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August 09, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-09

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W eather
Cloudy, Possibly Showers

i 1: 4r

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


~More Unity,
Not Uniformity



Draft Bill
May Lose
In House
Administration Heads See
Defeat Or Revamping
From Representatives
Opposition Is Seen
From Republicans
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-(I)-Ad-
+ ministration leaders in the House ex-
pressed apprehension today that the
bill to retain the rank and file of the
army in service for an indefinite
period was in danger of defeat or
drastic revision.
The leaders, who declined to be
quoted -by name, glumly disclosed
they had counted noses and found
a score or more of Democratic mem-
bers would not commit themselves.
This group apparently was in a ppsi-
tion to settle the issue.
Republicans Oppose Bill
On the Republican side of the
aisle much opposition was indicated.
Members of that party held a con-
ference Wednesday, and Rep. Martin
of Massachusetts, the Republican
leader, said afterward "the majority
of sentiment" appeared to be in favor
of retaining Reservists and National
Guardsmen, but letting selectees go.
Despite this attitude, there was
for the time being, at least, no talk
of compromise. The Senate, which
passed service extension legislation
yesterday, achieved a high measure
of unity behind the bill by imposing
an 18-month limitation upon the
added services of the Army men. But
in the House the leaders spoke only
of fighting it out-win or lose-on
the straight cut issue of an indefi-
nite extension.
Time Will Tell
Of course, as the situation develops
they may, and possibly will, change
their minds and support a time limi-
tation. What they fear in that event
is that the numerically heavy oppo-
sition will be able to reduce the limi-
tation to six months or thereabouts,
which Administration spokesmen say
would be about as worthless as hav-
ing no legislation at all.
With this threatening situation be-
fore them, the sponsors of the bill
were in fighting mood, and Chair-
man May' (Dem.-Ky.) of the Mili-
tary Committee, led off the debate
with a vigorous speech in its favor.
He stated the Army's position on
the issue: unless thee is an exten-
sion of service, draftees, National
Guardsmen and Reservists - who
make up a large proportion of the
Army's officer personnel-must be
mustered out, and the Army will dis-
The Issue
"The issue," he said, "is whether
the Congress will go ahead with what
it started to do last year when it
passed the original (selective service)
It would be argued, he said, that
the men were promised their dis-
charge after a Year of training, but:
"That isn't true. That isn't a fact.
The Congress made no such promise,
unless it was somebody seeking re-
election to office who told his con-
stituents that."
Rep. Fish (Rep.-N.Y.), the rank-
ing Republican member of the For-
eign Relations Committee, told the
House the bill was part of a "gigantic
conspiracy" to involve the United
States in the war.
'This is not a bill for national
defense," he said, "but to crusade all
over the world. The real issue in-
volved in this breach of promise bill

is a carefully and skillfully directed
plan to take us into another overseas
Rep. Shafer (Rep.-Mich.) said he
feared the service extension measure
was a "prelude to another A.E.F." He
said a poll of his congressional dis-
trict showed "93.1 percent of the peo-
ple are looking to Congress to keep
this country out of the European
Gasoline Boat
Goes To Blazes
DETROIT, Aug. 8.-(/P)-The
Transiter, 180-foot all-steel tanker
of the Transit Tankers and Termi-
nals, Ltd., Montreal, with 15,000 bar-
rels of gasoline aboard, explbded
and burst into flames tonight on the
Rouge River.
TI , ship docked here last night
ar.a loaded the gasoline today at

Japan Says'Nazi Way'
Can Break Up Blockade
Declaration Is First Official Statement
That Nippon Is Being 'Encircled'

(By The Associated Press)
TOKYO, Aug. 8.-The Japanese
Government for the first time today
made accusations previously offered
only unofficially that Britain, the
United States, Nationalist China and
the Dutch East Indies were encircling
Japan, and a naval officer declared
baldly that this encirclement could
be easily broken by adoption of "the
German fashion."
Writing in the newspaper Hochi,
Lieutenant Commander Tota Ishi-
maru, a naval expert, observed:
"Manchukuo, China (arid by this
he meant that part of China now
in Japanese occupation or control),
Indo-China and Thailand have
joined the co-prosperity sphere. Now
we can draw on Indo-China and
Thailand for iron, coal and rice and
other food.
Difficult To Get Rubber
'Getting the (Dutch) Indies oil
and Malay (British) rubber is a bit
more difficult, but should be a cinch
if we tackle the problem after the
German fashion."
The declaration Thailand was a
member of the 'co-prosperity sphere
appeared premature, since that little
country is the very center of the cur-
rent Oriental crisis and so far as
could be established still had not de-!
cided whether to join Japan's train
or cooperate with Britain and the
United States.
The formal accusation of An-
glo-American-Chinese-Dutch actionj
against Japan was made throughj
Public Policy
Study Group
To End Series

