WGeather Cloudy Y Official Publication Of The Summer Session Irt33 Editorial Let's 'Be Fair With Our Draftees.. I YOL. LI. No. 26 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Need Of Reds Is Considered During Stalin, Hopkins Meet Some Nazi Thrusts Said To Be Turned To Slow And Bloody Retirement Claim Nazi Losses: In Smolensk Battle MOSCOW, July 31 (Thursday) - (M)-Harry L. Hopkins heard from Joseph Stalin in a Kremlin confer- ence last night what kind of Ameri- can equipment would hold the Red Army, whose bayonet counter- charges were reported to have put :the Germans on the defensive in some ,sectors. The lease-lend administrator con- ferred with Stalin, as President Roosevelt's personal representative a short time after arriving in Moscow by plane. There was no immediate announcement on the outcome of $he conference on purchasing and delivery of 'American war materials. Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet foreign commissar and U.S. Ambassador Laurance A. Steinhardt were present. (Acting Secretary of State Sum- ner Welles said in Washington lease- lend aid was not contemplated in Russian war order now being placed in Washington.) Hopkins' visit came as Moscow read the most, heartening military news in days. The Communist news- paper Pravda said Soviet troops beat repeatedly at the invaders in a series of far-spread. attacks, turning some Nazi thrusts into slow and bloody retirement after, checking drives on Moscow, Kiev and Leningrad. Pravda listed as typical an attack by a Red army unit which waded. chin-deep through a swamp and charged a German battalion with bayonets. The -Germans were said to have been'routed. Heavy German losses in men and materials in the raging battle of Smolensk were reported anew by the Soviet Information Bureau today. Its early morning communique said stubborn fighting coptinued particu- larly in the Smolensk and Zhitomir sectors and also in the Nevel and Novorzhev directions, with no im- portant engagements elsewhere on the long front with the German in- vaders. Meanwhile, the Red air force smashed at German tanks and in- fantry, attacked airdromes and again bombed the Rumanian cities of Ploesti and Sulina. Nazis Report 2,000 Slain Near Leningrad BERLIN, Thursday, July 31.-W)- Gernians reported early today more than 2,000 Russians had been slain in one day's fighting about a bridge- head on the Leningrad front avid de- clared Russia's second city now is in a precarious position. The Nazi armies in this sector; the informants said, are fighting their way to "a fast approaching impor- tant decision." East of Smolensk on the central front the Germans are smashing at encircled Russian forces and causing "yery bloody losses" amng them, in- formed sources declared. The Russians were said by the Germans to be throwing whatever troops are available into the fight in the hope of relieving hard-pressed units, but "their destruction is pro- ceeding," it was stated. On one sector of the Smolensk front,i two days of fighting, the Russians lost 230 tanks, which the official news agency DNB declared was more than half of one month's production of the Soviet tank in- dustry. Dean MHacNid er Concludes Series Of Lectures Here Concluding a series of three lec- tures here, Dean William d&B. Mac-, Nider of the University of North Carolina Medical School will speak on "The Ad justability of, the Life Process to itnjurious Agents" at 2 r ~ p.m. today in the amphitheatre of; the Rackhamh Building. Kenan Research Professor of ' Pharmacology, Dean MacNider is past president of the American So- ciety for Pharmacology. and. Experi- mental ,Therapeutics and the win- Role Of President Calls For Reform By People Prof. Edward S. Corwin Points Out Need Of Change In Present Position Of Chief Executive 'Tut uia' Bombing Brings Quick, Stern Action From Government; Konoye Talks Of 'New Standpoint' By HARRY M. KELSEY The present enlarged position of the President in the constitutional system of the United States requires of the people a deliberate effort at constitutional reform, Prof. Edward S. Corwin of Princeton University told an audience of the Graduate Study Program in Public Policy in a World at War yesterday in a lec- ture on "Some Aspects of the Presi- dency." The reform, he asserted, "must have for its purpose not 'merely the preservation of liberty in the con- ventional sense of liberty against government, but also, and indeed pri- marily, the enhanced responsiveness of government to public opinion." "Otherwise," Professor Corwin warned, "what was the result of de- m'ocracy may turn out to be democ- racy's undoing." Professor Corwin. suggested as a solution a reconstruction of the Cab- inet to