a. p. UIjnstet's
UNLOADING A FEW odds and ends
along the sports front here's
the answer to questions concerning
the whereabouts and futures of last
season's crop of Michigan grid gradu-
ates . . Tom Harmon will leave
Hollywood in a few days to begin
training for the All-Star game and
then come to Detroit to broadcast
next season's football contests over
WJR . . . Forest Evashevski is head
football coach at Hamilton College
Ed Frutig is looking forward to
spending the fall either with the
Green Bay Packers or the Army..
Ralph Fritz is in training with the
Philadelphia Eagles . . Milo Sukup
is coaching high school ball up in
Grand Rapids . . and Paul Kromer
now writes U.S.N. after his name.
One fellow wants to know which
Western Conference teams won what
ttiles last seaon and here's the ans-
wer to this one. . . Michigan, Illi-
nois and Indians each captured three
of the 13 crowns . .' Minnesota took
two and Chicago and Wisconsin one
apiece . . . the Wolverines came
through in baseball, swimming and
tennis while the Illini took the golf,
hockey and gymnastics titles . . . all
of Indiana's titles were scored under
the same coach in cross-country and
outdoor and indoor track.. . Min-
nesota won in football and wrestling,
Wisconsin came out on top in basket-
ball and Chicago won the fencing
SOME TIME AGO we got together
a list of the heaviest and light-
est men in baseball so we're pass-
it along . . . No. 1 among the big
boys is pitcher Walter G. Brown
who tips the scales at a mere 265
pounds . . . he's followed by catch-
er Babe Pheps and pitcher Johnny
Gee each of whom admits to 225
there's a trio of 220-pounders
Including rne "Big Schnoz" Lo-
bard, and pitchers Max Butcher
and John Whithead . . . the light
boys are outfielder Lloyd Waner,
who weighs 148, and infielders Hal
Warstler and Jimmy Webb who hit
the 150 pound mark . . outfielder
Paul Waner is 153 while outfielder
Jo-Jo Moore lays claim to 155
-Continuing our series of short pre-
views of ' Western Conference grid
squads . . . today's subject: North-
western . . Coach Lynn Waldorf
will have one of the toughest re-
building jobs in the Big Ten on his
hands when the season begins. .
three of his regular backs and five
of his regular linemen have graduated
and Alf Bauman, one of the nation's
top tackles last year, is having a little
trouble with eligibility . . and on
top of that five of the returning let-
termen are among those wanted by
Uncle Sam.
RETURNING backfield 'stars in-
clude Capt. Floyd "Tuffy" Cham-
bers and Bill de Correvont, both of
whom play halfback, fullbacks Don
Clawson and George Benson and
quarterbacks Don Kruger and Dick
Erdlitz . . . among the top linemen
are guards Buss Heagy, George Zor-
ich and Nick Burke and end Bob
Motl . . . several excellent first-
year prospects are also available. In-
cluding fullback Casey Pfeifer, Otto
Graham and end Bill Ohland.
Yankees Trim Browns
NEW YORK, Aug. 2.-()-Marvin
Breuer pitched three-hit ball today
as the Yankees beat the St. Louis
Brown, 2-0, for their third successive
shutout victory. Singles by Joe Gor-
-don and Bill. Dickey, the latter after
a double -by Joe DiMaggio, drove in
the Yankee runs.
Szantho Will Present Recital
Germans Admit Soviets Are Most Stubborn Foe
(Contiud from Page 1)
(daer Session Chamber Orchestra un-
der the direction of Eric DeLamarter
anl the A Capella Choir under Noble
Cam will present a concert at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
Scheduled to be heard on the pro-
gram will be "Hymn to Music" by
Dudley Buck, "Take 0 Take Those
eLips Away" by Edward Moore, "June
Moonrise" by DeLamarter, "Friend"
by Clara Davies, "Miserere Mei" by
William Byrd, Gabrieli's "Jubilare
Deo," and Serge Walter's "The Road
Is Calling."
The other compositions are Cain's
"God of the Open Air" and "Ode to
The Homeland" and "Way Over Jor-
dan" and "Oh Susannah," arranged
by Cain.
(Continued from Page 1)
o A Variety of Patterns in Pleasing Pastels
Always Reasonably Priced
i I'.
1 t
was scraped out of the bones of the
enslaved masses, farmers and work-
ers: everything which the clique of
the Bolshevist dictators could press
out of the people was used for the
creation of offensive fighting arma-
mnents without limits."
The war reports said Ukraine
fighting flamed between the Bug and
Dniester rivers south of Kiev, with
German speed troops officially de-
clared to have cut deeply again into
retreating Soviet columns.
The sudden shift of power in the
Nazi offensive to the southern end
of the huge complicated front was
reported as another week of the war
slipped by without extensive'terri-
torial gains in other sectors being
reported by the High Command.
Red Divisions Trapped
Yet -further Rea army divisions
were reported trapped east of Smo-
lensk, with German troops method-
ically pressing forward to draw tight
the net along the road to Moscow.
