^ "T HE M1I CH IG AN D A ILY Iv n '(:i t.5 "P w9EiY~ii f +3i~b 5E~ln "T EW VEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Daily Calendar of Events, Wednesday, July 2- 4:15 p.m. Lecture. "Fundamental Principles of American Foreign Policy." Dexter Perkins, Professor of History, University of Rochester. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) 4:15 p.m. Assembly of undergraduate and graduate students interested in Educa- tion. (University High School Auditorium). 7:15 p.m. Men's Education Club organization meeting. (Michigan Union). 5:30 p.m. Pi Lambda Theta. Supper and organization meeting. Russian Tea Room of the League. 7:15 p.m. Women's Education Club organization meeting. (Michigan League). 7:30 p.m. Intermediate Dancing Class. (Michigan League Ballroom). 8:00 p.m. Medical Lecture. "Your Allergy and What To Do About It." Dr. John M. Sheldon. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building). 8:30 p.m. "Much Ado About Nothing," by William Shakespeare. (Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre). Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.- Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CMICAb O *sotd *-LosANGELEg- rSANsFRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-4 1 Managing Editor City Editor . Associate Editor. Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Staf Business Staf f Karl Kessler Harry M. Kelsey . William Baker Eugene Mandeberg Albert P. Blaustein . Barbara Jenswold f. . Daniel H. Huyett Fred M. Ginsberg, Florence Shurgin Business Manager . . . Local Advertising Manager . Women's Advertising Manager ~VsI - -- .IV NIGHT EDITOR: ALBERT P. BLAUSTEIN The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Noble Heritage And Its Future ... T HE COMPOSITION of the Board in Control of Student Publications has now been conclusively re-established by the Re- gents, and the additional faculty appointments have been made. The revision has been accepted by the publications board, and for the present the issue is settled. To the new faculty men appointed, we extend a sincere welcome to the publications fold. We have fought vigorously the addition of more faculty membership to the Board, but our fight was one of principles, not of personalities. Our reasons for opposing the change were fundamental; we believe they involved basic principles of self government which belonged rightly to the students of the University. N OR do we mean to impugn the motives of the men who have backed the revision. Many believed, and believed sincerely, that the change would aid and strengthen The Daily. In the short run, their reasons may be valid. What we are fighting for is a long term policy. One which will hold long after the personalities involved have been forgotten. Our principle is much the same as that presented by th demo- cratic system. In efficiency and general suc- cess, we must admit, democracy falls far short of a benevolent, omniscent dictatorship. Benevo- lence and omniscience are, however, only tem- porary in nature. Benevolence today may easily become malevolence tomorrow, and because we fear this eventuality, we today prefer to fight for democracy. SQO 4LSO, by relinquishing their rights of full representation, the students may achieve temporary advantages. Once relinquished, how- ever, these rights no longer can serve a protec- tive measure if administrative changes in years to come swing from benevolence to malevolence. The Daily in past years has been run and ad- ministered by students. Under this leadership, and with the accompanying pride in a true stu- dent paper, The Daily has grown to be one of the top college papers in the country. We hope this heritage shall not become but a golden past. For the present, the issue is settled. To the thousands of students and facultymen who backed our stand, we wish to express our full appreciation. W E WISH also to thank the retiring members of the Board, Professors McLaughlin and Calderwood. They have never failed to stand by what they believed was best for The Daily. We shall miss their aid and counsel. Further changes in the composition of the Board are in the hands of the RIegents. We shall do our best to conduct a Daily consistent with the best interests of the students, the Uni- versity and our noble heritage, hoping that some day, when the clouds of resentment stirred up - by the revision fight have cleared, we shall be able to regain what we have lost. - Karl Kessler Textbook Library Needs Student Aid .. . OW ENTERING its fifth year of service, the Student Textbook Lend- ing Library plays a role second only to the schol- arship funds in providing aid to needy students. Housed in Angell Hall Study Hall, the library's DRAMA' By BARBARA JENSWOLD Sparked by the brilliant performances of Ada McFarland as Beatrice and Hugh Norton as Benedick, the Repertory Players' opening sul- mer offering of Much Ado About Nothing last evening gave a too-small audience something to really enjoy and to carry away. Not a point in the