THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY I Washington Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN GRIN AND BEAR IT STUPID By Terence The Facts ... TI w -=g "' ' 4t= PoB -ygc[oyrstutsuirnn nS, epM,ya f.w.. .....--.:r. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the Uitiversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associatedj Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to 'it or not otherwise credited in- this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FORNATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Puishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. £INtCAGO * SOSOn LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Managing Editor City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Stafff Karl Kessler Harry M. Kelsey .William Baker . . . . Eugene Mandeberg . . . Albert P. Blaustein .~Barbara Jenswold Business Staff business Manager n . 'ocal Advertising Manager. V-omwnls Advertising Manager *.Daniel H. Huyett . Fred M. Ginsberg . . Florence Schurgin NIGHT EDITOR: BILL BAKER The editorials published in The Michi- gap Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. International Derailmeiit, M ORE THAN 20. years ago Japan emerged from World War I a vic- torious if dissatisfied ally of Great Britain. Prog- nosticators of the era foresaw the Land of the Rising Sun remaining a bedfellow of the de- mocracies, developing in the direction of inter- national coperation Today Nippon stands, a military dictatorship combining the worst features of feudal despotism and modern totalitarianism, with all the power of the English-speaking world arrayed against her. It's been a long trail in the last 20 years, still rather hazy to contemporary commentators. But historians may some day point to the period as one of the most remarkable episodes in his- tory. IT STARTEID almost precisely 10 years ago, on the night of Sept. 18, 1931, when the first of many grim legions of little men marched into Manchuria. The pretext was self-defense: on that day the Chinese had allegedly blown up three feet of track belonging to the South Man- churian Railroad, a Japanese enterprise near Mukden. In order to prevent further depreda- tions, the Japanese army was forced to take over one of the three Manchurian provinces. A League of Nations committee investigated the Japanese chrges, reported that the Mukden incident had ne'ver taken place. Real reason for the seizure of Manchuria and later Jehol and Inner Mongolia seems to have been the fear of Japanese militarists that the liberals would gain too much power at home. The army tok action without the knowledge of civil authorities back in Tokyo, caused the liberal cabinet of Baron Reijiro Wakatsuki to resign, and now held the" reins. IN 1932 the United States and Great Britain muddled an opportunity to stop Japan under the Nine-Power Treaty, by which the nations involved pledged to respect the territorial integ- rity of China. When the two nations failed to act together, Japan occupied the Chinese port of Shanghai, claiming that Japanese lives were endangered by a campaign of boycott and propa- ganda being conducted by the Chinese. A year later both the Manchurian and Shanghai ven- tures were branded by the League of Nations as unprovoked, and Japan indignantly withdrew from that august body. The next four years were quiet, with the Jap- anese organizing the puppet state of Manchukuo and the Chinese' resorting to passive economic resistance. On July 7, 1937, Chinese troops were reported to have fired on Japanese forces maneu- vering near Peiping. With this as the excuse the war in China was started, intended to be "a quick subjugation of the Chinese and overthrow of the Chiang Kai-shek government. The war is still going on ... . JAPAN now holds military and communication centers in Eastern China, but has failed to gain either major objective. The invading forces have bogged down expensively in the interior of a vst and perhaps unconquerable country. Meanwhile Japan has joined the Axis, pro- claimed her hegemony over Asia, has stepped on the international toes of every democratic na- tion. It is against such a background that Japan now moves into Indo-China, to threaten Singa- pore, Malaya, the Dutch East Indies. Pretext: to protect herself against -encirclement by the United States and Great Britain. "Japanese (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Merry-Go-Round's famous brass ring is awarded to the little businessman, whom the New Deal vowed to save, but who is getting almost nowhere under the Defense program.) WASHINGTON-On three different and his- toric occasions Franklin Roosevelt has been elect- ed President of the United States despite the vitriolic opposition