include the principal leaders of Congress, who "do not owe their political salt to Presidential bounty and so can bring an independent Judgment to bear upon Presidential projects."' This would provide, Professor Cor- win explained, a method of "equat- ing easily and. without constant jar to society the political forces which Congress at any time represents and those which the President represents at the same time, and of putting the relationship of the two branches on a durable and understood basis." Cabinet members under this sys- tem would no longer be heads of departments, Professor Corwin noted, as it is constitutionally impossible for i a member of Congress to hold any other office. A Cabinet member as such is not an office holder, he pointed out, as the Cabinet is not recognized by the Constitution. "The menace today of the Presi- dency to 'liberty' and 'democracy,' as these have been conceived in the past," Professor Corwin observed, "consists in the fact that the en- larged role of the President is the product for the most part of condi- tions which appear likely to continue operative through an indefinite fu- ture." The conditions he listed as the in- ternational crisis and the "persuasion of the American electorate that gov- ernment does not exist primarily to supplement and reinforce private economic superiority, but ought on the coitrary correct and improve the operation of economic forces in the interest of the masses.'' (Continued on Page 4) Thomas Points To Germany 's Army Figures Senator Believes Need Of Keeping Armed Forces In Service Imperative Miss Scranton Passes On At 65 University Librarian Held Post Here Since 1921 Miss Henriette Scranton, Univer- sity librarian since 1921 and in charge of a graduate reading room since 1922, died last Monday evening after a two week illness; she was 65 years old. Born in- Sault Ste. Marie she .was graduated from the high school there and then attended the Grant Col- lege Institute in Chicago. In 1896 she received a degree from Vassar College. Obtaining .her library training at the New York State Library School, Miss Scranton first served as an assistant at Vassar, and later worked in Elmwood, Ind., and Painsville, O., before coming to the University. Friends may view the body today at the Muelig Funeral Chapel, 403 S. 4th St. The body will be taken to Sault Ste. Marie for interment Saturday, where services will be held. 'Storm Over Patsy' Will Continue Run James Bridie's "Storm Over Patsy," marking the 100th production of the Michigan Repertory Players of the speech department, will continue a four-day run at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Under the direction of Prof. Clari- bel Baird of the Oklahoma College for Women, the play is based upon the German comedy "Sturm in Was- serglas" by Bruno Frank; WASHINGTON, July 30.-GP)- Army intelligence reports that Ger- many has expanded its army from 810,000 to nearly 4,000,000 men since the start of the war were cited by Senator Thomas (Dem.-Utah) today to emphasi e the "need of retaining selectees, guardsmen and reservists in service beyond the present one- year limit. Opponents of the service exten- sion, led by Senator Taft (Rep.- Ohio), asserted that the general staff sought to abandon its original concept of training a large reserve of men in favor of perfecting a com- pact fighting force in which a se- lectee might find himself serving for the duration of the emergency. Soldiers In Gallery The khaki of a dozen soldiers dot- ted the crowded galleries as the Senate opened debate on the con- troversial legislation. Meanwhile the House military committee, by a 15-7 vote, approved a similar bill and leaders made plans to press it in that chamber next week. Thomas referred to the army in- telligence data when Senator Tobey (Rep.-N.H.) demanded to know what the "brass tack facts were" that President Roosevelt and General George C. Marshall had presented to the military committee in urging the extension. Nazi Forces Expanded Thomas said that Germany had expanded its armed forces from 54 divisions in September, 1939, to 260 as of last July 16, a German division numbering about 15,000 men. The Italian army, he added, had been "rejuvenated" by the Balkan cam- paigns and now numbered about 2,000,000 men, with a potential force of 6,500,000. Thomas opened the debate with the observation that there was "seri- ous danger" to the United States in a world where the whole theory of democratic government was being challenged by "the greatest-the most successful-army the world has ever known." Japanese Premier Warns Execution Of Program Must Be 'Determined' Nipponese' Troops Pour Into Saigon TOKYO, July 30. -(P)- Premier