Weather Cloudy, Scattered Showers iglr~ Official Publication Of The Summer Session i3aitt Editorial Selfish Panics And Shortages.. . VOL. L. No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Germans Report Infantry, Panzer Ring About Kiev; Russian Troops in Region Are Surrounded, Face Destruction, Nazis Tell Reds Say Armies Are Holding Own BERLIN,,Ag. 7.-(P)--The German radio tonight broadcast a report from the Russian front that German troops had encircled Kiev, the in- dustrial capital of the rich Soviet Ukraine. The dispatch, from a propaganda company of journalist reporters which travels in the front lines, said infantry units now had reached the most advanced lines of panzer troops, which were said to have approached within 12 miles of Kiev some time ago. It did not say specifically how tight the reported circle was drawn. The High Command contended yesterday the Germans had driven a wedge to the gates of Kiev. Russian Troops Surrounded DNB reports had declared Russian troops surrounded in the Kiev re- gion faced destruction after failing in repeated attempts to break through the German traps. Germany's High Command re- counted at length today the past phases of the battle of Smolensk and again listed Russian manpower losses in six figures, but kept its silence on what the reported victory cost the Germans or precisely how it will weigh in the scales of this bloodiest of all Nazi campaigns. Losses Moderate "Our losses were moderate, those of the opponent extraordinarily high," was all the communique said of the price the Germans paid. An authoized military commen- tator, ridiculing British reports that a million Germans had been slain on the eastern front, said the Nazi losses "proportionately averaged what they were in the western and southern campaigns." German sources have placed the number of Russians killed and cap- tured on the entire front at more than 4,000,000. Declaring again the battle now has been "victoriously completed," the communique repeated that Smolensk itself was taken July 16, saying it was done by "a motorized infantry divi- sion in hand-to-hand fighting" and that the city "was held against con- tinuous furious enemy attacks." Russians Call German Claims Fairy Tales MOSCOW, Friday, Aug. 8.-()- The Soviet High Command today in- dicated Red armies are holding their own on all sections of the front and called German communiques claim- ing great successes "Arabian fairy tales." The early morning communique reported continued fierce fighting at Kakisalmi, Kholm, Smolensk and Bel-Tserkov-all regions which had been mentioned in previous commu- niques as centers of fighting. Russian troops were pictured as having counter-attacked the Germans on the Smolensk front before Moscow with super-heavy tanks which de- molished smaller German machines. Last reports said Red troops still held at least part of strategic Smo- lensk despite attempts of air-borne light tanks and German parachute troops to take it. t "The German High Command's reports on the results of six weeks of war are Arabian fairy tales," the Soviet Information Bureau commu- nique said. It pictured the German people as plunged into "despondency and con- fusion" from reports penetrating Germany about tremendous losses at the front, from the food situation and from dislocation of German in- dustry. "Fascist propaganda endeavors by false reports of military operations on the eastern front to raise the spirit of German soldiers and popu- lation," it said. "Concealing from the German population the real losses suffered by the German army in the war against the U.S.S.R., Hitlerite propa- ganda is treating the population to Stamp Sales To Fit Needs Of Investors (Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of articles describing various aspects of the current defense sav- ings drive.) A layaway defense savings plan designed to fit the needs of the small investor: that is the nature of the savings stamps drive now being spon- sored by the government. Obtainable in denominations of 10, 25 and 50 cents and one and five dollars, the savings stamps may be purchased at face value from any bank or post office or at the cashier's office in University Hall. These savings stamps do not carry interest, but they may be redeemed for defense savings bonds that yield from 2.5 to 2.9 percent interest. To aid small investors in building a savings fund, the government has issued cards and albums on which the stamps may be pasted. When these cards are filled, they may be exchanged for stamps of a higher denomination or for the smaller sav- ings bonds. The bonds are available in denom- inations as low as $18.75, and ma- ture in 10 years to $25. Other bond series, as described in the last article in this series, may be bought for $25, and pay interest at the rate of 2.5 percent per annum. Thailand Asks No Protection, Only Materials . I No Names Are Mentioned By Radio Commentator In Official Broadcast BANGKOK, Thailand, Aug. 7.-(A') -"Thailand is extremely grateful to those offering her protection, but begs to decline same with thanks," the official Tahi radio commentator declared tonight in apparent refer- ence to Japanese allegations of Brit- ish-American machinations aimed at Thailand. The commentator, without naming names, said that as for reports of possible occupation of strategic bases in Thailand "on the part of those offering protection," Thailand pos- sesses adequate officers and men to look out for its own base, but would appreciate thesassistance of friendly powers in the form of war materials which it needs. (This cryptic comment apparently was both a bid for U.S. and British material aid and a slap at Japan, which had been reported seeking bases in Thailand.) Only today a high Thai official said the United States understood Thailand's position in view of Ja- pan's southward expansion and that an excellent understanding had been effected in a meeting between U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull and Mom Rajawongse Seni Pramoj, Thai minister to Washington. Britain's Aid To Thailand Is Indefinite Full Extent Of Economic And Military Pressure Hinges On .S. Attitude London Considers Stand On Far East LONDON, Aug. 7.