of Big Business and on a Democratic platform which featured attacks on Big Business. Yet today, the Roosevelt Administration and Big Business arewalking hand-in-hand as far as the Defense program is concerned, while the little fellow looks on ruefully from the side-lines. The Brandeis theory that this nation prospers most when business is broken into small parcels scattered over the country still exists - but only in theory. In practice, the big contractor, the big engineering firm, the big munitions company gets the government job, almost every time. THUS the Roosevelt Administration now finds itself in the unique position of having awarded one-third of all. Army-Navy expendi- tures during the past year to exactly six firms: Bethlehem Steel, New York Shipbuilding, Gen- eral Motors, duPont, Newport News Ship, and Curtiss-Wright. These six firms were given contracts totalling nearly ten billion dollars. Some of this concentration of orders is nec- essary, because these are specialized firms. Much of it, on the other hand, is unnecessary but comes about because the big companies have their close friends in the Army and Navy, with whom they have done business for years. In the contracting field, for instance, a half dozen big building firms have frozen out practically all other competition. The Run-Around THEREare any number of building projects which could be handled by small firms. But nine times out of ten, they don't get the jobs. All the paths in Washington are greased to give the little fellows the run-around as speedily and noiselessly as possible. Officials are so skilled in this that they do it automatically. Here, for instance, is the actual story of a small contractor and what happened to him, play by play, in trying to get a Government contract. Everything printed below is factual except the name. If the name was published, this contractor wouldn't even get in the door. "John Dawson" is vice-president of a general contracting company with offices in blew York, has handled jobs as big as 2% 2millions in the past, but i not big enough to have a represen- tative in. Washington. So Dawson came to Wash- ington himself, asked officials whether he ought to retain a representative who could help hin bid on projects. "No indeed," he was told. "You need nobody here. We don't want to deal with agents. Just write us a letter to say what kind of work you've done and we'll get in touch with you." Dawson thought he could do even better than writing a letter, so he prepared a display book with photographs of work his company had done, together with the records of his engineers. It was a most impressive booklet, and on May 8 he filed copies with the Navy, Army Engineers, Public Buildings Adminstration and National Defense Advisory Commission. THEN he waited. But nothing happened. After a month he came to Washington again. Going to the Navy first, he told Commander Spalding that he would like to discuss his com- pany's fitness to handle contracts. "Sorry but I can't discuss it," replied Com- mander Spalding. "My hands are tied." And he produced a letter from the Secretary of the Navy saying there could be no discussion of future projects because it night reveal their location and character to the enemy. This soujded fine from the public's viewpoint, but obviously it meant that a contractor had no way of getting business unless he happened to have a friend on the inside. If you had a friend in the Navy, for instance, who could tip you off when a project was under consideration, you were OK. Otherwise you had no chance to get busy until the contract was let. Commander Spalding did suggest, however, that Dawson make the rounds of public works offices handling Navy projects along the Atlantic coast. Dawson followed this suggestion and traveled all the way to Savannah, Ga. But it turned out to be merely a goodwill mission. The Vice President' EANWHILE, from a friendly source in the Army Engineers he got a tip that a new Air Corps project was to be, built in New York state. So Dawson hustled over to Rome, N.Y. to put in a bid. "Sorry, my friend," he was told on arrival, "but you're about a month late." Another contractor had just been brought into the picture and the job was assigned, al- though no announcement had been given until a few days before. Dawson was defeated in Washington, lost time in Georgia, and missed a contract in New York. Now he was back in Washington to start the unhappy merry-go-round all over again. But meanwhile a bright light came to Dawson. He decided to get a local agent. However, contractors are obliged to take an oath that they employ no agents. But he had heard of a neat scheme whereby an agent was given a title in the company, perhaps of vice- president. Then the agent or "vice-president" is paid $500 a month, and if he lands a contract he gets additional pay amounting to ten per cent. JOHN DAWSON sat in his shirt-sleeves in a hot hotel room, his head in his hands. It was typ- ical summer weather in the nation's Capital, and he thought of his family on the coast of Maine. So far he had spent three months knocking on Government doors and cooling his heels in ante- rooms. Finally Dawson decided:,"I don't like this lob- bying business. But other people are ding it and signing the contracts. So I'm going to em- ploy a lobbyist myself. 