<Koh Ispii, the spokesman for the
cabinet informant bureau, and took
the form of a statement that Japan
now had officially recognized such a
situation to exist.
Ishii added it had been reported
the British were concentrating troops
near Thailand, and this, he said,
constituted "military preparations."
'Remains To Be Seen'
Asked whether Russia was consid-
ered to be a participant in encircle-
ment, he replied: "That remains to
be seen."
The official Japanese News Agency
supported the encirclement thesis by
reporting that British air bases had
been established in Malaya and Bur-
ma and that Britain was planning
to strengthen the defense of the Bur-
ma supply road to Nationalist China
in close cooperation with the Chung-
king government.
Student Group
Will Celebrate
National Fiesta
Varied Program Planned
Observing Ecuadorian
Day Of Independence
Although all festivities in Ecuador
have been cancelled for a week of
national mourning in memory of the
men killed and the territory lost in
the recent war with Peru, the Ecua-
dorian students of the Latin-Ameri-
can Summer Session at the Inter-
national Center have decided to car-
ry on with their commemoration of
the Ecuadorian national holiday at
8 p.m. tomorrow in the Union ball-
"We are feeling very sorry, but we
will carry on anyway now that ar-
rangements have been made," a
spokesman for the group said. "We
feel that we owe it to the University
and our friends here to go through
with the program we have promised
to offer."
All Are Invited
La Fiesta Nacional del lode Au-
gosto, the Ecuadorian 4th of July,
will be celebrated with a program of
talksand dances. All interested are
invited to attend. There will be no
Especially invited will be the com-
mittee in charge of the Latin-Ameri-
can Summer Session, including Dr.
Louis A. Hopkins, direcetor of the
Summer Session; Dean Joseph A.
Bursley, Dean of Students; Prof. J.
Raleigh Nelson, director of the In-
ternational Center, but now away on
vacation; Prof. Philip Bursley, ad-
viser to new students, and Mr. Wil-
fred B. Shaw, director of alumni re-
Special Invitations
Others to receive special invita-
tions will be Dean Byrl F. Bacher,
Dean of Women of the Summer Ses-
sion; Dr. Reuben Kahn of the medi-
cal school; Dr. Buenaventura Jimi-
nez of the Health Service; Dr. Henry
Field and Dr. Ralph Smith of the
medical school; the staff and stu-
dents of the English Language Cen-
ter; the staff and students of the
International Center; other Latin-
American students on campus, and
members of the Ann Arbor Rotary
and Exchange clubs.

To Be

Of Adaptation'
Theme Of Final!
Hall Will Speak

Drop Foreseen
By Henderson
2,000,000 Will Lose Jobs
In Industrial Transition,
Price Head Declares
Layoff Temporary,
Administrator Says
WASIINGTON Aug. 8. -()-
Temporary unemployment of 2,000,-
000 persons was forecast today by
Leon Henderson, chief of the Office
of Price Administration, as a possible
development in the transition of
American industry from peacetime to
defense production.
Testifying before the House Bank-
ing Committee on behalf of the Ad-
ministration's price-control bill, Hen-
derson declared the nation was going
to have to "pay dearly" for a lack
of planning and for under-estimates
of certain defense needs.
Shortages of raw materials for
civilian needs are beginning to de-
velop, he said, and plant closings are
going to result because of judgments
which had to be made 18 months
ago and which he conceded had been
short of the mark.
Questioned by Rep. Wolcott (Rep.-
Mich.) concerning published reports
that as many as 5,000 or 6,000 plants
would have to close and well over
1,000,000 men be thrown out of work,
Henderson said the "condition exists"
for such a development. He expressed
belief the dislocation might reach
the proportions experienced in Eng-
land where, he said, the unemploy-
ment increase amounted to 20 to 25
percent. Later he told newsmen the
effect of priorities and shortages of
materials for civilian purposes would
inevitably force more and more
plants to close and that it might
cause the unemployment of 2,000,000
He said, however, he thought un-
employment would be largely tem-
porary because the workers ulti-
mately would be absorbed in defense
Soviet Planes
Bomb Berlin,
In First Raid,
'Reconnaissance Flight'
Undertaken By Small
Group Of Planes
LONDON, Aug. 8.-(IP)-Russian
warplanes dropped a number of high
explosive and incendiary bombs in
the Berlin area last night in the first
Soviet raid on the German capital,
the Moscow radio reported tonight.
The Soviet report described the
raid as a reconnaisssance flight un-
dertaken by a group of planes, the
size of which was not stated. A num-
ber of fires were declared to have
been started, after which all the Rus-
sian planes returned to their bases
Previously it had been stated un-
officially here that the raid was Rus-
sian, and it was pointed out the craft
must have flown at least 600 miles to
their targets."
The Germans officially acknowl-
edged "minor damage to buildings"
and reported several civilians were
killed. The German Command at-
tributed the assault to "individual
planes" and stated six raiders were
brought down. Unofficially it was

