Weather Partly Cloudy. ig~t Official Publication Of The Summer Session ~Iit1 Editorial A Noble Heritage And; Its Future.. VOL. LI, No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wang Regime Given Official Axis Approval Japan To Announce War Stand Soon; Recognition May. Influence Decision U.S. Aid To Russia Worries Nipponese SHANGHAI, July 1.-MP)-On the eve of an expected announcement by Japan of, her position in the Ger- man-Russian war, Germany and Italy and their Axis satellites tbday granted Japan's request and ac- corded recognition to the Japanese- sponsored Nanking government of China, headed by Premier Wang Ching-Wei. This Axis recognition came a full 17 months after estatlishment of the Wang regime to rule Japanese- conquered areas of China, but only 10 days after Germany invaded Russia. War Stand Expected After deliberating almost con- stantly since outbreak of Russian- German hostilities, the Japanese, government, according to the au- thoritative Japanese news agency Domei, was expe'cted to state tomor- row whether it has made a choice between Germany, its Axis partner,t and Russia, with whom it has a neu- trality pact. This recognition of the Wang re-R gime appeared to have been timed to influence Japan's decision, or per- haps to make payment for pledges already undertaken by Tokyo. At Chungking, the government of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek in- structed its diplomatic representa- tives in Germany and Italy to re- turn to China." U.S. Worries Japan The Axis move came amid mount- ing indication that Japan had cast her lot with Germany against Rus- sia, her old-time Far-Eastern rival. Japan has been reported worried over the possibility of United States Influence inr asing in the Far East through grantig of promised Ameri- can aid to Russia, which might be made through Vladivostok, Soviet Far Eastern ort. Joining Germany and Italy in rec- ognizing the Nanking regime as the Nationalist Government of China were Rumania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, ' Croatia and Hungary, all minor Axis partners, and Spain, whose govern-s ment is an outspoken enemy of Com- munist Russia. Russia, before signi g its treaty1 with Japan three months ago, gave[ much material help to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek in his war againstt Japan. The move was announced in Tokyoc as "a telling blow to those who, hav- ing not yet realized the great ideal of the establishment of an East Asia new order, continue to follow a policyt of resistance against Japan." U.S. Is Preparing To Rush Supplies' To Soviet Uniont WASHINGTON, July 1.-(P)-The United States prepared to do its ut- most today to comply with an official Russian request for help in rushing! supplies to the embattled Soviet Union. Sumner Welles, the acting secre- tary of state, disclosed that the Rus- ian ambassador, Constantin Ouman- sky, presented the request yesterday. It has been forwarded, he added, to all the interested governmental de-, partments. Since Russia is a belligerent in the war, and such information might, come under the heading of data use- ful to Hitler's armies, Welles declined to say what weapons or other arti- cles were on Oumansky's list.; Authoritative sources said the or- ders would not be a part of the American lease-lend 'program, but would be 'strictly business transac- tions," with payment being made by the Soviet government. The Russians, it was learned, are seeking the assistance of the United States government in placing orders here and in securing priorities, wherever possible in order to expe- dite deliveries. Newman Club Sponsors St- Marv' linen Hm vngo Jesse S. Reeves Discusses Foreign, DomesticPolicy To Talk Today By HARRY M. KELSEY Finding a statesman who can com- bine the idea of immediate gain with the concept of long range advan- tages is one of thie major difficulties of a democracy, Prof: Jesse S. Reeves, William W. Cook Professor of Ameri- can Institutions, pointed out in a lecture yesterday, adding that even when such a statesman is found there is continually a conflict with those who persist in thinking only in terms of present advantage. Professor Reeves' lecture opened a series of twenty sponsored by the Graduate Study Program in Public Policy in a World at War. His sub- ject was "Interrelation of the Do- mestic and Foreign Policies of a Na- tion.". The government of no country will take on a foreign policy contrary to its national interests, Professor Reeves stated. The formation of pol- icy, he noted, involves alternatives, and the limits of choice within for- eign policy is the limits set do'wn by international law. Differences of opinion make peaceful change nearly impossible, he stated, saying that na- tionalism, seeking change, leads to a need for self-sufficiency, which in turn leads to autocracy, not peaceful isolation, but warlike change, and the more complete the self-sufficiency the greater its international signifi- cance and danger. As one factor in a number leading to the development of what is known as "power politics," Professor Reeves traced the result of the combination of the industrial revolution and the French Revolution. The