PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1941 U SUNDA-Y, JULY 27, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ._ ._. Daily Calendar of Events Sunday, August 27- 7:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. Vespers Service, with "A Capella" Choir. Address by Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Director of The Summer Session. (Lecture' Hall, Rackham Building.) Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year !by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESBNTEDF OR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CIIICAGO BOSTON " LOS AF4IRLBS . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-4 1 Monday, July 28- 4:05 p.m. Lecture. "Safeguarding Our Educational'Gains." William C. Bagley, Pro- fessor Emeritus of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University. (University High Sehool Auditorium.) 4:15 p.m. Lecture Recital. Professor Joseph Brinkham and Mr. Beller. (Assembly Hall, Rackham Building.) 4:15 p.m. Lecture. "The Concepts of Neutrality and Non-belligerency." Lawrence Preuss, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) 7:30 p.m. Square and Country Dancing.. Benjamin B. Lovett, Edison Institute, Dear- born. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free. 8:00 p.m. Lecture. "The Art and Architecture in the Plateau of Pre-conquest Mex- ico." (Illustrated.) Professor Ralph W. Hammet, College of Architecture. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) Tuesday, July 29- Managing Editor City 'Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Editorial Staf . " " If Karl Kessler Harry M. Kelsey William Baker Eugene Mandeberg Albert P. Blaustein .Barbara Jenswold 4:05 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Lecture. "The Teaching of Human Relations in Secondary Schools." F. Dean McClusky, Director of the Scarborough School. (University High School Auditorium.) Lecture. "The Repair of Tissue and Tissue Resistance." Dr. William deB. MacNider, Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology of University of North Carolina Medical School. (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building.) Lecture. "The United States as Viewed by Other Nations." Philip E. Mosely, Social Science Research Council and Associate Professor of His- tory, Cornell University. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) Lecture. "The Political Development of the United States," Professor Verner W. Crane. (Room 1025 A. H.) Beginners' Class in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League.) Anyone wishing to play is invited. Come with or without partners. Concert, by the faculty of the School of Music. (Hill Auditorium.) Quar- tet composed of Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, Prof. Joseph Brinkman, Prof. Hanns Pick, and Mr. George Poinar. Soloist, Prof. Hardin Van Deursen accompanied by Mrs. Ava Comin Case. Business Staff Business Manager. ..... Daniel H. Huyett Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY M. KELSEY The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. End Of A Policy In The Far East * TpHE FREEZING of Japanese assets by both the United States and Great Britain Friday was a momentous step which should indicate to the world that the Roosevelt and Churchill governments have definitely de- cided to abandon their "two-faced" policies in the Far East. For several years now, both the Americans and British have professed friendship for the Chinese who are fighting so, valiently against Japanese aggression. But during that same period they have been helping Nippon immeas- ureably in that conflict. ALTHUGI both democracies have been send- ing medical aid to China and have lent money to the Chiang Kai-shek administration, no moves have been taken until now to cripple the Japanese. The United States silver policy has hurt China a great deal and the trade be- tween Nippon and the democracies has been the main factor in keeping Japan a strong power. This freezing step is only the first move. Now that Britain and the U.S. have definitely shown, their colors, it seems only a matter of days be- ,fore an embargo will be set up against Japan and the most important part of that country's commerce will cease to exist. OF COURSE, this will cause some hardships in America. According to a recent report, for example, there is only enough silk in the U.S. for two and a half more months of manu- facturing-and, girls, nylon stocking production will meet only one-eighth of the current demand. A blockade will also mean smaller profits for our scrap steel men, for our oil exporters, etc., but, on the other hand, it will mean further security and safety for the American people. Today hundreds of metal items are being sent to Japan which are being manufactured into articles of war which might some day be turned from the Chinese on the Americans. U.S. oil