Weather No Relief In Sight ig~r Official Publication Of The Summer Session 1Iaittj Editorial End of A Policy In the Far East ... VOL. LI. No. 23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Moscow Reports Attacks As Nazis First Vespers Will Include Hopkins Talk Relax Pad Weather And Terrain Hold Up German Drive In South Front Sector Headquarters Say 'Still On Schedule' (By The Associated Press) MOSCOW Sunday, July 27.-Red Army counter-attacks in several sec- tors where German pressure has re- laxed were reported today in dis- patches from the front, while an official announcement here told of the crushing of two Nazi infantry divisions in the Smolensk zone near- est Moscow.. In the Smolensk area, scene of 11 days of bloody but inconclusive fight- ing, and in the Porkhov, Nevel and Zhitomir sectors the official an- nouncement said major fighting still was in progress with no important changes in positions. (The eighth German armored di- vision, prestimably a unit additional to the two infantry divisions, was declared by the Moscow radio to have been smashed after a fierce 72-hour battle at a town identified only as "C.") Without given specific locations, dispatches from the front said So- viet forpes, heretofore mostly on the defense against the mass Nazi of- fensiv, had turned to counter-at- tacks at numerous points. BERLIN, July 26.-(P)-Bad wea- ther, difficulties of terrain and the determined character of what is ermed "localized Russian resistance" again were emphasized in German war reports today as the fifth week of the war with Russia lagged to a r ose. ' . .r_ . Particularly on the south front, where for days the Germans have saidrthey were approaching Kiev, capital of the Ukraine, the condi- tions of the road and weather were reported as hindering factors. The tenor of the High ,Comand communique again was that the campaign against Russia is "pro- ceeding according to plan," and in commenting on that familiar phrase, the commentary Dienst Aus Deutsch- land said that "according to plan" means successfully. The High Command did mention that "an attack 'by strong Soviet units freshly thrown into the battle foundered, with heavy losses to the enemy" in the region west and south- west of Vyazma, which is 90 miles northeast of Smolensk on the main road to Moscow. There was no indication anywhere, however, of exactly how far from Vyazna the battle occurred, and it was impossible to tell whether the Germans had made any appreciable advance toward the Russian capital. The High Command a full ten days ago had reported that after captur- ing Smolensk its forces had gone over and beyond the city. Ecuador Wants Truce In Border Clashes QUITO, Ecuador, July 26.-(P)-, Foreign Minister Julio Tobar Donoso has informed the United States that Ecuador would accept any "decorous" measures to end its border clashes with Peru, the government announced tonight. (In Guayaquil, a military spokes- man said hostilities in the border area had ceased at 6 p.m.) The foreign office made public the text of Ecuador's reply to the Wash- ington Government, which in collab- oration with Argentina and Brazil had proposed a truce. Meanwhile the apparent establish- ment of a censorship from the frontier' zone was blamed here for the meagre- ness of further reports on the fight- ing. Hammet To Speak On Art Of Mexico "Art and Architecture of Pre- Conquest 'Mexico" will be the sub- ject of an illustrated lecture to be given at 8 p.m. tonorrow in the Rackham Auditorium by Prof. Ralph Pressure Scout Leaders Told Of Need To Aid Youth The Boy Scout movement must contribute to the solution of youth problems if we are to avoid the mass captivation of young boys by fascism as illustrated in Europe, Claude Eg- gertson cautioned leaders attending the final session of the Scouting In- stitute here yesterday. As a nation we have the right to expect the Boy Scouts to make a con- tribution to the solution of the youth problem, he pointed out, but 'we can also learn from youth movements in the techniques of getting and holding the interest of boys in the critical age group, 15-21. Among other things, the Scout movement must adapt it- self to give more opportunity to the boys "on the other side of the tracks." Other talks at the final session of the conference yesterday were given by Elmer D. Mitchell, intramural sports director,.on "The Relation of Childhood Games to Future Voca- tional Activities" and Fritz Redl of the education school on "The Task of Growing Up." A. Douglas Jamie- son, scout commissioner of the De- troit Area Council, addressed the Luncheon meeting at the'Union. Prof. Wethe , 1V 1RC To Gve Talk. On French Art Department Of Fine Arts Chairman Will Lecture On 'Post-Impressionism' Second in a series of three illus- trated'lectures on French painting will be given at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow in Room D, Alumni Memorial Build- ing, by Prof. Harold E. Wethey, chairman of the fine arts depart- ment. Subject of Professor Wethey's talk will be "Post-Impressionism." These lectures, which are in English and open to all students and faculty members, are sponsored by the De- partment of Romance Languages. In Professor Wethey's first dis- cussion, July 14, .he presented "French Tradition in the 18th Cen- tury." Here he gave the general characteristics of French art and moved into the classical tradition of the 17 century. Next outlined was the art of the 18th century, which is more prsonal and intimate than 'that which