Prince Fumimaro Konoye declared Japan's resolve today "to proceed on a historic renovation of its policies from an entirely new standpoint," and said execution of this fateful program must be swift aqd deter- mined. These policies-of which he spoke while Japanese convoys continued to land troops for occupation of bases in Southern French Indo- China-were not described, but he connected them with a warning that Japan "must always be prepared to meet the worst." He said, too, again without elab- oration, that the German-Russian war "is bringing serious effects on Japan." (This reference to the Nazi inva- sion was heard with the greatest in- terest in view of the expressed con- viction of informed Chinese quar- ters in Peiping that Japan is mak- ing ready for an assault on Soviet Siberia if and when the Red Armies of the West are smashed by the Ger- mans.) Itemier Speaks The Premier spoke refore the gen- eral mobilization inquiry commission. During the day' the British Am- bassador, Sir Robert Leslie Craigie, conferred an hour and a half with Vice Admiral. Teijiro Toyoda, the Japanese foreign minister, but the subject of their long talk was not disclosed.- The. Japanese press went on de- nouncing the United States and Bri- tain, calling them the masters of the Dutch East Indies and blaming what they called American meddling for the suspension by the Islands of the oil shipment agreement with Japan. As to the possibility of a full oil embargo by the United States, which al-ready has frozen Japanese assets in that country, newspaper discus- sion was to the effect that Japan had in reserve enough oil for several years. Effect Heavy Industry But on heavy industry, the news- paper Nichi Nichi acknowledged such an embargo might have an adverse effect. The Standard Oil Company was permitted, after a 24-hour suspen- sion, toresume domestic deliveries of oil and gasoline. From Dairen it was reported the authorities, after having taken brief control of the Standard, Texas and Shell Oil Com- panies and detained their employes, had withdrawn. Troops In Saigon Enter By Thousands 'SAIGON, French Indo-China, July 30.-(AP)-Japanese troops poured by the thousands into congested Saigon Harbor and into Cap nt.Jacques at the mouth of the Saigon River to- day. In the first light of day a Japanese destroyer brought in a slow parade of 14 naval vessels carrying 13,000 soldiers and later in the day 30 addi- tional transports arrived at Cap St. Jacques to disembark their men there. The transports had "blisters" like those of air bombers on their sides fore and aft to accommodate ma- chine guns. Some were delayed by a shortge of river pilots. Japanese officers moved into re- quisitioned hotel rooms and private homes and the former occupants were put up in idle French passenger ships in the harbor. The occupying forces brought many American-made automobiles which had been converted into armored military vehicle,dand enough food to last for several days. Through the morning four Japan- ese destroyers lay at anchor seven miles down the river from Saigon and across from properties of the Texas and Soconoy Oil Companies. Direct reports from Nhatrang, 200 President Roosevelt askedy Congress today for power to regulate prices in order to check inflation, and many members of the National Legislature immediately expressed approval of the general objective he outlined. Their comments indicated debate would center about methods, rather than the goal. Price legislation, Mr. Roosevelt said in a special message, was necessary to protect the nation against "the evil consequences of a chaotic struggle for gains which must prove either illusory or unjust and which must lead to the disaster of unchecked in- flation." Special Legislation Coming It developed, meanwhile, that Chairman Steagall (Dem.-Ala.) had been at work since Friday on speci- fic legislation-a bill authorizing Mr. Roosevelt to prescribe maximum prices and rental charges, to deal with excesses in installment credit, and to make purchases or sales of conmodities with a view to stabiliz- ing the price. Where farm commodities were con- cerned, it was understood the new checks would become operative only' when the prices go above parity- that is above a level where farm pro- ducts have the same purchasing power, in terms of industrial goods, that they had in 1909-1914. Empower President's Agency The bill, it was said, would em- power the President to act through any agency he might designate. It was on this point that the principal controversy seemed likely to develop. Some members of Congress were of the opinion power so broad should be granted only to a specially-creat- ed Congressional agency, and