Clark McClellan Will Play
For 'Sadie Hawkins' Dance
Offered In Union Saturday,
Special Prize To Be Given II_ _ _
To Best Daisy Mae And
Li l Abner At Affair
'Blackout Dance'
To Be Tomorrow
Bring out your feudin' irons, and
while you're at it, tuck away those in-
hibitions, because you'll be needin'
the former and have no use for the
latter at the Summer Session "Sadie
Hawkins" dance, to be held from 9
to 12 p.m. Saturday in the Union
Ballroom, to the tunes of Clark Mc-
Clellan's Rhythm Club.
Rigid costume rulings have been
established and are being enforced
by the costume committee, who will
standat the door of the ballroom and
use shootin' irons, if necessary, to
collect an "inhibition tax" from those
whose costume doesn't even suggest
that of a hill-billy.
'Tax Exempt'
However, the committee has con-
sented to compromise to the extent
that they will give hints as to how
you may come "tax exempt." The
ideal costume, of course, would be
similar to Li'l Abner's or Daisy Mae's.
Overalls, blue jeans, old pants-
bright colored shirts, NO TIES-and
straw farmers' hats are suggested for
the men. Women's costumes may
range all the way from "Daisy Mae"
tattered shorts to old cotton dresses
and sunbonnets.
Fines Threatened
But hear yel if you men don't wear
bandanas, or at least 'come tie-less,
if you women don't wear sunbonnets,
or at least big hairribbons-the cos-
tume committee will be on your trail,
and you will be fined all the way up
to five pennies for your violation of
the evening's informality.
But for the best Li'l Abner and
Daisy Mae at the dance there will be
a special prize.,
For the city slickers, there will be
a "Blackout Dance" from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. tomorrow, also in the Union.
All the aspects of a London bombing
will be preserved, even to the lighting
effects and precautionary measures
occasioned by the raids.
Grace Moore
Will Present
First Concert
r(Continued from Page 1)
Union audiences will return to Ann
Arbor for the seventh concert on Jan.
19, when Robert Casacesus, eminent
French pianist, will make his debut
in this city.I
On Feb. 3 Dmitri Mitropoulos and
the Minneapolis Symphony ,Orches-
tra, unanimously acclaimed in their
first appearance here last year, will
give their second concert here.
Joseph Szigeti, Hungarian violin-
ist, will appear here Feb. 19, and the
Choral Union Concert Series will be
closed with a concert March 3 by
Vronsky and Babin, distinguished pi-
ano duo, making their initial appear-
ance in Ann Arbor.
Season tickets for the series may
be obtained by writing to Mr. Charles
Sink, University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower, Ann Arbor.
Other musical highlights of the
coming school year will be the pre-
sentation of Handel's Messiah on
Sunday afternoon, Dec. 14, in Hill
Auditorium. On Jan. 23 and 24 the
Second Chamber Music Festival will
take place, consisting of three con-
certs to be given by the Roth String
The May Festival of 1942 will be
presented May 6, 7, 8 and 9, consist-
ing of six concerts. The Philadelphia
Orchestra, with Eugene Ormandy
conducting, has been contracted to
appear here for the seventh time in
the Festival.
r and ..x
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Mittelstaedt
of Detroit recently announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Dorothy
Phyllis, to Robert M. McAnulty, jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McAnulty
of Detroit. The wedding date has not
yet been set.
The bride-elect is a graduate of the
University, and Mr. Mittelstaedt at-
tended Highland Park Junior College
and Wayne Universiy before coming
to the University.
Engagement and approaching mar-
riage of their daughter, Jennett, to
Herbert D. Hamilton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis G. Hamilton of Ann
Arbor, has been announced by Mr.
and Mrs. Carleton W. Angell, also of
this city. Date of the wedding will
be Aug. 11.
Graduate of the University, Col-
lege of Engineering, Mr. Hamilton is
a member of Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa
Phi and Sigma Xi honor fraternities.
Also announced has been the en-
gagement of J'une Louise Jenkins,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donal Jen-
kins, to John Edward Engstrom, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Engstrom.
Following attendance at Hillsdale,
the bride-elect was graduated from
the University where she was a mem-
ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
T here's'A Lot Of Tuna Fish Salad Here
'" .
Dr. Moehiman
Gives Speech
On Education
Importance Of Training
For Democratic Life
Stressed In Talk
"The purpose of the public schools
is to train for individual and social
efficiency," asserted Dr.~" Arthur B.
Moehlman in his talk, "Te'aching
Democratic Competency," yesterday
in the Auditorium of the University
High School.
"The outstanding characteristics of
our democratic way of life are
idealism, individual participation,
fair play, classlessness, opportunity,
change by evolutionary methods, tol-
erance for other people and for dif-
ferent points of view."
The qualities essential for intelli-
gent participation in our democracy
include mental and emotional stabil-
ity, physical endurance, open mind-
edness, sound judgment, ability to
cooperate with others, moral courage,
reverence and audacity or the capacity
for and desire to explore the un-
known, to advance the frontiers of
knowledge and to blaze new trails.
