a
member of the executive committee
of the National Association of Teach-
ers of Speech and is the editor of the
(Continued on Page 3)
French Picture
To Be Shown
By Art Cinema
'Crime And Punishment'
Stars Pierre Blanwhar;
English Sub-Titles Used
"Crime and Punishment," the best
foreign film of 135, will be revifed
by the Art Cinema League when it is
shown here at 8:15 p.m. today in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham School.
Based on Dostoyevski's famous
novel of the same name, the French
film . stars Pierre Blanchar as the
student-murderer, Madeleine Ozeray
as Sonia and Harry Bauer as the po-
lice inspector.
Voted by the Venice Exhibition in
1935 the world grand prize for act-
ing, the picture also was chosen as
one of the ten best foreign films
to be released in the United States
that year.
The story centers about a mur-
derer's retribution brought about by
his own conscience. The picture has
been called by New York critics "a
brilliant, human document of a tor-
tured mind." As most of Dostoyev-
ski's characters, the film's portrayals
are psychological studies. Dialogue
is in French and English sub-titles
are appended.
Tickets for "Crime and Punish-
ment" may be obtained at the Union
and the League. They will also be on
sale at the Rackham School from
7:30 p.m. until curtain time.
Piano Recital

Is Scheduled
Brinkman, Beller To Play
Brahms And Chopin
Music by Chopin and Brahms will
be played by Prof. Joseph Brinkman
of the School of Music and William
Beller in a piano recital at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the Rackham Assembly
Mr. Beller will open the program
with "Sonata, Ip. 58, B minor" (Al-
legro maestroso; Scherzo; Adagio;
Finale-Presto) while Professor Brink-
man will offer "Variations and Fugue
on a Theme by Handel" by Brahms.
Phyllis Warwick, pianist, a student
of Professor Brinkman and Prof. Ma-
bel Ross Rhead, will offer another
recital at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the Rackham Assembly Hall.
n' .~ A

Berlin Claims Reds'
Lines Weakening
Along All Sectors
Advance Seen
In Ki4.ev .Area
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, August 9. - Russian
sources tonight reported the big guns
of the Soviet Baltic Fleet had
smashed German troop concentra-
tions along the Estonian coast, while
the official Red Army communique
said fierce-fighting troops were hold-
ing the Germans firm in the same
battle-torn areas where they have
stood for several days.
At the same time, the Soviet Army
newspaper reported the cutting up
of ten new Nazi divisions with a toll
of 50,000 invaders slain or wounded
and an official spokesman said the
air fleet would continue the bombing
of Berlin with one of the objectives
the breaking of German morale.
Admitted Bombings
(The German official news agency
DNB acknowledged tonight that
Russian bombers had attempted to
attack Berlin last night. hut stated
that the Red raiders were forced to
turn back by anti-aircraft fire before
even reaching outskirts of the Nazi
Tass, the Soviet official news
agency, reported that the Russian
bombers dropped explosives and in-
cendiaries on railway and nfilitary
objectives in Berlin last night, start-
ing fires, but that the raid was
chiefly for reconnoitering.
Relieved Army Unit
Reporting the use of the Baltic
Fleet,...along the Estonian coast, a
dispatch to Red Fleet, Qrgan of the
Russian Navy, said the , action re-
lieved a threatened Red Army unit..
Red Fleet said ,this teamwork be-
tween the Army and Navy resulted
from a hurried call for aid from the
hard-pressed Soviet troops. Without
regard to the danger of Nazi shore
batteries, it added that the warships
steamed up to the shore line to fire
deadly salvos.
Elsewhere in the Baltic, the offi-
cial war bulletin said the Red Fleet
sank an "enemy" torpedo boat and
damaged two others along with some
"List Conflict Zones
In the official report of the prog-
ress of the continent-wide battle
line, the Red Army communique said
the zones of gigantic conflict along
the 1,200-mile front were in the fa-
(Continued on Page 3)
Price Will Talk
At 4:15 Today

Priorities Control Over Steel


May Hamper Civilian Output
NEW YORK, Aug. 9.-(P-Placing ingots at close to the full "rated"
E all forms of steel under full prior- capacity pace of 84,000,006 annually,
ies control by the Office of Produc- but yet there is not steel enough.
For the automobile industry, the
on Management in Washington to- full priority announcement may be
ay may "put the choker" on output particularly bad news. The automo-
civilian goods in thousands of key bile companies, which in the 1941
nes, business circles said here to- model year just ended produced 5,-
590,000 passenger cars and trucks,
ay. almost as many as in the record year
Automobiles, electric refrigerators, 1929, long ago agreed to reduce the
itchen ranges, washing machines, 1942 model output by 20 percent, but
nd other familia items may appear with priorities on steels of all kinds,
a fewer numbers of display rooms the reduction may be as much as 50
nd on store counters. or 60 percent.

