THE MICHIGAN D ATLY SATURDAY. A 9. aM C I T a 1a as.LV 1 L 1 vaTTif L1 A TL)O mnv-rn - rW v. T.1"HE MICIGAN DAILY ' 1 : . - ^/. Daily Calendar of Events Saturday, August 9-- 8;30 pm. "Hobson's Choice." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) 9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (League Ballroom.) vi Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.-. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by c-rrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTiSING SY Nationol Adlvertising Service9, nc. *;Colge PublishersRepresentative 420 MADIsON AVE. NEWYORK, N. Y. ChICAGo SoSofN . Los A4NscLuS . SAN FRANCISCO M.{mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Washington Merry- Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Editorial Stafff Managing Editor City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Karl Kessler Harry M. Kelsey William Baker Eugene Mandeberg Albert P. Blaustein . Barbara Jenswold Business Sta ff business Manager...s...s.........Daniel H. Huyett Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg W~men's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin NIGHT EDITOR: BARBARA JENSWOLD The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. More Unity, Not Uniformity... MORE than a good five-cent cigar, what this country needs is national unity, 'tis said. In the world situation as it exists today, a divided nation with divided purposes stands no chance against the aggressor nations. If we spend all our time on our own petty squab- bles, Hitler's face will be deftly substituted for the traditional eight-ball before we know that game has started. ELL AND GOOD, so let's have national unity. But, let's distinguish between national unity and national uniformity. The former seems to be our best way of keeping, in the best sense of the expression, "the American way of life." The latter will make us no better than the forces we are now opposing. Uniformity, as too many of our "leaders" are prone to define unity, must necessarily call for sameness in thought and in action. It is a stiff, unbending term that makes no allowances for minority rights, and inevitably persecutes those who deviate from the uniform path. Politically, unity may be defined as an intelli- gent course of action, arrived at by a decision of the majority, with ample latitude for change and correction should that become necessary. Foreign and domestic policy are not conditioned for rigid and unswerving lines of action. Con- tingencies arise that make changes of decisions an integral part of government policy. Unified action can make those changes without "loss of face" and with the realization that the needs call for changes of action. UNIFORMITY, on the other hand, leads to a stubborn and bigoted line of thought. The die has been cast, and nothing can be done to alter a decision already made. Think the way "I" do or you are a traitor . . . . This tendency towards uniform demands on the individual's thought has invaded all party lines. It includes the Republican and the Democrat, the radical and the conservative, the know it all and the know nothing. Each demands blind allegiance to his way, or his party's way of thinking. It appliesespecially to the Congress of the United States. William Allen White's letter to the Re- publican congressmen, recently quoted in the Washington Merry-Go-Round is a sample of how the party demands uniform action. And a good Democrat could write a note to his brothers in Congress with equal justification. Yes, we need unity. But we need room for individual and honest thought and honest change of action, too. Unity is our goal, but we must be dead sure that we don't arrive at uni- formity by mistake. Once that mistake has been made, a change of policy will be as difficult as believing that now famous quote by the little man with the moustache, "I have no more terri- torial claims in Europe." - Eugene Mandeberg A No-Strike Record Organized labor in Massachusetts, which has avoided any important strike in defense industry in a State that has scores of plants devoted to the military effort, deserves public praise. Such a "no strike" record should be a proud feather in union labor's cap, but to date no union official has publicly called attention to it, strangely enough. It remained for the an- (Editor's Note-The Brass Ring is good for one free ride on the Washington Merry- Go-Round, and this week goes to S. Bech- hold, the German boy who onec fought in the Kaiser's army and is now helping to beat Hitler by building modern American tanks.) WASHINGTON-The scene is a conference room in the War Department. Seated round a long table are a group of generals and manu- facturers-British as well as American. In front of each is a microphone, but the discussion is not being broadcast to a listening world. It is strictly confidential, with each detail transcribed on a wax recording and filed so there shall be no mistake about the promises being made to the United States or Britain. At the head of the table is a slight, mild- manner man with thinning grey hair, General G.' M. Barnes of the Ordnance Corps. Seated near him are Ed Hunt of Chrysler, H. B. En- sign of American Car and Foundry, Charles Wright of Pullman Standard, H. S. Colby of Baldwin Locomotive, S. Bechhold of the Pressed Steel Car Company, and several others. THIS is the Tank Committee. And to the men around this table has recently come word that President Roosevelt demands more tanks, and in a hurry. Already the members of the Tank Committee and their factories have 4,700 