is keeping Nippon's fleet (third largest in the world) as a continual threat to our freedom on the seas. Revenue received from U.S. silk pur- chases is keeping the Japanese treasury filled sufficiently for them to procure necessary ma- terials for a thousand and one military items. LL OF THIS has to stop and will stop. We can defeat fascism in the Far East through eco- nomic means and it is our duty to do so-for our own lives and freedom in the future. If only the fight against our greatest enemy-Hitler- could be won so easily. - Albert P. Blaustein STUPIDstl By Terence (Editor's Note: It's so hot today I can't even get anyone to do a guest column . . . guess I'll have to do it myself.) I AM normally a very patient man, but there are limits to everything. But to make a short story long so it will fill a column, I have a bi- cycle. It cost seven dollars, and is red with a red seat. It is not a pretty bicycle, but it runs, which is after all about all you could ask of it this weather. I am fond of it in a strange sort of way, and I like to have it around so I can put it into use at ir- regular times. Now The Daily has a business staff. I don't need to mention their names, because all you have to do is look at the mast head which is on this same page. They're a nice bunch, even if they do muddle up the ad dummies at least three nights a week, and dummy in comic strips when we aren't run- ning them and leave them out when we're supposed to run them. THIS BUNCH doesn't do a lot of work: usually just sit around the office and wait for advertisers to come in and beg them to let them put an ad in The Daily. Now and then, how- ever, a piece of business comes along that even they can't dodge, so they haveato disturb sybaritic slumbers and do a little work. This usually involves "chasing" an ad, which must not be taken too lit- erally. They do not give the ad a head start and then chase it down the middle of State Street like a dog after a cat. They take it to the ad- vertiser to let them okay it before it runs. At such times my bicycle is usual- ly out in front of the building. At the first of the summer, they asked me politely if they could use it, and knowing how lazy they are, I was glad to oblige. The practice continued, but finally they got so they didn't ask me, and I didn't even mind that. (Gosh, am I nice!) Until . . . one day I re- turned to The Daily after a sojourn down State Street, expecting to find the bicycle, with a red seat, in front where I had left it. But it was not . it was gone! NOW there was a young lady in- volved in the case and I was quite anxious to have the bicycle for the evening. So, suspecting the only pos- sible suspects, I called up a member of the ad staff. He denied that he had the bike, so I said I would call up another member. "Oh, no . . . he woudn't have it." But I called him up anyway. And he had it. So I issued a public notice, the gist of which was that I would be per- fectly willing to lend the bike provid- ed that I was duly consulted before- hand, and that it was returned within the stipulated time.dNow they are nicer to me: they don't ask me if they can take it; they tell me they are going to. But the climax came this morn- ing. One of the members of the business staff accosted me in the edit office, showed me a tear in his trous- er leg. "Got it on your bike," he said. 7 t , ;_: { : no GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty "She's going to have trouble with him! Did you notice how his temper flared when I clipped him on the ear with that old shoe?" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I I f ~ Reg U. S. Pat. Off..All'.Rs. es t{ Wednesday, July 30- 1:00 p.m. Excursion No. 7-Greenfield Village. Visit to Ford's Village, museums of early American life, Edison's Menlo Park Laboratory; the Dearborn Inn. Round trip by special bus. Reservations in Summer Session office, Angell Hall. Trip ends at 5:45 p.m., Ann Arbor. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free of charge. Come with or without partners. 4:05 p.m. Lecture. "The Trends in Social Mathematics." Raleigh Schorling, Pro- fessor of Education. (University High School Auditorium.) 4:15 p.m. Lecture. "The Ageing Process and Tissue Resistance." Dr. William deB.. MacNider, Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology of the University of North Carolina kIedical School. (Room 151, Chemistry Building.) 4:15 p.m. Lecture. "Some Aspects of the Presidency." Edward S. Corwin, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University. (Lecture Hall, Rack- ham Building.) 5:00 p.m. Lecture. "The Development of the Constitution of the United States," Professor Arthur W. Bromage. (1025 A. H.) 7:30 p.m. Intermediate Dancing Class. (Michigan League Ballroom.) 8:00 p.m. Medical Lecture. "Diagnosis of Stomach Disorders." (Illustrated.) Dr. H. Marvin Pollard. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) 8:30 p.m. "Story Over Patsy," by James Bridie and Bruno Frank. (Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre.) Thursday, July 31- 2:15 p.m. 4:05'p.m. Lecture. "The Adjustability of the Life Process to Injurious Agents." Dr. William deB. MacNider, Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology of the University of North Carolina Medical School. (Amphitheatre, Rack- ham Building.) Lecture. "The Conservation of American Youth." Howard Y. McClusky, Professor of Educational Psychology. (University High Auditorium.) Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. Bridge Lessons. (Michigan League.) "Storm Over Patsy." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) (Continued from Page 2) played: Mendelssohn, "Scotch" Sym- phony, Brahm, Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Wagner, Music from Tristan and Isolde, and Bloch, Schel- omo. - Graduate Students in Speech: Mo- tion pictures showing the activities of the Speech Clinic and of the National Speech Improvement Camp at North- port, Michigan, will be shown at 3 p.m. Monday, July 28, in the Amphi- theatre of the Rackham Building. All graduate students are urged to attend. Graduate Students in Speech: On Monday, July 28, at 4 p.m. in the West Lounge of the Rackham Building, a graduate symposium in Argumenta- tion and Rhetorical Theory will be held. All graduate students are urged to attend. Graduate Outing Club will meet in rear of the Rackham Building on Sunday, July 27, at 2:15 p.m. Note time. A trip to Clear Lake is planned, including swimming, horseshoes, and softball, followed by an outdoor sup- per. Those having cars are urged to bring them; an allowance is giv- en for transportation furnished. All students, faculty, and alumni are wel- come. Lecture, Monday, July 28 at 8:00 p.m. "The Art and Architecture in the Plateau of Preconquest Mexico" (Illustrated). Professor Ralph W. Hammet, College of Architecture. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.) Excursion No. 7.-Wednesday, July 30, 1:00 p.m. Visit to Ford's Village, museums of early American life, Edi- son's Menlo Park Laboratory; the Dearborn Inn. Round trip by special bus. Reservations in Summer Ses- sion office, Angell Hall. Trip ends at 5:45 p.m., Ann Arbor. Faculty Lecture Recital: The third in a series of six lecture recitals will be presented by Joseph Brinkman and William Beller, Pianists, at 4:15 p.m., Monday, July 28, in Rackham Assem- bly Hall. The program will consists of compositions by Ludwig van Bee- thoven with a brief explanation pre- ceding the playing of each selection. This recital will be open to the gen- eral public. Schools of Music and Education: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course unless this work is made up by July 30th. Students wishing extension of time beyond this date in order to make up the work should file a peti- tion addressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U.H. where it will be transmitted. The petition must carry the written ap- proval of the instructor concerned. Student Graduation Recital: Wil liam N. Barnard, Organist, who is a student of Palmer Christian, will pre- sent a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree at 8:30 p.m. Monday, July 28, in Hill Auditorium. This recital will be open to the general public. Faculty Concert: Several members of the School of Music Summer Ses- sion Faculty will present a concert at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 29, in Hill Auditorium. The program will consists of a selection by Wassily Be- sekirsky, Violinist and Joseph Brink- man, Pianist; several songs by Har- din Van Deursen, Baritone and Ava Comm Case,rAccompanist; and a selection by a string quartet com- posed of Wassily Besekirsky, Violin- ist; Joseph Brinkman, Pianist; Hanns Pick, Cellist; and George Poinar, Vi- olist. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Students whose records carry reports of I or X either from last semester or (if they have not been in residence since that time) from any former sessions, will receive grades of B unless the work is com- pleted by July 30th. Petitions for ex- tensions of time, with the written approval of the instructors concerned, should be addressed to the Adminis- trative Board of the College, and presented at Room 4 University Hall, before July 30th. Pharmacology Lectures: Dr. Wil- liam deB. MacNider, Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology of the University of North Carolina Medical School, will deliver the following lec- tures on the general subject of "The Acquired Resistance of Tissue Cells." Tuesday, July 29. The Repair of Tissue and Tissue Resistance, 4:15 p.m. Amphitheatre, Rackham Build- ing. Wednesday, July 30, The Ageing Process and Tissue Resistance, 4:15 p.m. Room 151, Chemistry Building. Thursday, July 31, The Adjustabil- ity of the Life Process to Injurious Agents, 2:15 p.m. Amphitheatre, Rackham Building. All interested are invited to attend. 