not to the executive department. Neverthe- less, nearly all seemed agreed some Excursionists Must Register Jackson State Prison Trip Deadline Is tomorrow All students intending to make the eighth University excursion, a trip through the state prison at Jackson, must register by 5 p.m. tomorrow in Room 1213 Angell Hall. The party will leave from the front of Angell Hall at 8 a.m. Saturday, morning, returning at 1 p.m. Ex- penses for the trip will be $1.25. At the prison, the group will see the main cell block, the dining room, kitchens, athletic fields, workshops,, and the prison broadcasting studio. Of special interest will be the arts and crafts workrooms, and the dis- lays of prison-made objects in the lobby. The prison auditorium will also be inspected, where movies' and inmate productions are shown. Short talks will be given by prison officials on the conduct of the prison and its educational program. The work and effects of prison psycholo- gists will also be explained. FDR Asks Power To Regulate, Prices-To Ehminate Inflation WASHINGTON, July 30. -(A)-4action should be taken to keep prices within moderate limits. For instance, Senator Wheeler, (Dem.-Mont.) than whom the Admin- istration has had no more vigorous and unyielding critic in the field of foreign affairs, announced yesterday he was "entirely in accord with the view that action was necessary." Representative Wolcott (Rep.- Mich.) the ranking Republican mem- ber of the House Banking Committee, made known his agreement with the general objective and suggested Con- gress should also give study to con- trolling "one of the most direct caus- es of inflation-namely unusual in- creases in the velocity of credit." Commission Grants Ilaisley P ublic Hearing Ann Arbor School Board Decision Is Overruled By State Tenure Group Subject to teacher tenure act pro- visions, Otto W. Haisley, ousted Ann Arbor school superintendent, was unanimously granted the right to a public hearing by the State Teacher Tenure Commission yesterday. , The decision was rendered follow- ing several hours deliberation by the commissitn. V. E. Van Ameringen, president of the school board, refused to make any statement until he had conferred with other members of the board. Chief point of interest in yesterday morning's hearing 'was the protest made by Frank De Vine, counsel for the school board, who, objected to the right of Harold W. Matzke to sit as a commission member in the case. Matzke is a teacher in the Ann Arbor schools under Haisley's jurisdiction. Answer was made by Fred G. Dew- ey, Detroit, who said that he was re- Jpctant to disqualify a member sim- ply because he happened to live in the same community. A commission member, he went on, has the right to sit on a case unless he believes him- self so biased as to be unable to act judiciously. Attorney for Haisley pointed to passages in the state law and Hais- L:y's contract with the school board as proof that he had a right to a hearing since dismissal action was not carried by a unanimous vote of the school board, which was 5-4 for d smissal and denial, earlier, of a public hearing. Gabriel To Speak Here Tips on how to make a good im- pression in interviewing prospective employers will be discussed by Mr. A. G. Gabriel, Detroit actuarial con- sultant, in a talk on "The Business Interview,"' sponsored by the Depart- ment of Speech at 11 a.m. today in 4203 Angell Hall. U.S. Determined To Treat Incident With Vigorous Diplomatic Retaliatirn Tokyo Ambassador Confers With Wells WASHINGTON, July 30. -(P)- Acting swiftly and in a manner to show that its patience was sorely tried, the United States called Japan to account today for a new attack on an American gunboat in China and indicated the incident would not pass with a perfunctory diplomatic ex- change. The 370-ton gunboat Tutuila of the Yangtze River patrol was damaged-by bombs which narrowly missed the United States Embassy during a Jap- anese raid on the Chinese capital of Chungking. No casualties resulted, but the Navy said the stern super- structure of the small craft was dam- aged slightly. Soon after the news reached Wash- ington, President Roosevelt discussed the bombing with Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of State.. Apparent- ly in answer to a summons from Welles, the Japanese ambassador, Admiral Kichisaburo Nomura, called at the State Department. Representations Made Emerging from his brief conference with (the Ambassador, Welles an- nounced at his press conference that representations had been made to the Japanese government. He declined to say whether he had 'administered personally a severe re- s Senator Connally (Dem.