"These purposes,'* Dr. Moehlman
declared, "are best promoted when
home, school, and community unite
to provide adequate opportunities for
youth in the school and within the
total community life. No single
agency is completely competent to do
the total job."
These qualities cannot be pro-
duced by over' emphasis of one phase
of learning to the detriment of oth-
ers, he continued. While it is neces-
sary to train for physical endurance,
our schools must not make the same
mistakes as ancient ,Sparta and its
totalitarian imitators.
Corbett Advocates
Unions By Regions
In Future Europe
(Continued from Page 1)
citizenship takes precedence over
nationalism. Political institutions de-
velop loyalties by their mere opera-
tion; but they cannot operate
successfully if they are too far in ad-
vance of the existing sense of com-
every effort to build institutions
for the settlement of international
conflicts is, at an early stage in their
development, met by "a stubborn re-
fusal to see the state for what it is,
a means, not an end, a device for
harmonizing men's interests and en-
hancing their welfare, and a device
whose inadequacy under present
conditions clamors for structural im-
provement," Professor Corbett con-
cluded. "Overcome that form of na-
tionalism," he urged, "and firm
foundations can gradually.and care-
fully be laid for a democratic world
d I
a. p. blaustein's
Mrs. Maurice Meyer, Jr., of Elberon, New Jersey, was credited with
setting a new world record in tuna fishing after she landed this 818-
pounder that measured just a shade under 10 feet in length. It shat-
tered all previous marks in Maine for either men or women. It was
taken off Mark Island Gully near Bailey Island, Maine.
(Continued from Page 3)
a recital at 8:30 p.m., Monday, Ati-
gust 11, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. This recital is presented in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music and
is complimentary to the general pub-
Faculty Lecture Recital: Joseph
Brinkman and William Beller, Pian-
ists, will present a lecture recital at
4:15, Monday, August 11, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. The program
will consist of compositions by Cho-
pin and Brahms The recital is open
to the general public.
Engineering Seniors: Diploma ap-
plication blanks must be filled out
in the Secretary's Office, 263 West
Engineering Building, before August
18, for graduation after Summer Ses-
Candidates for the Teacher's Certi-
ficate for August 1941 are requested
to call at the office of the School of
Education on August 7, 8, 11 or 12 be-
tween the hours of '1:30 and 4:30 to
take the Teacher Oath which is a re-
quirement for the certificate.
Crime and Punishment starring the
celebrated French actor, Harry Bauer,
will be shown at the Rackham School
Lecture Hall on Sunday, August 10
at 8:15 p.m. Single admissions are
available for thirty-five cents. Tick-
ets are on sale at the Michigan League
and at the Rackham School on Sun-
day, August 10, at 7:30 p.m. Art Cin-
ema League.
Applicants for the Master's Degree
in Speech: All applicants for the mas-
ter's degree in Speech who plan to
complete their work at the end of the
present summer session must come to
the Speech office in order to check
their records on or before Monday,
August 11.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examination. Last date
for filing application for this examin-
ation is August 26, 1941.
United States Civil Service
Treasury Enforcement Agent, sal-
ary $2,600.
Complete announcements on file at
the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
Assistant Ecoonmist, (any special-
ized branch), $2,600.
Chief Engineering Aid, $2,600,
Principal Engineering Aid, $2,300.
Engineering Aid, $1,800.
Senior Engineering Aid, $2,000.
Assistant Engineering Aid, $1,620.
Junior Soil Conservationist, $2,000.
Junior Veterinarian, $2,000.
Junior Medical Officer (Rotating
Interneship), $2,000.
Junior Medical Officer (Psychia-
tric Resident) $2,000.
Student Physiotherapy Aide, $420.
Apprentice Physiotherapy Aid $1,-
Complete announcements on file
at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Detroit Civil Service Examinations.
Applications for these examinations
will be accepted until further notice,
unless otherwise stated.
Detroit Civil Service
General Staff Nurse, salary $1,680
(Residence rule waived).
Public Health Nurse (Grade 1),
$1,560 (Residence rule waived).
Trained Nursing Attendant, $1,440
(Residence rule waived). Last filing
date 8-11-41.
Junior Accountant, $2,580 (Resi-
dence rule waived). (Last filing date
Transportation Equipment Opera-
tor, $.79 to $.84 per hr. (Examination
date, Sept 6, 1941.)
Complete announcements on file at
the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
IT WAS NO SURPRISE TO US to hear "from usually reliable diplomatic
sources" that the President, Winston Churchill and Harry Hopkins held
a little conference on the war Tuesday somewhere in the middle of the
Atlantic Ocean. The $3,206,200,000 Congress is going to raise through the
new tax bill is practically in FDR's pockets now and he probably wanted to
get some advice from his free-spending pals on how to get rid of it in a
Hopkins, of course, had a lot of experience in spending American
taxpayers' money as head of the WPA and as Lease-Lend administrator
and Churchill is no rookie at the task either. Winston has finally
worked himself into the beautiful position where he can fight this war
to the last American dollar-and the last Russian soldier.