precedes it. Final lecture by Professor Wethey will be given Monday, Aug. 11, on the subject "The School of Paris" (20th century). Alternating with the talks on French art are a series of three on French music, also sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages. First in this group was given July 21 by Prof. Percival Price, professor of composition and University caril- lonneur, on the topic, "Early French Music of the Jongleurs and the Troubadours." Summer Session Director, A Capella Choir Listed On Program Today Highlighting the Summer Session's first Vesper Service, the University's 100-voice A Capella Choir, under the direction of Noble Cain, will sing a series of religious selections at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Principle speaker of the program will be Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session, who will talk on "Dangerous Opportunity." Scrip- ture and prayer will be under the direction of Dr. Edward W. Blake- man, counselor in religious educa- tion. Among the selections which will be heard on the program are "Jesu Priceless Treasure" by J. S. Bach, "Hail Gladdening Light" by Charles Wood, "Now Thank We All Our God" by Cruegar, "In the Wilderness" by Bainton and "Response No. '3" by Palestrina.I The A Oapella Choir will also pre- sent Gabrieli's "Jubilate Deo," Croft's hymn, "O God Our Help in Ages Pas" and "Benediction and Seven Fold Amen" by Stainer. The assem- bly will join the choir in singing the hymns.4 A traditional feature of the Sum-i mer Session, the Sunday Vesper serv- ices, will be presented twice this year. Sponsored by the School of Music and the Coinmittee on Religious Edu- cation, the Vespers are open to all Summer Session students and mem- bers 'of the faculty. "Jesu Priceless Treasure" is a mo- tet based upon a chorale which Bach harmonized while "Hail Gladdening Light"' is a translation of a famous early Greek Christian hymn by So- phronius. "In the Wilderness" con- tains the words of a poem by Robert Graves; "Response No. 3" is a Latin version of the scene of Christ onthe Cross, and "Jubilate Deo" is one of, the most famous motets of the Itali- an 16th century school. Drivet Cautions Cop, Court Cautions Driver OMAHA, July 26.-(P)--Pursued by a traffic policeman, a motorist drove into a residence driveway, jumped out and cautioned a neighbor, "Don't say anything. I'm ditching the cops." In traffic court the motorist was fined $77.50 and given ten days in jail for speeding and running a red light. The neighbor he had confided in was Patrolman Earl Bean. Temperature Hits Record For 5 Years Highest Mercury Reading In Half A Decade Here; No Relief Is Predicted Nation Sweltering From Intense Heat An official temperature recorded by the University Observatory of 98.7 degrees yesterday afternoon marked Ann Arbor's hottest day in five years. The temperature, reached in the middle of the afternoon, was two- tenths of a degree higher than last year's record of 98.5 degrees, highest in four years, and reached on July 24, one year and two days ago, Little relief was seen for the near future as humidity stayed high and temperatures refused to fall. By 7 p.m. the mercury had gone down only to 93.4 degrees. * * * (By The Associated Press) Rain brought welcome relief to scattered sections of Michigan last night, breaking at least temporarily the grip of a prolonged heat wave. The weather man, however, was able to offer scant hope for any de- cided drop in the record-breaking temperatures over the State for the weekend. Temperatures which soared to the high 90's in most sections sent thous- ands of persons to lake resorts and beaches. Parks everywhere were jammed with perspiring eitizens. Heat and its handmaiden, humid- ity, annoyed millions of Americans yesterday. A canopy of hot, moist air envel- oped two-thirds of the nation. Temperatures in the 80's, 90's and over the 100 mark dotted the weather map between Texas and the Atlantic. A damp atmosphere increased dis- comfort. No general relief was in prospect. The number of deaths attributed to the heat in a siege that has held through most of the week in some Midwestern States rose to 36. Drown- ings added 17 lives to the toll. Thousands retreated to beaches in an effort to escape from the sultry cities. Thermometers registered 102 in Kokomo, Id., and 100 in Grand Forks, N. D. Overnight showers/in New England dropped temperatures to the lower 80's. Nebraska enjoyed cooler con- ditions after a five-day run of 100 plus heat. Parley Panels Lay Emphasis' On War Crisis Closing the Summer Parley's two- day session yesterday at the Union, "Democracy After the War" and "Economic Problems of Defense' were discussed in panels headed by A. P. Blaustein and James Duesen- berry. Duesenberry's panel divided its subject into two phases: internal economic problems of the United States during the present crisis, and economic relations with foreign pow- ers. The question of America's atti- tude toward the -South American re- publics dominated the discussion. Several students brought up the fac- tor of European colonization of Latin America and asserted that the United States would do well to outstrip the Old World nations in this field. In this connection, the panel stressed the economic advantage of a South American unification. The second panel, in discussing de- mocracy's future after the war, worked on the assumption of an Al- lied victory. It was generally agreed that another Versailles would not be the solution. Even those supporting the 1918 settlement conceded that its mismanagement was responsible for the present situation. Unani- mity of opinion was less marked over the question of treatment to be given Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia in the post-war world. - West Quad Concert To Feature 'Blues' In response to requests from resi- dents in the West Quadrangle, the Strauss Library Record Concert at 6:45 p.m. tomorrow in the Main T .nna of the C(limri'mnrl ,will n-rp- Into. Roosevelt Calls Filipinos t Extension Bill Approved Excursionists Visit Cranbrook, Like Picturesque Setting There By EUGENE MANDEBERG (Special to The Daily) BLOOMFIELD HILLS, July 25.