With allow steels as well as other
types going under priority, evei
things like kitchenware, cut Vcy,
vacuum bottles, tin cans, and variety
merchandise may feel 4 sharp pinch.
When the big $50,000,000,000 na-
tional defense program started, steel
company executives, meeting with
government officials, believed that
steel producing facilities were ade-
quate to provide all the metal needed
both for consumer goods industries
and for armaments.
Defense demands, however, have
been soaring.
Steel companies, lighting every
available furnace, now are producing
Churches Plan
Vespers, Talks
And Services
Final Program In Sunday
Evening Series Planned
By Presbyterian Church
"After Death-What?" is the last
of the topics to be considered at the
Sunday Vespers at 6:45 p.m. today
at the First Presbyterian Church and
concludes the series on "Questions
That Haunt Mankind."
This will be led by Dr. William P.
Lemon, pastor of the church, and
will follow a 6 p.m. supper in the
Morning worship services will con-
tinue today and next Sunday, fol-
lowing which the church will be
closed for three Sundays. On Sep-
tember 14 and 21, union services will
be conducted at the church, the
Christian Church congregation unit-
ing, and their pastor, the Rev. Fred
Cowin, leading the morning worship
- * *
The Rev. Henry O. Yoder will ad-
dress the Trinity Lutheran Church
congregation at the 10:30 a.m. serv-
ice on the subject, "A Spiritual Diag-
nosis." Drawing on the story of the
38-year paralytic at the Pool of
Bethesda, Reverend Yoder will at-
tempt to prove that many of the
problems which are generally attrib-
uted to physical causes may be in-
terpreted in 'terms of mental, and
spiritual outlook.
Instead of their regular meeting,
the Lutheran Student Association
will be ,entertained at 5:30 p.m. at
an informal evening at the home of
Reverend Yoder, 215 East William
(Continued on Page 3)
Vichy Accepts
Nazis' Views
France To Follow Berlin,
Envoy Brinon Declares
VICHY, Unoccupied France, Aug.
9.->P)-Vernand Brinon, envoy of
the Vichy government in Occupied
France, declared today in an inter-
view in Paris, made public in Vichy
tonight, that France has decided to
accept the German version of the
new world order as opposed to that
of Britain and the United States.
As the interview was made public
there was considerable speculation
on the results of the day-long con-
ference here among Chief of State

Soviet Fleet Guns Bombard Nazi
Concentrations; Moscow Pouring
M1iions Of Men Into Battle Front


Songs, Dances,
Talks Feature .
Holiday Today
Ecuadorians On CampusI
To Celebrate National
Holiday Here At Union
La Fiesta Nacional del lode Au-
gosto, the national holiday of Ecua-
dor, will be celebrated by Ecuador-
ians on campus and all others inter-
ested with a program at 8 p.m. today
in the Union Ballroom presented by
the Ecuadorians of the Latin-Amer-~
ican Summer Session of the Inter-
national Center.
The program will open with the
singing of the national anthem of.
Ecuador by the assembled Ecuador-
ians. Following this Senor Wilson
Cordova, private secretary to the
President of Ecuador, will preside
over introductions. Dr. Teodoro Al-
varado Olea, who was originally
scheduled to make the introductions,
has been called to New York and so
will not be present.
Senor Cordova will next give a
short talk on "The Significance of
the 10th of August," explaining the
meaning of the Ecuadorian national
holiday. Dr. Miguel Albornoz will
then speak on "Spanish and Ecua-
dorian Art."
The program will be concluded
with two dances, one a typical native
dance, "San Juanito," and the other
a typical Spanish dance, "Jota Es-
panola." Senorita Teresa Bueno and
Dr. Alejandro Paz will present the
first dance and Senorita Clara Busta-
mante will do the latter.
The Ecuadorians invite all inter-
ested in celebrating their national
holiday with them to attend the pro-
gram. There will be no charge.
Prof. Wethey
Will I'Discuss
"Paris School'
Concluding a series of three lec-
tures on French painting, Prof. Har-
old E. Wethey, chairman of the De-
partment of Fine Arts, will speak at
4:10 p.m. tomorrow in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall, on the sub-
ject, "The School of Paris" (20th
Although the center of the group,
from whose creations evolved all new
movementsin the field of painting,
was in Paris, it was essentially cos-
mopolitan in character. Artists from
all over the world gathered in the
Latin Quarter to work together.
Leaders of the School were Ma-
tisse, a Frenchman, and Picasso, a
Spaniard. These two men figured
widely in the development of the
two chief movements of the early
part of the period, expressionism
and cubism and abstract art. The,
former interpretation originated with
Matisse, Rouault and Derain, princi-
pally, and the latter with Picasso
and the Frenchman Braque. From
these two movements have been de-

