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August 09, 1941 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-09

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V9, 1941


Canal Is Kept
Open In Spite
Of Bobings
Suez Utilized As Supply
Line For Food, Planes,
American Munitions
NEW YORK, Aug. 8.-()-The
Suez Canal is being kept open as a
supply line for American munitions,
planes and food destined for British
armies in. Egypt in spite of constant
bombing by Axis planes, returning
American oil men said today.
Aboard the American South Afri-
can liner City of New York, which
arrived from Capetown, were Justin
P. Ramsey, McCallen,. Tex.; W. C.
Teutch, Springhill, La., and Jack T.
Roche, Taft, Calif., oil drillers for
Socony-Vacuum, who spend 2%/2 years
in Egypt.
They told a graphic story of con-
stant bombings of laying of mines
by Axis planes in the narrow 103-
mile long canal and of British ef-
forts to remove the blasted wreckage
of ships that blocked the lifeline.
Gigantic cranes, they said, oper-
ated along the Canal to remove the
wreckage. Some of the machines
were described as American-made
and capable of clearing the wreckage
in two days after dynamite had com-
pleted the destruction wrounght by
dive bombers or mines.
They said the Canal had been,
blocked on numerous occasions by
wrecked ships, causing serious delays.
(Axis communiques have frequent-
ly claimed the Canal was unusable
by the British.)
Polio Danger
Is -Not Throughi
Health Commission Seeks
Aid If Epidemic Comes
LANSING, Aug. 8.-(P)-Although
Michigan thus far has escaped the
usual summer outbreak of infantilea
paralysis, the State Health Depart-
ment is girding to the fullest extent
for a possible epidemic.
The Kellogg Foundation, the Chil-
dren's Fund of Michigan, the Michi-
gan State Medical Society and the
State Crippled Children Commission.
have been requested by Dr. H. Allen
Moyer, State Health Commissioner,
to offer quick diagnostic and surgical
assistance in event of an outbreak.
Moyer said those groups furnished
speedy cooperation on an emergency
basis in the record outbreak of 1,200
cases last year.
"'The situation this year is differ-
ent," he said. "Thirty-four counties
which have from $50 to $1,100 in
funds from the President's birthday
celebrations have agreed this year to
use that money to fight local out-
breaks. In the past that money hasI
not been so used.";
Week Days 2-4-7-9 P.M.

aro re with Leo - g a
The Year's Big
Show Event!

Conscientious Objector Relates
Experiences At Merom Camp

Oh, To Be In The Army!

Drag Yer Gal Friend T'Dogpatch
T' Thet Sadie Hawkins Shindig

Charles Koethen, a former student
at the University now spending a year
in the Civilian Public Service Camp
at Merom, Ind., writes to a friend
here of his experiences.
The Merom Camp is one of the
many such camps maintained by
churches for Conscientious Objec-
tors to military training.
"The rising gong sounds at 5:30 and
all of us are expected to be up,
washed and dressed by 5:45 when
breakfast begins," writes Charles in
his letter. Breakfast consists of per-
haps fruit juice, cereal, bacon, toast,
coffee or milk. We need a lot of it
for the tedious morning hours ahead.
"At 6:15 we are thrqugh breakfast
and must make beds and clean up
cabins by 6:30 when a Quaker silent
meeting (voluntary) begins. At 7
the Officer of the Day-a position
held by each individual for three
days-calls the boys together and
assigns them to various jobs. Right
now these jobs are around the grounds
It's Corporal:Hank
of Anti-Tank Crew;
And Promotion No.2
FORT CUSTER, Aug. 8 -M)--It's
Corporal Henry Greenberg -.now, in
charge of a five-man anti-tank gun
The erstwhile big gun of the De-
troit Tigers baseball team is now re-
sponsible for the care of one of the
Army's 37-millimeter anti-tank guns
and of the truck that hauls it and its
crew into firing position.
Greenberg's promotion, his second
in a month, was announced at head-
quarters of the second infantry regi-
ment today. He was advanced to the
grade of Private First Class on July 14.
As a corporal, the former outfield-
er who was last year's "mosit valu-
able player" in the American League
is eligible for an increase in pay
from $21 to $54 a month. He can't
draw this amount until after Sept. 6,
however, because Army regulations
require a man to be in the service
four months before he draws in-
creased pay, and Greenberg was in-
ducted May 7.