delightful and witty repartee which the Bard gave these characters was missed-they proved, 'ather, a foundation for the play. A cast better selected than that for the Play Production offering in the spring considerably strengthened Much Ado for this second produc- tion. The new Claudio, James Moll, put a lift into his interpretation which put him in line among the most outstanding of the actor\ About the only suggestion we have to offer him is that he emphasize the transitions between di- rect conversations and asides which are his business in the scene in which Benedick is hid- den, downstage. Leonato, Norman Oxhandler, outshone his brother Antonio, Marvin Levey, by far. The latter was weak and insignificant. But orchids to the former! Also to the gentlewoman, Marg- aret-she was smart, we could see. And William Halstead's Dogberry, though it was shadowy at first, strengthened out in time to be a truly fine bit of acting. Back to Benedick, now, for commendations. The facial expressions were perfect, the transi- tions unequalled. "Rich she shall be, that is cer- tain," and "In the which, good sir, I shall desire your help," among others could never in the world be missed by the audience. As for Miss McFarlahd, perhaps the most ade- quate expression for the impression she gave is that she "lorded it over all." Not an iota of the strength of that character was sacrificed to the woman in her. We could see nothing in the way of improvement to recommend to Miss McFar- land. % Two rather bitter criticisms, and another not so bad we have to offer about factors which dis- credited the play as a whole. One is in regard to the plotting scenes with Don John, Jack Mitchell. One who is not too familiar with this play would almost lose track of the action's mo- tivation from that point on, because of the weak ness of these few scenes. Their talk was too intimate to get across the footlights; when per- fect strangers are introduced so late in the ac- tion, it is necessary that they be stronger and more noticeable to give them a reason for en- tering the play. The second point is technical. When shifts were made from scene to scene, it seemed that cues were too well learned, for it was easy to become confused in the transitions involved and some of those transitions were pretty large. A Shakespeare work must of necessity be speeded up for the accommodation of the audience, but there is a limit. Third point is on lighting, which at times placed actors in shadow and which roughened the time sequence. Taking all in all, however, we recommend the Repertory Players' Much Ado About Nothing as a really notable performance. Did Hess Carry A War-Peace Plan? G EORGE SELDES' much criticized pint-sized weekly, In Fact, purport- ing to publish "for the millions who want a free press" but often in the past accused of pro-Nazi tendencies, came out this week with information from London and Washington revealing the secret of Herr Hess' jaunt to Scotland. According to this information, Hess brought with him an offer of peace in exchange for war. Hitler would be willing to make peace with Britain if Britain would join Germany against Russia. Germany would be given back her Afri- can colonies and would gain certain territories in Europe, including Ukraine, Alsace and Lor- raine, while France would be restored with the exception of those two provinces. STILL according to In Fact's information, Hess intended to refuel and take an answer back to Hitler within two days. Hess sought out the Duke of Hamilton, because the latter was a leader of the English Buchmanites, a pro-Nazi group. The rest of In Fact's article is devoted to showing the strength of Buchmanism in the English government. THE QUESTION that immediately comes to mind is, if this was the real purpose of Hess' flight, why was there such secrecy surrounding the entire affair, and why did Winston Churchill not reveal this peace-war proposal to Parlia- ment? It might be possible to accept In Fact's in- formntinn and reason that Mr. Churchill did not \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\\\\V'\\ By Terenceo ko HOWDY, FOLKS. I'm taking over this corner for the sum- mer, which means that I will at irregular inter- vals fill around 10 inches of this page, and at other times get guest columnists to do my dirty work for me. Whenever this column is short enough, the edit page will also have a column by two newcomers who show some promise, though they have a lot to learn-Pearson and Allen. Write some drivel called Washington Merry-Go- Round. I'll try to make this as light as possible, as you have probably guessed from the stock head, which I picked up during a literary forayinto A. E. Housman. If you get tired of reading, there's the little game you can try and finish. And if you ever do finish it so that one side wins without cheating, tear off the top of an egg and send it in to me with your solution. You will win absolutely nothing. * * * Well, exams for last semester are over, and like they say about war, there's