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August 06, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-06

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Fair aand Cooler


5k 4M1U

~ Id3

The Ickes Inspired
Run On Gasoline .


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Berlin Claims
Russian Line
Break South
Of Smolensk
Nazi Bid To Encircle Kiev
Meets, Soviet Resistance
For Fourth Straight Day
Success Reported
In Counter-Attack
BERLIN, Aug. 5. -(?)- German
armies have turned suddenly south-
eastward from the direct road to Mos-
cow and have made a major break-
through 62 miles below Smolensk, the
German High Command announced
today, and thus tonight there ap-
peared prospects of a vast attempt at
encirclement of Kiev and the upper
While the surprise attack south-
east of Smolensk was succeeding in
annihilating some powerful Russian
units and encircling others, accord-
ing to the official German account,
other German shock troops south of
Kiev were reported to have smashed
Into strong Soviet field positions,
.seizing 43 bunkers, taking at least 6,-.
000 prisoners and killing twice as
many as were captured.
Bel Tserkov Claimed
DNB, official news agency, said the
Germans have captured Bel Tserkov,
50 miles south of Kiev, where the Rus-
sians wer making their stoutest stand
to defend the Ukraine capital.
The agency further declared Kholm,
250 miles northwest of Moscow, had
been captured. This indicated the
Germans had made anadvance of
about 70 miles in the sector midway
between Smolensk andLeningrad.
The southern advance as reported
by DNB, indicated an effort was be-
ing made to throw a giant arm around
Vital Battle
In this area-extending some 155
miles south of Kiev-the Russian de-
fenders were reported fighting in a
major battle against a large attacking
force. Neutral observers said the en-
gagement was a vital one for the Red
Army, for-if the German offensive
should succeed-the Wehrmacht in
this area would swing northwest, in-
to position to make contact with the
German contingents which so sur-
prisingly turned up southeast of Smo-
lensk today.
This strategy would serve the dual
purpose of a wide encirclement of
Kiev and severance of connections
between the Ukrainian hinterland and
the Russian Black Sea port of Odessa.
Smaller Movement
Apparently there is at least one
smaller encirclement movement with-
in this larger one; the High Com-
mand today said Red Army units
trying to break out of a limited area
of entrapment near Kiev had been
repulsed and in part destroyed; DNB.
the news agency, told of the derail-
ment of a large Red Army transport
train which was trying to move de-
feated troops and equipment east-
ward on the same front.
In the north, German Messer-
schmitts were credited with wrecking
three heavily-laden Russian muni-
tions trains near Lake Peipus; almost
complete occupation of Estonia, last
of the soviet Baltic buffer states, was
indicated with official announcement
of the capture of Tapa, railway town
45 miles southeastof Tallinn.
* * *
Germans Make Bid

To Encircle Kiev
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Wednesday, Aug. 6.-A
bloody German bid to encircle the
Ukraine capital of Kiev from the
north and south met furious resist-
ance by Soviet troops for the fourth
straight day yesterday and the Nazis
lost heavily in men and material, the
Russian communique reported today.
At the same time, Red Army lines
held firmly in the central Smolensk
sector before Moscow and along the
Estonian border below Leningrad, the
Soviets indicated.
A Red counter-attack at Korosten,
80 miles northwest of Kiev, was said
to have smashed a German infantry
regiment. More than 300 Germans
were reported killed and wounded and
many prisoners were taken.
Heavy fighting also was in pro-
gress in the Bel Tserkov area, 50 miles
south of the Ukraine capital.
The Russians declared officially
that the Germans, sustaining heavy