The location of the new southern
drive was given as 155 miles south
of Kiev, the capital of the Ukraine.
It evidently was launched across
the Dniester from Upper 'Bessarabia,
and possibly was aimed at driving a
wedge between Kiev, Russia's third
city, and Odessa, her chief Black Sea
The Germans already have re-
ported advance of their forces across
the lower Dniester. and they were
said today to be bringing their ar-
tillery up to within bombardment
range of Odessa, which is also an
important naval base and only about
30 miles distant from the Dniester.
Coupled with the land attack, the
High Command said warplanes heav-
ily bombed Moscow, and rail junc-
tions in the upper Volga and south-
ern Ukraine.
While the Germans claimed to have
made steady if small territorial ad-
vances in the week just ended, they
were putting emphasis again and
again on the military thesis that the
first objective is to destroy the Soviet
army and not to occupy its cities.
Developing Favorably
This war of material against ma-
terial was held to be developing fa-
vorably for the Germans.
Thus, an unofficial review of the
last seven days said 82,000 prisoners
and enough equipment to outfit a
fair-sized army had been taken.
Captured war material, it was said,
included 737 heavy tanks. 770 field
cannon, 27 complete artillery bat-
teries, 1,210 machine guns, .3,000 mo-
tor vehicles, 1,200 railway cars and
two armored trains.
Destroyed yesterday, another re-
port said, were 129 Soviet planes.
Dienst Aus Deutschland, comment-
ing on this phase, said the tanks
capturede were as many as Soviet
industry can build in two months.
If this keeps up, said the Germans,
the Soviet arsenal soon will be empty.
Intense Counter-Attacks
As to how much material the Ger-
mans are losing, they had little to
say, only remarking that German
commanders, know 'how to conserve
their equipment.
Although the Germans admitted
they had been subjected to intense
Soviet counter-attacks in the Smo-
lensk area- they denied the war had
become one of position, waged from
trenches across a no-man's-land.
In other phases of the war, an
unofficial tabulation gave 166,500
tons of shipping destroyed in a week
in raids along Britain's shipping
lanes, including 16,000 tons sunk or
damRPd vpstarcTdsv nd T'lnt neih1,t.
War Outcome Still Uncertain I
' I
(Continued from Page 1)
It was an opportunity lost, later mag-
nified when British bombers aiding
Greece against Italy refrained from
attack on the German-occupied Ru-
manian fields in a futile attempt to
avert a full scale Balkan war.
Turning to the Far East, Japan,
now expanding southward by con-
nivance of the "Men of Vichy" into
all Indo-China, faces hardly a less
" nenacing oil problem than does her
Berlin Axis partner. Oil from the
Dutch East Indies is her vital need
as much as oil from Russia is Hitler's.
Yet by word of Dutch authorities
they stand ready and prepared to
ddstroy those wells rather than field
them to Japan.
On both fronts, half the world
apart, the Axis team seems still
threatened with ultimate oil starva-
and brings you two dresses guaranteed to create
a stir in masculine hearts.
LEFT: Black rayon crepe with eye-catching multi-
colored grosgrain midriff. Pleated skirt. Jeweled
ornament. $19.9-
RIGHT: Black rayon crepe with pleated banding
in yoke effect, fitted midriff dnd rhinestone buttons.
Both dresses in sizes 9 to 17. Also available in
Brown, Blue teal, Barberry red, Moss green.
It wasn't all serious: Vice-President Henry A. Wallace (right in
civilian clothes) and Major Otto M. Jank (left leaning forward), Iowa
ordnance plant commander, burst into frame-shaking laughter at a
bystander's remark, adding a touch of levity to the serious business of
dedicating the $50,000,000 Iowa ordnance plant at Burlington, Iowa.
Nazi trucks in Smolensk: Berlin sources say this picture shows part
of a German truck column passing through a Smolensk street. Ger-
man and Russian reports have both a various times claimed possession
of the Russian city of Smolensk where severe fighting has been taking
place. This photo was sent from Berlin to New York via radio.
Liberty at Maynard
George Bernard Shaw, eccentric
playwright, satirist, vegetarian, ad
infinitum, recently celebrated his
seventy-eighth birthday by predict-
ing a victory in World War II for
combined Russian, British and
United States forces.
(Continued from Page 5)
will accompany the group as lectur-
er. Reservations in Summer Session
Office, Angell Hall. Special bus to
boat dock and return to Ann Arbor
at 9:30 p.m.
English 182 will not meet Monday
morning. M. L. Williams
.The United States Gunboat Tutuila (above) has been damaged by Japanese bombs during an air raid on
Chungking, the Chinese capital, the Navy announced. The 370-ton boat of the Yanktse River patrol was
damaged by bombs which narrowly missed the U.S. embassy. No casualties resulted but the Navy said the
stern superstructure of the craft was damaged slightly.
I l1