- Without exception, students on the sixth University excursion to the Cranbrook Foundation agreed that they had never seen a more pic- turesque setting for schools than the lay-out here. We visited Cranbrook, the school for boys, seeing the small comfort- able classrooms, lounges and grounds around the building. Classes are limited to about 18 students, both in Pr of. Preuss ToTalk Here, Cranbrook and Kingswood, the school for girls. Both buildings are known for their architecture, as are the rest of the buildings on the estate, and they were most impressive to the party. Besides the schools and the mag- nificent Christ Church, we visited the Academy of Arts and the Insti- tute of Science where we saw out- standing examples of ,student work. Exhibits in modeling, sculpture, metal and leather work, and other handi- crafts were a source of real admira- tion to the group as they went through the buildings. In addition to the beauty of the schools, the gardens and fountains add much to the atmosphere of the estate. Endless varieties of flowers grow in intricate garden designs, and the splendid statuary around the fountains is modeled after fam- ous statues and fountain groups from all over the world. Dr. Frayer, executive secretary of the Foundation, personally guided the tour through the estate, telling us many interesting facts about the Foundation and the exhibits of stu- dent work we saw. He told us that the chandeliers in the dining hall were of a special, and rare Swedish make, and that they- are now unob- tainable in the United States. Finally, we walked over to the athletic plant, where the Detroit Li- ons, professional football team, hold their practice sessions. After leaving the estate, we lunched at Devon Gables, a tea room nearby, luncheon topics being exclusively the beauties of the Cranbrook Founda- tion, and how it would be nice, per- haps, to be in high school again- there. Piano Concert To Be offered Brinkman, Beller To Give All-Beethoven Program Pianists Prof. Joseph Brinkman of the School of Music and William Beller will join to present an all-Bee- thoven concert at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Professor Brinkman will play "Son- ata, Op. 2, No. 3 C major," "Andante Favori" and the "Rondo, G major 'Rage over a Lost Penny'," while Mr. Beller will present "Sonata, Op. 111, C minor." William N. Barnard, organist and director of music at the First Pres- byterian Church here, will offer a recital at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. His program will open with Bach's "Toccata in F major" and will con- tinue with two Chorale Preludes, "Nun komm', der Heiden Heiland" and "Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, Schopfer." He will also play "Sym- phony in G major" by Leo Sowerby. Mr. Bernard, who is studying un- der Prof. Palmer Christian of the School of'? Music, is a former pupil of Leslie P. Spelman and Arthur Poister. Will Open Fifth Week Of Policy Series Opening the fifth week of lectures of the Graduate Study Program in Public Policy in a World at War, Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the politi- cal science department will speak at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham School on "The Concepts of Neutrality and Non- belligenrency." A graduate of the University, re- ceiving his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. here, Professor Preuss has written widely in the fields of international law. In 1936 he was the winner of the Henry Russel award. Prof. Philip E. Mosely of Cornell University will speak at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham School on "The United States As Viewed'by Other Nations." Wednesday's lecture will be de- livered by Prof. Edward S. Corwin of Princeton University. His subject will be "Some Aspects of the Presi- dency." The theme of the week is "The United States in Relation to the Present War."' The lectures are open to the public. The lecturers will be introduced on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday respectively by Prof.