7:15 8:00 8:30 p.m. p.m. p.m. Friday, August 1- 5:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Lecture. "The United States and Spanish-America," Professor Arthur S. Aiton. (Rackham Amphitheatre.) "Storm Over Patsy." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Come with or without partners. AND THEN he asked me to having it mended . . . Air Power And The Army The recent organizational pay for change Saturday, August 2- 8:00 a.m. 8:30 9:00 p.m. p.m. Excursion No. 8-State Prison, Jackson. Round trip by special bus. Reser- vations in Summer Session Office, Angell Hall. "Storm Over Patsy." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Come with or without partners. Sunday, August 3 - 7:15 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Come with or without partners. The Art Cinema League. (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.)--"The Cob- bler Captain of Koeppenick." Concert. Enid Szantho, Contralto, and Mr. George Poinar, Violinist. (Ann Arbor High School Auditorium.) WASHINGTON MERRY- GO -ROUND in the Army gives the air forces a greater degree of autonomy within the framework of the War Depart- ment. It is a change which seems to have been forced upon the Army by the power of public opinion. But if, under this new dispensation, our air forces are free to develop unham- pered by conventional restrictions and preconceived ideas of the past, the change will be all to the good. If, however, the change is more one of form and record than of structure and spirit, further changes will be nec- essary, changes that may eventually lead to a separate air department. The present organization must be regarded as strictly on trial. It can- not be considered a final set-up. No matter what organization is evolved, three basic principles should guide its growth. The Navy, to which sea power now means not only sur- face ships alone but ships of the sky, must retain control of its own air arm. The Army, whose work is now im- possible without supporting dive bombers, reconnaissance planes and other types, must similarly have its own air support. But fundamentally, and of basic importance, we must de- velop an air strategy shaped by men who conceive of the use of air power in new terms, men who can handle fleets of planes in air missions inde- pendent of surface control and be- yond the reach of armies or navies. We must always remember that air power has introduced a new principle of war, that it may no longer be necessary in the world of the future to defeat the enemy's armed forces 1 By DREW PEARSON nd ROBERT S. ALLEN WASHINGTON-An inside report on a con- fidential talk which Hitler had with his gaulei- ters on June 3 has just arrived here via the diplomatic pouch. The gauleiters of Nazi Ger- many are the political leaders (somewhat like national committeemen) in the various sections of Germany. They handle all affairs for the Nazi party and on June 3 were called in for a conference with Hitler. At this conference, Hitler gave a general re- port on the war situation, particularly empha- sizing relations with Russia, which he said were could be avoided. When war with the United States comes, Hit- ler continued, the battlefield would be the At- lantic coast of Africa facing South America. And he added that he was pleased to report that-. Germany had been given a definite promise by the French Government that it could use Dakar and the French coast as a base of operations. Note-This report leaked out through one of the gauleiters. During the Hess incident also it was apparent that not all of Hitler's gauleiters were in complete sympathy with him. S0 n7 , t_ '- , . some 300 to 400 airplanes are in French West Africa waiting for the two French oil tankers so considerately sent by the U.S.A.--despite te dearth of oil tankers for shipments to the At- lantic seaboard. The British, anything but keen about these U.S. oil shipments to the French, stopped one of the tankers in Bermuda, held it one month. Fi- nally the State Department, intervening with the British, secured its release. Secret CIO Sitdown RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270KC - NBC Blue Sunday Evening 6:00 Dear Mom Reg'lar "Fight European 6:15 L. K. Smith Fellers Camp" News 6:30 World Fitch Band Clare; News Pearson & Allen 6:45 News Wagon Interlude Jean Cavell 7:00 Pause That What's My Detroit Star Spangled 7:15 Refreshes Name Bible Theatre 7:30 Crime Doctor One Man's Class Inner Sanctum 7:45 Davis: News Family week-End Review Mysteries 8:00 Ford Manhattan Old Winchell 8:15 Summer Merry-Go-Round Fashioned Parker Family 8:30 Hour American Revival Irene Rich 8:45 Program Album Meeting Bill Stern 9:00 TakeIt Or Hour of We Have The 9:15 Leave It Charm Been There Good 9:30 City Deadline Carry On, Will