light and medium tanks on order and are turning them out at the rate of about 300 a month. In addition to the American orders, this group has a British order for $200,000,000 worth of medium tanks. However, Germany has a reserve alone of 6,500 tanks. And with every battle on the Rus- sian front showing the ever-increasing impor- tance of the tanks, Roosevelt has now written identic letters to Secretary of War Stimson and OPM bosses Knudsen and Hillman, demanding that tank production be rushed full speed. r British Need Tanks Lack of tanks, it has now leaked out, is why the British have not been able to land an in- vading force on the European continent. Also it is why the British could not continue the of- fensive in Libya. The companies represented by the gentlemen seated around the table of the Tank Committee have done an excellent job of producing tanks. They are turning them out more quickly than the Army expected. But even so, when they reach full production they will only produce about 800 tanks a month. AT THIS RATE, which will not be reached for another year, it will take two years to match the r'eserves accumulated by Hitler. Therefore, the chief question facing the OPM and American industry is to spread out tank production among other factories: first, by let- ting smaller firms make tank parts on sub- contract; second, by drafting a great many other factories now making farm machinery, automo- biles, etc., into the tank production program. Without drastic action, and without curtailing the "business as usual" program in other indus- tries, no real speed up of the tank program will be possible. German-Born Tank Expert Of all the men grouped around the Tank Com- mittee conference table, the most interesting is a slender, boyish figure of about 40 who is mana- ger of the Pressed Steel Car Company and presi- dent of the Armored Tank Corporation.. It happens that S. Bechhold was born in Ger- many, and fought in the German Army during the last war. Yet no one in the group now work- ing overtime to build tanks for use against Hitler is more determined to speed production, more determined that Hitler shall not win this war. BECHHOLD was the first private manufac- turer of tanks in the United States. Prior to the outbreak of war, American tanks were manu- factured only by the Government itself in its arsenal at Rock Island, Ill. Private industry, except for Bechhold, did not go in for tanks. The story of how the German-born Bechhold reached a position of eminence and trust, where he now sits in on the military secrets of the United States and Great Britain, illustrates the traditional melting-pot theory of the American system. Fed Up With Militarism Bechhold was sixteen when drafted into the German army in 1916, saw desultory service for which he had no enthusiasm whatever, and like thousands of other German boys, got thoroughly fed up with the German military system. So in 1922, having saved up enough money for trans- Atlantic passage, he came to America. Landing in New York with $40 in his pocket, he got a job wrapping packages at $14 a week. "Jobs were easy to get in those days," Bechhold says. And studying English at night, he soon got to be a clerk in an export firm at $16 a week, remained with the same company four years until he was drawing a salesman's salary of 0 a week. established contacts at the State Department and over a period of several years, sent in de- tailed reports on German rearmament. One of these reports predicted the Nazi Anschluss be- tween Austria and Germany 18 months before it happened. Saw Christie Tank Bechhold's visits to Germany also convinced him that Hitler was far ahead of the lest of the world in developing modern military weap- ons. Back in the United States, Bechhold be- came interested in the famous Christie tank. The U. S. War Department at that time found Christie's tank too expensive; in fact, the only man who urged the Army to buy this fast-moving modern tank was Congressman Ross Collins of Mississippi, who has been far ahead of the gen- erals in urging mechanization. It was Ross Collins who encouraged Bechhold to produce tanks in the United States and who paved the way for his association with Christie. BECHHOLD is no technician; one of his chief contributions to tank building has been im- portant banking connections which raised the capital. However, one contribution he, made to tanks cannot be over-emphasized. He conceived the idea of powering them with airplane motors. The Diesel engine or ordinary gasoline motor took so much space and was so heavy when built for sufficient power, that it bogged down the tank. So Bechhold thought of the relatively simple, but at that time revolutionary idea of using a light-weight airplane motor. Bechhold's Armored Tank Corporation now has the biggest slice of British tank orders in this country. The Russians also are dickering with him. And today British and American army experts, who once scorned his theory that a tank could be carried by air, have now seen what hap- pened in Crete and have even come around to Bechhold's ideas on that. of Mikes & Men By JUNE MCKEE THE Michigan University of the Air will pre- sent from its campus studios this week-end, works of Shakespeare and Thomas Wood Stev- ens. Today, Whitford Kane and Hiram Sher- man will star in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," adapted for radio by James Church. Tomorrow, "The Pilot's Interlude" will be produced for the first time on the air. James Church, producer-director from NBC, is mainly responsible for these pro- grams. The "clown