'When you're in Rome, do as the Romans do.' Note-This is not an isolated case. On the contrary, several score of small business men have been given the same War and Navy brush- off every day since the Defense program first got under way. Merry-Go-Round PRICE Defense Adminstrator Leon Henderson is planning to go to England for a first-hand study of wartime price regulation - after Con- gress has enacted his control bill . . . Inciden- tally, certain Adminstration chieftans could learn a good lesson from Henderson on how to broach legislation. Instead of peremptorily throwing a bill at Congress, he has astutely con- ferred with Senate and House leaders on what should go into his measure . . . Here is a graphic example of how overcrowded Washington is to- day. When the ornate Justice Department build- ing was completed in 1932, it housed a total of 900 officials and employees, who rattled around in the huge structure like dice in a shaker. Prac- tically everybody, from messengers up, had a private office. Today, the Washington person- nel of the Department is over 7,500 and office space is so scarce that many of the corridors are being used for offices. OfMikes & Mien By JUNE MCKEE BEFORE GOING on to Interlochen to conduct a class in broadcasting, Judith Cary Waller -revealed several pertinent points regarding "Woman's Place in Radio." Though "not a fem- inist," she declared that breaking down of preju- dice a1gainst women was necessary before their breaking into radio could be assured. Then, the selling of self to station managers, she stated, was a prime factor in gaining a place behind the mike. Toward this position, voice and personality are most important, Miss Waller believes. "First, be sure of the thing you're doing, then like it so you can't help but be natural." This natural- ness, Judith Waler feels, is woman's most diffi- cult point to establish on the air. "It's hard for women to be conversational and natural when trying fo put on a show" . . . . While television will doubtlessly increase opportunities for women in the radio field, Miss Waller sees the develop- ing war situation also opening more avenues to feminine sway behind the mike. * * * The latest issue of BROADCASTING shows a nice shot of Hoosier Hammer Harmon signing the contract with G. A. Richards, president of WJR, that at last realizes his announcing ambi- tion ... This weekly also reveals the FCC's granting of a new FM license to Lansing's col- lege station. The coverage area is stipulated at 3,800 square miles, while antennae will be set up in the Olds Tower .... It certainly seems that other educational in- stitutions are forging forward in radio work. Jack Zuideveld, of nom d'air "Walters-Your Wheatiescaster," writes that Iowa State's WSUI has great influence out that way, with most of the cub announcers in Iowa stations selected from there . . . . Jack is handling play-by-play accounts of activities in the Three-Eye League over WMT, 5,000-watt basic affiliate of the Co- lumbia network-also sailing under insignia of "special events director" .. . . as isDick Slade, in again from W45D ... . Through WJR today, tuners-in at 2:30 p.m. will hear "Halsted Street' enacted by students of Don Hargis, and then some verse offered by Pauline McMurray, Edith Woodard, Roger Reed and Frank Jones. Those presenting the drama include Betty Gallagher Thelma Davis, Edith Woodard, Madeline Rupp, Betty Wooster and Ted McOmber. Joan Sack will furnish the music. "What's In a Name?" will title the program written by E. S. Cortright, directed by Mr. Jimmy Church, and enacted by Dorothy Haydel, Doro- thy Durkee, Bob and Jean Cortright, Clara Behringer, Ruth Glaser, James Glick, Mildred Janusch, Bill Cady, Sheldon Hilliard, Mary Lev- ey, Tom Armstrong, Virginia Connell, Hugo Marple, and Madeline Rupp. WJR is the sta- tion, tomorrow at 11 a.m. the half-hour. On Monday, "Oh, You Women" will be offered by the students of Prof. Waldo Abbot, and Tues- day, "This ahd That" is to feature a Red Cross talk. These WJR programs, as all those weekly, are aired at 4:45 p.m. Ebenezer Stalin, 28, nephew of Russian dictator Joseph Stalin, killed in automobile accident July 31, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sophomore at University of Michigan. Car ran into telephone pole at approximately 50 miles an hour according to witnesses. News Item . ANN ARBOR, Mich, August 1.