Hobson's Choice' To Begin Run
With Sherman And Kane Today

Draft Limit
Still Debated
By senators

Repertory Players Offer
Noted English Comedy
About Three Daughters
With Hiram Sherman and Whit-
ford Kane in the leading roles, the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
speech department will present Har-
old Brighouse's noted English com-
edy hit, "Hobson's Choice," at 8:30
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Sherman, who starred here in
Shaw's "Man and Superman" during
the Spring Drama Season, will be
seen in the juvenile role of William
Mossup while Kane will play Henry
Horatio Hobsorr. In the first inter-
national productiton of "Hobson's
Choice" in New York back in 1915,
Kane was called upon to portray
After leaving the University of Illi-
nois, Sherman began his career as an
actor with the Goodman Repertory
Company in Chicago. Going to New
York in 1929 to play in several Broad-
way hits. During the last season he
appeared in S. N. Bhrman's "The
Talley Method" and in St. John Er-
vine's "Boyd's Shop."
Before coming to Ann Arbor to
play Mossup, a part he first under-
took in 1932, Sherman played in
"Once in a Lifetime" at the Sufferin
Summer Theatre.
The comedy, which scored a note-
Prof. Smith
Will Address
Radio Group
Prof. S. Stephenson Smith, now on
leave from the University of Oregon,
where he teaches English and com-
parative literature, will speak at 4:15
p.m. today in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre on "Radio as a Vocabulary."
Educational connselor for ASCAP,
Professor Smith was a Rhodes scholar
and is the author of several books on
the use of words, rules of style, the
craft of criticism, and recent devel-
opments in lighter theatre art.
Now engaged in making first-hand
inquiries into regional and campus
activities in the creative and inter-
pretive arts for ASCAP, Professor
Smith will speak at the weekly as-
sembly for students of broadcasting
at the University.
His major field of interest is the
.theatre, and he has an intimate ac-
quaintance with drama from the
Greek tragedies up to modern Broad-
way productions. He has personally
produced "The Beggar's Opera," fam-
ous 18th century ballad by John Gay.
Professor Smith is a member of
the national council of the American
Association of University Professors,
the Modern Languages Association of
America, League of American Writers
and the Authors League of America.
Conin To Talk
About Obesity
Last Of Medical Lectures
Will Be Given Today
Speaking on "The Nature and Con-
sequences of Obesity," at 8 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall, Dr.
Jerome W. Conn, Professor of In-
ternal Medicine at the University will
complete the series of medical lec-
tures designed especially for the lay-
Dr. Conn will consider the mech-
anism and types of obesity and offer
statistical evidence to show the im-
portance of normal weight to length
of life. He will also bring in the dis-

eases intimately concerned with fat
people and their relation to prema-
ture death.
Bringing diets into his discussion,
Dr. Conn will explain why fat people
become discouraged when their diets
have no effect upon their weight,
Continuing along this line, Dr. Conn
will describe methods by which obese
persons can lose weight safely and
Finally, an outline will be given of
a weight-reducing diet containing the
essentials for a balanced food sched-
Latin-Americans To Go
On Battle Creek Journey
Members of the Latin-American
.ivy. r '. r1nnl rof thegiTi, +frnIa Hi a