scenes" from "The Dream" will bring Whitford Kane back to his favorite role of "Bottom," Hiram Sherman, stage and radio actor well known in Ann Arbor, will enact the role of "Flute." Students in "The Dream" cast are E. S. Cortright, Hollister Smith, Murray lilly, Robert Reifsneider, Margaret Brown, Clara Behringer, Sheldon Finklestein, Rager Reed, Virginia Whitworth, and Tomm Bat- tin. Robert Rittenour will announce. WJR carries the program for thirty minutes from 2 p.m. * * * Thomas Wood Stevens grants special permis- sion to present his drama, "The Pilot's Inter- lude" on radio for the first time-tomorrow at 11 a.m. This play for four voices is one of the best scripts we have ever read, even surpassing "White Cliffs" . . . Under the direction of Don Hargis, Tom Armstrong will portray the Pilot, Edward Wright, the Old Man, Claire Cook, the Girl, and Sheldon Finklestein, the Narrator. Marvin Levey is the announcer. * * * Leo J. Fitzpatrick, vice-president and gen- eral manager of WJR, was recently named Champion Radio Executive of Michigan by the Detroit Board of Commerce, while Jim- mie Stevenson, WJR newscaster, received the title of Champion Commentator. Both were given tiny gold boxing glove replicas for their watch chains. * * * Billy Mills, musical director of the NBC's "Hap Hazard" series currently replacing "Fibber McGee and Molly," creates themes music and signature melodies with ease-having written the Mimes Union Opera for Michigan When he was only a freshman ... Whitfield Conner, much-missed in radio and drama here, has won the Chicago audi- tion for the lead in "Arnold Grimm's Daugh- ter," to resume its air run the end of August .... Early in September, Orson Welles re- turns to radio in a new drama series for Lady Esther, in Guy Lombardo's stead. He is also signed for three pictures with RKO- "The Magnificent Ambersons" slated for shooting in mid-September, followed by Journey Into Fear," and "It's All True," his STUPID By Terence WELL, the boys in one end of the Capitol finally made up their minds, and put through a draft ex- tension bill which would keep draftees, reservists, National Guards- men and Army enlisted men in for an additional 18 months, salving it all with a $10 pay raise. Now the thing goes to the other end of the Capitol, where it will suffer a rather uncertain fate, because the House hasn't always been a rubber stamp body. But that's neither here nor there. The bill will get through, with at least some kind of an extension. And then what'll we have? A larger army. BUT there's a lot we won't have, and that's mostly morale among soldiers. Look at it the way they do: they were signed up for a year, at least that's what they were told, and while a lot of them objected, most of them took it pretty much in stride. Now they are told they're going to be kept in for another 18 months, that the government was giving them a deliberate bum steer, broken faith with them. Put yourself in their places. You've already had your life pretty wellrbusted up. Sure, it was just a year, but when you're in your twenties, ruining a year means a lot to you. That's when you are getting started, getting a hoie and a job that will mean security in the future, really beginning to live and be on your own for the first time. But that's all right.. . . it's over and done with now, and all the griping in the world won't do any good. Now, however, you're going to be kept in for another 18 months. When and if you return home, you will have been gone for two and a half years: your jobs taken, the business you were in has changed so in a fast- changing era, that you are two and a half years behind time, and it takes a long time to catch up. Your girl, patriotic about duty and uniforms as she may be, probably hasn't waited. Girls don't wait forever, you know, even for the sake of national defense, and you can't blame them. And everyone back home is a stranger to you.... THIRTY MONTHS is a mighty long time. How would you feel about that? Frankly, I wouldn't like it. And I don't think I'd stick around for another 18 months ... not if they told me it would just be a year. I'd take a year resignedly enough, Ibut when they tried to keep me in, well, I'l balk at that. You see, I'm young, just like those fellows. I want to get along in life, to really start living and be on my own. And while I love my country just as much as everyone over 35 that sits smugly back and settles the future of youth, I'll be darned if I'll let it play traitor to me like that. And I'm not being unpatriotic. I'm just as good an American as you and you and General Marshall. I don't approve of chauvinism like some Americans have come to, but then that's a matter of taste in how you want your patriotism. I'm not pro-Roosevelt, but if he keeps us out of war and gives draftees a square deal through it all, I'll agree with historians 20 years from now that he was the greatest President of them all. If ... \ T, I'm not unpatriotic, I'm not a Red, I'm just a good American. But you see, I don't think it's neces- sary for my government to break faith withethousands like me throughout the country .. We do need an army: granted. But I'll argue with anyone that says we need a standing army. General Marshall says it would ruin the army to let the draftees out. Well, look at it this way: they wouldn't all be go- ing out at the same time. They were drafted over a period of a year, and they'd go out over a period of a year. And in the meantime others would be coming in, keeping the size of our standing army as large as or even larger than before. NVOW