- Ebenezer Stalin, a sophomore at the University of Michigan and nephew of Premier Joseph Stalin of Russia, was killed in an automobile accident here yesterday when the car he was ,driving careened into a telephone pole at a high rate of velocity, caus- ing the telephone pole to fall upon the top of the automobile, which re- sulted in the student's death, as Repercussions were felt in New York when the stock market fluc- tuated, and General Motrs stock went down two points due to the fact that the victim was driving a Chev- rolet automobile. - The New York Times Ebenezer Stalin, '43, was killed in an automobile accident in Ann Arbor July 31. He was the nephew of Joseph Stalin, who is dictator of the 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russia). The car hit a telephone pole, setting the law of gravity into effect, and the pole lit on the stu- dent's head. He had an excellent record in the University. - The Michigan Alumnus Death as it must to all men came July 31 to Ebenezer Stalin, nephew of Russian chief Stalin, sophomore at Michigan's plush University at Ann Arbor. Eclectic, erudite Ebenezer had been in this country two months, had pur- chased a new Chevie, had been out on a party, had had three Wolverine Whiz-bangs*, had brown hair, had blue eyes, had on a striped brown checked suit, had a crushed head afterhis car struck a telephone pole. "A common campus cocktail. Reci- pe: two jiggers vodka, one gin, one ruip, one teaspoon buttermilk, angos- tura bitters, olive, three drops ethyl gasoline. - Time ANN ARBOR, August 1-A sexual orgy and a wild drinking party were hinted at today following the death of Ebenezer Stalin, 28, nephew of Russian Premier Stalin and sopho- more at the University. Stalin was killed last night when his car crashed into a telephone pole at the rate of 89% miles per hour, causing the telephone pole to smash his headsplattering the street with blood. The victim had been at a party and was returning home. Others at the party said that drinking had been at a high rate all evening, and ghat Stalin had been in the company of a young lady of "questionale repu- tation." - The Detroit Times Ebenezer Stalin, 28 years of age, was killed in an automobile accident here Thursday. He was the nephew of Joseph Stalin. - Ann Arbor News, August 3 BERLIN, August 1-An official High Command communique report- ed today that Premier Joseph Sta- lin's nephew, Ebenezer, was dead as the result of an automobile accident in Ann Arbor, Michigan, U. S. A. The war is continuing according to plan, the communique continued, and 5,832 Russians were killed yes- terday and Pjinshkx was bombed by the Luftwaffe. - DNB, Official German News Agency MOSCOW, August 1-Moscow to- day denied the rumor that Premier Joseph Stalin's nephew, Ebenezer, had been killed in an auto accident, and branded it as Nazi propaganda designed to destroy Russian morale. The war communique further said that the war is continuing according to plan, and that 5,832 Germans were killed yesterday and -Pjinshkx was not damaged by one lone Nazi bomber that wobbled over .the city. - Tass, Official Russian News Agency *'. * NEW YORK, AUGUST 1.-(P)- THE CBS SHORT WAVE LISTEN- [NG POST HERE TONIGHT INTER- CEPTED A RADIO BROADCAST FROM BERLIN THAT SAID PRE- MIER JOSEPH STALIN'S NEPHEW IRTLE('$&(P)"REW"$' THE QUICK BROWN FOZ JOMPED OVER THE LAZY DOGS BACK 1234567890 BER- LIN THAT SAID PREMIER JOSEPH STALIN'S NEPHEW, EBENEZER, WAS KILLED IN AN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT IN ANN ARBOR. THE REPORT IS AS YEG UN- CONFIRMED. - AP Teletype Wire Report * * * Police reported here yesterday that Ebenezer Stolen, '43, was killed in an automobile altercation when the car he was driving smashed into a tele- phone pole at the corner of State and Pakard. Police said that Ebenezer had been uag A gaads jo a.T q i u 3 u t t2uAl p the accident oceurrec. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN "You win, Adele-They DID have shoes in all those boxes!" All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the ISummer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be ? submitted before 11:30 a.m. Lectures on French Music: Mr. Per- cival Price, Professor of Composition and University Carillonneur, will give the second lecture on French music on Monday, August 4th, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 206, Burton Memorial Tower. The subject of his lecture will be "French Music of the Classical Peri- od." The lecture, which will be given in English, is open to all students and Faculty members. The third lecture on French Music will take place on Monday, August '18th. These lectures are sponsored by the Department of Romance, Lan- guages. One Act Plays: The Secondary School Theatre of the Department of Speech will'present a bill of one- act plays Saturday morning, August 2, at 10:00. This program will be presented in the Pattengill Auditori- um of the Ann Arbor High School. These plays are directed,' acted, pro- duced, costumed and the sets built by the students in acting, directing, and technical theatre courses in the Department of Speech. All students of the SclIool of Education, the De- partment of English, the Department of Speech, and of the Ann Arbor High School are cordially invited to at- tend. Admission is free. Whatever seating room remains is open to the public. . Monday, August 4 at 8:00 p.m., Professor William Herbert Hobbs, Professor Emeritus of Geglogy, will give a lecture on "Polar Exploration" (Illustrated). (Lecture Hall, Rack-. ham Building.). Student Graduation Recital: Mar- tha Mitchell, a student of Professor Brinkman, will present a piano re- cital at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 6, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. This recital is presented in partial ful- fillment of requirements for the de- gree of Master of Music and is open to the general ublic.j Faculty Concert: Hanns Pick, Cell- ist; the Summer Session Chamber Orchestra, Eric DeLamarter, Con- ductor; and the A capella choir, Noble Cain, Director, will present a concert at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 5, in Hill Auditorium. Dr. DeLamarter and Dr. Cain are members of the School of Music Guest Faculty and Professor I Pick is a member of the regular Faculty of the School of Music. This recital will be open to the general public. Faculty Lecture Recital. Joseph Brinkman and William Beller, Pian- ists and members of the School of Music Summer Session Faculty, will present the fourth in a series of six lecture recitals at 4:15 p.m., Monday, August 4, in Rackham Assembly Hall. The program will consist of composi- tions by Schubert and Schumann with a brief explanation preceding the playing of each selection. This re- cital will be open to the general'pub- lic. The Burton Memorial Tower will be open for visitors during the noon- time playing of the carillon between 12 noon and 12:15, from Monday, August 4 through Friday,tAugust 8. This will be the last opportunity dur- ing Summer Session to see the caril- lon being played. Doctoral Examination for Robert Francis Thomson, Metallurgical En- gineering; Thesis: "The Effect of Carbon Steels," Saturday, August 2, at 10:00 a.m., in 3201 East Engineer- ing, Bldg. Chairman, C. A. Siebert. By action of the Executive Board the chairman my invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates -to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason may wish to be present. Lectures on French Diction and Intonation: Professor Charles E. Koella will give his third lecture on French Diction and Intonation on Monday, August 4th, at 7:15 p.m. at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte- naw. Students teaching French or con- centrating in French are especially invited to attend. Girl Summer School students who like to paint and design- posters are invited to come to the League Public- ity Committee meetings each Satur- day morning from 9:30 to noon in the Undergraduate Office. University Men and Women: Any- one wishing special instruction in teaching square dancing is invited to come to the Michigan League at 4 p.m. Monday. Mr. Lovett wil hold a class in the ballroom at that time in addition to the regular square dance lesson at 7:30. Visitor's nights at the Observatory (Continued on Page 4) 41 I RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue Saturday Evening 6:00 Stevenson News Ty Tyson Youth Dramas To Be Announced 6:15 Inside of Sports Science Program Youth Dramas Sandlotters 6:30 Wayne King's S. L. A. Marshall Sons Of To Be A nounced 6:45 Orchestra Sports Parade The Saddle Harry Heilmann 7:00 Guy Lombardo Latitude Zero Serenade Town Talk 7:15 Orchestra Latitude Zero Val Clare; News Organ Favorites 7:30 News Comes Truth Or Hawaii Bishop & 7:45 To' Life Consequence Calls the Gargoyle 8:00 Your Barn News Ace Green Hornet 8:15 Hit Dance Forces Quiz Green Hornet 8:30 Parade Barn Gould Orchestra NBC 8:45 Saturday Night Dance Gould Orchestra Summer 9:00 Serenade Whoopin' Chicagoland Symphony 9:15 Public Affairs Holler Concert Concert 9:30 Four Clubmen I Want A Job of Light Sweet and 9:45 World 'News Michigan Highways Music Rhythmic 10:00 Masterworks Williams Orch. National News News Ace 10:15 of Music williams Orch. Britain Speaks Strong Orch. Daily Calendar of Events