of the camp-completing our own
sewage system, making building
blocks and hauling gravel.
"From 7 to 12 we sweat-and I
mean really sweat in this hot broiling
sun. We consume gallons of water
dgging ditches, loading gravel, mix-
ing cement, clearing ground and do-
ing kitchen work. The flies bite, sand
scuffs against aching ankles, our
muscles get cramped and poison ivy
threatens from behind many a bush.
We talk and laugh and sing to help
us on, but it is sure tough going.
From 12 to 1 we eat. We are try-
ing to keep our meals below 14 cents
per individual so there is no fancy
eating here. We try to get a few
minutes' rest before 1 p.m. At 1 we
again take up pick, shovels and
ploughshares and continue our dig-
ging, laying, washing and hauling un-
til 4 p.m. At 4 we all jump into a
large shower room with only one
shower, which may or may not have
hot water, or any water if the well
runs dry.
"After we wash and get dressed in
our evening clothes which are just
clean work clothes, we have free time
until 6 p.m., when dinner is served.
The evening, usually consists of
committee meetings when we decide
on our recreation, meditation, safe-
ty, public relations, objectives and
government of the camp. Everything
is done in the most democratic man-
ner imaginable. Each individual
works hard because he tells himself
to do so. No one makes a C.P.S.
Camper act in a certain way. Every
shovel full of dirt, every block of
cement, every meal prepared is done
well because there is a great cause
behind it-cooperative living."
Charles closes with a greeting to
his many friends in Ann Arbor and
on the Campus.
Down, Down They Go-
Tigers Trounced By Fint
FLINT, - Mich., Aug. 8.-( P)-The
Flint Indians of the Michigan State
League defeated the Detroit Tigers
5 to 1 in an exhibition game today
before 6,281 spectators. Chub Guzak
hit a two-run homer for Flint.
In pre-game ceremonies Pat Mul-
lin, injured Detroit outfielder, was
presented with a new automobile.
Mullin is a former Flint sandlotter.

Absolutely all mountaineers is cor-
july reequested to be in 'tendance at
thet tha'r Union Ballroom from 9
p.m. to midnight today for thet rip
roarin' hop name of "Sadie Hawkins."
Nawthin' fancy-like will be worn
by ennybody, 'speshuly the dancers,
nachurly, 'cuz this swing-out will be
nawthin' but informal. Fact is, there
will be fines, plenty of them, for
those as don't come in overalls, blue
jeans-old riggin's of eny kind. Some-
times more'n a whole penny will have

to be taken by the costoom commit-
tee at the door.
Inspecshun will bring one other
reesult, too, 'cuz then the commit-
tee will pick out the best Daisy Mae
and Li'l Abner in the lot-and they
will get speshul, dee-lux prizes later
on in the evenin'.
Even if you carry a shootin' iron,
it won't do no urthly good if you
men is wearin' ties, 'stead of ban-
danies, and if you gals is sportin'
sump'n 'sides old, tattered dresses or
Daisy Mae shorts. Otherwise you'll
get all dusty-like, sitting there on the
floor, cuz there won't be no chairs at
Ruth Gram , has promised that
there will be square dances for ev're-
body to have a good time in, and-
just a bitty hint-oil up them vocal
cords, cuz you'll need, them when all
the dancers get together and sing all
the old songs.
Hostesses? Sure, there'll be plenty
of them gals on the floor to intro-
dooce all you mountaineers. They're
decorated by such names as Jean
Johnson, Nancy Bonisteel, Peggy
Whitker, Josephine Clancy, Marilyn
Vogel, Dorothy Vogel and Barbara
Like the tradishunal Sadie Hawk-
ins Day back in Dogpatch, when a
man has to hitch-up to any gal what
can kotch him, there'll be plenty of
girl robber dances today, and-bet-
ter watch out!-gals can cut in at any
time on any man they set their eyes




a. p. blaustein's

Valerie Parks, blonde strip star
of the Follies Theatre in Los Ange-
les, hasn't any brothers so the least
she can do in the defense program,
she opined, is to feed a few selectees.
She plans co invite one soldier, one
sailor and one marine from each
Saturday 'might audience to her
home for a late supper.
Church Plans
Vocal Concert
Methodist Group To Give
Choral Evensong
To be offered at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
the Usnctuary of the First Methodist
Church is a Choral Evensong, in
which Prof. Arthur Hackett, tenor,
and Prof. Hardin Van Deursen, bari-
tone, will render two solos from ora-
Also on the program will be a num-
ber of selections by the church choir,
under the direction of Professor Van
Deursen, with Mary Eleanor Porter
at the organ.
Professor Hackett's solo will be
"In Native Worth" from Haydn's
"Creation," which will be followed by
"The Heavens Are Telling" from the
same work, sung by the choir. Solo
part of Gabriel will be carried by
Bonnie Ruth Van Deursen.
"But Who May Abide" from Han-
del's "Messiah" has been selected for
Professor Van Deursen's offering. The
choir will follow this up by the sing-
ing of the triumphant Hallelujah
(Continued from Page 2)
centrating in French are especially in-
vited to attend.
Speech Students: The Speech Li-
brary hours for the remainder of
the summer session will be as follows:
10-12 a.m. and 3:15-5:15 p.m., Mon-
day through Friday. Books may be
taken out for overnight at 4:45 p.m.
Faculty Lecture Recital: Joseph
Brinkman and William Beller, Pian-
ists, will present a lecture recital at
4:15, Monday, August 11, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. The program
will consist of compositions by Cho-
pin and Brahms. The recital is open
to the general public.
Candidates for the Teacher's Certi-
ficate for August 1941 are requested
to call at the office of the School of
(Continued on Page 4)