how about those that were dismissed? Well, they could go back home, resume their jobs, be with their sweethearts or wives again, get back in the normal swing of American life. Most of 'them would be pretty well trained. Why not put them on the Reserve rolls? Give them, say, one day of drill in local armories a week, and during the year two or three weeks at a Reserve camp. That way they wouldn't grow rusty, AND they wouldn't feel their government had broken faith with them. That would mean a lot in keeping up morale, which is the most im- portant factor in any man's army. Those who are honest enough to admit it say our army lacks mor- ale, and extending the draft period is the best way to lose what we do have. But if you keep these fellows on the Reserve lists, let them resume "But, honey--I don't think now's the time to tell him he'll be president-it'll rob him of such a pleasant surprise later!" GRIN AND BEAR IT ;y By Lichty DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing applications is noted in each case: United States Civil Service Under Mimeograph Operator, sal- ary $1,260, until further notice. Senior Cook, $2,000, August 24, 1941. Junior Engineer (Aero & Naval Arch & Marine Engr.) $2,000, June 30, 1942. Michigan Civil Service Janitress C, $100 per mon., August 20, 1941. Janitor C, $100, August 20, 1941. Janitor B, $115, August 20, 1941. Janitor B & Janitress B (husband and wife), $230, August 20, 1941. Housemother, C1, $105, August 20, 1941. Housemother B, $115, August 20, 1941. Boys Supervisor B and Housemoth- er Cl (husband and wife), $220, Au- gust 20, 1941. Boys Supervisor C, $100, August 20, 1941. Boys Supervisor B, $115, August 20, 1941. Boys Supervisor A, $135, August 20, 1941. Graduate Nurse A2, $125, August 20, 1941. General Graduate Nurse A, $135, August 20, 1941. General Graduate Nurse Al, $145, August 20, 1941. Psychiatric Graduate Nurse A, $135, August 20, 1941. Psychiatric Graduate Nurse Al, $145, August 20, 1941. Tuberculosis Graduate Nurse A, $135, August 20, 1941. Tuberculosis Graduate Nurse Al, $145, August 20, 1941. Superintendent of T.B. Nurses I, $155, August 20, 1941. Cashier B, $115, August 20, 1941. Insurance Examiner II, $200, Au- gust 27, 1941. Complete announcements on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. The Ecuadorean Fiesta. The stu- dents from Ecuador in the Latin American Summer Session will cele- brate August 10, their national holi- day, by presenting a program of dances and short speeches in the ball- room of the Michigan Union, Sunday, at 8 p.m. The public is cordially in- vited to attend. Speech Conference: Second annual Speech Conference, sponsored by the Department of Speech, will be held Monday,Tuesday, 'and Wednesday, August 11, 12, and 13, The program will include lectures and conferences on public speaking, debating, speech science, radio, interpretation, and draamtics. All sessions are open to the public. Speech Concentrates: Al Speech concentrates who will receive their A.B. degree at the end of the present Summer Session must report to the Speech office on or before Monday, August 11. Spanish Lecture: Professor Clar- ence Finlayson, of the universities of Santiago, Mexico City, and Notre Dame, will present a lecture in Span- ish in the recreation room of the In- ternational Center on Monday, Au- gust 11, at 8 o'clock in the evening. His subject will be "El Futoro de las Americas." All persons interested in this Spanish lecture are invited to attend. Faculty Concert: Palmer Christian, Organist; Joseph Brinkman, Pianist; George Poinar, Violinist; and the string section of the summer session Chamber Music Class, under the di- rection of Hanns Pick, will present a concert at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Au- gust 12, in Hill Auditorium. . This concert will be complimentary to the general public. Lectures on French Painting: Pro- fessor Harold E. Wethey, Chairman of the Department of Fine Arts, will give the third illustrated lecture on French Painting Monday, August 11, at 4:10 p.m., in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The subject of his lecture will be "The School of Paris" (20th century). The lecture, which will be given in English, is open to all students and Faculty members. This will end the series of lectures on French Paint- ing offered by Professor Wethey dur- ing the Summer Session and spon- sored by the Department of Romance Languages. Lectures on French Diction and In- tonation. Professor Charles E. Koella will give his fourth lecture on French Diction and Intonation on Monday, August 11th at 7:15 p.m. at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washtenaw. Students teaching French or con- (Continued on Page 3) *I I RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue Saturday Evening 6:00 Stevenson News Ty Tyson Youth Dramas To Be Announced 6:15 To be announced Science Program Youth Dramas Sandlotters 6:30 Wayne King's S. L. A. Marshall Sons Of To Be Announcei 6:45 Orchestra Sports Parade The Saddle Harry Hellmann 7:00 Guy Lombardo Latitude Zero Serenade Town Talk 7:15 Orchestra Latitude Zero val Clare; News Organ Favorites 7:30 News Comes Truth Or Hawaii Bishop & 7:45 To Life Consequence Calls the Gargoyle 8:00 Your Barn News Ace Green Hornet 8:15 Hit Dance Forces Quiz Green Hornet 8:30 Parade Barn Gould Orchestra NBC 4:45 Saturday Night Dance Gould Orchestra Summer 9:00 Serenade Grant Park Chicagoland Symphony 9:15 Public Affairs Concert Concert Concert 9:30 Four Clubmen I Want A Job of Light Sweet and 9:45 World News Michigan Highways Music Rhythmic