Occupation Of Key Bases
By British In Siam Seen;
Troops Reach Singapore



I Thomas Say
sect Passage;
emp t Beaten


worthy success on the London stage
just prior to the first World War, is
the story of , Lancashire merchant
in 1880 who is trying to marry off
his three daughters. The scene is
laid in Salford, England, in the midst
of the coal mining area.
Evelyn Cohen and Emma Hirsch
will again be in charge of the cos-
tumes while their respective husbands
Alexander Wyckoff and Robert Mel-
lencamp designed the scenery.
Others in the cast are Dorothy Dur-
kee as Alice Hobson, Blanche Lembke
Vickey Hobson, Frank Jones as Albert
as Maggie Hobson, Betty Gallagher as
Prosser, Eve Strong as Mrs. Hepworth,
Neil Smith as Timothy Wadlow, E. S.
Cortright as Jim Heeler, Ellie Terrat-
ta as Ada Figgins, Frederick Nelson
as Fred Beenstock and George Sha-
piro as Dr. MacFarlane.
Will Celebrate
Fiesta Sunday
Event Will Commemorate
National Holiday; Olea
To Preside Over 'Affair
Speeches, dances and singing will
highlight the program to be presented
by the students from Ecuador in the
Latin-American Summer School at 8
p.m. Sunday in the Union Ballroom
in celebration of their national holi-
day, La Fiesta Nacional del lode
The program will open with the en-
tire Ecuadorian group singing the na-
tional anthem of Ecuador. Following
that introductions will be made in
Spanish by Dr. Teodoro Alvarado
Olea, presiding officer of the delega-
tion, and in English in behalf of his
father, the President of the Repub-
lic of Ecuador, by Senor Agustin Ar-
royo del Rio.
Senor Wilson Cordova, private sec-
retary to the President of Ecuador,
will next speak on "The Significance
of the 10th of August," after which
Dr. Miguel Albornoz will tell of
"Spanish and Ecuadorian Art."
Concluding the program two dances
will be given. Senorita Teresa Bueno
and Dr. Alejandro Paz will present
"San.Juanita," a typical native dance
in costumes of Otavelenos, and Sen-
orita Cara Bustamante will present
"Jota Espanola," a typical Spanish
The Ecuadorian students invite all
interested in celebrating their na-
tional holiday with them to attend the
program, which will be open to the
public without charge.

Deferme Passed
For n Over 28
WASHINGTONt Aug. 5.--(P)-With
a majority of the Senate apparently
favoring an extension of service for
all men now in Army uniforms, a dis-
pute developed late today as to whe-
ther this additional duty should be 12
or 18 months.
Both majority leader Barkley (Dem.
Ky.) and Senator Thomas (Dem.
Utah) told an attentive Senate,
crowded with g llery visitors, that
they expected pa sage of the bill per-
mitting the President to keep the men
in service 18 mor ths after their orig-
inal one year of twaining.
Taft Beaten
Earlier the Administration forces
had beaten the tttempt of Senator
Taft (Rep.-Ohio to limit the addi-
tional service fo drafted men to six
months, and for army reserves and
the National Guard to one year.
The proposal to limit service to 12
months came from Senator Burton
(Rep.-Ohio) after Senator Thomas
had proposed an 18-month extension
in lieu of the earlier military commit-
tee provision for an unlimited period
of service.
Barkley took the floor for an im-
passioned appeal to Congress to show
Hitler and all other "aggressors" that
this country was "willing to take any
necessary steps" to defend itself.
Opposed Draft Limit
Thomas and Senator Hill (Dem.-
Ala.) had recounted that the war de-
partment had opposed any specific
limit on the service period for draft-
ed men, the National Guard or regu-
lar Army men, but finally had acqui-
esced in an "outside limit" of 30
months on the training period. The
original 12-month period for draftees
plus the proposed 18-month exten-
sion would make possible the 30-
month training.
Late in the afternoon the Senate
interrupted debate to complete Con-
gressional action on legislation grant-
ing mandatory deferment to draftees
who were 28 years old on or prior to
last July 1. The measure also pro-
vides that, consistent with national
defense requirements, the Secretary
of War shall release men 28 years old
and above who already are in train-
Senator Tydings (Dem.-Md.) told
the Senate the War Department
planned release of National Guards-
men 28 years and older on the same
basis as selectees.
Prof. Moehiman
To Speak Monday
"Teaching Democratic Competence"
will be the subject of a talk to be de-
livered at 4:05 p.m. today in the Uni-
versity High School Auditorium by
Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman of the
School of Education.
The talk, one of a series sponsored
by the School of Education, will be
open to the public.
Professor Moehlman is professor of
school administration and supervi-
sion. He formerly had charge of
administrative research in the Detroit
public schools, and is editor of the
"Nation's Schools."
Prof. Willard C. Olson of the edu-
cation school will deliver an address
on "The Guiding Philosophy of the
University Elementary School" at 1
4:05 p.m. tomorrow.E