said in Berlin it was the 80th raid
on the city.
An authorized Nazi insisted the
bombers were "undoubtedly British"
and asserted the British "are doubt-
less trying to inject a new, intriguing
note and awaken a hope that the
Russians will start visiting us."
To this, however, the British re-
sponded British offensive aerial ac-
tion overnight was limited to attacks
on Essen, Dortmund and Hamm in
western Germany, the docks at Bou-
logne, airdromes in Denmark and
shipping off the Dutch coast.
Art Cinema Group
Will Present Film
Fourth of the Art Cinema's cur-
rent Summer Series of foreign films,
Dostoyevski's "Crime and Punish-
ment," will be shown at 8:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham School.
A French film based on the great

Boom! Ain't It Great
To Be A Cannon Ball
NEW YORK, Aug. 8.-VP )-Troops
shot from cannon !!
Don't laugh. It's the latest sug-
gestion for modern warfare.
Add to that coup the trapeze artist
swinging a la Tarzan from tree to
tree to capture snipers' nests and
you have the ultra modern warfare
the International Association of Ac-
robats offers the U.S. Army.
And after the advance from 1918
methods to those of the luftwaffe
and the panzer division who can say
it's impossible?
In convention assembled at Atlan-
tic City these fantastic ideas will be
made public tomorrow and George
A. Hamid, acting president of the
"swing through the air" boys, is seri-
ous. He says:
"I suggest that acrobats through-
out the country offer the United
States government their services, in
case of war, to serve as super-trou-
ble-shooters, men trained to take
risks with cool nerves, to perform
feats impossible to ordinary men."
Treasury Says
New Tax Bill
Is Inadequate

To Senate

Submits Six

The last week of lectures for the
Graduate Study Program in Public
Policy in a World at War will center
on the theme of the week, "The En-
igma of Adaptation."
H. Duncan Hall, formerly of the
League of Nations Secretariat, will be-
gin this week with a lecture at 4:15
p.m. Monday in the Lecture Hall of
the Rackham School on "The Dilem-
ma of Democracy."
At 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham School
Percy W. Bidwell, director of studies
for the Council of Foreign Relations
in New York City, will speak on "Self-
Containment and Hemisphere De-
Concluding the summer's lectures
for the program Prof. Edward Meade
Earle of the school of economics and
politics in the Institute for Advanced
Study at Princeton University, will
talk at 4:15 p.m. 'Wednesday in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham School
on "The Changing Conditions of
American Security."
Presiding over these three lectures
will be respectively, Prof. William
Haber of the economics department,
Prof. Hayward Keniston of the Ro-
mance language department and Prof.
Dwight L. Dumond of the history de-
The lectures are open to the pub-
lic without charge and all interested
are invited to attend.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. -())-
Treasury officials, declaring the
House-approved $3,200,000,000 tax
bill was inadequate, submitted to the
Senate Finance Committee today
recommendations for raising $800,-
000,000 to $1,000,000,000 additional,
partly by broadening the income tax
base to cover millions of persons
now exempt.
The recommendations, submitted
by Secretary Morgenthau, included:
1. Reduce personal exemptions.
The official submitted a schedule
based on $1,500 for married persons
and $750 for single persons, against
present exemptions of $2,000 and
2. Revise excess profits levies to
reach earnings of many corporations
now exempt.
3. Require joint returns for hus-
band and wife, but provide special
relief when both work outside the
4. Reduce the "depletion allow-
ances" granted concerns engaged in
extracting such natural resources as
5. Abolish tax exemptions on state
and local bonds.
6. Increase estate and gift taxes.
Morgenthau and John L. Sullivan,
assistant secretary of the Treasury,
promised to supply more detailed
recommendations later.
Meanwhile they suggested Con-
gress simplify the returns which
would be required of millions of citi-
zens who would pay income taxes for
the first time under the recommen-
Weygand Flies To Vichy
VICHY, Unoccupied France, Aug.
8.-(P)-Gen. Maxime Weygand, the
Vichy regime's North African com-
mander, arrived here by airplane to-
day for a series of important confer-
ences on em pire defense. The trip
was decided upon after an exchange
of notes with the United States con-
cerning French African outposts.