even some humor in the grim business of examinations. This is the true story of a certain athlete that took a certain final; or at least the prof who tells it swears it's true. Evidently the questions weren't quite to this fellow's liking. When the bluebook was turned in it was utterly blank except for these few words: Dear Prof: Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here. Love, The professor says it's true, but refuses to tell the grade he gave the student. HAVEN'T READ the Daily review of "Much Ado" yet since I never read the edit page. (I'm afraid I might see this column there some time.) But take a tip and don't miss it. It's really Shakespeare in the way Shakespeare should be. And I ain't in the pay of nobody. Slips That Pass In The Type: Our contem- poraries go to the Senior Ball. In the Lambda Chi Alpha group were Martha Graham of Forest Ave, with Roy Neff of Brooklyn, N.Y., wearing a copen- hagen blue pique in a simple model. - Ann Arbor News, June 21 I saw him there too, and he just looked too ducky, fellows. Diabolical Description Department: Speaking of the new fountain outside the League: It looks like a, busted water main (from a student who must forever remain anonymous) . . . I looked at her face and read between the lines ... The age of chiselry (The Kansas City Star) .. The kind of a man who remembers how old you are but forgets your birthday. Thot For a Hot Day: To Hervie (The Kain- tuck Kernel) Haufler, former managing editor of The Daily, goes credit for today's brain-cooler. For any hot day-or any day-says Hervie, the thing would be beer popsicles. Trade name: Keg-On-A-Stick. * * * Why if it gets any hotter this column will appear at decreasingly frequent intervals (you lucky people, you!): Hot Weather Song I feel so exceedingly lazy, I neglect what I oughtn't to should! My notion of work is so hazy That I couldn't to toil if I would! I feel so exceedingly silly, That I say all I shouldn't to ought! My mind is as frail as a lily It would break with the weight of a thought! - Don Marquis people would never be willing to sit by and let Parliament sell them down the river. IF this peace-war plan were the object of Hess' visit, an immediate revelation of the proposal would have been to England's gain. Such a plan, authoritatively issued, would show a Hitler that the English people have waited long to see: a Hitler admitting that the conquest of Britain was beyond his present power; a Hitler telling the world that Germany could no longer hold out on her own resources but in need of the wheat. fields of the Ukraine and the extensive oil fields in order to exist; a Hitler asking the aid of a foe in order to gain these necessities; and a Hitler willing to forfeit much of its present gains in order to accomplish this objective. Of Mikes & Men By JUNE McKEE THIS SUMMER RADIO rightfully rises in its place in Ann Arbor's sun. "Mike" at Morris Hall basks in the light of some shining innova- tions-summer session radio assem- blies, the new second edition of Pro- fessor Abbot's "Handbook of Broad- casting," distinguished visiting in- structors and guests. Today in the Rackham Amphi- theatre's coolness and comfort the first' radio assembly is lheld, from 4:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Everyone in- terested in these non-technical mo- tion pictures on radio will be wel- come. Nine sound films are to be shown-"On the Air," "Behind the Mike," "Family Album," "Radio and Television," and "Color Harmony," included. Consequent assemblies will feature Miss Geraldine Elliott, continuity editor, Mr. Owen Uridge, assistant general manager, and Mr. Leo Fitz- patrick, vice-president and general manager-all of Station WJR in De- troit; Miss Judith Waller, director of the Public Service Program of the NBC, Mr. S. Stephenson Smith, edu- cational counselor of ASCAP, and Mr. Earl McGill, casting director and producer of the CBS. This summer the radio staff is studded by the presence of Mr. James Church, on leave from the NBC's production staff he has served for the past ten years, directing among many others, the programs of the Radio Guild and Great Play Series, Manhattan Merry-Go-Round, and Adventures in Reading. Formerly director of the Civic Theatre in Den- ver, Mr. Church was also instructor at Northwestern University, and member of the staff of the Cleveland Playhouse. To the students of his initial sec- tion in broadcasting technique, Mr. Church mentioned the merits of luck and bluff in radio work, his personal experience with regional stations, not only selling time and announcing, but arranging schedules and pro- grams-"even to sweeping out the place." Mr. Church favors the re- laxation from "ear fatigue" after hours of auditioning, and disapproves of visible audiences for the radio actor, whose prime concern should be that ofhis listeners. He pointed out the defense for so-called "soap operas," showing their wide appeal, with radio's commitment to satisfy the demand-which can and is steadily improving. "Ten years