-)-The extent of British military aid to Thailand in case that little country is attacked by Japanese forces massed in neigh- boring Indo-China will be governed by the willingness of the United States to cooperate with action stronger than economic blockades, it was stated authoritatively today. Moreover, it was added that this policy for a collaboration beyond both diplomatic and economic meas- ures applies not only to Thailand, but to the whole of the Far East. Thailand Expected To Fight Thailand itself is expected by the British to fight if invaded, but Brit- ish informants are not able to see such resistance in an optimistic light. The Thai air force, it is felt here, would worry the Japanese and the Thai army could offer only brief, though spirited, resistance. Japan's probable alternative to military invasion, which would put Japanese troops on the frontiers of British Burma and the Malay States above Singapore, was said here to be infiltration by "tourists' and econom- ic domination on the German pat- tern. Imperial Forces Prepared While British diplomatic quarters seek to avoid mention of British mili- tary measures, dispatching from Singapore indicated the Imperial Forces were preparing for any Jap- anese thrust into Thailand. The Singapore office of the Min- istry of Information said these dis- patches, declared that in both Brit- ish Burma and South China "all preparations are ready to smash any Japanese attempt to cut the Burma Road (over which supplies move to the Chinese government) or move further westward." Reserve here concerning Thailand also is in marked contrast with the statements of Australian leaders, who view that dominion is concerned as deeply by Japanese moves as are Singapore and the Maly States themselves. Many Look To Pearl Harbor Many Australians here believe that unless a stronger policy is formed in London, Australia will begin to look to Pearl Harbor (the American Pa- cific base) rather than to Singapore for aid. Bangkok dispatches stressed that Thailand would welcome assurance of the Anglo-American attitude, as it counter-balances the Japanese policy and aspirations. The statement of U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull of increasing American concern over Japan's in- tentions toward Thailand was inter- preted in Bangkok as stabilizing Thailand's position. In Tokyo the Japanese Board of Information stated Japan wanted to maintain friendly relations with Thailand, and considered the Hull statement, and a similar and stronger one by the British, to be unwar- ranted. Increasing concern over Japanese- Russian relations was indicated to- day by the fact Soviet Ambassador Constantin Smetanin held his third conference in as many days with a member of the Japanese Government. 18 Months To Term Of Service; Ickes Warns Of Air Gas Shortage Senate Passes Draft Bill To Add Demands Of England And Russia Plus Expanding Air Force Are Causes Russia Given Four American Tankers WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-(A)-The mounting demands of embattled Bri- tain and Russia, combined with the expansion of America's air force, brought from Secretary Ickes today a warning that the United States faces a possible shortage of vital aviation gasoline. Only by quickly increasing high oc- tane refining capacity, he said, could this threat to the flying forces be erased, and he declared remedial steps were being considered. The Interior Secretary, who is also defense petroleum coordinator, dis- closed at his press conference that four American tankers plying West Coast waters were being turned over to Russia, to increase the flow of aviation fuel to the Soviet. Such transfer of tankers, he said, might cause a scarcity of petroleum in Pacific Coast areas but he added the "pinch" there probably would not approach in severity the shortage pre- dicted for the Atlantic seaboard. Silk Industry Problems Under Consideration WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-(A')-The problem of shifting the silk hosiery industry to rayon and other fibers was explored by manufacturers, labor leaders and government officials, but no answers were obtained to many of the puzling technical questions in- volved. The discussions will be re- sumed tomorrow. I Some shift is necessary due to the cessation of silk imports. A representative of the DuPont company, which manufacturers ny- lon, a synthetic fiber, said that the company had removed limitations on the use of nylon in combination with other fibers. Officials said this would help re- lieve shortages. The use of nylon along with other fibers, they said, would increase greatly the number of pairs of hosiery that could be made with present supplies. U.S. Withholds Full Acceptance Of Vichy French Assurance's WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-(P)-The4"was substantially along the lines in- United States withheld full accept- dicated unofficially in Vichy. The ance of assurances from the Vichy note was reported to have said government today until it was clear France was determined to defend its the French were as determined to empire in its own way. protect their territory from the Axis Hull appeared to regard the assur- as from the British. ances as somewhat encouraging but Secretary of State Hull said he not sufficiently final to relieve all had received a French note which concern here over the French terri- tories. Before classing the note as defi- I Truce' S on nitely satisfactory, he said he wanted to know more about what was going " eon in Vichy. Things move so fast, Bruno Victim he said, and more or less foggily in some localities that it is important Air rash to see the general trend of conditions before discussing them frankly. Internal political struggle among Italian War Pilot Is Killed various elements in France made some quarters uncertain whether the In Wreck Of Bomber Vichy assurances would have long- Being Tested By Army binding effect. Hull's remarks indi- cated the American government still ROME, Aug. 7.