Air Raids On Berlin
To Be Continued,'
Moscow Reports
Ten Divisions
Of Nazis Cut
(By The Associated Press),
BERLIN, Aug. 9-German war re-
ports tonight said that the Russians
were pouring a seemingly endless
stream of millions of men into the
continent-wide bloody battlefront.
They declared, however, that there
was a marked softening of Soviet re-
sistance, and reported that the posi-
tion of the Red armies fighting in
the Ukraine, where the major Ger-
man effort now appears to be cen-
tered, was untenable.
New Victories In South
The official reports told of new
victories in the drive on the impor-
tant southern front, generally lo-
cated south of Kiev and north of the
Black Sea port of Odessa, bringing
the German count of Red prisoners
to more ;than a million.
Declaring that the Russians had
suffered a crushing blow in the en-,
circlement battle south of Uman re-
ported earlier in the week, high Ger-
man sources said they thought the
Soviet forces now would soon have
to yield that part of Vkrainian terri-
tory east of the Dnieper River bend
including- the Black Sea coast and
Benefit By Sacrifice
Germans said the great battles of
thle last seven days in which Russian
soldiers stood and accepted anihila-
tion were paying increasing divi-
dends for German arms now cutting
deep slices into the Ukraine and cen-
tral fronts..
The German count of prisoners
mounted to more than a million-
1,036,000-with the wiping out of an
encircled unit at Roslavl, 60 miles
southeast of Smolensk, as reported
by the High Command. 'I
Predict Kiev Success
Military commentators predicted
decisions "of the broadest scope" in
the Ukraine where 'the High Com-
mand also announced the capture
of Korosten, 80 miles northwest of
Kiev, one of the keys to the defense
of that capital.
In the north the German Luft-
waffe was reported peppering every-
thing afloat in an offensive which
Germans compared with those at
Dunkerque, Greece and Crete, to pre-
vent Russians fighting with their
backs to the Baltic, from executing
a successful evacuation of Estonia.
The reported capture of 38,000 prs-
onep' at Roslavl appaently meant
the. Germans had widened their'
wedge to a broad front aimed at
Moscow, 230 miles or less away. The
Germans first reported this force
partly surrounded and partly anni-
hilated three days ago.
Added to the 25 divisions which
the Germans said were destroyed in
the Ukraine with Russian losses of
200,000 casualties and 103,000 pris-
ners, the, Nazis thus totaled within
14 hours Soviet dead, wounded and
captured at 341,000.
German speed troops, with the help
of Hungarians, were reported by-
passing Kiev, turning southeastward
from Bel Tserkov to skirt the west
side of the broad Dnieper toward the
huge Soviet complex of steel making,
coal and ore mining and power pro-
ducing at Dnepropetrovsk.
This industrial center in the broad
bend of' the Dnieper Is 240 miles
southeast of Kiev.
Germans said that it was in this
gigantic battle for' the road plateau
of wheat and ,mineral producing
lands between the Dnieper, Dniester
and the Black Sea that Russian
forces. were first to really weaken.
* * *
Tw 'AFs'T Rai8 n Hl

On Germany, London Says
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Aug.-The two RAF's--
the British Royal Air Force and the
Red Air Force-will ride Europe's
lengthening night in superlative
raids that will turn German cities
into "hells of death and destruction"
before the year is out, the British
predicted tonight.

'Russia At War' Is Theme
Of Professor's Speech
Prof. Hereward T. Price, of the
University's English department, will
lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall on "Russia
at War," under the sponsorship of
the Committee to Defend America
by Aiding the Allies.
Born in Madagascar, son of an
English missionary, Professor Price
received his education in England,
taking his B.A. and M.A. at Oxford.

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