NOW that Hopkins has had a chance to go abroad and visit with the elite
of both Russia and England, he should be able to answer those two ques-
tions which have bothered the people of the United States for so long: (1)
Does Stalin really strain his soup with his moustache? (2) Does Bernard
Shaw sleep with his beard above or below the blankets? America is entitled
to the answers.
Breathes there a man
With soul so dead
To whom the President
Could have said:
"Here, you tell the people what their taxes are going to be like next
year, I haven't the heart."
THE BOYS in the army camps right now are plenty worried about being
kept there for the "duration."-it might turn out to be the "duration"
of Roosevelt's term of office. As far as we know, the selectees don't mind
life in the barracks so much, they just aren't interested in finding out how
"broadening" European travel can be. .
Secretary Ickes' successful experiment with "gasless Sunday" last
week proves that there are now three inevitable things in the United
States-death, taxes and Sunday drivers.
APPROXIMATELY 6,000,000 persons, comprising the entire state of Texas,
were invited to the wedding of Gov. Lee O'Daniel's daughter Molly in
Austin last Thursday. We imagine that groom Jack D. Wrather was very
glad that they all didn't stick around to kiss the bride.
Just before the first World War, the British were very worried about
the spread of German influence throughout the six continents. At that
time they were very much afraid that the Berlin to Baghdad railroad
(by way of Budapest, Belgrade and Bucharest) might possibly extend
north to Brussels and south to Bombay.
Ickes Seeks
Of Shoppers
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-()P)-Mil-
lions of shoppers in the East were
asked by Harold Ickes, Defense Oil
Coordinator, today to carry their own
purchases whenever possible to re-
duce gasoline consumption of delivery
The suggestion was one of five pro-
posals for gas conservation submitted
by Ickes to operators of' commercial
vehicles to combat a threatened pe-
troleum shortage on the Atlantic Sea-
board. The proposals followed his
recent request to filling station oper-.
ators to sell no gasoline between 7
p.m. and 7 a.m.
Today Ickes appealed to operators
of commercial vehicles, except those
used in national defense activities or
services essential to health and safe-
ty, to curtail consumption voluntar-
ily by:
1. Eliminating bulk and wholesale
deliveries on Saturdays.
2. Limiting retail deliveries ot not
more than one each day over a given
3. Reducing the deliveries of per-
ishables to as few each day as pos-
4. Eliminating special deliveries.
5. Vrging customers to cooperate
by carrying small packages instead of
requesting deliveries.
Meanwhile, Paul V. McNutt, Feder-
al Administrator, urged all service
station workers who have lost their
jobs to register at state employment
Crew cut or personality hair style.
Liberty off State
Semi-Annual Clearance
of Hoft Weather. Needs
continues until all stock is soldt
Summer! Going, going , .
But not yet gone! Why not see it out in crisp cottons ... in
fresh silk or rayon frocks? Why inlulge in false economy
by talking about the "end of the season?" Come, see our
collection of Summer dresses at NEW LOW SALE PRICES!
They'll brighten your wardrobe without lightening your
purse. Buy a few ... be prepared for the hot days ahead ...
Indian Summer -which always seems hotter than the real
thing ... bid Summer goodbye in all the style and chic with
which you welcomed it!
" .
Tigers Trounce Indians
CLEVELAND, Aug. 6. -OP)- The
Tigers tied the American League
record for third-inning scoring with
the biggest half-inning of the season
today, 11 runs off three Cleveland
pitchers on six hits, winning, 11-2.
"lip e
$5.95-$16.95 Values.
$10.95-$22.50 Values.
$1.95-$5.95 Values.
$1.00-$1.95 Values.
$14.95-$29.95 Values.
$1.95-$5.95 Values.
and Slack Suits, just a
very few left at $2, $3.95..
Now reduced to 49c.
11 r . r rr. r 1
TYPING-Experienced. L. M. Hey-
wood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
in graduate school work. Mimeo-
graphing and notary public. 706
Oakland. 6327.
LOST-Blue gabardine and white
lizard purse belonging to Jane Con-
nell. Call 3041.
1940 BUICK SPECIAL; 4-door Se-
dan. Radio; heater; new white
sidewall tires. 17,000 miles. Like
new. $800. Dial 4800 days; 7380
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
B07 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
T~n nrc i r" aA
11)L L t
EVERYONE enjoys the smoothness, the mellowness and
the goodness of good BEER. A tall glass of BEER,
with its rich body and flavor will hit the spot on these
warm summer evenings.
This is the season most ideal for the enjoyment
of sparkling brew. For the best in BEER, summer-
Special Showing of Printzess Coats for Fall and
Winter by Factory Representative on Friday and
Saturday, August 8th and 9th.
times favorite
beverage, remember our