--(R)-Bruno Mus- was %more concerned with Vichy's ROME, r~nAug. 7.-P)-Brun -acts than with its promises. Pay Would Be Raised Ten Dollars At End Of Year For Men Under Arms Must Be Approved By Representatives WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-(P)-The Senate tonight approved legislation prolonging the active service of draf- tees, militiamen, reservists and Army enlisted men by 18 months with a pay raise of 10 dollars a month for all men after they have completed one year in the Army. The bill, hotly disputed for more than a week, went through by a vote of 45 to 30, and now goes to the House where its fate is uncertain. Many House members are reported to favor a less drastic extension of serv- ice than the 18 months provided in the Senate measure. Until the last minute, Administra- tion forces were in secure command of the situation. After .defeating proposals for a six-month and a 12- month extension, they obtained ap- proval today of the 18-month period by a vote of 44 to 28. Write In Amendment But then, just before the final bal- lot, the Senate disregarded the de- sires of the Democratic leadership and wrote in an amendment provid- ing for the $10 monthly pay raise after a year of service. (The present basic pay is $30). The amendment, offered by Senator Mead (Dem.-N.Y.) was adopted 39 to 34. Just previously an amendment by Senator Johnson (Dem.-Colo.), call- ing for a 25 per cent pay increase, was rejected 37 to 36. There were some questions as to the effect of the Mead amendment. Some War Department attorneys expressed the opinion that as it passed the Sen- ate it provided for retroactive in- creases for men who have already completed more than one year's serv- ice in the Army. For example, it was felt that an Army old-timer who had been in service for 20 years might be entitled to back pay at the rate of $10 a month, for 19 years. May Be Redrafted solin, second son of the Duce, per- ished today in the wreck of a new four-motored bomber he was testing in his third war. It was death at the age of 23 for one who, in the creed of his father, had "lived dangerously" since he was a little boy. With Captain Bruno at the con- trols as squadron commander, the new plane, which possibly was to be used by the squadron against Russia, crashed near the airport of San Ji- usto at Pisa. Two others of the crew were killed and five were injured. A communique said the reason for the crash was not yet known. The plane was coming in for a landing when it crashed. The crash occurred at 10 a.m. Il Duce took off in a plane for Pisa immediately with General Pricolo, chief of the air force general staff. Crews at the field were drawn up in mournful review as Il Duce hur- ried past to the Santa Chiara Hos- pital where, with Lieut. Vittorio Mus- solini, his eldest son, he viewed Bru- no's body. Then he went to the scene of the crash. Later Bruno's mother flew to Pisa from the Mussolini summer home at Rimini. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at the Fascist Headquarters in Pisa, where the body, together with those of Bruno's two comrades, was taken tonight. The body then will be taken to Forli and buried Saturday ins the Cemetery San Casi- ano at Pendino Predappio, near Il Duce's birthplace. Soon after Rome's radio had an- nounced Bruno's "glorious death at his post of combat," condolence poured in upon the father: from King Vittorio Emmanuele, from Quene Elena, from his holiness, Pope Pius XII. Bruno was thrice decorated by his country for war and peacetime flying; he had driven racing automobiles, and he was hurt once in a skiing accident. One of his hobbies was boxing. Congress Told Rigid Ceilings Not To Be Set Price Control Legislation Will Be Administered Fairly, Henderson Says WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-(P)-A promise that price-control legislation would be administered fairly and without rigid ceilings was given Con- gress today by Leon Henderson, of the Office of Price Control, who is in line for appointment as chief of the program. Under questioning by Rep. Wil- liams (Dem.-Mo.), Henderson told the House Banking Committee that if he were selected as administrator, he would seek a staff that would "not try to build a rigid ceiling," that would "take the heat out of infla- tionary situations" and that would set prices under which agriculture and industry could "go forward with this great task." "We have attempted to spell out as many protections and standards as we could," he added, noting with a smile that the pending bill had more guarantees than exist in totalitarian states. Henderson said that although a price control, administration prob- ably would have direct responsibility for administering the program, the powers President Roosevelt has asked Congress to grant would be exercised in many cases by other departments or agencies of government. For ex- ample, Secretary of Commerce Jones might be "supreme" in the field of special commodity purchases and the justice department might have the final word in enforcement problems. Current Play Traces Title To .Early.Date "Hobson's Choice," Harold