ago an hour and a half of symphony mu- sic would never have survived the flick of the switch." While Mr. Church presents radio adaptations over WJR, Mr. Donald E. Hargis will provide that station with militant poetry. Instructor in speec hat the University of Oregon, Mr. Hargis returns for his second season of teaching at Michigan- much to the delight of those of us who had some memorable times en- acting radio scenes with him two summers past. We are also still favored with the indispensable presence of Charles Moore, Chief Engineer of Broadcast- ing Service, and assistant to Director Waldo Abbot. With Professo Abbot, he will present again his summer laboratory in the 'Production and Reproduction of Speech. Many more of our Michigan men are now announcing professionally. Ward Quaal has joined the staff of Station WGN in Chicago, and Bob Lewis, WTRY, in Troy, New York. Maury Mazer works with WOOD in Grand Rapids, while Peter Antonelli enjoys announcing and selling in Beckley, W. Va., at WJLS. Mort Jampel, most recent groom around Morris Hall, is now program director at WSOO in Sault Ste. Marie, where Frank Firnschild and his wife also work and reside. Dick Slade contin- ues as staff announcer at WWJ's new frequency modulation station, W45D, while much-missed Whitfield Connor carries on with the drama at the Cain Park Theatre in Cleveland. Draf tables At.College... The question of drafting college students is a lively issue not only among the colleges, who face declin- ing enrollments next year if their students are put into the army, but also among draft boards from coast to coast. The issue, in its simplest terms, is just this-is there any reason why college men should be granted priv- ileges of exemption not granted to other men of the same age? The public has strong feelings pro and con about 'this issue. Only one per- son in seventeen in the survey has an opinion-an unusually small pro- portion. The majority of voters ,think col- lege boys should be deferred from the draft because they say the country needs college trained men, for fu- ture leadership, or, as a number of voters in the survey put it: "We need trained brains as well as trained bodies." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Rackham Building. The three lec- tures will be concerned with vitamin E as folows: (1) Chemistry, (2) Re- lation to Reproduction, (3) Other Physiological Relations. All inter- ested are invited to attend. Speech Students: The annual Stu- dent-Faculty Luncheon of the De- partment of Speech will be held at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday in the ball- room of the Michigan League. Math. 301, Seminar in Pure Mathe- matics. Meeting to arrange the work and hours, Wednesday, at 3 o'clock, in 3201 A.H. Math. 300, Orientation Seminar. Meeting to arrange the work and hours, Wednesday, at 4 o'clock, in 3201 A.H. Math. 327, Seminar in Statistics. Meeting to'arrange hours Wednes- day at 12 noon in 3020 A.H. Philosophy 351: Preliminary con- sultations will be held in my office, South Wing, Room 304, on Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30. English 168 (Price) will meet Tu- WThF at 8 instead of 9 a.m. in 3231 A.H. Students in English 298 who have not already decided upon their con- ference period for the course should come to my office, 3227 Angell Hall, Wednesday morning between 9 and 12. Pi Lamba Theta supper and organ- ization meeting will be held tonight at 5:30 in the Russian Tea Room, Michigan League Building. Members of all chapters are cordially invited to attend. School of Music Assembly: All stu- dents of the School of Music are in- vited to an Assembly to be held in the School of Music Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 2. Guest Lecture: Mr. Austris A. Wihtol, of Chicago, eminent Latvian composer, conductor of Russian church music, and director of the Latvian Singers, will be in Ann Arbor at 8 p.m. July 2 to conduct a demon- stration of folk-music and Russian church music arranged and adapted for use by high school and college choral groups. The Latvian Singers appeared in Hill Auditorium in April for the presentation of "The Great Vespers." There will be no charge for this meeting, and it is one of the services available to Summer Ses- sion students who are interested in becoming acquainted with the exten- sive literature in the choral field. Tour of the Campus, Thursday, July 3 at 2:00 p.m. Inspection of General Library, Clements Library of Early American History, Cook Legal Research Library and other buildings of the Law Quadrangle, Michigan Union, Burton Memorial Tower, Aeronautical Laboratory, Na- val Tank, and other points of inter- est. Explanatory talks will be given by those in charge. Trip ends at 4:45 p.m. There is no charge for this excursion. Lecture this afternoon at 4:15 on "Fundamental Principles of American Foreign Policy." Dexter Perkins, Professor of History, University of Rochester. Lecture Hall of the Rack- ham Building. Men's Education Club. Speaker, Howard McClusky. "The Effect of Defense Measures on Youths in the Emergency. 