Price To Give
Lecture Here
Under the auspices of the Commit-
tee to Defend America by Aiding the
Allies, Prof. Hereward T. Price, of the
University's English department, will
speak at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Lecture Hall on "Russia at
. Born in Madagascar, the son of an
English missionary, Professor Price
was educated in England, taking his
B.A. and M.A. at Oxford. Later he
became a lecturer in English at Bonn
University in Germany, while work-
ing on his Ph.D.
Because of his position there, Pro-
fessor Price was an ex officio German
citizen when the World War broke
out. He was drafted into the Ger-
maip army, taken prisoner by the Rus-
sians, and spent three years in Si-
Since 1929 he has been Associate
Editor of the English Dictionary be-
ing produced at the University
Federal Action
Is Threatened
In Sip Tieup
Kearny Builders Warned
To Settle Immediately
Or Take Interference
KEARNY, N. J., Aug. 8.-)-
Peter Flynn, vice-president of a
CIO union, asked the Federal Gov-
ernment tonight to take over the
strike-bound yards of the Federar
Shipbuilding and Drydock Com-
pany and operate them in the in-
terests of national defense."
(By The Associated Press)
A flat warning came from the Navy
Department yesterday (Friday) that
the government would take direct ac-
tion to get production resumed at
the great Kearny, N. J., yards of the
Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock
Company if the management and a
striking CIO union could not settle
their dispute.
Saying 200,000 man-hours of work
on "vitally needed combatant ships
for the Navy" were being lost daily,
Ralph Bard, acting Secretary of the
Navy in the absence of Frank D.
Knox, expressed hope in a statement
that the strike could be settled at
"But if management and labor
cannot arrive at a settlement," he
continued, "steps must be taken
which will in one way or another put
this huge shipbuilding plant back
into production at the earliest possi-
ble moment."
The Kearny yard has about 18,000
employes. Two cruisers, six destroy-
ers, three tankers and a number of
cargo vessels are on the ways there.

Nazis Claim Gains
Over Soviet Forces
In Ukraine Region

Three Armies Of Russians
Have Been Destroyed,
High Command Asserts
Kiev Surrounded,
Germans Maintain
BERLIN, Aug. 8.-(P)-The Ger-
man High Command in a special re-
port tonight declared the Russian
6th and 12th armies and part of the
18th had been destroyed on the
Ukrainian front, with 103,000 Soviet
soldiers taken prisoner.
Russian casualties were put at
more than 200,000.
The prisoners, the announcement
said, included the commanders of
both the sixth and 12th armies. It
was stated 317 tanks and 858 guns
and 5,250 motor trucks were cap-
Earlier the High Command's regu-
lar daily communique had reported
the capture of the commander of
the Soviet Sixth Army along with
"other high troop leaders" and more
than 30,000 prisoners and much
Over Previous Losses
(All these figures apparently were
reported as in addition to Russians
losses announced Wednesday for the
Ukrainian front since the start of
the war. They were put then at
150,000 prisoners taken and 1,970
tanks, 2,190 artillery pieces and 980
planes captured or destroyed.)
The Russians were taken, accord-
ing to the High Command, in the
annihilation of a Russian assault
force encircled southeast of :Uman.
This town is about 50 miles south of
Bel Tserkov, where bitter fighting
has been reported recently, and about
125 miles south of Kiev, the Ukrain-
ian capital.
Unofficial German reports have
said Kiev was surrounded and also
that German troops were hammer-
ing at the gates of the Estonian capi-
tal of Tallinn, at the northern end
of the front below Leningrad.
No Mention Of Kiev
The High Command communique
did not mention Kiev, and thus the
Uman action indicated the Germans
are now directing a main southern
offensive southward toward the Black
Sea coast to cut off the important
port of Odessa, which is some 140
miles from Uman.
(London advices tended to con-
firm this, and said the Germans al-
ready had cut the Smolensk-Odessa
- * * *