Brig- house's noted English comedy hit, will be presented for the third time at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre with Hiram Sher- man and Whitford Kane in the fea- tured roles. The name "Hobson's Choice" was first mentioned in a book by Thomas Ward called "England's Reforma-I tion." In Chapter IV the following verse is printed : "Where to elect there is but one, 'Tis Hobson's Choice,-take that or none." In 1712, Richard Steele wrote an explanation of the phrase in "The Spectator," No. 509 which runs as follows: "Mr. Tobias Hobson, from whom we have the expression, . . . was a carrier, . . . the first in this Island who let out hackney-horses. He lived in Cambridge, and observing that the scholars rid hard, his manner was to keep a large stable of horses, with boots, bridles, and whips . . . . "When a man came for an horse, he was led into the stable, where there was a great choice, but he ob- liged him to take the horse which stood next to the stable-door; so that every customer was alike well served according to his chance, and every horse ridden with the same justice. From whence it became a proverb, when what ought to be your selection was forced upon you, to say "Hobson's Choice." Joel Dolven To Present Singing Program Today Prof. Dale, In Speech Lecture, Puts Fodder Down On Ground' However, the attorneys indicated that such was not the.real intent of Senator Mead. There were indica- tions that the amendment might be redrafted, if not deleted altogether, in the Housee. The pay increase was written into the bill with so little advance discus- sion that there was no immediate word as to the reaction of the War and Treasury Departments. It was apparent, however, that it would alter the Army's present bud- get plans and necessitate an addi- tional appropriation if it should be- come law. The War Department reported only today that the expanding Army now numbered 1,531,800 officers and men, including 69,500 selective service trainees. Cost $180,000,000 A Year Assuming that 1,500,000 men would receive non-retroactive pay raises, the cost would be $15,000,000 a month, or $180,000,000 a year. With the draft extension out of the way the Senate completed Congres- sional action on two other defense measures by accepting amendments of the House to bills previously passed by the Senate. Most important of these was a bill revising conditions for reenlistments in the Navy, Coast Guard and Marines to provide a $400 cash bonus for im- mediate reenlistment, double the present bonus. A second measure extended bene- fits of Federal Workmen's Compensa- tion Laws to men employed on naval bases or other defense projects out- side of the continental United States. Senate Impatient The end of the long battle over re- taining draftees and others in service found the Senate in an impatient mood. Shouts of "Vote . . . Vote," loud, prolonged and insistent, greet- ed every member who arose to speak or to present an amendment. For the most part the issue of keep- ing the draftees and others for periods longer than those for which they were Dances To Be Shown Sunday Explained By Miguel Albornoz n -i Two elements that make up thev Ecuadorian civilization today will be portrayed by the dances to be given during the program at 8 p.m. in the Union ballroom Sunday celebrating La Fiesta Nacional del lode Augosto, the national holiday of Ecuador, Senor Miguel Albornoz told in an interview yesterday. "San Juanito" and "Jota Espanola" are the two dances to be given, Sd. Albornoz pointed out. The first will be presented by Senorita Teresa Bu- eno and Dr. Alejandro Paz, and the second by Senorita Clara Busta- mante, all of the Ecuadorian dele- gation to the Latin-American Sum- mer Session of the International to portray that civilization in Ecua- dor. The second dance represents the Spanish element in Ecuadorian civil- ization, Sr. Albornoz indicated. "Jota Espanola" is,, a typical Spanish dance, gaining its name from a posi- tion of the legs in one phase of the dance. Jota is Spanish for the let- ter J. The typical Ecuadorian dance has elements of both the Indian and Spanish dances in it, Sr. Albornoz asserted. Costumes used in these dances, along with the recorded music and a collection of books, maps and pic- By EUGENE MANDEBERG When a frontiersmanEcongratu- lated a minister on his strong, yet simply-worded sermon he didn't dwell on the fine points of the talk, he merely said, "Parson, you shore did put the fodder down where the calves could reach it." And Prof. Edward Everette Dale of the University of Oklahoma's history department, speaking in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall yesterday under the auspices of the speech depart- ment, really put the fodder right down on the ground. Speaking on "Speech of the Fron- tier," Prof. Dale explained through a number of examples the vivid and picturesque speech of the old border states. Those expressions, expressing volumes in a few words cannot be literally translated without appear- ing meaningless or even ludicrous, shotgun," in relation to the old muz- zle-loading firearms. Another basic characteristic of frontier speech was exaggeration. Not only was this tendency expressed in telling stories, but it also found its way into common descriptions. A man recovering from a long ill- ness might be said to look "like he'd been pulled through a knothole," or "like he'd been chewed up and spit up" Girls whose hair hung over their faces looked like "a steer a-peekin' through a brush fence," or a man with protruding front teeth "could bite a pumpkin through the fence." A thin woman "had to stand twice in the same place to make shadder." And a horse was "so pore that you had to tie a knot in his tail to keep him from slippin' through the col- lar."