industrial revolution, he said, led to the shrink- age of the earth through technologi- cal advances, bringing peoples and national army rather than a small group of professional soldiery, and universal military service. The com- bination of these two led to a com- parative armaments race among countries which the United States joined in after the Spanish,American War. Lands, peoples and boundaries play an important part in the determina- tion of policy, Professor Reeves main- tained. Since there are no more free lands to be occupied, when a coun- try needs more territory today it must take it from an already occu- pied country, he pointed out, while boundaries set off one legal order from another, as each state repre- sents its own legal order. The last great migration of peo- ples, he noted, was that of the 19th century from over-crowded Europe to the United States. Now, Professor Reeves stated, it has become neces- sary to place restrictions on immi- gration, and domestic policy in re- gard to immigration has had a great influence in the formulation of for- eign policy. Summer Staff To Be Honored At Reception Dances, Bridge To Follow Event In Rackhan Hall; 'All Students Are Invited Faculty members and students will have an opportunity to meet, between 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. tomorrow, when the general reception of the faculty to the students of the Summer Ses- sion is held in the Rackham Build- ing. At the head of the receiving line,, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., will be Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session, and Mrs. Hopkins. With Dr. Hopkins will be Dean Clarence S. Yoakum, 'vice-president of the University and dean of the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, and Mrs. Yoakum; Shirley W. Smith, vice-president of the University and secretary in charge of business and finance, and Mrs. Smith; Dean Ed- ward H. Kraus of the College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts, and Mrs. Kraus; and Dean Ivan C. brawford of the College of Engineer- ing, and Mrs. Crawford. Also receiving will be Mrs. A. E. White, president of the Faculty Wo- meni's Club, and Professor White; Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of the School of Music, and Mrs. Moore; (Continued on Page 5) Shakespearean Comedy To Continue Run Today Russia Reports Germans Halted On Minsk Front; Soviet Army Flees' Lwow places into much closed contact, while at the same time the French Revolution introduced the idea of a Student Co-Op Will Sponsor pen House Wolverine Will Entertain All Interested Students At First Gathering Today Largest student owned and oper- ated cooperative in the country is the Michigan Wolverine on S. State St., which, since 1932, has provided inexpensive boarding facilities for thousands of University students. The Wolverine will hold Open House at 8 p.m. today for all stu- dents interested in joining or gain- ing further information about the. cooperative. In addition to providing economi- cal meals, the Wolverine sponsors several dances and other socials dur- ing the Summer Session. The mem- bership fee is one dollar for the en- tire eight weeks and board is $5.24 a week for 20 meals, with propor- tionate prices for other combina- tions of meals. This summer the Wolverine plans to offer something new. Besides serving regular meals at the regu- lar prices they are instituting a la carte service for those who may not desire complete meals in either the afternoon or evening. On weekdays breakfasts are served from 7:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m., lunches from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. and din- ners from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sun- day breakfasts are from 8:30 a.m. and Sunday dinners from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cooperative also maintains a lobby store at which candy, cigar- ettes,newspapers, magazines and film are sold. A supply of bluebooks, stamps and post cards are also kept on hand for the convenience of the members. Members may also have their cleaning and laundry sent out through the Wolverine at a discount. The Wolverine has its own collec- tion of calssic and popular records, and feature regular symphonic hours, in addition to dinner music. Po. Sheldon SpeaksToday Opening a series of five lectures sponsored by the medical school, Dr. John M. Sheldon will speak on "Your Allergy and What to do About It" at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall.. Dr. Sheldon is head of the allergy denartment at the University Hosni- * * * Prof. Perkins Will Consider Foreign Policy Prof. Dexter Perkins of the Uni- versity of Rochester will speak at 4:15 p.m. today; in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham School on "Funda- mental Principles of American For- eigh Policy," the second of the series of lectures sponsored by the Gradu- ate Study Program in Public Policy in a World at War. A graduate o4 Harvard, where he took his Ph.D.! in 1914, Professor Perkins was instructor of history at the Unive.rsity of Cincinnati during the academic year 1914-15. In the latter year he went