-Tex.), veteran of two wars who holds that "a vigorous and firm foreign policy is essential to secure respect for our rights abroad and the security of our people at home," was desig- nated chairman of the Senate For- eign Relations Committee today. buke to the ambassador, as he did last week in denouncing Japan's move to take over military and naval bases in French Indo-China. A White House conference today between President Roosevelt and the men in charge of the armed forces stirred considerable interest, but no word of the subject of the conference was given 'out. Present at the meeting were Gen. George C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, and Adpiiral Harold R. Stark, Chief of Naval Operations. Tension Already High With, tension in the Pacific already high as a result of the Indo-China move and retaliatory economic meas- ures against Japan by the United States, the British Empire and the Netherlands, a stern attitude was in- dicated here in connection with the Tutuila incident. Welles refused to say whether any indemnification was demanded asin the case of the sinking of the United States Gunboat Panay in China on December 12, 1937 with a loss of two lives. ._ For that loss the United States de- manded and received $2,214,007.36 for property damage and personal casual- ties, together with a profuse Japanese apology. Not A 'Mistake' Welles indicated the United States would rejectanyJtanehat the Tutuila bombing was a mistake. The gunboat and the American Embassy, he pointed out, were on the opposite side of the Yangtze River from Chungking proper. They were in a so-called "safety zone." The Tutuila, which narrowly es- caped bombs during a raid June 15 which led to a strong American pro- test to Japan, is under command of Lieut.-Commander William Alger Bowers, 39, a native of Sevierville, Tenn. It carries a normal crew of 58 officers and men. Other Narrow Escapes It has been involved in several other narrow escapes from bombs, which fell so close at one time last year that the crew was ordered to take over. These and numerous other inci- Harmon, Evashevski Named On Starting All-American Team CHICAGO, July 30. -(M)-Thetand radio stations. Voting .ended starting lineup of the College All- American football team which will meet the Chicago Bears Aug. 28 at Soldier Field-selected by millions of fans throughout the nation-was an- nounced today. Here are the collegians owho will start against the National League champions with their vote totals: Ends: Dave Rankin, Purdue, 1,- 297,308; Ed Rucinski, Indiana, 241,- 763. Tackles: Nick Drahos, Cornell, 961,474; Ernest Pannell, Texas Ag- gles, 875,263. Guards: Augie Lio, Georgetown, 1,284,078; Tommy O'Boyle, Tulane, 1,052,754. Center: Ruda Mucha, Washington, 1,256,184. last midnight. Seventy players will be invited to go into training Aug. 10 at North- western University and next Friday announcement will be made of one of the five coaches of the staff which will drill the collegians into shape for the battle. The 11 players named by the fans must start the game, but coaches may make any changes they wish after the opening, kickoff. This year's collegiate squad, many observers believe, is the best all- around aggregation in the history of the series, with strength in the line and backfield. It will have to be strong, however, to withstand the offensive of a Bear machine which won its championship by routing Washington 73 to 0. Pollard Says Patient's History Is Vital To Correct Diagnosis Illustrating his points with excep- Dr. Pollard pointed out that X-ray tional color photographs of the in- diagnoses while for the .most part side of the stomach, Dr. H. Marvin true, cannot prescribe what it cannot 'Pollard, Professor of Internal Medi- see. Growths which may appear as cine in the University lectured last cancer in an X-ray negative have "..- L .. - 4- L. ;, 6 night on "Diagnosis of Stomach Dis- eases." Dr. Pollard declared that many stomach diseases, or their symptoms, come in the spring or fall with a change of climate, and that emo- tional upsets are also a cause of in- ternal disorders of that nature. In the diagnosis of stomach dis- eases, the most important fact to be considered is the case history of the patient, his honesty, accuracy, and own diagnosis playing a major part been shown to be simple vitamin de- ficiencies by the introduction of the gastroscope. Illustrating the three major types of gastrosis, most common of the stomach diseases, Dr. Pollard ex- plained what caused the various types of diseases, and the treatment prescribed. By showing several be- fore and after sequences, he proved the value of both the gastroscope and early medical attention to all stomach or gastro-intestinal disor-