New War Front Hinted
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Russian submarines were reported to have sunk a German supply
ship off the Norwegian island port of Vardo (1) and there were rumors
in London of a possible British invasion in this area. Germans re-
ported gains in their Leningrad drive (2) and made a guarded claim
that a part of the city's outer defenses had been "liquidated." Heavy
fighting but no change of position was indicated in the Smolensk
sector (3). Germans were driving around Kiev (4), and Russians re-
ported fighting in the Korosten and Bel Tserkov areas..
RHumors Say FDR Churchill
Hold Secret Meeting On: War
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-~(')Th,,gether to discuss problems arising

Capital buzzed with rumor and specu-
lation today that President Roosevelt,
Prime Minister Winston Churchill of
Great Britain, Prime Minister Mac-
kenzie King of Canada, and Harry L.
Hopkins, lease-lend administrator,
were about to engage in a momentous
conference, possibly in Canada or
somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean.
The reports the four would get to-
Miss Mitchell To Give
Piano Concert Today
Martha Mitchell, pianist, a mem-
ber of the faculty of Texas State
College for Women, will give a con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall in partial fulfill-
ment of the degree of Master of Music.
Scheduled to be played by Miss Mit-
chell are Franck's "Prelude, Chorale
and Fugue," Beethoven's "Sonata, Op.
28" and "Three Mazurkas" and "Bal-
lade, F minor" by Chopin.
Prof. Percival Price of the School
of Music will present another in his
series of carillon recitals at 7:15 p.m.
tomorrow. The Band will present a
concert at 8 p.m. tomorrow at West

from the war and American aid to
nations battling the Axis, lacked any
substantiation whatever, and their
origin was dubious. The rumors per-
sisted, however, despite the fact high
officials here and elsewhere dis-
claimed any knowledge of such a
The reports apparently sprang
chiefly from the unusual secrecy sur-
rounding President Roosevelt's cruise
aboard the Presidential yacht Poto-
mac in northern waters. Linked with
this was the announcement in the
British House of Commons that Prime
Minister Churchill would not partici-
pate in a forthcoming debate on the
conduct of the war before Parliament
recesses for the summer.
Clement Attlee, Lord Privy Seal and
British Labor Party leader, explained
the Prime Ministter was preoccupied
"with urgent matters connected with
the war."
Some persons here immediately
drew the conclusion Churchill might
be flying to Canada for a secret ren-
dezvous with the President and that
Hopkins might accompany him.
The latter arrived in England Sun-
day night from Moscow, and reports
from London stated he had been in
seclusion since that time. At Otta-
wa, Prime Minister Mackenzie King
and Malcolm MacDonald, high com-
missioner of Canada from the United
Kingdom, said they knew nothing of
a forthcoming conference, and said it
was very improbable Churchill would
come to the Western Hemisphere.
Increase In Prices
Seen 'By Henderson
Despite Control Bill:
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-(R)-An
assertion that a "most pronounced in-
crease in the cost of living" was in-
evitable even if the Administration's
price-control bill were enacted imme-
diately was made to Congress today
by Leon Henderson, head of the
Office of Price Administration.
Opening hearings on the measure