to the University of Rochester, where he has been head of the history department since 1925. In 1937 Professor Perkins was lec- turer on the Commonwealth Fund at University College, London. Professor Perkins is the author of a number of books including "The Monroe Doctrine, 1823-26," published in 1927; "The Monroe Doctrine, 1826-67," published in 1933; "John Quincy Adams as Secretary of State," and "The Monroe Doctrine, 1867- 1907," published in 1938. Group To Hold MeetingToday Women Students Invited To Education Panels Women students interested in edu- cation are invited to attend the first summer meeting of the Women's Education group at 7:15 p.m. today, in the Garden Room of the League. The planning committee of the group, in charge of this first meet- ing, is composed of Jessie Church, Mirium Weckman, Dorothy Chaman,' Helen DeSarmo, Myrtle Hammond, and Mary Andrews, assisted by Dr. Mabel Rugen of the School of Edu- cation. Plans have been made to enlarge this committee to include a repre- sentative from each of the work- shops and the other special fields of education. The group seeks to be functionally democratic with all in- terested taking an active part. Dexter House Open The reconditioned mansion of Judge Dexter, reputed- to be one of the finest dwellings in the Middle West, will be on exhibit tomorrow, Friday and Saturday in Dexter, Mich. The house was built approximately 100 years ago by Judge Dexter, who was Secretary of War under both Adams and Jefferson. Nazis Advance Deeper Into Russia 0 300 FINLAND MILES . ..-. FORMER BOUNDARIES ........ f VIIPURI""_. HELSINKI ...... -LE NINGR A D ESTONIA LATVIA MOSCOW LIBAU DVINSK SMOLENSK a KHARKOV *** KIEV SLOV IA 0 t R .; o ESSA f German columns were reported half-way to Moscow as Berlin claimed capture of Minsk (3), and indicated German forces were in sight of Smolensk (4). Germans also claimed capture of Libau (2), Latvian-- port, and Lwow (5). Russians claimed to have 'repulsed attacks 'from Finland on northern front (1), but acknowledged Germans had driven through Lithuania, a third of the way to Leningrad. Russians claimed to be helding along the Prut River (6). Eleven Mexican Delegates Visit University on Way To Cranb rook Heavy Nazi Losses Told As Fierce Battle Rages Over Eastern Sectors No Advances Made At Finnish Frontier (By The Associated Press) MOSCOW, Wednesday, July 2.- Red Army troops supported by a tre- mendous artillery barrage have checked the German invaders of Russia on the Minsk front with heavy losses, the Soviet Information Bureau stated today, in announcing a series of defense successes against numerically superior foes from Mur- mansk to southern Poland. Lwow, Poland, hotly contested al- most since the German invasion be- gan June 22, finally was evacuated by Russian forces, thehinformation bureau announced. The city's loss previously had been announced as occurring Monday, due to a Hun- garian flanking maneuver, but later this was said to have been prema- ture. Elsewhere, all up and down the great battle line, the Russians said they were holding firm, although exact locations were not specified. German Losses Heavy Large German losses in manpower and equipment were claimed every- where, particularly around Minsk, capital of Whiterussia, and Luck, in Southern Poland. (A German military spokesman said Monday that Minsk had been captured, but there were later indi- cations that the racing German panzer units had merely swept around it.-) In the Dvinsk sector the story was the same: heavy German losses in- flicted by Red Army forces barring the Nazis' path over the western Dvina River. There the German in- fantry was in support of the tanks, however. On the Finnish front, big battles raged in two areas: Kakisalmi on the Karelian Isthmus and Murmansk, the ice-free Russian Arctic port. In both cases the Finnish-German at- tackers were'stopped, the Russian an- nouncement said, although they were far superior in numbers to the Rus- sian defenders. Lwow's Loss Admitted The loss of Lwow was admitted in a single cipped sentencel: "Our troops, retreating according to pan, and in accordance with orders, left Lwow." Previously it had been stated offi- cially that Hungary's entry into the war on Russia had caused danger of a flanking attack on the Lwow de- fenders. The Russian communique heaped scorn on the Rumanian forces on the Bessarabian front, saying they had been unable to gain and that Ruman- ian generals "duped by Hitler were cruelly disillusioned." The Russians reiterated the charge that the Rumanian allies of Germany had been sent into battle ahead of German units, to face certain death, with German machine-guns trained on their backs to make sure they did not falter. South Front Quiet This southernmost front apparently was the quietest of all. It was stated, however, that Russian planes again bombed Constanta, Rumania's Black Sea port, and there were reports that seven German submarines had been sunk in the Black Sea and the Baltic. The biggest Nazi thrust continued to be concentrated in the central area. The main German push to the south and east of Minsk, a drive which the Russians emphasized was by "superior enemy forces," reached