7:15 p.m., Wednesday, Michigan Union. Meeting of the social committee of the League at 5:00 today in the Council Room. Doris Allen Tickets (free of charge) for danc- ing at the League or Union on July 3 may be obtained in the Rackham School of Graduate Studies after 8:00 p.m. on that date. Tickets will be given out at the end of the re- ceiving line and also in the Women's Lounge for those who do not wish to go down the line. Student Graduation Recital: C. Willard Kisling, Organist, will pre- sent a recital open to the general public at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, July 3, in Hill Auditorium, in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. He is a tu- dent of Prof. Palmer Christian. Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present a North. and South American pro- gram consisting of re~resentative compositions from the two continents from 7:15 to 8 p.m. Thursday, July 3 in the Burton Memorial Tower. Attention Foreign Students: Any foreign student in the University in- terested to attend any of the sessions of the New Education Fellowship Conference can obtain free registra- tion for the entire conference by ap- plying at the Office of the Interna- tional Center during office hours. International Center Open House: In connection with the New Educa- tion Fellowship Conference, the In- ternational Center will have infor- mal Open House Sunday, July 6, from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. Portuguese Classes: The Interna- tional Center is able to offer clashes in Portuguese to Summer Session students. Organizational classes will be held at 7:00 on Wednesday and Thursday in the International Cen- ter. Le Foyer ,Francais: Men and wo- men who wish to practice daily the French language may do so by tak- ing their meals at Le Foyer Fran- cais, 1414 Washtenaw. As the num- ber of places at the tables is limited those interested should apply at once to Mlle Jeanne Rosselet, Directrice, 1414 Washtenaw, tel. 2-2547. Le Foyer Francais is under the auspices of the Romance Language Department of the University. The Summer Session French Club. The first meeting of the Summer Ses- sion French Club will take place Wednesday, July 2nd, at 8 p.m, at Le Foyer Francais, 1414 Washtenaw. Prof. Charles E. Koella will speak informally on the comedies of Geor- ges Courteline and read a few typi- cal scenes. There will also be elec- tion of the officers of the club and singing of French songs. The Summer Session French Club is open for membership to any stu- dent enrolled in the Summer School; the only requirement asked of the applicants is that they speak reason- ably well the French language. All those who wish to become members must see Prof. Koella on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, 9-10 and 11-12 in room 200 Romance Language Building. i II AI RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ. 760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270 KC - NBC Blue Wednesday Evening 6:00 News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Easy Aces 6:15 Inside Sports World News Rollin' Home Mr. Keen 6:30 Mr. Meek News by Smits Club Romanza Lone Ranger 6:45 Mr. Meek Sports Parade, Evening Serenade Lone Ranger '7:00 Big Town" Thin 'Man Adven Val Clare Quiz Kids 7:15 Big Town Thin Man Adven Happy Joe Quiz Kids 7:30 Dr. Christian Plantation Party Evening Serenade Manhattan at 7:45 Dr. Christian Plantation Party Shopper Hints Midnight 8:00 Millions Quizzer Baseball Assumption College Drama 8:15 for Quizzer Baseball Interlude Old Traveler 8:30 Defense Mr. District Atty Double or Nothing Factfinder 8:45 Millions for Def Mr. District Atty Double or Nothing Ted Steele Orch. 9:00 Glenn Miller Kay Kyser Jubilee Quartette Michigan Highways 9:15 Public Affairs Orchestra Danger My Business To be announced 9:30 Juan Arviz Kay Kyser Summer Review Ry Kinney Orch. 9:45 Gerald Smith Orchestra Summer Review Ray Kinney Orch. 10:00 Amos n' Andy Vic Abbs Orch. National News News Ace 10:15 Lanny Ross Dance Music Britain Speaks Johnny Long Orch. 10:30 Musical Fred Waring BBC Radio News Dick Rogers Orch. 10:45 Don Artiste Dance Music BBC Radio News Dick Rogers Orch. 11:00 Jack King Kennedy News Club Reporter Music You Want 11:15 Firelight Dance Music Leo Reisman Orch. Music 11:30 Fantasies Don Pablo Orch. Interlude You Want 11:45 Les Brown Orch News Jan Garber Orch. Chuck Foster Orch. 12:00 News, sign off Weather, Sign Off Music till 4 News, Sign Off Programs are released by the radio stations and are subject to change without notice 4 It of the argument-the thirty-one per cent who oppose special exemption for college boys-have equally strong feelings against what they consider "unfair discrimination." They insist that it isn't cricket to college boys give up something too?" There are others who believe that college men could always go back and finish their education. In fact, one voter said emphatically: "From what I've seen of college