Three-Day Conclave:

It's Your Own Fault:'
Hull Says Japan Is To Blame
For Its Own 'Encirclement'

Russians Claim
Lines Hold Firm
MOSCOW. Saturday, Aug. 9:-()
-Battles raged all day Friday on the
bloody fronts before Leningrad, Mos-
cow and Kiev, the Soviet Army stated
early today, and by naming towns
around which fighting has been go-
ing on for days, indicated the Rus-
sian lines held firm.
The Red Army fought the in-
vaders at Kakisalmi, on the Karelian
Isthmus about 75 miles northwest of
Leningrad, and in Estonia, southwest
of Leningrad, the Soviet Information
Bureau announced in its regular
communique. Battles also raged at
Smolensk before Moscow and at Kor-
osten and Bel Tserkov, towns on the
front before Kiev.
The announcement said the Red
Air Force, "in cooperation with land
troops, dealt blows at enemy panzer
troops and infantry and attacked
aircraft on airdromes." The Red Air
Force destroyed 21 German aircraft
and lost 14 of its own Thursday, it
was stated.
Sailors of the Red Navy were re-
ported last night to have joined the
Army in heavy land fighting on the
Estonian front and Soviet citizens
throughout invaded territories were
cared upon by their government to
intensify guerrilla warfare.


Speech Authorities To Convene
In Ann Arbor For Conference


Several outstanding speech au-
thorities will visit Ann Arbor next
week to participate in the second an-
nual Speech Conference opening here
Monday under the sponsorship of the
University's speech department.
Included on the conference pro-
gram, which will continue Tuesday
and Wednesday are Prof. Bower Aly,
director of forensics at the Univer-
sity of Missouri; Prof. W. Norwood
Brigance, chairman of the depart-
ment of speech of Wabash college;
Prof. R. G. Hunter, chairman of the
department of speech at Ohio Wes-
leyan University; Prof. Charles R.
Strother, associate professor of speech
pathology and clinical psychology at
the State University of Iowa; and

of Speech, will speak in the Kellogg
Auditorium on "The Place of Public
Address in American History."
Concluding Monday's afternoon
program, a discussion will be held at
3:30 on forensics by Professor Aly,
who serves as editor of the Debate
Handbook series of the National Uni-
versity Extension Association, placing
special emphasis upon tthe national
high school debate question for 1941-
Closing the day's activities, a der -
onstration debate on the high sct ol
-4.xcdap au ut Juana lenuut 'uolsanb
ment of speech, will be held at 8 p.m.
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The Tuesday meetings will feature
speech science, radio, and high school
rlaowa.-incAt 90an m.Professr S tro-

WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-(YP)-The
United States directed sharp thrusts
at both Japan and Germany today,
asserting the Nippon Empire brought
on its own self-proclaimed "encircle-
ment" and that the Nazi government
was casting longing eyes toward the'
Western Hemisphere.
Answering official Japanese con-
tentions that the United States, Brit-
ain, China and the Netherlands were
drawing a ring around Japan, Secre-
tary of State Hull told a press confer-
ence there was no occasion for any
law-abiding and peaceful nation to
become encircled. He added that a
country like Japan, if it were law-
abiding, was in no danger of encir-
clement except by itself.
He implied the Japanese statements
were considered a mere pretext for
further expansion moves, possibly in-
to Thailand. At the same time he

"another expose of Roosevelt secret
power politics."
The German sources said they had
material establishing that President
Roosevelt was seeking domination of
South America and was secretly
"grasping for other bases" there.
Hull described this as a transparent,
piece of propaganda which he said
was not likely to deceive or even be
seriously considered by any country
in the Western Hemisphere.
The Nazi charges came, he re-
marked, from a grouphrepresenting a
government which had ruthlessly
seized some 15 countries in Europe
and had been looking with longing
eyes to this Hemisphere for further
His comment was interpreted as
further evidence of concern here over
reported German demands on the
Vichy Government for bases and other

Harold Brighouse Play
Ends Run Here Today
Harold Brighouse's play "Hobson's
Choice" will be seen for the last time
in Ann Arbor this summer at 8:30
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Starring Hiram Sherman and
Whitford Kane, the play involves the
adventures of an old man who is try-

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