-Emeritus Wil- liam H. Hobbs of the geology depart- ment, Prof. William W. Blume of the law school and Prof. Harlow J. Hene- man of the political science depart- ment. Senate Military Committee Votes To Pass Measure To Amend Draft Law MacArthur Named As Head Of Forces WASHINGTON, July 26. -(AP)- President Roosevelt called all of the organized military forces of the Philippine Government into the armed service of the United States today, an order that coincided with approval by a Senate committee of a proposal to keep all citizen soldiers in this country in uniform indefi- nitely. In a far-reaching move calculated to bolster American cefenses in the turbulent Far East, the President ordered the mustering of the Philip- pine forces, estimated to include about 150,000. trained and partly trained Filipinos who make up the island's military force. He instructed that Secretary of War Stimson desig- nate an officer of general's rank to command the Island force and the War Department promptly, named Douglas MacArthur, former Chief of Staff. Mr. Roosevelt issued the order at Hyde Park, N. Y., where he was stay- ing over the week-end. Such action was authorized under the Tydings- McDuffie Act granting eventual in- dependence to the Philippine Islands. Informed officials said it was drawn up weeks ago, after a conference by High Commissioner Francis B. Sayre, Manuel Quezon, president of the Philippines, and other Island offi- cials. The Senate Military Committee voted today 9 to 1 approval of resolution amending the provisfoils of the Selective Service Act to ex-- tend the tenure of all "persons in the military service" for "such peri- ods of time as may be necessary in the interests of national defense." Senator Thomas (Dem.-Utah) was instructed to report' the measure to the Senate Monday, but Senator Hill of Alabama, the Democratic whip, said its consideration on the floor probably would be (lelayed until Wednesday to await printing of testi- mony taken in committee hearings. Discarding a War Department sug- gestion that it draft a resolution de- claring a national emergency, the committee provided merely that Con- gress should declare the "national interest is imperiled." Thus it left unopened the door which might lead to Congressional endorsement of President Roosevelt's action last May in declaring an unlimited national emergency. Although it voted to let the Presi- dent determine the length of addi- tional service to be required from selectees, National Guardsmen, re- serves and enlisted men in the regu- lar Army, the committee provided that Congress might terminate this authority at any time by a concur- rent resolution. - Pl a yers' Find Leading Lady At Dog Pound The title role in James Birdie's "Storm Over Patsy" which will be presented Wednesday through Sat- urday by the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech will be taken by Ann Arbor's favor- ite canine actress, "Crab." "Crab" was obtained from the lo- cal dog pound two years ago by Prof. William P. Halstead of the speech department to play in William Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen From Verona." Having once obtained the dog, Prof. Halstead was uanble to return her to the dog pound. Since that day two years ago, timehas seen "Crab" grow into an experienced actress and also heav- ier. She has appeared in "One Third of a Nation" for Play Production, "The World We Make" with the Dramatic Season, "Hansel and Gret- el" with the Children's Theatre," and "The Beaux Strategem" with Nell Gwyn's Company. "Storm Over Patsy" will be the U.S. Army; Service 1 '_ f '- t '3 E-: e Birth Of World And Christianity Will Be Told By Mystery Plays Students Invited To Meetings, Picnic Services In Churches The story to be told by the "Cycle of Six Medieval Mystery Plays" to be presented here Aug. 17 by the De- partment of Speech and the School of Music is the story of the birth of the world and the birth of Chris- .tianity. Director Hugh Norton has taken six medieval mystery plays and integrat- ed them into one mighty spectacle, which will be presented by a cast of 150 on the 75 foot stage of Hill Audi- torium. The cycle will open with "The Sepulchrum," a play written between 965 and 975 A.D. at the request of King Edward of England. This open- ing part, which Aeals with the dia- logue of the three Marys and the An- ends with the prophesy by the Holy Spirit of redemption through Christ. The third play, dated 1468, deals with the Betrayal. It portrays Jesus praying on the Mount of Olives and his betrayal by Judas. The fourth play, "The Trial of Christ," bears the same date. "The Resurrection of Christ," writ- ten in the fifteenth century, forms the fifth part of the cycle. The con- clusion consists of fragmentary parts taken from "The Judgment Day." The production, labelled "the most spectacular pageant ever attempted in Ann Arbor," is designed to present parts of the cycle as a dramatic whole, produced as a modern presen- tation with intricate stage effects, a Preacher at the 11 a.m. service -to- day in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will be The Rev. John E. Bell, super- visor of the Clinical Training Center for Theological Students at the Uni- versity Hospital. Graduate of the University of Bri- tish Columbia and of the Union The- ological College in Vancouver, Cana- da, he was satitoned after ordina- tion by the United Church of Canada in northern British Columbia. Here he ministered in three mining com- munities. Following this work he was invited to become assistant minister in the First United Church, Victoria, B.C. Episcopal students will leave Harris Tff-11 _+ C.' - m +n-L. +n -d-.. C.I...-. be delivered at the First MethodistI Church by Dr. Charles W. Brashares. After the Wesleyan Guild supper and fellowship hour, beginning at 6 p.m., Dr. Brashares and a group of students will lead a discussion of the sermon topic. * * * Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the Law School will address members'of the Lutheran Student Association after the supper scheduled for 6 p.m. A meeting of the group is to take place starting at 5:30 p.m. * * * Closing the summer services of the First Congregational Church, Dr. Leonard A. Parr will offer a sermon