the vicinity of Bobruisk and was poised there either to wheel north- east with other columns striking at Moscow or south down the Dnieper River basin into the Ukraine to join forces with German troops striking into that rich wheat region from the Luck-Rowne area. In that bitter sector the advance of Nazi tanks was stemmed, the Red communique said, by heavy Russian counter-attacks. ,:,, ,. " , ' r F a Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing," which opened the 13th an- nual summer drama season last night, will continue its five day run at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Under the direction of Prof. Wil- liam P. Halstead and Prof. Valentine B. Windt, both of the speech depart- ment, the play stars Ada McFarland and Hugh Norton in the roles of Be- atrice, niece to Leonato, and Benedit. The Michigan Repertory Players' next production, Kaufman and Hart's "George Washington Slept Here" will open next Wednesday at the Mendels- sohn Theatre. Tickets are on sale at the box office. Ann Arbor became more deeply entrenched in its role as center 'of inter-hemisphere relations for the next two weeks when 11 Mexican delegates to the New Education Fel- lowship Conference came through here last night on their way to a peaceful four days of North Ameri- can life at Cranbrook. The delegates were met at the railroad station by members of the Pan-American League of Detroit, and were motored from there to DAILY TRYOUTS Any students interested in working on the editorial or busi- ness staffs of The Daily during the Summer Session will find The Daily a fine laboratory for newspaper experience. Tryouts will be welcome at The Daily's office in the Student Publica- tions Building, 420 Maynard Street, at any time. Surprise British Military Shakeup Transfers General Wavell To India Cranbrook, where they will join an- other group of Latin Americans that were taken to Cranbrook Sunday. Chairman of the Mexican delega- tion to the eighth international con- ference of the Fellowship is Prof. Celerino Cano, director of Pedagog- cal research of the Ministry of Edu- cation in Mexico. Other members are Prof. Elisio Bandala, ,director of federal educa- tion in the state of Veracrus, Prof. Herberto Swin, supervisor of the teaching of English in the vocation school in Mexico, and Prof. Guillermo, Yaniz, head of the publications and publicity bureau of the ministry of Education. Goodwin Watson of the Teachers College, Columbia, accompanied the group. Luis Sanchez Ponton, Minis- ter of Education in Mexico, also a member of the Mexican delegation, is travelling to Ann Arbor by auto- mobile. Another group of Mexicans, all young dancers, came through Ann Arbor Sunday on their way to Cran- brook. After a week there the group will return to Ann Arbor tp give a program of Mexican folk dances Sunday before members of the New Education Fellowship. Members of the South American delegations will arrive in Detroit Thursday morning by boat. There will be 38 in the South American group at the convention. Indian exhibit Will Be Shown In connection with the eighth in- ternational conference of the New Education Fellowship, the Office of Indian Affairs of the Department of the Interior has prepared a special exhibition of Indian Education to be shown from July 7 to 12 in Ann Arbor High School. The exhibition will depict the prog- ress that has been made in educa- LONDON, Wednesday, July 2.-(IP)' -Gen. Sir Archibald P. Wavell, Bri- tish middle eastern commander-in- chief whose desert armies drove the Italians deep into Libya before be- ing forced back by the Germans, to- day was transferred to India., ex- changing posts with Gen. Sir Claude Auchinleck who is almost unknown to the general public. No reason was given in the an- nouncement made at No. 10 Downing Street, residence of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. But this surprise military shakeup which stunned Britons was predicted by some who claimed: 1. General Wavell had been shelved in directing the British attack on Narvik, Norway, his organization of English coastal defenses, and long career in India.' But he has long been an advocate of the new defensive warfare in- volving mobility and surprise. Evidence that British leaders con- sider the middle eastern command all the more vital now that Germany is marching into Russia was seen in the simultaneous appointment of Capt. Oliver Lyttleton as Minister of State and member of the war cabi- net to represent the cabinet in the Middle East. Lyttleton relinquished his post as head of the Board of Trade Sunday. erfiment's "promising young men" will be on hand to handle the armis- tice terms. Those who hold that General Wa- vell has been "given a rest," that is, demoted, point to the British public's dismay and anger when Nazi troops smashed through his desert armies in Libya and overwhelmed Crete. The Middle-Eastern command's admission before the onslaught on Crete that the island could be de- fended with available RAF support was said to have weighed heavily against the General in judgment of that defeat. But others said Wavell's shift. to India was further proof of the gov- ernment's fears of a German strike