Dean Edmonson of the School of
Education has received a letter of ap-
preciation from two Swedish teach-
ers who had visited the University
Elementary School prior to the War.
"We will never forget your kindness
to us and all the time you and your
staff spent upon two ignorant teach-
ers from a foreign little country,"
runs the letter.!
"Perhaps it is impossible for you
to understand how much we.appre-
ciate the School of Education Bullet-
ins you send us. In our isolation, in
the terrible situation in which we live,
these American Bulletins are friendly
messages from a free world."
The writer goes on to say how much
she longs to come back to America
and spend a summer here on the
Campus. She asks that Dean Ed-
monson extend thanks to Prof. Stuart
Courtis and Williard Olson for the
pamphlets and off-prints they gave
them, such as "Groth and Develop-
ment in Children," "What Is a'
Growth Cycle?" The Child As a
Whole and Appraisal and School
This Swedish teacher continues, "I
always tell people about these articles
in my speeches on things we have to
learn from America and there are
many who have shown a great inter-
est in the work going on at the Uni-
versity of Michigan."


New York .........
Cleveland .......
Chicago .........
Detroit .........
Philadelphia ....
Washington .....
St. Louis ........



temporary emergency program de-
signed to expand the use of existing
stocks of silk and rayon, a synthetic
fiber, was adopted today by defense
officials and recommended to the
hosiery industry.
Hosiery mills which have on hand
thrown silk which cannot be used for
defense purposes would be permitted
to make stockings of it, but the stock-
ings could be only 50 percent silk,
the balance to be of materials other
than silk or nylon.
Half of the available supply of
Nylon could be used in all-Nylon
stockings. The other half would be
used with other yarns for a 50 per
cent Nylon stocking.

FOR some unknown reason, the American sports public today is getting
more and more "batting-average conscious." The typical fan picks up
his newspaper, compares the percentages and then, on the basis of these
figures, declares that such-and-such a ball player is the best hitter on his
team or in the circuit. Of course, in a great many cases the batter with
the highest average is the best hitter on his team but as often as not his
manager would prefer to have one of his other men at the plate when hits
are important.
Batting averages are very misleading. They merely tell the reader
the percentage of times that a player gets on base through hits and
fail completely to give any idea of the real effectiveness of his batting.
A much better guide, by the way, is that all-important 'runs-batted-in'
column. They used to think a lot of fielding percentages too, until one
year Zeke Bonura, one of the clumsiest men in the game, had the best
average of any first baseman while Joe Gordon, one of the snappiest
second basemen in the business, had a very low percentage.
THE DAY they start giving teams credit for men left on bases will be'the
day when batting averages will be of the greatest importance in deter-
mining the most effective men at the plate. But as long as ball games are
won by the team which sends the greatest number of men home, the base-
ball moguls will continue to pay the top salaries to the men that hit runs in.
There are certain other factors which have to be considered in salaries such
as fielding, team spirit, etc., but those can be left out of this discussion.
The last time we looked at the figures,. Ted Williams, Red Sox
slugger, was batting .410, approximately 30 percentage points more
than Joe DiMaggio of the Yankees. Yet, even if Williams could field as
well as DiMag the latter would still be the more desired ball player.
For Joe has now batter across 95 runs, approximately 20 more than the
Boston slugger. In the National League, Nick Etten of the Phillies and
Pete Reiser of the Dodgers are leading the pack with .337 and .331 but
they have only batted in 57 and 44 runs respectively. Bill Nicholson of
the Cubs, on the other hand, is only hitting at a .260 clip but is a much
more valuable player to his team than the others because of the 77 runs
he has sent over the plate.
RARNEY McCOSKY, as every Detroit fan knows, is now the leading Tiger
in the batting department with a percentage of more than .325 while
Rudy York is only belting the apple at .267. We still would be willing to
bet, however, that Del Baker prefers York at the plate because of the lat-
ter's 77 runs in that RBI column to McCosky's 26. Another good example
of this disparity is on the Boston Braves where Johnny Cooney has an
average of .325 and has 16 runs batted in while Babe Dahlgren, who is bat-
ting .251, has sent 52 runs across.
Take a lc/k at some of your other valuable batters and you'll find
a large percentage of them low on the averages and high on run pro-
ducing. Babe Young of the Giants is only batting .249 but has 58 tal-
lieA, in the RBI department; Frank McCormick of the Reds and Mel Ott
of the Giants have .274 batting averages but hav%. knocked across 57
runs apiece; Dolph Camilli of the Dodgers, who is batting .276, has sent
67 tallies over the 'plate, and Joe Gordon of 'the Yankees has belted
home 65 runs despite his weak .259 average. And so it goes.

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