Thailand Considers Fate
Of Resisting Nipponese
Attack From Indo-China
Demands By Tokyo
Claimed At Bangkok
MANILA, Philippine Islands, Aug.
5.-(IP)-Formidable land, air and
naval reinforcements reached the
mighty British base of Singapore to-
day and belief spread in the Far East
that Britain might be preparing a
swift occupation of key points in
Thailand-which adjoins French In-
do-China, scene of the recent diplo-
matic victory that gave Japan bases
within relatively easy striking dis-
tance of Singapore, Hongkong and
Manila-said plainly that the govern-
ment was conscious that a grave and
perhaps fateful decision must be
made as to relations with Japan on
the one hand and Britain and the
United States on the other.
A possible indication this decision
might be to resist any Japanese in-
vasion was given in an official an-
nouncement at Bangkok that a tank
headquarters for Thailand's eastern
forces had been established at Bat-
tambang, Cambodia. 35 miles from
Siemreap, Irido-China, which the
Japanese occupied yesterday.
Troops Dispatched
Contingents of mechanized troops
were dispatched to Battambang along
with large numbers of police and civil
officers. The town is in the area re-
cently ceded to Thailand from French
Thailand, it was generally agreed,
might at any time become the Poland
or the Syria of the ar East-a the-
atre in which Britain would draw the
line against any-further Japanese ex-
pansion or infiltration.
That Japan' was pressing certain
demands was in effect acknowledged
by Thai officials.
Broadcast Japanese reports that
Thailand had recognized the Japan-
ese puppet government of Manchou-
kuo were confirmed tonight by the
Bangkok Government. But while the
Japanese appeared to see a certain
complaisance in such recognition, it
appeared that whatever concession
Thailand had in fact made was offset
by creation of the Battambang base.
Thailand's Course
Delayed Bangkok advices stated
Thailand's final course depended
greatly on the attitude secondarily of
Britain and primarily of the United
The size of new British and Imper-
ial troops arriving during the day
in Singapore, which already had been
heavily strengthened, was of course,
not disclosed.
However, the contingent included
both British and Indian troops and
skilled engineers and technicians,
said the official announcement, and
arrived in a big convoy which had
put out originally from a northwest-
ern port in the United Kingdom, pick-
ing up large numbers of Indian troops
in Bombay.
A British decision to move ahead of
any Japanese encroachment in Thai-
land was represented by informed
personsaas the logical outcome of a
determination, backed by the United
States, to halt the Japanese advance
which already has put the whole
French Indo-China under Japan's
Emergency Plans
Informed persons declared Britain's
emergency plans were for the seizure
of Bangkok and the ports of the Kra
Isthmus, which in Japanese hands
would cut Singapore off from the
Asiatic mainland.
Such a British. advance probably
would come from the western Burma
border, where British air bases have
been reinforced. Imperial troops al-
ready have been moved by the thous-
ands to Thailand's border with Bri-
tish Malaya and are equipped with
tanks, artillery and special weapons
for jungle warfare.

These additional reports, all point-
ing to a crisis in the Orient, were dis-
tributed through the Far East:
That a big Chinese army is con-
ertated on the China border with Bri-
tish Burma, ready to aid the British
in defense of the Burma military sup-
ply road.
That Thailand armies were stand-
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Corbett To Give Policy Talk Today;
Colby Discusses Regiona l Diffic uties
4> .


The last of this week's lectures for
the Graduate Study Program in Pub-
lic Policy in a World at War will bej
given at 4:15 p.m. today in the Lec-{
ture Hall of the Rackham School by
Prof. Percy E. Corbett of McGill!
Professor Corbett's subject will be
"The Future of Nationalism and the'
Nation State."
Taking M. A. degrees from McGill
University in 1915 and Oxford Uni-
versity in 1924, Professor Corbett.
was Rhodes scholar for Quebec in
From 1920 to 1927 he was a law
fellow at All Souls' College at Ox-
ford, and from 1922 to 1924 was as-

The tragedy of our times is the
inability of western Europe to com-
pose its intra-regional difficulties,
Prof. Charles C. Colby of the Univer-
sity of Chicago stated yesterday in
his lecture for the Graduate Study
Program in Public Policy in a World
at War.
"This regional conflict affects the
utilization of natural resources in all
parts of the world, it destroys and
handicaps the world's facilities of
transportation and trade and it dis-
organizes the political and economic
organizations under which the world
functions," Professor Colby asserted.
Speaking on "Regional Aspects of

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